Sentence with word meter

метр, счетчик, измеритель, измерять, дозировать, мерить


- счётчик; измеритель; измерительный прибор; расходомер (для жидкостей или газов)

electric (light) meter — электросчётчик
meter reading — показание прибора
meter panel — панель с контрольно-измерительными приборами
gas meter — газовый счётчик
to turn gas [water, electricity] off at the meter — выключить газовый и пр. счётчик
to read the meter — снимать показания счётчика

- амер. = metre
- землемер, весовщик и т. п.


- измерять, мерить, замерять (при помощи счётчика, измерительного прибора и т. п.)
- дозировать

Мои примеры


He could not believe the meter reading. — Он не мог поверить показаниям счётчика.  
meter of water column — метр водяного столба  
to read the gas meter — снимать показания газового счётчика  
per meter — на (каждый) метр  
per linear meter — на погонный метр  
volumetric meter — объемный водомер  
cytoflow meter — цитофлюрометр  
dual aggregation meter — агрегометр с двойной шкалой  
check meter — контрольный прибор  
absorption frequency meter — резонансный волномер  
acoustic Mach meter — акустический М-метр  

Примеры с переводом

The meter is a measure of length.

Метр — это единица длины.

A man came to read the electricity meter.

Приходил человек, чтобы снять показания счетчика электроэнергии.

I didn’t have any small change for the parking meter.

У меня не было мелочи для парковочного счётчика.

Shelton fed the electricity meter.

Шелтон запитал электросчётчик.

All our water is metered now.

Теперь на всю воду у нас стоят счётчики.

The taxi driver left the meter running while I ran in to pick up my bags.

Таксист оставил счётчик включенным, пока я бегал за своими сумками.

He has a job meter reading for the gas company.

Он работает в газовой компании, считывает показатели счётчиков.

Someone should be coming to read the gas meter.

Кто-то должен прийти, чтобы снять показания газового счетчика.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They’re learning about meter and rhyme.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

met  — встретивший, встречающийся, встреченный
meterage  — измерение, показания измерительного прибора
metering  — измерение, снятие показаний приборов, измерительный
methanometer  — индикатор метана, метанометр

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: meter
he/she/it: meters
ing ф. (present participle): metering
2-я ф. (past tense): metered
3-я ф. (past participle): metered

ед. ч.(singular): meter
мн. ч.(plural): meters

Synonym: gauge, measure, record. Similar words: cemetery, veteran, inveterate, come to terms with, athlete, compete, detect, diabetes. Meaning: [‘mɪːtə(r)]  n. 1. the basic unit of length adopted under the Systeme International d’Unites (approximately 1.094 yards) 2. any of various measuring instruments for measuring a quantity 3. (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse 4. rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration. v. 1. measure with a meter 2. stamp with a meter indicating the postage. 

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(1) A meter is a measure of length.

(2) He was there to read the electricity meter.

(3) While we waited the taxi’s meter kept ticking away.

(4) A man came to read the electricity meter .

(5) A man came to read the gas meter.

(6) A man comes to read the gas meter to find out how much gas you have used.

(7) The cab driver left the meter running while he waited for us.

(8) The token meter is operated by tokens costing £1 or £5.

(9) Space the desk a meter apart so that the pupils can’t cheat.

(10) Meter readings are taken every three months.

(11) What does the gas meter read?

(12) He is 1 meter 80 centimeters tall.

(13) Shelton fed the electricity meter .

(14) Rhyme and meter are assistants to memory.

(15) I need £2 in silver for the parking meter.

(16) He fed coins into the meter.

(17) The meter reads 5500 units.

(18) They reset the gas meter.

(19) Britain’s water companies are planning to meter water consumption.

(20) He fed the meter with coins.

(21) Someone should be coming to read the gas meter.

(22) You’ll need some change for the parking meter.

(23) The electricity meter is under the stairs.

(24) The taxi waited, its motor running[ ], the meter ticking away.

(25) I couldn’t find a parking meter, so I decided to park illegally and risk a tow-away.

(26) The taxi driver left the meter running while I ran in to pick up my bags.

