Sentence with word loan

Synonym: advance, give, lend. Similar words: load, float, a load of. Meaning: [ləʊn]  n. 1. the temporary provision of money (usually at interest) 2. a word borrowed from another language; e.g. `blitz’ is a German word borrowed into modern English. v. give temporarily; let have for a limited time. 

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1. Love, and love only, is the loan for love. 

2. The company is in default on its loan agreement.

3. The bank finally granted a £400 loan to me.

4. I asked the bank for a loan.

5. You qualify for a tax exemption on the loan.

6. He defaulted in his payments on the loan.

7. We’ve decided to negotiate a loan with them.

8. She arranged a loan with the bank.

9. Can you loan me your tennis racket?

10. The loan enabled Jan to buy the house.

11. We obtained a loan from the government.

12. The company is in default on the loan.

13. He was offered a £10,[]000 interest-free loan.

14. The bank finally granted me a £400 loan.

15. A loan was arranged to refinance existing debt.

16. The bank might think you’re worthy of a loan.

17. She’s trying to get a $50 000 loan to start her own business.

18. The loan must be repaid in full by December 31.

19. I’m only asking for a loan I’ll pay you back.

20. I had to take out a loan to buy my car.

21. He asked me to give him another loan, but I refused.

22. It took three years to repay my student loan .

23. He said he would loan money to us, and then went back on his promise.

24. The payments on that car loan are in arrears by three months.

25. You can choose either a fixed or floating interest rate for the loan.

26. This may have influenced your bank manager’s decision not to give you a loan.

27. Interest will be refunded in the event of early repayment of the loan.

28. It calls for the exclusion of all commercial lending institutions from the college loan program.

29. Students on a part-time course are not eligible for a loan.

30. He had to sell his car to repay the bank loan.

In finance, a loan is the lending of money by one or more individuals, organizations, and/or other entities to other individuals, organizations etc. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Some of them are secured, meaning that you used some type of asset as collateral against the loan; and others are unsecured, meaning they’re not attached to an asset but are granted based on your credit.


Summary of debt YOU may have and the following pieces of information about debt: original loan, current debt balance, debt term, interest rate.


He had a couple thousand in credit card debt and a small, high-interest loan from EasyFinancial he’d taken to cover an unexpected medical expense for a family member.


It’s typical for repaying the loan to cost more than twice as much as the original amount borrowed.


The Italian lender is nearing a deal with Swedish group Intrum to shed 10.8 bln euros of dodgy loans from its balance sheet.


With College Ave, you can refinance and consolidate your student loans into something more manageable.


Not all loan programs will accept alternative documentation on your credit.


As a leading national mortgage lender, PennyMac loan officers have earned a reputation for focusing on the unique needs of every homebuyer they work with.


There are two popular types of mortgage insurance: coverage you pay for if you opt for a loan insured by the Federal Housing Administration and private mortgage insurance tied to a conventional mortgage.


And if you take a loan that is equal to the cash value of the policy, the insurance company will force the policy to lapse and you will be hit with a large tax bill.


Here’s what you need to know to increase your chances of FHA loan approval.


What got me going is that the latest product being pimped by Citadel Capital reminds me of a classic bucket shop operation with all the worst elements of gangster loan sharks, knee breakers and «vig» of 5 % a week.


A 2014 report from the New American Foundation estimated that 40 % of loan debt was held by the 14 % of students seeking graduate degrees and the College Board found that graduate students borrow an average of nearly three times more per year than undergraduates.


Some of the most well-known cases of Silicon Valley van dwelling involve a software engineer at Google who lived in a truck in the company’s parking lot, saving 90 % of his income, and a Tesla employee who paid off $ 14,000 of student loans by living in a van for five months.


There have been widespread reductions in interest rates on fixed-rate loans in recent months.


However, I took out a debt consolidation loan about a year ago that has still has almost 2 years left to pay on.


The company repays the loan in pretax dollars by making contributions to the ESOP.


In general, these Income-Driven Repayment plans are best for borrowers whose monthly payment on their federal loans is more than or a sizable portion of their discretionary income.


When it comes to acquiring a loan from a traditional bank, many business owners find themselves in a sticky situation due to the heavy requirements and long time frames to funding.


Anyone with a minimum of $ 50,000 in a rollable retirement account (such as an IRA, 401 (k) or 403 (b)-RRB- can obtain business financing using this method in a matter of weeks, regardless of their credit score, and because ROBS is not a loan, there are no monthly payments to make.


What student loan repayment strategy should you follow?


You then start by paying of the smallest loan regardless of interest rate.


The point we are trying to get across, is a commercial loan broker should always have «bread and butter» financial products that always bring in income and are easy to close while doing large transactions.


Did you know: VA loan limits in Contra Costa are the exact same as the conforming caps shown above, at least for 2016.


Theoretically, banks would be able to refinance up to 30 percent of their loan books under this new arrangement.


