Sentence with word logical

Since Koh Kood is slowly developing into the new «tropical get-away» of Thailand, it was a logical step to open a new BB divecenter here and expand our diving horizons.


As children naturally develop more logical and creative thinking skills through play, they can also stack and build their own rolling car with this very same play set.


As logical as such personalized classrooms seem, making them a reality challenges many comfortable assumptions and practices related to teaching and learning.


Split screen works well, and the implementation is logical and easy to understand without looking for assistance.


The main thing to show is your skill in applying the concepts and theories you know and the information you have been given to achieve a logical conclusion.


It’s logical then that in Mexico, the title mole is reserved for the more complicated sauces with a large variety of ingredients.


Ok, you’ve shown that religion is logical within itself, and that you can use many words to explain a philosophical idea.


YG: It is a logical step for many reasons.


Then take the next logical step: make new acquaintance and connect with somebody for building love and friendship.


Fallback position is to ignore those cases where people are trying to provoke an emotional reaction instead of a logical debate.


Furthermore, when God is thus conceived, God does not have a real, but only a logical, relationship with that creation; God is not affected by it in any important way.


When told by Business Insider that the show may satirize him, Infowars editor and polemical culture wars vlogger Paul Joseph Watson said «the fact that they have to resort to satirizing me in a comedy show proves that they’re struggling to combat me with actual logical arguments.


This decrease in production will do little to quiet rumors of future discontinuation, as it’s logical to ask, if they’re not buying it now, why would they buy it after a better model is released?


Not to mention, this entire post is one long and contra-biblical argument that you/we shouldn’t argue about theology, without ever setting forth clear and logical propositions that NOT arguing (again, fill in whatever verb you’re more comfortable with, the result is the same) theology honors God more than standing in the gap and defending the truth he has set forth once and for all.


Butin’s point, of course, is equally applicable to all formal education: taken to its logical conclusion it suggests — counterintuitively — that we should not care about what is taught since education makes no difference to our future practice.


Nearly forty years later, the logical connections between video and sculpture are still


Aside from commandments 6-9 (which are logical human criteria to live by), why do the others matter?


She speaks in non sequiturs most of the time, so whenever a logical statement comes out of her mouth, the family fears she’s being clairvoyant.


Whether that means presenting safety-gear recommendations for a construction site or a new marketing campaign to revitalize an old brand, it is important for students to know how to articulate their ideas in a logical, clear manner.


The SRT is a logical reasoning test that, like many other pre-employment screening tests, assesses your cognitive abilities.


Making no logical sense at all as it mindlessly throws characters and situations together, with little or no idea of where the story is headed.


It seems logical that cravings might be due to something lacking in the diet, or an increased need for certain vitamins and minerals.


At least he presented something logical to consider — as opposed to your fallacious character attack which adds nothing to my knowledge of nature and her processes.


To classify and sort things in a logical way, find categories to put them into.


This makes location-based communication through beacons a logical and effective way to communicate information to a campus population or within a classroom.


Commentators including Parliament’s Energy and Climate Change Committee and IPPR have argued that the only logical solution is for the UK to scrap the CPF and push for a high carbon price across the whole of the EU instead.


So, it was only logical that business owners would seize the opportunity to combine most people’s daily routine of grabbing coffee with the ability to hang out with their furry companions.


Yet they were a logical, if unexpectedly ambitious, extension of Pollock’s early style.


Circuit depth refers to how many logical operations a quantum processor can carry out before coherence decays.


Some 30 years later, shortly before his death in 1976, Graham did an interview with the Financial Analysts Journal in which he acknowledged that the average money manager could not beat the market: «That would mean the stock market experts as a whole could beat themselves — a logical contradiction.»


There is some logical basis for this way of thinking.


And when your testosterone levels drop, it’s logical to blame other hormones, like estrogen or progesterone.


When my outline is as good as I think I can get it, I simply export it into my word processing program, remove the indents, add the requisite connecting words, and with very little additional effort I have a logical, finished product that usually requires relatively little revision.


This recent offseason is the logical endpoint of a hyper-logical devolution of free agency.


In short, this linear problem solving method is neat, tidy and logical.


If you’re married and the primary breadwinner in the household, then it would make logical sense that your income would be worth protecting (and it is).


What you said was actually very logical.


When making a decision about what type of dog to get people often think of the artificial factors such as color, size and cuteness but they should really be thinking about the more logical factors including how intelligent they are and thus how trainable and obedient they will be.


This is, in fact, the logical drift of the view that sex is just the expression of love divorced from any procreative or familial meaning, coupled with a general relativism of moral principle.


Go through all points and try to change the order of ideas: make sure you have created a logical structure and ideas are presented either chronologically or thematically (from the least important to the most important).


It is only logical that prices of otherwise substantial businesses that had been beaten down the most should snap back the hardest when the market’s recovery began.»


If Dark Blue were doing its job, the LA riots would be the logical culmination of everything preceding them.


Oh man I didn’t even think about using this as a Christmas present — hello, Erika that is the logical next step!


If you enter an obvious price action setup like that and you’ve placed your stop loss at a logical spot in-line with the existing market structure, there’s no reason to panic if the market moves against you and almost stops you out.


The purpose of the satire is to demonstrate that what seems to vaccine rejectionists to be compelling «reasoning» is nothing more than nonsense, and logical fallacies.


The simpler and more logical explanation for the warming pause is the climate models are wrong.


And Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels and Falcons OC Kyle Shanahan are two others that make logical sense for some of the same reasons Harbaugh does.


Another reason, and arguably a more logical one, for splitting a stock is to increase a stock’s liquidity, which increases with the stock’s number of outstanding shares.


In order to stay competitive with the incredibly successful Apple iPad the next logical step was to offer a color LCD display.


It is also a logical way to insure that a business can retain options and flexibility if a key employee dies or is disabled.


Synonym: rational, reasonable, sane, sensible, sound. Similar words: ecological, biological, theological, ideological, technological, psychological, apologize, psychologist. Meaning: [‘lɑdʒɪkl /’lɒd-]  adj. 1. capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning 2. based on known statements or events or conditions 3. marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts 4. capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner. 

Random good picture Not show

1. You should be more logical.

2. Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.

3. It all sounds quite logical.

4. She arrived at this conclusion by logical deduction.

5. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for all this.

6. The paragraphs are not in a logical order.

7. The questions should be asked in a logical sequence .

8. It’s a logical site for a new supermarket, with the housing development nearby.

9. Unable to defeat him by logical discussion, she fell back on her old habit of criticizing his speech.

10. His argument seems logical.

11. Not everything is logical.

12. Everything isn’t always logical.

13. It was a logical conclusion from the child’s point of view.

14. By a logical progression of thought, she worked out why the remark had caused offence.

15. This massive autobiographical work was the logical culmination of her long career.

16. Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted.

17. His arguments seemed perfectly logical.

18. There was a logical explanation.

19. It seemed the only logical thing to do.

20. The script is filled with logical inconsistencies.

21. The debater’s argument failed of logical connection.

22. His argument is logical and hard to fault.

23. You must learn how to construct a logical argument.

24. The key to his success is his logical mind.

25. Computer programming needs someone with a logical mind.

26. It is logical that the book is expensive.

27. My argument follows the rules of logical induction.

28. Calling a doctor seemed the logical thing to do.

29. Each of them having their own room was the logical solution.

30. To be specific ,( the argument in your graduation thesis is logical.

More similar words: ecological, biological, theological, ideological, technological, psychological, apologize, psychologist, musical, typical, radical, ethical, medical, tropical, chemical, vertical, basically, clinical, critical, typically, classical, physically, political, ironically, identical, historical, practical, technical, electrical, theoretical. 

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • logical [ˈlɔʤɪkəl] прил

    1. логический, логичный, последовательный, вполне логичный

      (logic, consistent, completely logical)

      • logical volume – логический том
      • logical device name – имя логического устройства
      • logical unit number – логический номер устройства
      • logical coordinate system – логическая система координат
      • next logical step – следующий логический шаг
      • development of logical thinking – развитие логического мышления
      • logical data model – логическая модель
      • logical answer – логичный ответ
    2. разумный


      • logical reasons – разумные причины
    3. закономерный


      • logical consequence – закономерное следствие
    4. логически обоснованный

  • logical [ˈlɔʤɪkəl] нареч

    1. логически

логический logical, consequential
логичный logical, tenable, argumentative, sound, self-consistent
последовательный consistent, serial, consecutive, successive, sequential, logical
связный connected, coherent, logical, close

Предложения со словом «logical»

And to us, it makes sense that a homeostatic control center would be a logical place to employ chemical sensors.

И нам понятно, что гомеостатический контрольный центр будет логичным местом для «услуг» хемосенсоров.

I would have said that, you know, being logical and paying attention and staying calm would have done the trick, but who am I?

