Sentence with word selfish

1, A man is called selfish ,not pursuing his own good ,but neglecting his neighbour’s. 

2, She was sly, selfish, and manipulative.

3, Her selfish behaviour completely spoiled the evening.

4, He shouldn’t be so selfish.

5, People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I’ve seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.

6, The cause of suffering is selfish desire, whether it is the desire for pleasure, desire for revenge, or simply desire for a long life.

7, That selfish student always appropriates the biggest bookcase and desk.

8, Frank is completely selfish — he only cares about number one.

9, Only someone supremely selfish won’t lose their self in love.

10, You’re taking a pretty selfish attitude over this, aren’t you?

11, I think I’ve been very selfish. I’ve been mainly concerned with myself.

12, Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish, egotistic streak.

13, They painted him to be indecisive, negative, and selfish.

14, I call his behaviour mean and selfish.

15, Nobody but you could be so selfish.

16, He was obviously acting purely out of selfish interest.

17, He is not only arrogant but also selfish.

18, He criticized the selfish attitude of certain sectional interests.

19, What a selfish thing to do!

20, Jack’s private opinion was that she was selfish.

21, You’re the most conceited[], selfish person I’ve ever known.

22, She calls me lazy and selfish.

23, He was opinionated and selfish,( but undeniably clever.

24, She is a selfish person.

25, She was rich. She was also selfish.

26, She is an essentially selfish person.

27, Why do you impute selfish motives to her?

28, You can’t accuse me of being selfish.

29, Money is not the root of all eviles as is usually claimed, what is the root of all evils is the lust for money, that is the excessive, selfish and greedy pusuit of mnoey. 

30, She thinks that young people today are becoming increasingly selfish, and worship at the shrine of individual happiness and gratification.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


He admitted that man is selfish.

I immediately realized this wish was selfish.

Я сразу поняла, что это желание было эгоистичным.

All depends upon whether we use that triple personality for selfish or divine ends.

Все зависит от того, используем ли мы эту тройственную личность для эгоистических или же для божественных целей.

We would no longer seek our own selfish desires.

Мы бы тогда уже не поступали по своим собственным эгоистическим желаниям.

Just shows how selfish people can be.

Так же он рассказывает о том насколько эгоистичными могут быть люди.

Some people may call me selfish.

Я думаю, что кто-то может назвать меня эгоистичной.

Most economists believe capitalism is a compromise with selfish human nature.

Большинство экономистов считают, что капитализм — это компромисс с эгоистичной человеческой природой.

But others who can obtain medical big data may have more selfish agendas.

Но другие, которые могут получить медицинские большие данные, могут иметь более эгоистичные повестки дня.

No other company is as selfish as banks.

Ни одна другая компания не является столь же эгоистичны, как банки.

The reason I left was totally selfish.

Причина, по которой я ушла, была полностью эгоистичной.

Improving your self-esteem is another big reason you should be selfish.

Повышение самооценки — еще одна большая причина, по которой вы должны быть эгоистичными.

In fact, in no culture is self-interest considered totally selfish and limitless.

В действительности же ни в одной культуре эти личные интересы не воспринимаются как абсолютно эгоистичные и неограниченные.

I remember feeling guilty about these selfish thoughts.

Теперь, я чувствую озноб, вспоминая эти жестокие, эгоистичные мысли.

The smartest thing you can do is to be perfectly selfish emotionally.

Самая разумная вещь, которую вы можете сделать, — это быть эмоционально абсолютно эгоистичным.

However, people also rely on these seemingly selfish behaviors to survive.

Тем не менее, люди также полагаются на это, казалось бы, эгоистичное поведение чтобы выжить.

We can also be selfish and self-centered.

Мы тоже можем быть эгоистичными и думать только о себе.

It’s selfish of you to make me uncomfortable.

Это эгоистично с твоей стороны, ставить меня в неудобное положение.

I know that was wrong and selfish of me.

Я знаю, что это было неправильно и эгоистично с моей стороны.

I’ve been very selfish lately.

В последнее время я вела себя очень эгоистично.

