Sentence with word sensible

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


A sensible eating plan should include foods you enjoy, in moderation.

Также следует разработать разумный план питания, который должен включать продукты, которые нравятся, однако в умеренных количествах.

Don’t stop him doing the only sensible thing in months.

Не останавливай его, когда он собирается совершить единственный разумный поступок за последние месяцы.

Every sensible participant understands what threatens his own life.

Каждый здравомыслящий участник понимает, что ставит под угрозу собственную жизнь.

No sensible court would even try.

Ни один здравомыслящий человек даже не попытается сделать это.

Space and time are not derived from sensible intuitions.

А. Идеи пространства и времени не рождаются из чувственного опыта.

Hence human nature cannot be without sensible matter.

Следовательно, человеческая природа не может существовать без чувственной материи.

Keep trying, we need sensible alternatives.

Альтернативы, конечно, надо искать, но — разумные альтернативы.

That is a sensible approach, and it is certainly supported.

Это — вполне разумное решение, и мы, безусловно, его поддерживаем.

You know, I hope someone does something sensible soon.

Знаете, я надеюсь, что в ближайшее время кто-нибудь сделает что-то разумное.

We believe that limitations on disclosure are sensible.

Мы считаем, что ограничения на раскрытие информации являются разумными.

Maybe these ghosts seem nonsense but one can find some sensible interpretation.

Может быть, эти призраки и кажутся глупостью, но можно им найти разумную интерпретацию».

For those active and sensible people and I created this site.

Вот, для таких активных и здравомыслящих людей я этот сайт и создал.

Yet, with others he seems so sensible

Да, но в общении с другими он кажется таким разумным

Nothing sensible goes out of fashion.

То, что разумно, не может выйти из моды.

Most sensible thing you’ve said.

Это самая разумная вещь, что я от тебя слышала.

You want someone strong, self-reliant and sensible.

Тебе нужен кто-то сильный, разумный и уверенный в себе.

Unlikely, as long as you create a sensible plan.

Вряд ли, до тех пор, пока вы придерживаетесь разумного плана.

She laughed and told him to be sensible.

Она рассмеялась и сказала ему, что нужно быть разумным.

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разумный, здравомыслящий, здравый, заметный, благоразумный, осмысленный


- разумный, благоразумный, здравомыслящий

sensible idea [course of actions, suggestion, rule] — разумная мысль [линия поведения, -ое предложение, правило]
sensible person — благоразумный /здравомыслящий/ человек
sensible beings — разумные существа
sensible clothing [shoes] — удобная /практичная/ одежда [обувь]
that was very sensible of you! — вы очень умно поступили

- ощутимый, заметный

sensible increase — заметное /ощутимое/ увеличение
a sensible change for the better — заметное изменение к лучшему
a sensible difference in the temperature — значительная разность температур
a sensible error — существенная ошибка
he felt a sensible chill on — чувствовал довольно сильный озноб

- осознающий, понимающий

to be sensible of smth. — осознавать /чувствовать/ что-л.
to make smb. sensible of smth. — дать кому-л. почувствовать что-л.
to be sensible of responsibility — чувствовать ответственность
to be sensible of an honour — ценить честь
to be sensible of the enormity of the crime — осознать гнусность преступления
to be sensible of the fact that … — учитывать /не упускать из вида/ тот факт, что …
we are sensible of your problems — мы понимаем ваши проблемы /трудности/

- чувствующий, чувствительный

sensible part /spot/ — слабое место
sensible to influences — легко поддающийся влиянию

- в сознании

the injured man was still sensible — пострадавший всё ещё был в сознании

- чувствительный (о приборе и т. п.)
- филос. воспринимаемый чувствами

the sensible world in which we live — чувственный мир, в котором мы живём
sensible horizon — астр. видимый горизонт


- филос. воспринимаемое; чувственный объект

Мои примеры


sensible / sound advice — разумный совет  
sensible clothes — практичная одежда  
a very sensible odour of garlic — очень сильный запах чеснока  
sensible error — заметная оплошность  
sensible thing — благоразумный человек  
sensible clothing — удобная /практичная/ одежда  
sensible change for the better — заметное изменение к лучшему; заметное улучшение  
he felt a sensible chill — он чувствовал довольно сильный озноб  
air-cooler sensible cooling effect — холодопроизводительность воздухоохладителя по отводу сухого тепла  
be sensible of the enormity of the crime — осознать гнусность преступления  

Примеры с переводом

My teacher gave me some sensible advice.

