Sentence with word shock

shock — перевод на русский


You will be shocked someday when, full of maxims, mottoes and education. You behold injustice triumphant. And wrongdoing receiving the rewards.

Однажды вы испытаете шок, когда, полные принципов, девизов и знаний, увидите торжество несправедливости и подлости, получающей награды, которые должны быть даны только добродетели.

She must have been shocked.

У нее, наверно, был шок.

Unless a shock or another blow brings you back to your right self!

Если шок или еще один удар не вернет вас к своему прошлому!

Well, you see, lady, he’s had a pretty thorough shock.

Видите ли, леди, он получил довольно сильный шок.

— It was a terrible shock.

— Был ужасный шок.

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It’s going to shock you, but i’m going to tell you.

Возможно, это шокирует тебя, но всё равно я скажу.

Oh, it isn’t shocking.

О, это не шокирует.

Their liberties shock me, but serious people bore me.

Свобода нравов меня шокирует, но люди серьезные мне скучны.

Our appearance shocks you?

Наш вид вас шокирует?

— Does darkness shocks you?

— Темнота Вас шокирует?

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I was kind of a bit shocked because I didn’t think she saw me as that kind of person.

Я был даже слегка шокирован я не думал что она видет во мне человека способного на такое.

I’m somewhat shocked to see the stars advertised like shoeshine.

Я как-то шокирован, что звезды будут рекламироваться как аттракцион.

At first he seemed troubled and said he’d discuss it with my uncle, but when I told him my uncle’s words, he was shocked.

Сначала он даже растерялся и сказал, что поговорит с дядей, но когдая передал ему слова дяди, он был шокирован.

Are you shocked?

Ты шокирован?

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This time I’m shocked.

Я просто потрясен этим.

It’s kind of a shock.

Я потрясен.

— He’s shocked.

— Он потрясен.

I’ve shocked your fine delicateness.

Я потрясён твоей деликатностью.

I’m in total shock.

Я просто потрясён.

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Shocking, isn’t it, what three months of tragedy can do to a woman?

Шокирующие, не правда ли? Вот, что три месяца кошмара могут сделать с женщиной.

They were… shocking films.

По-настоящему шокирующие фильмы.

ATTENTION This movie contains shocking images and rude translations.

Внимание! Этот фильм содержит Шокирующие сцены и грубые сравнения.

Hello, Mr. Stanky? I have shocking news about Samantha. Who am I?

Мистер Вон, у меня шокирующие новости о Саманте.

It is shocking new evidence.

Шокирующие новые показания.

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Mrs. Landis has had a very great shock.

Миссис Лэндис перенесла тяжелое потрясение.

The caning at school resulting in the failure at the music examination and fear that her hands might be injured, the attempt by her guardian to smash her hands finally the car crash, the shock of finding herself in hospital with her hands bandaged.

наказание палкой в школе привело к неудаче на экзамене по музыке и страху, что её руки могут быть повреждены, попытка её опекуна раздробить её руки и под конец автокатастрофа, потрясение от обнаружения себя в больнице с перевязанными руками.

I know how great a shock this is to you.

Я понимаю ваше потрясение.

You know, Stratton, it’s quite a shock to find that your wife’s in love with another man.

Понимаете ли вы, Страттон, какое это потрясение обнаружить, что твоя жена любит другого.

But the shock drove me crazy.

Но потрясение свело меня с ума.

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I was afraid of what the sudden shock might’ve done to you.

Я боюсь, что внезапный удар будет тяжело принять.

Oh, this is a terrible shock, Parris, I’d counted on…

О, это страшный удар, Пэррис. Я рассчитывал на…

The shock would have been too much.

Удар был бы слишком сильным.

Bill, I know what a shock it must be to have found out this thing about Ann.

Билл, я знаю, какой это, должно быть, удар, узнать такое про Энн.

This’ll be a shock.

Управляющий. для него это будет удар.

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It’s shocking to see him in such a state.

Ужасно видеть его в таком состоянии.

It’s terrible, it’s shocking.

