Sentence with word separate

Synonym: divide, isolate, part, partition, segregate, sort. Antonym: unite. Similar words: separate from, separation, reparation, apparatus, prepare, depart, repartee, departure. Meaning: [‘sepəreɪt]  n. 1. a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication 2. a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments. v. 1. act as a barrier between; stand between 2. force, take, or pull apart 3. mark as different 4. separate into parts or portions 5. come apart 6. divide into components or constituents 7. arrange or order by classes or categories 8. become separated into pieces or fragments 9. make a division or separation 10. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways 11. go one’s own way; move apart 12. treat differently on the basis of sex or race 13. divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork. adj. 1. independent; not united or joint 2. standing apart; not attached to or supported by anything 3. not living together as man and wife 4. characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing 5. separated according to race, sex, class, or religion 6. have the connection undone; having become separate. 

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1. May we have separate checks?

2. A brief summary is given on a separate sheet.

3. When did they separate last night?

4. The sofa is formed of three separate sections.

5. Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat.

6. The women are kept separate from the men.

7. Could we have separate checks?

8. The bag is divided into separate compartments .

9. They allotted a separate desk to everyone.

10. The children sleep in separate beds.

11. The laboratory was reorganized as a separate establishment.

12. They went their separate ways.

13. He headed us into a small separate room.

14. The best solution would be for them to separate.

15. The school is housed in two separate buildings.

16. Use separate knives for raw and cooked meat.

17. He sold his birds separately to separate buyers.

18. We’d like to have separate checks.

19. They have been seen together on two separate occasions.

19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

20. They have gone to separate places.

21. We are so in love, but love to separate.

22. The mind exists as a separate entity .

23. The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.

24. The museums work closely together, but are separate legal entities.

25. Demands for a separate Siberia are confined for now to the lunatic fringe.

26. Separate off the top of the cream and use it to make butter.

27. Oh, I am not going to die, am I? He will not separate us, we have been so happy. 

28. The two halves of the main branch have grown apart, forming separate trees.

29. He rescued the company and later spun off its textile division into a separate company.

30. The dogs started to snarl at each other so I had to separate them.

More similar words: separate from, separation, reparation, apparatus, prepare, depart, repartee, departure, take part in, depart from, parade, parallel, paragon, paramour, paradox, paradigm, parasite, paralysis, comparable, exhilaration, rate, prate, berate, operate, vibrate, grateful, desperate, tolerate, at any rate, cooperate. 

Examples of how to use the word “separate” in a sentence. How to connect “separate” with other words to make correct English sentences.

separate (adj, v): existing or happening independently or in a different physical space; to (cause to) divide into parts

Use “separate” in a sentence

The two questions are essentially separate.
No one can separate them.
They separate us into 2 groups.
We sleep in separate rooms.