Я бы сказала, что здесь бы не помешали логическое мышление, внимательность и умение сохранять спокойствие, но кто я такая?

Science was simple and logical , Apple was still then just a fruit owned by Eve first and then Newton, not by Steve Jobs, until then.

Наука была проста и логична , яблоко [Apple] считалось просто фруктом и ассоциировалось с Евой и Ньютоном, но никак не со Стивом Джобсом.

He never got the chance to give his logical argument.

Но Тэйлор не дала ему возможности привести этот логический аргумент.

But he’s quite rational and logical in most matters.

Правда, вполне разумный и логичный во многих отношениях.

The logical , balanced mind cannot make sense of that.

Логический, уравновешенный разум не может постичь смысла в этом.

We have to stop being emotional about logical decisions.

Нам нужно оставить эмоции в стороне от логических решений.

Strong, logical Kimberly was still strong, logical Kimberly.

Сильная, логичная Кимберли осталась сильной, логичной Кимберли.

Moreover, it develops logical thinking, language and basic computer skills.

Кроме того, они развивают логическое мышление, язык и основные навыки работы с компьютером.

The approach and strategy in negotiations are influenced by cool, clear logical analyses.

Подход и стратегия переговоров основываются на холодном, прагматичном, логическом подходе.

As for me, good science fiction and fantasy develop imagination, logical thinking, broader one’s outlook.

На мой взгляд, хорошая фантастика развивает воображение, логическое мышление, расширяет кругозор.

This seems to be some fantasy woven by the defense, for which there is no factual or logical basis.

Это похоже на какую — то выдумку защиты, которая не имеет никакого фактического или логического основания.

I’m trying to find a logical explanation for something that seems to defy logic .

Пытаюсь найти логическое объяснение тому, что выглядит совершенно нелогичным.

He believed he’d thought the matter through and come up with the only logical conclusion possible.

Он полагал, что всесторонне обдумал это дело и пришел к единственно возможному логическому выводу.

I feed them some reassuring pap about the logical impossibility of proving a negative.

Скармливаю утешительную кашку о невозможности логического доказательства его отсутствия.

I examined every possibility and arrived at the most logical conclusion.

Я изучила все варианты и пришла к самому логическому выводу.

They were all nice, sane, and logical links in a chain.

Все это были хорошие, разумные и логичные звенья в цепи рассуждений.

In reality, what they adopted was an idea taken from the cold and logical world of the machines.

В действительности идея, которую они переняли пришла из холодного и логичного мира машин.

All things considered, I’ll be damned if I can think of a single logical argument against robbing the dead.

Будь я проклят, если я смогу найти хоть один весомый логический аргумент против ограбления мертвого.

Your world, the calm and reasonable, mostly logical , everyday London was a revelation to me.

Ваш мир, спокойный и разумный, ваш обыденный Лондон стал для меня огромным открытием.

Matteo blinked, startled by this logical but unexpected application of the rule.

Непредвиденное, но вполне логичное применение правила заставило Маттео вздрогнуть.

Now, it concludes that the most logical delivery system for the terrorist to use would be an airborne attack.

Они делают вывод что наиболее логичной атакой для террориста была бы атака с воздуха.

He’d done a lot of hitches in a lot of different varieties of military, which seems logical enough.

Он много раз служил во многих родах войск и это предположение кажется вполне логичным .

The principle benefit of the new arrangement will be to make our money raising activities more coherent and logical .

Принципиальное преимущество нового соглашения в том, что наши средства будут расходоваться более логично .

The logical conclusion is that he does not intend to continue his role as Caretaker.

Логично будет заключить, что он не намеревается продолжать выполнять роль Опекуна.

It wasn’t logical , but the idea had a certain artistic appeal.

Логики тут не было никакой, но в самой идее таилась некая эстетическая привлекательность.

The tapes themselves were polymer chains with different side groups representing the logical ones and zeroes.

Сами ленты представляли собой полимерные цепочки, в которых логические нули и единицы обозначались разными основаниями.

So he believes Bassam’s elections make him the logical successor to the presidency.

Значит, он считает, что выборы Басама сделают его следующим претендентом на президентство.

For three hundred years, Eriston had been trying to construct logical paradoxes which the machine could not resolve.

Уже триста лет Эристон пытался построить логический парадокс, который машина не смогла бы разрешить.

It means to adopt a philosophy, a way of life, which is logical and beneficial.

Это означает, что надо принять философию, обычаи, которые логичны и выгодны.

Your basic arguments are logical , but try to remember that they’re based on a very shaky foundation.

Ваши основные аргументы логичны , но не забывайте, что они покоятся на очень шатком основании.

That’s far more logical if they had the eyes of flies and the exoskeleton of a cockroach.

Было бы гораздо логичнее , если бы у них были глаза мухи и экзоскелет таракана.

He was a logical , practical man who had learned that he could achieve success if he worked hard enough.

Он был трезвым, рассудительным человеком, знающим, что добиться успеха может только неустанным трудом.

I coalesce the vapor of human experience into a viable and logical comprehension.

Я объединяю химеру человеческого опыта с жизнеспособностью рационального осмысления.

How can the church condemn that which makes logical sense to our minds!

Как можем мы открыто осуждать то, что является фундаментом нашего общества?

It sounds logical , but I don’t know if logic is going to sell to the proles.

Звучит логически , но я не знаю, подействует ли на логика на простой народ.

The only logical explanation was that they were preparing a major counteroffensive.

Логически это объяснялось лишь тем, что они готовились к решительному контрнаступлению.

It was an outrageous essay, but he wrote it so well that the whole thing appeared logical .

Эссе было, конечно, оскорбительным, но написано настолько здорово, что в итоге выглядело даже логически обоснованным.

Her father was an electrical engineer, and she had inherited much of her logical sense from him.

Ее отец был инженером — электриком, и она унаследовала от него склонность к логическому мышлению.

Other comments included the remark that the articles did not necessarily follow a logical order.

В число других комментариев входило замечание о том, что в статьях в определенной степени отсутствует логическая последовательность.

Because it contains mainly state information controlled by the kernel, the most logical place to store the information is in memory controlled by the kernel.

Из — за того, что она предоставляет информацию контролируемую ядром, логично , что она располагается в памяти, контролируемой также ядром.

And for example, this would be somebody who’s completely logical .

Это — кто — то, кто полностью полагается на логику.

In my view, such instruments are quite simply the logical complements to a sanctions committee.

На мой взгляд, такие инструменты просто являются логическим дополнением к работе комитетов по санкциям.

So, it’s logical to suspect that his death is connected to that abuse and not some random encounter with a stranger.

Поэтому логично подозревать, что его смерть связана с этим, а не со случайным незнакомцем.

Putting the Conference on standby or shortening its meetings would remove the most logical venue.

Перевод Конференции в режим ожидания или сокращение ее заседаний привели бы к ликвидации наиболее логичного формата.

The functions clrtoeol and wclrtoeol delete all characters on the same line to the right of the logical cursor.

Функции clrtoeol и wclrtoeol удаляют все символы в одной строке справа от логического курсора.

The secretariat has taken steps to introduce the logical framework format for the design and preparation of technical cooperation projects and programmes.

Секретариат принял меры в целях внедрения логической интегрированной системы для расчета характеристик и разработки проектов и программ технического сотрудничества.

Given its struggle against apartheid, South Africa was a logical place to host the Conference.

С учетом борьбы Южной Африки против апартеида выбор места проведения Конференции представляется однозначно логичным .

Right brain’s advantage is that it isn’t logical , doesn’t choose which details to look at, makes connections you could never see.

Особенность правого полушария в том, что оно не отвечает за логическое мышление, не выбирает, на какие детали обращать внимание, создаёт взаимосвязи, которые можно было никогда не увидеть.

Right brain’s advantage is that it isn’t logical , doesn’t choose which details to look at, makes connections you could never see.

Достоинство правого полушария в том, что оно нелогично, оно не выбирает, на что стоило бы обратить внимание. делает выводы, которые не поддаются логике.

Feasibility: The extension of the provision is justified from a logical point of view and is therefore feasible.

Осуществимость Расширение данного положения является логически оправданным и, следовательно, осуществимым.

If no logical link to existing major equipment exists, the claim will be reviewed and negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

Этот коэффициент устанавливается в самом начале миссии группой технической рекогносцировки и применяется повсеместно в рамках миссии.

It is thus apparent that the argument put forward in Nairobi in relation to the right to housing is without any logical or legal foundation.

Таким образом очевидно, что этот аргумент, выдвинутый в Найроби в отношении права на жилье, не имеет никаких логических или юридических оснований.

Logical tree depth exceeded while traversing the tree. This could indicate a cycle in the tree.

При просмотре дерева превышена логическая глубина дерева. Возможно, в дереве имеется циклическая зависимость.

