Sentence with word machine

Synonym: auto, automobile, car, motorcar, political machine, simple machine. Similar words: political machine, machiavellian, poaching, teaching, bleaching, Chinese, stomach, chin. Meaning: [mə’ʃɪːn]  n. 1. any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks 2. an intricate organization that accomplishes its goals efficiently 3. an efficient person 4. a motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine 5. a group that controls the activities of a political party 6. a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point. v. 1. turn, shape, mold, or otherwise finish by machinery 2. make by machinery. 

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1 He stopped the machine and left the room.

2 The potatoes are planted by machine.

3 The worker bathed machine parts in the oil.

4 Be careful not to overload the washing machine.

5 The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.

6 The mechanic soon fixed up the machine.

7 She inserted a CD into the machine.

8 The scrap merchant has a machine which crushes cars.

9 I can’t make this machine run properly.

10 The engineers projected a new machine.

11 Is the washing machine working now?

12 The pool has a wave machine .

13 The answering machine bleeped and I left my message.

14 The machine gun hailed over our heads.

15 The machine guns blasted away all night.

16 The washing machine has gone phut.

17 This machine operates night and day.

18 This toy machine gun dismantles easily.

19 Tap your code number into the machine.

20 A crushing machine reduces big rocks to powder.

21 The machine slowed down and stopped.

22 This machine crushes wheat grain to make flour.

23 Bullets fed into a machine gun.

24 Our washing machine has broken; I’ll ring the electrician.

25 I left a message on your answering machine.

26 The machine will soon wear out.

27 This machine is too difficult to operate.

28 Throw your dirty clothes in the washing machine.

29 The machine can hammer out metal very thin.

30 You should oil that machine more often.

More similar words: political machine, machiavellian, poaching, teaching, bleaching, Chinese, stomach, chin, achieve, china, etching, itching, achievable, be rich in, matching, achievement, slouching, stretching, scorching, screeching, labyrinthine, grimace, macabre, macrocosm, emaciated, immaculate, legitimacy, macrobiotic, illegitimacy, each. 

A machine uses power to apply forces and control movement to perform an intended action. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

While some people believe that babies don’t need these things, having had two children who were difficult to get to sleep and keep asleep, I find a white noise machine of some kind can really help.


His Porsche 911 GT3 machine definitely doesn’t look easy to tame around the bumpy and twisty Oulton Park circuit.


Mayor Bloomberg accused the board of «incompetence» after polls failed to open on time and machines malfunctioned.


Built into a tiny circuit board, the sensor uses an accelerometer and «machine learning software» to identify the motions of a person’s mouth, such as how much time he or she spends chewing, drinking, speaking, coughing or smoking.


Chris said I lamented the fact that the monitors were still on me (honestly I don’t remember feeling the elastic band at this point; it was more of the awareness that I was attached to the machine); Dr. F asked the resident to take them off, and she said, «Really?»


The event provided a platform to unveil some outstanding coffees and blends, cutting edge technologies and products and equipment for brewing, roasting, packaging, barista & coffee machines, and farm equipment.


Simply put, these are people who aren’t going to be satisfied with an office that relies on a faulty fax machine.


A start-up that aims to replace corner stores with vending machines has unleashed a fierce backlash.


«The vending machines have the capacity to hold 450 units — 18 possible selections — and they’re a proven way to make money without having to put in the long hours associated with many areas of business.


Yet a different kind of machine can be envisioned, too — one in which knowledge of the innumerable relations among the things in our world is embodied in a single, highly integrated system.


«If problem solving is going to be done by machines, then problem finding is the human frontier,» said Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka in his keynote.


I had a friend who always used to tell me I took FAXes off the machine upside down, so I was ready for this!!


This goes along with the above question about battery power, as that is a definite factor in how portable a white noise machine is.


If you’re looking to spend a little more time at the restaurant, head over to Borelli’s Pizza, which has a large game room in the back with tons of old-school arcade games, pinball machines, etc..


Just when you get used to the idea that your child is happily playing in the crib or running around the secured play area in the living room, you’ll back away from the washing machine with a wet load and trip over him.


Before long, Flannery said, we even might start to think about medical devices — like MRI or X-ray machines — the same way we think about our smartphones.


