Sentence with word seriously

seriously — перевод на русский


Serious. It’s a bird!

Серьёзно, это девушка.

I didn’t get it, seriously.

Не надо воспринимать это так серьезно.

Do you really want to know how serious the crime is for the officers to ignore their own Magistrate?

насколько серьёзно наказание за не подчинение должностному лицу?

Seriously, are you…

Серьезно, вы…

Seriously, are you busy right now?

Серьезно, ты сейчас занята?

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I was joking, and you took me seriously.

Я пошутила, а ты все воспринял всерьез.

A man can’t take all that rubbish they teach you seriously… after three years of shells and bombs.

Невозможно принимать всерьез всю ту чепуху, что мы учили… после трёх лет снарядов и мин.

I think I’ll get a studio for myself and take up art seriously.

Я думаю раздобыть себе студию и заняться живописью всерьез.

Don’t take what that loogan said seriously.

Не воспринимай всерьёз всё, что говорит этот дурень.

I don’t think you love me seriously.

Я думаю, ты меня не любишь всерьез.

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— Now I know you’re not serious.

— Теперь, я понимаю, что вы шутите.

Then hang me. I must be stupid, because I don’t know if you’re serious or not.

Тогда, повесьте меня, я наверное глупый, так как не понимаю, шутите вы или нет.

You’re not serious, Professor.

Шутите, профессор.

You’re really serious, aren’t you?

Вы что, и вправду не шутите?

You can’t be serious.

Не может быть. Вы шутите.

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— Well, lucky for Barrow it isn’t serious.

— К счастью для Барроу, ничего страшного.

Yes, but it’s nothing serious.

— Да, мсье. Но ничего страшного.

Nothing serious, I hope.

— Ничего страшного, надеюсь.

It wasn’t anything serious?

Ничего страшного?

Nothing serious, just that…

Ничего страшного, только…

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— You weren’t serious about that, were you?

— Ты ведь несерьезно это говоришь?

Come on, Cricri. You can’t be serious.

Брось, Кри-Кри, это же несерьезно.

You can not be serious, think.

Это несерьезно, подумайте…

This isn’t serious matters.

Это несерьезно.

Listen, this isn’t serious.

Но послушайте, это несерьёзно!

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Sure, but having a child is serious business.

Люблю, конечно, но иметь ребёнка — это очень серьёзно.

It must be serious.

Но, должно быть, всё очень серьёзно.

He said it wasn’t serious.

Он говорил, что это не очень серьезно.

Not serious, but I bet they smart.

Не очень серьезно, но, видимо, ему больно.

Don’t you realise that the men… you are working with were seriously interfering with our space project, and thereby endangering the lives of three astronauts.

Вы не понимаете, что человек, с которым вы работаете, очень серьезно вмешался с наш космический проект, и таким образом подверг опасности жизни трех астронавтов.

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It’s very serious.

Это очень важно.

This is serious.

Это важно? Я слушаю.

It’s something serious.

Это важно.

Isn’t it serious?

Разве это не важно?

Listen, Lucas. This is serious.

Нет, слушай меня внимательно, Люка, это важно.

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The woman who called herself Mrs. Danvers was very seriously ill.

Женщина, которая называла себя миссис Денверс была очень тяжело больна.

Mr Taupin is seriously ill.

Г-н Топен тяжело заболел.

Ever since Natasha had been told that Prince Andrei had journeyed with them, that she couldn’t see him because he had a serious wound, though his life was not in danger, she had disbelieved everything she’d been told,

С тех пор, как Наташе сказали, что князь Андрей едет с ними, что видеть его нельзя, что он ранен тяжело, но жизнь его не в опасности, она, не поверив тому, что ей говорили,

It’s serious, Elizabeth.

Это тяжело, Элизабет.

Yes, it’s serious!

Да, это тяжело!

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Keep it bright. But seriously, Father, we’ve made a bad loan… and we want our money back.

Но в самом деле, отец, мы неудачно вложили деньги и хотим их вернуть.

Prince, I can’t believe it Are you seriously refusing to do whatever possible to alleviate the material poverty and blind moral misery in which Sicilians lie?

Вы и в самом деле отказываетесь помочь вашему народу преодолеть материальную нищету и духовную неразвитость?

When I get serious, there’s no one who’s immortal.

На самом деле, нет ничего бессмертного.

You don’t seriously intend to run a car?

Ты ведь не собрался в самом деле заправлять газом машину?

You don’t seriously believe all this time travel nonsense, do you?

Вы же на самом деле не верите во всю эту чепуху про перемещения во времени?

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It’s nojoke, it’s serious.

-Не глупи! Это не шутка.

If you are not being serious then I have to go.

Мадам! Если это была шутка, мне срочно пора уходить.

And if I am being serious?

А если это не шутка?

You can’t be serious!

Это не шутка?

No, seriously

Нет, это, должно быть, шутка.

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We found 56 ‘word seriously’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use word seriously in a sentence.

  • He took God’s word seriously even as a child.
  • I would recommend this Bible for anyone who studies the word seriously.
  • This means that everything can only be fully understood by taking Him and His word seriously.
  • If you need discus it, you need to make an appointment for consulting, I was seriously out of word.
  • Seriously, we just don’t pay attention when we read the word of God.
  • Seriously, if you never listen to another word I say, listen to me now.
  • Really who walks around just using that word to describe a vagina,SERIOUSLY.
  • Hawkins seriously gives a whole new meaning to the word cliffhanger, emphasis on the hang part.
  • Most importantly and refreshingly, Dionne takes both sides seriously and at their word.
  • Seriously, you had me from the word berserker.
  • When we take the word of God seriously, we will begin to find more of God in it and in us.
  • I know that isn’t a word normally used to describe bedding, but seriously, I felt like a Princess.
  • The word regime is seriously out of place anywhere in this discussion.
  • Seriously, guys, those meatballs are a nuclear threat if the imbiber utters an H word.
  • Seriously, take my word for it.
  • The resources and helps inside are a special bonus for those who want to seriously study God’s word.
  • The brisket my word like butter seriously.
  • He would seriously just give one word answers or very vague answers.
  • The English have this marvellous word for people who take their responsibilities too seriously and officiously, it called a Jobsworth have you heard it ? talk 20 : 37, 27 March 2006 ( UTC).
  • I’m not one of those people who gets mad every time I hear a cuss word, but seriously.
  • Zinsser takes his craft seriously, and every word serves a purpose.
  • Sonya Dodd is a wonderfully descriptive writer, and I seriously clung to every word.
  • This did it for me and I couldn’t take another word she rote seriously.
  • The author seriously mixes his political opinions with the word of God.
  • Seriously, every word out of Sandra’s mouth is nagging, or complaining, or nagging again.
  • But seriously, the one word that comes to mind with this smell is SEXY.
  • Fanboys and apologists get mad when they hear the word ‘cliche’, but seriously.
  • Seriously, I made up that other word in an ode to it.
  • And I know that’s a mean word, but seriously people, STOP BAGGING.
  • Seriously, have you ever counted how many times he uses that word in just a 30 second timespan.
  • Seriously she sees the marks and does not say a word.
  • I have a friend who has used that word forever and it seriously cracks me up.
  • This was a treat, seriously, a treat to be savored with each delicious word.
  • But I take the word literature seriously.
  • Thank goodness I didn’t take a word of it seriously.
  • NONE, seriously, NOT ONE word.
  • I appreciate the independent stores but seriously keep your word.
  • I seriously didn’t wanna waste any more time so I just took her word that I had everything.
  • Seriously, just hearing the word ‘flap’ makes me a bit queasy.
  • Because people love SELF and do not love God nor take the word of God seriously.
  • Seriously the word incongruity doesn’t go far enough.
  • I do seriously think the current generation needs to read more and more of God’s word.
  • Seriously, where better to appreciate God’s word than in the nature He created.
  • I have seriously been on the edge of my seat with every word.
  • Ok awesome may not be the right word considering the content but it was seriously great.
  • Would a kid growing up in the foster system seriously say ‘fudge pops’ in lieu of a curse word.
  • This is now on the list of authors to NEVER read a word from, seriously.
  • So what you can’t see every word, it seriously doesn’t make a difference.
  • Seriously people please take me word and do not make any business with this man.
  • True to his word, Jack took his role as guardian very seriously, much to Kira’s dismay.
  • I seriously was melting with every word I read.
  • I take them seriously, and I take them at their word.
  • Looking up every word would have seriously destroyed the context.
  • Mostly you can figure out the word by context, but it seriously disrupts the flow of reading.
  • Seriously I devoured every single word.
  • I am sure it is just me being picky but seriously, the word was a bit overused here.

Other Words: Workaholic, Voluptuously, Worser, Worm Like, Monstrously, Worshipping, Tortiously, Make Aimlessly, Assiduously, Overambitiously, Unrigorously, World Alarming, Worst Taught, Perniciously, Wor, Lustrously, Work Study Program, Pompously, Worldconnect, Luminously

How to use seriously in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «seriously» and check conjugation/comparative form for «seriously«. Mastering all the usages of «seriously» from sentence examples published by news publications.

