Sentence with word midnight

Midnight is the transition time from one day to the next – the moment when the date changes. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Located in an inner suburb it is ideally positioned for visitors to Melbourne for both work and pleasure The Kensington station is just a 2 minute walk away and trains operate to and from the city (2 stops) every 10 minutes during peak hours and every 20 minutes at other times from early morning until around midnight.


«We are ready and are awaiting the deadline at midnight.


One has only to recall the limitation of a forbidden tree in Eden, the midnight hour for Cinderella, or «high noon» in a popular Western drama to be reminded that it is boundary that arouses interest.


So while Alabama doesn’t allow newly licensed teens to drive between midnight and 6 AM, North Carolina doesn’t allow them to drive between 9 PM and 5 AM.


On Monday, mainstream news sources such as The Guardian, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg further supported or confirmed these rumors by releasing articles with the news of a Chinese crackdown on exchanges.According to Chinese state newspaper Securities Times, «All trading exchanges must by midnight of 15 September publish a notice to make clear when they will stop all cryptocurrency trading and announce a stop to new user registrations.»


We have until midnight tonight for him to be correct, and I don’t want to alarm anyone, but the sky in my area has just cracked open and a large black area is spreading.


With much hesitation, I purchased the entry-level MacBook just after midnight on April 10.


Future-dated and recurring transfers can be canceled prior to midnight ET on the bank business day prior to the date the transfer is scheduled to be made.


We arrived on campus shortly after midnight, and were met in the parking lot by your emergency veterinarian, Dr. Mara Senzolo, as well as technician Lori Weston and student Carin Steven.


Since I live by the beach, I can’t help including morning and even midnight swims into my everyday activities.


Like Hudsucker, we meet our protagonist just as he is apparently about to meet his demise — Victor Ajax (Reed Birney) is a typical Coen-esque schlub dragged from his cell for a midnight date with the electric chair.


It was around midnight when suddenly people noticed increasing water level with debris in the local rivers.


Comments are due by midnight (Eastern Time) on April 26.


Sweepstakes end on May 31st at midnight, est..


At midnight, an ogre turns up carrying a corpse.


At midnight on the eve of Independence Day, the Mayor traditionally salutes the flag and leads the gathering into the Independence cheer at a colourful yet solemn ceremony.


Perhaps someone had a midnight BBQ party next to the weatehr station!


Check out sunrise at Mt. Bromo without a tour and go for a midnight hike up Kawah Ijen to see its magnificent blue lava caused by the ignited sulphuric gas from the volcano are just a few of the must see places that we have planned.


But EA stepped their game up and had both a patch and roster update available by the time I got home from the midnight release.


I go grab my car and head east out of the city, hoping to make Albuquerque by midnight.


I began having contractions early that day and not until midnight they started getting worse 5 minutes apart, after 3 hours of that my water broke at home,


According to the website, over 500 stores will cooperate and open at the the strike at midnight, and please the fans of the series.


The error in this line of reasoning is that the stay at home position is a job that starts at midnight and ends at 11:59 pm, 7 days a week, despite the fact that there is no tangible income.


I would consider flying if I had one of the miniature breeds that can fly in the passenger compartment in one of those tiny carry on fabric crates, or if I took a midnight non-stop flight to my destination.


The holiday season might have officially arrived for consumers when the clock ticked midnight on Oct. 31, but businesses have been prepping their offerings for months, ready to entice shoppers with…


Or even just a midnight snack on its own.


Penelope really might have to love it up with Javier to make her case… P was tehre to eat her loss, beautiful but not all that exciting in midnight blue, obviously holding back some amazingness for Sunday.


Violators subject to $ 300 fine» — and orchestrating their midnight installations.


Though the popularity of cult films used to spread through midnight screenings in cities and often-borrowed VHS or DVD copies, the internet and digital streaming has increased the admiration of certain cult films exponentially.


2018 Atlanta Humane Society Telethon March 8, 2018 Fox 5 Atlanta 5 a.m. — midnight You can save a life during our Telethon on March 8!


The Laemmle Sunset 5 started showing it at midnight on the last Saturday of every month.


An annual gathering of cinema’s best and brightest (and sometimes just loudest and luckiest), the Cannes Film Festival contains multitudes: studio blockbusters and low-budget discoveries, midnight horror-thrillers and cinephile documentaries, George Clooney and Isabelle Huppert, Alejandro Jodorowsky…


Cuz I just saw the midnight showing of «The Grey» and was hoping to give my opinion and help urge people to go see that fantastic movie.


Giveaway ends November 13th at midnight EST..


(UPDATE: Fare sale extended to midnight Friday June 4)


It’s Christmastime in the Village — although pedestrians» breaths don’t fog in the midnight air — and all work and no play make Dr. Bill a dull boy.


And, Sky High Sports is super cool because it has «After Dark» activity specials like the ability to use the indoor trampoline until midnight.


The giveaway runs from Friday, November 22nd through Friday, November 29th at midnight.


The French Quarter has its own version of the ball drop, in which a fleur-de-lis descends on top of the Jax Brewery as the clock strikes midnight.