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Selfish is a coffee table photobook written by television personality Kim Kardashian. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Forgive me, I am not being selfish but I find my self being protective of my beach.


It’s a day when I tend to stay off social media, as obnoxious humble brags abound about worlds» best children and husbands, who are, in reality, probably selfish and thankless and piggish every other day of the year, but on this day are photoshopped to be the standard bearers for selflessness and generosity.


Time Vampires are needy, thirsty, selfish creatures who, given an opportunity, will suck up all of your time and energy and leave you weak and debilitated.


What do the characters learn about their loyalties and/or selfish desires?


«He’s never been selfish in anything I’ve seen out here at all,» Morris said.


It is my great belief that no honorable Democratic legislator would even entertain the idea of turning his or her back on the hardworking Democratic committee people who have done so much or on the will of the voters of Ulster County in return for selfish short term personal gain.


So what we have is an EVIL education policy supported by too many gullible low income blacks, misinformed, even selfish suburban whites — and the KKK.


Swimming is a pretty selfish activity, and so I’ve always known that it can’t be my whole world.


I understand these values of the NDC to be aimed at putting Ghana First before any individual’s selfish interests in Government.»


In the end, the author believes that the Enlightenment thinkers developed a «theological» model, even though he completes this exhaustive study by citing a grim text from one of Nietzsche’s «Letters» that sounds anything but theological: ««The family will be slowly ground into a random collection of individuals,» haphazardly bound together «in the common pursuit of selfish ends.


to become a monk, you have to go through a process… and the other monks will not let you pursue it for selfish reasons (avoiding the world).


I love peace, quiet, and happiness and hope to find someone to share my life with.I find it easier to appreciate the company of open minded people, and difficult to stomach the attentions of the selfish and self-involved.


Besides there being a court order, consider the problem with giving in to teenagers (who are selfish by nature) when they find something difficult or inconvenient.


Formula feeding is the gateway to other abuses and selfish behavior on the part of the mother (and father).


And you should remind anyone from Core who tells you otherwise that «hodl» culture is all about pumping price and selfish profit.


It’s caused by a combination of industrialization, overpopulation, mass media culture and selfish attitudes.


And, there are two other selfish benefits to writing LinkedIn recommendations: Each one that’s approved and posted includes a link to your profile, which you can bet plenty of people are following to view and assess you.


It’d be a place where people actually listened to evidence and weighed it thoughtfully, rising above one’s own selfish interests and needs.


You must have a great sense of humor, be compassionate, caring, honest, like kids and animals and non materialistic or selfish.


The robberies are selfish, to be sure, but a new study reveals that they may be saving a tropical tree from extinction.


I’m being totally selfish and sharing with you what * I * would love for Mother’s Day: cool, creamy, sweet panna cotta.


even if we weren’t discussing global warming alone, the opulent, profligate, thoughtless, selfish way of living has to stop period for reasons of sustainabilty.


I told you self care wasn’t selfish!)


Maybe we can stop being selfish as to who we think their guy is based on what draft pundits are selling?


Social psychologists have noted that although all people have a tendency to want to help people in need and to care for others, compliance with good deeds increases when there are negative consequences to selfish behaviour.


Sometimes we are just so sure that the real issue is our partner — if they would just listen better, be less selfish, or be less controlling.


«The most selfish man in the world» and «a walking penis» are two suggestions made in Richard Glatzer and Wash West’s biopic.


Another question, equally fraught: How could he be so selfish?


Of course there are times when we must be selfish, we have to look after our own interests in a world that is largely «dog eat dog», but surely we must look to the needs of others too?


Just goes to show that the unborn child is nothing but a «player» in some sort of sick game where the mother’s selfish wants and needs come first.


That is not selfish — it’s necessary.


Boyzone star Shane Lynch has opened up about his «very immature and selfish» lifestyle before becoming… More


It’s an overwhelming responsibility to guide our children through the quagmires of selfish behavior — especially when most of us struggle with it in ourselves.


By the time a Regency man reached his 50s, he would certainly have lost several teeth, have picked up something nasty from a lady of the evening and be crazy selfish and set in his ways.