It was more logical first to lay down the principle and subsequently to indicate how the Committee would discharge the function that corresponded to it.

Было бы логичнее сначала изложить принцип, а затем указать, каким образом Комитет будет выполнять связанные с ним функции.

The structure consists of the following rules parts: control functions, the body of data, the logical pointer for the withdrawal, the resulting object.

Правила универсальны и не имеют привязки к формату или к внутренней структуре документа.

Functions delch and wdelch delete the character that is under the logical cursor of the window and shift the following characters on the same line left.

Функции delch и wdelch удаляют символ, который находится в позиции логического курсора окна и смещают оставшиеся в той же строке символы влево.

All functions we can split into several logical groups — work with files, work with changes, work with external utilities, and other functions.

Команды работы с данными можно разделить на несколько логических групп — работа с файлами, работа с изменениями, использование внешних утилит ClearCase, получение информации, и прочие команды.

Some might think that this could be true only if the logical end of evolution and intelligent life were to be a nuclear explosion that pulverized Earth.

Некоторые могут подумать, что это может быть верным, только если логическим концом эволюции и интеллектуальной жизни был бы ядерный взрыв, который бы уничтожил Землю.

Such logical entities will also make it easier to provide common metadata descriptions and a common exchange format.

Разбивка их на логические блоки упростит также выработку общих описаний метаданных и общего формата обмена данными.

How to use logical in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «logical» and check conjugation/comparative form for «logical«. Mastering all the usages of «logical» from sentence examples published by news publications.

