Sentence with word leaf

Synonym: flick, flip, foliage, folio, leafage, riff, riffle, thumb. Similar words: quite a few, take after, make a face, be afraid to, be afraid of, one after another, lead, leap. Meaning: [lɪːf]  n. 1. the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants 2. a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book) 3. hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door). v. 1. look through a book or other written material 2. turn over pages 3. produce leaves, of plants. 

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1. We all do fade as a leaf

2. Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history. 

3. Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two. 

4. With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin. 

5. The national emblem of Canada is a maple leaf.

6. Cut the stem cleanly, just beneath a leaf joint.

7. The trees are just coming into leaf.

7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

8. He tore a leaf out of his.

9. Draw a simple diagram of the leaf structure.

10. Each individual leaf on the tree is different.

11. There is a maple leaf in Canada’s national flag.

12. One falling leaf heralds the coming of autumn.

13. He promised to turn over a new leaf and study harder.

14. Stream flow, slowly away a few leaf, also taking the memory.

15. These plants are easy to propagate from leaf cuttings.

16. The insect settled on a leaf.

17. The forest was just coming into leaf.

18. He saw a shiny green beetle on a leaf.

19. Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.

20. The plane trees have come into leaf.

21. An oak leaf is a simple leaf.

22. She tore a leaf out of her exercise book.

23. The maple leaf is Canada’s national emblem.

24. The mask was coated in gold leaf.

25. At rest the insect looks like a dead leaf.

26. The trees are coming into leaf.

27. The falling leaf spiralled to the ground.

28. I was shaking like a leaf.

29. Spring walked along with the shatter, in the summer threw over a body’s green leaf to jump in the warm braw is walking.

30. Life is merely a drop of nectar on the lotus leaf.

More similar words: quite a few, take after, make a face, be afraid to, be afraid of, one after another, lead, leap, lean, plea, plead, leave, clear, learn, least, leather, league, lead to, please, leader, unclear, leave for, tableau, leave out, leave off, learned, nuclear, release, clear up, clear out. 

A leaf is an organ of a vascular plant and is the principal lateral appendage of the stem. The leaves and stem together form the shoot. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I just didn’t see the point of eating a bowl of leaves which a) didn’t taste of anything and b) didn’t fill you up.


But once again, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has gone out of its way to make sure leaf tickets aren’t strictly necessary.


Because you are ingesting the whole leaf this way, it provides a concentration of all those healthy nutrients that green tea is renowned for.


I’m not sure if its because the tree loses all of its leaves by July or if its just because its a diseased tree.


Separate the leaves and stems of the Swiss chard.


I am currently eating organic sushi rice, sprouted millet, sprouted buckwheat groats, farm fresh grass fed beef, turkey and chicken that is not fed soy, homemade unpasturized strained goat milk yogurt, unpasteurized goat milk butter, salt, and red or green leaf lettuce juice.


The Senna leaf in Super Colon Cleanse may encourage these contractions and help your digestive system eliminate waste effectively


This way their employee’s baby will get sick less and she won’t need to take leaves because of her kid’s sickness.


In the fall I harvest and dry the remaining leaves, then pulverize them in a coffee grinder.


Well, what I really wanted to say to you was that being tossed here and there like that proverbial leaf in the wind, I got your blueberry recipe in my email (that I signed up to receive) and honey?


I picked some of the newest leaves along with some kale that’s still standing.


Ingredients: 12 ounces wild salmon sea salt 4 large collard green leaves 2 tablespoons Tahini dressing (recipe below) 2 cups grated carrots 1/4 cup sliced red onion 1/2 avocado sliced


I then tear the leaves into bite-sized pieces, put them in a plastic bag and pull out handfuls during the week.


But we also often wrap it up in a cabbage leaf.


Infused with squalene oil derived from the olive leaf to condition lips while providing a sheer pop of color in three new shades


Meanwhile, cook spinach and parsley in a large pot of boiling salted water until leaves are bright green and just wilted, about 5 seconds.


Slice the leaves lengthwise into ribbons, and slice the stems crosswise into 1/2 — inch pieces.


A variety of willow, its trunk is less than a foot thick and stands only a dozen feet, but its leaves hang on limp branches that hang around it like a billowing hoop skirt.


This interesting book will make an impressive mark in the heart of your child, with a thoughtful imagination of how a tiny and hungry caterpillar that started its journey from page one as a weakling could grow and become a mighty caterpillar after it has eaten its way through different fruits and finally consumed green leaves.


We also offer a wide range of loose leaf teas and herbal infusions many of which are organic.


The Black Pu-erh tea we offer is hand harvested from wild and semi-wild broad leaf antique tea trees located in the Yunnan province of China.


They are a beautiful addition to this sweet potato curry along with baby spoon spinach — the young leaves of flat-leaf spinach — and mustard seeds.


