Sentence with word self confident

1. Being tall can make you feel incredibly self-confident.

2. At school he was popular and self-confident, and we weren’t surprised at his later success.

3. Few males can resist a self-confident seductress.

4. She has now changed into a happy, self-confident woman.

5. She’d blossomed into a self-confident young woman.

6. He was dashing, self-confident and flirtatious.

7. He walked out of the room with a self-confident swagger.

8. I eventually became more self-confident as a public speaker.

9. The self-confident leader can be insensitive and inconsiderate.

10. Students are bright, articulate, self-confident and surprisingly mature.

11. Jess was only 12, but she was very self-confident.

12. She was supremely self-confident, with the gift of being able to talk on any subject whenever the camera was rolling.

13. It also shows why most aggressive, self-confident executives would rather be paid in stock than cash.

14. A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity. Robert A. Heinlein 

15. He was loud and self-confident, but he had a right to be: he had a knack for picking winners.

16. A cavalier Southerner, he was hot-blooded, self-confident, accustomed to swaying people through his force of personality.

16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

17. In self-confident mood, Franco pressed ahead with his plans for the Law of Succession.

18. Even people like me became more self-confident in Art when he was the teacher.

19. Self-confident, individualistic, indomitable and highly respected, they used to be the kings and queens of photography.

20. She was supremely self-confident with the gift of being able to bubble whenever the camera was rolling.

21. Henry always seems so self-confident, but in reality he’s extremely shy.

22. Only from a self-confident Britain can we look outside to play our rightful role in the wider world.

23. Dan Reynolds, a self-confident engineer with twenty years’ experience with large companies, was laid off in 1992.

24. These anecdotes give us an idea of the self-confident arrogance of the Arabs.

25. To Dexter the producer seemed much more self-confident than on the morning after the murder, talkative and charming.

26. This man isactive and self-confident; a «Don Juan»-type seducer.

27. Do you think it’s true that teenage girls are less self-confident than their male peers?

28. The literature further suggests that transracial adopters are often very self-confident people with a resilience to stress.

29. Since I was always told that a qualified lady-killer must be self-confident.

30. As that happens and people become wealthier, they also become more self-confident and assertive, creating pressure for self-government and therefore democracy.

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Self-confident, attractive, with a well-developed intuition, you are independent in views.

Самоуверенный, привлекательный, с хорошо развитой интуицией, вы независимы во взглядах и хорошо мыслите логически.

Self-confident and attractive, Leo is able to unite many groups of people at every opportunity.

Самоуверенный и привлекательный, Лео способен объединять вокруг себя самых разных людей.

Attentive, self-confident, friendly, neither aggressive nor timid.

Внимательный, уверенный в себе, дружелюбный, не агрессивный, не застенчивый.

Self-confident, accomplished in life, purposeful, stylish, inspired.

Уверенный в себе, совершенный в жизни, целеустремленный, стильный, вдохновленный.

Self-confident traders are not serious about the market.

Self-confident, patient, balanced, intuitive, has an extraordinary analytical mind.

Самоуверен, терпелив, уравновешен, интуитивен, обладает неординарным аналитическим умом.

Self-confident people are usually more successful and happy life.

Самоуверенные люди обычно более успешны и счастливы в жизни.

Self-confident and independent representatives of the dwarf dog breeds can create difficulties in training.

Самоуверенные и независимые представители карликовых собачьих пород могут создать трудности в дрессировке.

Self-confident people have expectations that are realistic.

Self-confident Jolie is almost unable to compromise, and the freedom-loving Pitt cannot allow anyone to try to control him.

Уверенная в себе Джоли почти не способна идти на компромиссы, а свободолюбивый Питт не может позволить, чтобы кто-то пытался его контролировать.

Numerology Birth Date 1 for Women Self-confident and has a strong character, a woman chooses a man.

Число рождения 1 для женщины Уверенная в себе и обладающая сильным характером, такая женщина сама выбирает мужчину.

Behaviour/Temperament: Self-confident, alert, watchful and fearless in everyday situations.

ПОВЕДЕНИЕ/ТЕМПЕРАМЕНТ: Уверенная в себе, проворная, осторожная и бесстрашная в каждодневных ситуациях собака.

Self-confident, loyal, kind and smart person, perhaps a little adventurous, who will come to my life and upend the ground under my feet.

Самоуверенный, верный, добрый и умный человек, возможно, немного авантюрный, кто придет в мою жизнь и перевернет землю под моими ногами.

