Sentence with word rope

Synonym: Mexican valium, R-2, circle, forget me drug, lasso, leash, roach, roofy, rophy. Similar words: rope in, properly, improper, property, European, propensity, eastern europe, private property. Meaning: [rəʊp]  n. 1. a strong line 2. street names for flunitrazepan. v. 1. catch with a lasso 2. fasten with a rope. 

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1) Give a thief rope enough and he will hang himself. 

2) Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself. 

3) Give a fool rope enough and he will hang himself. 

4) Give a fool enough rope [rope enough] and he will hang himself. 

5) They reeved the rope through the pulley.

6) The falling man clutched the rope.

7) Her wrists chafed where the rope had been.

8) The anchor was attached to a length of rope.

9) She gave the rope a yank.

10) He slashed through the rope.

11) A coil of rope lay on the beach.

12) The climber girded himself with a rope.

13) Hang off the rope,[] let’s start our boat.

14) When I shout, give a haul on the rope.

15) She yanked the rope and it broke.

16) Hold the rope loosely between your finger and thumb.

17) He used a rope to mark off the circle.

18) We all heaved on the rope.

19) He let go of the rope.

20) He tightened up the rope a little.

21) They bound my arms and legs with rope.

22) Keep a tight grip on the rope.

23) We tugged so hard that the rope broke.

24) Coils of rope lay on the quayside.

25) I heard the rope swish through the air.

26) Several sailors were straining at the rope.

27) We tied his feet together with rope.

28) The rope holding the boat loosened.

29) Sam and John are pulling the rope.

30) He that has [hath] been bitten by a serpent, is afraid of a rope

More similar words: rope in, properly, improper, property, European, propensity, eastern europe, private property, hope against hope, cope, open, opera, hope, pope, scope, slope, openly, operate, open air, operator, hopeful, opening, hopeless, in the open, soap opera, cope with, operating, operation, cooperate, developer. 

rope — перевод на русский


— Take off the rope!

— Сними веревку!

Take off the rope!

Сними веревку!

[ Woman ] They made me get ’em a rope and a blanket.

Они попросили меня принести верёвку и одеяло.

Let’s tie a rope to that hook and slide down.

Можно привязать веревку к этому крюку и слезть по ней.

Give me the rope.

Дай мне веревку.

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The first night, the hemp rope broke.

В первую ночь оборвался пеньковый канат.

The second night, the rope of flax broke.

Во вторую ночь оборвался льняной канат.

The third rope held fast.

Третий канат был самым надежным.

With Blanchet’s blanket, I had enough for the other rope.

Из одеял, которые передал мне Бланше, я сделал другой канат.

Maybe we ought to use thicker rope?

Может, взять канат потолще?

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Why can’t we get another rope… from someone… and tie them together to make it longer?

Почему бы нам не взять скакалку у кого-нибуть другого и не связать эту скакалку с нашей, чтобы сделать нашу длиннее?

We had to put a skipping rope across the stairs… just to keep you from getting at the tree.

Нам приходилось натягивать скакалку поперек лестницы – только для того, чтобы вы не добрались до елки.

— Skipping rope?


and jumping their ropes, others were no longer engaged in child’s play.

прыгая через скакалку. Другие больше не участвуют в детских играх.

Yo, let me get that rope.

— Йо, дай мне скакалку.

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Get to the other rope!

Хватайте другой трос.

Throw me your extra rope.

Запасной трос.

— Hey, Lenny, grab the rope.

— Ленни, держи трос.

The car was sinking… but luckily the Icelandics had another trick up their sleeve — a bungee rope.

Машина погружалась… но к счастью исландцы имели в запасе ещё один трюк — эластичный трос.

James agreed to tow Richard, and my car would hide the rope. «And how did the accident happen, Mr. Clarkson?»

Джеймс согласился буксировать Ричарда, а моя машина должна была скрывать трос.

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And I’ve been saying I’d take you around and show you the ropes!

А я еще собирался вводить тебя в курс дела!