(27) The taxi driver left the meter running while I helped Mum to her front door.

(28) The electricity company will send an employee to read your meter.

(29) If your water usage is very small it may be worthwhile opting for a meter.

(30) He walked away from all his competitors in the 3000 — meter race.

More similar words: cemetery, veteran, inveterate, come to terms with, athlete, compete, detect, diabetes, concrete, detective, comet, come to, metal, contretemps, method, helmet, come true, sometime, metaphor, something, sometimes, come to life, come through, something of, metropolitan, at the same time, something like, something else, outer, term.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word meter, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use meter in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «meter».

Meter in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word meter in a sentence.

  1. Olympic Team alternate in the 4×100 meter relay.

  2. The poem does not have a consistent pattern of meter.

  3. With the height of 94 meter (308 ft) above sea level.

  4. Every machine has an energy meter, which serves two purposes.

  5. Each poem was in aciriyam meter consisting of 13 to 31 lines.

  6. When its life meter is depleted entirely, a boss is defeated.

  7. One of the new features is a meter known as the «Drive Gauge».

  8. A shopping centre in Mackay was flooded to a depth of 1 meter.

  9. Both musical styles have a standard meter of two beats per bar.

  10. The player has a health meter that decreases when they take damage.

  11. If a player fails to match the notes, their performance meter drops.

  12. This density is about three hydrogen atoms per cubic meter of space.

  13. This movement also features many meter changes and syncopated rhythms.

  14. The modern electricity meter is located to the right of the main entrance.

  15. A later passage has thirteen meter changes in a span of nineteen measures.

  16. The key of F-sharp minor and a triple meter are introduced by the orchestra.

  17. The player has a health meter, which is displayed on the game’s heads-up display.

  18. She was reduced in length by a half meter but her beam increased by 10 cm (4 in).

  19. The meter probably dictated the choice between each of the two forms of the name.

  20. At the 1991 World University Games he won a gold medal in the 4 x 100 meter relay.

  21. Passages in the movement also make frequent use of complex rhythms and meter changes.

  22. Each character’s health is measured by a meter that represents damage as a percentage.

  23. Nevertheless, he won the two events in which he swam, the 100 and 1200 meter freestyle.

  24. The health meter can temporarily expand to six units through the use of a Life Mushroom.

  25. When Ryu’s spiritual strength meter is too low, the player cannot use secondary weapons.

  26. This mode lets players continue playing even if their performance meter hits rock bottom.

  27. More often, he used a firm, regular meter, a practice that served him well in dance music.

  28. Occasionally, much larger clusters of fused mushrooms are found, up to a meter in diameter.

  29. Daspletosaurus had a massive skull that could reach more than 1 meter (3 ft 3 in) in length.

  30. The bottom shows a health meter on the sides and the number of remaining lives in the centre.

  31. The school has a calisthenics park, a beach volleyball court and a 40 meter long boulder wall.

  32. Should players take damage, their health meter will gradually regenerate to its halfway point.

  33. A crowd meter displays audience support, which boosts the player’s team abilities when filled.

  34. Each meter walked on the trail represents one million years of Grand Canyon’s geologic history.

  35. When the player is at full health, the meter reads 100, while dropping to 0 subtracts one life.

  36. Below the superstructure of the vimana are temple «eaves» projecting half a meter from the wall.

  37. After mounting, the whole assembly is locked in a disc-type barrel with a diameter about 1 meter.

  38. While the game retains green health orbs to replenish the health meter, magic is done differently.

  39. Unlike in Sonic, the player character has a hit point meter instead of a ring-based health system.

  40. The meter was speculated to have been filled by players achieving the trophy and reaching the site.

  41. The heads-up display features a health meter, a radar, and an ammunition count for secondary weapons.

  42. According to Ira Nadel, he «overturned poetic meter, literary style, and the state of the long poem».

  43. At less than 1 meter per second, they are not powerful enough to lift and transport surface material.

  44. When the shield is fully depleted, further damage reduces the hit points of a secondary health meter.

  45. Both the shield bar and health meter automatically regenerate when not taking fire for a brief period.

  46. He and Ellefson auditioned about 15 drummers, hoping to find one who understood meter changes in music.

  47. To refill this meter, the player collects red leaves dropped by enemies and scattered throughout levels.

  48. The dock was deepened by one meter, and gantry cranes capable of lifting up to 350 tonnes were installed.

  49. A life meter represents Ryu’s physical strength, which decreases when he is hit by an enemy or projectile.

  50. By this stage of the battle, Scharnhorst had a slight list to port and was about a meter lower in the water.

Synonyms for meter

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word meter has the following synonyms: metre, m, measure, beat, cadence and time.