Obviously, this machine doesn’t steam so you’ll need to do that separately.


Use low heat settings to machine dry your baby’s whole diaper.


This is due to advances in machine learning that have allowed the company to be alerted to suspicious behaviors.


These things can not properly be programmed for an IBM machine.


He gets to work early, laying the foundation for the new-look Blazers for whom he is no longer merely an important cog in a machine, but the entire engine itself.


«Your car is arguably one of the most underutilized, polluting, time-consuming and dangerous machines on Earth,» says Adam Jonas, head of global auto research for Morgan Stanley.


So sorry but sadly I haven’t tried the Philips machine before, but I have the Magimix food processor which I would definitely recommend!


But the issue of the machine has always been a little tricky.


Blame the machines if you’d like, but only you’re responsible for how you respond to this.


During the summer months, HUMAN Healthy Vending added 31 new operator partners worldwide and sold 219 machines.


In the last six games in all competitions, Bavarian machine have scored 22 goals and conceded only two goals.


We have a bunch of fun problems to solve, including NP-hard problems (think 3D bin-packing), machine learning problems (how does the software know not to ship a bowling ball with a wine glass?)


This time around, as an early explorer of machine learning, he has created an innovative enterprise collaborative PBM cloud platform.


When Bon Appétit moved into our new offices, we made sure that our kitchen was stocked with everything required for mixing and fixing drinks: sinks, refrigerators, an ice machine, and, yep, a backlight wall of booze.


They’re genetically engineered to be fit for doing the work that must be done, and so nobody feels alienated by being reduced to a cog in a machine or anything like that.


You can even use a fan or a radio set to static if you do not want to purchase an actual machine (although I think this is a very worthwhile investment!)


This ice cream is amazing fresh out of the machine, but you can keep it in the freezer and it will be good for up to two weeks.


Most can be throw into the washing machine on the delicate cycle, line dried and then run over them with a warm iron if needed.


Our first year camping together, my husband and I noticed our super comfy but large sleeping bags were too bulky for our washing machine.


Oranges and other fruits are squeezed using machines much like that found in home juicers.


Due to its small size, though, don’t expect to get extended runtime out of this machine.


According to CEO Ric Fulop, that works out to millions of parts per year for a given machine.


You can throw the bag into your washing machine; this feature is important because we know our diaper bags suffer through abuse and spills.


There are two ways to freeze the Raspberry Sherbet, either in an ice cream machine or you can «still freeze».


Industrial engineering and manufacturing technicians tend to take a more holistic view of the factoring process, designing production facilities, developing plant-management processes and building the applications that make the machines work.


Some hightlights: The liberal special interest money machine is already rallying around their…


I want to add it to the milk toast recipe that came with my zojirushi bread machine and see if it can make that one even softer.


Delivers onsite training and on-going training to ensure machines are acclimated to the production facility


A former Sanders staffer, Vanel has long been a nuisance to the Queens machine, having unsuccessfully challenged County favorites like Clark and councilman-turned-State Senator Leroy Comrie in the past.


Choose your own sounds and enjoy white noise, nature sounds and Bluetooth music with our high fidelity stereo Bluetooth sound machine.


SEE MORE: Man City close to # 9m move for fifth summer signing West Ham submit # 25.7 m for Milan scoring machine with goal every other game Leicester City news: BPL champs break transfer record for 50-goal striker


Ransomware, as this latest wrinkle in malicious software, or malware, is known, stealthily infects a desktop or laptop computer, sometimes locking up the machine, but more often encrypting data and files, rendering them unusable.


It works with most single cup brewing machines, including Keurig and others.


Whether it’s for sippy cups, clothing, or gear, these little labels stay put, even in the washing machine and dishwasher!


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Hence no animal or machine can think.

Следовательно, ни животное, ни машина не могут мыслить {7}.

Forming machine for various shapes, irregular-shape forming machine, multi-layer steaming machine, tunnel frying machine, continuous de-oil machine, multi-layer cooling machine… etc.

Формовочная машина для различных форм, формовочная машина неправильной формы, многослойная пропарочная машина, туннельная жарочная машина, машина непрерывного обезжиривания, многослойная охлаждающая машина и т. Д.

Complementary machine with crumb coating machine to make no dust work environment.