Over the weekend, Deutsche Bank warned that it would set aside a bigger chunk of money to absorb loan losses and said revenue from trading bonds and currencies fell.


Not too long ago, when small — to mid-sized business (SMB) Orion First, a business credit ratings firm, needed a loan, its only option was to visit a local bank, fill out myriad application forms and wait several weeks or months to (maybe) get approved.


Lenders typically require higher down payments for these larger, non-conforming loans as well.


Companies such as DollarsDirect and Strickland’s offer loans to individuals with less than perfect credit in Windsor.


The impact of regional turbulence has been a modest slowing of loan growth in real terms and a modest increase in NPLs.


Real estate crowdfunding requires more due diligence than investing on a consumer loan (where every investment comes with a risk rating).


Download our app and register to be one of the first people to get a loan from Celsius using your crypto as collateral.


To understand the savings at stake, consider that a $ 400,000 balance for a 30-year loan at April’s average rate of 4.47 % would cost $ 2,020 before taxes and insurance.


Five years after the crisis, 5.3 million U.S. households — 11 % of mortgage holders — remain in homes worth less than their loans, according to Lender Processing Services, a mortgage-data provider.


If you access a Mogo loan to pay off your credit card debt from another company, our Mogo Level Up program will reward you for successive on-time payments.


Also, the cost of living in Trenton is comparatively low, a definite plus for recent college grads carrying heavy student loan loads.


Local regulators also relaxed the collateral requirements for banks lending to SMEs and allowed banks borrowing under the MEII facilities to waive a requirement for a 1.5-percent general-reserve provision for every loan.


Default isn’t the word you want to hear in regards to paying back a student loan.


We designed the LendingCrowd Growth ISA to make peer-to-peer investing simple by building a diverse loan portfolio for you.


If you’re looking to save money on your existing debt by considering a debt consolidation loan, there are a few things to keep in mind.


New Jersey counties» conforming loan and FHA limits vary widely, with many counties going well above average rates.


In hindsight, they would have exited all their trade positions, all their margin loan, all their CFD trades and liquidated their «long term» positions.


Their consolidation loans frequently have a three year term, and their average APR of 7-13.5 % is very reasonable.


On average, you pay a 1-3 % higher interest rate when compared to the prime rates found in lines of credit and bank loans.


Factors that discourage small businesses from changing banks include a perception that a long-term relationship would make it easier to negotiate loans.


Student loan refinancing gives you the opportunity to switch to a new bank with better customer service.


The oil boom drove up real estate values, and S&Ls made loans based on those values.


Each investor in such a deal acquires a stake in the property and earns money through rental revenue generated by the property, not through interest on a loan.


Your loan amount is the price of the house minus your down payment.


When 74-year-old Slim agreed to loan Times Co. money in 2009, the company had just canceled its dividend to preserve cash and a credit line was set to expire.


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Oftentimes borrowers have more than one loan.

Очень часто бывает так, что у заемщика есть более, чем один кредит.

When you take out an unsecured loan, there is no collateral protecting the loan.

Когда вы берете необеспеченный кредит, нет залога, защищающего кредит.

There are three forms of educational loans in the United States: a federal student loan, a parent plus loan, and a private loan.

В США существует три формы образовательных кредитов: федеральный студенческий заем, родительский заем, частый заем.

He also discussed loan loss provisioning.

Он остановился также на вопросе о создании резервов на случай потерь по кредитам.

He gave him loan after loan, many never repaid.

Он выдавал ему ссуду за ссудой, многие из которых так и не были возвращены.

This occurs because the new loan completely pays off the old loan.

Суть его заключается в том, что за счет нового кредита полностью погашается старый кредит.

Refinancing replaces an existing loan with a new loan that pays off the debt of the old loan.

Рефинансирование заменяет существующий кредит новым кредитом, который погашает долг старого кредита.

The 6-year loan facility consists of an increase to an existing EBRD loan signed in 2005 and an additional stand-by loan.

Структура шестилетнего кредита включает в себя увеличение существующего займа ЕБРР, подписанного в 2005 году, и дополнительный резервный заем.

An unsecured bad loan means that borrowers sign a contract and promise to repay their loan in accordance with the terms of their loan.

Необеспеченный плохой кредит обычно означает, что заемщики подписывают контракт и обещают погасить свой кредит в соответствии с условиями их кредита.

A car title loan is a specific type of collateral loan that is often used by those who need to secure a personal loan.

Заем на покупку автомобиля — это особый тип залогового кредита, который часто используется теми, кто нуждается в обеспечении личного кредита.

Each loan is also a loan, but not every loan is a loan.

A consumer loan is a loan provided to an individual.

Потребительский кредит — это заем, предоставляемый физическим лицам.

Good financial management is key with any loan, including a military loan.

Хорошее финансовое управление является ключевым с любой ссудой, включая военную ссуду.

If the loan is provided for consumer purposes (improvement of housing conditions), the maximum period of the loan is 60 months.