I started shooting seriously when I seriously started producing children.
People do take themselves very seriously and what they’re doing very seriously, but some people don’t take one of those things seriously.
We take these accusations seriously, and we’ll take your questions seriously.
You can be taken seriously if you do take it seriously.
We take this business seriously, but we don’t take ourselves seriously.
She takes her job seriously, maybe more seriously than it deserves.
They didn’t take him seriously, they didn’t take a potential presidency seriously.
They are two seriously bad dudes — and two seriously talented yoga instructors.
How seriously they take what they do versus taking themselves too seriously.
When people don’t take me seriously, they are not taking my future seriously.
I don’t think he took it seriously enough—didn’t take Freddie seriously enough.
You take your friendships very seriously because you take everything very seriously, Capricorn!
Indeed, I wish Stiglitz had taken seriously his pledge to take politics seriously.
It is «Taking Trump Seriously, Not Literally,» not «Take Trump Seriously, Not Literally.»
Looks like he’s taking his comeback seriously — but seriously, Bre Tiesi for the win.
He takes seasoning his blanching water very seriously, like calculator-and-kitchen-scale seriously.
We don’t take ourselves very seriously, but we take what we do very seriously.
He takes his topic seriously enough to hazard not being taken seriously at all.
I take my work very seriously, but I don’t take myself seriously at all.
The Times took itself more seriously, in part because it is taken more seriously.
» He also replied to one of her Instagram story selfies with «Seriously?» as in, «Seriously?
«They take precautions very seriously, and they also take due process very seriously,» Swift said.
There can be two movies about Black women at the same time, seriously. SERIOUSLY. #GoldenGlobes.
But Republicans are taking Biden as seriously as any candidate — and more seriously than most.
Why do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you don’t take yourself seriously.
Reporters need to take President Donald Trump seriously in order to be taken seriously themselves.
This is because I started to take my writing seriously — started to take myself seriously.
I take that really seriously—Jenji has taught me how to take that really seriously.
The best way to make sure your coworkers take you seriously is to communicate seriously.
In 2012, Barack Obama wasn’t seriously — or even non-seriously — challenged for the Democratic nomination.
People may not be taking it quite seriously yet, but people didn’t take Trump seriously either.
«If you take animals seriously, you would take them seriously on their own terms,» he said.
We take this just as seriously as the artisans do, but we’re not taking ourselves that seriously.
It’s not clear how seriously we should take them, or how seriously the intelligence community takes them.
«Why do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you don’t take yourself seriously,» Carusone tweeted.
Now the festivalgoer is taken seriously all over the place, but something else is taken less seriously.
It took Hanson from boys who wouldn’t have been taken seriously—instead, they were taken very seriously.
So they’re important, and I take that seriously so I don’t have to take myself too seriously.
Not just because he didn’t take climate change seriously, but also because he didn’t take civilization seriously.
Having Saturn in Capricorn suggests you take duties seriously, but sometimes you take certain tasks too seriously.
He was the prince who took his duties seriously but didn’t appear to take himself too seriously.
As a work of imagination, the video either takes itself too seriously or not nearly seriously enough.
They don’t think that the people who made it took it seriously—but they took it very seriously.
It’s important to take your work seriously, but that doesn’t mean you have to take yourself too seriously.
We take female musicians just seriously enough not to notice that we don’t actually take them seriously enough.
Being a scientist means something to scientists; they take it seriously, so other scientists take it seriously too.
Or at least as seriously as Payton, Astrid, and their wealthy friends take it – which is extremely seriously.
You can’t tell a story like this without taking it seriously, and taking the tragedy behind it seriously.
This is a problem that I take seriously, and that I wish our political system took more seriously.
«When you master the know-how of something,» he said, «you take things seriously but not too seriously
They’re one of the few bands in music that takes themselves very seriously, yet not seriously at all.
Its projections are taken seriously in large part because moderates in both parties have generally taken them seriously.
«I am seriously thinking about – not pardoning – but I am seriously thinking of a curtailment of Blagojevich,» Trump said.
I don’t take myself very seriously, but I do take my job seriously and my responsibility to the public.
And a worldview like Thomas’s just isn’t interrogated seriously on the left, not as seriously as it should be.
I don’t mean to take this too seriously, but …» And my wife, she’s like, «Tim, nobody takes it seriously.
A lot of people are taking this seriously because it appears our own intelligence agencies are taking it seriously.
«I can’t always take them seriously because they don’t take the genre of the zombie apocalypse seriously,» he said.
Inspired by the Moroccan sand dune running shoe, this is one shoe that is seriously lightweight and seriously comfortable.
Otherwise, there is no reason for those governments to take our interests seriously, not to mention our values seriously.
And it really varies by the person and the thing you’re writing about, but people do take themselves very seriously and what they’re doing very seriously, but some people don’t take one of those things seriously.
To take Trump seriously, you have to be willing to acknowledge why the people who support him take him seriously.
FACT took a long look at Family Fodder, the brilliant post-punk/new wave band that is seriously, seriously underrated.
A recent poll showed that Mr. Bolsonaro’s followers — who call him «the myth» — take him seriously, but not that seriously.
Apparently they were concerned that their concerns were not being taken seriously or wouldn’t be taken seriously in some manner.
«That’s why it’s important I think to take the federal government seriously, to take the federal worker seriously,» Obama added.
FB: So the dog’s POV is taken seriously, the way that the perspective of Alice B. Toklas was taken seriously.
«[Mueller] is taking substantive FARA violations very seriously and they’re taking false statements to FBI agents very seriously,» Wright says.
I know it’s very difficult to report from there, but there is a tendency to assume that it is a seriously weird place where seriously weird people are doing seriously weird and horrible things to each other.
Most importantly, the adults in the film take the teenagers seriously — and demand that the teens take them seriously in return.
As the face of Neutrogena, Kerry Washington takes makeup seriously, and she wants makeup to take everyone just as seriously back.
«The news media sort of seems like it has to take it seriously in order to be taken seriously,» McClennen says.
It never takes him seriously… I think a lot of voters who vote for Trump take Trump seriously but not literally.
«Beef takes his golf seriously, but he doesn’t take himself so seriously,» said Rob Lynch, the chief marketing officer of Arby’s.
It asked its readers to take superheroes seriously, which both made sense — who takes them more seriously than comic-book readers?
«You want a candidate who takes info security seriously to turn into an elected official who takes it seriously,» Turner said.
I’m going to maybe — and I’m looking at it very seriously…We’re looking at it very seriously because you can’t do that.
If you take cooking seriously, then you also have to take your kitchen seriously — and what’s a kitchen without the right equipment?
Apple takes the data privacy of its users very seriously — quite possibly the most seriously of any major company in Silicon Valley.
Marvel meant to show us that they took this conflict seriously, even more seriously than the political ambitions of The Winter Soldier.
He is being seriously, seriously considered for secretary of defense, which is  —  I think it’s time maybe, it’s time for a general.
What we have been reporting in the past is that they have to take this deal seriously, they will take it seriously.
«He didn’t mean it seriously … He wrote and asked people not to take it seriously because it is a joke,» she said.
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West take security seriously — so seriously that they have a station in their garage that’s manned 24/7.
That leads you to start taking yourself too seriously, and there’s nothing more ridiculous than an artist who takes himself too seriously.
» Lord Chamberlain: «… and who was seriously, seriously undermined by the Chinese, but she managed to hold her own and remain in command.
«Jason Seaver … was a man who didn’t take himself too seriously, but took his role as a father very seriously,» he said.
He is being seriously, seriously considered for secretary of defense, which is — I think it’s time maybe, it’s time for a general.
But not to demand that a president take his own promises seriously — just because we don’t take them seriously — is equally problematic.
«The US not taking climate seriously gives a big excuse for the Indonesian government to not take it seriously either,» said Busch.
GAETZ: Well, Martha, as politicians, we should take the work we do very seriously, but we should not always take ourselves so seriously.
«Then all of a sudden the plane starts rocking and it starts seriously, seriously moving around and then hitting the ground,» he said.
Anyone who wants to protect free speech — and wants Americans to take the right seriously — must be prepared to take it seriously themselves.
And people are taking the possibility very seriously, considering that Dennis Rodman is the only mutual friend between the two world leaders. Seriously.
The storm injured seven people in Celina, three of them seriously, Hazel said, and about 40 homes there were seriously damaged or destroyed.
And presumably you want me to take you seriously, you want the people who are going to read this book to take you seriously.
As commentators have put it, his voters took Mr Trump seriously but not literally, even as his critics took him literally but not seriously.
Heather [Dubrow], Vicki [Gunvalson] and Tamra [Judge] – the four of us roll over an ATV, and two of our costars get seriously, seriously hurt.
Kurt Kane, the restaurant’s chief concept and marketing officer, told CNBC that Wendy’s takes its food quality very seriously, but doesn’t take itself seriously.
The judge is there to try to make sure the proceedings carry on and people take it seriously, and people must take it seriously.
The president does not take the election-intrusion element of the Russian threat seriously — despite spin from administration officials that they’re taking it seriously.
«All the things we probably didn’t take seriously, because of what happened [at Santa Fe High], we started to take it seriously,» Onons said.
But «Choose or Lose,» as our election coverage was called, took young voters seriously, and we wanted them to take their vote seriously, too.
But at few programs is being a manager taken quite so seriously as at Duke, where everything related to basketball is taken very seriously.
He has never been forced to take the accusations against him seriously, and he appears not to take accusations against his team seriously, either.
PEN15 takes those fears and uncertainty seriously, so seriously that it reflects something painfully real — anyone who’s lived through middle school can relate to it.
She took the race seriously and in turn was taken seriously — despite those, both progressive and conservative, who believe that a trans woman is unelectable.
She then added a tweet that read, «ya’ll take my life more seriously than I do.» y’all take my life more seriously than i do.
I take her quite seriously essentially as a performer or a public personality because she really takes it quite seriously herself, and really works it.
«He’s president of the United States and I take him seriously, and I’m a member of the Senate and he takes me seriously,» Isakson said.
«If you want the brands to take [the law] seriously and the creators to take it seriously, there have to be real repercussions,» he said.
It’s only the force field of privilege that tells us to take this kind of writer seriously and this kind of writer not so seriously.
» (Bart, sure; but such unkind words for Lisa and Maggie?) «Watching the antics of these inveterate losers,» he concludes, «is seriously skewed and seriously funny.
«I think (climate change) needs to be taken extremely seriously and in some senses the world is starting to take it very seriously,» he said.
Which means that we in the media need to start taking his campaign seriously, but also that Sanders himself needs to take his campaign seriously.
Mr. Meek has said that at first, he did not take Mr. Roof’s comments seriously, but later took them seriously enough to hide Mr. Roof’s handgun.
The problem is that taking a policy proposal from Trump seriously can seem like an academic exercise if you don’t believe Trump himself takes it seriously.
He said that at least seven people had been injured, three of them seriously, and that at least 40 homes had been destroyed or seriously damaged.
Now, having said that, we are moving into the realm of the legal process, which does take facts more seriously, which does take lies more seriously.
The idea that «the media takes Trump literally but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously but not literally» overlaps with an idea laid out in an article in the Atlantic by Salena Zito, in which she used «seriously, not literally» to explain Trumpism as a movement.
«That quote was so true of Mr. Trump: ‘The media took him literally but not seriously and his supporters took him seriously but not literally,'» GOP Sen.
I don’t take Trump seriously as a candidate — he’s too wacky, inconsistent and immature — but I do take seriously the voters who put their money on him.
After decades of not taking this issue of sexual abuse seriously when it dealt with people they wanted to protect, Democrats still aren’t taking this issue seriously.
It’s not quite a diamond-encrusted Vertu, but it goes a way toward letting the world know that you take your e-reading seriously — Champagne Gold-seriously.
«I can confirm that the experience of not being believed or having the experience not taken as seriously or treated as seriously is extremely painful,» he said.