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How to use separate in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «separate» and check conjugation/comparative form for «separate«. Mastering all the usages of «separate» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The two brands have separate names, separate lobbies and separate price points.
That means separate ID cards and separate accounts, along with, probably, a separate pool of participating doctors.
«My message to Ohioans remains the same: Separate, separate, separate,» DeWine said in an interview with CNN on Thursday.
There are really three separate fields getting conflated though: These can overlap — there are humanoid virtual influencers for example — but they represent separate challenges, separate business opportunities, and separate societal concerns.
Girls and boys lined up separately, used separate bathrooms, had separate gym time in separate spaces, had different dress codes.
Insurers would have to send the bills in separate envelopes with separate postage, or in separate emails, and consumers would be instructed to make separate payments by check or electronic funds transfer.
Third, taxpayers must consent in separate written documents to each separate disclosure and to each separate use of tax return information.
It’s very much a separate story with a separate character.
He was working separate, so the Joker was working separate.
«Both are separate species, each from separate oceans,» he said.
How could two separate planes hit the two separate towers?
Three separate photo shoots, three separate teams going to California.
Gooding has now been charged by police in three separate incidents, on three separate dates, involving three separate accusers in New York.
The two were high school sweethearts in 1944 before they went their separate ways, lived separate lives, raised separate sets of children.
There’s a separate power button and a separate Bluetooth pairing button.
It still runs as a separate company with separate stock listing.
Separate beds were crucial, and separate houses around them a luxury.
«If they separate us, they separate us,» said Mr. Cruz, 41.
Boys and girls are kept in separate buildings and follow separate schedules.
I hope people can separate, especially media figures, can separate out difference.
I wasn’t an isolated «I,» a separate person with a separate consciousness.
Hailey Baldwin already has three separate twin tats with three separate BFFs.
We have a separate board that oversees [it and] a separate strategy.
Johnson «does some separate things, I do some separate things,» McCaskill said.
Two separate dose combinations would be delivered in two separate injection pens.
«Typically you have separate LIDAR, separate camera, and separate motion sensors and fuse them in a central compute box,» says Aeva co-founder Soroush Salehian.
The war intensified from 1972 onward, with the rival guerrilla armies fighting in separate areas, from separate rear-bases and with separate command structures and strategies.
They are forced to live in separate villages and drink from separate wells.
With the two age groups, we would often separate shooting at separate times.
Party doesn’t separate us; color, gender, those kinds of things don’t separate us.
This meant that drivers had to purchase separate cards to access separate tunnels.
The two kidnapping charges are separate cases with separate alleged victims, Gulluni said.
A similar page appears to display a separate feed from a separate drone.
Her and I are two separate individuals that he exploited at separate times.
«That’s a separate subject to be taken up at a separate time,» Trump said.
Existing CaCs require separate restructuring for separate types of bonds issued by the government.
He reflected on the decision to separate IAC and Match into two separate businesses.
Short story … Keep separate property separate, pay your bills, and obey the speed limit.
Pursue your separate strengthsEven as kids, our separate skill sets worked in our favor.
SOCIAL Q’S When separate bank accounts support one spouse’s burden, are they really separate?
But because it is technically a separate corporation, it is taxably a separate person.
This would mean there were two separate blockchains and therefore two separate bitcoin tokens.
For instance, it will have to create a separate entrance to the facility for patients seeking abortions, hire separate personnel and establish a separate electronic health records system.
Like forget the affair, that whole thing, we can … that’s a separate conversation, separate debate.
Each year should be done on a separate form and mailed in a separate envelope.
«We have no separate bank or credit card accounts or any separate assets,» Wozniak tweeted.
Separate the rational from the irrational; separate what matters now to what doesn’t matter now.
Many couples keep their expenses separate and use their own separate credit cards for purchases.
A separate CNN report indicated that police were investigating three items in three separate locations.
If possible, stay in a separate room and use a separate bathroom from everyone else.
This separate market (with a separate risk pool) exists now, but it is very small.
This setup necessitated filming this iconic scene in two separate locations, on two separate occasions.
They built separate entrances and separate waiting rooms to physically quarantine abortion from other health care.
«We don’t separate in space, but we separate in time,» he said, referring to the events.
«If we have two gangs, we separate them into separate areas of that facility,» she continued.
Gutted and retiled, it will be divided into two separate kitchens, bustling with two separate staffs.
It sounds as if two separate employees found two separate bottles two days in a row.
So, as you see there’s no need to breach into separate users accounts or separate systems.
Race, racism and crime — cause and effect, action and reaction — are not separate histories or separate realities.
«These platforms used to be separate companies — Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp — with separate databanks,» Mr. Galloway said.
Mr. Giuca and Mr. Russo were tried together, but with separate juries to decide their separate fates.
Wiktor and Zula soon separate and settle in different countries only to reunite and separate once more.
«They’re trying to separate yoga from Hinduism, or separate it from its religious roots,» Mr. Hux said.
The thawed raw meat should be kept separate from human food and handled with separate kitchen equipment.
Only a few games separate each seed in the conference, and only four separate fifth and tenth.
The NextGen designs provide a separate entranceway, bedroom, living space, bathroom, kitchenette, laundry facilities and, in some cases, even separate temperature controls and separate garages with a lockable entrance to the main house.
«Separate registrations and separate returns have to be done for separate states where business is established,» explained Kaushal Dugar, founder of Teabox, an online tea retailer based in the northern town of Darjeeling.
For a while, I thought the two things were separate because people told me they should be separate.
That’s what’s happening in the Eye of Horus—except there are two separate galaxies, creating two separate reflections.
This separate network keeps your devices separate from theirs, especially if you’re in the habit of file-sharing.
Technically, what it does is separate out the company into its own entity, separate from the individual owners.
There was a separate guild that made the hands, there was a separate guild that made the cases.
«Those are separate issues, and that’s a separate dialogue,» Mnuchin said in an interview with Fox Business Network.
To separate her personal and professional lives, she had set up a separate Facebook page for her business.
True to the game, the orcs and humans in Warcraft each have separate stories, and draw separate sympathies.
Tenneco, a maker of vehicle systems, plans to separate the combined businesses into two separate publicly traded companies.
«That’s a separate subject to be taken up at a separate time,» Trump said, according to the Journal.
In the following years, he would be convicted of assault in two separate cases with two separate women.
We are rarely as ready to separate from our teenagers as they are ready to separate from us.
In the jail system, being segregated or what we call «separate» or «super separate» is considered… not cool.
While details like app settings and login information will transfer over from the phone, what displays on the infotainment system is in many ways a separate app, with separate software and separate oversight from automakers.
If multiple people want to supervise or edit at once, they’ll all need separate accounts or separate monthly subscriptions.
Uber confirmed to TechCrunch Uber Freight is a separate product from its self-driving trucks, with entirely separate teams.
He said the footage shows two separate scenes on two separate days at Kelly’s residence in the late 20023s.
Critical access hospitals should also be grouped together and separate from community hospital and separate from comprehensive treatment centers.
A trusteed I.R.A. allows the assets to be divided into separate accounts — as opposed to going to separate individuals.
My favorite aspect of the course is that we put together two separate budgets that maximize our separate paychecks.
It’s a separate practice, but increasingly you cannot separate text from the actual work … the work is text based.
She maintains a separate bedroom from her husband, and when the two travel, they stay in separate hotel suites.
«A separate request to N.C.T.U.E. is required because it is a separate database,» Mr. Caesar said in an email.
The CDC advises using a separate bedroom in your home to separate the sick relatives from the healthy ones.
These services are separate and distinct, differ in material ways and are governed by different laws and separate contracts.
This has evolved into a separate tool that lets you download Google data from all of its separate services.
So you can really think of this big generic question as composed of three separate questions with separate answers.
«Some propose a separate bathroom option for transgendered, but history has proven separate but equal does not work,» he said.
Thanks to the separate compartment for shoes in the bottom, this stylish and inconspicuous bag keeps items together, but separate.
The ask: Wright and Ling want two separate chains of command under HHS and two separate budgets within the department.
Separate the frame from the exercise, separate the communities into beginner and expert, and they’re at parity in six years.
What is interesting, per Axios: YC no longer plans to separate out its growth-stage investments in a separate fund.
In Kos, Suhair and her children followed the smuggler’s instructions, splitting up and buying separate plane tickets on separate days.
But McConnell signaled on Tuesday that immigration and the spending talks are on two separate tracks with two separate deadlines.
Similarly: How many of them have scammed a separate 30-day trial with a separate address to listen to Beyonce?
You don’t need a separate plan or phone number for the Watch, but you will need to pay a separate fee.
These days, many people find it easier to separate from their partner than to separate from their romantic ideals and fantasies.
Water is bad To rewind a bit, before Aegon’s conquest, Westeros was actually seven separate kingdoms ruled by seven separate kings.
She has a separate bank account for work, which she uses to keep her business expenses separate from her personal ones.
But you have to separate MS-13 from those individuals who, from the dreamers, you have to separate MS-133 from.
The offer of having separate connectivity might find some use among people who use two separate phones like… I dunno, smugglers?
Law enforcement sources told the news outlet that the two brothers were booked on separate flights to Tokyo on separate airlines.
Older vintages of capitalism tended to separate those rich in capital and those with high incomes from labour into separate classes.
«It’s silly to me for it to have its own separate category, separate from robotics and AI for example,» she said.
Officials are less likely now to separate parents from children, but they continue to separate grandparents from grandchildren, siblings from siblings.
Long story short, two separate battery flaws from two separate manufacturers caused some Note 7 phones to overheat and catch fire.
Or do you want to keep it separate, like this is watching sports, this is betting on sports, they’re separate things?
But they did their work in facilities separate from white workers and were required to use separate restrooms and dining facilities.
At the time, ARPA was funding three separate computer research projects and using three separate computer terminals to communicate with them.
Men enter through separate doors and pay in separate lines; women sometimes eat behind partitions to ensure privacy from male strangers.