He was a logical man, and what he said sounded very logical.
But people naturally want to take things to their logical ends, even if those ends aren’t really logical.
A Moon mission is a logical stepping stone to Mars A Moon mission is a logical stepping stone to Mars.
Some executed search warrants explicitly mention the type of extraction performed, such as so-called «Logical» or «Advanced Logical» extraction.
Monday’s U.N. report gives us no logical reason to be optimistic about the planet’s survival, and no logical reason to hope.
That shouldn’t make the most logical explanation any less logical — even if that means examining Zarif’s tweet through the prism of Iranian domestic affairs.
«We found a way to make accessing data extremely simple, mashing it together in a logical way and embedding it in every logical place,» he explained.
Terminating Mueller as a logical way to end the Russian investigation is akin to viewing the Hindenburg explosion as a logical way to land a zeppelin.
Aquarius is a sign that’s cool and logical, but there’s nothing cool or logical about eclipses—they’re emotional and complicated, often bringing up issues we can’t describe.
As well as arguing for the futility of attempts to control language, Mr Greene explores efforts to create more logical systems, from the 17th-century polymath John Wilkins to the 1950s creation Loglan, devised to test the hypothesis that a more logical language would facilitate more logical thought processes.
LOGICAL TRANSACTION WITH MODEST CHANGE IN STRATEGY The PPS acquisition is a logical strategic transaction that improves MAA’s portfolio quality and should result in scale benefits from deeper market penetration.
The answer should be obvious as a logical matter, even if we didn’t have the careful words of Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78 to back up that logical inference.
So a Louis Vuitton collaboration makes sense as the next logical place to take it — logical, that is, until you remember that they cost $700 more than their otherwise identical siblings.
» She added, «For hair, an updo is pretty logical.
That’s not a logical assumption at all … Oops, sorry.
»  «I just think that’s a logical approach to me.
It sounds perfectly logical — and that’s why I’m skeptical.
«We found a way to make accessing data extremely simple, mashing it together in a logical way and embedding it in every logical place,» explained CEO Amir Orad to us in 2018.
«The next logical level of support is at $5,000 but if that doesn’t hold, the next logical support level isn’t until $3,500,» eToro analyst Mati Greenspan said in a note to clients Monday.
That might not be logical, or fair — but it’s sports.
Linking fitness equipment with virtual reality is a logical move.
It’s easy when you’re working with logical, smart people. Right?
That’s a logical move, considering its continued focus on soccer.
You’ll find yourself in a serious, logical mood this evening.
Coolly logical robots, the thinking goes, will far exceed us.
Our desire to punish doesn’t always follow a logical course.
The workplace is a logical area to attack the problem.
The answer they landed on makes a pretty logical point.
Again, this is a legal victory, not a logical one.
His is an emotional appeal, rather than a logical one.
Baier’s panelists said they thought Clinton’s decision was politically logical.
That she now has a Target collection is only logical.
«It was the most logical thing to do,» she said.
Butler called «The Antonin Scalia Law School» a «logical substitute.»
Others call it the next logical step in smartphone evolution.
This Mercury retrograde is in Virgo, a logical, practical sign.
So releasing our mixtapes to these same users was logical.
It’s a Microsoft Surface taken to the logical gaming extreme.
It seems like the most logical option at this point.
Although the configuration is odd, the pricing does seem logical.
So, uh, I guess this is the trend’s logical conclusion?
This is the same logical fallacy that governed — and governs!
It’s a hidden logical assumption that underpins all science, ever.
Why was eyewear the logical next step for your designs?
You’re a logical person, but you’re no stranger to whimsy.
The payroll tax option makes a lot of logical sense.
It is the logical outgrowth of those same sports arguments.
Given his earlier success, Wallace, 24, was the logical choice.
She’s very logical and can spot future trends and patterns.
Overall, this feels like a logical next step for GitHub.
The HP Tango’s camouflage is admittedly a bit more logical.
It’s a logical choice, but way too obvious for Rosewood.
Air sign Aquarius is aloof yet friendly, logical yet wacky.
Well, the most logical option seems to be Tony Ferguson.
«Honestly, this lawlessness has reached its logical conclusion,» he wrote.
So Mr Ryan is in at least a logical bind.
Communication improves when logical, chatty Mercury trines Mars July 10.
Taken to its logical extreme, it propels organized white supremacy.
Yes, Trump is the logical extreme of those past campaigns.
It seems only logical that he’d eventually create his own.
All of these are highly logical jobs driven by information.
It is a frightening thought because it is so logical.
It’s the only logical means to separate truth from falsehood.
We now have the CT4, logical successor to the ATS.
A systematic, logical approach, as his wife would have preached.
The only logical possibilities could fit in a phone booth.
Trump is the logical extension of the worst of America.
So she took the most logical precautions and burned Pennywise.
Spring 1986 seems like the logical setting for Season 4.
«That’s logical,» another senior Republican aide in the House said.
So this was a logical next step in the sanctions.
In many ways, this is a logical step for Microsoft.
Amazon, Twitch’s parent company, is perhaps the most logical partner.
We accepted the logical and natural consequences of bad behavior.
It’s cool, because it’s the logical step forward for me.
You’re approaching the world from a more logical perspective now!
A logical extraction is done using the phone’s corresponding API.
It’s just a logical extension of what you were doing.
Even though you’re logical as hell, trust your intuition today.
And it is also completely logical that Guido is disappointed.
There’s a logical fallacy called the «no true Scotsman» problem.
Either way, the logical conclusion of these fears is apocalyptic.
«Elizabeth Warren is a very logical progressive,» Ms. Katz said.
This is the logical conclusion of what was already happening.
I think anger is a logical response to the world.
It seemed logical something similar might be happening in Honduras.
It is a logical part of the Met’s overall collection.
The logical conclusion of the blackpill is, as one incels.
Dubinsky: It’s the logical part, which is just very different!
That’s the absurd logical extension of such a legal standard.
In this context, Clinton’s tweet seems like a logical extension.
The extension into watches is logical from a business perspective.
Trump is the logical extension of what Republicans have become.
Given the options, the Kurdish forces were the logical choice.
It is the logical conclusion of May’s strategy to date.
He’s a very structured and logical thinker, and whip smart.
Now a logical candidate, Elliott Management, has taken a stake.
«This was logical,» he said, on a Spanish talk show.
I saw him as a very reasonable, very logical person.
But it’s logical for Microsoft to get into this space.
Granted, Romney’s résumé isn’t the most logical for the job.
For Mr. Swensen, the decision to stay in was logical.
«I think that would be a logical conclusion,» he said.
At first blush the survivorship benefit is the logical choice.
«It makes it a much more logical conversation,» she said.
But this kind of scrutiny is also logical for Hollywood.
Do you imagine this is a logical argument they’re making?
So of course, to me, he became a logical contender.
As long as the process runs in a logical fashion.
However, it feels like a logical extension of my practice.
But that seems like a pretty logical strategy to me.
«The coldly logical response to [the study] would seem to be to discontinue naloxone use,» wrote the Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle (who did not ultimately endorse that «logical» conclusion, finding in it «something repulsive»).
There has to be a logical explanation for grandpa Jack’s existence.
Being able to delete unwanted apps altogether is a logical step.
» I said, «Yeah, it seems like a logical thing to do.
So Seyo creates a logical sequence which is not time-based.
You’re a logical person, but your intuition isn’t too shabby either.
It definitely attracts people that are great logical and systematic thinkers.
But as logical and desirable as the idea sounds, it’s unrealistic.
You’re logical, down to earth, and Pisces is whimsical, a poet.
Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
That’s the logical conclusion of the position held by «reasonable» conservatives.
But there are perfectly logical reasons to have underwater data centers.
It is only natural and logical that clothing is evolving, too.
Acknowledging the logical inconsistencies of these images, Bonner’s captions crack jokes.
It’s unconventional but logical, too — essentially tomato sauce with fresh herbs.
A logical extension of the aesthetics and vibe of the original.
In many ways, it’s the logical next step for these technologies.
It’s the logical predecessor to Captain America’s Spider-Man: Homecoming PSAs!
These are organised into logic gates, which implement simple logical operations.
The next logical step is today’s announcement around Randori Attack Platform.
Those were the purely logical reasons she knew it wasn’t Michael.
The Moon enters logical Aquarius today, helping your mind get focused.
Mr. Peck’s dance worlds are usually logical ones, and that’s fine.
A legislature «work-around» is not always feasible, or even logical.
Again, these comparisons aren’t the best, but there’s some logical overlap.
For this reason, an OLED screen seems like a logical switch.
That’s where the next logical alternative comes in: Sweaters with collars.
As you move up, the layers transition from physical to logical.
So here are five logical landing spots for D-Fish. 5.
Best of luck with the logical sleuthing and playing with numbers.
Such granular road-pricing is the logical conclusion of existing schemes.
And after 10 years of working on this show, it’s logical.
If anything, a pop record seems as logical as anything else.
These are logical conversations to have in a high-stakes scenario.
But now, McCoy and her colleagues have a more logical answer.
«Power distribution assets is the most logical way forward,» Starace said.
Turning the product into a marketplace was a logical next step.
The only logical solution is to handcuff her to a mime.
Putting buildings in Russia would have been a relatively logical move.
The only logical response, in his mind, was to end them.
The result of that logical leap is still with us now.
It’s a move that is entirely logical, and really too late.
So it requires much more rational, logical thought, and reasoned discourse.
The makers will not tell us but it’s a logical deduction.
But the purpose of these defenses isn’t to demonstrate logical rigor.
And a helicopter rides are the only logical means of transportation.
Zhang: Well as I said, I am a very logical person.
The truth is not all medical phenomena have a logical explanation.
It’s logical that the VC market grows alongside the startup ecosystem.
Left brained people, by contrast, are more logical, analytical and objective.
Mr de Lacharrière says this was «nothing extraordinary» and «only logical«.
It just started to suggest itself as a logical way forward.
«We talked about making logical decisions, not emotional ones,» Kraus said.
» TVECA supports what Story calls «logical and responsible regulation and oversight.
«Angelle is the logical choice,» Beam wrote in a recent column.
Though shifting the calendar seems logical, it also comes with challenges.
That seemed the logical next step once he’d put away Benn.
Bringing it to more keyboards is just the next logical step.
The Keurig of bong rips seems like a logical next step.
Personally, I think this is a logical career choice for her.
KT: He’s just embracing the next logical step of his career!