He wants you to show him the ropes.

Он хочет, чтобы вы ввели его в курс дела.

The point is to teach them the ropes.

Главное — ввести сразу в курс дела.

The fella whose job I’m taking, will he show me the ropes?

Тот, которого я буду заменять, введет меня в курс дела?

Well, let’s go to the lines, take our first call and show Dr Webber the ropes.

Что ж, начнем, примем первый звонок, чтобы ввести доктора Вебера в курс дела.

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I’ve worn rope shoes for 10 years.

Я износил веревочные туфли за 10 лет.

This reminds me of that rope swing we used to have at home.

Это напомнило мне веревочные качели что были у нас дома.

The ropes course is a piece of cake.

Верёвочные курсы, как кусок торта.

The rope course?

Веревочные курсы?

No, it wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t had us do this stupid rope course!

Нет, этого бы не случилось, если бы ты не потащил нас на эти тупые веревочные курсы!

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Your mother’s upset, she’s at the end of a rope.

Твоя мать очень расстроена, на хоть сейчас в петлю.

Stick your neck out and they throw a rope around it.

Ты их защищаешь а они затягивают петлю вокруг твоей шеи.

Okay. You want enough rope to hang yourself? Fine.

Ну, если хотите лезть в петлю, пожалуйста.

The German who hanged my father… the one… who actually pulled the rope… had just promised to save him.

Немец, который вешал моего отца тот… который сам натягивал петлю… Перед тем обещал его спасти.

You just sound like a man who’s pushed himself too hard, who’s reached the end of his rope.

Вы говорите, как человек, доведший себя до того, что хоть в петлю лезь.

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Tryin’ to rope me into some crackpot scheme.

Он пытался втянуть меня в свою безумную затею.

Oh, she may call you later to rope you into this new show.

О, просто чтобы предупредить. Она может позвонить тебе позднее, чтобы втянуть тебя в это новое шоу.

We hear you’re trying to rope my client back into this.

Мы слышали, вы снова пытаетесь втянуть моего клиента в это дело.

Trying to rope me into speaking at the next meeting.

Попытаетесь втянуть меня в разговор при следующей встрече.

An hour ago, I accused Gus of trying to rope me into a pyramid scheme.

Час назад я обвинял Гаса в попытке втянуть меня в финансовую пирамиду.

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When taking mask repent in There is a Paul Meng De Si Stage name is Paul Palestinian rope

Среди кающихся в масках находится Пабло Мендез, более известный по своему сценическому псевдониму Поль Баззо.

Pornographic actor Paul Palestinian rope

Это и есть Поль Баззо.

You are Paul Palestinian rope, for?

Ты ведь Поль Баззо?

See Paul Palestinian rope in rape a female

Какой-то педик сказал, что видит, как Баззо насилует девку.

This is Paul Palestinian rope, pornographic flat actor He just escapes from from prison

Это Поль Баззо, порно-звезда, он сбежал во время процессии.

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Unless she end up at the end of a rope.

Если только она не окажется на конце веревки.

Mr Rumpole didn’t hang around very long — victim of a rare sleeping disorder, we were meant to believe, while Ms Crespo goes the way of his late colleague at the end of a rope.

Мр. Румпл недолго прождал — жертва редкой болезни сна, как мы должны были подумать, в то время как мисс Креспо повторила судьбу его коллеги на конце веревки.

There’s something on the other end of this rope.

Там есть что-то, на конце веревки.

Listen, the neck at the end of the rope is mine.

Слушай, шея-то на конце веревки — моя.

Nobody misses when I’m at the end of the rope.

Никто не мажет, когда я на конце веревки.

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Sentences with the word Rope?