If we want a government that takes policy trade-offs seriously, and that listens meaningfully to the public, we need to take our own engagement seriously too.
She has long felt that her own state — because of statutes and attitudes — never took her rape seriously, and never took seriously Regan’s capacity to do harm.
«The credibility of the victim, or the complainant, in this case was seriously, seriously questionable, at best,» said Chun, according to a court transcript obtained by CNN.
«The public seems to be taking it more seriously, and I think that after 2017, the judiciary, to its credit, is also taking this seriously,» she said.
Many of the band’s fans inhabit a musical subculture where allegations of sexual misbehavior are taken seriously, or at least more seriously than they often are elsewhere.
If you’ve wondered how seriously you ought to take the threat of a potential US case against TikTok, these stories suggest that the answer is: quite seriously.
» Asked how the White House weighed Porter’s denials, Shah said that they felt «you have got to take allegations seriously, you have got to take denials seriously.
«We think a jury is going to take this issue seriously, and we think the company needs to start taking it a little more seriously,» Berger said.
Even if they may not be seriously ill or seriously effected, I understand that it must pain them hugely that they cannot do things that they could before.
» Carusone criticized Lord, noting that he’d spelled his name wrong and asked him, «Why do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you don’t take yourself seriously?
Ignoring those issues is a failure twice-over: First, when games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and studios like Rockstar ask to be taken seriously, take them seriously.
«A lot of people won’t start taking it seriously until they see people in their own age group or in groups they respect taking it seriously,» she said.
If you can’t take it seriously because of that — and this is a story that wants to be taken seriously, just so we’re clear — better to move on.
Gizmodo encountered no problems with its own review unit, which we found to be a seriously flawed but also seriously exciting first stab at a foldable handheld device.
At least 79 people were injured in the clashes, several seriously, compared to around 40 in the first night of the 2014 protests, none of whom were seriously hurt.
You can’t seriously offer up 5-year-old hardware to people who need fast performance and systems capable of running cutting-edge hardware and expect to take it seriously.
It is similar to the current means the company provides for riders to get seriously injured, except with the new vehicle, riders can get seriously injured with their friends.
«The Meow Wars was a tongue-in-cheek conflict between a bunch of people who refused to take anything seriously, and system administrators who took *everything* seriously,» said Boyd.
But the French Open has never seriously considered it, just as the sport did not seriously consider it when it adopted electronic line calling on other surfaces in 2006.
Seriously Seriously At least the new realistic style makes for better skin tone changes, and the update also brings the objects added to the Unicode standard — bacon, facepalm, etc.
One seriously confused — and then absolutely elated — pupper.
The «parade of little lies may be making it tough to take anything the president says seriously, especially those things we really need to take seriously,» like Trump’s tariff threats.
In August, as a guest on MSNBC’s Meet the Press Daily, I noted that voters take Donald Trump seriously but not literally, while journalists take him literally, but not seriously.
«The space junk thing — we don’t want to trivialize it or not take it seriously, because we certainly do take it seriously — but it’s not crowded up there,» says Musk.
«The caucus is all about organizing, and we’ve taken organizing very seriously, I think more seriously than any other candidate in the state,» said Misty Rebik, Sanders’s Iowa campaign director.
«We really wanted it to be sweet and also just taken seriously in the love for each other but not taken so seriously in any sort of pomp and circumstance.»
«I think you should take it seriously,» Priebus said during an interview for CBS’s «Face the Nation,» when asked whether Trump’s tweet about «fake news» media should be taken seriously.
The road to the march hasn’t been without setbacks, however — ranging from chaotic communication to criticism that it wasn’t taking diversity and inclusiveness seriously, or was taking it too seriously.
At least environmentalists are getting closer to taking it seriously than the vast bulk of the populace, which doesn’t take it seriously at all (and that includes liberals and Democrats).
Through it all, the production is blessed with a huge, delighted, and delightful cadre of A-list actors (seriously, the list is eye-popping), all taking their roles very seriously.
Through it all, the production is blessed with a huge, delighted and delightful cadre of A-list actors (seriously, the list is eye-popping), all taking their roles very seriously.
Until the U.S. and Europe take that issue seriously, before it again explodes into war, it is unlikely that Baku will take seriously the criticisms of its road to democracy.
You could say I’m taking this too seriously, but I think a series as important to movies — and to millions of people — as Star Wars deserves to be taken seriously.
Impolite people today, but since I’m going to my in-laws’ (they seriously, seriously stress me out), I spend lots of time and swim 1,000 meters, the most I’ve ever done.
But while some of the streaming service’s John Hughes-esque films have seriously resonated (see: To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before and The Kissing Booth), others have fallen seriously flat.
One is that you’re taken less seriously if you don’t do well and disappear (Herman Cain/Michele Bachmann, 2012) — or you’re never taken seriously in the first place (Mike Gravel, 2008).
Though we tend to think about Medicaid as government insurance for people with low incomes, many children who have seriously complex—and, thus, seriously costly—medical needs are supported by it.
It’s turning out, in other words, that whereas Trump should have been taken seriously and literally all along, Republicans should not have been—and still shouldn’t be—taken seriously or literally.
» Carusone hit back at Lord on Twitter, noting that he’d spelled his name wrong and asking, «Why do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you don’t take yourself seriously?
More than 40% said they seriously considered suicide in the past year; in comparison, 19.6% of girls who considered themselves heterosexual said they had seriously considered suicide in the past year.
«There are concerning reports coming out of France and Italy about some young people getting seriously ill and very seriously ill in the ICUs,» Birx said at a White House briefing.
They’re a very privileged couple who, like many other royal families, don’t appear to take their responsibility seriously, but they have a prime minister who doesn’t take his responsibility seriously either.
«For our consumer, I don’t think they take the costumes too seriously, and we try to take ourselves not too seriously when it comes to this time of year,» he says.
She is both literally — and seriously — a conservative ally.
Seriously, go look at their product line — it’s dizzying.
Seriously — people have been talking about this for years.
Seriously — even small charges can have an outsize impact.
It was seriously fun to see it coming in …
Jennifer Garner takes Halloween — and making salsa — very seriously!
They take it seriously in Vail — I get it.
» On taking storytelling seriously: «Storytelling has a strategic outcome.
» Then, she added, «Obviously he doesn’t take marriage seriously.
But come fall, we seriously ship the inside — a.k.a.
No, seriously: curly, thick, fine — it helps them all.
Stormi is seriously stylin’ — and at a bargain price!
Let’s just face the facts — these are seriously spooky.
No, seriously – Gilliam’s finally finished shooting it and everything.
Seriously … Snoop absolutely loses his mind — and it’s amazing.
Seriously — watch the video and tell us we’re overreacting.
» The prince, he said, is «taking this very seriously.
» Clinton responded that she «took all classified information seriously.
»  «About 21625 years ago, I was seriously in trouble.
» Then he continued seriously: «I hired some Syrians once.
» Sharpton urged Americans to «take this ugly moment seriously.
McGregor fight could seriously damage boxing — if Conor wins.
Seriously, you have to see his reaction — pure joy.
He definitely takes his work seriously — you can tell.
It’s moist and seriously intense — more caky than fudgy.
Lovingly nicknamed » trash pandas,» raccoons should be taken seriously.
Which reminds us — DON’T DO THIS AT HOME. SERIOUSLY!!!!
GRINNELL, Iowa — Andrew Yang wants to be taken seriously.
That’s not a typo — it’s seriously just a dollar.
Seriously, we’re grateful for the comments — keep them coming!
» Now, I think it’s hilarious, but he says, «Seriously?
One firefighter was seriously injured — the only reported casualty.
We need to both change the structural factors, but we also need to have politicians who take seriously the next generation and take seriously their concerns, which gets ignored in presidential elections.
Another official wrote that he was confident President Barack Obama’s comments are to be taken «seriously and literally», Trump may want his tweets to be taken both «seriously and figuratively,» he wrote.
«Motel 6 takes this matter very seriously, and In a statement to BuzzFeed News, a spokesperson for G6 Hospitality, which operates Motel 6, said that the company «takes this matter very seriously.
Nine were classed as seriously and three as moderately depressed; three months after taking a dose of psilocybin, one was seriously and six were moderately depressed, while five were no longer depressed.
Seriously, these are seriously roomy bathrooms, the kind of toilet set-up that you can imagine someone like Richard Branson or the bloke who played Shadrach Dingle in Emmerdale having at home.
He learned to look at the world that way: that the striving was the work of being an artist, that every good thing would lead to another good thing, that being taken too seriously at first might doom you in some ways but that taking yourself seriously means that at least one person takes you seriously.
She was seriously injured in a car accident Arrington was seriously injured in a car accident on June 22 after a vehicle she was traveling in was struck by a wrong-way car.
More exotic options, like purchases of non-performing loans, advocated by countries such as Italy, would not be seriously considered, the sources said, while a rate cut is also not being seriously discussed.
As he explained on The Jonathan Ross Show, Harington’s family takes the holiday very seriously — so seriously that putting a severed head in his likeness in the fridge seemed like a good idea.
We’re taking it very seriously, but we do not take ourselves too seriously, so if you read a little bit between the lines, there’s a lot of humor and a lot of fun.
It’s a rawboned little story — a novella, really — prim and racy, seriously weird and seriously excellent; a John Waters sex farce told with the tact and formality of a classic French fairy tale.
What would have happened if Mexico had, from the beginning, taken «border security» as seriously as the US does today (much less as seriously as Donald Trump wants the US to take it)?
HR: And people in New York didn’t take him seriously.
Seattle does not seem to take the first quarter seriously.
Read on for some seriously sexy — yet celestial — song inspiration.
Michelle Haupt has, without a doubt, a seriously cool job.
Perhaps most importantly, it’s learned to take its responsibilities seriously.
The administration is reported to be seriously contemplating a response.
For starters, there are some seriously awesome female athletes competing.
Seriously, why are good options so hard to come by?
It used to be hard to take IfOnly very seriously.
But seriously, Home with only one account per air freshener?
Unlike many other games, Fortnite doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Seriously though … check out this shot of the Troubador stage.
«Seriously, unless you are giving away beer, PLEASE GO AWAY!»
I became a mom and take that the MOST seriously.
It is a pressing issue that we’re taking very seriously.
That didn’t happen, though Rowling admits she seriously considered it.
«We’ve been working on it seriously since March,» he says.
One officer has died, and the other was seriously wounded.
If there’s one thing New Yorkers take seriously, it’s pizza.
But it comes up enough that’s it’s worth taking seriously.
Lindsey fired at responding officers, seriously wounding Officer Kevin Valencia.
ROSETT: Neil, we have to offer a seriously credible threat.
Neither of offering sounds like it should be taken seriously.
Keeping our sense of humor while taking it all seriously.
HANNITY: At some point, we better take it all seriously.
You just have to take everything a lot more seriously.
I take that role seriously to represent as a female.
Abe said that his government would seriously consider the proposal.
But seriously, consider the more affordable Fujifilm Instax Square SQ6.
Now they have one, and she takes that duty seriously.
Seriously, just get your loved ones anything but an Echo.
Seriously, he has all the right credentials — like exactly right.
Warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones. Seriously!
Whatever the case, it’s resulted in some seriously amazing television.
The U.S. government takes it seriously as well, it seems.
Anthony Anderson Reveals His Unexpected (and Seriously Impressive) Hobby (Exclusive)
Seriously, how good is Stifler in the American pie movies !!!!!
Seriously — everyone, and I mean everyone, knew this would happen.
I think those cases will be treated more seriously now.
And seriously, what was up with the scrunched down socks?
Seriously, how dare you go and be this beautiful, Jupiter.
Seriously, the consistency factor is very strong among this crew.
Don’t worry, nobody was seriously injured — including the pregnant woman.
But most importantly, as on heated fan put it: Seriously.
The European political elite took Trump literally but not seriously.
About 700 people were tested but none were seriously ill.
«I’m very relieved that they’re taking this seriously,» she said.
I think we take physical pain a bit more seriously.
Some models seriously resemble each other in an undeniable way.
Warning: There are seriously huge spoilers from Avengers: Endgame ahead.
But most importantly, we need to take the risk seriously.
Trump seems constitutionally incapable of taking anything Mueller finds seriously.
While not officially recognized, the women took their marriage seriously.
