Sentence with word legible

разборчивый, четкий


- разборчивый, чёткий; удобочитаемый (о почерке, шрифте и т. п.)
- редк. понятный, доходчивый (о книге и т. п.); читабельный

Мои примеры


an anxious mood that was clearly legible upon her face — озабоченность, которая ясно читалась на её лице  
in legible handwriting — разборчивым почерком  
to write a legible hand — иметь чёткий почерк  
a legible hand — разборчивый почерк  
write a legible hand — иметь четкий почерк  
write a very legible hand — иметь очень разборчивый почерк; писать очень разборчиво  
legible book — книга с чёткой печатью; удобочитаемая книга  
legible condition — разборчивый вид  
legible display — чёткое изображение  
legible marking — отчётливая маркировка  
legible microcopy — микрокопия, читаемая невооружённым глазом  

Примеры с переводом

The document is not legible.

Этот документ написан неразборчиво.

Her handwriting was so tiny it was barely legible.

Почерк у неё был настолько мелкий, что разобрать его было почти невозможно.

Возможные однокоренные слова

illegible  — неразборчивый, нечеткий, неудобочитаемый
legibly  — четко, разборчиво

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.







It’s bold type, and your handwriting is quite legible.

Четко напечатано и почерк у тебя разборчивый.

Aesthetic, legible, with distinctions and specific information about the duties performed, the level of foreign language skills and other competencies.

Эстетичный, разборчивый, с различиями и конкретной информацией о выполняемых обязанностях, уровне владения иностранным языком и других компетенциях.

Plans and drawings should be legible and clear with proper dimension and labeling.

Планы и рисунки должны быть четкими с правильными размерами и обозначением.

This marking shall be clearly legible and indelible; 3.5.2.

3.5.2 конкретный идентификационный код модуля; эта маркировка должна быть четкой и нестираемой.

In both cases, be sure that the error text is legible, with noticeable contrast against its background color.

В обоих случаях убедитесь, что текст ошибки удобочитаемый, с заметным контрастом по отношению к цвету фона.

This will make the record more legible and will facilitate the dispatch of any request for reconciliation.

Это сделает регистрируемые данные более удобочитаемыми и облегчит процедуру направления любых запросов о сверке данных.

The information required on a transport document shall be legible.

Записи в транспортном документе, содержащие требуемую информацию, должны быть разборчивыми.

Text can now be legible regardless of the end user’s device.

Текст на сайте с адаптивной версткой теперь может быть разборчивым независимо от устройства конечного пользователя.

The crypto-currency community should become more legible about the new ICO.

С его точки зрения, криптовалютное сообщество должно стать более разборчивым в отношении новых ICO.

Please send clear, legible copies.

Просьба представить полные, разборчивые копии.

If work chosen is in manuscript form, it must be legible.

Если работа выполняется в рукописном варианте, то почерк должен быть разборчивым.

I say as much as possible, use words that are legible for the masses.

Я говорю как можно больше, используйте слова, которые разборчивы для масс.

While not exactly bedtime reading, it will be certainly more legible and coherent.

И хотя это не совсем литература для чтения на сон грядущий, он, несомненно, станет более четким и связным.

However, this is only a rule of thumb; legible characters of high aesthetical value often show different stroke widths (see figure 52.5).

Однако это всего лишь правило большого пальца; четкие символы высокой эстетической величины часто показывают различную ширину штриха (см.

By using subheadings, you make your content more legible for readers that may be scanning through the document.

Используя подзаголовки, вы делаете свой контент более разборчивым для читателей, которые могут сканировать документ.

Calligraphy is an art that is legible, clean and beautiful to write.

Каллиграфия — искусство разборчиво, чисто и красиво писать.

Machine and (or) equipment shall be clearly legible and indelible warning labels or signs on hazards.

Машина и (или) оборудование должны иметь четкие и нестираемые предупреждающие надписи или знаки о видах опасности.

Please be prepared to provide for each passenger; legible copies of a current non expired passport, visas and travel documents.

Пожалуйста, будьте готовы предоставить для каждого пассажира; разборчивые копии текущей, не истек паспорта, визы и проездные документы.

Each one was between 40 and 60 pages long, printed in small but legible letters.

В каждом 40-60 страниц, напечатанных мелко, но разборчиво.

You write in legible form or stampatello.

Вы пишете в четкой форме или stampatello.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 882. Exact: 882. Elapsed time: 79 ms.


Corporate solutions



Grammar Check

Help & about

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Ensure that the contract is clear and legible, so there is no confusion as to the terms, times, and dates.


Perhaps most legible are his works on paper, often whole sheets of newspaper worked over with collage or paint.


Tags can easily become worn-out and out-of-date, so take the opportunity before your next walk to get a new, legible and up-to-date tag for your fur kid.


Once buyers and sellers have reached a consensus on repairs, credits, and price reductions, the final terms of the agreement should be written in a clear and legible way.


In their infancy e-readers were adopted by an older generation that valued the devices for their convenience, portability and, in many cases, simply for their ability to enlarge text to a more legible size.