Мой учитель дал мне дельный совет.

It was sensible of her to postpone the trip.

Было разумно с её стороны отложить поездку.

She wore a sensible coat.

Она носила удобное / практичное пальто.

She was sensible enough to stop driving when she got too tired.

Ей хватило здравого смысла остановить машину, когда она почувствовала, что слишком уж устала.

They were sensible of the danger that they faced.

Они сознавали опасность, которой подвергались.

They are always sensible to kindness and sympathy.

Они всегда очень восприимчивы к доброму и сочувственному отношению.

He was sensible that a good deal more is still to be done.

Он осознавал, что гораздо больше ещё предстоит сделать.

I am sensible that the mention of such a circumstance may appear trifling.

Я понимаю, что упоминание этого обстоятельства может показаться несущественным.

Возможные однокоренные слова

insensible  — бесчувственный, нечувствительный, незаметный, неощутимый, потерявший сознание
sensibly  — разумно, здраво

sensible — перевод на русский


Mm-hmm. That sounds sensible.

Звучит разумно.

Mm-hmm. Yes, very sensible.

Да, очень разумно.

Let’s be sensible.

Веди себя разумно.

The most sensible thing for you to do is to be friends with me.

Для тебя разумно подружиться со мной.

— If it’s sensible.

— Если это будет разумно.

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Do be sensible.

Гру, будьте благоразумны.

Oh, darling, let’s be sensible.

Дорогая, будем благоразумны.

Be sensible and listen to us.

Будьте благоразумны и выслушайте нас.

What could happen, if you’re sensible?

Что же может случиться, если вы будете благоразумны?

Be sensible, little lady

А теперь, дорогая мадам, будьте благоразумны.

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He’s a nice, sensible chap steady, conscientious, successful.

Он приятный, здравомыслящий стабильный, честный, успешный.

Why, any sensible sponsor would jump at the chance.

Почему, любой здравомыслящий спонсор будет упускать этот шанс.

Who is such an educated sensible man who does not know his limit.

Какой воспитанный здравомыслящий мужчина не знает границ своих возможностей.

Without a house in Mumbai no sensible father will let you marry his daughter.

Без дома в Мумбае ни один здравомыслящий отец не позволит тебе женился на своей дочери.

(laughs) — I love you and your sensible parenting style.

Обожаю тебя и твой здравомыслящий стиль воспитания детей.

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You ever thought about wearing sensible shoes?

Ты никогда не думала о том, чтобы носить практичную обувь?

What, definitely sensible?

Что, определенно практичную?

And wear sensible shoes.

И надень практичную обувь.

Glad to see you wore Your sensible shoes.

Рад, что ты надела практичную обувь.

Wear sensible shoes.»

Надевай практичную обувь.

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He is delicate and sensible, not a beast like you!

Он умный и деликатный, а не такое животное, как ты!

Very sensible.

Очень умный.

How’d you get so sensible?

Откуда ты такой умный?

I had this buddy and-— well, he wasn’t the most sensible guy, but he was smart, creative, very creative.

У меня был приятель… Не то, чтобы очень умный, но сметливый, и очень творческий.

— Most sensible thing you’ve said.

— Самое умное, что ты могла сказать.

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Sensible smolow, the Karl jung of eastern Missouri, died today in a crappy motel, his dick in between the slices of a roast-beef sandwich!

Рассудительный Смолов, Карл Юнг Восточного Миссури, сдох сегодня в сраном мотеле, зажав хер между ломтей сэндвича с ростбифом!

I’m gonna sit down and have a sensible, intelligent conversation with my son.

Я сяду рядом с сыном и проведу с ним интеллигентный и рассудительный разговор.

You’re such a sensible man.

Ты такой рассудительный.

Brad’s so sensible.

Брэд такой рассудительный

Gary is usually a cutting-edge guy, «but in this case, he made a cautious and sensible choice.

«Гэри обычно на острие моды, а тут он сделал осторожный и рассудительный выбор.

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Honest, sensible, sober, harmless Holly Martins.

Честный, чувствительный, трезвый, безобидный Холли Мартинс.

He’s a very sensible lad. I don’t want to have a nervous breakdown here.

Это очень чувствительный ребенок.