Buying Eero seems like the logical play for Amazon or Google.
«The Mueller investigation needs to continue to its logical conclusion,» Sen.
There is really no logical reason to have a manual gearbox.
It’s a convergence, that after a closer look, seems very logical.
He has called a Paramount transaction a logical step for Viacom.
Could «M&A Innovation» be the logical extension of this trend?
«He made a lot of good logical points in there,» Rep.
And it makes sense from another historical/logical point of view.
«But, then again, I’m trying to be very logical,» he said.
At first, there seems to be little structure or logical sequence.
They took the idea of mental models to its logical conclusion.
» The «logical endpoint of excessively avid work,» she added, «is burnout.
That faith, though, seems more a conditioned reaction than logical thinking.
The company sees Havana as a logical addition to the list.
Ewald: I’ve rarely seen an AfD supporter make a logical argument.
Love Home Swap is a logical acquisition for Wyndham’s RCI group.
Dying wouldn’t just be the most logical conclusion for Iron Man.
We try to use people’s strengths, just because that seems logical.
Breakingviews The latest deal from China’s richest man is unexpectedly logical.
Reaching deeper into Feld’s relationship with Marvel seemed a logical step.
They see North Korea as a logical market and production base.
This deal, China’s biggest foreign acquisition, is a relatively logical pairing.
It’s only logical to send that team to the national tournament.
The Moon is in logical Aquarius today, so you’re feeling sharp.
For me, the hypothetical choice to become straight would be logical.
You’re a logical person, Capricorn, but you can’t ignore your gut.
And that was very logical — but still, expectations were very high.
Well, after bread, to me chocolate seemed the next logical step.
By all logical definitions, the FA Cup is a boring place.
«To me there isn’t a logical methodology or predictability,» he added.
But perhaps the most logical wish is for a movie theater.
A lot of people support what I’m saying because it’s logical.
Stop thinking about what’s logical and think about what makes sense.
Mercury is logical, while Neptune is the poet of the zodiac.
A logical approach, yes, but how do I bring it up?
Then comes a rather magical, if not fully explained logical leap.
Respond: Choose to act in a way that makes logical sense.
It’s a logical stance for the Massachusetts senator on two levels.
But Mike Merrill has taken this idea to its logical extreme.
The contradictions of Australian conservatism are finally reaching their logical conclusion.
Taken to its logical extreme, the blackpill can lead to violence.
I think it’s something that is so logical and so normal.
Participants said they would be a logical vehicle to address costs.
This is not a logical response, though, but an ideological one.
This leads to the logical question of what to do next.
» Then he added: «But realize that it’s not rational or logical.
ASICS wanted to know: Is this really the logical end goal?
I feel we’ve been extremely focused, not opportunistic, and very logical.
Credit… There was only one logical response in Frankie Wilton’s mind.
I’m more outgoing and excitable, and he’s more internal and logical.
The creation of the EDL CDU was the logical next step.
He told The New York Times that the punishment was logical.
So why wouldn’t you take it to its most logical conclusion?
And because of that, we get mad before we get logical.
So the M4 version number seems like the next logical step.
The logical response to labor shortages would be to boost pay.
Succinct, linear responses make you seem like a composed, logical person.
In many ways, he’s the logical outcome of the Republican Party.
It’s also the logical endpoint of the Trump media-bashing narrative.
The only logical endpoint to this descent into our quarantine madness?
So how did presumably logical humans get roped into this mess?
«It’s logical, it’s a kind of a poison pill,» Ross said.
For the group, deciding to record was the next logical step.
And while most of those disappearances have completely logical explanations — like «somebody fell off a cliff» logical — some of them are downright mysterious and eerie, with bodies seeming to appear in places they simply shouldn’t be.
It seemed like a logical place to go, and writing also seemed like a logical thing to do, because that always seems incredibly intimidating, from where I grew up, which is the Midwest, looking at New York.
It’s just logical that our relationships would play out there as well.
In many ways drones are the logical next step in their evolution.
Our demands are not radical but a logical extension of human rights.
The most logical thing would be for Apple to simply redirect iCloud.
On June 29, logical Mercury enters psychic Cancer, majorly boosting your intuition.
It’s a logical possibility, but I don’t think it’s likely at all.
Talking over me isn&apost going to make it any more logical.
But then again, nothing about vice crimes is «fair» or even «logical«.
«It’s really the next logical step,» says Peter Beck, Rocket Lab’s founder.
Beck seems uncannily logical about the risks his young company is taking.
But Colton would not be deterred by Harrison’s logical line of thinking.
He said that instead Amazon may be the most logical tie-up.
But, in the meantime, what are the logical solutions to these issues?
Journeying to Mars Many believe that Mars is the next logical step.
Yet the appeal of this potential showdown is not that it’s logical.
It is logical and expected that passions run high during political campaigns.
Even if we don’t understand the logic, it has to look logical.
Mr. Rosenbluth finds such solutions «logical,» but he foresees little substantial change.
The glasses even pair in a logical way for a Snap product.
To some people, a physical card might seem a logical next step.
And the poll winner for greatest villain is a logical choice, too.
It’s logical and proved successful, but was unneccesarily time and labor intensive.
But the more I thought about it, the more logical it seemed.
Coming up with a logical use case is only the first step.
What do you see as the next logical step for fashion blogging?
If a bidding war starts, it would be a logical white knight.
«Suddenly she appeared in a videotaped interview, it’s not logical,» said Poon.
Your old boss, President Obama, is a hyper-rational, hyper-logical individual.
» The source added: «The logical explanation is that it was an explosion.
It’s a logical way to respond to this kind of historical trauma.
It’s possible Spelunky 2 is the simplest, most logical thing: more Spelunky.
There is zero logical connection between Bird Box and K-pop memes.
However, it’s also logical for you to have these kinds of questions.
» «Right now, I don’t think it is a logical thing to do.
A supplier added such a move was logical due to weak demand.
Then came kitesurfing, which is a logical extension of the beach buggy.
The Moon enters logical Gemini today, and your mind is super sharp.
Logical Mercury enters trickster Gemini today, and you couldn’t be more excited!
«And after video, the next logical step is fully immersive virtual reality.»
None of the explanations offered by House Democrats make any logical sense.
But Trump has never been a politician whose fundamental appeal is logical.
There was no logical — that is, politically rational — explanation for the firing.
And Gothic romances are not stories that need logical consistency to thrive.
My next logical step was, being in advertising, who is supporting it?
Then, the next logical question — how ’bout getting him on «Shark Tank»?
Or maybe it was something more logical, some contractual or ethical reason.
There are a lot of other logical explanations for these experiences, too.
Follow Noisey on Twitter if we haven’t imploded due to logical paradoxes.
In his definition, steampunk is a logical home for a creative mind.
From an objective, logical and historical outlook, they are setup to fail.
It seemed like a logical decision on something we needed to do.
This makes Cohn’s tactic of signaling discontent without walking away more logical.
The insularity of conservative thoughts blinds many Republicans to this logical certainty.
Unable to counter him with any logical reason not to, I agreed.
In Mr. Musk’s view, putting Tesla and SolarCity together is only logical.
Seems logical, especially since you’re literally putting the product in your mouth.
Q: Can people be convinced by logical arguments to overcome those fears?
This would be «the most logical answer», Koenig told reporters in Brussels.
So everyone should just get logical about this and lower the hysteria.
But Panthers coach Ron Rivera is sure there’s a perfectly logical explanation.
We’d both collaborated with many others, so it seemed a logical fit.
It sounded like a logical fallacy, but it seemed pleasantly futuristic nonetheless.
So— to me, it’s a logical thing for them to be studying.
With no job and no direction, it seemed like the logical choice.
It is also familiar, delivering her political career to its logical climax.
So, it was a very logical trajectory of the power of one.
Fox would jump to the top of the list of logical partners.
Even the logical constraints of the book tend to make me sad.
There are few logical replacements for such big stores in the market.
Mystery Brand represents the next logical step of the loot box phenomenon.
«It was the logical alternative to beer for the gals,» explains Crete.
«Tractor fighting» is the logical extension of «punching» in the Footloose universe.
There are logical reasons immigrants would be less likely to commit crimes.
Alina Morse created Zollipops three years ago for a very logical reason.
As a logical Air sign, Libra, Mercury retrograde has been very annoying.
On June 12, Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters logical Gemini.
The Moon in logical Libra is making you thinking about deep issues.
The Higgs boson, too, was born out of need for logical consistency.
If you identify this way, there’s only one logical solution: Apple Care.
App Smart DO you know a logical fallacy from a statistical improbability?
A harsh-seeming text message can sound thoughtful and logical when spoken.
The discussion would continue «to whatever logical end there is», he said.
This is a logical inevitability—everything else will be done by globots.
«We’re the logical place for this to be located,» Mr. Patchett said.
The logical question for most would be: How can we fix this?
Many well-funded, well-executed, logical programs haven’t had the desired results.
Then there’s lots of logical reasons why bundles are a good deal.
People could make a lot of different plausible logical connections between them.
» Saige, 21 «Hmm, probably the quality we share of being very logical.
It’s perfectly logical: Systems change depending on what they’re being used for.
Still, Gervais maintains that his audience is logical enough to get it.
In the beginning, both of us thought marriage was the logical conclusion.
It seemed a logical move, given the A.T.F.’s criminal justice focus.
Once housing costs begin to rise, the logical conclusion is San Francisco.
Stanek and the Rays have started — well, opened — a very logical trend.
The past few picks seem to follow a chilling but logical evolution.
China would appear the most logical candidate to surpass the United States.
There is a perfectly logical reason for that, at least for me.
You’re known for being cool and logical, but maybe not this month!
It’s logical that an unpredictable president is a boon to news outlets.
Starting today, users can organize their channels into logical groupings with labels.
It was a short, logical step from the studio into a theater.
It seems logical that that number should be included in the reporting.
Mr. Sadr’s closest aide, Dhia’a Assadi, called the overtures sincere and logical.
Is 100 gecs the logical sound of the internet collapsing upon itself?
There is a logical problem with a softer British exit, of course.
Instead, the children absorbed a mix of pragmatic calculation and logical reasoning.
«To make America great again, climate action is very logical,» he said.
Seems logical, and airlines don’t always disagree, as I wrote in April.
Gender parity «just seems logical,» she told Die Zeit newspaper on Sunday.