Self-confident and alert towards strangers.

Self-confident people can achieve success.

You look so self-confident, yet so uptight.

Ты выглядишь таким самоуверенным, но при этом очень нервным.

You smell of alcohol and are overly self-confident.

От Вас пахнет алкоголем, и Вы становитесь излишне самоуверенны.

Always active and self-confident Austrians were neither visible nor audible.

Всегда активных и самоуверенных австрийцев не было ни видно, ни слышно.

Self-confident people aren’t afraid to have their views challenged.

Self-confident leaders have this virtue and it attracts others to them.

У таких натур есть лидерские качества, они притягивают к себе других людей.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Self-confident

Результатов: 1629. Точных совпадений: 1629. Затраченное время: 141 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

You’re so self confident.
Вы и так слишком самоуверенны.

No matter if it’s good or bad, a high ego self confident, a stupid little kid.
Не важно, хорошо или плохо, что он эгоист, и ведет себя как ребенок.

She’s not confident about the future.
У неё нет уверенности в завтрашнем дне.

My past self is another person.
Я в прошлом – это другой человек.

I’m feeling pretty confident.
Я вполне уверен.

They’re self sufficient.
Они самодостаточны.

The defense lawyer was confident that he would be able to answer to the prosecutor’s arguments in his rebuttal.
Адвокат обвиняемого был уверен, что сможет объяснить аргументы стороны обвинения в своем обращении.

A shadow of your former self.
Тень прежнего тебя.

We are firmly confident of victory.
Мы твёрдо уверены в победе.

So if your child is bored and you give him an iPad, he may not be bored anymore, but he hasn’t learned how to entertain himself, or self regulate, Professor Fenske said.
Поэтому, если ваш ребенок скучает и вы даете ему iPad, он перестанет скучать, однако он не научится бороться со скукой самостоятельно или как-либо иным способом управлять своим временем и занятостью, — говорит профессор Фенске.

I’m confident that I’ll win the tennis match.
Уверен, я выиграю этот теннисный матч.

Indicators are self adjusting to the selected timeframe and zoom levels are easily accessible directly within the charts.
Индикаторы самостоятельно подстраиваются под выбранные временные рамки, изменяют масштаб уровня и являются легкодоступными непосредственно в рамках графика.

People are most angry when they feel they are being mocked. That’s why those who are confident in themselves seldom become angry.
Люди злятся больше всего, когда над ними насмехаются. Поэтому люди, уверенные в себе, злятся редко.

2. В не узнаете свою «самость».

The operations require professional knowledge and confident presentation.
Деятельность требует специальных знаний и уверенных действий.

He’s a shadow of his former self.
Зюганов уже совсем не тот, что раньше.

We are pleased about your visit and confident that, with your help, we can achieve our goals.
Мы рады Вашему визиту и уверены, что вместе с Вами добьемся наших целей.

Now, with the price tag for its bailout rising above initial estimates of 1.3 trillion rubles ($20 billion), top officials are considering shrinking the bank to a shadow of its former self, according to four people involved in the discussions.
Теперь, когда цена спасения превысила первоначальные оценки в 1,3 трлн рублей (20 млрд долларов), высокопоставленные чиновники рассматривают возможность превращения банка в тень его былых масштабов, сообщают источники, вовлеченные в обсуждение.

The ten songs laid out over thirty-something minutes aren’t so much a demonstration of phenomenal compositional talent, as they are a confident and strong declaration of such intent.
Десяток песен, уложившихся в тридцать с небольшим минут — это не столько демонстрация феноменального композиторского дарования, сколько уверенная и мощная декларация о намерениях.

At some point, the West will have to recognize Crimea’s right to self rule.
В какой-то момент Западу придется признать право Крыма на самоуправление.