It’s about looking at how different types of oppression like racism, income inequality, and misogyny actually intersect and complicate one another, rather than looking at those problems as separate issues that hurt separate communities of people in separate ways.
Their lawyer would only talk about why he thought a separate contraceptive-only plan would not work (though the government allows for separate dental plans, and many of us also have separate prescription coverage, vision coverage, and the like).
«Even if you wanted to separate those two things, you can’t separate the two, they are intrinsically and inextricably tied,» she said.
Though your pilot has a separate skill-tree, and each Javelin has its own separate skill tree, your pilot affects all Javelins.
This is on top of a separate distribution of $2300m last November from a separate fund run by the Department of Justice.
As a result, they each require a separate hub to integrate with your home network, and in turn, their own separate apps.
And then there seems to be a separate app for every product you install, which requires its own separate account and login.
«We’ve built up Seattle as more of a separate location with its own separate factions that work differently from LA,» says Ellison.
«Right before I came here, we talked about separating,» NeNe said, adding that they discussed moving from separate rooms into separate houses.
The bank violated three separate provisions of the act between about 2006 and 2016, the regulator, which did a separate investigation, said.
His wife was convicted in a separate trial and given a one-year sentence but remained free while pursuing a separate appeal.
The new reconciliation agreement aims to reunite the Palestinians, who since 2007 have lived in separate territories and under separate adversary governments.
The Big Nugget has four separate spaces that could be considered separate rooms: the driver and passenger area, bedroom, bathroom, and kitchenette.
The reform bill or a separate bill should be crafted to economically separate those patients from the rest of the insurance pool.
Daudt said environmental and water permitting for building a home can involve up to five separate agencies and mandate five separate permits.
And then we’re talking about our bodies again, that sense of being both separate and not separate from the skin we’re in.
For nearly a month, the Somali refugee family lived separate lives on separate continents, begging authorities to help them live together again.
In a separate separate letter, DeFazio gave notice to committee ranking member Sam Graves (R-MO) that he may subpoena the GSA.
A separate industry source said it is likely that different agreement on separate issues — forced technology transfer, intellectual property, changes to China’s legal system — would require separate verification processes, all of which will need to be hammered out by negotiators.
We can have a separate discussion about whether some of those tax hikes, separate from the concept of Obamacare, themselves make policy sense.
They announce separate first- and second-team squads at the start of the each season, because the juniors compete in a separate league.
They have separate beds and separate hobbies, but they share an apartment, and try to create a sense of continuity for each other.
Take the Grammys, for instance: Breitbart published two separate stories about two separate politically charged clothing choices, from Katy Perry and Joy Villa.
«The compromise that I … have represented to him is to separate the bill into two separate bills,» the senator said in the interview.
A «one room» concept, East Boston’s new library features separate areas for adults, teens and children without splitting these groups into separate rooms.
The first lady’s strategy was to pack a separate bag for each stop of the trip, taking every stop as a separate focus.
Donald Trump’s nearness to the presidency rests on two separate accomplishments — or, if you prefer, two separate institutional failures — that are often conflated.
Then get it insured, either as part of your homeowners or renters coverage (you may need a separate rider) or a separate policy.
«Under the law they’re legalized as five separate employers, you’d have to organize literally five separate companies at the same time,» Clack explained.
Separate deals: Lighthizer said he would be willing to break the negotiations into separate bilateral negotiations, but that that would not be ideal.
While separate beds may be the answer, many of us just don’t have the space, meaning that separate blankets is the ideal compromise.
Roll out the pasta and make the raviolo: Separate the remaining 4 eggs, placing each of the yolks into 4 separate small bowls.
Portland General Electric, for instance, had to set up a separate billing system for home-grow operations to keep them separate from Bonneville.
He believed that all separate individuals and all separate loyalties are mere fragments of a spiritual unity — an Absolute Knower, a moral truth.
A separate class action lawsuit recently brought in the District of Columbia on behalf of separated children seeks a separate stay on deportations.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, boys and girls are kept in separate tents and use separate bathrooms and showers.
Do you want a separate place for each of your devices, or do you hate searching through dozens of separate pockets for your EarPods?
This may be less obvious in an intra-group outsourcing scenario, but for a separate legal entity with a separate licence, it is essential.
«Looking back, it would have been better for me to use two separate phones and two separate email accounts,» she said at the time.
If you and your estranged spouse are leading separate lives in separate homes, you might be thinking of filing your taxes that way, too.
Three separate regional federal appeals courts had ruled against Saint Peter’s, Advocate and Dignity in separate cases, refusing to dismiss employees’ lawsuits against them.
The Nepalese guards had separate facilities from the 25 or so Western contractors who also lived at the camp, as well as separate rules.
It also aims to separate upstream from midstream operations and to separate gas infrastructure ownership and operations from gas trading, the oil ministry said.
The world tends to give humanitarian efforts and development efforts their own separate bureaucracies and unlisted phone numbers, as if they’re wholly separate concerns.
The dozen female players on the joint ice hockey team sleep in separate dorms and ride a separate bus from their South Korean teammates.
Eventually, those running the monastery decided to separate the monks and the nuns and have each group live on separate sides of the river.
Open a separate savings accountWhen you&aposre saving toward a specific goal, it can be helpful to open a separate savings account for it.
The air in the expansion engine is frozen to negative 320 degrees Fahrenheit to separate nitrogen, and negative 297 degrees Fahrenheit to separate oxygen.
It was possible that the effort could’ve been broken into separate bond measures — say, one for elementary schools and a separate one for universities.
DVD rentals would fall under a new Qwikster brand, which meant customers would have to manage two separate queues and pay two separate bills.
We have lifted bodies with our hands, lifted heads that are separate, lifted legs that are separate, and put them all together into graves.
In a separate opinion concurring in the unsigned May 16 ruling, Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor noted that in earlier briefs, the plaintiffs had indicated that they would regard only a «separate policy with a separate enrollment process» as sufficiently hands-off.
Consider the recent case of liberal comedian Rosie O’Donnell, who has acknowledged exceeding the campaign finance limits on five separate occasions, in five separate jurisdictions.
Some devices will separate the 43K titles out into a separate category, but this isn’t visible on all platforms with an Amazon Prime Video app.
There are two distinct strategies and we feel like having separate vehicles with separate decision criteria that’s easy to define and measure keeps us pure.
The two-page charging document makes reference to two separate conversations with Kislyak, and to separate false statements prosecutors say he made regarding that communication.
Shares of Japan’s Softbank closed up 21.13 percent, after the company announced reorganization plans to separate its domestic and overseas businesses with separate chief executives.
BHGE is also a stand-alone SEC registrant with its own separate SEC filings under Form 10-Q and 10-K as a separate company.
As Luxenberg points out, the concept «separate but equal» (the phrase the Court used in Plessy was actually «equal but separate«) was hardly a novelty.
In two separate meetings with two separate longtime clients, I had the same piece of advice: «Go spend some money» was my message to both.
Kissing was separate from sex, separate from lust, similar to the way you applied lip gloss at your locker, knowing a boy would be watching.
There has always been a separate college admissions system for the wealthy, just as there has always been a separate criminal justice system for them.
And even if I could, by some feat of cinephilic sophistry, separate those movies from Mr. Allen’s life, I can’t possibly separate them from mine.
For years, the retailer has operated two separate apps: its flagship Walmart app (the blue one) and its separate Walmart Grocery app (the orange one).
«I haven’t heard any strong argument for why they need to have separate classrooms, why they need separate instruction,» she said, referring to gifted students.
«There can be no separate college admission system for the wealthy, and I’ll add that there will not be a separate criminal justice system either.»
South Carolina, for example, used an «eight-box» system under which voters were required to place ballots for eight separate offices in eight separate boxes.
Two separate witness videos then revealed two separate violent acts: As the motorist stepped out of the car, the first officer punches him in the face.
Once you figured out that every subjective moment produced its own separate timeline, you just had to figure out how to separate them from one perspective.
The next step for the GOP leadership would be to introduce a package of separate — emphasis on «separate» — bills that tackle a range of replacement issues.
But the TV … Now more than ever, it’s more clearly that the TV is really a separate operation, a separate sort of strategy than the online.
» O’Connor said the law «specifically permits educational institutions to provide separate toilets, locker rooms, and showers based on sex, provided that the separate facilities are comparable.
NPR reported on Thursday that Levinsohn has been a defendant in two separate sexual harassment lawsuits while at separate companies before joining the Times in August.
» Dr. Chopra explained: «The moment you identify yourself as separate from other beings, or other people, or separate from life in general then you will suffer.
The way that game world was set up was that you had kind of separate areas, separate strongholds, that you’d sort of land in and explore.
«I see this as a potential tool to address a separate issue: socioeconomic diversity, which is separate from racial diversity,» Raj Chetty, a Harvard economist, said.
«While taking separate honeymoons may seem extreme, highly individuated couples may view their independence and separate experiences as a strength of their relationship,» Ms. Bobby said.
Who best to administer it but a spouse with her own, separate bedroom in the White House and her own, separate hotel suite when they travel?
Drivers say it’s not worth the hassle to pick up two separate riders for a fare that’s usually much less than two entirely separate UberX rides.
Those entities, such as Planned Parenthoods, which also provide abortions, must do this with a strict separation of abortion and other reproductive health services: separate financial accounting, separate channels to make appointments, and, as typically interpreted by many Title X directors, separate physical spaces as well.
I asked Apple for comment on this story twice, and emailed a separate Apple contact I have, who works in a separate branch of Apple’s PR team.
Does burying all of the information a user needs deep within separate documents on separate web pages adequately inform a user about what they are agreeing to?
«There can be no separate college admissions system for the wealthy and I will add there will not be a separate criminal justice system either,» Lelling said.
The super PAC rents out separate rooms and hosts separate briefings to comply with election laws, but Cruz himself and his wife, Heidi, are expected to visit.
Rockets hit on or near three separate military bases housing U.S. forces near Baghdad and in the northern city of Mosul in three separate attacks since Friday.
This entire situation is perhaps a bit unfortunate on the user experience side, as consumers will now have to visit separate storefronts for separate types of content.