Put everything in clear, legible fonts.


The HD presentation looks better than its SD counterpart — more legible, especially in the night-surfing scenes — but the 2.37:1, 1080p transfer lacks HiDef pop, to say the least, and I remain unconvinced that there isn’t more blood to be squeezed from this stone.


When uploading their artistic documentation to Companies House’s online portal, the registry was perfectly happy with the artists stating they were avoiding tax (not illegal, whereas evading tax is)— their only issue was that the text should be more legible on the page.


On the driver name, Whiting said it should be «clearly legible on the external bodywork» and «no less than 150 mm high», with a minimum stroke thickness of 30 mm.


Because the sculpture is rendered in monochromatic black (other editions of the work have featured a fleshy monochromatic pink rubber), it momentarily reads as minimal or abstract, but the forms soon become legible.


Rail: You mean there is a great deal of visceral feeling for space, but you have to get the form to be assertive and legible, otherwise it refers to too much of the anxiety that is so identified with Giacometti’s existential angst or Abstract Expressionist’s spatial trembling as in de Kooning’s…


The newly restyled dash houses more legible instrumentation in a user friendly layout while including a premium Bose sound package and enhanced capabilities for the standard navigation system.


These fonts are legible and will give a fluid look to your resume.


And you want your resume to be legible (easily readable) not just for human eyes, but also for computer eyes… in case your resume might be scanned into a database.


How do you make content readable and legible?


Their contracts are legible and they appreciate the updates we send on e-mail rather than calling me daily.


For example, if your interviewer mentions taking notes at meetings as a priority then you might mention in response that your pen has a fine point and non-smearing ink which would enable her to take legible notes.


But, like the full-colour head up display, that bright and clear screen is easily configured and very legible.


Although most of the secondary controls will again be grouped in the center stack, the McLaren P13’s cabin promises to boast much more advanced ergonomics, not just a bigger and more legible touchscreen.


(c) You may only report a test cancelled because of a rejected for testing test result when you are in possession of a legible copy of Copy 1 of the CCF.


I really appreciate the auto-off headlights, even in the lowest trim and I’ve just turned them on and forgot about them — the gauges are still perfectly legible with the headlights on all the time.


Another of the display’s strong points is that it’s legible even while wearing sunglasses with polarized lenses.


Your resume should be specific to a medical sales position, be legible, free of errors and printed on resume paper.


Six-year-olds will become more adept at drawing and writing letters, and their pictures and stories will look much more recognizable and legible.


We should grasp it as belonging (albeit sometimes in shifting or barely legible relationships) to the same continuum of experience and knowledge — the episteme — that encompassed an array of cultural changes, myths, and motifs or the sixties… yet nor was Color Field art shaped in a vacuum by artist adrift from external reality.


This includes detailed, legible and dated documentation of:


Together the dishes (though legible as food when close up) appear as strange planets or discs in space.


From shelf-edge labels, smart meters and security tags to wayfinding, transportation and retail signage, digital signage applications have several things in common; they require a robust display which is high resolution, easily legible and always on.


«To stand out, go for an unusual font that’s still legible.


While many of Pettibon’s works include legible text with varying obscure and implicit messages, others remain abstract, or purely figurative.


The 12.3-inch digital Driver Display, or digital instrument panel, is legible, with one exception: Some secondary prompts, including navigation info, are hard to see on sunny days; they’re in a medium blue font on a black background.


When you review and approve a proof from your sign supplier, it is important to remember that what appears legible on your computer monitor may not be the case once the sign is produced.


It is Thorough, down to the last detail;» The outcome is an expression of collaborating with the client to meet its brief of a structural system which is boldly legible yet elegantly arranged»


Good penmanship may not be a skill that is valued as much in a digital society, but it has the double effect of making the note’s message legible and contributing to the overall presentation or «gift» of the note.


Also, the highly reflective, backlit touch screen, while bright and highly legible in normal light, is difficult to impossible to read in bright light.


In his most immediately legible works, recognizable signs are used to make these structures appear.


Line widths should be legible upon reduction (minimum of 0.5 pt at the final reduced size).


As my ideas became more legible the use of fantasy evolved into scenes of spectacle (e.g. circuses), to make direct reference to blackness and racialisation.»


I am grown up now and I think I am legible to do silly things with pretty girls.


This article could use a cleanup in order to be more legible and/or presentable.


First of all, you should know that physicians are busy professionals and hence you have to ensure an easily legible physician job description.


For the Whitney Biennial project, would the copy be legible or would you be trying to make a perfect forgery?


e) The Insured Person, Relative and/or friend must submit to the Company upon completion of the Emergency Reunion travel legible and verifiable copies of all paid receipts for the travel and transportation costs and expenses so incurred for which reimbursement is sought.


All documents should be legible on small screens, i.e. mobile phones.


Documentation follows StatClinix guidelines, is accurate, legible and timely.


At 42 mm diameter, it’s a relatively small display for a smartwatch, but the clarity and the brightness of the screen mean that all text, notification icons and watch face elements remain legible, whatever the time of day.