Ужасно, просто ужасно.

I know this has been a terrible shock for you.

Я понимаю, как это ужасно.

— It was shocking’.

— Это было ужасно…

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Well, perhaps that last shock wave did more damage than we thought!

Возможно последняя ударная волна принесла больше повреждений, чем мы думали!

It makes a shock wave a small sonic boom in the Italian countryside.

Создаётся ударная волна, небольшой акустический удар, нарушающий покой итальянской природы.

— It has produced a level 12 shock wave.

— И возникнет ударная волна 12 уровня

We’ve got a level 12 shock wave coming in. We must get out of here!

Идёт ударная волна 12 уровня Мы должны уходить отсюда!

Shock wave approaching.

Приближается ударная волна!

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Under continued shock treatment the patient’s fantasy takes on more detail.

Находясь под током, фантазии пациента приобретают более подробную картину.

Electric shocks.

Электрическим током?

High voltage shock !

Меня ударило током!

— What shock?

— Каким током?

Yeah, but I didn’t know you were gonna give me electric shocks!

Да, но я не знал, что Вы собираетесь бить меня током!

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«Shock: Unmei» (SHOCK -運命-) is Meisa Kuroki’s first single, released on July 22, 2009. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The stress upon individual scientists might be eased if, instead of a sudden shock of attrition in advancement between the postdoc and PI roles, there was a gradual reduction in the expectation of openings at each successive level in research training.


I also watched the Gilmore Girls — A Year in the Life Netflix series, which was awesome and the ending left me in full blown shock mode!


The organization assessed that if the crypto-asset «investor base» widens, the performance correlation between crypto-assets and traditional assets may increase — a development that could raise the possibility of financial shocks being transmitted «during episodes of risk aversion.»


Survivors recovered within 14 days of shock induction.


Growth also felt the shock of uncertainty in emerging markets over the summer, with the latest forecast for Q3 at 0.3 % (as compared to the previously forecasted 0.4 %).


Then I tell them something that shocks them (and might shock you as well).


Morse and other astronomers have used computer models of shock waves to make detailed predictions of the diagnostics.


Having been drawn in such a difficult group it would be no shock if Denmark remain pointless in the group.


Now that I think about it, this fact doesn’t come as a huge shock considering where I grew up.


The funding pause came as a shock to MERS researchers.


In such a case, people who have been hoping that altcoins will rally when bitcoin falls will be in for a rude shock.


The important point that the OP might not understand is that the weight is carried more by the spring than by the shock.


It’s fitting that Jackie keeps John Kennedy (Caspar Phillipson) on the film’s periphery, a powerful and almost haunting ghost of a presence who utters almost no words but whose brutal death and its aftermath is graphically displayed, the sudden, jarring explosion of the President’s skull determining a sudden new path for the First Lady, who in the midst of her grief and shock must pack up her belongings and leave the White House and her former life behind.


During that waiting period, the brain prepares for a shock in different ways, depending on whether the jolt is certain or uncertain, Lamm and his colleagues reported last February in Human Brain Mapping.


«Toxic shock syndrome has been associated primarily with the use of superabsorbent tampons,» according to the Mayo Clinic.


Similarly, the longer-lasting nature of some shocks, such as large asset-price movements could, in some instances, suggest a longer horizon.


Even so they needed a huge deflection on a shot after a corner to take a shock 33rd minute lead, giving Ospina no chance.


Arsenal have moved swiftly in their bid to bring in another striker this summer with a shock bid reportedly tabled for Bundesliga star Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.


(On the wagon, you’d actually have to lower the rear shocks from their mounts.)


I was in utter shock, events like these only happen to other people, not us!


To give the actors dramatic back-stories would create a Hollywood surrealist feel and downplay the shock of this true story.


Insert shock face emoji) the key to wearing this piece is, of course, layering.


But a series of shocks to the market — including plunging oil prices, Western sanctions, recession and higher beer taxes — has diminished its weight in the brewer’s earnings.