General information about «meter» example sentences

The example sentences for the word meter that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «meter» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «meter».

Unlike long period waves that travel unopposed over vast distances deep within the ocean, wind swell travels within a few meters of the oceans surface and is affected by opposing winds and existing sea states.


Feed-in tariffs; FiT; solar PV; residential solar PV; reverse auction FiT; parity; Levelised cost of energy; LCOE; Diffusion of innovations; dynamic efficiency; allocative efficiency; Sustainable; Social progress; Environmental protection; Social inequity; DUOS; TUOS; smart meters


Farah took the lead with 700 meters to go in the tightly-bunched race, then ran to the finish line while the 80,000 people in attendance cheered him on.


Any one who watched the game will agree that the opponent in question was a meter (yard) or so from Flamini, so clearly the referee followed Riley’s instructions to the letter, not a red card offence.


The scientists were able to plot the exact coordinates of nine layers of atoms with a precision of 19 trillionths of a meter.


A shallow site with a maximum depth of 15 meters, this is a sandy slope with some coral outcroppings.


Saren Indah Hotel is located around 200 meters south of Monkey Forest, Ubud, just a walking distance from the market.


Free as well as paid public parking is situated between 200 and 500 meters from the apartment.Guests have access to owner’s resort facilities 10 min drive from village with pool, BBQ and garden.


They may go after a meter reader or landscaper, or escape the yard when he or she enters.


The insects use the drumming — so loud a person can detect it several meters away — to compete for territory without violence, Yack and her colleagues report in the Sept. 25 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


The motorcycle then pulls off the track with 625 meters to go, freeing the cyclists for a mad dash to the finish.


Highlander Hybrid both generates and uses electric power — and you can see how much with the hybrid system power meter.


Villa Eccelsa is 350 square meters (3770 square feet).


Probably the most tangible type of ketone body is acetone as you can measure it with breath ketone meter as well as you can feel it from your own breath.


The WHO recommends keeping PM 2.5 levels to about 10 micrograms per cubic meter.


Stone house of 580 square meters, divides in three floors, that can hold up to 60 persons.


Taxis are also plentiful but meters are not standard, so pre-trip negotiations need to be concluded before you get in.


Those who are adventurous enough (and most aren’t), may even happen upon the mythical white waterfalls where every rock and cliff is white and water cascades from every angle for a stretch of several hundred meters, ending with a natural waterslide into a swimming pool.


Combined maximum output of 266 kW/362 hp and combined peak torque of 570 Newton meters (420 lb-ft) provide all — wheel-drive performance which is as dynamic as it is efficient.


You can camp where you want, as long as you’re 150 meters from an inhabited house and you exercise good judgment.


The snow line in the Rocky Mountains was about 370 meters above current levels.


Biodiesel may not become the airplane fuel of the future but it did prove effective enough to recently power a 1968 L-29 Czechoslovakian jet — dubbed BioJet 1 — up to 17,000 feet (5,180 meters) over 37 minutes.


The in-game features such as the meters distinguishes Pure Football from any other football title, and it’s undoubtedly these standout features which will appeal to potential players of this game.


What does it take to move the meeting meter from education to training to learning to social to performance to…


Once the bus enters Santa Teresa, stay on the bus and we are 150 meters past the soccer field.


As you juggle bad guys, you’ll build up the tension meter, which will allow you to pull off «Deathblow» moves, some of which are executed in conjunction with other party members.


Visitors can enjoy a trip to La Mitad del Mundo and you can take photographs at the equatorial line and tall 30 meter (100 ft) high monument.