I find that if the leaves have even a bit of purple or red in them, it turns a smoothie (and I’m assuming a juice) an unappetizing muddy color.


But even Arsène’s excuses (which have ranged from the opposition being too tackly to having the wrong sort of leaves on the line) have seldom been as crass as those trotted out by the Ginger Whinger following our last couple of meetings with his team.


Im used to mountain rose herbs — large leaf, fresh smell, clean.


I was wondering if you might suggest a replacement for the rolled leaves that are supposed to go on the top?


Simply tear up the kale leaves into bite sized pieces, then drizzle with olive oil and salt and roast for 5-10 minutes at 180C, until the leaves are ever so slightly crispy but not burnt.


Previous studies had noted anomalous concentrations of gold in the leaf-coating substances, Lintern says, but researchers couldn’t discount the possibility that the tiny particles of the metal had stuck to the leaves after being carried there by winds.


Some of the more hardcore farmers I’ve spent time and talked to believe in basically eating nothing but grass fed beef and vegetables due to the fact that you can source all your nutrients from the chloroplast in the leaf.


I love the beauty and smell of brightly colored leaves, corn fields and crisp fresh air along with the flavors of fresh apples, warm apple cider and winter squash.


Heat 4 1/2 cups milk, bay leaf, and thyme in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat.


I was studying the basket and turned it upside down thinking I could use it as a stand and thought, «hmm, if I added a little wooden stem and a leaf on top, it looks like a pumpkin!»


The ghost mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa)(right) masquerades as a dead leaf to fool unsuspecting flies.


The fruits as well as the leaves are used in cooking.


Paul Noble’s drawings of Nobson, showing at London’s Gagosian gallery, make you count the effort: all those leaves on all those branches, all the buildings, all that nature and all that town-planning, all those hand-drawn bricks — and all of Noble’s daft ideas, his stories, jokes and fragments.


«When you hold one of those leaves that is so exquisitely preserved in your hand knowing it’s 66 million years old, it’s a humbling feeling,» said Blonder.


Love all of the features — the leaf «rose» is remarkable.


Making leaf prints in salt dough is such a great way to preserve the beauty of autumn leaves.


Dinner: two cups of chicken and a two cups of green leaf veggie and half a cup of brown rice.


If you chew a leaf up (it’s good for you anyway) and spit it onto the sting, the pain vanishes instantly.


Then have them count the number of twigs on an average branch, and calculate the approximate number of leaves on a branch.


Gutters, gullies and downspouts should all be cleaned in late autumn after the trees have shed their leaves.


In a bowl, combine thinly sliced and chopped radishes, roughly chopped radish leaves, the zest of one lemon, salt and pepper.


Early, tender leaves are briefly steamed to retain…


I am a huge fan of loose leaf tea, and this is a wonderful middle ground.


There’s music for the race, plus the leaf lever makes other sound effects.


I could have done something creative with a couple of chip packets and a leaf at that point, but I had nothing.


The authentic American leaves behind him «all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new….


Remove the bottom part of the stem on each leaf.


Looking for more leaf themed activities?


лист, створка, листва, листовой, лиственный, перелистывать, листать


- лист

leaf litter — опавшие листья; лесная подстилка
leaf vein /rib/ — бот. жилка листа
leaf vegetables — с.-х. листовые овощи
to put forth leaves — покрываться листьями
title leaf — заглавный лист
to shake like an aspen leaf — дрожать как осиновый лист

- листва

in leaf — покрытый листвой
to come into leaf, to be in leaf — покрываться листвой, распускаться
the fall of the leaf — а) листопад; б) образн. осень; в) закат жизни

- собир. лист; чайный лист (тж. tea leaf)

tea-leaf — чайный лист
break up the leaf — ломать чайный лист

- разг. лепесток

rose leaf — лепесток розы
diaphragm leaf — лепесток диафрагмы

- лист (книги)

loose leaf — вкладной лист
to turn over the leaves — перелистывать страницы (книги)

- лист металла

leaf brass [gold] — листовая медь [-ое золото]

- створка (двери и т. п.)

leaf valve — створчатый клапан
door leaf — створка двери

- полотнище (ворот)

gate leaf — полотнище ворот

- опускная доска (стола)
- воен. прицельная рамка

leaf sight — откидной или рамочный прицел

- отпуск


- покрываться листвой, одеваться листьями
- листать, перелистывать


- листовой

tobacco leaf — листовой табак
leaf trace — листовой след
leaf filter — листовой фильтр
leaf succulent — листовой суккулент

Мои примеры


crumpled rose leaf — пустяковая неприятность, омрачающая общую радость  
to turn over a new leaf — начать новую жизнь  
to take a leaf out of smb.’s book — следовать чьему-л. примеру  
leaves without figs — ≅ пустые слова  

Примеры с переводом

Leaves fall.