But seriously, can we all stop going on about it?
I always liked comedic movies that took the visuals seriously.
But seriously Kim, someone, anyone, please help him out here.
If it isn’t, then that indicates some seriously skewed priorities.
That doesn’t mean they take your morality and virtue seriously.
Although his friend was seriously injured, his condition is improving.
No one seriously demanded we abolish the entire Defense Department.
This spread would seriously up Rob’s real estate mogul game.
Seriously, doesn’t that like happen all the time to people?
Lives were at stake, and we took our responsibility seriously.
The two others defendants were seriously wounded, the statement said.
But seriously, we’re all too familiar with this scenario, Will.
Seriously I love Rory and Lorelais’s mother and daughter relationship!
They never seriously challenged the Wolves for an extended stretch.
How to make cocktails that have popsicles in them. Seriously.
The Bulldogs never were seriously threatened in the second half.
But seriously, why should we be doing all the work?
No one has died but four refugees were wounded seriously.
«Seriously, all I like to do is surf,» Marks said.
We are treating it seriously and are following up accordingly.
Seriously – what’s your secret for staying in heels all night?
If I’m being honest, I find this video seriously creepy.
«They are seriously impacting the safety of others,» she said.
No, but seriously, Arianna’s the funny one there, and Boz.
Despite all this, the Trump administration hasn’t seriously punished Russia.
It’s about taking all the female points of view seriously.
Like, seriously Harry and Meghan, we can’t handle this nonchalance.
And voting for Garland could seriously imperil many those futures.
«We are taking very seriously the incident,» the company said.
Is this seriously going to be the new liberal take?
Of course, NATO needs to take the Russian challenge seriously.
«That’s the first time we talked seriously about getting married.»
«They were not meant to be taken seriously,» Kjellberg said.
Sam rose to the challenge, taking his role very seriously.
Yet is hard to take this imagined nation entirely seriously.
She later said she thought Castro took her message seriously.
Calls to break it up are being taken increasingly seriously.
The result is that women remain seriously underrepresented in industry.
Grab the tissues because this is one seriously sweet moment!
Seriously, he had to save the world every dang episode.
Seriously: Even Tom Holland is warning people about spoilers. Ready?
TikTok has been accused of not taking the problem seriously.
I’m leaving for the airport at a seriously unholy hour.
Last week’s heart attack «seriously damaged» his heart, he said.
Here are some signs that you seriously need a vacation:
I take that very seriously and take responsibility for it.
At first, she said, almost no one took her seriously.
So instead, consider paying homage to a seriously badass woman.
States vary widely in how seriously they take that concern.
Scanlan said that New Hampshire took this issue very seriously.
And they want policymakers to finally take this issue seriously.
No one takes glam as seriously as Kim Kardashian West.
Two other passengers were seriously injured, according to the lawsuit.
Seriously, this is as close to priceless as it gets.
«»We take this matter seriously and are addressing it internally.
Seriously I think I might make a football game next.
That’s not to say that it’s not taking cybersecurity seriously.
Steve Scalise was among those seriously injured in the shooting.
And seriously, you’re going to want to befriend them all.
«Decreasing fraud is a problem we take seriously,» says Balakrishnan.
But seriously, who elects not to watch Queen B slay?
Democrats need to take the politics of immigration more seriously.
But most importantly, he demands that Daniels be taken seriously.
But it is a charge which we take very seriously.
I love that Insecure is taking this issue so seriously.
Go deeper: Why Democrats are taking Beto seriously for 2020
«It was a threat that we took seriously,» said Parnas.
No, but I take that kind of accusation quite seriously.
It isn’t being seriously used by anyone, let alone hackers.
Mr. Kejriwal has taken the Snapchat filter too seriously. pic.twitter.
Posted: NO SWIMMING… no, seriously You know how it is.
She takes it very seriously, and is really, really good.
And concerts are still attended like sermons, sombrely and seriously.
He has never taken the organizational grunt work very seriously.
CBP takes all allegations seriously, and investigates all formal complaints.
Does the Los Angeles F.C. star take soccer seriously enough?
Were that to happen, our business would be seriously harmed.
«Congressman Chabot has always taken every race seriously,» Rizzuto said.
Are there any specific populations that it affects more seriously?
Economists have to take the problems of institutional legitimacy seriously.
«The hospital is treating the incident seriously,» the statement added.
But I don’t see that they’ve been taking it seriously.
Seriously, look how outdated the company’s old neckbuds now seem.
Seriously, don’t read on if you don’t want to know.
Unfortunately, some of us never took the nonmedical training seriously.
Hilarity and some seriously uncomfortable double dates will presumably ensue.
«The bottom line is: we take misinformation seriously,» Zuckerberg wrote.
It said one fighter was killed and another seriously wounded.
Until very recently I took that too seriously, too literally.
And that reindeer meat is both seriously delicious and sustainable.
And I felt like she was taking the issue seriously.
The student was not seriously injured, according to the AP.
And seriously what’s up with everyone having springs for arms?
As an air sign, Geminis take their relationships very seriously.
The crash killed one pilot and seriously injured the other.
This year, no women directors were even seriously considered contenders.
I’m finally being taken seriously as a businesswoman and empire.
«Seriously Hailey is incredible,» Kardashian commented on Hailey’s father’s photo.
On Monday, he said Moore should «seriously consider» dropping out.
«It reminds us of our culture,» he told me seriously.
Lee was grateful she found doctors who took her seriously.
The police do not yet take domestic violence seriously enough.
This administration took seriously the responsibility of the Ukrainian people.
We take this matter seriously and are addressing it internally.
Seriously, can’t all Twitter discussions be this informative and productive?
Wearing Colorful Clothing I take my fashion choices very seriously.
Doing that took messing with some seriously dodgy Chrome extensions.
The process is taken seriously and filming it is prohibited.
But there is one procedural reason to take it seriously.
Seriously, we think «Verge TV» sounds like a great idea.
As a result, Alaska takes its earthquake preparation very seriously.
Ted Baker said it was taking the reports very seriously.
Four remain critically injured and the others are seriously injured.
But momentum has seriously slowed for a new national law.
It’s a sign that investors are taking climate risks seriously.
» More seriously, he adds, «I love doing what I do.
Still, they’re not going to take one tournament too seriously.
But we took it as seriously as a heart attack.
Seriously, how many people can rock the fanny pack look?
A truly awful roommate situation can seriously ruin your life.
I wanted to be taken seriously and look more mature.
Law school seriously doesn’t prepare you to practice law, IMO.
Herrmann said that those four are the most seriously injured.
Q: When did you start to give seriously to charity?
But rest assured we are taking this very, very seriously.
Whatever you do, do not try this at home. Seriously.
Rather, it’s the first time they’re finally being taken seriously.
Ariana Grande has a seriously devoted relationship to her ponytail.
LOL. JK guys JK. But seriously, give this guy $215.00,593.
Beginning to see how this could seriously change the game?
I’m a coffeehead and I take coffee very, very seriously.
Instagrammers everywhere seriously lost their shit over the rainbow bagel.
And the filmmakers certainly took their story much more seriously.
Do you seriously think I called the government on you?
But seriously — my trainer told me I was very strong.
» He added: «I don’t think anybody would take that seriously.
This is one membership whose value could seriously pay off.
The Eaton Rapids facility was seriously damaged by the blaze.
Something was seriously bugging tennis star Caroline Wozniacki at Wimbledon.
Well, pretty seriously until they see an opportunity for puns.
I seriously don’t understand where Lilly is coming from sometimes.
He seriously wants to help raise the baby with her.
Look at it:No, seriously, that’s all America gets for now.
Astrid Loch: Takes Halloween Very Seriously We can respect that.
Apple won’t spend rigorously enough to seriously compete with Netflix.
He said three were «seriously» wounded, probably from automatic gunfire.
Well Trump could use Boy Brow, but go ahead. Seriously.
«It didn’t try to seriously understand at all,» he said.
Maybe you’ll seriously consider signing up for a running race.
I mean, do you see reasons to be seriously alarmed?
Sidenote: Rafa and Sofia have some seriously smokin’ sexual chemistry.
They took their work — telling people about Jesus — very seriously.
» —Kimmi Kappenberg, Survivor: Cambodia «Why does nobody take me seriously?
Seriously, can you even remember the scandals of last month?
A third passenger — pilot Jimmy Lee Garland — was seriously injured.
The sculpture got over a dozen FBI agents seriously sick.
But seriously, look at Tim Kaine and Samuel T. Herring.
«Metal Gear» is a franchise with seriously passionate, loyal fans.
But seriously, for the love of God, do not respond!
Clearly, these places ought to be taking the problem seriously.
Seriously, who knows when they’ll all go on sale again?
We take our boot shopping very seriously around these parts.
Yet perhaps China is taking things a bit too seriously.
«All of our companies take data protection extremely seriously,» Leave.
Seriously, we’re not responsible if you burn your house down.
And according to Olindo, he takes his job very seriously.
I often feel like there’s something seriously wrong with me.
But a number of power players took him very seriously.
Maybe all those holes were just seriously extreme ancient aspirin.
Seriously, you’ll be amazed at what people name their dogs.
«SERIOUSLY?» honestly should we be getting masks and canned food?
And it’s a situation refugee officials are taking very seriously.
Dr. Lee’s version slides on clear, which we seriously appreciate.
As a late October baby, Katy Perry takes Halloween seriously.
This is totally a joke, Please don’t take it seriously!!!!
I am seriously dealing with a massive time zone change.
«It was taken seriously from the beginning,» says the source.
Partisanship also obviates the need to take opposing views seriously.
Something’s Seriously Wrong With It — as an example of this.
I often do feel like I’m not being taken seriously.
He understood that we should take friend breakups more seriously.
Then, in their early 30s, they started dating more seriously.
Seriously, can we talk about the issues that actually matter?
They know very quickly I don’t take myself very seriously.
Seriously, it’s like Christmas in early June for you all.
Now American regulators are taking concerns about Google more seriously.
A lot of people started taking sexual harassment more seriously.
Seriously, who would’ve thought White Walkers could be so artistic?
When crimes are committed against us, they aren’t taken seriously.
And they’re 47 percent more likely to be seriously injured.
But for now, seriously — leave my feed out of it.
No photoshop here – Khloé Kardashian’s abs are seriously this amazing.
«We take that type of conduct very seriously,» he said.
And, comedy or not, why shouldn’t I take that seriously?
But there are a few reasons to take Salesforce seriously.
You take it seriously to contribute to the human family.
But we don’t seem to take these issues very seriously.
People who felt seriously threatened would request to go there.
We all know [the protest] was not dealt with seriously.
Around this time, my health had started to seriously decline.
Don’t take yourself too seriously and always follow your intuition.
But on this record, we don’t take ourselves too seriously.
Technology companies are starting to take the market more seriously.
«We take security very seriously,» said Vodafone spokesman Adam Liversage.
Seriously, you may get a toothache from all this sweetness.
She warns that these things could seriously hurt someone. Yikes.
The effect of mercury on water isn’t taken seriously either.
Others called out Disney and YouTube for cutting ties. Seriously.
In the beginning, Zuckerberg didn’t take his role too seriously.
«Joe is taking this relationship very seriously,» the insider said.
I’ll be really sarcastic and people will take it seriously.
Thiel isn’t taking Trump «seriously«; he’s engaging in wishful thinking.
No one was seriously injured during the disturbance, they said.
«We take people’s personal rights very seriously here,» she said.
I seriously thought this was a couch in minecraft pic.twitter.
Why this matters: Seriously, the deal is just about dead.
He said 25 people were wounded, 20 of them seriously.
O’Shaughnessy said the United States took these threats «incredibly seriously«.
The Peak Design Everyday Backpack is a fantastic bag. Seriously.
Five of the seriously wounded were small children, he said.
You can tell though … she’s taking this club biz seriously.
For Scott, meanwhile, the beef occasioned deeper inquiries: taking seriously
«I doubt seriously that it’s a real problem,» he added.
Lindsey fired at responding officers, seriously wounding one of them.
We need a president who takes policy issues very seriously.
Seriously, do it, and it’ll restore your faith in humanity.
Josh: This is the best woman in the world. Seriously.
Seriously, this is how much I know about this stuff.
«We are taking this very seriously,» San Jose Fire Capt.
Decisions to distribute these photos are taken seriously by Reuters.
And Pokémon Go is seriously not going away anytime soon.
With Mr. Cosby, though, these are questions worth seriously considering.
Sources say Manning is seriously considering a lawsuit, as well.
«Because there are serious implications to not taking it seriously
Like does it feel like people aren’t taking it seriously?
«How can this document even be taken seriously?» she asked.
What would happen if we started taking women’s stories seriously?
A man will be taken more seriously by a misogynist.
«She is seriously a top model right now,» says Brinkley.
Elvis took his request to be a federal agent seriously.
He says videos like these can seriously influence voting behavior.
«One chief died and another got seriously injured,» Shisia said.