There’s also a version of SR’s notoriety meter, where nearby enemies can be alerted to your presence and start to swarm the place.


The super moves are cool, but allow for a considerable bit of rubber banding as the first time a player is one match from losing they will be granted one full bar of meter.


Over here is a stress meter, on the other side, which is kind of cool.


Whether on holiday or business, come and relax at GaMamadi Guest Farm near Three Sisters, 800 meters from the N1 and enjoy the peaceful surroundings of this beautiful, eco-friendly, operational Merino Wool-Sheep and…


Our luxurious Casita Suites (1,098 sq feet / 102 sq meter including terrace and private pool) put you right on the beach.


The massive 109 meter long swimming pool however has a great view of the ocean and is also shaded with a roof in some areas if you want to take a dip in the water and the weather is too hot to dip in the sea.


Players can unlock more challenges as they raise their «awesomeness» meter, so this game mode will keep the title fresh for a good, long time.


These systems allow you to communicate with your fellow riders as long as they are within 800 meters of you.


This is just a hair over the EPA estimated 36 highway and 25 city miles per gallon when equipped with an automatic transmission, which is impressive considering that we didn’t have a fuel economy meter or alter our driving technique for high mpg.


Since the game is more focused on sharpshooting, the game includes the «Dead Eye» system, which allows you to expend some of your Dead Eye meter to slow down time temporarily and allow you to make precise shots.


As there are 4000 square meters to an acre, this would mean that an «average» wind turbine would be able to produce, on average, 4800 watts (4.8 kilowatts) per acre.


Most phytoplankton dwell within 25 meters of the surface.


The fast-paced growth of the sub-four meter sedan segment led Tata Motors envisage a credible product that could sustain stiff competition amid rivals including Maruti Suzuki Dzire, Honda Amaze and Hyundai Xcent.


• Number of Luxury rooms: 07 Privilege Rooms with an area between 45 to 38 square meters.


It was given the name «pluvialis,» translatable to «rainy» from Latin, to denote the incredibly rain-soaked habitat it lives in (> 8 meters of rain yearly), and because it was found calling only after heavy rains.


The emerging analysis highlights the development of these young teachers» knowledge and understandings of digitized resources as they relate to historical thinking via a pragmatic meter and their pedagogical content knowledge.


And in the field, the hatching of disturbed eggs was «explosive,» they note; the newborns often broke out of the egg and then sprinted more than one-half meter to nearby cover in just a few seconds.


On Feb. 1, 2011, Perez Williams» office hired Smith Sovik to represent the city in a lawsuit against Loomis Armored U.S. Loomis had a contract to collect parking meter change for the city.


A majestic craggy rock sits a few meters off-shore, and legend has it that pirates buried their booty there years ago.


Your patch can’t include the x1000 meters of ocean underneath.


Another notable standard is the Junior Olympic Games 100 meter butterfly, which is 1:11.79 for boys aged 15 to 18, but junior Trevor Berkson overtook that time by finishing in 1:03.67 for the same event.


Since your breasts and baby don’t come with a built-in meter, it can be difficult to gauge if and when your baby’s had enough to eat.


My smart phone’s decibel meter has never seen a lower number at cruising speeds.


Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • meter [ˈmiːtə] сущ

    1. измерительм, счетчикм, измерительный прибор, приборм

      (gauge, counter, measuring device, device)

      • field strength meter – измеритель напряженности поля
      • sound level meter – измеритель уровня звука
      • gas meter – газовый счетчик
      • electric power meter – счетчик электроэнергии
      • panel meter – щитовой прибор
    2. метрм, погонный метр

      (metre, running meter)

      • area in square meters – площадь в квадратных метрах
      • cubic meter of air – кубический метр воздуха
      • meter of real estate – метр недвижимости
      • last few meters – последние метры
    3. электросчетчикм, прибор учета

      (electricity meter, metering)

    4. индикаторм


    5. экспонометрм

      (exposure meter)