Sensible, good-humoured…

Чувствительный, добродушный…

Do be sensible.

Ты такой чувствительный.

You’re too sensible.

Ты очень чувствительна.

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Remember: Rope, torch, compass, mosquito repellent, sensible clothes.

Не забыть: веревка, фонарик, компас, мазь от комаров, удобная одежда.

Sensible shoes.

Удобная обувь. — Что?

Black cats, sensible shoes and a wig make you a witch?

Три чёрных кошки, удобная обувь и парик сделают из тебя ведьмака? Это может помочь.

Oh, make sure to wear sensible shoes.

Убедись, чтобы обувь была удобная.

(Simon) When attending a music festival, you must always wear sensible footwear… Hm. … partake of a nutritious diet and don’t worry unnecessarily about personal hygiene.

Когда собираешься на музыкальный фестиваль, стоит одевать удобную обувь принимать питательные вещества и особо не беспокоиться о личной гигиене.

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— Do you behind must be sensible club, which will support you.

— У тебя за плечами должен стоять толковый клуб, который будет тебя поддерживать.

We-we want a more sensible initiative.

Мы хотим более толковый законопроект.

I’m not sure how sensible it is.

Не уверен, что он толковый.

Ah, sensible fellow.

Толковый парень.

For once in his life, Jim said something sensible.

— Нет. Первый раз в жизни, Джим сказал что-то толковое.

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I just couldn’t figure out why it was taking him so long to get his weight off the rope, there was no sensible explanation for it.

Я даже не мог вообразить, почему он так долго не разгружает веревку, не находил здравого ответа на это.

Said nothing sensible or even kind.

Ќе сказав ничего здравого или существенного.

Bates, we have to be sensible.

Бейтс, нужно рассуждать здраво.

If you want to have a sensible conversation…

Если ты хочешь поговорить здраво…

They’ll torpedo the only sensible thing to happen since the war.

Так задушат единственную здравую послевоенную инициативу.

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Definition of Sensible

having the ability to make sound decisions

Examples of Sensible in a sentence

If you are sensible, you will not use your credit cards unnecessarily.


Jim was being quite sensible when he put his medications in his carry-on bag.


Because Kate is a sensible girl, I do not have to worry about her taking another person’s medicine.


Matt’s sensible decision to not ride in a car with his intoxicated friends is the only reason he is alive today.


As a nurse who works on her feet all day long, Ann knows the value of wearing sensible shoes.


Other words in the Intelligent category:

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As the court itself noted, FanDuel is permitted in other states, making New York very much an outlier on the issue, as most states are moving towards sensible regulations — not bans, but the Attorney General decided he knows what is best by denying New Yorkers access to a game they have embraced and shared with friends and family for years.


It also has a sensible progression from «Why did I get pulled over» to «What’s considered a DUI?»


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Having all these at the top of the priority list, websites for 40s singles give off an impression of being more sensible than you initially thought.


The symptoms manifest themselves more blatantly in some than in others, making it possible for even the most sensible woman to remain involved with an man who is emotionally unavailable for years without being able to put a finger on what’s off.


Untenable assumptions don’t provide a sensible foundation.


I justify paying out on «it» pieces that will last forever & I can see myself passing down to Aurora — but otherwise I’m * trying * to be sensible and only buying key pieces I know I will wear a lot in my day-to-day.


«And, I hope he will put forth measures long supported by the members of our conference to help families afford the rising cost of child care and higher education that are sensible, paid for, and don’t pierce the spending limits we’ve maintained over the last six years,» Flanagan said.


My eldest is 20 and now drinking regularly at 20 we talked about it, I warned him about the risks and he has always been relatively sensible.


It’s easy for things like fasting to have a stigma surrounding it, but I’m all for anything a person chooses that can be done with an open mind and in a safe, sensible manner.


They also should demand that sensible policies are implemented with regard to school parties, food as rewards and food fundraising.


«Very sensible and pragmatic in his advice, he gives a credible and clear view on the merits of a case.»


It might be sensible for George Osborne to speak before next month’s Budget.


For homeowners who plan to keep their mortgage for 7 years or more, paying discount points can be a sensible way to pay a little bit upfront in exchange for longer-term mortgage savings.


Film critics Danny Baldwin and James Frazier distinguish themselves from their colleagues through their refreshingly uncommon opinions about the film industry, many of which stem from their sensible conservatism.