  • «The rope snapped»; «tear the paper»
  • «a coil of rope«
  • «a coiled snake ready to strike»; «the rope lay coiled on the deck»
  • «Cut the rope«
  • «douse a rope«
  • «This skill will enable you to find a job on Wall Street»; «The rope enables you to secure yourself when you climb the mountain»
  • «intertwine the ribbons»; «Twine the threads into a rope«; «intertwined hearts»
  • «held fast to the rope«; «her foot was stuck fast»; «held tight»
  • «a fat rope«
  • «a firm grasp»; «gave a strong pull on the rope«
  • «Your muscles will firm when you exercise regularly»; «the rope tautened»
  • «tauten a rope«
  • «frap a rope«
  • «loop a rope«
  • «rope cows»
  • «a lax rope«
  • «rope the bag securely»
  • «Let go of the door handle, please!»; «relinquish your grip on the rope—you won’t fall»
  • «the old man’s skin hung loose and grey»; «slack and wrinkled skin»; «slack sails»; «a slack rope«; «a slack grip»
  • «loosen the tension on a rope«
  • «The noose loosened»; «the rope relaxed»
  • «bought some made goods at the local store; rope and nails»
  • «notch the rope«
  • «parcel rope«
  • «Pull the rope«; «Pull the handle towards you»; «pull the string gently»; «pull the trigger of the gun»; «pull your knees towards your chin»
  • «reeve a rope«
  • «relax the tension on the rope«
  • «a sawed-off shotgun»; «a sawed-off broomstick»; «the shortened rope was easier to use»
  • «shorten the skirt»; «shorten the rope by a few inches»
  • «he hadn’t counted on the slackness of the rope«
  • «slack the rope«
  • «the rope slackened»
  • «the tenuity of a hair»; «the thinness of a rope«
  • «the bodybuilder’s neck muscles tensed»; «the rope strained when the weight was attached»
  • «he struggled to get free from the rope«
  • «taut sails»; «a tight drumhead»; «a tight rope«
  • «alternately relax and tense your calf muscle»; «tense the rope manually before tensing the spring»
  • «The rope tightened»
  • «twine a rope«

веревка, канат, трос, лассо, канатный, веревочный, связывать веревкой


- канат; верёвка; трос

- связка (альпинизм)
- верёвка, петля (на виселице)
- казнь через повешение
- (the ropes) pl канаты, ограждающие ринг или арену

to be on the ropes — а) повиснуть на канатах ринга (бокс); б) быть в беспомощном состоянии, находиться на грани поражения
his competitors soon had him on the ropes — конкуренты вскоре загнали его в угол /практически разорили/

ещё 6 вариантов


- привязывать; связывать (канатом, верёвкой; тж. rope up)

to rope a box — перевязать ящик верёвкой
to rope smth. on to smth. — привязать что-л. к чему-л.
his trunks were roped up for additional safety — для крепости его сундуки дополнительно обвязали верёвками

- связаться друг с другом (альпинизм)
- тянуть на верёвке, канате
- заманивать, втягивать, вовлекать (тж. rope in)

try and rope in as many helpers as possible — постарайтесь заполучить как можно больше помощников
organizing a picnic now that’s something you should avoid being roped into — вам настойчиво предлагают организовать пикник, а вы отказываетесь

- огораживать канатом

to rope an area — отгородить (канатом) участок земли
they roped off part of the street — они отгородили верёвкой часть улицы
to rope out a crowd — преградить верёвкой путь толпе
the judges’ enclosure was roped off from the spectators — места судей были отгорожены от зала канатом

- амер. ловить арканом
- умышленно проигрывать (в спортивном соревновании)
- густеть, становиться клейким (о жидкости)

Мои примеры


a rope bridge across the chasm — верёвочный мост через пропасть  
to place rope in block — закладывать трос в блок  
to broom end of wire rope — распустить конец троса  
rope burns on our wrists — следы от верёвки на наших запястьях  
to ease up on a rope — ослаблять верёвку  
to ease away a rope — травить канат  
free end of a rope — незакрепленный конец каната  
to haul in a rope — выбирать канат  
to hook the end of the rope on the branch of the tree — прицепить конец верёвки к ветке дерева  
to jump rope — скакать через скакалку  
to be at the end of one’s rope — быть в безвыходном положении  

Примеры с переводом

The rope is made of nylon.