  • meter [ˈmiːtə] прил

    1. метровый


      • meter telescope – метровый телескоп
  • metre [ˈmiːtə] сущ

    1. метрм


      • metre per second – метр в секунду
      • cubic metre of air – кубический метр воздуха
      • metres of living space – метра жилой площади
      • metre above sea level – метр над уровнем моря
      • last few metres – последние метры
  • metre [ˈmiːtə] прил

    1. метровый


      • metre telescope – метровый телескоп
метр meter, measure, metre
измеритель meter, measurer
счетчик counter, meter, computer, enumerator, calculator, register
измерительный прибор meter, gauge, gage, measurer
размер size, rate, scale, extent, dimension, meter
ритм rhythm, beat, tempo, cadence, pulse, meter
измерять measure, gauge, meter, determine, mete, mensurate
дозировать dose, meter
мерить measure, meter

Предложения со словом «meter»

It has some errors in terms of meter , so it’s not presentable in its current state.

В ней были ошибки в размере, поэтому её лучше не озвучивать.

What you’re looking at is a WorldView-3 satellite image, which has a 0,3 meter resolution.

Вы смóтрите на снимок со спутника WorldView — 3 с разрешением 0,3 метра.

Imagine a two meter by two meter area full of coffins, jewelry and incredible statuary.

Представьте квадрат два на два метра, полный гробов, украшений и невероятных скульптур.

Last year you put a magnet on your meter .

В прошлом году вы засунули в свой счетчик магнит.

This beam can punch through half a meter of steel.

Этот луч может прорезать стальную плиту в полметра толщиной.

The main sights of the city is the entertainment complex at the Ontario square, Hyde Park and Queen Elizabeth’s Park, Islands Park on Lake Ontario, golden tower of the Royal Bank Plaza, Roy Thomson Concert Hall, a symbol of the city – 553-meter “CN Tower”, the famous shopping mall Eaton Center and many others.

Главной достопримечательностью города является развлекательный комплекс на площади Онтарио, Гайд — парк и парк Королевы Елизаветы, Островной парк на озере Онтарио, золотая башня здания Роял Банк Плаза, концертный зал Рой Томсон, символ города – 553 — метровая Си — Эн Башня, знаменитый торговый комплекс Итон — центр и многое другое.

The black globe was kilometers across, and every cubic meter was devoted to killing.

Поперечник черной сферы составлял несколько километров, и каждый кубический метр был посвящен убийству.

This boat has a 75 meter 4 decks and 30 cabins.

Этот корабль 75 метров в длину, 4 палубы и 30 кают.

Behind her was a good meter or meter and a half of level floor, before it started sloping upward to become a circumferential wall.

Позади Элли оставалось на метр — полтора ровного пола, а потом начинался наклонный участок стенки.

Well behind him, engineer regiments were laying the pipe, then covering it under a meter of earth for proper concealment.

Позади армии Пенга инженеры прокладывали трубопровод, затем покрывали его метровым слоем земли для маскировки.

Debby backpedaled to stop within a meter of the harpoon points.

Дебби резко затормозила примерно в метре от направленных на нее наконечников гарпунов.

All of that bike riding… helped me set a record… for the fastest 100 meter race in school

Все эти путешествия на велосипеде помогли мне установить рекорд школы по 100 — метровым заездам.

One man can only dig 1 cubic meter of dirt every 5 hours.

Один мужчина перемещает только 1 кубический метр земли каждые пять часов.

Guy rigs his meter so he’s paying two cents less for first-class postage.

Парень обманул прибор и платил на два цента меньше За почтовую пересылку первого класса.

You’re sure the meter is not just registering flare-ups in the campfire?

А ты уверен, что прибор не фиксирует просто внезапные вспышки пламени?

A steel thorn two meters long enters his body between his shoulder blades and passes out through his chest, extending to a point a terrible, tapering meter beyond him.

Двухметровый стальной шип, вонзившийся в его тело между лопаток, выходит из груди тонким страшным острием.

We’ve got a two-meter parabolic reflector and everything.

У нас есть двухметровый параболический рефлектор и все остальное.

Each human could carry a hundred-meter coil of it.

Каждый мог нести кольцо из этой веревки длинной в сто метров.