The process was unwieldy, to put it mildly, entailing the use of three separate cameras to shoot and then three separate projectors to display in a theater.
The legislature also moved to apply a separate, recently passed law on the national anthem to Hong Kong and Macau, Chinese semiautonomous regions with separate legal systems.
From there, separate your tropical and leafy into two groups: The ones you water often and the ones you water less often should be two separate groups.
«No matter how busy we get or how we have our separate lives with our separate families, we have children that really bring us together,» she says.
Bodies are not assembled as cleanly as plumbing systemsVaginal and clitoral orgasms are not separate because the vagina and the clitoris, as anatomical structures, are not separate.
«I wouldn’t mind seeing a separate deal with Canada, where you have one type of product, so to speak, and a separate deal with Mexico,» he said.
It means that women get their contraceptives covered through their existing insurance plan, without having to seek out a separate insurer or apply for a separate policy.
Countries «have separate legal systems, separate information technology systems, different practices as far as how they follow through on their privacy and civil liberty obligations,» Brennan said.
The commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, described those as «separate issues,» and Mexico and Canada say they expect those tariffs to be worked out on a separate track.
It featured two separate sinks, a roomy standing shower, a separate small room for the toilet, and, my personal favorite feature, a deep, claw-footed soaking tub.
Twitter just made a major change to the way tweets appear on its website: clicking on a tweet now opens a separate separate window within your timeline.
Each precinct leader had 36 separate figures to report, along with two separate six-digit verification numbers — and there were more than 1,700 precincts, including the satellites.
The payment is separate from a $50.3 million settlement that the bank reached in April 2016 to resolve claims in a separate NCUA lawsuit, the regulator said.
I don’t have an issue with there being two separate data requests for Twitter and Periscope, as the former clearly runs the latter as a separate service.
«The President laid out his direction, and we were looking at a number of options, everything from a separate department, separate secretary, separate service, all the way down to perhaps the left bookend which would be more of a medical corps, JAG corps kind of a model,» Goldfein explained.
That means, you should separate your business’s finances from your own by opening a bank account and using a separate credit card for your side hustle, she said.
The Fed also said it was terminating a separate 2011 enforcement action against Citigroup on a separate residential mortgage loan servicing matter, citing sustainable improvements by the bank.
But we have completely separate development teams, completely separate formulas, our shadows are totally different, our lipsticks are totally different, and we don’t share that with each other.
«I feel you will never be able to separate me from where I came from,» he says, «and you’ll never be able to separate me from my experiences.»
That jailhouse informant, Francisco Vicente, told police that he had allegedly received five separate confessions in three separate murder cases over the span of six weeks in 1993.
But movies and TV shows you purchased over the years will now live in a separate app called Apple TV. Podcasts will live in a separate podcasts app.
«I separate my white denim from my black denim and separate THAT from my denim denim (lol), which is organized from light wash to dark wash,» she explains.
Vacation rentals also tend to have separate bedrooms, so parents can enjoy a little privacy while the kids sleep in a separate room or on the sofa-bed.
A separate vote to remove the self-executing amendment from the rule and another one to make it a separate amendment failed on 4-8 party line votes.
In the sex party context, let’s say for a couple, it might be that their boundary is not to separate during a party and play with separate people.
Plessy argued that the Separate Car Act, which required all railroads to provide equal but separate accommodation, was violating his rights under the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.
A separate bankruptcy filing on May 15 described the mediation process as «highly adversarial» and said that at least 11 separate sessions had been held over a year.
«Just say ‘we’re going to have higher security in some places [so] you may have to separate some of your things and keep your electronics separate‘,» he said.
He recommends separate accounts for various aspects of the business: income, operating expenses, owners compensation, taxes, and profit, with an additional separate profit account in a different bank.
If facilities were not available, semi-separate, soft-sided camp facilities capable of sheltering up to 4,000 people were to be constructed at three separate locations, the Pentagon said.
Under the old rule, each separate McDonald’s franchise was treated as a separate business under labor law, which insulated McDonald’s itself from liability for labor problems at individual restaurants.
A president of one party facing a House in another party ensures that separate institutions will voice separate opinions This is a feature, not a bug of the system.
» Musk said the merger would «break down the barriers inherent to being separate companies» and that they were separate in the first place was «largely an accident of history.
The lawyer said that Retrophin and MSMB shared a single computer server, but that their respective documents were on separate areas of the server, and protected by separate passwords.
«The tape was shot in the late ’90s, approximately 1999, it depicts two separate scenes shot on two separate days within Mr. Kelly’s residence at the time,» Avenatti continued.
The Saudi attackers on the 9/11 also dressed in plain clothes and lived in separate terrorist cells for over a year before carrying out attacks on separate flights.
The Louisiana Supreme Court agreed, adding that, if the Separate Cars Act were declared unconstitutional, many other state laws—on separate schools, intermarriage, and so forth—would be affected.
Baton Rouge and its federal partners enter into a multitude of separate government contracts defining the many tasks and responsibilities of marsh restoration as separate «deliverables» to the government.
Former NASA employee and DreamWorks animator Betsy Asher Hall blended three separate images from three separate JunoCam close-ups to create this deep blue view of the planet’s southern storms.
MS: And so began a years-long effort that involved more than 20 separate suits, brought by two separate lawyers that again, this process ran over a period of years.
If Britain agreed to mutual enforcement of standards with the EU, it could not then agree to sign a separate deal with other countries (such as China) involving separate standards.
Scientists don’t really understand why the fertilized eggs—called zygotes at this point—decide to split, but it doesn’t happen as often as two separate sperm fertilizing two separate eggs.
«The way we’ve built this is to separate social and financial data,» Marcus said, «because we’ve heard loud and clear from people that they want those two data streams separate
Having two headquarters would make it possible to separate AWS from Amazon’s retail operation with very little hassle, if regulators ever suggest breaking up the giant firm into separate parts.
She’d proven to two separate flight attendants that she was a doctor two separate times, and still, somehow, they had doubts about her credentials—just like they’d had about Cross’s.
Later, as precincts broke off into smaller groups, residents of two separate precincts were forced to vote together in their separate caucuses at the same time in the school’s library.
«If they were sincere in reaching peace, they should have come, even if we were meeting in separate rooms,» he told a separate news conference before leaving the Swiss city.
As he pointed out, it didn’t make a lot of sense from a business perspective to be running two separate entities with separate executive teams, bookkeeping systems and sales teams.
Or for a quick calculation of, say, percentage change I use a Texas Instruments scientific calculator I keep on my desk (see previous discussion of separate devices for separate purposes).
The patient should be confined to a separate room with no or minimal contact with the rest of the household (including pets), and should use a separate bathroom if possible.
The patient should be confined to a separate room with no or minimal contact with the rest of the household (including pets), and should use a separate bathroom if possible.
In December, HHS unveiled a rule requiring private insurers on Obamacare markets to send patients separate monthly bills to separate the portion of the premium that goes toward abortion coverage.
«They’ve never been joined at the hip,» says a White House official, explaining that the separate schedules, and separate modes of transport, aren’t necessarily a signal of trouble at home.
Several members of the surgical team which will work to separate the Bhutanese girls previously worked on the successful operation to separate conjoined Bangladeshi twins Trishna and Krishna in 2009.
WSJ’s sources say that cleaning the ice cream machine took 11 separate steps, including removing and washing seven separate parts, and brushing «two fixed parts» for a full minute each.
Facebook’s excuse for this is that ads belong to «a separate team, separate algorithm,» but surely it just doesn’t want to open itself up to users mass-blocking its revenue driver.
Another separate media report out of China Wednesday claimed that researchers within the country had found two separate drugs that can inhibit the effect of the new strain of the coronavirus.
However, they can also be a hedge for a separate long position — when a fund has a separate option on which it will profit if the price of the security rises.
I could separate the art from the artist mostly, but I can’t separate if you know you’re doing something that is hurtful, and I believe that these guys have to know.
The mission is one of the most challenging in SpaceX history, with four separate upper-stage engine burns and three separate orbits to deploy satellites, the company said on its website.
As you can see above, the LAS managed to separate successfully, then turn around as planned to correctly orient the Orion test vehicle, and then separate itself from the crew capsule.
The Box Was Divided Into Separate Rooms According to the Los Angeles Times, the makeshift shelter where Kirk and the children lived was made of plywood and divided into separate rooms.
«We realized we would forever be grouped as ‘one’ so we decided to go to separate universities to carve out a separate identity rather than a shared one,» she tells me.
Carson’s NCSA will be separate from the military, except when it’s not: Such an agency must be kept separate from the military, but work with them when national security demands it.
One year later in July 2005, London’s transportation network was the target of a highly coordinated terrorist attack that included the detonation of three separate bombs on three separate rail lines.
The scope of the show was more ambitious—it moved between Russian mansions and suburban America, the past and the present, and with two separate casts acting on two separate planes.
I didn’t separate my personal and business financesWhen I first started out, I didn’t see the need to separate my personal and business finances since I wasn’t yet making any money.
A person in isolation should be confined to a separate room with no or minimal contact with the rest of the household (including pets) and use a separate bathroom if possible.
In a separate announcement Tuesday, the United States trade representative said the W.T.O. made a decision in its favor in a separate long-running dispute with Canada over trade in lumber.
Under the Affordable Care Act, state officials had to separate out the federal subsidies used to buy health insurance into separate funds so that no federal money would go toward abortions.
Well before the kingpin was extradited from Mexico two years ago to stand trial in New York, he was already facing six separate indictments filed in six separate federal judicial districts.
» He added: «I wish we could separate those two.
» Adds a separate Grande source, «It’s so, so sad.
» Adds a separate source, «He always put himself first.
He cannot «separate» himself – his name is his businesses.
Google, you find things … I mean, it’s all separate.
We are shared, rented, occupied» by «little separate creatures. . . .
» He added in a separate tweet: «I’m a Raider.
The restaurant and the company — I cannot separate it.
Color, gender — those kinds of things don’t separate us.
» In a separate comment, Kevin, 31, wrote, «WTF @ diplo.
Again, children excluded — that’s a somewhat separate issue. NATO.