It’s no surprise that Bachelorettes take their Instagram careers seriously.
Private security and police attacked them and seriously injured some.
For more covers, check out the band’s Facebook page, seriously.
Seriously though, is there another question more irritating than this?
Shopping with a boyfriend has never been this fun. Seriously.
No one seriously questions whether the system has financial imbalances.
Seriously, when has she had time to practice all this?
Or if anybody was prosecuted, nobody would be seriously punished.
It’s a seriously uncomfortable scene, and it’s supposed to be.
Whoever said that history repeats itself was seriously onto something.
Playing Dark Souls seriously for the first time is daunting.
You, sir, are in a league of your own. Seriously.
All allegations need to be and are being taken seriously.
Computers seriously need to stop making cheesy noises in movies.
I seriously don’t know how you get in or out.
Seriously, like who looks like this in their passport photo?!
Seriously, look into Sealplants’ eyes and try not to laugh.
Seriously, it’s a real problem but they’re just so mesmerizing.
They are wondering if the city is taking this seriously.
They don’t take us seriously just like our peers don’t.
We take the findings of the British government very seriously.
FIVE: But seriously, how do we feel about this thing?
I am a professional, and I take my job seriously.
They took it seriously and put together a business plan.
FNL leader general Aloyse Zabampema was seriously wounded, he said.
Seriously, this show needs to come off the air ASAP.
We took it seriously when Osama Bin Laden did it.
But seriously, you’ve all seen an iPhone 5 or 5S.
Seriously, we’re surprised she didn’t jump up on the runway.
I didn’t seriously think I could find a hangover cure.
Seriously, Fletcher won’t even fart in front of Rodgers yet.
In typical Twitter form, people posted some seriously hilarious reactions.
«Our mistake, we did not take it seriously,» says Ahmed.
And unfortunately, sleep deprivation can cause some seriously impaired driving.
«We take this matter very seriously,» a hospital statement said.
One thing’s for sure: The feds take that shit seriously.
The women said they believed they weren’t being taken seriously.
No one takes Julia’s worries seriously until blood is shed.
We take issues of safety (of our journalists) very seriously.
I seriously thought it must be some kind of joke.
But Pelosi’s camp signaled she is taking the grumbling seriously.
Seriously, could you imagine any other First Lady achieving this?
The good news is our government took this very seriously.
The New York Times said the ambassador was seriously wounded.
And these are issues that I take very seriously, Jason.
In Vancouver, the option of retreat is being taken seriously.
Sophie was immediately regretful — seriously, it was an incredible slap.
Another week, another seven days owned by Kanye West. Seriously.
Samsung wants you to seriously step up your laundry game.
Seriously, the clip above is what true joy looks like.
Bidegain: On the other hand, we’ve lost 23 members. Seriously?
«My initial thoughts were she is really taking this seriously
Well, let’s make something artful, and let’s take ourselves seriously.
Seriously, Clark Kent has taken more pains to stay incognito.
And your body’s ability to heal itself is seriously impressive.
Driver Robyn Rattray, 41, of Gainesville, Florida, was seriously injured.
Seriously, I don’t know how much more I can take.
«Threats such as these are taken very seriously,» it said.
Is there seriously that little for you to do here?
Seriously, get your wallet out, the time is right now.
But of course we approached it more seriously than that.
Although we seem rare, make no mistake, we exist. Seriously.
We take the troubling allegations that surfaced yesterday very seriously.
But not taking this feature seriously is a missed opportunity.
Seriously, when was the last time you replaced your toothbrush?
Also, I can’t tell how seriously they’re taking it, frankly.
Physicians were issuing warnings that McGregor could get seriously hurt.
But either way, why not take the flea market seriously?
It was actually freezing down there, too, like seriously cold.
In the Germany of 21976, that relationship was seriously problematic.
She shouldn’t have to take life too seriously just yet.
State Department officials made clear they took this recommendation seriously.
Why isn’t he taking the threat against journalists more seriously?
Luckily, in the BC incident, no humans were seriously harmed.
Seriously, it was the healthiest, yummiest, fastest dinner, ever. Yay!
I seriously and sincerely just totally forgot about the challenge.
Who says drinking seriously good cocktails can’t be really fun?
If you still have one: seriously, go and return it.
They told stories of lives not destroyed but seriously derailed.
But both are seriously injured and end up in surgeries.
I haven’t taken this idea as seriously as I should.
For one, voters could take law enforcement elections more seriously.
Not the one they used in this experiment, though. Seriously.
Okay, seriously, is it too late to change this list?
To discuss her tweets as seriously as we might a
Were you worried that people wouldn’t take your music seriously?
Historians need to take their role as public intellectuals seriously.
I mean, seriously, out of ten she was a fifteen.
But seriously, I’m exhausted and I have only a dog.
Musk then goes on to answer the redditor’s comment seriously.
To its great credit, Catalina doesn’t take itself too seriously.
For the most part, this show takes itself very seriously.
«Seriously, this one is for the fans,» McKinnon’s Graham said.
It was, like, Seriously, you would not pass my courses.
Hundreds of students were arrested, and some were seriously injured.
I was incredibly lucky not to be more seriously injured.
He chided the news media for taking it too seriously.
Like most marketing, this should not be taken too seriously.
A few dozen, she said, are seriously considering House races.
These are serious people, whose advice should be taken seriously.
Big European companies appear to take the reputational risk seriously.
Seriously, we’re digging into the big questions from the top.
«You can’t take all this stuff too seriously,» acknowledges Bea.
George Conway is seriously concerned about Donald Trump’s mental health.
This is why Indonesian politicians are taking the law seriously.
Seriously, who knew Colin Farrell could work, work like that.
Seriously, how are we able to function as a society.
In other words, brace yourself for one seriously stylish wedding.
And we’re good at this, because we take security seriously.
The woman being attacked was not seriously injured, he says.
«This is not being taken seriously enough,» said the source.
We have always taken our responsibility to prevent diversion seriously.
Your peer group would be paired off — seriously paired off.
I hope the process streamlines and [is] taken more seriously.
Would we take such a person seriously in public discourse?
President Barack Obama’s aides said they took the law seriously.
Kim seriously brought him a giant game show check letter.
This pressure has the potential to seriously undermine U.S. policymaking.
On Friday, the heat was seriously disrupting travel across Britain.
They also get cut, sometimes seriously, from each others’ blades.
All of them, however, take their Very Short commitment seriously.
My fellow commissioners, a bipartisan group, took our charge seriously.
» «Everyone seriously intends to facilitate the formation of a government.
She set out to seriously slash her intake on Jan.
Fortunately, her daughters didn’t seem to take the threat seriously.
I couldn’t fathom the American people possibly taking him seriously.
Because I take the future of this country very seriously.
So we have to look very seriously at mental illness.
Nobody seriously believes open defecation has ended altogether in India.
Who seriously doubts their safety before attending a political lecture?
» Kagan said the court takes overruling prior precedent «super seriously.
All companies should seriously consider promulgating a vulnerability disclosure policy.
«Somebody’s going to die or get seriously injured,» he said.
The bad publicity seriously tarnished the reputation of the profession.
I’m like, oh my gosh, seriously calm down, it’s okay.
Talk about a seriously special way to spend Thanksgiving Day.
No seriously, Best Buy makes website screw ups reasonably often.
We take this report very seriously and we are investigating.
No one seriously doubts the need to modernize America’s infrastructure.
Here at Business Insider, we take our lunch breaks seriously.
The second step is to seriously pursue risk reduction measures.
I have to say, it was really freaking cool. Seriously.
My wife and I have always taken budgeting very seriously.
From my observation, Amour Vert takes attention to detail seriously.
Her sister, Letifah Wilson, was also stabbed and seriously injured.
Long said players take where they sit on flights seriously.
Seriously, do not look down at— O.K. You did it.
White said lowered funding would «seriously imperil» the agency work.
Tuchman says he takes seriously the responsibility of his profession.
As such, we take feedback from our players very seriously.
That doesn’t exactly sound like something they’re taking completely seriously.
Officers returned fire and seriously wounded the suspect, officials said.
That pipeline, too, has also gushed, seriously impacting Indian country.
«What critics said: «It is uneasy about taking itself seriously.
That’s why Republicans and Democrats need to take him seriously.
As you all know I take my health very seriously.
Other names being seriously considered for the appointment are Rep.
Anarchy in Venezuela could seriously disrupt the world’s oil markets.
It now seems that she is seriously contemplating a bid.
The Golden State is seriously thinking about taxing text messages.
«We take both of them very, very seriously,» he said.
I probably take them much more seriously now, since Katrina.
Kitchen stuff this nice basically doubles as decor — no, seriously.
This is one show that will take your trauma seriously.
The company stated it takes allegations of harassment very seriously.
That makes them more susceptible to taking fake news seriously.
Seriously, how likely are you to continue your startup then?
Conservatives took it more seriously, though perhaps with partisan motivations.
So, should we take the DEA’s pledge seriously this time?
Washington has waited too long to take the threat seriously.
So far, members say he is taking that input seriously.
Footsteps Heidelberg’s only Mark Twain impersonator takes his work seriously.
Six people are seriously injured, the Associated Press (AP) reported.
But more seriously, in a region where there are 780
They hunger to be taken seriously despite their racist views.
But half the time, the burgers come out seriously undercooked.
So I am very committed to taking classified information seriously.
She didn’t seriously try on this, as some members did.
Negotiation shows that you take yourself and your abilities seriously.
Meaning anyone can make seriously cool videos of their adventures.
You’re seriously thinking about an extended stay with your parents.
I am afraid that they may be taking this seriously.
Fingers are seriously crossed for better outcome later this month.
We take all allegations seriously and investigate all formal complaints.
Because some people are seriously facing that choice right now.
» For its part, Facebook told CNBC, «We take criticism seriously.
They take each other seriously when no one else will.
But seriously, the update is really getting some people mad.
Unfortunately, law enforcement didn’t seem to take these leads seriously.
Hickenlooper said the Supreme Court ruling is being taken seriously.
Recently, Trump said it represents his championship of equality. Seriously.
«This is seriously disturbing,» Ms. Field murmured and moved on.
We appreciate your perspective and take your points very seriously.
Mr. Hardwick’s commitments add up to one seriously crazed schedule.
America cannot be great if no one takes us seriously.
When I decide to do something, I do it seriously.
What do women do when they can’t take themselves seriously?
This is a good time to take Florine Stettheimer seriously.
It was hard to know how seriously to take him.
«We worried they wouldn’t take us as seriously,» she said.
Seriously, you need to go and get your tickets now.
When will JD start to seriously capitalize on its technologies?
Seriously, once you start noticing it, this happens a lot.
Can we start taking this a bit more seriously, please?
Seriously: having adequate financial resources can make all the difference.
But seriously, the main thing here is to be proactive.
But, most importantly, we need to take sexual violence seriously.
Nonetheless, I brushed them off and wouldn’t take it seriously.
Finally, there is the team’s seriously strange Alcides Escobar fetish.
This is on your mind, and you’re taking it seriously.
This has seriously limited its commercial potential in the past.
But no #MeToo advocate has seriously suggested such a thing.
Don’t take anything that’s meant to be relaxing too seriously.
We’ve all done seriously dumb things for love, haven’t we?
It would be bad if Trump didn’t take this seriously.
«Seriously, they should change the name to MMAAA to UFCAA.»
And it takes those topics seriously, with heart and sensitivity.
Who in their right mind would have taken him seriously?
He doesn’t take his disability too seriously, he told me.
We need to train police to take the issue seriously.
Has he shown that he takes what he did seriously?
Seriously, this is some amateur hour bullshit from the Pacers.
Her tiny paper works take the material of paper seriously.
The State Department regards those types of communications very seriously.
She says that the police didn’t take their complaint seriously.
Does European soccer need to take head injuries more seriously?
Sport has its jokes, but Powell takes laughing very seriously.
Seriously, just watch the vid and laugh your ass off.
Not to sound too much like Helen Lovejoy, but seriously.
People didn’t know whether to take us seriously at all.
Let’s say your sex life is indeed seriously, crushingly boring.
Were there any categories you were seriously hesitant about initially?
Donald Trump’s supporters deserve to have their concerns taken seriously.
Seriously. You can subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.
So why on earth would Prokhorov take this threat seriously?
I try not to take coincidences too seriously, but c’mon!
Everyone is happy in the end, but, seriously, are they?
Apparently you can buy an Alan MoreOctober 4, 2016 Seriously!
Is that gray area why it’s not being taken seriously?
If so, prepare to be seriously disappointed in your lawmakers.
We take user privacy and product quality concerns very seriously.
«Are you seriously looking for an apartment?» he asked her.