Дополнительная машина с машиной для покрытия крошки, чтобы не допустить попадания пыли в рабочую среду.

Corn starch machine we offer including corn cleaning machine, corn starch making machine, corn starch drying machine, corn starch packing machine.

Машина кукурузного крахмала мы предлагаем включать машину чистки мозоли, кукурузный крахмал делая машину, машину для просушки кукурузного крахмала, машину упаковки кукурузного крахмала.

A big problem with most vending machine businesses is technical faults in the machine and the machine being empty due to lack of supply of products.

Большая проблема с большинством Торговый автомат бизнеса является техническая неисправность машины и машина пустая из-за отсутствия поставок продукции.

The machine is possible and a single pilot, the machine complies with the flight characteristics of the machine Su-26.

Управление машиной возможно и одним пилотом, при этом машина соответствует летным характеристикам аппарата Су-26.

When a machine is simulated or emulated, the machine is sometimes called a virtual machine.

Когда симулируется или эмулируется машина, то машина иногда именуется виртуальной машиной.

This kind of products including boiling machine, batch-type boiling machine and steaming machine.

Этот вид продукции включает в себя кипящую машину, паровую варочную машину и паровую машину.

Including patty forming machine, bar forming machine and ball forming machine.

Включая формовочную машину, формовочную машину для шариков и машину для формования шариков.

Collaborations between machine and machine, and between man and machine.

The company mainly produces dog food fish feed machine, snack food machine, pasta macaroni machine, artificial rice machine and so on.

Компания главным образом производит собака рыб, корма машины, машины закуски пищи, макароны макароны машина, машина искусственного риса и так далее.

A virtual machine is a machine that, to software executing on the virtual machine, appears to be a physical machine.

Виртуальная машина является такой машиной, что для программного обеспечения, исполняемого на виртуальной машине, она кажется физической машиной.

Pneumatic tamper mainly has D3 tamping machine, D4 tamping machine, D6 tamping machine, D9 tamping machine, D10 tamping machine.

Пневматические шпалоподбойки, в основном, имеет ДЗ трамбовки машины, машины утрамбования Д4, Д6 трамбовки машины, машины утрамбования Д9, Д10 машины утрамбования.

Sewing machine is a machine used to stitch fabric and other materials together with thread.

Швейная машина — это машина, используемая для сшивания ткани и других материалов вместе с резьбой.

Sooner or later this has to be interrupted, otherwise our machine would just be a copying machine.

Рано или поздно это нужно прервать, иначе наша машина будет просто копирующей машиной.

The connecting element 40a connects the working machine 2a to the second working machine 2b hydraulically as well as mechanically.

Соединительный элемент 40а соединяет рабочую машину 2а со второй рабочей машиной 2b гидравлически, а также механически.

A machine can have its speed reduced if there are minor issues that can be corrected by the machine‘s operator.

Машина может уменьшить свою скорость, если есть небольшие проблемы, которые могут быть исправлены оператором машины.

The machine also has an automated coolant system that allows you to concentrate on your job than managing the machine.

Машина также имеет автоматизированную систему охлаждения, которая позволяет вам сконцентрироваться на своей работе, чем управление машиной.

The ideal machine is the minimum of the machine or its absence.

Идеальная машина — это минимум машины, или ее отсутствие.

If somebody ever does ask a machine this question, it won’t be a machine any more.

Если кто-нибудь когда-нибудь задаст машине такой вопрос, то это уже будет не машина.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат machine

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Machine?