Nico Rosberg’s shock retirement from F1 at the end of the 2016 season, just days after taking his first world title, was — in part — so he could enjoy a more relaxed, quieter life with his family.


The Chairman, Senate Committee on Tertiary Institutions, Senator Jibrin Barau, has expressed shock that the Association of Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has gone on strike…


The party’s convention, where a nominee will be formally chosen, is not until next month, but the 200-plus state committee members are gathering in Albany on Saturday and could jump the gun to deliver a shock endorsement, according to a half-dozen party officials.


The Fed’s balance sheet hasn’t grown of late (figure below) but it’s still highly elevated and surely a weapon against an unforeseen inflation shock.


And yet, when its young men were pressed into military service by Mussolini in World War II, they fought so fiercely that they became part of his shock troops.


«With the new MMS spacecraft we can, for the first time, resolve the structure of the bow shock at these small scales,» says Andreas Johlander, PhD student at IRF, who led the study.


Swoon is too pleased with its own amoral pose; but Kalin has the same alarming assurance as his heroes, whose story has, if anything, grown in its power to shock.


And so, perhaps it’s useful to also consider what happened in the markets after other political shocks.


Screaming into equal seventh place at 9000rpm is — and this might be a shock — the Ferrari F50.


Jeanice is a also a certified Jin Shin instructor and practitioner with nine years of experience using subtle energy medicine for the resolution of primal shock and trauma.


I just went to slice of laodicea or whatever they call themselves and am still in shock.


Sexy Videos, Real Homemade Jamie Lomas reveals shock at discovering close friend’s death when he left I’m A Celebrity after ITV kept news from him.


Considering the model’s long-lived career, this really speaks to the gown’s shock value.


Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the buildup of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.


Out with the twin-tube and in with the mighty monotube design of KYB’s Gas-a-Just shock absorbers and strut assemblies.


If Uber wants to create the same kind of fan base and avoid scaring away new customers with bad-weather sticker shock, it should cap the amount riders pay at two or three times the normal rates, while still paying drivers whatever rates it needs to get them to come out onto the roads.


The party equally expressed shock over the murder of a Special Adviser to Bayelsa State Governor, Mr. Ebikimi Okoringa by gunmen, on Monday.


This is eco-friendly baby support pillow able to continuously shield a baby from any pressure or shock in the head and neck region.


Light travels more slowly through the silicone than in the fog, resulting in a conical shock wave trailing behind the head of the pulse.


If you took the time to read through both sets of previews then you would have quickly realised that we aren’t a fan of either, with Blackburn now a question mark following the shock and disgraceful sacking of Sam Allardyce as manager and West Ham stuck in a rut.


The discussion began after my students responded with shock and disbelief to my own musical preferences (which are dominated by Mozart, monks, and medieval polyphony).


The participants were blinded to which treatment they received, but were led to believe that it would eliminate or lessen the pain of the shocks.


The visitors arrived bottom of the Championship without a league win all season and hopes of a shock result at Parkhead disappeared as early as the second minute when winger James Forrest opened the scoring with a simple finish.


No doubt in another lame attempt at shock, The Cottage is also needlessly misogynistic, as the women in it have no function beyond the role of one-dimensional ball-breaking shrew: endless references to pussified Peter’s nagging «fat pig» of a wife are bandied about while Tracey screams obscenities at the top of her lungs and emasculates our hapless anti-heroes at every turn.


They see the wide man as the ideal target following Neymar’s shock decision to join Paris Saint-Germain earlier this summer, and the transfer could be completed soon.


New 4×4 Off-road Package includes suspension with one-inch lift, electronic locking rear axle, tuned shocks and Hill-descent Control


Now in reports from the Daily Mirror, revelations have been made that Arsenal are considering a shock move for Leicester City star Kasper Schmeichel.