Seriously, where did you get the idea that it was?
The Air Force was taking the potential threat seriously though.
But the Huayra doesn’t just look good; it’s seriously fast.
Needless to say, it takes keeping the bracket secret seriously.
Further anarchy in Venezuela could seriously disrupt international oil markets.
Ford: I think the team takes their role very seriously.
But contemporary art is still taken seriously as an investment.
This is seriously my favorite sports bra of the moment.
They take themselves seriously, much like a very short man.
She took school seriously and was placed in advanced classes.
Mr. Schachter said he never seriously considering suing Mr. Philbrick.
That warning does not seem to have been taken seriously.
You are not immune or safe from getting seriously ill.
I didn’t start taking illustration seriously until after this experience.
Due to my age and gender, I wasn’t taken seriously.
It’s filled with games, toys and a seriously impressive slide.
One soldier was seriously wounded and the bus was destroyed.
They are small in size, but can seriously hurt someone.
That’s when I began to think seriously about the museum.
Who takes any kid who says he’s going pro seriously?
Mario seriously cleaned up at the E3 Game critics awards.
We need to take violations of this economic order seriously.
That we should take that seriously is not a leap.
And that responsibility should be recognized, acknowledged, and taken seriously.
The fungus could seriously damage — if not destroy — her art.
It means there is no reason to take him seriously.
And that’s something we’ll very seriously consider for next year.
It is something we’ll very seriously consider for next year.
It’s salacious and absurd, but we should take it seriously.
Overlooking the genetic causes of diseases can seriously harm patients.
It’s just good to know he wasn’t hurt more seriously.
It is the rare dating show that takes dating seriously.
It was, seriously, it was one of the dumbest things.
But the Trump administration didn’t actually take that authorization seriously.
Seriously, could it kill them to make one more disk?
No wonder the military apparently didn’t take it very seriously.
We can’t order new parts, and maintenance isn’t taken seriously.
I just think he’s someone who seriously lost his way.
«He’s obviously got some seriously great skills,» Ms. Cave said.
Absolutely any allegation of rape has to be taken seriously.
It’s time to start talking seriously about a wealth tax.
How seriously do you think we should take their warnings?
Around my house I’m seriously just naked half the time.
Men face sexualization too and it’s not even taken seriously.
On the practice field, he took it very, very seriously.
The UK remains seriously split over what to do next.
Seriously, the man does know how to make holiday history.
Fans never know quite how seriously to take those prizes.
And, more seriously: Why does no one need me anymore?
No, seriously, I think for once you have a point.
Now the governor seems to be taking them more seriously.
North and South Korea have seriously discussed the idea before.
It once again proves why this journalist isn’t taken seriously.
We take our responsibility to keep people working very seriously.
We take our responsibility to keep people working very seriously.
Climate change is seriously affecting Alaska and the Arctic region.
«We’d certainly very seriously look at it,» he told reporters.
We haven’t had a seriously bearded president since Benjamin Harrison.
But the public is still not taking officials’ warnings seriously.
Seriously, other cardis walked so this Everlane one could run.
Bunnings did its best to respond seriously to the barrage.
How many of us would seriously consider saving the art?
» I mean, Netflix would say, «We take Amazon very seriously.
These are responsibilities that I take seriously, as should everyone.
Again, somehow no one was seriously injured, according to reports.
You take your weed seriously, and, no, you’re not sharing.
The M.M.T. crowd is being taken a lot more seriously.
Is the policy meant seriously, or is it just rhetoric?
The question led Forman to engage seriously with the concept.
Maybe, just maybe, more people should have taken Stiglitz seriously.
Still, therapists of all kinds take our role very seriously.
Certainly, many Academy members take animation more seriously than that.
Seriously, you might catch a contact high just watching this.
Ari said that AK Chefs takes its rules very seriously.
The Affair «The Affair» takes the work of adulthood seriously.
It’s an intervention sorely needed in a country seriously lost.
I take this mantra seriously, not just in Central Park.
Those, too, she did not take seriously, Ms. Ayyub said.
The Jazz were never seriously threatened in the fourth quarter.
Then EasyMile could seriously consider other Asian markets, he said.
«Batter,» as a verb, is used both frivolously and seriously.
Others may be taking trade war more seriously now, too.
Seriously, is Saudi Arabia really threatened by women driving activists?
Some pleaded for others to take the coronavirus pandemic seriously.
That’s why we all need to take this virus seriously.
Seriously, who else is going to stalk me this long?
Almost all the old people, they took it very seriously.
You can’t screw around or someone could get seriously hurt.
DeSantis said that Floridians need to take the storm seriously.
By this point, Trump is taken neither seriously nor literally.
This country needs to take its democratic processes more seriously.
It’s a seriously impressive device, with few, if any, weaknesses.
«That’s when people started taking him seriously,» says brother Savonn.
The objections are substantive and deserve to be taken seriously.
Germany’s restaurants, hotels, and other businesses are now seriously concerned.
It’s disheartening to see people not take this shutdown seriously.
On the upside, they take their job very seriously indeed.
Seriously, lots of people are posting happily about spring coming.
This is a debate that needs to be taken seriously.
Those interviews showed a jury that took its responsibility seriously.
If he doesn’t take coronavirus seriously, others might not, either.
» And Mr. Hawke says, «No, seriously, what play is it?
Some tried pinot gris, but few took it very seriously.
One, the resilience of my youthful knees was seriously waning.
Then grab a seriously good cinnamon bun at Model Bakery.
On the contrary, he took the responsibilities of adulthood seriously.
Refusing to take them seriously won’t make them go away.
But the art world is starting to take them seriously.
No wonder I don’t take lists such as this seriously.
«People sometimes don’t take me seriously,» Miranda Lambert once said.
Seriously — check out how wild this thing looks in action:
Congress has not seriously questioned the merits of this buildup.
That’s why the yield curve’s messages are worth taking seriously.
Here’s a recipe that will seriously improve your freezer game.
It isn’t any fun, and it can’t be taken seriously.
» And, Klain argued, «we need to take the risk seriously.
«We, too, take this incident very seriously,» Mr. Brock said.
He seriously injured a leg during a bombing in London.
First, the human rights situation has seriously deteriorated in Mexico.
They take the promises of politicians less and less seriously.
Seriously, does it makes sense to antagonize our export partners?
In years past, people have taken the themes very seriously.
Four people were seriously injured, said Vejprty Mayor Jitka Gavdunova.
Many people find that this is not taking consciousness seriously.
Seriously, BiP shows a montage of all of these things.
In Los Angeles, Fields says he takes those concerns seriously.
She and other top producers take that underlying notion seriously.
They could take things seriously again tomorrow, if they wanted.
Winfrey race seems too surreal a scenario to take seriously.
The man he had fought had not been seriously hurt.
As a result, their complaints often are not taken seriously.
You can seriously use it to cook so much stuff.
«We take this seriously as a pilot,» Mr. Beaton said.
«We take our commitments to Saudi security seriously,» he said.
The facts underlying the impeachment debate are not seriously contested.
This telling the truth thing is something we take seriously.
Last year, Mr. Biden seriously considered another run for president.
And I don’t think anyone takes that idea seriously anymore.
But he repeatedly warned companies to seriously address teen use.
It’s high time you started taking your online security seriously.
It was not clear how seriously their daughter was injured.
That’s a gauge for him that the president takes seriously.
I threaten suicide, which I have not thought seriously about.
» «We take this matter seriously and are addressing it internally.
The decade after high school, I started taking acting seriously.
Seriously, that guy couldn’t even get into an inn, O.K?
Those numbers reflect a news network taking Sanders more seriously.
Turkish news reports said the two pilots were seriously injured.
Seriously, even the president didn’t know what to call that.
«We’re taking these claims seriously,» he said in a statement.
They worried that it could seriously damage the foundation’s reputation.
Perhaps I will seriously need to reconsider my world view.
The department is hungry and ready to be taken seriously.
Seriously, there’s just a massive space next to the Queen:
Be warned: Ms. Osnes takes her Scrabble very, very seriously.
Neither the pilot nor the seven passengers were seriously injured.
«I’m glad (TripAdvisor) are taking this issue seriously,» she said.
One person was seriously injured in the crash, said Sgt.
And when I watched the trailer, it was seriously piqued.
It’s a really great TV, at a seriously low price.
But, seriously, people won’t ever say no to a bite.
His classmates take the campaign just as seriously as Payton.
She also said she wants people to take hypochondriasis seriously.
Six more people were injured in the attack, one seriously.
Well, at the Gates Foundation, they’re taking it very seriously.
«They take the topic of hazards very seriously,» he said.
Perhaps most importantly was how seriously they took their craft.
Seriously, this is my first recollection of really SEEING art.
«Now actors are taken more seriously as producers,» Hahn continued.
You’ve heard sayings about not taking yourself too seriously, right?
He is serious but does not take himself too seriously.
Do they seriously know how complicated and costly it is?
It’s a seriously powerful handset that delivers substance and style.
It’s a real issue and I take it very seriously.
I was just pleased that they took it really seriously.
But does the overall messaging hold some seriously sickening truths?
But of course no one takes this faux precision seriously.
Seriously, what kind of date do these four go on?
Thousands of years ago, giant sloths roamed the earth — seriously.
» O’Donnell says she takes objectivity in her reporting «very seriously.
This Camping In Comfort Giveaway is free to enter, seriously.
One pilot was seriously wounded and the other one lightly.
A great robotic vacuum can seriously transform your cleaning routine.
We didn’t take this seriously, and now it’s Friday’s business.
«We value our electoral process very, very seriously,» Prasad said.
There may be some seriously harsh consequences to doing this.
Seriously that sounds like a nightmare I had recently. 8.
We think the parties should take it seriously as well.
Is it because his opponents don’t take his candidacy seriously?
Of the nine people injured, four were in seriously condition.
«The question is how much more seriously they could degenerate.»
But seriously, do you really want to lease your phone?
Trump, Jesus, the whistleblower and a seriously flawed analogy Rep.
The explosives killed two people and seriously wounded four others.
There’s no difference in how seriously you take the job.
These consumers (and others) take their financial responsibilities very seriously.
Two suffered critical injuries, and two more were hurt seriously.
They might be fun, but don’t take them too seriously.
We take our supervision responsibilities of the company very seriously.
No one wants to arrest and imprison seriously ill people.
With previous presidents, their election promises weren’t taken so seriously.
The design of it is seriously modest, but attractive nonetheless.
The retail industry should be taking the $2166.9 billion seriously.
«We absolutely take the race seriously,» Cruz said on CNN.
There are already signs he is taking his primary seriously.
This one is deluxe for a reason — it’s seriously rich.
But seriously: a bathroom with a door that doesn’t close?
People discussed online whether to take the account’s opinions seriously.
«We take this seriously,» snail racer John McClean told Reuters.
Some airlines, especially in northern Europe, are taking it seriously.
Moreover, Mr Trump did not take the Ukrainian allegations seriously.
Seriously though, we’re not sure when it’s going to stop.
«We take China extremely seriously,» Diess was quoted as saying.
«[The Egyptians] are taking aviation security very seriously,» Gold said.
«As a governance issue, we take it seriously,» he added.
Seriously … it seemed so implausible to Bumble, Sharon was booted.
Richard Williams said Venus, then 13, was seriously considering retirement.
Taking your resolutions seriously doesn’t mean you can’t get creative.
«We’re going to look at NAFTA very seriously,» Trump said.
«I don’t think people would take us seriously,» she added.
Warren: Oh look, I take the impeachment question very seriously.
So much for taking the treatment of classified information seriously.
Geoff Diehl (R) said he is seriously considering a run.
The other driver was not seriously injured in the crash.
But seriously, the money tells us things that polls can’t.
Clearly, our contemporary politics is seriously unhinged from economic reality.
What does it mean for us to take that seriously?
Yes, and I mean this seriously, we’ve been through this.
Seriously, just let this dude make all the blockbusters already.
And he wonders why serious people don’t take him seriously.
But no country is taking this 2 degree goal seriously.
Mr. Trump seriously entertained the idea but ultimately backed down.
Modi said many Indians were not taking the lockdown seriously.
Giffords was seriously wounded in a 2011 Arizona shooting rampage.
Increasingly, mental health is being taken seriously by professional football.
It is not a conversion their jailers take very seriously.
None of the women had seriously contemplated entering politics before.
Dig in deeper, whatever it was, take it more seriously.
And I haven’t even been seriously sick or injured yet.
I often felt that no one was taking me seriously.
Around the time he was 15, Matteau seriously considered suicide.
You actually don’t have to buy shit for anybody. Seriously.
I think clearly Dr. Ford’s allegations were taken quite seriously.
In fact, I only started playing seriously five years ago.