  • «administer critical remarks to everyone present»; «dole out some money»; «shell out pocket money for the children»; «deal a blow to someone»; «the machine dispenses soft drinks»
  • «their military is the largest in the region»; «the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker»
  • «We hit Detroit by noon»; «The water reached the doorstep»; «We barely made it to the finish line»; «I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts»
  • «a two-handed sledgehammer»; «a two-handed crosscut saw»; «a machine designed for bimanual operation»
  • «a broken washing machine«; «the coke machine is broken»; «the coke machine is busted»
  • «the machine punched out metal circles»
  • «he was a small cog in a large machine«
  • «This machine automatically cycles»
  • «cannot forbear to close on this redolent literary note»- Wilder Hobson; «a campaign redolent of machine politics»
  • «they have exclusive use of the machine«; «sole rights of publication»
  • «he faced forward»; «step forward»; «she practiced sewing backward as well as frontward on her new sewing machine«; (`forrad’ and `forrard’ are dialectal variations)
  • «a perpetual motion machine would have to be frictionless»
  • «The washing machine won’t go unless it’s plugged in»; «Does this old car still run well?»; «This old radio doesn’t work anymore»
  • «the boxer was a magnificent fighting machine«
  • «the war machine«
  • «he was endorsed by the Democratic machine«
  • «We have a machine that humidifies the air in the house»
  • «a constantly moving crowd»; «the moving parts of the machine«
  • «a machine-gun nest»; «a nest of snipers»
  • «nether garments»; «the under parts of a machine«
  • «the operations in building a house»; «certain machine tool operations»
  • «he put his desk in order»; «the machine is now in working order»
  • «he phased the intake with the output of the machine«
  • «ping your machine in the office»
  • «The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood»
  • «calling a meeting is a political act in itself»- Daniel Goleman; «political pressure»; «a political machine«; «political office»; «political policy»
  • «you stick a bill in the vending machine and the change pops out»
  • «he fed four quarters into the slot machine«
  • «remove a threat»; «remove a wrapper»; «Remove the dirty dishes from the table»; «take the gun from your pocket»; «This machine withdraws heat from the environment»
  • «a rusty machine«; «rusty deposits»
  • «service my truck»; «the washing machine needs to be serviced»
  • «a telegraphic machine«; «telegraphic news reports»
  • «small and uncomplicated cars for those really interested in motoring»; «an unsophisticated machine«
  • «With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized»
  • «The expensive shirt washed out in the German washing machine«

машинный, машина, аппарат, станок, печатать, шить


- машина, механизм

- вчт. (вычислительная) машина, ЭВМ
- автомат, машина (в кибернетике)
- станок

drilling [turning] machine — сверлильный [токарный] станок
to run a machine — управлять станком, работать на станке

- транспортное средство; автомобиль, самолёт, велосипед

this make of machine — эта марка машины

- амер. разг. пожарная машина
- механизм

hearing machine of the bat — слуховой механизм летучей мыши

- (организационный) аппарат

state machine — государственный аппарат, государственная машина
the conflict set the state machine in motion — из-за этого конфликта пришла в движение вся государственная машина
political machine — политическая машина
the military machine — военная машина
the Democratic machine — амер. администрация /административный аппарат/ демократической партии
machine politician — амер. политикан, тесно связанный с партийной машиной

- театр. ист. машина


- подвергать механической обработке; обрабатывать на станке
- разг. печатать (тж. machine off)

Мои примеры


the component parts of a machine — составные части машины  
ping your machine in the office — пропинговать ваш рабочий компьютер  
the under parts of a machine — нижние части аппарата  
to cast machine parts — отливать детали машин  
cleaning machine — очистная установка  
dyeing machine — красильная машина, красильный аппарат  
circulating dyeing machine — рециркуляционная красильная машина  
continuous dyeing machine — проходной красильный аппарат  
paddle dyeing machine — лопастная красильная машина  
answering machine — автоответчик  
threshing machine — молотилка  
washing machine — стиральная машина  

Примеры с переводом

The machine is easy to use.

Эта машина проста в использовании.

The washing machine is playing up again.

Стиральная машина опять барахлит.

Is the machine going now?

Машина в порядке?

My machine’s just crashed.

Моя машина только что зависла / упала. (о компьютере)

The machine handles well.

Машина работает очень послушно.

It’s a very simple machine.

Это очень простая машина.

The machine has a complicated design.

Машина имеет сложную конструкцию.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The letters are sorted by machine.

This machine automatically cycles

The machine reset the bowling pins.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

machinal  — механический
machinate  — строить козни, интриговать
machinist  — машинист, механик, слесарь, машиностроитель, рабочий у станка, швея
machinable  — механически обрабатываемый, поддающийся обработке
machining  — механическая обработка, обработка, машинообработка

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: machine
he/she/it: machines
ing ф. (present participle): machining
2-я ф. (past tense): machined
3-я ф. (past participle): machined

ед. ч.(singular): machine
мн. ч.(plural): machines

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