I won,» Holden told The Post when his margin increased from double to triple digits after midnight.


It’s after midnight and time to hit the send button.


Horror fans won’t mind, though, because while «Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead» is also hindered by some subpar acting and overly ambitious action scenes, it’s still a mildly amusing midnight movie that should earn a cult following of its own.


It’s after midnight on 4/24/18, and I’m sitting across from my 15-year-old daughter, who claims not to like movies much but is an exuberant Marvel fan, and who rocked and laughed and gasped throughout the long running time of Avengers: Infinity War.


Next Day delivery if ordered by 1 pm Monday to Thursday or for Dublin County order by midnight Monday to Thursday or by 8 pm Friday.


Bigelow and Boal’s handling of that daring midnight raid is a microcosm for the entire film.


The sale ends at midnight on Feb. 1st, so hurry over to Best Bully Sticks to take advantage of the discounted prices.


(expires March 11 at 12 midnight, MST)


The contest closes Sunday midnight Atlantic Time (my time-zone).


MatchAffinity is having another free weekend starting at 4PM on Friday, March 4th and running until midnight on Sunday, March 6th.


However, before the clock strikes midnight on December 31, your sales and marketing teams should have an idea of how you are measuring the effectiveness of your efforts in 2018.


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After midnight he brings it in.

А в полночь он уже снова его вводит.

It was almost midnight when we left.

Было уже за полночь, когда мы собрались уйти.

Not ALL camps can play after midnight.

Но это не значит, что игроки смогут начать играть сразу после полуночи.

The idea is to protect children from playing certain games after midnight.

Идея состоит в том, чтобы защитить детей от игры в определённые продукты после полуночи.

But international terrorism has already repeatedly struck midnight.

А ведь международный терроризм уже несколько раз достигал точки полуночи.

I guess we have till midnight.

Догадываюсь, что у нас есть время до полуночи.

Manager says he shows around midnight.

Менеджер сказал, что он появляется около полуночи.

Like she said, nothing good happens after midnight.

Как она и говорит, ничего хорошего после полуночи не происходит.

I’ll have you guys on by midnight.

Я собираюсь быть с вами, ребята, до полуночи.

Obviously, you have twelve choices and most bombers choose midnight.

Очевидно, что есть выбор из двенадцати опций и большинство минеров выбирают полночь.

Then I would estimate that he was killed sometime after midnight.

Тогда я могу сказать, что он был убит примерно через некоторое время после полуночи.

Neighbours reported seeing the flames around midnight.

Соседи говорят, что огонь вспыхнул примерно в полночь.

Must’ve been between midnight and 2 a.m.

Скорее всего, где-то между полуночью и двумя часами ночи.

Or if his forty year-old kids came home after midnight.

То же самое, если кто из его 40-летних детей приходил домой после полуночи.

I suppose I got home around midnight.

Я полагаю, что я вернулся домой около полуночи.

He saw you stumble in well after midnight.

Тот видел, как ты появился дома далеко за полночь.

Around midnight from a local resident reported that she was found dead her ex-husband.

Около полуночи от местной жительницы поступило сообщение о том, что она обнаружила мертвым своего бывшего мужа.

Police canceled the next fireworks show, which was scheduled for midnight.

Полицейские затем оцепили место преступления и отменили следующий запуск фейерверков, который планировался на полночь.

In other words, what happens from midnight tonight.

Другими словами, это всё то, что произойдёт сегодня после полуночи.

No one was allowed on the street after midnight.

Тогда ни у кого не было желания появляться на улице после полуночи.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат midnight

Результатов: 8439. Точных совпадений: 8439. Затраченное время: 93 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word midnight, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use midnight in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «midnight».

Midnight in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word midnight in a sentence.