Please be prepared to Email a legible copy of the Member’s hotel folio (paid hotel receipt) to the ONYX Rewards customer service centre.


[16] The Rhine II (1999), depicts a stretch of the river Rhine outside Düsseldorf, immediately legible as a view of a straight stretch of water, but also as an abstract configuration of horizontal bands of colour of varying widths.


As the head of Google’s HR states, «Unless you’re applying for a job such as a designer or artist, your focus should be on making your resume clean and legible


In the glass he developed for this project, Soulages found the perfect translucent vehicle — in essence, a transmogrified two-sided painting — that, as a soft and ever changing grey-white, is equally legible from inside and outside the church.


Definition of Legible

writing that can be easily read

Examples of Legible in a sentence

Despite the smudges from the fire, the lawyer was still able to read the legible will.


Danielle’s handwriting is too small to be legible.


If you do not write your answers in a legible style, the teacher will ask you to write them over again.


Sometimes my husband will pretend my grocery note is not legible so he can avoid picking up all the things I want.


Even though Chris had a broken wrist, he was still able to sign his name in a legible manner.


Other words in the Positive Connotation category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

They are legible too.

The German inscription at the foot of one of the pictures indicates that it was written after the Doctor‘s death, which must have occurred between 1540 and 1550; but it is probable that these verses were added at a later time, the more so as the traces of an older inscription, now no longer legible, may still be discovered.

It was a journal, written in a delicate, graceful hand; and though the paper was somewhat yellow, and the ink faded, the writing was perfectly legible.

The fourth floor was the last, and though the name on the left had evidently been there a number of years, for the white lettering was of the tint of a yellow fog, it was still quite clear and legible.

[At this point the diary ceases to be legible.

But he wrote a fair, neat, legible hand, and kept accounts with accuracy.

plain, distinct, explicit; positive; definite &c (precise) 494. graphic; expressive &c (meaning) 516; illustrative &c (explanatory) 522. unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakable &c (manifest) 525; unconfused; legible, recognizable; obvious &c 525.

Near the bridge we stopped to examine a pile of immense fragments which have been thrown together by the Turkspillars, cornices, altars, pieces of a frieze, with bulls heads bound together by hanging garlands, and a large square block, with a legible tablet.

The tablets contain Greek inscriptions, perfectly legible, where the stone has not been shattered.

The manuscriptwhich will eventually be deposited in a public libraryis entirely in Major Frye‘s large and legible hand; at some later time it was evidently revised by himself, but many names which I have endeavoured to complete were left in blank or only indicated by initials.

The signature was not very legible, and in her first hasty reading she had not made it out, but now she deciphered it.

They are written in a plain, legible hand on paper, parchment being seldom used.

If, for instance, one of them were to write to me, asking me to look out for a place for a French governess in whom he was interested, I should be sure to admire the care with which he would give me her name in full(in extralegible writing if it were an unusual name)as well as her address.

The form of the books was preserved and the character of the writing distinctly legible, but, from the effect of moisture, the paper had lost its cohesion, and fell to pieces at every effort to turn a leaf.

For example: the words colonel, venison, transition, propitious, cannot be so divided as to exhibit their pronunciation; and, in such as acid, magic, pacify, legible, liquidate, it may not be best to follow the rule, because there is some reasonable objection to terminating the first syllables of these words with c, g, and q, especially at the end of a line.

Elliott shorthand; easy, legible, rapid.

Elliott shorter shorthand: easy, legible, rapid, reporting style of writing.

Elliott shorter shorthand: easy, legible, rapid, reporting style of writing.

Although he was then seventyfour years old, his handwriting was firm and even, and very legible.

« John Adair wrote of the Chickasaws, in 1720, that they «readily know achievements in war by the blue marks over their breasts and arms, they being as legible as our alphabetical characters are to us»which calls attention to a very frequent use of what are supposed to be ornaments as merely part of a language of signs.

You will observe some clergymen with their heads held down from the beginning to the end, within an inch of the cushion, to read what is hardly legible; which, besides the untoward manner, hinders them from making the best advantage of their voice: others again have a trick of popping up and down every moment from their paper to the audience, like an idle schoolboy on a repetition day.

But while they lasted in their substance and reality, they answered the wants and notions of a primitive people; nor is it for this practical age to lift up its hands or its voice too high; for mediaeval England is still legible without much excavation in our Court, our Church, nay, in our Laws.

His handwriting, so easy, flowing, and legible, was modelled from the engraved «copy« sheet, and certain forms of spelling were acquired here that were never corrected, though not the common usage of his time.

It was rudely done, the materials were of the most common description, the print was scarcely legible,but it was headed with the imperial eagle, and it contained words which none of his old soldiers could withstand.

Her dread had been, that, the first time she saw Faber, it would be beyond her power to look innocent, that her knowledge would be legible in her face; and much she hoped their first encounter might be in the presence of Helen or some other ignorant friend, behind whose innocent front she might shelter her conscious secrecy.

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