I set up a line of Claymores along that ridge at 10 meter intervals.

Я установила заряды вдоль этого гребня с интервалом в десять метров.

The third squad dropped at twenty-meter intervals east and west from his position.

Третья группа опустилась с двадцатиметровыми интервалами к востоку и к западу от места его приземления.

The pool was fed by a two-meter fall from a rocky stream which wound through a little valley.

Озеро наполняла горная речка, падавшая с двухметрового уступа и бежавшая потом через небольшую долину.

The driver stopped his horse and lowered the metal sign on his meter .

Кучер остановил лошадь и опустил металлический значок у своего счетчика.

The Surgeon has examined the personal radiation exposure meter of the very last one to reach the shelter.

Наш врач проверил личный счетчик у последнего, кто вошел в укрытие.

The spherical pod was little more than a meter in diameter.

Сферической формы контейнер имел не более метра в диаметре.

The buckets are mounted on a stand one meter off the ground with drip lines connected at the bottom.

Ведра устанавливаются на подставку на высоте 1 метр над землей, и снизу к ним подсоединяются трубки для полива.

A covered 50-meter swimming pool is being built near the college with a stand for spectators and diving-tower as well as a 60-meter sports hall.

При колледже строится крытый 50 — метровый бассейн, с трибуной для зрителей и вышкой для прыжков, а также 60 — метровый спортивный зал.

More acceptable housing in a good district costs as much as 2 to 9 thousand Euros per a square meter .

Более приемлемое жилье в нормальном районе обойдется от 2 до 9 тыс. евро за квадратный метр.

Rooms have twin beds that can turn into a 2×2 meter bed.

В комнатах имеются односпальные кровати, которые при желании могут быть преобразованы в кровати 2х2 метра.

I got Otis inside looking for the meter to shut off the gas.

Отис в подвале, ищет счётчик, чтобы перекрыть газ.

Whither the Eight Thousand Meter Code of Honour?

Существует ли кодекс чести на восьмитысячниках?

Not long ago they unveiled a 40 meter bronze lane with bare feet imprints of 222 Chinese — those, who miraculously remained alive then.

Не так давно открыли 40 — метровую бронзовую дорожку с оттисками босых ступней 222 китайцев — тех, кто тогда чудом остался в живых.

All cells have windows measuring one meter by 90 centimetres to let in light and fresh air and can be opened from inside by the inmates themselves.

Во всех камерах имеются окна размером 1 м х 90 см для поступления света и свежего воздуха, открывающиеся изнутри самими осужденными.

The new optical testers produced by IIT have appeared: OT-2-7/LS Optical Light Source, OT-2-7/PM Optical Power Meter and OT-2-8 Optical Tester.

Линейка оптических тестеров нашего производства дополнилась новыми приборами: источник оптического излучения ОТ — 2 — 7/ИИ, измеритель оптической мощности ОТ — 2 — 7/ИМ, оптический тестер ОТ — 2 — 8.

The company have supersonic flaw detector, NDT detector, Leeb hardness tester, sound level meter , infrared thermometer etc.

Компания обладает более 100 комплектов средствами для инспектирования, например рефлектоскоп, магнитопорошковный дефектоскоп, дюрометр Рихтера, звукомер, инфракрасный термодетектор и другие.

Demolition waste is broken into approximately half-meter pieces using hydraulic shears, while the bulk of reinforcement is being removed from it.

Строительный мусор разбивается на примерно полуметровые куски с помощью гидроножниц. При этом удаляется основная арматура.

The heat meter relates to devices for measuring and metering thermal energy transported via pipes by a heat transfer fluid.

Теплосчетчик относится к устройствам измерения и учета тепловой энергии, передаваемой по трубам жидким теплоносителем.

A Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson defeated his archrival Carl Lewis in the 100-meter sprint to become the fastest man in history.

А Канадский спринтер Бен Джонсон победил своего старого соперника Карла Льюиса в спринте на 100м. и стал самым быстрым человеком в истории.

If you run 100 meter sprint the fastest, then you are the winner, a champion.

Пробежал быстрее всех стометровку — все ты молодец, победитель, чемпион.