Этот канат/трос изготовлен из нейлона.

The dog was roped to the fence.

Собака была привязана к забору верёвкой.

I grasped the rope by its end.

Я схватил веревку за конец.

He coiled the rope.

Он смотал верёвку /канат/.

I don’t want to get roped into any more of your activities.

Не хочу больше участвовать в ваших делах.

The farmer has roped off the field to keep the animals out.

Фермер огородил поле верёвкой, чтобы скотина не заходила.

Take hold of the rope at the top and then just shin down.

Хватайся за верхнюю часть веревки и просто спускайся!

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Tie the end of the rope to the post.

The rope twanged when it snapped.

He looped the rope over the post.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

rope in — окружать канатом, вовлекать, втягивать, заманивать, отгородить канатом
rope off — отгородить канатом, окружать канатом

Возможные однокоренные слова

roper  — ковбой, канатный мастер
ropiness  — тягучесть, вязкость
roping  — тросы, образование полос, увязывание груза
ropish  — густоватый, вязкий, слегка тягучий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: rope
he/she/it: ropes
ing ф. (present participle): roping
2-я ф. (past tense): roped
3-я ф. (past participle): roped

ед. ч.(singular): rope
мн. ч.(plural): ropes

A rope is a group of yarns, plies, fibers or strands that are twisted or braided together into a larger and stronger form. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I think mine would be the rope because i think it looks quite laid back and simple when used as an accessory and very rustic, the necklace looks perfect!


The exhibition dances like one of the artist’s hares through a plethora of materials, from the raw hessian of the artist’s wall-mounted sculptures — blurring the language of canvas with sculptural surface — to marble, rope, pigment, resin, and sand — all with gleeful whimsy.


If you thought you needed to run or do steady state cardio (which is an antiquated notion these days), then you’ve got another thing coming with rope training.


Make sure to do the coastal walk to the rope bridge and for dinner, order a Guinness Steak Pie in the local pub!


J and I were at our swingers club a couple of years ago when a regular club goer asked if I wanted to feel the rope on my wrist.


These DIY rope candle holders are a super quick project that will bring a nautical vibe to your next party!


You know that red rag tied in the middle of a rope that helps decide the winner of a game of tug-of-war?


Acrobats, their faces painted forest green, artfully ascend hanging ropes, twirling away from tumbling pathogens.


Researchers found that the average heart rate of those tested during a 10-minute block of rope training intervals was 86 % of the maximum for their age.


If you want to mix teeth cleaning dog treats with fun toys which are long-lasting, you can enjoy fun rope dog toys.


Visible above, on the looming, almost menacing cliff faces, are the caves where locals hack away for the precious fossils, each one trailing ropes.


, in which the angle of the boat forms creates a sense of rocking motion and the lines coming from their ends suggest their mooring ropes.


Other common debris included rope, fishing equipment, glass bottles, paper, and cloth items.


Explore the jungle by boat or on dry land trails, swim in the lodge’s cool stream, or strap on a harness and rope up to the lodge’s tree platforms for a bird’s eye view of the forest — including close-ups of arboreal orchids.


friendly… like to have a tie up sex which can last for longer… love to have a sex with a guy tie up with ropes and duct tapes


Attach the rope attachment to a low pulley on the cable machine.


Twist the rope at the base of the circle.


When Beth Pegler, aka Peggy, had her fourth child she took a break from her job as a primary school teacher and poured her creativity into making rope and thread necklaces and other hand-crafted delights made from wood and vintage fabrics.


The same triple jump effect can be replicated on the many tight ropes that seem to inhabit a lot of stages in Super Mario 3D Land.


However, those that did not have toy guns felt that the same benefits were achieved through the use of other aggressive release toys (like ropes, knives and swords) without the complications.