A combination of several of them could be a logical endgame scenario.
So moving on from the aging Romo seems like a logical move.
That sounds logical and easy — until you try to email left-handed.
«He made a lot of good logical points in there,» added Rep.
Partly that’s because of how unflashy and seemingly logical his style is.
Trained as a scientist, he approached problems in a deliberative, logical way.
It’s logical that so much attention is being paid to South Carolina.
However, it is reality, and the logical outcome of Trump’s leadership style.
MGM, in particular, seems like a logical candidate to sell this year.
But the battery pack assembly announcement, while logical, came as a surprise.
B Cory Booker Logical flaws are not an issue with the senator.
Such is its ubiquity that calling it foreign no longer seems logical.
The moment that he initiated a thought, he reached its logical terminus.
But those are not the only problems, the others being logical tributaries.
Quantico is one amazing trashy mess almost completely devoid of logical storytelling.
While the film ends at a logical stopping point, it feels incomplete.
The logical thing would be for him to, you know, chill out.
I think … The logical answer is, the two can coexist quite nicely.
If Pangea is the capital of myths, Mystifarians are the logical population.
For us to go to a network is a very logical decision.
That’s a very logical story for me to tell at LinkedIn, too.
That phenomenon is carried to its logical end by the Azvedo family.
Just because you’re a logical Air sign doesn’t mean you’re aren’t psychic.
Cardozo said that they were logical responses to the country’s economic problems.
The logical place to start, then, would be to expand existing pilot programmes.
«It doesn’t apply in a way that is logical or rational,» he said.
That’s the next logical question, and the company doesn’t have a good answer.
He’s positioned as the most noble and logical character on Iron Man’s side.
And, psychologists say, it’s unlikely to be countered by statistics or logical counterarguments.
The company is looking at security in three areas: logical, physical and social.
And now acquisitions are a logical way to grow, Kara, as you know.
You’re super logical, Aquarius, but you need to listen to your intuition today.
The defendants E-Learning Ltd and Logical Thinking Ltd, which operate website Chess24.
Being ruled by logical Mercury, you like being organized and doing things efficiently.
«The idea of negative emissions became a deeply logical one,» Van Vuuren says.
My response was visceral, pre-verbal; there was no logical reasoning behind it.
NLP is usually guided by a series of learned grammatical and logical rules.
Providing unfettered Internet access in an emergency situation is an obvious, logical step.
And sometimes, the kids use logical reasoning to figure it out for themselves.
In a shoot for its new swim line, Target takes that logical stance.
I took this identification to its logical conclusion: I was an alcoholic, too.
But there are logical reasons for chopping a NASCAR race into smaller chunks.
And the most logical remedy seems to be to reverse course and disconnect.
In every logical way, that fistful of Forever 21 jewelry was basically worthless.
So, if you’re using iBooks on another device, then that’s the logical choice.
We asked her attorney, Brandon Anand, who says there’s a perfectly logical explanation.
Why does a logical strategy, methodically implemented by competent people, not succeed better?
And it was the logical outcome of parameters that were too wide open.
Mexico City’s notorious traffic made it a logical target for food delivery apps.
He said the clean-up needed to be «taken to its logical conclusion».
The Echo and similar devices are the next logical step, according to Peterson.
It’s logical the activist should take a swipe at Son’s hugely undervalued empire.
Such jobs are typically accomplished with programmable logical controllers (PLCs) or embedded computers.
Now Supermassive is taking this idea to its logical conclusion with Hidden Agenda.
Because that would be way too logical so it’s not going to happen.
For the individual that doesn’t want to live, suicide is logical and rational.
Clinton, in this telling, is the next logical step in the American story.
The camera app opens quickly and has a logical, easy-to-follow interface.
Indeed, it doesn’t take too much reasoning to arrive at this logical endpoint.
The logical step beyond limiting the accrual of data is demanding their disbursement.
And psychologists say it’s unlikely to be countered by statistics or logical counterarguments.
That’s a logical gap in the law—there’s no place to put that.
What’s the logical conclusion of this ethnonationalist drift in domestic and international politics?
So relaxing and beefing up those muscles is a logical place to start.
Switching to a for-profit strategy was a «very logical development,» she says.
Good. It may not make a ton of logical sense, but who cares?
It’s a logical solution to both the skills gap and the refugee crisis.
The page-out Scandi aesthetic has been taken to its logical, denatured extreme.
Legislative restrictions on the collection of personal data are the logical first step.
This was actually logical: It’s difficult to accidentally hit all three keys simultaneously.
In some ways, it feels like the logical conclusion of an advertising monolith.
The logical conclusion is that because he is Black, he cannot help himself.
Given Shannara’s political intrigue and dense, sprawling cast, that connection seems logical enough.
He added it would be «logical» to wait until pension reforms were finalised.
That’s the question that logical Mercury opposite warrior Mars will ask you today.
The DUNE experiment is the next logical step in America’s neutrino research program.
Consider it the logical alternative to the knit boots that retail for $22016.
The process of elimination would seem to leave only one logical way forward.
«That is a logical application of the State Fund rule,» the majority wrote.
How often do you see that kind of logical argument in an ad?
A new moon in cool, logical Air sign Aquarius comes later this January.
Business usually requires us to be logical, but today, listen to your intuition.
Neither organization’s matchmaking strategy has been particularly logical lately, so a Silva vs.
«Wherever we make the battery, we’ll make the car, that’s logical,» he said.
I like the way things are grouped, where the next logical step occurs.
Logical though it may be for Apple, this MacBook Pro presents a dichotomy.
Taken to its logical end, those who worship other humans are committing idolatry.
«Robo is a logical offshoot of the aggregation business we do,» said Sharma.
From a pure user experience standpoint, however, headphones are the most logical conduit.
But ask a logical follow-up question — what else are you working on?
For a logical league opener, that left Leslie against Lobo, Sparks versus Liberty.
In recent days, Trump has taken the argument to its logical next step.
The deeper and perhaps insoluble logical quandary is control of technologies in general.
Insurance is a logical risk tool, but it doesn’t fix your cybersecurity posture.
But Ms. Rousseff’s fall is not the logical conclusion of that happy story.
After all that pizza, the only logical decision is to get ice cream.
Yet there are two logical limits to the size of the advertising market.
«This decision is logical in view of the events in March,» it added.
The logical chain from one position to the other is hard to avoid.
I never saw the extra work as being anything more than economically logical.
Electing women, then, seems like a logical first step toward restoring that trust.
Indeed, his efforts are the logical endpoint of the resistance to those movements.
The formulation of the «if true» talking point is a logical dead-end.
Logical buyers for the protein business include Tyson Foods, Cargill or Smithfield Foods.
Bourdain writes clear, logical recipes that would do justice to a home economist.
Yesterday was just the next logical step in the escalation of his rhetoric.
Then carrying the revealer to its logical conclusion led to the clue inflation.
The logical conclusions of these arguments is a «too big to fail» designation.
The logical brake on all of that would have been the United States.
But this is not the logical conclusion of a National Security Council debate.
She said moving some of its operations overseas may be the logical solution.
Kaepernick could be a logical answer to take over the New England empire.
Announced today, the Mavic Mini is the next logical step in that evolution.
So, the next logical opponent — according to Anderson — is the champ Jon Jones.
What is the «logical» culmination of a presidency run like a reality show?
The logical remaining question is: Which borough landed on the baby’s birth certificate?
However, Vinther’s newly discovered specimens offer a seemingly logical compromise to this debate.
But passing the FIRST STEP Act would be, well, the logical first step.
It is hard to see the logical endpoint of the Republicans’ blanket obstruction.
It’s creation in the moment and a logical avenue for artists to explore.
Venus says goodbye to your sign and enters logical Air sign Aquarius today!
You’re a very logical sign, Gemini, but today you’re all about your gut.
Even if they don’t seem like a logical match, their selfies would disagree.
Some think Harambe’s shooting was just a logical decision to protect the child.
This all sounds quite simple and logical, but it did not exist before.
Marty slowly disappearing doesn’t make logical sense, but it makes tremendous story sense.
Joining the campaign was a logical extension of what we were already doing.
It should all be dealt with in a very factual and logical manner.
Beat Maker, as Martocci tells The Creators Project, was the logical next step.
Combining all of these into a single system is a logical next step.
So what was the next logical step for a rapper of this magnitude?
These have now been taken to their logical extreme: the virtual unboxing video.
I mean, I knew from a logical perspective that it was a possibility.
Colbert’s studio is a logical place for Democrats to tease presidential campaign plans.
Creating a response mechanism within Africa was a logical next step, experts said.
Haslam argues that expanding this program to adults is the logical next step.
Trump is in fact the logical extension of toxic masculinity and ambient misogyny.
But what it makes people do isn’t logical, sometimes, but it’s very powerful.
» (Ad hominem attacks are a logical fallacy.) «The circus is coming to town.
But sometimes even the most logical of them can come to bizarre conclusions.
The logical conclusion of a decades-long trendThis is not a new development.
Content should have an ethical appeal, an emotional appeal, or a logical appeal.
Federal law requires rules to be a «logical outgrowth» of the administrative record.
This eminently logical duo will release its first full-length collaboration next month.
«That just seemed like the logical last stop before hitting bottom,» he said.
There is always the same internal woodwork, the same logical arrangement of parts.
Portman demurred when I asked him about what seems like a logical compromise.
He said policies like Rockland County’s are a «logical extension» of that practice.
That silence has not kept travelers from jumping to some logical conclusions though.
A state-level child benefit is the logical next step toward that goal.
In D.E.B.S., she takes the corny lesbian schoolgirl trope to its logical extreme.
Some of it is like poetry — it’s not all fully intellectual and logical.
Everything he preaches is very logical and, in a way, kind of great.
Dr. Crane affirms that it is totally logical to finger your trans cunts.
The aesthetic assault is a logical part of Moscow’s—and Russia’s—political progression.
I think this was the logical step forward in being an independent company.
As logical as you are, Aquarius, you’re not afraid of nonsense at all.
«Adrian’s work seemed to be a logical one to take on,» he said.
And eventually, it doesn’t end up feeling so brave, it just feels logical.
Not surprisingly, there are logical explanations for all of my supposed supernatural encounters.
» Mr. Trump said that «it doesn’t seem fair and it doesn’t seem logical.