Learn how to use the adverb “seriously” in English with this comprehensive guide. Discover the definition of “seriously,” its common usage, and get 20 examples of how to use it in a sentence.

Use Seriously in a Sentence - How to use "Seriously" in a sentence

Definition of Seriously

“Seriously” is an adverb that is commonly used to indicate a high level of sincerity, urgency, importance, or severity. It can be used to convey a sense of gravity or to emphasize the seriousness of a situation or statement. It can also be used to express disbelief or surprise, as in “seriously?!”

How is “Seriously” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Seriously”?

“Seriously” is a versatile adverb that can be used in various ways in English. Here are some common ways in which it is used:

  1. To express sincerity or gravity: “I seriously doubt that he will show up on time.”
  2. To indicate the speaker’s disbelief or surprise: “Seriously, you’ve never heard of that movie before?”
  3. To emphasize the importance or severity of a situation: “The situation is seriously getting out of hand.”
  4. To express a strong opinion or belief: “I seriously think that we need to change our approach.”
  5. To make a request or ask for clarification in a serious manner: “Can you seriously consider my proposal?”

There are no strict rules for using “seriously,” but it is important to use it appropriately and in the right context. It is typically used in informal speech, and can be used in both positive and negative contexts. It is also important to use appropriate tone and inflection when using “seriously” to ensure that the intended meaning is conveyed clearly.

How to use the word Seriously in a sentence?

Here are 20 sample sentences that use the word “seriously” in various contexts:

  1. Are you seriously considering quitting your job?
  2. I seriously need to start exercising more often.
  3. Did you seriously just eat that entire pizza by yourself?
  4. The doctor said that her condition is seriously deteriorating.
  5. I can’t believe you seriously thought that was a good idea.
  6. We seriously need to address the issue of climate change.
  7. I seriously doubt that he will be able to finish the project on time.
  8. Are you seriously suggesting that we should invest all of our money in that risky scheme?
  9. The situation in the country is seriously concerning.
  10. I seriously think that you should apologize for what you said.
  11. Did you seriously forget our anniversary again?
  12. We seriously underestimated the amount of time it would take to complete the task.
  13. The company’s profits have seriously declined over the past year.
  14. Are you seriously telling me that you’ve never seen Star Wars before?
  15. The injuries he sustained in the accident were seriously life-threatening.
  16. The government needs to take the issue of poverty seriously.
  17. I seriously don’t understand why you’re so upset about this.
  18. The team seriously needs to improve their performance if they want to win the championship.
  19. Are you seriously considering getting a tattoo on your face?
  20. I seriously can’t believe how fast time has flown by.

Post Views: 3,005

Sentences starting with seriously

  • Seriously ill—you know—last time, I’m afraid,» and Mr. Simpson shook his head. [9]
  • Seriously this proposition of Mr. Lamborn is nothing more or less than a request that his party may be tried by their professions instead of their practices. [7]

Sentences ending with seriously

  • And make up your mind that, for once, you have got to take life seriously. [11]
  • But such immunity was not to be granted to the emperor’s sweetheart, who could so audaciously reject two brothers accustomed to easy conquests; her demure severity could hardly be meant seriously. [10]
  • I dreaded it very seriously. [5]
  • I am sorry to say that she refused to take the affair seriously. [4]
  • Have you ever thought of any career seriously? [9]
  • The kernel is the same in both prefaces, you see—the public must not take us too seriously. [5]
  • Only I haven’t the least idea what I am to do; I wanted to consult you seriously. [2]
  • I sometimes think that his elegance and flippancy were deliberate, lest he should be taking himself or life too seriously. [11]
  • Don’t take it seriously. [9]
  • He had often said he had seen a Bunyip, and that he’d bring one home some day, but no one took him seriously. [11]

Short sentences using seriously

  • Laura was seriously troubled. [5]
  • Mine, too, was seriously injured. [10]
  • I do say it seriously. [5]
  • Quite seriously. [5]

Sentences containing seriously two or more times

  • It is bound to tarnish the good name of the company; our credit will be seriously, most seriously impaired. [5]
  • I believe in men taking their work seriously, but not so seriously as you do. [9]