Well, you asked … There are two separate questions there.
The big shift from 1996 to 2017 has been the convergence of once-separate media into one overarching digital medium known as the internet: Voice, music, news, photos, video — each of which was a separate medium and a separate industry — have converged as they all have become essentially bits in a single broadband bitstream.
This would be a separate set of investigators walled off from the team actually working on the case, who would separate out material they think could be subject to attorney-client privilege.
Just as it’s difficult to separate the Trump administration’s security concerns from its trade war, it’s equally difficult to separate Google’s reported security motivations from the potential effect on its bottom line.
On Thursday, Bitcoin Cash, itself a «fork» (or clone) of the original Bitcoin, split into two versions that will go their separate ways, and create their separate sets of headaches for users.
Co-workers seated at two separate ends of the office, friends who live across town, and long-distance couples have the ability to watch movies and television shows simultaneously from separate locations.
«To see communities on the border of Texas that are like, ‘We can’t be divided, we can’t be separate‘ is so impactful,» said Downtown Boys singer Victoria Ruiz in a separate interview.
While Sanders tends to portray these as separate ideas with separate financing, I thought it’d be worth adding them up and seeing what the tax code looks like with all of them.
Each little patch, very tiny patch, has been dedicated to all these different functions, which we know are separate networks and are doing separate tasks, which is kind of a modular approach.
On a separate issue, the Kansas Supreme Court also said that the brothers should have had separate penalty proceedings because the evidence supporting one brother’s sentence could be antagonistic of the other.
To stop living in a world where we are all separate and come together in a world of interbeing, a world where we are part of God’s creation not separate from creation.
Mr. Sullivan said the woman would have been placed in a separate cell had the court ordered that she be kept separate from the general population, but no such order was issued.
The mission was one of the most challenging in SpaceX history, with four separate upper-stage engine burns and three separate orbits to deploy the satellites, the company said on its website.
«I have to stress that each one of these are separate events, they are being investigated separately, we have two separate investigators in charge that are looking at different things,» he said.
In addition to stopping referring patients for abortions, Title X providers must now also financially separate any abortion-related services from their other offerings — and physically separate the two by March 2020.
For most of the year, the holy site’s prayer area is divided into separate halls for Jewish and Muslim worshipers, with separate entrances and each side administered by its own religious authority.
And since the company is using voice recognition to separate accounts, it’s not like you can just set up a separate user for your work calendar and tell the device to switch over.
According to Google’s own stats, the Russian government has made 175 separate requests for the search engine to remove sites it has banned, totaling more than 160,000 separate URLS, under the 2017 law.
A top priority, he said, would be to separate FIFA’s revenue-generating activities from its management of the game of soccer, carving out separate bodies focused on managing money and developing the sport.
In other words, you could have a widget of apps you use at home, another for work or you could separate your most-often used shortcuts from the rest in a separate widget.
The program is intended to provide information about station location, availability and status on the screen of recent Chevy Bolts, instead of consumers having to rely on separate phone apps for separate networks.
The regulators granted the extension because the banks are in the process of simplifying their organizational structures under a separate rule, the Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation said in separate statements.
There are songs on it that are seriously me and Jeremy each turning a separate radio dial plugged into a separate Effectron and doing a duet of turning the radio through the Effectron.
Separate business and nuclear operations: Especially for critical infrastructure, keeping networks separate is crucial since it’s «really hard to do damage to a nuclear facility until you reach the control system,» Boyer said.
Another Swiss-based investment vehicle for Renova, Tiwel Holding, took out a separate 350 million franc credit from the same banks minus UBS in July 2016, according to a separate Takeover Board filing.
Xerox announced in January that it would separate into two independent publicly traded companies after being pressured by the activist investor Carl C. Icahn, who argued that separate companies would be more valuable.
Its backers say that just as importantly it will let companies export the same product anywhere within the bloc without having to meet separate requirements and fill out separate paperwork for each country.
It shows us woman and man (Oksana Maslova and Arian Molina Soca) both cooperating and independent; at times they exist in separate zones of the stage, doing separate solos at the same time.
Like department stores, festivals like to separate their offerings into friendly consumer categories and this year, the New York Film Festival put most of its nonfiction into a separate section, Spotlight on Documentary.
In Arkansas, there have been several unsuccessful attempts to separate the two holidays, with lawmakers trying to pass a bill that would have created a separate memorial for Lee on a different date.
Sure, it’s a plot device, but at one point, seven separate parties have seven separate reasons for wanting to possess it, which places so much weight on the plot device that it’s unsustainable.
She would also separate immigration and law enforcement agencies into separate entities, and reshape the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and would support comprehensive reform.
But just as it’s impossible to separate Cruz’s actions from the broader climate of violence, and in particular gun violence, in America, it’s impossible to separate his beliefs from the culture around him.
The Florida Department of Corrections shows he served five separate sentences in state prisons between 1991 and 2014, for 33 separate offenses, of forgery, burglary, grand theft, fleeing and eluding, and drug charges.
The year’s actions completed, the members went their separate ways.
I think it’s almost like there are two separate problems.
Once I did have a separate office, it was amazing.
Place the flour and eggs in 2 separate shallow dishes.
Turkey has long feared Kurdish aspirations for a separate state.
The political and official spheres are separate for a reason.
Then, users must authenticate their identities in three separate ways.
Meanwhile, crews in Southern California continued to battle separate wildfires.
Do you want to separate that completely from your music?
Luke is seen having separate confrontations with Garrett and Peter.
Both planes were carrying cruise ship guests on separate excursions.
I guess you can separate model parks and theme parks.
Each of the defendants was convicted on seven separate counts.
Earlier, the company’s industrial, and safety & graphics businesses were separate.
Irving Oil is a separate business, run by another family.
I think of them as separate records, to be honest.
It was blocked last month by a separate federal court.
Place balls of aluminum paper in between racks to separate.
Wednesday. Six separate «Happy hump day» emails in your inbox.
It may, in fact, be impossible to separate these strands.
They repeatedly lied to FISA court judges four separate times.
Six years later, Berkshire made Brooks a separate business unit.
The thing is that left and right were never separate.
He also had a separate meeting with top military leaders.
In hospitals, his people were relegated to a separate section.
Five secular bloggers were killed in 2015 in separate incidents.
Wirapol faces separate charges of child molestation and child abduction.
«This is a completely separate flow (of money),» he added.
A separate naming rights case is still to be heard.
They both looked happy,» a separate source tells PEOPLE. «J.
We can separate sex from reproduction for the first time.
The White House is also threatening China with separate duties.
ICE does not separate children and parents at the border.
He established a new policy to separate families from children.
But too often in our movement, we separate those things.
In an earlier, separate statement, Toshiba outlined concerns at Westinghouse.
Niantic is hosting a separate event that starts on Dec.
She made the official final cut to separate the boys.
The separate wireless adapter was available as an optional purchase.
Five secular bloggers were killed in 2015 in separate incident.
We don’t try to make them feel separate or different.
Place flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs in 3 separate shallow dishes.
» Faruqui also called the Mueller investigation a «separate focused matter.
We do not want to separate parents from their children.
Instead, they divvy up monthly data allotments into separate buckets.
Another separate recent study also awarded Hawaii the top spot.
The young children are receiving care at a separate facility.
Peckham: What will separate the winners from the losers here?
Could these competing layers of reality separate us even further?
South Korea and the United States have imposed separate sanctions.
And so, the Starks go their separate, variably satisfying ways.
It was always the plan to do two separate ones.
Now, it’s important to separate the politics from the policy.
They are all totally separate crew, directors, directors of photography.
Communication and reasoning are what separate us from other animals.
I will note, in a completely separate space from Google.
It has four separate amplifiers, one for each sound channel.
The note referenced four separate incidents the NAACP says happened.
And there’s a separate trademark for candles and candle accessories.
She’s been charged with 12 separate counts, including aggravated assault.
Truly, the lines that separate any of us are thin.
The FreeLace earbuds will be a separate accessory for €99.
Audrina Patridge and Ryan Cabrera have gone their separate ways.
A separate branch still operates in Sanaa under the Houthis.
But if you vote you can no longer separate yourself.
And anyway, I.C.E does not separate kids at the border.
Only four points separate Friesen, Crafton, Hill and Enfinger, however.
Video used to be a separate division within the company.
Some artists may even have separate albums for each category.
Adjacent are a large scullery and a separate television room.
Fuel economy and trade «are two separate issues,» Fields said.
Handguns and certain semiautomatic rifles required separate permits to purchase.
These meeting rooms are separate from the CrunchMatch networking program.
It’s happened to me with three separate coworkers, all male.
It carries a separate consignment of arms loaded in Antwerp.
We went to our separate bedrooms and remained there, smoldering.
Now, a separate programmer has gone in the opposite direction.
I didn’t want to erect walls or barriers that separate.
Whisk together pumpkin, oil and sugars in a separate bowl.
Place the eggs and breadcrumbs in two separate shallow dishes.
The company charges a separate subscription fee for corporate customers.
«Based on it, we’ve decided to go our separate ways.»
The life simulation aspect and the RPG gameplay aren’t separate.
Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris are going their separate ways.
READ: South Korea, Japan hit back at Trump Separate ways?
Bloomberg managed to get their votes in three separate elections.
So you have separate spirits for art, music and writing?
Tallies from the separate presidential ballot had not been released.
Previously they were in a separate section of the site.
Uber set up its China unit as a separate entity.
Two people died in separate traffic crashes, local media reported.
Separate DOE data shows that those emissions rose last year.
How do you separate religious drinking from drinking for «fun»?
But enacting a law and enforcing it are separate matters.
The city’s budget is separate from the budget for CPS.
Heye left the RNC before the separate accounts were established.
WhatsApp is still a separate entity but Instagram is not.
The schools police are separate from the Baltimore Police Department.
These cannot be viewed as separate components in disparate silos.
Now there’s a separate tab for that kind of information.
In a separate bowl, whisk the milk, butter, and eggs.
It’s best to separate it and that’s what we’ll do.
«It’s all smoke and mirrors,» a separate Latino leader said.
Each of these modes was developed by a separate team.