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Johnny looked uneasily at Silence, who only smirked back at him in a self-confident stare, and then made his way slowly over to Nancy

Thesa could see how self-confident the badger was– his sleek coat shining in the fading moonlight, his eyes sparkling with triumph

They (the establishment) are self-confident, even arrogant, about their modern theories and methods of teaching, which they

The youngest was Raymond, a kid of fourteen; well-built but still hairless and cheekily self-confident

Sebastian admired his friend‘s relaxed, self-confident bravery and wished he could be as easy about himself; but he didn‘t dare

At school, Robert carried things along in his easy, self-confident way

During supper, instead of mingling with everyone he stood chatting to Stephen, a first-year Art School student he’d never dared to speak to during previous sessions because he seemed so self-confident and aloof

As the Master passed Peter, he saw, by the light of the torches, the look of despair on the face of his former self-confident and superficially brave apostle, and he turned and looked upon Peter

Mandy, I know as a fact that I’m sincere, self-confident

The Minister was a bit too smug and self-confident, he thought

It was typical Modi—cocky and arrogant, but also self-confident and daring

‘He is too self-confident and he wastes his time on pride

While Victor went on, “Sensei also has a cat Samurai, which became so self-confident that it started to fight with dogs

The man who sidled deferentially into the room, a moment after Carton had said he would see him, was a middle-sized fellow, with a high, slightly bald forehead, a shifty expression in his sharp ferret eyes, and a nervous, self-confident manner that must have been very impressive before the ignorant

Jack was a self-confident young man who was very aware of his social standing and wouldn’t mix with miserable sheep-farmers

He kept having to look at her as she rode next to him, leaning slightly backwards in the saddle, her chest self-confidently arched forward, and again and again he thought to himself that she was a great girl

He fascinated her with the way he moved with his self-confident manner as if he were insusceptible to anyone

The debonair, self-confident Iason spoke near-perfect English-accented Greek and his affection for his half-brother and sister was doting and warm

In his behaviour to me he was a perfect tyrant, he spoke very little to me, and if he chanced to glance at me he gave me a firm, majestically self-confident and invariably ironical look that drove me sometimes to fury

Following the Republican Convention in August and taking full cognizance of events between the Democratic and Republican Conventions, I think the President should pursue a strategy totally consistent with that of a self-confident, competent statesman who is above frantic political campaigning

The sun was shining brightly, his wet clothes were quite dry again, he had money in his pocket once more, he was nearing home and friends and safety, and, most and best of all, he had had a substantial meal, hot and nourishing, and felt big, and strong, and careless, and self-confident

Seeing Alexey Alexandrovitch with his Petersburg face and severely self-confident figure, in his round hat, with his rather prominent spine, he believed in him, and was aware of a disagreeable sensation, such as a man might feel tortured by thirst, who, on reaching a spring, should find a dog, a sheep, or a pig, who has drunk of it and muddied the water

Don Jose Avellanos touched elbows with the other foreign diplomat, a dark man with a quiet, watchful, self-confident demeanour, and a touch of reserve

There was a self-confident ring in all the voices

Intellectually self-confident, he suffered from being deprived of the only weapon he could use with effect

But the necessity of overcoming small obstacles becomes wearisome to a self-confident personality as much by the certitude of success as by the monotony of effort

There was something mortifying in the way he had said ‘Come, that’s good,’ as one says to a child when it leaves off being naughty, and still more mortifying was the contrast between her penitent and his self-confident tone; and for one instant she felt the lust of strife rising up in her

yearned to hear the sound of hooves and to see Rhett’s careless, self-confident eyes laughing at her fears

He was in love with every button on his coat, every nail on his fingers—absolutely in love with them, and he looked it! In his behaviour to me he was a perfect tyrant, he spoke very little to me, and if he chanced to glance at me he gave me a firm, majestically self-confident and invariably ironical look that drove me sometimes to fury

I’m a well-adjusted, self-confident, and resilient person

As soon as he had seen a visitor off he returned to one of those who were still in the drawing room, drew a chair toward him or her, and jauntily spreading out his legs and putting his hands on his knees with the air of a man who enjoys life and knows how to live, he swayed to and fro with dignity, offered surmises about the weather, or touched on questions of health, sometimes in Russian and sometimes in very bad but self-confident French; then again, like a man weary but unflinching in the fulfillment of duty, he rose to see

He was bespattered with mud and had a pitiful, weary, and distracted air, though at the same time he was haughty and self-confident

‘Lads!’ shouted Miloradovich in a loud, self-confident, and cheery voice, obviously so elated by the sound of firing, by the prospect of battle, and by the sight of the gallant Apsherons, his comrades in Suvorov’s time, now passing so gallantly before the Emperors, that he forgot the sovereigns’ presence

present were elderly, respected men with broad, self-confident faces, fat fingers, and resolute gestures and voices

