Sentence with word linguistics

Linguistics is the scientific study of language, and involves an analysis of language form, language meaning, and language in context. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

With deeply differentiated instruction, an adaptive content system that integrates ongoing assessment with engaging nonfiction content and robust scaffolds, and linguistic supports for struggling readers and English language learners, Pro accelerates learning gains and empowers all students to build critical college and career literacy skills.


Early, reformulated and new installations by Gary Hill joining body, language and technology to form an «electronic linguistic»


A journalist friend tells me stories of a university linguistic professors who becomes rabid Roma nut every Sunday, and a dentist who won’t let his wife near the television during games because of superstitions about how that might affect the outcome of the match.


A new generation of researchers is using DNA analysis of varied organisms such as humans, chickens, and sweet potatoes to add compelling data to a case previously based on more nebulous linguistic and artifact similarities.


Once the computers were able to analyze the billions of photos, Facebook then essentially crosschecked the results using a popular linguistic database for the English language called WordNet, Paluri said.


linguistics — перевод на русский


It’s a matter of linguistic.

Это один из разделов лингвистики.

It took our linguistics division a whole day… … togetevenclosetodeciphering their language.

У отдела лингвистики ушел весь день чтобы приблизиться к расшифровки их языка.

You are here to learn the mysteries of Kung Fu, not linguistics.

Ты здесь, чтобы осваивать мастерство кун-фу, а не лингвистики!

All right, not all of us majored in linguistics.

Не все из нас, специализировалися в области лингвистики.

Linguistics professor at Princeton.

Профессор лингвистики в Принстоне.

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in all linguistic data bases for this sector.

во всех лингвистических базах данных по этому сектору.

Well, the speech is focus-tested Through anonymous e-mail linguistic sampling.

Речь протестирована на фокус-группах с помощью анонимной рассылки лингвистических образцов по эл. почте.

Differences between our and their linguistic abilities can be seen by comparing skulls.

Различия в лингвистических способностях можно увидеть, сравнив черепа.

The Old Testament Babel myth doesn’t quite do it for me, but, 250 years ago, one of the greatest of linguistic forensic discoveries was unearthed here by two brothers.

Ветхозаветный миф о Вавилоне меня не вполне удовлетворяет, но 250 лет назад двумя братьями было сделано одно из главнейших лингвистических открытий.

A hoarder of linguistic treasure.

Дракон на лингвистических сокровищах. Да.

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People still get killed at random for their race or their sexuality. And what is political correctness? It’s… it’s… an often clumsy, admittedly, negotiation towards a kind of formal linguistic politeness.

и из-за ориентации. попытка контакта с помощью формальной языковой вежливости.

They’re putting him through linguistics training now.

Он как раз проходит языковой курс сейчас.

Linguistic accuracy is essential, because according to my director, we shouldn’t poison people with bad language.

Потому что правильность языка обязательна. Как сказал наш директор, нельзя отравлять народ плохим языком.

«Linguistic danger to spiritual thinking.

«Опасность языка для духовной свободы.

Can you please not use linguistic indicators that I taught you against me?

Может, не будешь использовать языковые показатели, которым я научил тебя, против меня ?

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If you’re curious, consult linguistics.

Если интересно, поговорите с лингвистом.

One of the LAPD officers to respond to the scene was also a former Marine and linguistic specialist.

Один из офицеров полиции на месте преступления был также морским котиком и лингвистом.

Slow Ethan’s teaching linguistics at Oxford?

— Тормознутый Итан учится на лингвиста в Оксфорде?

Get somebody from Linguistics down here.

Пришлите сюда лингвиста.

I majored in linguistics.

Я по специальности лингвист.

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Sentences with the word Linguistics?



  • «Cartesian linguistics«
  • «comparative linguistics«; «the comparative form of an adjective»
  • «computational linguistics«
  • «diachronic linguistics«
  • «The introduction highlighted the speaker’s distinguished career in linguistics«
  • «she is a linguistics major»
  • «her major is linguistics«
  • «She is majoring in linguistics«
  • «synchronic linguistics«

5) Occult Linguistics The magical study of words and what they do

With this he appears to deny vocal articulation to any but humans as he connects this with speech or linguistics, that is, the symbolic representation of specifics of the environment through an agreed-upon combination of sounds

And all compilations have always been limited by the linguistics available at each stage of those encounters

It was like modern Man trying to look back toward his origins with the benefit of the sciences of archaeology and anthropology and all the linguistics tools now at his command