The company’s new toolkits come in two separate sales levels.
Two things separate «Cure» from other books of this type.
It is constructed to keep us separate from our power.
And the presidential race is really 50 separate state races.
The rest would separate from service with no retirement benefits.
All three brands listed Hong Kong as a separate country.
Separate from Kushner’s legal bind, political pressure continues to build.
House Democrats also issued a separate rebuke to HUD Wednesday.
She had a separate bridal shower that I didn’t attend.
Each post presents Miguel with two separate but related tests.
Manafort’s lawyers also pressed two separate challenges to the indictment.
Having a separate account keeps everything organized in one place.
It’s just, they’re just gonna, we’re just gonna separate you.
Whether Carrey’s art is actually good is a separate matter.
Separate global codes cover foreign exchange and precious metals trading.
At the time Woobi believed Morrum was a separate company.
Like I said before, PC gaming is two separate hobbies.
More broadly, we can separate this into two different things.
«It’s time for them to separate completely,» says the insider.
These two proposals should not be treated as separate issues.
Japan’s market was closed Thursday for a separate public holiday.
A separate lawsuit by New York’s attorney general is pending.
And would twins Phil and Lil ever forge separate identities?
Genesis is now a separate brand of Hyundai Motor Group.
It’s cheaper to do it all together than separate adoptions.
It doesn’t even help with that problem, it’s completely separate.
The five separate occasions he promised not to cut Medicaid?
But they could separate themselves further if they wanted to.
No separate waxing strips are required here, which is major.
Is it possible to separate personal politics from comic books?
We keep our finances separate, which works well for us.
Cattrall responded to Parker’s message with a separate Instagram post.
There’s a separate issue of ‘Is that human judgment good?
We are not as separate as we think we are.
So I would really treat that as a separate issue.
It is separate from Xinhua, China’s national official news agency.
These things might look separate; in fact they are connected.
People want to separate humanitarian disasters from national security disasters.
But Google Ventures and Google (and Alphabet) are separate entities.
Separate data showed steel production at a record in June.
Zamot has worked with the board already on separate issues.
The refinery said three separate explosions erupted around 4 a.m.
» She added in a separate comment, «Who are these tattoos?
Two men died while snorkeling on separate trips of mine.
Come together — but hang on to your separate interests, too.
Separate from the story mode is a lightsaber training arena.
For decades, two separate structures have practised Catholicism in China.
Farming and cities are usually thought of as separate poles.
I don’t believe it’s healthy to separate them so much.
Separate from Amazon Studios, Donoghue’s team also reports to Blackburn.
Marketing teams had separate tools as did customer support representatives.
Seven more were arrested Friday afternoon in a separate protest.
The box unfolds and two separate compartments hold each sneaker.
Pete Davidson and Cazzie David have gone their separate ways.
First of all, trade and ZTE are two separate issues.
«We’re just going to go our separate ways,» she said.
They could have had a separate second problem as well.
We need to unite a society, not separate a society.
» I said, «Well, let’s run it as a separate company.
Both companies circulated separate memos following inquiries from several employees.
I learned a lot, but we’re going our separate ways.
The mistake is to think they remain separate between countries.
Weinstein currently faces three separate rape charges in New York.
A separate negligence lawsuit has been filed against Arizona Gov.
Could you keep the new memories separate from your own?
Invest in a separate SPF to apply over your moisturizer.
A separate train system, PATH, continues to run through Hoboken.
Mr Petro used to belong to a separate armed group.
Stacey Dash and Fox News have gone their separate ways.
It is also traded publicly as a separate stock holding.
We agree to introvert in separate rooms for a while.
«My heart is torn into two separate places,» Abi shared.
The government averted a separate strike by air traffic controllers.
Meanwhile, your standard network stays separate for your own use.
No one wanted to send troops to separate the parties.
When it comes to enforcement, we separate behavior from beliefs.
The two separate indictments against Manafort are seen as unusual.
A separate setting covers sharing this data with app developers.
A separate Stanford study sides with EFF on the matter.
» «He is unable or unwilling to separate truth from falsehood.
In a separate statement today, Netflix welcomed its new hire.
It was my goal to separate him from that garbage.
The legal issues are somewhat separate from the political ramifications.
Bruce Isackson (charged by separate information along with his wife)
This effectively means that Neurala has three separate business models.
The group allegedly ran two separate but related fraud schemes.
The only problem is, these journeys couldn’t be more separate.
Trump tried to apologize and move on three separate times.
The FBI has also offered a separate award of $10,000.
Each child had a separate heart and set of lungs.
With E10S, a separate process is created for web content.
In a separate, equally overloaded vehicle, Asya was utterly disorientated.
It’s difficult to believe that it’s not two separate images.
His wife, Farhat Naik, will address women in separate speeches.
It does not acknowledge having separate political and military wings.
For now, Starwood and Marriott will keep separate loyalty programs.
Agility in adopting new technologies will separate winners from losers.
«What’s the hold up?» she asked in a separate statement.
The big picture: The decisions are separate from pension benefits.
The ECB keeps banking supervision and monetary policy quite separate.
«You can’t separate money and emotion with people,» Evans said.
Then again, separate the farmers from individuals from rural Mexico.
Of course, there is plenty to separate the two presidents.
It must operate on a plane functionally separate from reality.
What’s going to separate premium Firefox from regular old Firefox?
In doing so, it shut down 22 separate InfoWars pages.
Q: You need a separate chipset alongside the video camera?
Physician payments were changed under separate Medicare legislation in 2015.
» Gjorka added in separate tweets, «I am literally so lucky.
Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney are going their separate ways.
These retailers hadn’t always planned to go their separate ways.
Prechtel eventually obtained it under FOIA from a separate agency.
The county on Sunday filed separate weapons charges against Suopys.
And a separate state statute bars search warrants against journalists.
The two outlets use different criteria to reach separate totals.
Are there really two separate minds in a bilingual brain?
Sofia Vergara and Kim Kardashian are two very separate people.
The company will provide a separate chip for automotive control.
The two sides had to separate, regroup and reconvene later.
An entire separate group of scenes takes place in Poland.
They would continue to have separate ownership and governance structures.
And we can use that technology… We’re two separate companies.
He simply cannot separate his job from loyalty to party.
The Senate held two separate hearings at which she testified.
They arrived in separate cars, but in the same motorcade.
«My story feels very separate from my paintings,» Downie says.
Better to separate these locals in order to subdue them.
The decision forced the family to separate for five years.
A separate, smaller group protested police shootings of black people.
There’s a reason this will air in two separate parts.
It will help separate your hairs for a solid trim.
Germany’s farming union DBV, a separate organisation, had on Aug.
Meaning you won’t have to buy a separate graphics card.
Or keep it in a drawer in a separate room.
Somebody is probably trying to separate you from your money.
We lived in separate time zones, thousands of miles apart.
«Or to separate yourself from it,» chimes in Hehner, 35.
The idea was to separate the hunts by age groups.
Separate the economic wheat from the chaff is the inference.
That income is steady and separate from our trip account.
Away from work, most were married, leading completely separate lives.
No Man’s Sky Virtual Reality is not a separate mode.
Separate hull and machinery policies cover vessels against physical damage.
Britain’s separate negotiations on its EU divorce terms complicate matters.
The adtech operations now form a separate company called Otello.
Or is this new headset separate from Facebook’s other efforts?
And I try to keep writing separate from my profession.
Max Baucus from Montana said in a separate CNBC interview.
Her case is being heard simultaneously by a separate jury.
Separate suits have been filed against Shutterfly, Snapchat and Google.
Others include Troy Carter and Alphabet (via separate investment arms).
Patrick’s body was found in a separate grave late Thursday.
Both countries claim Kashmir in full, but govern separate parts.
The new rule puts drone operations into two separate categories.
«These are separate issues and shouldn’t be confused,» Mnuchin said.
In a separate interview on the same program, Ohio Gov.
A separate poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation released Jan.
Did you know that Chappaqua is Indian for separate bedrooms?
She said that consumers don’t see the two as separate.
In February 2011, CalPERS decided to file a separate lawsuit.
Fahmi faces a second similar charge in a separate court.
Savannah Chrisley and Luke Kennard are going their separate ways.
A separate incident describes another defendant allegedly kicking a student.
And it’s really hard for me to separate the two.
But we do know it’s no longer a separate mode.
We’re told the church has actually facilitated keeping them separate.
Place the egg whites and cornstarch in two separate bowls.
They try to separate us but never going to happen.
The company first announced plans to separate lighting in 2014.
In a separate statement, TPG said it had fired McGlashan.
Other rockstar dads would have separate rooms from their kids.
But a separate White House official disputed that he resigned.
Seven climbers fell to their deaths in two separate incidents.
This is based on two separate interviews with Benjamin Watson.
A separate report reflected more promise for the housing market.
I communicated about classified material on a wholly separate system.
The company faces a separate criminal probe into the matter.
Before you ask, Kim and Kanye keep their finances separate.
Six Afghan soldiers were also wounded in a separate blast.
Holland and Barnes, 78, went their separate ways and remarried.
Kmart had been affected by a separate breach last June.
It can weaken, terrify and separate those close to it.
If I counted correctly, there were about 175 separate announcements.
So the brand clinical trials, they’re essentially a separate thing.
A separate GoFundMe labeled «FREE HOYT» garnered more than $13,000.
Ballet conductors and concert conductors tend to be separate species.
Smith & Wesson Brands will become a separate, publicly traded company.
But that money went to 34 separate campaigns and groups.
Outside the school, though, we mostly went our separate ways.
They’re typically held at brokerages, completely separate from your employer.
Viacom and CBS were split into separate companies in 2006.
Since then, Grimm has had to use a separate bathroom.
Cohen’s business dealings are part of a separate FBI investigation.
However, if you don’t separate, FAR more people will come.
How can America separate kids from their parents, he thundered.
It echoed the language in a separate document for Cohler.
«A Separate Peace» explores themes of identity, masculinity and friendship.
A separate trial last year found Chea guilty of genocide.
In a separate bowl, combine milk, butter, honey and eggs.
And it’s hard to separate out all these different factors.
Banks in Britain must separate their retail operations by 20153.
He suggested that business and politics existed in separate realms.
It no longer has a separate commercial and consumer business.
North Yemen and South Yemen were separate countries until 1990.
Union was constructed as a separate economic entity, but remained
Yes. Well, I want to integrate that, not separate it.
In separate speeches, Kim and Moon promised a new era.
But it’s best to sort of separate at this stage.
What would be the benefits of having a separate branch?
EDF said in a separate statement there were no victims.
Many elements run under separate public agencies or governance structures.
A separate patent for the drug expires on Jan. 24.
Clearly, it helps to separate the patient and the advocate.