More example sentences with the word seriously in them

  • I can’t get you to talk seriously even when I come all the way from New York to find out what’s going on here. [9]
  • Your absence, do you hear?—pardon the interruption, fairest Ledscha—your absence would seriously anger her. [10]
  • But, seriously, Jasmine, you are not well. [11]
  • But seriously, Jethro, you and Wetherell ought to send her to school in Boston after a while. [9]
  • What extravagant fancies you and I have seriously entertained at one time or another! [6]
  • Threaten him seriously with my grave displeasure if he persists in leaving it speedily. [10]
  • He spoke seriously, with apparent solicitude. [11]
  • At times she wished she had rebuked Trixton Brent more forcibly, although he was not an easy person to rebuke; and again she reflected that, had she taken the matter too seriously, she would have laid herself open to his ridicule. [9]
  • And yet there were some reviews of a different sort, half a dozen in all, and half of them from Western journals, which took the book seriously, saw its pathos, its artistic merit, its failure of construction through inexperience. [4]
  • The window spaces were closed by wooden shutters, and whenever they moved with a low creaking or louder banging Hermon started and forgot everything else in anxiety about his invalid friend, whose suffering every strong wind brought on again, and often seriously increased. [10]
  • But seriously a Washoe wind is by no means a trifling matter. [5]
  • What was interesting was the open-mindedness with which, on both sides, the argument was conducted, and the fact that it could seriously take place then and there. [9]
  • The virgin queen was the last ruler who seriously regarded the pomps and splendors of feudalism. [4]
  • Presently her gaze was fixed seriously on me. [9]
  • It was taken up seriously in the country regions. [4]
  • I also became unintentionally acquainted with a secret, which seriously endangered his chances of obtaining the crown; and lastly, I prevented his carrying off a virtuous maiden from the house of her grandmother, an aged woman, beloved and respected by all the Greeks. [10]
  • These speculations were unemphasized sensations rather than articulated thoughts, for Wilson would have laughed at the idea of seriously connecting Tom with the murder. [5]
  • The groans of two young singers who were seriously ill were drowned by the din and heeded by no one except the old drummer’s pitying wife, who sometimes wiped the perspiration from the sufferers’ brows or supported their heads. [10]
  • Besides, her cough troubled her very seriously, and it seemed as though she could not travel that long distance alone. [10]
  • After that I took another road, several miles longer, for the sight of Miss Thorn with him seriously disturbed my peace of mind. [9]
  • You took me too seriously, and vanity did the rest. [11]
  • The Seigneur Duvarney, to whom I had not yet spoken, nor he to me, stood leaning against the wall, gazing at me seriously and kindly. [11]
  • You must listen to this seriously, for I think the Professor was very much in earnest when he wrote it. [6]
  • You cannot mean to seriously say there is no such frontier. [5]
  • Philip Sterling used to say that if he should seriously set himself for ten years to any one of the dozen projects that were in his brain, he felt that he could be a rich man. [5]
  • Carcaud, seriously wounded, to save his life turned King’s evidence, and disclosed to the Royal Court in private his own guilt and Olivier Delagarde’s treason. [11]
  • Nothing comes amiss to me—cash or credit; but, seriously, I do feel that Stanley is the chief man and an illustrious one, and I do applaud him with all my heart. [5]
  • Any legislation likely to interfere seriously with the occupation of the criminal class or with its increase is certain to meet with the opposition of a large body of voters. [4]
  • It is charitable to believe that they do not seriously contemplate or truly understand the meaning of the words they use, but rather play with them, as certain so-called «learned» quadrupeds play with the printed characters set before them. [6]
  • The marriage was to be a very quiet one—the bridegroom’s father lay seriously ill. [10]
  • It was not till the sick-nurse came back that the tumult was appeased; for, as soon as she learned how seriously the loud disputes of her fellow-believers were disturbing the sick man’s rest, she interfered so effectually, that the house was as silent as before. [10]
  • I do not think he lived to see his home again; his disease had been seriously aggravated by his hardships. [5]
  • The placing of these millions added seriously and most uncomfortably to the family expenses—in tallow candles. [5]
  • That was not the way he put the question,—but whether she would take seriously to this schoolmaster, and if she did, what would be the neatest and surest and quickest way of putting a stop to all that nonsense. [6]
  • Mr. Lincoln thought the resolutions ought to be seriously considered. [7]
  • One aspect of the publishing business which has become increasingly prominent during the last fifteen years cannot be overlooked, for it is certain to affect seriously the production of literature as to quality, and its distribution. [4]
  • I travel on the pass which the Northeastern gives me as a legislator, and I’m thinking seriously of getting Mr. Flint to send me an annual, now that I’m in politics and have to cover the State. [9]
  • She is doubtless the only member of that society who thinks seriously of the approaching end. [10]
  • She had not the most trivial thing for which Barbara could be seriously reproached to report to the confessor; yet De Soto desired nothing better, for Barbara still exerted an extremely favourable influence upon the Emperor’s mood. [10]
  • For even in the late seventeenth century, youth took itself seriously at times. [11]
  • Three days before the Emperor, for the first time, had seriously found fault with Barbara. [10]
  • Then he shut the door, and turned to me again, and said more seriously, «How long have we before Monsieur comes? [11]
  • Inform them that the daughter of Rameses has lapsed seriously from the law, and defiled herself, and direct that public—you hear me public—prayers shall be put up for her purification in every temple. [10]
  • Doubtless she realized that time and the long period of hoarseness had seriously injured her voice, but even now she could compare with the best singers in the city. [10]
  • Mr. Wallace admits that there are, as might have been expected, some exceptions to his two rules, but it is a question whether the exceptions are not so numerous as seriously to invalidate them. [1]
  • I am anxious that that should be; but there are things seriously to be considered in relation to that matter. [7]
  • I seriously fear that our visit has damaged you in Fredonia, and so I wish you were out of it. [5]
  • And the fact that it has been seriously combated by writers who deny such a function of the subconscious does not at all affect the reality of the experience. [9]
  • It is probable that he knew that, and refrained from letting her into the knowledge of this vice, contracted in the war when, seriously ill, he was able to drag himself about from patient to patient only by the help of opium. [11]
  • The chief horror that haunted him was not failure,—for oddly enough he never seriously distrusted his power, it was disaster. [9]
  • The vagrant vessels that are idly watched from the rocks at the Pier may be coasters and freight schooners engaged seriously in trade, but they do not seem so. [4]
  • The only thing that appeared to impress him seriously was Molokai, the desolate island where the lepers made their cheerless prison-home. [11]
  • A coarser satirist than Emerson indulged his fancy in «Meditations on a Broomstick,» which My Lady Berkeley heard seriously and to edification. [6]
  • Dada clung in terror to Marcus, who was beginning to be seriously alarmed for her when, looking round for aid or refuge, he caught sight of his brother forcing his way through the throng, and gesticulating vehemently. [10]
  • But old Phabis tells me that steps are being seriously taken to procure the title of Martyr for our father Apelles. [10]
  • They did not talk seriously to him; when reporting to him or asking for his sanction they appeared to be fulfilling a regrettable formality, but they winked behind his back and tried to mislead him at every turn. [2]
  • They had evidently taken the matter seriously, and were come with the intention of carrying their point, whatever it might be. [11]
  • He can’t be taken seriously, and plainly he has never taken any one else so. [9]
  • Me they did take seriously, these provincial lords, inviting me to their houses and opening their hearts. [9]
  • Philip paid them, swollen as they were with a monstrous list of extras; but he seriously counted the diminishing bulk of his own hoard, which was all the money he had in the world. [5]
  • I do not suppose she thinks seriously of ever being married. [6]
  • Is it seriously supposable that we will stop to chew it and let our prey escape? [5]
  • Only in the suite designed for Margaret did Henderson seriously interfere, and insist upon a luxury that almost took my wife’s breath away. [4]
  • Do you seriously suggest that I give labour a voice in my business? [9]
  • Besides, if the stranger were the author of the paper, he certainly would not choose a sheet of water like Cedar Lake to perform the last offices for him, in case he seriously meditated taking unceremonious leave of life and its accidents. [6]
  • The news had spread among the praetorians and the Macedonian legions, that the emperor, who, contrary to his custom, had not shown himself for two days, was seriously ill, and at the point of death. [10]
  • This was a source of pleasure, for since Wolff had extorted his consent to the betrothal with Els Ortlieb, and thus estranged him from the Vorchtels, he had seriously feared that he had ceased to love him. [10]
  • Charmian’s ignorance and silence in regard to these very matters increased the anxiety of the endangered woman, who saw not only her own life, but those dearest to her, seriously threatened. [10]
  • That the Church should ever again presume to take herself seriously had never occurred to him. [9]
  • In the few short reviews that dealt seriously with his work, he was able, when the excitement of seeing himself discussed had subsided, to read between the lines why The Puritan Nun had failed to make a larger appeal. [4]
  • Why then should she think Guida would take the officer seriously where she herself held the sailor lightly? [11]
  • The Judge has set about seriously trying to make the impression that when we meet at different places I am literally in his clutches—that I am a poor, helpless, decrepit mouse, and that I can do nothing at all. [7]
  • Let one consider seriously whether he ever gets as much satisfaction out of a gift received as out of one given. [4]
  • When he is seriously threatened, bring him to us. [10]
  • John —-‘s wife seriously thought him gone wrong in the head, as she heard him giving vent to roars of laughter as he sat alone, clapping and stamping on the floor. [14]
  • And did you seriously suppose that I was in earnest when we spoke about your assistance in persuading him to take the house? [9]
  • He never became seriously engaged in the practice of the profession he had chosen. [6]
  • But I am seriously anxious—even before we went to church something unsatisfactory had happened to you, and not merely in the council-meeting. [10]
  • His kindly nature secretly approved of her spending a longer time in the Cathedral of St. Gudule than usual, praying for the royal sufferer who was so seriously ill. [10]
  • Though my father revered Plato and Aristotle, he did not, apparently, take very seriously the contention that that government alone is good «which seeks to attain the permanent interests of the governed by evolving the character of its citizens. [9]
  • While the people retain their virtue and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government in the short space of four years. [7]
  • It has been reported that I was seriously ill—it was another man; dying—it was another man; dead —the other man again. [5]
  • She did not reply, but looked at her seriously. [2]
  • She did not reply by any word, but nodded quaintly, and blinked seriously and yet blithely on him. [11]
  • I would seriously recommend to the government of the United States that when a man commits a crime so heinous that the law provides no adequate punishment for it, they make him Consul General to Tangier. [5]
  • Set in a recess of the wall and illumined with electric light was an oil-painting the show-woman seriously declared to be a lifelike and realistic picture of the Chair in which the Mother sat when she composed her ‘inspired’ work. [5]
  • While Scott was read at the North for his knowledge of human nature, as he always will be read, the chivalric age which moves in his pages was taken more seriously at the South, as if it were of continuing importance in life. [4]
  • That lawyer finished quite seriously, and with dignity. [5]
  • It took itself quite seriously, and was lovably comical. [5]
  • Learned military authorities quite seriously tell us that Kutuzov should have moved his army to the Kaluga road long before reaching Fili, and that somebody actually submitted such a proposal to him. [2]
  • Could it be possible that he was seriously affected? [5]
  • Girls out of pinafores must begin seriously to consider some calling. [4]
  • A good many people were hurt, some of them seriously, and among them Philip Sterling was found bent across the seat, insensible, with his left arm hanging limp and a bleeding wound on his head. [5]
  • The years had passed without his seriously thinking of this inevitable day. [11]
  • I’m seriously put out with you. [9]
  • A poor poem or essay does not do much harm after all; nobody reads it who is like to be seriously hurt by it. [6]
  • But the general opinion concerning the queer husband of «the most distinguished woman in Petersburg» was so well established that no one took his freaks seriously. [2]
  • He found it only too easy to sing her praises; but as he did so with growing enthusiasm Katharina hit him on the arm exclaiming, half in jest and half seriously vexed: «Oh, she is a goddess! [10]
  • On the 12th, one who was seriously sick. [3]
  • Well, time ran on, and there came a time when I was able to gratify one of my youthful ambitions—I could buy the choicest Havana cigars without seriously interfering with my income. [5]

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It contains example sentences with the word seriously, a sentence example for seriously, and seriously in sample sentence.

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