She had merely become more self-confident, Prince Andrew thought

With Pfuel was Wolzogen, who expressed Pfuel’s thoughts in a more comprehensible way than Pfuel himself (who was a harsh, bookish theorist, self-confident to the point of despising everyone else) was able to do

immutably self-confident men, self-confident to the point of martyrdom as only Germans are, because only Germans are self-confident on the basis of an abstract notion- science, that is, the supposed knowledge of absolute truth

Of all these men Prince Andrew sympathized most with Pfuel, angry, determined, and absurdly self-confident as he was

He showed an interest in trifles, joked about de Beausset’s love of travel, and chatted carelessly, as a famous, self-confident surgeon who knows his job does when turning up his sleeves and putting on his apron while a patient is being strapped to the operating table

The ignorance of his colleagues, the weakness and insignificance of his opponents, the frankness of his falsehoods, and the dazzling and self-confident limitations of this man raise him to the head of the army

‘Louis XIV was a very proud and self-confident man; he had such and such mistresses and such and such ministers and he ruled France badly

If Chichagof had been less self-confident he would at least, in withdrawing to Ukholda, have ensured the impossibility of the passage of the river at Studyanka by ordering the Vilna road to be destroyed

I certainly must go to Razumihin even if it were not close by … let him win his bet! Let us give him some satisfaction, too—no matter! Strength, strength is what one wants, you can get nothing without it, and strength must be won by strength—that’s what they don’t know,’ he added proudly and self-confidently and he walked with flagging footsteps from the bridge

He was rather soft-hearted, but self-confident and sometimes extremely conceited in speech, which had an absurd effect, incongruous with his little figure

But «Mein lieber Augustin» holds his ground firmly, he is cheerful and self-confident, he is gleeful and impudent, and the «Marseillaise» seems suddenly to become terribly stupid

I hated the abrupt self-confident tone of his voice, his admiration of his own witticisms, which were often frightfully stupid, though he was bold in his language; I hated his handsome, but stupid face (for which I would, however, have gladly exchanged my intelligent one), and the free-and-easy military manners in fashion in the «‘forties

He was in love with every button on his coat, every nail on his fingers—absolutely in love with them, and he looked it! In his behaviour to me he was a perfect tyrant, he spoke very little to me, and if he chanced to glance at me he gave me a firm, majestically self-confident and invariably ironical look that drove me sometimes to fury

He was very stupid by nature, but, besides this, he had had the misfortune of finishing school with a gold medal and of receiving a reward for his essay on “Servitude” when studying Roman Law at the University, and was therefore self-confident and self-satisfied in the highest degree (his success with the ladies also conducing to this) and his stupidity had become extraordinary

Have we not sent him from the Moscow to the Irkoutsk Government?” Thus thought Nekhludoff with unusual clearness and vividness, sitting in his high-backed chair next to the colonel, and listening to the different intonations of the advocates’, prosecutor’s, and president’s voices, and looking at their self-confident gestures

Fanarin, in his swallow-tail coat, a white tie above the white shirt-front, and a self-confident smile on his lips, passed into the next room

He was disgusted with that self-confident, vulgar, liberal tone of Kolosoff, the bull-like, sensual, figure of old Korchagin, the French phrases of the Slavophile maiden, the ceremonious faces of the governess and the tutor

The calm, self-confident German came to his relief

He disliked his vulgar feelings, his self-confident narrowness of mind, but, principally, because of his sister, who should so passionately, egotistically and sensually love such a poor nature, and to please whom she should stifle all her noble sentiments

It was always painful to Nekhludoff to think of Natalie as the wife of that hairy, self-confident man, with shining bald head

Every thief knows that stealing is wrong; that theft is immoral,» Ignatius Nikiforovitch said, with the calm, self-confident, and, at the same time, somewhat contemptuous, smile which particularly provoked Nekhludoff

They treat his teaching as, in correcting the words of an interlocutor, self-confident men generally speak to one whom they regard as standing below them, «Yes, what you mean to say is this

Andrews, or some such silliness, suddenly becomes self-confident, proud, and even happy; or, on the contrary, because he loses or does not receive a desired trinket or name, becomes so sad and unhappy that he even grows sick

And, no matter how unlike it is to the self-confident look with which all these ruling men now move in the station and up and down the platform, they all in the depth of their hearts suffer and even waver

All the confused, unintelligible theories of art, all the false and contradictory judgments on art, and particularly the self-confident stagnation of our art in its false path, all arise from the assertion, which has come into common use and is accepted as an unquestioned truth, but is yet amazingly and palpably false, the assertion, namely, that the art of our upper classes[100] is the whole of art, the true, the only, the universal art