• Standing dumbbell curls: 4 sets 12,10,8,8 • Standing cable rope pull downs: 5 sets 15,12,10,10,8 • Standing hammer curls: 4 sets 12,10,8,8 • Standing Triceps push down: 5 sets 15,12,10,10,8 • Standing straight bar arm curls: 4 sets 10,10,8,8 • Dips on bench: 4 sets of at least 20 reps 20,20,20,20 • Seated concentration curls or seated machine curls: 3 sets — failure • Single arm reverse cable pull downs: 3 sets of at least 20 20,20,20 • 10 — 15 mins on bike or treadmill


Then when someone comes along with a «this is how you do it» stated like a rule, you jump to the rule like a drowning man reaching for a rope.


He will often have his mentor students in the gym shooting hoops, jumping rope, or engaged in some activity to prime blood flow, release energy, or simply decompress.


Orly Ruaimi, US$ 111.2 million (average cost), 2017, H15 «xW36 «xD12», steel, rope, concrete, bolts, and US navy military shirt, Walter and McBean Galleries, San Francisco.


Time for me to cross that «rope bridge»!


I have a 50 foot rope that is 1.5» thick and is 35 lb.


One of the biggest pluses about sisal rope cat scratching posts is that they are durable and last a lot longer than carpet covered posts or cardboard.


Inspired by research that showed enrichment could spark the growth of new neurons, he provided the rodents with cardboard for making nests, brightly colored balls for play, and ladders and ropes to climb.


For Eye Body: 36 Transformative Actions for Camera (1963), the series of black-and-white photographs shot by Icelandic artist Erró, Schneemann posed in her studio, covered in paint, grease, chalk and ropes.


Twist the two ropes together on your work surface to form a cord and trim the ends to neaten.


This is my second ever video and I’d love any feedback… I’m slowly learning the ropes of Youtube — it’s definitely more challenging tan just editing photos!


Inflexible staffing rules are among the «ropes» cited most often by superintendents.


With Desire Lines, she has created a large-scale installation that measures the network of pathways that crisscross Central Park, translating this numerical data into spools of colorful rope installed at the entrance to the park.


He is a horse whisperer, meaning that though he ropes the untamed horses by one leg before attempting to ride them, he depends on gaining the animals» trust.


«I think he’s treading a delicate tight rope in pursuing police reform without alienating his police force,» he continued.


The constructions that Morris created — made out of wood, steel and ropes — encouraged viewers» physical interaction.


All she has is a rope connected to Something above.


Per and Gabriel are both on the ropes for me.


Quotes like this manage to rope in more writers who say, «I feel the same way.»


Our signature rope swing over the natural pool is located just next to this house and can provide another launching platform for cooling off (and showing off).


Hovering over the prison, Nadine dropped a rope down to Michel who managed to climb aboard the helicopter.


Oh, I would love a «beachy» bath =) I like how they used a rope for the towel bar in one of the pictures — I keeping that idea to use someday — Thanks for all the tips.


To me, it seems like a good time to switch ropes.


Responding to that call, artists such as Kazuo Shiraga made a «painting» in mud on the ground, using his body as a «brush» (his signature works were oil paintings made with his feet as he swung from a ceiling-suspended rope); Atsuko Tanaka fashioned her «Electric Dress» from countless colored light bulbs, a garment she actually wore on stage; and Shōzo Shimamoto produced images by firing paint from a cannon at various surfaces.


If you integrate ten one minute intervals of jumping rope or plyo’s into your cardio workout up your heart rate, challenge your body, and tone your lower half


(Hitting coach Hensley) Meulens recently affixed two yellow ropes on either wall of the batting cage at AT&T.


Some of them come with fears and quirks requiring an extra helping of compassion along with focused, special training as they learn the ropes.


Regina Bogat’s abstract compositions from 1967 to 1977, made with nylon rope, wooden strips and dowels glued to the canvas, are here.


You did splendid job gluing rope around crate.


Dads, learning the ropes of parenthood as well, feel increased pressure to provide for and protect the family, whether financial or otherwise.


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