He went out to put coins in the parking meter .

Он вышел положить монеты в счетчик на парковке.

I travel with an EMF meter , full-range spectrometer, infrared camera.

Я путешествую с прибором для измерения ЭДС, широкополосным анализатором спектра, инфракрасной камерой.

I worked slowly, using an analog film camera with a manual focusing loop and a handheld light meter .

Я работала медленно, используя аналоговый фотоаппарат с ручной фокусировкой, и держала при этом фотоэкспонометр рукой.

And adults- which have a two meter wingspan and can weigh up to nine kilograms- don’t hold back.

Алтайские горы на границе с Монголией на юго — западе Сибири, скалистые и враждебные.

When does the meter start running, Eli?

Когда включается счетчик, Илай?

I hope the meter’s not running.

Надеюсь, что хоть секундомер остановят.

Besides, the meter has been running since yesterday.

Кстати, счетчик работает со вчерашнего дня.

They’re going at a meter a second. How many think the one on the left is running up the wall?

Они бегут со скоростью метр в секунду. Кто думает, что тот, который слева, бежит по стене?

It is the total resistance if using the coastdown method or the running resistance if using the torque meter method. 3.2.12.

Она соответствует общему сопротивлению, если применяется метод выбега, или сопротивлению движению, если применяется метод измерения крутящего момента.

They can run up a wall at a meter a second, 15 steps persecond, and they look like they’re running on the level. How dothey do this?

Геккон бежит по стене со скоростью метр в секунду.Пятнадцать шагов в секунду. Но выглядит это так, как будто он бежитпо земле. Как ему это удаётся?

I knew my forward speed, I knew the area, and so I could figure out how many hundreds of sources there were per cubic meter .

Я знала свою горизонтальную скорость и площадь. Таким образом, я могла посчитать, сколько сотен источников света было на кубический метр.

The most Conley can do is make sure there are no more than 0.03 microbes per square meter of spacecraft surface area.

Самое большое, что может сделать Конли, это обеспечить наличие не более одного микроба на 0,03 квадратного метра поверхности космического аппарата.

A highlight is a drill it’s designing for Luna-27, which would penetrate a meter into the regolith — the surface layer of dust and rock debris — to take samples.

Оно конструирует буровую установку для «Луны — 27», которая должна пробурить отверстие метровой глубины и взять пробы в реголите, как называют лунный слой пыли и поверхностной породы.

What is the price per square meter of fully developed industrial land?

Какова цена за квадратный метр полностью разработанного промышленного участка?

The proportional sample is achieved by sampling with pump, flow-meter and flow control valve at a constant flow rate.

Отбор пропорциональных проб осуществляется с помощью насоса, расходомера и клапана регулирования расхода при постоянной скорости потока.

What is the price per square meter ?

Какова цена за квадратный метр?

But other families live in much worse conditions: on the second floor the ceiling is not much more than a meter and a half high.

А у других семей условия намного хуже, на втором этаже вообще потолки чуть более полутора метров высотой.

Biofuels do not benefit the climate nearly as much as wind or solar energy systems, yielding only one-tenth the energy per square meter .

Биотопливо не идет на пользу климату почти так же, как энергия от ветра или солнечных энергетических систем, производя лишь одну десятую энергии на квадратный метр.

Set up, delete, or deactivate a meter [AX 2012]

Создание, удаление или деактивация метра [AX 2012]

Its density — that is, its mass divided by its volume — is 88 kilograms per cubic meter .

Его удельный вес (отношение массы к объему) составляет 88 кг на кубический метр.

Select the identifier of the employee that you want to assign to the process reference or meter .

Выберите идентификатор сотрудника, которому нужно назначить ссылку на процесс или индикатор.

There isn’t a square meter of ground in the entire country that hasn’t been reclaimed from the sea, or otherwise moved, modified and manicured to look as if it had always been there.

В целой стране нет ни одного метра земли, который бы не был отвоеван у моря, или каким — либо другим способом мелиорирован, переделан или восстановлен, чтобы сейчас выглядеть таким образом, что как будто так было всегда.

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