«A good CEO shouldn’t fear a separate chair,» Elson said.
Jerry Krucell, Toney’s grandfather, made a separate journey to safety.
Both payment networks current have separate pay technology in place.
Isn’t a separate space for storage the ultimate kitchen luxury?
Residents and workers have separate lobbies, elevator cores and terraces.
In a separate interview later, Fedora tried to clarify himself.
Friday’s hearing concerned a separate, ongoing lawsuit regarding Flores v.
Today, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar made separate visits there.
It’s the only logical means to separate truth from falsehood.
By Monday she was announcing plans to separate from him.
Judges often allow sentences for separate charges to run concurrently.
Lee will have a separate meeting with Trump on Monday.
The administration also filed a separate appeal in that case.
The International will separate the 18 teams into two groups.
Why separate the thing that carries you from the house?
Mr. Ailes, in a separate statement, was far less temperate.
Your mom loves you and they will never separate us.
The groups announced the plan in separate statements on Monday.
The band and split heart both separate and join them.
The new films will be separate from the Skywalker saga.
There are two separate problems at hand, according to Temsamani.
It was Canada Maritime — not Canadian Maritime, a separate company.
The actress also sported Strathberry handbags on two separate occasions.
Separate figures on Britain’s trade performance brought better news, however.
The editorial board is entirely separate from the Post newsroom.
Peters sees WeWork’s struggles as separate from proptech’s larger challenge.
Kennedy broke off with a separate statement in Hawaii v.
Protesters staged separate rallies in about 23 northern Greek cities.
I’ve had to separate my parents’ wealth from my own.
The airline cited several separate mechanical problems as the cause.
There’s also a separate wing for staff and a conservatory …
Set aside a separate savings account just for your vacation.
A separate trial in Washington, D.C., is slated for September.
A separate Missouri Scout poll conducted last week showed Sen.
«Consumers and businesses are going their separate ways,» Sohn said.
We had separate lives, and we’d gone through a lot.
The administration is also conducting a separate investigation into steel.
It’s the creators that separate Quinn from Dipsea, as well.
Congressional committees are conducting investigations that are separate from Mueller’s.
You can find our separate review of the Toppers here.
He also faces separate charges of assault and disorderly conduct.
Three separate investigations into how that happened are still ongoing.
Hong Kong today retains a separate currency to China’s yuan.
Learn to separate your buying decisions from your saving decisions.
You’re separate people with a common past but different futures.
Any deal must pass separate simultaneous referenda in both communities.
They both were seen, fuming, but separate in the dugout.
The cameras had captured the species on 208 separate occasions.
Originally, all three of these characters came from separate universes.
Prior to that, they were separate systems, the report said.
The audience went crazy trying to separate reality from fantasy.
But now those projects are the realm of separate subsidiaries.
«PSA: stop lying @Kimzolciak!» she added in a separate tweet.
What the future holds for the separate parties remains undetermined.
At this point, you are leading two very separate lives.
In Rhode Island, the district planned to serve separate lunches.
For us, «nature» and «society» belong to two separate realms.
And he has never tried to separate it from class.
So, they need to be kept separate from each other.
They were pretty separate and had to be blended together.
It’s a separate, windowed room, which has, moreover, been renovated.
Two separate storage units were also included in the sale.
Combine the cheeses in a separate bowl and mix well.
I’m actually not sure we can separate those two things.
It’s a separate issue, but it’s in the same zone.
«These issues are being discussed at separate tables,» he said.
I never thought of myself as separate from everyone else.
So, this work isn’t separate from my personal, daily life.
He has signed with the team on three separate occasions.
While both are Catholic churches, the two institutions are separate.
Hawaii has a separate case pending against the new ban.
There are three separate notifications that tank tops aren’t allowed.
For me, it shows that politics isn’t separate from life.
«I fought three separate cases at once,» Ferrante tells VICE.
People try to separate movements, but everybody matters, everything matters.
Men and women, even married couples, sleep in separate tents.
Those funds are separate from the $15,000 in individual donations.
Indivior said that settlement was separate from its own case.
Separate data for industrial output and retail sales beat expectations.
In a separate filing, Kroton confirmed receiving an anonymous tip.
He still faces separate New Jersey charges over those accusations.
Throughout the game, Aya is deliberately kept separate from Bayek.
The separate units sold for $30.7 million and $30.2 million.
Fox News president Jay Wallace also made a separate statement.
Those obligations are separate from $70 billion of bond debt.
That review is separate from the city analysis released Monday.
Trudeau reiterated the government’s position in two separate radio interviews.
The federal Justice Department opened a separate civil rights investigation.
The steam shower has a bench; the tub is separate.
Police approach as the shouting continues and separate the groups.
A separate investigation has cleared the deputies of any wrongdoing.
Instead, they also factor in the lids as separate pieces.
«Miley and Cody have their separate lives,» the source says.
AS A SEPARATE THOUGHT please do not buy signed stuff.
Two months later, Hunter and Kathleen agreed to formally separate.
Separate parts of the body are combined with contrasting effects.
The law does not require the authorities to separate children.
Mother and baby are currently being treated in separate units.
I create a separate email account just for trip itineraries.
This happens during intimate showroom appointments separate from runway presentations.
Everyone deserves to have separate time with their own friends.
But we now see it functioning to violently separate families.
Separate task, but something that we have to focus on.
For a separate refresher on the Alayah drama, click here.
They are separate divisions, not part of the broadcast network.
NO FAMILY HOUR We’ve all got our own separate screens.
The entry law itself is being challenged in separate litigation.
Chateau vineyards constitute a separate market in the Bordeaux region.
This allows separate solutions to be pursued in different arenas.
«You can’t separate the two,» she told me this week.
Birdbox also makes a separate bathroom in a complementary design.
Whether the bureau can prove it is a separate question.
Married 41 years, we don’t mind going our separate ways.
He began trying to separate his outrage from his fury.
The two former leaders are being held in separate prisons.
Before going their separate ways, they left the restaurant together.
Two scandals, separate but intertwined, were unfolding publicly at once.
These separate interviews have been edited and combined for clarity.
The warrant was issued and then renewed three separate times.
In a separate interview with WMUR, Ayotte defended her position.
Eventually, things simmer down and everyone went their separate ways.
No need for a separate cable or an external monitor.
You do the transcript as separate from the creation completely.
Should the healing arts have been kept separate from biology?
I don’t know if I was trying to separate myself.
It is essential, I believe, to keep these tasks separate.
Based on it, we’ve decided to go our separate ways.
She received a yellow card for two separate minor infringements.
I cannot separate the two, and I don’t want to.
It’s not possible to separate the essential from the decorative.
In a separate tweet, he compared the situation to McCarthyism.
Medicare has traditionally paid a separate fee for each service.
Why do I have to go to a separate app?
«I think that those are two separate issues,» he said.
Separate programs today, Mr. Rogozin said, are a fallback option.
What happened to separate Nathan’s brother from his survival kit?
It has passed five separate bills to enact the program.
A separate criminal investigation into the bombing is continuing. Mrs.
It is a single Canadian province, not two separate provinces.
It’s a good way to separate work and home life.
It was to be a separate business from Village Obstetrics.
She had already tackled a separate list with seven children.
Separate cookware by four main functions: prep, cook, serve, store.
A separate program trains regular agents as emergency medical technicians.
The elite Revolutionary Guard Corps controls a separate business empire.
She added that medical and business decisions should be separate.
Upon leaving the clinic, I immediately felt separate from humanity.
Place the flour and eggs in 2 separate shallow bowls.
The U.S. Justice Department opened a separate investigation this week.
My husband and I have always kept our finances separate.
The separate Atrium law firm will continue to operate. 3.
Walmart wouldn’t be the first to merge its separate apps.
Wooden markers separate the property line from the public beach.
Three separate polls released in recent days show he’s right.
Her father, Daniel, received two separate and contradictory birth certificates.
There is also a separate public inquiry into the disaster.
The only way to separate them was by sliding them.
To separate babies and toddlers from their parent is unconscionable.
Use a comma to separate each element in an address.
The women will perform separate sets, with some songs together.
The two entities have historically operated as separate sister companies.
Each worked in a separate room to translate in isolation.
It will have a separate entrance on West 15th Street.
Juul Labs spun out as a separate company in 2017.
Not separate from trauma, but not defined by it either.
But all of a sudden I saw this separate artist.
Use a separate bathroom from the people you live with.
» Disney places theaters into two separate categories: «repertory» or «commercial.
Three commissioners — LaFleur, Chatterjee, and Glick — wrote separate, concurring statements.
Military officials are preparing three separate versions of the report.
The News Tab will be separate from Facebook’s main feed.
They went on one date before going their separate ways.
We will all be doomed to stalk our separate paths.
A separate meeting with cruise executives is planned, officials said.
Separate guidelines can be created for these classes of drugs.
Descartes tried to separate individual reason from the bonding emotions.
Eventually, and inevitably, they separate, to become their autonomous selves.
Many whites see segregation as separate water fountains and schools.
Separate yourself from Donald Trump and all that he represents.
«How can you separate yourself from your country?» he said.
WILMORE: Did he try to separate you from a twin?
The plant would be unionized, but under a separate contract.
This is probably going to be a whole separate discussion.
But as a comedian you’ve got to separate the two.
The men obviously are separate, but they appear as one.
Although recently married, they had opted to maintain separate homes.
He is also indicted on separate charges in Los Angeles.
Soon after the dentists opened a separate dental school nearby.
Thursday’s action by Roberts is completely separate from that case.
You’ve got to keep your white and the black separate.
The Separate Car Act spurred vigorous resistance in New Orleans.
Little things to try to keep those two spaces separate.
» A separate derivation of Swan — from the fowl — meant «purity.
You want separate grains that are still a bit firm.
The two players would later separate after a competitive feud.
The other cases of liver failure are a separate problem.
«Miley and Cody have their separate lives,» the source said.
Sori and Andresen have separate websites for their radio program.
He held a separate meeting with two moderate Democratic senators.
The three of them spoke at separate times with Sen.
Trump’s move followed a separate filing from Cohen on Friday.
Having the right and exercising it wisely are separate things.
IBM has licensed chip technology to a separate local partner.
A wet bathroom is when there is no separate shower.
The content of these memos is separate from their classification.
A separate split of services trade is expected to follow.
So we compiled a list to separate fact from fiction.
In this case, each fetus had a separate amniotic sac.
Passengers were then transferred on separate flights to Christmas Island.
The current controversy stems from two separate but related events.
Rivera, as befits his celebrity, is awarded two separate spaces.
The agency is actually an amalgam of six separate pieces.