How well did that recipe validate in previous periods (because if it didn’t, it wouldn’t be a sensible forecast).


This could be a simple but sensible step, easily dealt with by a further amendment to the statement of truth.


Malcolm Stevens is described as «bright, sensible and measured.


Easy recommendations for the aspiring but sensible home theater speaker enthusiast.»


Hello I’m nice, open, sensible girl looking for healthy relationship.


Having lived in Boston back in the 90s and worked at One International Place, I agree that it is best to wear sensible shoes travelling to work, many a heel of mine were destroyed until I caved, bought a nice pair of flats and adopted the Boston tradition of changing shoes at the office.


We recognize the risks, yet see enough support from rising profits and sensible valuations to stay invested in stocks — and note that volatility is still moderate by long-term standards.


Now with more than 300 members, E3MN is launching as a full chapter of Educators 4 Excellence (E4E), a national organization of teachers who advocate for sensible policies in several other cities.


It’s a sensible way of keeping the phone hardware separate from add-on hardware, by giving you a way to send data between the two.


Classic styling and large sedan proportions yield a distinguished yet sensible appearance.


Of course, it would be nice if Apple had a similar commitment to walkable communities and sensible design as it does renewables.


An independent agent can discuss your unique situation to come up with a sensible plan.


They transport water vapour, sensible heat, and Earth’s rotational momentum to the upper portion of the troposphere.


Its diesel engines are clearly the most sensible way to go but there’s something special (and irresistibly OTT) about a 500bhp + supercharged petrol engine, and the Autobiography trim 5.0 S/C actually represents good value alongside its contemporaries.


With clear instruction and sensible advice, it will help you navigate the often confusing, time-consuming, and costly world of self-publishing an e-book.


You can pick all sorts of sensible or sci-fi furnishings, like art, seating and toys.


They also try to get a sense your pet’s lifestyle and specific needs so that they can make sensible long term choices about things like vaccines, diet, behavior and dental care.


It would have been very easy and sensible to keep the movie’s title font and still have the spine match the other 4 DVDs in appearance, but this inconsistency is hardly worth mentioning and only affects the demographic which has all the Herbie movies, keeps them lined up to one another, and cares how they look.


So I gave ceramics a rest — a long rest in fact — did something sensible by studying Modern Languages in Berlin and working for years as a linguist in publishing and law.


E.g. «You will not be persuaded by the flimsy not to say meretricious arguments found on [Company X]’s site, [link], hoping to get the government to give them special favours that any sensible person would refuse.»


Put another way, there are only two types of rescue — sensible and demented.


He argued: «That is by taking a sensible view of investment and putting investment before tax cuts.


This spring’s hottest shoe trend is the block heel sandal (a more comfortable, sensible take on those tall, harsh stilettos).


Etoro is a sensible choice for those looking for a free forex demo account download without a time limit.


In fact, scores of careful total energy-flux experiments repeatedly show the Bowen ratio (sensible to latent heat transfer) almost invariably well below unity in the marine environment and whenever surface moisture (dew) is present.


Extending current practice on deferred payments is entirely sensible, but it is also a sticking plaster.


There are a number of different options for heartworm medications, so I think it is going to be the most sensible approach if I break them down into categories.


While many of these options are expensive luxuries, ordering a pair of side airbags for the rear seats (# 296) would seem sensible.


Oh, yes, when I wasn’t taking care of the other kids while nursing the baby, like any other sensible mom.


Evolution isn’t a scientifically established fact, and however sensible it might appear as a biological theory, it hasn’t been, and will never be proved; it is unprovable in principle.


Millay was the new 20th Century woman, a hostess at the heart of 1920’s Greenwich village’s Bohemian milieu, and her poetry mocks all things responsible, from faithfulness in love to sensible bedtimes.


At the very least, Obama has given us a rational and sensible foreign policy, and he is respected among the world.


The SEBS measurements allow the comparison of ECOR sensible and latent heat fluxes with the available energy (surface energy balance) as determined from the SEBS, and provide information on wetting of the sensors for data-quality purposes.


The traditional churches do not always seem to realize that the premises for sensible argument, which are basic to themselves, are probably neither valid nor comprehensible in the world outside the Church.


Credit Ford for filling a gaping hole in the vehicular fleet with this excellent Turkish-built import, and for realizing that converting a few of them to electric propulsion is a sensible means of spreading the Transit Connect’s reach.


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