ударный, шоковый, шокировать, потрясать, шок, удар, потрясение, толчок


- косматый, лохматый


- поражать, потрясать

to shock profoundly [morally] — глубоко [морально] потрясти
to be shocked at /by/ the news [at /by/ the stupidity of smb.] — быть потрясённым новостью [чьей-л. глупостью]

- возмущать, шокировать

to shock the ear — резать /оскорблять/ слух
to be shocked to hear [to learn] smth. — с возмущением услышать [узнать] о чём-л.
I am shocked at /by/ his conduct — я нахожу его поведение возмутительным /недостойным/
I’m not easily shocked, but … — меня трудно шокировать, но …

- ударять
- вызывать шок
- поэт. сталкиваться, приходить в столкновение


- удар; толчок

terrific [sudden, violent] shock — ужасный [внезапный, мощный] удар
to absorb /to cushion/ a shock — смягчить удар

- толчок, удар (при землетрясении и т. п.)

the cars collided with a great shock — удар при столкновении машин был большой силы

- электрический удар (тж. electric shock)
- воен. отдача (тж. shock of discharge)
- потрясение, удар

shock of laughter [of rage] — приступ смеха [ярости]
mental /psychical/ shock — психологическое потрясение
his death was a shock to me — меня потрясла его смерть
his departure was a sad shock to his mother — его отъезд был большим ударом для его матери
the news came to me with a rude shock — эта новость совершенно ошеломила меня /вывела меня из равновесия/

ещё 8 вариантов

Мои примеры


whole fields of wheat in shock — полностью заскирдованные пшеничные поля  
the almighty shock that we got when we received the bill — огромное потрясение, которое мы пережили, получив этот счёт  
the loss of vital heat in shock — потеря жизненно важного тепла при шоке  
head / shock of hair — шапка волос, грива  
resistance to shock — сопротивление удару, ударопрочность  
to feel a shock — испытать потрясение  
to get / have a shock — получить потрясение  
to give smb. a shock — потрясти кого-л., вызвать у кого-л. потрясение  
electric shock — электрошок  
a shock of ginger hair — копна рыжих волос  
shock-wave heating — ударный нагрев  
shock-capturing method — метод сквозного счета  
shock mount — амортизационная подвеска  

Примеры с переводом

He gave us quite a shock.

Он нас порядком /довольно сильно/ шокировал.

I was speechless with shock.

Я утратил дар речи от шока. / Я онемел от шока.

The shock began to wear off.

Шок начал проходить.

The shock numbed her senses

Шок лишил её чувств.

He had a big (or bad) shock.

Он был очень потрясён.

His face went grey with shock.

Его лицо побледнело от пережитого шока.

Everyone expressed shock at the hijacking.

Все были потрясены угоном самолёта.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The shock was felt miles away.

The news came as a bit of a shock.

The car needs new shock absorbers.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

shocker  — бульварный роман, дешевый бульварный роман, амортизатор
shocking  — отвратительный, очень, копнение
shocked  — потрясенный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: shock
he/she/it: shocks
ing ф. (present participle): shocking
2-я ф. (past tense): shocked
3-я ф. (past participle): shocked

ед. ч.(singular): shock
мн. ч.(plural): shocks

Examples of how to use the word “shock” in a sentence. How to connect “shock” with other words to make correct English sentences.

shock (n, v): (the emotional or physical reaction to) a sudden, unexpected, and usually unpleasant event or experience; to offend or upset someone by doing or saying something that they consider is immoral or unacceptable

Use “shock” in a sentence

Did the test results shock you?
Prepare yourself for a shock.
Sooner or later, she’ll get over the shock.
She was in a state of shock.

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Used with adjectives:

«The family will be in for a big shock when they see the airfare costs.«
(big, great, huge, real, awful, considerable)

«I enjoyed the party after the initial shock wore off.«
(initial, first)

«When we went to China, he experienced culture shock.«

Used with verbs:

«I got a huge shock when I saw him.«
(got, felt, had, received)

«You gave me quite a shock.«

«His mom expressed great shock by her son’s bad grades.«

«She never got over the shock of the tragic accident.«
(got over, recovered from)

Used with nouns:

«He does crazy things just for the shock value.«

Used with prepositions:

«She fainted in shock over the news.«

«That was a huge shock to me.«

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