I have tried to make others here aware our «nature» is not selfish and competitive, but cooperative.


……… selfish players these were…… Just how they Lost their credibilities for chavs money


Nobody will accuse you of being selfish or a bad mother.


I enjoy traveling, one on one time, but not selfish with family and friends.


«This stuff goes viral,» Mackey tells me, «because people are eager to believe bad things about Whole Foods so it doesn’t disrupt their mental model» of business as selfish and greedy.


The plot of Very Bad Things is not an efficient one, most of the murders are arrived at not by an ever-tightening logic of selfish rationalization, but by the hand of a single psychotically amoral character (played by Christian Slater in an apparent attempt to regain some of his Heathers glory), who ultimately starts killing people for reasons that don’t make a whole lot of sense.


Be Positive — Even if you took time away from employment to backpack around Europe for a year, don’t make it sound negative or selfish.


In this many-faceted religious experience the selfish concern for individual preservation is overcome and replaced by a self-forgetful yet self-fulfilling participation in the extraordinary resources out of which all existence proceeds.


All of those selfish thoughts that I had tried to keep so firmly in my head just fell away, and a new sense of direction came forward.


This gives the country the same selfish image as Trump has cultivated for himself.


Let us examine the constitutional provisions and laws which have been systematically manipulated to serve some selfish interests of the perpetrators.


When you write a resume summary, make sure that there are no selfish elements in it.


Family folklore has it that his great great-great-grandmother, Mamá Imelda, had her heart smashed to smithereens by a selfish guitarist who abandoned his family to pursue music and so not a semiquaver is to be played or listened to in the house.


Along the journey, they encounter Nawazudin, a free-spirited army deserter with his own selfish motives who helps them reach their destination.


I have a solution, lets start using euthanasia to get rid of some these selfish, stupid people it will leave better homes for these help less animals and less politicians for us


The excessive and, frankly, selfish utilization of the court’s process should not be permitted to occur; there must not be resignation that this is the foregone course of domestic litigation where there happens to be the coincidental alignment of personal animosity between counsel, the receipt by them of irrational instructions, and the possession by their clients of substantial financial means.


selfish — перевод на русский


He needs me now, and I’d be selfish to leave him.

Сейчас я нужна ему, будет эгоистично бросить его одного.

I wonder if I did a very selfish thing in marrying you.

Кажется, я поступил очень эгоистично, женившись на тебе?

Now that’s selfish.

Это эгоистично.

I suppose it’s selfish of me to think only of myself.

Конечно, эгоистично думать только о себе.

It’s selfish to hold on to her!

Это эгоистично — удерживать её!

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I think he’s selfish, crude and destructive.

Думаю, он эгоист, неотёсанный и разрушительный.

No father could be that selfish.

Такой эгоист просто не может быть чьим-то отцом.

He’s an utterly selfish, cold-hearted pig.

Он абсолютный эгоист, с холодным сердцем свиньи.

I’m selfish, but please don’t come here anymore.

Я вёл себя как эгоист. Пожалуйста, больше не навещайте нас.

— You selfish…

— Ты эгоист…

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It’s selfish to say this, Dad, but it was wonderful while it lasted.

Я ужасная эгоистка, папа, но мне нравилось это время.

Sorry Pedro, I’m very selfish.

Извини, Педро, я такая эгоистка.

selfish, possessive, destructive…

Эгоистка, собственница, разрушительница…

It’s great. It is, you know, Frank. It might sound selfish but all I want for now is what I’m finding inside me.

Понимаете, Фрэнк, пусть я и эгоистка, но сейчас все, что мне только нужно, так это то, что я раскрываю внутри себя!

You’re so selfish, Dawn.

Ты такая эгоистка, Доун.

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Well, it’s purely selfish.

Ладно, это чистый эгоизм.

Leave it, I’m just selfish.

Неважно. Это просто мой эгоизм.

Too selfish on her part.

— С её стороны это — эгоизм.

And that’s not being selfish?

И это не эгоизм?

-This fish shows how selfish you are!

— Эта рыба представляет твой эгоизм!

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Selfish little shit goes and dies on me.

А этот самовлюбленный стервец взял и умер.