Если кредит выдается на потребительские цели (улучшение жилищных условий), то максимальный срок кредита — 60 месяцев.

Appears initially after the signing of the first loan, loan, mortgage.

Появляется изначально после подписания первого займа, кредита, ипотеки.

The projects generally include a component ensuring access to credit for beneficiaries, such as revolving loan funds, community credit schemes or loan guarantees.

Эти проекты, как правило, включают компонент, обеспечивающий доступ бенефициаров к кредитам, таким, как фонды оборотных займов, программы кредитов общинам и гарантированные кредиты.

You can take a home loan to pay off the same target loan at any banks that provide a refinancing service.

Взять жилищный кредит на погашение такого же целевого займа можно в любых банках, предоставляющих услугу рефинансирования.

Many borrowers prefer a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage over a 15-year loan because the monthly payment is lower for the same loan amount.

Многие заемщики предпочитают 30-летнюю ипотеку с фиксированной ставкой, а не 15-летнюю ссуду, потому что ежемесячный платеж ниже для той же суммы кредита.

Over this period the principal component of the loan (the original loan) would be slowly paid down through amortization.

В течение этого периода основной компонент кредита (первоначальный кредит) будет медленно погашаться за счет амортизации.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат loan

Результатов: 54260. Точных совпадений: 54260. Затраченное время: 131 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

заем, ссуда, заимствование, ссудный, давать взаймы, ссужать


- заём; ссуда; кредит

government loans — государственные займы
domestic and foreign loans — внутренние и иностранные займы

- лингв. заимствование; заимствованное слово
- что-л. данное взаймы или во временное пользование

on loan — а) (данный) взаймы; б) предоставленный на время (об экспонате для выставки и т. п.)
to have the loan of smth., to have smth. on loan — а) получить что-л. взаймы; б) получить что-л. во временное пользование
may I have the loan of your sewing-machine? — можно мне взять (на время) вашу швейную машину?

- работник, временно переведённый в другую организацию (особ. о киноактёре)

she is on loan to another studio — она временно работает на другой студии

- книговыдача (в библиотеке)

I have the book out on loan from the library — я взял эту книгу в библиотеке


- давать взаймы, ссужать (тж. loan out)
- разг. брать взаймы занимать
- давать деньги под проценты

Мои примеры


the second instalment of a loan — вторая часть выплаты ссуды / второй платёж в счёт кредита  
new loan connected with railway development — новый целевой заём на строительство железной дороги  
to accommodate with a loan — дать кому-л. деньги взаймы  
interest on a loan — процент по ссуде  
jumbo loan — крупный заем  
to float a loan — размещать заём  
to get / receive a loan — получить ссуду  
to make a loan — взять ссуду  
to pay off / repay a loan — вернуть ссуду  
to secure a loan — обеспечить ссуду  
to underwrite a loan — обеспечить ссуду, предоставить обеспечение по ссуде  

Примеры с переводом

Can you loan me $5?

Вы можете одолжить мне $5?

The money was a gift, not a loan.

Эти деньги были подарены, а не даны взаймы.

I finally paid off the loan.

Я всё-таки погасил этот кредит.

The loan enabled Jan to buy the house.

Этот кредит позволил Яну приобрести дом.

He hit me up for a loan.

Он попросил у меня взаймы.

I’d think twice before taking out such a large loan.

Я бы дважды подумал, прежде чем занимать такие большие деньги.

They missed a payment on their car loan.

Они пропустили платёж по автокредиту.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They are ineligible for a loan.

I had to take out a loan to buy my car.

She requested deferment of her loan.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

loaning  — ссуживающий, дающий взаймы, давание денег взаймы, ссуживание
loanable  — получаемый или даваемый взаймы, тот, о деньгах
loaner  — ссудодатель, вещь, полученная напрокат или во временное пользование

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: loan
he/she/it: loans
ing ф. (present participle): loaning
2-я ф. (past tense): loaned
3-я ф. (past participle): loaned

ед. ч.(singular): loan
мн. ч.(plural): loans

Sentences with the word Loan?



  • «She asked him for a loan«
  • «Call a loan«
  • «This new washer carries a two year guarantee»; «The loan carries a high interest rate»; «this undertaking carries many dangers»; «She carries her mother’s genes»; «These bonds carry warrants»; «The restaurant carries an unusual name»
  • «The bank demanded payment of the loan«
  • «eligibility of a candidate for office»; «eligibility for a loan«
  • «extend the loan«
  • «extend a loan«; «The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages»
  • «they applied for an extension of the loan«
  • «I will lend you my car»; «loan me some money»
  • «the library was a member of the interlibrary loan association»; «Canada is a member of the United Nations»
  • «felt obligated to repay the kindness»; «was obligated to pay off the student loan«
  • «I’ll handle that one»; «process a loan«; «process the applicants»
  • «we’re now quits»; «finally quits with the loan«
  • «suspend payments on the loan«
  • «an undue loan«

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