While I may feel more comfortable placing myself closer to the lesser end in the scale of human resourcefulness, I have tried to write about the frustration of those who have had a vision, where they have had to try to squeeze such grandiloquence into the narrowness of Man’s linguistics, only to discover for myself this feeling, up close and personal

Voila! Language! The lowest form of grunt communication that could pass on that which was most necessary seems to have, over a plethora of a great many generations of time, reached up to become the flowering of today’s complicated linguistics

Former Berkeley professor of linguistics John McWhorter perceives that an American society that relies on the spoken rather than the written word is a society that “marginalizes extended, reflective argument

The Linguistics Department translates Medusa’s interceptions of Stellar beyond the dome, which is infrequent, but when it is picked up, the Corporation wastes no time in collecting and analyzing the intelligence

“The experts in the Linguistics Department can’t figure out Stellar

in Linguistics from the University

The linguistics lab picked it up right away

Some of the areas of forensics include anthropology, archaeology, odontology, entomology, pathology, botany, biology, bloodstain pattern analysis, chemistry, osteology, ballistics, accounting, footwear evidence, toxicology, gloveprint analysis, vein matching, fire investigation, linguistics, polymer engineering, accident reconstruction and various aspects of digital forensics

was raised by Pharaoh and taught in linguistics of not only

Mus Suzn an archaeologist with a minor in linguistics, Dr

He was then sent to Security Training School where he was taught, among other subjects, protocol -for dealing with dignitaries, linguistics -for designing and breaking code, logic, espionage and counter espionage, and combat, including small arms weapons, jujitsu, blades, and various other devices for killing an enemy

Helen Dry, who is interviewed here, is a professor of linguistics at

Bob would insist on always singing in the original language of the piece, and having no linguistics skills whatsoever produced a very loose interpretation of some lyrics

It is interesting that Andrés Bello, the foremost of Spanish-Americanscholars in linguistics and

A linguistics professor was lecturing to her class one day

In an instant he became aware that the tourist was about to try his own peculiar brand of linguistics, which meant that he would speak loudly and slowly in his own language

Today’s lecture focused on semantics, the meaning of language, the third of six classes on linguistics, her favorite series of classes for this course

While three men busily hooked up various cables to Alice’s computer and checked the lighting and sound, students wandered in, and Alice opened her “Linguistics Classes” folder on her laptop

She read through the articles in the current Linguistics Journal, she put together this year’s version of the final exam for her motivation and emotion class, and she answered all previously neglected emails

Nowhere in that list was there anything about linguistics, teaching, or Harvard

I taught courses in cognitive psychology, I did research in the field of linguistics, and I lectured all over the world

He had studied linguistics at Harvard

(1) These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.

(2) My brother has an MA in linguistics.

(3) Bloomfield’s approach to linguistics was based on observation of the language.

(4) She’s professor of linguistics at the University of Wales.

(5) Linguistics is the study of language.

(6) He has an MA in linguistics.

(7) Tim did a three-year course in linguistics at Newcastle.

(8) She became Emeritus Professor of Linguistics when she retired.

(9) She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.

(10) The secretary had diplomas in both education and linguistics.

(11) Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.

(12) Linguistics is a scientific study of the property of language.

(13) Courses should not be watered-down linguistics.

(14) Language and linguistics; Social behaviour.

(15) Language and linguistics; Social integration.

(16) In borrowing from structural linguistics the early structuralists took on the task of analysing signs and systems of signification.

(17) But that definition is based less on linguistics than on politics: the countries are divided by national borders.

(18) Applied Linguistics also includes a reviews section containing authoritative contributions on recent publications.

(19) Case 1: Linguistics A linguist devises a model of grammar in the process of developing a theory of human cognition.

(20) This is written for students of linguistics but also offers a good introduction for the general reader.

(21) Applied linguistics in this sense must be practised by teachers too if it is to have any effective operational relevance at all.

(22) Literary studies have been cross — fertilized by new ideas in linguistics.

(23) In this book, the author surveys recent developments in linguistics.

(24) The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics.

(25) The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, viz. Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.

(26) Such a description must certainly play a role in any general theory of linguistics.

(27) This is premised on modern of visual communication which draw upon linguistics and, in particular, psychoanalysis.

(28) For example, account is taken of the growing importance of theoretical linguistics, for which Edinburgh University is particularly well-known.

(29) We have even found ourselves teaching a little bit of linguistics, since some of the comrades seemed interested.

(30) The use of statistical techniques is not new to computational linguistics.

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