Foreman is a selfish jerk,but he’s a neurologist, and he’s the only one who’s been in that apartment.

Форман — самовлюблённый придурок, но он невролог. И он единственный, кто был в квартире.

You’re a selfish wanker.

Ты самовлюбленный еблан.

That selfish ass with the God complex who almost made the stupidest decision of his life, it wasn’t your colleague, was it?

Тот самовлюблённый урод с комплексом спасителя, который чуть не принял самое глупое решение в своей жизни… Это был не сотрудник, так?

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We think that’s mighty selfish of you.

Мы думаем, что это очень эгоистично с твоей стороны.

That’s pretty selfish of you.

Это довольно эгоистично с твоей стороны.

This is so selfish of you.

Это так эгоистично с твоей стороны!

I think that’s very selfish of you.

Я думаю, это так эгоистично с твоей стороны

Well, I think that’s pretty selfish of you.

Думаю это очень эгоистично с твоей стороны.

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This sounds awful, but I’m going through a selfish phase.

Молли, я знаю, это звучит ужасно, но у меня сейчас эгоистический период.

A selfish phase?

Эгоистический период?

A selfish phase?

Эгоистический период?

A selfish phase!

Эгоистический период, Альберт?

Having a child is a selfish thing.

Иметь ребенка это эгоистический поступок.

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As long as there aren’t any selfish players, the Office won’t even get a dime.

Пока не появятся корыстные игроки, Офис не сможет получить ни иены.

Filled with horrible, selfish people.

В нём живут страшные, корыстные люди.

Entitled, selfish, spoiled children.

Нахальные, корыстные, испорченные дети.

I’ve made selfish decisions all my life.

Я принимала корыстные решения всю свою жизнь

They wanted you back for their selfish reasons

Именно поэтому им хотелось тебя вернуть. Корыстные соображения.

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I love you too much to be selfish.

Я слишком тебя люблю, чтобы думать только о себе.

I love you…too much… to be selfish.

я так тебя люблю, что перестала думать только о себе…

Kids these days are so selfish.

Нынче молодёжь только о себе думает.

She’s so selfish!

Только о себе думает!

How selfish, your father!

Вечно думает только о себе.

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If it were not so selfish would avoid many problems.

Если б ты не был таким эгоистичным ублюдком, ты смог бы избежать очень многих бед.

— He was a selfish bastard.

— Он был эгоистичным ублюдком.

He always was a selfish bastard.

Он всегда был эгоистичным ублюдком.

~ But — ~ Calling you a selfish bastard… .. is not far from the truth.

— Назвать тебя эгоистичным ублюдком это недалеко от истины.

I’m a selfish S.O.B.

Я эгоистичный ублюдок. Я…

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  • эгоистично
  • эгоист
  • эгоистка
  • эгоизм
  • самовлюблённый
  • эгоистично с твоей стороны
  • эгоистический
  • корыстные
  • думать только о себе
  • эгоистичным ублюдком

эгоистичный, эгоистический


- эгоистичный, эгоистический, себялюбивый

to act from a selfish motive — действовать из эгоистических /корыстных/ побуждений

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Can you ever forgive me for being so selfish?

Простишь ли ты мне когда-нибудь мой эгоизм?

He’s a selfish, egotistical individual!

Это эгоистичный, самовлюблённый человек!

It’s time this selfish habit died out.

Давно пора изжить эту эгоистичную привычку.

His selfish behaviour rebounded on him.

Он поплатился за свой эгоизм.

The old queen was portrayed as a selfish bitter woman.

Старую королеву изобразили эгоистичной озлобленной женщиной.

Don’t bargain on getting any support from her, she’s very selfish.

Не рассчитывай на её помощь, она только о себе думает.

The children have been taught to rise above selfish considerations.

Детей научили быть выше эгоистичных побуждений.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She’s interested only in her own selfish concerns.

No other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried

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Возможные однокоренные слова

selfishness  — эгоизм, эгоистичность
unselfish  — бескорыстный, неэгоистичный
selfishly  — эгоистично, эгоистически, с большой долей эгоизма

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