For some physicists, the landscape is a logical extension of the Copernican revolution.
People with Mercury in Aquarius are detached, objective, aloof, intellectual, logical, and cool.
I mean, it’s a nuclear option, and not a logical one at that.
The emphasis on scarves and purses and shoes was overwhelming, but also logical.
«It seemed like such a logical repurposing of spent beer grains,» he said.
It was a logical decision: Customers were asking to speak to Fred Leighton.
The next logical step was to fill a hot tub with the stuff.
It’s logical to question the value of bus lanes in New York today.
Amer Isa Hassan, the logical conclusion was that the Islamic State was responsible.
There are some logical inferences that can be drawn from all of this.
Not all art has to be logical, and this music video is proof.
It’s a good deal and a logical one, since the tax was unanticipated.
Which would be an interesting, possibly logical and probably beneficial turn of events.
Movie theaters and airport shops are logical choices for cashier-free payment lanes.
It seemed like a logical extension of my word-gaming in high school.
I could work at my pace, in my way, which wasn’t always logical.
They are, however, also a logical consequence of the actions of previous presidents.
«Young people are fumbling in the dark with what seems logical,» Graham said.
That might be more visceral than logical, but this is a strange environment.
Wealthy individuals handle their money differently by maintaining a logical relationship with it.
You’re practical and logical, whereas Pisces doesn’t know what the fuck it’s doing.
The combination feels neither arbitrary nor logical, which adds to its contemporary feel.
Warhol took the American myth of the self-made man to a logical extreme.
And if you’re considering anal sex, anal fingering could be a logical first step.
In a way, smart car ads are the logical next step for targeted advertising.
So vases felt like a logical and recognizable place to start as an object.
I’m sure there some sort a logical explanation for all of this. Wait. Nope.
It also makes zero logical sense since the election is 17 months away. 303.
The Finance Ministry, which oversees Alrosa, said the auction terms are «logical and clear».
There’s literally no other logical conclusion other than this prophecy refers to Dany’s dragons.
And I think his behavior is going to be consistent with reasonable, logical procedures.
The NCAA has never answered for this discrepancy because there is no logical explanation.
The only logical explanation is that the Cardinals were cheating and got their comeuppance.
I have no idea, but I like to think that I’m logical and investigative!
It’s not impossible to transform NPI into sulfate, but it’s neither economical nor logical.
The Sentry Mode is really just a logical upgrade of a basic car alarm.
Something along the lines of Western culture is inherently logical, intellectual, collaborative, and organized.
Her thumb shows flexibility and her longer second phalange indicates her decisions are logical.
The logical conclusion was that Lynch didn’t care about the outside things — just football.
There is a lot of caution and people’s guards are up, and that’s logical.
» If banks do move employees, Scott said «Dublin would be more logical than Frankfurt.
It seems logical now, since Cullen and Pattinson have basically melded into one entity.
All my life, hiding my suffering from them had seemed like the logical choice.
They love her, and they want her to be happy, so it’s just logical.
But it is Elon Musk who has taken recategorisation to its logical end point.
It’s one that is neither ideological, nor informed by science, policy or anything logical.
I do believe we can do that in a logical a nd constitutional way.
It’s the next logical step that will see Alexa appear on thousands of machines.
Then the market can have a «slower, more logical and methodical rally,» Cramer said.
While sometimes avoiding hard stances on questions, Zuckerberg was otherwise relatively logical and coherent.
«The most logical place for him was to be in the car,» Allman explains.
To people who maybe are more logical than me, it s not worth it.
Ronald Reagan seems logical in hindsight, but not from the perspective of the 1970s.
In acknowledgement of this logical error, the court appeared to simply stamp its feet.
And the wrist isn’t the logical spot to start a search for caloric information.
You’re a logical person, Libra, but now it’s time to listen to your heart!
Now we have the most logical toy app for the Touch Bar: A piano.
Looking at that and making wise decisions about that would be logical and reasonable.
The direct model allocates stock to the highest bidders, which is much more logical.
On the surface, the Tap seems to be a logical evolution of the Echo.
Other more logical, financial, environmental reasons to switch to electric aren’t working fast enough.
In our view, voters themselves are the most logical source of topics for debate.
But with a puzzle game, I think the logical brain is much more active.
VRChat seems like the ultimate manifestation of that pursuit, perhaps even the logical endpoint.
That means a logical qubit, we could potentially implement it with 10 physical qubits.
We have seen some logical ‘panic selling’ in the early hours of today’s trading.
And it seems logical that the next radical step involves adding self-driving technology.
But who knows what can happen if we take «openness» to its logical conclusion.
We don’t know what he’s saying in the car ride, but it’s logical sense.
«Restricting tax deals between states and companies is the next logical step,» he said.
It certainly would seem logical if he told his campaign supervisor — Clovis — about it.
But it was time to take my Kardashian transformation to the next logical level.
It was more logical just to hand it off and then get some sleep.
But he also hated the economists—the logical, rational, abstract thinkers of his day.
For Stephen, who had a passion for computer science, it was a logical choice.
Mike Flynn, sought to defend the conspiracy theory with a perfectly impenetrable logical fallacy.
They’re learning logical steps to solve problems, which you can use in everyday life.
A town hall is the logical venue, but fewer members are holding such events.
O), long considered the most logical buyer for Twitter, and Walt Disney Co (DIS.
» He added: «And that just seemed like the logical last stop before hitting bottom.
Anxiety, for starters, can feed a number of existing logical fallacies called thinking traps.
The idea of a spin-off from the show is a fairly logical one.
When I look at my career, it feels like a logical progression to me.
Which of course is logical because people are buying more, because more is available.
It’s only logical that the country would focus on these latest disturbing police shootings.
So how could a logical, intelligent person be led to such an erroneous belief?
The institution that painstakingly crafts an image of commitment to pragmatic and logical objectives.
But if you don’t build it you have no evidence that they will. Logical.
In the logical sense, there is no need to think Obama was the spark.
Logical Mercury in genius Aquarius is great for hashing things out coolly and rationally.
It’s logical that Deere wants to hitch new businesses to its familiar green tractors.
Because you’re a very logical Air sign, people don’t realize how psychic you are.
And Donald Trump is an all too logical product of the Electoral College’s deficiencies.
Such logical inconsistencies are buried by the spectacle’s relentless proffering of goods and imagery.
Starting a label is not the most logical and/or lucrative thing to do.
Allowing the shop to take a stance on immigration was a logical next step.
Switching to Bluetooth and opening it up to smartphones is the next logical step.
It’s logical then that the Ford GT might represent Ford’s last great super car.
They decide how things will be grouped, and where the next logical step occurs.
Sorkin views this Kickstarter project as the next logical step on the enormous fad.
But once installed, it is logical to offer entertainment to all passengers for free.
Perhaps the most appealing aspect of Imago therapy is that it’s logical, Sears says.
That, I think, is the next logical step for how we’ll interact with this.
Thus, the logical choice would be to simply move to a totally nationalized system.
But that’s a logical leap too far, at least with the currently available evidence.
With that said, Chopra says there’s only 1 logical thing for Trump to do.
Kentucky was a logical place for the group to use as its test market.
After all, she represents the antithesis of any logical and rational proponent of conservatism.
The congressional debates alone will be filled some of the most spectacular logical contortions.
And over the past two years, this vision is now nearing its logical conclusion.
«Taking the proposition to Asia is the next logical step,» she said on Wednesday.
«There is no logical reason for what is happening right now,» Mr. Brewer said.
It is more logical it has [to] come from one of his business dealings.
«It makes logical sense to wait for that before they move forward,» Harrison said.
He said that there was only one logical place for it to end up.
Seen in this light, forced-birth extremism is the logical extension of rape culture.
Brandon Nimmo, the logical replacement, did not play Thursday for Class AAA Las Vegas.
CONCLUDING THOUGHTS I believe that my model is simpler, more logical, and more beneficial.
There’s no logical reason to limit the reach of campaign finance laws to corporations.
The next logical thing to do is to remove unnecessary junk from your computer.
He exuded an air of quiet competence coupled with a quick and logical mind.
Moving to the US was a logical next step for the company, Fjellborg said.
So the logical question is what can be done to restore this immune response?
The other option, a stretch as it may be, is more logical and relevant.
The ways social connectedness influences health are practical and even logical, Holt-Lunstad explains.
The majority also tends to opt for a more emotional outlook than logical one.
Such is the transformative power of a feminine ideal taken to its logical conclusion.
The Moon is in logical Libra, helping you sort out your thoughts and feelings.
The Moon is in logical Air sign Gemini, which will help you think clearly.
«I think it could be logical for many people to do it,» he said.
It’s the logical evolution of where the famed producer has been taking his sound.
You love love, Libra, and you usually manage to keep a cool, logical head.
It’s a logical approach, but one that most other tech companies are not taking.
Use the Moon’s logical vibe in Air sign Libra to think things over today.
You’re very logical, but don’t ignore your intuition today — it’s going to be sharp!
It’s a logical decision, but one likely to anger the easily provoked crypto-crowd.
He says some customers are bound to be empaths, while others are more logical.
Thus, the logical conclusion was that Nintendo was working on a miniaturized Nintendo 64.
And with OPEC still restraining its output, rising U.S. sales are a logical choice.
This free app explains logical fallacies in short sentences and with very brief examples.
That logical leap also puts to lie the idea forwarded by Colorado Republican Sen.
«The logical consequence of this decision is the resignation of the government,» he added.
It looks great to me, with persistent controls for climate and a logical layout.
As a thought experiment, let’s play out the backdoor scenario to its logical end.
A little surprised, he told me that what rather interested him was logical positivism.
It is logical and predictable if we know the soil from which it comes.
Logical checks for specific elections are hard-coded into both the backend and clients.
And Gregory Crewdson, who uses movies to inform his photography, was a logical choice.
Spettacolo is the logical follow-up to Malmberg’s directorial debut Marwencol, which Shellen produced.
The State Department «approved us staying there,» Short said, calling it a «logical» choice.
You shut down the logical part of your brain that says, ‘this is impossible.
They were also assessed (objectively) on their logical reasoning, grammar and sense of humour.