  1. At midnight, the ships were fueled.

  2. Shortly before midnight on 11 October, a U.S.

  3. While on a midnight train from Washington, D.C.

  4. Hydrus culminates at midnight around 26 October.

  5. Herne’s Oak in Windsor Park on a moonlit midnight.

  6. He observed Sharp re-enter the house about midnight.

  7. Four more Japanese soldiers returned after midnight.

  8. Around midnight, the cloud cover increases to around 28%.

  9. Just before midnight, USS Carter detected U-518 with sonar.

  10. The beta test ended at midnight Pacific time on January 21.

  11. By midnight they had left the immediate ice behind, but the sea swell was rising.

  12. He died there at ten minutes past midnight on 3 October, surrounded by his family.

  13. Playford stayed up on the night to see the result, and conceded defeat at midnight.

  14. Realizing his situation, Decatur surrendered President again, just before midnight.

  15. After darkness fell, Mugford returned to Brisbane, arriving shortly before midnight.

  16. Tanaka’s force departed the Shortlands just after midnight on November 30 for the run to Guadalcanal.

  17. He was taken to the Middlesex Hospital, London, and died just after midnight on 24 July 1980, aged 54.

  18. The Japanese convoy reached Tassafaronga on Guadalcanal at midnight on 14 October and began unloading.

  19. At the stroke of midnight, the rails connecting the Tramway to the main line were ceremonially severed.

  20. Charles and his orchestra had exhausted their set list after midnight, but had 12 minutes left to fill.

  21. At midnight on 4 August, the United Kingdom declared war on Germany for violating Belgium’s neutrality.

  22. The session atmosphere began to «get giddy» around midnight when Dylan roughed out «Rainy Day Women No.

  23. On 17 October, after midnight, the physician leaned over him and asked whether he was suffering greatly.

  24. Shortly before midnight on 9 July 1917 at Scapa Flow, Vanguard suffered a series of magazine explosions.

  25. His preferred method was to eat a light meal at five or six in the afternoon, then sleep until midnight.

  26. Just after midnight on 31 March, the French launched a counterattack against Eliane 2, and recaptured it.

  27. At Key West, pressures began to fall at midnight on October 12 as the storm approached from the southwest.

  28. Patrols from the brigade entered Thury-Harcourt by midnight, and found it to be still held by the Germans.

  29. Shortly after half past midnight, Reardon contacted the police and Yeates’s parents to report her missing.

  30. Before he left, at midnight, he and Hughes agreed that a high-level independent inquiry needed to be held.

  31. Near midnight, the trio smothered Agnes with a pillow and drew her blood, drinking and smearing it on a portrait of Kali.

  32. It was nearly midnight and the battle petered out, with the majority of the French army melting away from the battlefield.

  33. In early January 1352 a band of freelancing English soldiers seized the French-held town of Guînes by a midnight escalade.

  34. At midnight on 22 August, he sortied and began a slow approach to the French squadron, which remained at anchor overnight.

  35. After complaints from viewers, the series was moved to midnight on October 17, 1997 and the deleted material was restored.

  36. Xuân snapped to attention and stated, «Mission accomplished.» Shortly after midnight on 2 November 1963 in Washington, D.C.

  37. During this period, between midnight and 02:30 on 8 June, two of the submarines bombarded the ports of Sydney and Newcastle.

  38. At the stroke of midnight, the rails connecting the tramway to the Metropolitan Railway main line were ceremonially severed.

  39. They ended at midnight, slept on the floor of police stations, were not given a chance to eat, and were back on duty at 7 am.

  40. As a result, just after midnight, KTA made the decision to close the turnpike between Wellington and the Oklahoma state line.

  41. From before midnight on 27 March, the now tired 12th Brigade had been holding the railway line between Albert and Dernancourt, having relieved the 9th (Scottish) Division.

  42. In Phase 3 of the operation, the 7th Brigade pushed towards the former headquarters of the 12th SS Panzer Division at Ardenne Abbey, securing the position before midnight.

  43. At one point before midnight on 31 October, in order to achieve his company’s objective, Kibby moved forward alone, to within a few metres of the enemy, throwing grenades.

  44. KKHI radio could have been the first to broadcast West’s report just after midnight, but it was already off the air until 6:00AM (KKHI-AM-FM were classical music stations).

  45. Meanwhile, Zack learns from a live television announcement from Natalie’s father Mayor Grant (David Fawcett) that their life support systems will be turned off at midnight.

General information about «midnight» example sentences

The example sentences for the word midnight that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «midnight» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «midnight».

полночь, непроглядная тьма, полуночный


- полночь

midnight hours — полуночные часы
midnight train — поезд, отходящий в полночь

- непроглядная тьма

midnight appointment — амер. назначения, проводимые правительством к концу пребывания у власти
to burn the midnight oil — поздно засиживаться за работой
his essay smells of the midnight oil — видно, что он за своим сочинением просидел всю ночь
Midnight Oil Operation — воен. жарг. заочный курс общеобразовательной подготовки

Мои примеры


a midnight assignation between adulterers at a downtown hotel — ночное свидание любовников в одной из гостиниц деловой части города  
the rawness of the midnight air — промозглая сырость полуночного воздуха  
long after midnight — далеко за полночь  
as black / dark as midnight — очень тёмный  
midnight blue — тёмно-синий цвет  
midnight black — очень тёмный оттенок чёрного цвета  
midnight sun — полуночное, незаходящее солнце в полярных областях  
midnight matinée — ночное представление  
midnight shift — третья смена  
to sit into midnight — прозаседать до полуночи  
this side of midnight — до полуночи  
as black as midnight — очень тёмный  

Примеры с переводом

I usually turn in at midnight

Я обычно ложусь спать в полночь.

It is midnight.


The party broke up at midnight.

Вечеринка закончилась в полночь.

It was almost midnight.

Была уже почти полночь.

Her parents wanted her home before midnight.

Её родители хотели, чтобы она вернулась домой до полуночи.

The ship leaves at midnight.

Судно уходит в полночь.

The train is due in at midnight.

Поезд должен прибыть в полночь.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We stayed there until way after midnight.

A small number of congregants had assembled for Midnight Mass.

She went into labour at midnight and the baby was born at 8 am.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Examples of how to use the word “midnight” in a sentence. How to connect “midnight” with other words to make correct English sentences.

midnight (n): twelve o’clock in the middle of the night

Use “midnight” in a sentence

I often wake up at midnight.
They had to leave at midnight.
By tradition, the celebration begins at midnight.

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