Definition of Separate

to break something up or divide it into parts

Examples of Separate in a sentence

The teacher tried to separate the fighting students but couldn’t get the two boys apart.


Mrs. Cole had the pre-k student separate the blue blocks from the red and divide the yellow circles from the orange ones.


So he could get the real story, the detective decided to separate the husband and wife into different rooms.


Other words in the Words that describe what you do to objects category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

  • Dictionary
  • S
  • Separate
  • Sentences
  • Each villa has a separate sitting-room.
  • Use separate chopping boards for raw meats, cooked meats, vegetables and salads.
  • The adjective and noun are pronounced (sepərət ). The verb is pronounced (sepəreɪt ).
  • Police moved in to separate the two groups. [VERB noun]
  • They want to separate teaching from research. [VERB noun + from]
  • Her parents separated when she was very young. [VERB]
  • …the white-railed fence that separated the yard from the paddock. [VERB noun + from]
  • It is difficult to separate legend from truth. [VERB noun + from]
  • How can one ever separate out the act from the attitudes that surround it? [V P n + from]
  • The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting. [VERB noun + from]
  • In the end only three points separated the two teams. [VERB noun]
  • The police wanted to separate them into smaller groups. [VERB noun + into]
  • A range of mountains separates the two countries
  • To separate the men from the boys
  • A separate problem
  • A hedge that separates the yards
  • To separate from a party
  • The separate parts of the body
  • separate beds
  • To separate two fields by a fence.
  • To separate two fighting boys.
  • To separate church and state.
  • He was separated from the army right after V-E Day.
  • To separate metal from ore.
  • We can separate the variables to solve the equation.
  • To separate from a church.
  • Cream separates from milk.
  • We have to separate at the crossroad.
  • Two separate questions.
  • Two separate houses; The desert has widely separate oases.
  • separate organizations.
  • Each separate item.
  • separate checks; separate rooms.

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