It’s a logical, sane reaction to her deeds, to tell her to [expletive] off.
At one point, the notion that fish fats prevented heart trouble did seem logical.
» He insisted that «persecution for the expression of opinions seems to me perfectly logical.
For hard-core aficionados of classic logical mysteries, this book includes some special delights.
Yiannopoulos is the logical culmination of Andrew Breitbart’s vision of politics as cultural combat.
As a theory, it makes an overwhelming amount of both emotional and logical sense.
Mueller, too, should have the authority to pursue his inquiry to its logical conclusion.
But Twitter’s system for giving out the checks was never very transparent or logical.
These are all spots where the letters given greatly limit your logical word choices.
Here, okra’s viscosity isn’t disguised, but celebrated and taken to its logical conclusion: velvet.
And if we can, is it then logical that we can enslave people too?
His logical mind is razor-keen; mine is more inclined to imagery and approximation.
And yet its various components defy logical arrangement both as viewed and in retrospect.
This troubles me as I can not think of a logical explanation for this.
The availability of meditation and sleep guides is the next logical step, he said.
Revenge seems to be the likely and logical motive, but the cops reject it.
«I saw it as a logical problem with the sanitation laws,» Mr. Whelton said.
«The most logical thing to do is cut to zero before it,» Herrmann said.
But it’s the logical conclusion of the argument the president’s lawyers have been making.
There’s only one logical place left as to who would have sent the goon.
Yet leaving Iraq would be a logical outgrowth of Mr. Trump’s policies to date.
The test consists of a combination of math, reading, memorization, and logical thinking questions.
But what can seem logical and necessary at the start can have unintended consequences.
But he is the logical choice «given a lack of anyone else,» he said.
The company says the product is designed to foster logical thinking via interactive play.
Because this is the logical conclusion to what the industrial revolution set in motion?
But, he added, it’s logical this scale corrosion could happen to other shark species.
We like to believe we’re hyper logical, but our behavior — and research — suggest otherwise.
» When told his opinions were «extreme,» Clovis said that he believes they are «logical.
For every argument to trade Anthony, there was a logical one to keep him.
Hitler was a sick and tragic man who carried racism to its logical conclusion.
You could see this as a logical extension of the Republican strategy in 2004.
Ito sees CRISPR as a logical step in the rapid march of digital progress.
I just want to see a logical, data-driven rationale for this budget decision.
So I decided to take the next logical step and assemble my own keyboard.
«Video is the next logical frontier for a lot of this work» Dean said.
«In a way, it’s the only logical outcome,» Gates said of spending his billions.
But when one strategy fails, it is only logical — and human — to explore another.
Taken to its logical conclusion, the Trump-Bannon war can only end in apocalypse.
The case for easing missile restrictions to South Korea appears logical at first glance.
«It would be logical to consider further M&A in Russia itself,» he said.
At a time of tight budgets, this approach is smart, logical and cost-effective.
In his Rose Garden speech explaining his actions, everything sounded pretty logical and fair.
Analysts painted a picture of Calhoun as a logical choice to right the ship.
There’s no logical defense here, just the excitement of feeling something at the movies.
From Marina Beach, the Vivekananda House (20 rupees admission) is a logical next stop.
«The logical conclusion of technology is that it all goes terribly awry,» she said.
Conservation and protection of the natural world was a logical extension of her philanthropy.
I didn’t want to overreact; the most logical explanation was a simple chest cold.
Their discussion omits an important historical component, however, one that has subverted logical argument.
A tweener, a shot between the legs, would have been Cuevas’s logical next move.
You are very logical when it comes to things like money and material goods.
A couple of years ago, the logical buyer was a TV company like NBC.
Part of that process means recognising our own biased instincts, limitations and logical fallacies.
Acted out to its logical conclusion, that fantasy was hideous, shameful, and self-defeating.
I would also argue that he’s an entirely logical extension of many preexisting trends.
For producers who are interested in connecting to that audience, we’re a logical partner.
If Bisping wins, does he finally set on defending his title against logical contenders?
Mercury is a logical planet, but not much will make sense at this time.
If we stretched this out that would be a perfectly logical thing to do.
The next logical step was to divide the work into sections of a museum.
You’ll probably hold onto them for the next 20 years, for no logical reason.
It’s very imagistic, holistic, associative, metaphorical, symbolic—it’s not linear and it’s not logical.
«It is a very logical deal,» said Bengt Nordstrom, CEO of telecoms consulting firm Northstream.
Simon had trained under Rudolf Carnap, a member of the Vienna Circle of logical positivists.
A secure private file-sharing service is actually a logical step for the tech nonprofit.
Libra is a cool, logical air sign, so get clear about your most complicated feelings.
Libra energy is cool, logical, and diplomatic, but Aries vibes are fiery, passionate, and impulsive.
You’re a logical, grounded person, my lovely sea goat, and you have razor-sharp intuition.
Perhaps the most logical choice is the original Pro, and the differences there are huge.
PCPartPicker, PC Master Race, and Logical Increments have plenty of build guides to refer to.
Image; Luca Biada/FlickrOne of the most well-accepted physical theories makes no logical sense.
«There was absolutely no logical reason why the fight shouldn’t have been made,» he said.
The logic and flip-flopping is shaky, but Lindsay’s performance makes Rachel’s choices appear logical.
Eventually, you end up tired, in a rut, and repeating the same barely logical patterns.
Taking the equator as the logical map center left big, confusing gaps near the poles.
So it’s logical to put these organizations in charge of projects that directly impact them.
Naturally, Logan seems like the logical choice, since we know he and Rory were together.
Honey Boy, in a lot of ways, feels like the logical extension of that art.
Maybe there is no logical conclusion or truth to be found in these conflicting statements.
But if that’s not enough to convince you, there are plenty of other logical reasons.
Your mind is extra sharp today thanks to the Moon in logical Air sign Gemini.
You have to be strategic in collecting evidence and presenting it in a logical manner.
The logical conclusion of all this is that computers will, one day, enter the brain.
Previously, lawyers for Thiel called the billionaire «the most able and logical purchaser» of Gawker.
«The sequence of events she outlined in her affidavit does not appear logical,» she said.
Though the panels are largely disconnected, they all make a kind of dream-logical sense.
Now, it seems logical to just transfer the older son’s ticket to the younger son.
Romantic love often awakens emotions that don’t make logical sense — especially first-time romantic love.
It seems logical, therefore, that more of them would need to return to the hospital.
It’s, again, it seems really like a logical extension of stuff you were already doing.
For the case of enforcing strong net neutrality rules, the FCC seems the logical choice.
The full valuation would be a very logical reason to reverse that short-term trend.
We could all benefit from being as logical as Evans when it comes to love.
So playing a grizzled lighthouse keeper with a secret seems like a logical next step.
Harman Kardon is a pretty logical first company to bring a Cortana speaker to market.
I know nothing about physics or balance, but this problem and its solution seem logical.
Two men took the logical action and decided to sit where there were empty seats.
If there is not enough in the ground, going underwater is the logical next step.
They range from innocent to palpitation-inducing — from logical to lacking any sort of explanation.
The next logical step is to seamlessly track those apps and issue the patches automatically.
Since North Korea revolves around its leader, it is logical to deal directly with him.
The logical place for us to engage with a massive group of users was Twitter.
«Logical extraction» reveals immediately accessible data: stored text messages, e-mails, pictures and instant messages.
When considering a summer BBQ menu, vegetarian-friendly fare isn’t necessarily our first logical leap.
So pushing Twitter’s potential in doing more with customer service is a logical next step.
The next logical step is creating flexible sheet cameras that can take higher resolution images.
I know in my logical mind that taking his life most likely saved Zoey’s life.
A close divide is a logical place for the race to be at this stage.
Multimedia functionality, which seems like one of the most logical applications, is still limited here.
So it’s only logical that, at some point, a deplorable candidate would rise from it.
Accepting the logical reality that some substantial percentage of dudes are creeps is one thing.
They then combine that with machine learning to organize logical learning paths through the materials.
Thiel might be controversial, but he’s a logical fit for the key intelligence advisory role.
Opening up our classrooms to telepresence-robot-enabled participants seemed like a logical next step.
«If these plans prove to be correct it would represent a logical move,» Barclays said.
Pros: It makes logical sense: people who spin fidget spinners are fidget spinner spinners, right?
The main flavor is basically sugar and honey, which as candy goes is pretty logical.
Most medieval recipes involve carefully selected ingredients mixed in a very logical and deliberate manner.
In other words, every single topological qubit would be a logical one from the start.
«We’re going to pursue the investigation, follow every lead to its logical conclusion,» Conaway said.
Definitely seems logical to underestimate Black Panther’s impact even a year before it came out.
While most of the above seem logical, some of the survey’s other statistics raise questions.
Taken to its logical conclusion, that could mean our pictures end up worth zero words.
Logical Mercury enters fellow smart Air sign Gemini today, and finally things are making sense.
Mould said Kelvin is the most logical bidder for the firm, should one ever appear.
He also said he was confident Greece could return to bond markets at «logical yields».
For Reno, this is the logic of the sharing economy taken to its logical endpoint.
Here’s a simple, logical, practical solution to the NHL’s goal drought: make the nets bigger.
That’s why smart, logical design and intuitive controls are so important in the drone game.
However, it’s unlikely that this «Super-Earth» hosts a rich civilization of scrupulously logical humanoids.
Beyond this being great for the environment, electricity is the most logical option for VTOLs.
I resent these people because YOU have common sense and you are logical human beings.

Definition of Logical

rational, or expected of an intelligent thought process

Examples of Logical in a sentence

If a stove is hot, the brain chooses the logical option and tells you not to touch it because it will hurt.


In a logical world, nobody would ever say anything in anger because they know they don’t mean it, but such outbursts are usually ruled by emotion.


Many of us think it is logical for the alphabet to be in the order it is, but in truth it is only in that order because we want it to be.


A normal person thinks that two plus two equals four is logical, but an illogical person may say that two plus two equals five.


If you are thirsty, the logical thing to do is drink some water, while the illogical thing to do would be to ignore your thirst.


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