Seeing the self-confident and refined expression on the faces of those present he was always expecting to hear something very profound

As soon as he had seen a visitor off he returned to one of those who were still in the drawing room, drew a chair toward him or her, and jauntily spreading out his legs and putting his hands on his knees with the air of a man who enjoys life and knows how to live, he swayed to and fro with dignity, offered surmises about the weather, or touched on questions of health, sometimes in Russian and sometimes in very bad but self-confident French; then again, like a man weary but unflinching in the fulfillment of duty, he rose to see some visitors off and, stroking his scanty gray hairs over his bald patch, also asked them to dinner

“Lads!” shouted Milorádovich in a loud, self-confident, and cheery voice, obviously so elated by the sound of firing, by the prospect of battle, and by the sight of the gallant Ápsherons, his comrades in Suvórov’s time, now passing so gallantly before the Emperors, that he forgot the sovereigns’ presence

Most of those present were elderly, respected men with broad, self-confident faces, fat fingers, and resolute gestures and voices

Pfuel was one of those hopelessly and immutably self-confident men, self-confident to the point of martyrdom as only Germans are, because only Germans are self-confident on the basis of an abstract notion—science, that is, the supposed knowledge of absolute truth

“Louis XIV was a very proud and self-confident man; he had such and such mistresses and such and such ministers and he ruled France badly

Gambling on the Stock-Exchange, risky speculation, and the recklessness of which he could not rid himself even in old age, had gradually brought his business to decay; and the fearless, self-confident, proud man of business had become an ordinary banker, trembling at every rise and fall in the market

Daring, brave, self-confident, he also possessed a handsome presence, good manners, and the worldly finish known as education

» From that moment he took a new lease of life; he grew younger, he became gay and self-confident, his health even visibly improved, and he assumed the air and manner of a perfect gentleman

Her gift for light, easy, semi-humorous talk, her gay, self-confident way of telling a good story, constitute her a leading and most lasting attraction in English estimation

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Каждый придурок, которого я когда-либо встречал, был самоуверенным.

Very strong, self-confident, they nevertheless are very attached to their loved ones.


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Finally, the monkey is the animal that helps us be bolder and more self-confident.


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Наконец, обезьяна- это животное, которое помогает нам быть более смелыми и уверенными в себе.


They’re smart, self-confident and articulate, as we have raised them to be.

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The potential SEO customer is active, sporty and self-confident with their own style.


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Потенциальные покупатели серии SEO активны, спортивны, уверены в себе и обладают собственным стилем.


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The teachers of both science and

religion are often altogether too self-confident and dogmatic.

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Нередко и религиозные, и научные учителя слишком самоуверенны и догматичны.

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It added up to a militant, self-confident Catholicism, emerging quite independently of Protestant reform.

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То дополн€ ло военный, самоуверенный католицизм, независимо родившийс€ из протестантских реформ.

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The cheeky short haircut is the perfect hairstyle for self-confident women.

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Навязчивая короткая стрижка- идеальная прическа для самоуверенных женщин.

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He only became much more self-confident, ceased feeling shy with people and spoke incessantly.

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Он сделался лишь гораздо самоувереннее, перестал стесняться с людьми и говорил без умолку.

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He is slick and self-confident, married to a materialistic woman named Sharon.

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Улыбка может сделать нас более привлекательными и уверенными.


Workplace for active, curious, communicative, and self-confident people exists not only on the ground!


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Работа для активных, любопытных, общительных и уверенных людей существует не только на земле!


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I don’t want to have a reputation too self-confident, but at present I feel so as though I can’t be stopped.


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Я не хочу слыть чересчур самоуверенным, но в данный момент я себя чувствую так, как- будто меня невозможно остановить.


The brand is geared towards stylish, self-confident and energetic girls who do not represent themselves outside of the fashion industry.


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Лейбл ориентирован на стильных, уверенных в себе и энергичных девушек, не представляющих


вне fashion- индустрии.


With its self-confident design and intelligent functions,

such as a second time zone via bidirectional rotating bezel, it suits the wrists of ambitious businessmen around the globe.


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С его самоуверенным дизайном и интеллектуальными функциями,

такими как второй часовой пояс, реализованный при помощи вращающегося безеля, этот хронограф украшает запястья амбициозных бизнесменов по всему миру.


Results: 105,
Time: 0.0314





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