Падают листья.

The leaves were turning yellow.

Листья становились жёлтыми.

Leaves rustle.

Листья шуршат.

The trees are in leaf early this year.

Деревья очень рано покрылись листвой в этом году.

The maple leaf is an emblem of Canada.

Кленовый лист является символом Канады.

The dry leaf rustles in the brake.

В кустах шуршит сухая листва.

I heard the rustle of the autumn leaves.

Я слышал шелест осенних листьев.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…a nodule on the leaf indicated that a worm had laid eggs there…

…we must have spent hours leafing through wallpaper books before we found something we both liked…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

leafage  — листва
overleaf  — на обороте, на обратной стороне листа, на оборотной стороне
leafed  — лиственный, с листьями
leafiness  — густая листва, обилие листьев
leafless  — не имеющий листьев, безлистный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: leaf
he/she/it: leafs
ing ф. (present participle): leafing
2-я ф. (past tense): leafed
3-я ф. (past participle): leafed

ед. ч.(singular): leaf
мн. ч.(plural): leaves

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Yes, stevia leaf is heavily refined white powder is not.

Да, лист стевии естественный… но сильно очищенный белый порошок — нет.

Ginkgo leaf supplements are generally safe.

Гинкго лист добавки, как правило, безопасны.

Just a fig leaf for your guilt.

Но это всё было ложью, просто фиговый листок для вашей вины.

Base. Used to leaf shingles basis performing reinforcing function.

Основа. Служит для листка битумной черепица базисом, выполняющим армирующие функции.

In some cases leaf loss coincides with winter — namely in polar climates.

В некоторых случаях потеря листьев совпадает с зимой, а именно — в умеренных или полярных климатических условиях.

The same study published in 2012 found that mullein leaf has anti-tumor capabilities.

В том же исследовании, опубликованном в 2012 году, обнаружено, что у листьев коровяков есть противоопухолевые способности.

Olive leaf extracts fight endothelial dysfunction at multiple levels.

Экстракт из оливковых листьев борется с эндотелиальной дисфункцией на нескольких уровнях.

Most green tea products are sold as dried leaf tea.

Большинство продуктов с зеленым чаем на рынке продаются как сухой чайный лист.

You don’t count every leaf you give light.

Вы не подсчитываете количество всех тех листьев, которым даете свет.

This likely explains how olive leaf extract can help prevent illness.

Это с большой долей уверенности объясняет, как экстракт оливкового листа может помочь предотвратить болезнь.

Defoliation by leaf diseases generally does not cause significant damage.

Дефолиация от болезней листьев, как правило, не наносит значительного ущерба.

The fibres found nearest the leaf surface are the strongest.

Волокна, найденные ближе всего к поверхности листа, являются самыми сильными.

Moringa leaf can be used as a food preservative.

Экстракт листьев Моринги также может использоваться в качестве консерванта для пищевых продуктов.

Each ingredient is wrapped in a special leaf called Dong.

Каждый ингредиент кладут в специальный лист, который называет дон (Dong).

Like a yellow leaf in Autumn.

Точно так же, как пожелтевший лист осенью.

The maple leaf on the Canadian flag has 11 points.

Кленовый лист, который изображен на флаге Канады, имеет 11 зубчиков.

A 2016 study in Food&Function showed that olive leaf extract could help lower blood pressure.

Исследование 2016 года, описанное в журнале Food&Function, доказало, что экстракт оливкового листа может помочь снизить артериальное давление.

We considered how the branched network in a leaf maintains water and nutrient levels throughout the leaf.

Мы рассматривали, как разветвленная сеть на листе помогает разнести воду и питательные вещества по всему листу.

They roll the leaf around themselves and pupate in preparation for adulthood, creating a rolled and distorted leaf.

Она ложится на листья вокруг себя и окукливается в рамках подготовки к взрослой жизни, создавая скручивание и искаженные листа.

Areas between the leaf veins become chlorotic and the leaf margins necrotic.

Области между жилками листа становятся хлоротическими, а края листа поражаются некрозом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат leaf

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Leaf?



  • «the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem»
  • «the upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface»
  • «leaf-clothed trees»; «fog-cloaked meadows»; «a beam draped with cobwebs»; «cloud-wrapped peaks»
  • «the edge of the leaf is wavy»; «she sat on the edge of the bed»; «the water’s edge»
  • «he examined all sides of the crystal»; «dew dripped from the face of the leaf«; «they travelled across the face of the continent»
  • «a laciniate leaf«
  • «irritate the glands of a leaf«
  • «a lacy gown»; «a lacy leaf«
  • «leaf through a book»; «leaf a manuscript»
  • «the reticulate veins of a leaf«; «a reticulated highway system»
  • «a truncate leaf«; «truncated volcanic mountains»; «a truncated pyramid»

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