Sentence with word landscape

A landscape is the visible features of an area of land, its landforms and how they integrate with natural or man-made features. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It’s never too late to take a long gander at what we might see dominating the film awards landscape in 365 days, and with that in mind, I’ve been doing my usual mulling over the possibilities for a few weeks to put together the sadly thorough examination of the 2008-09 award season that follows.


What do the challenges and opportunities for a sustainable food system look like in the new political landscape?


The animal hospital has an energy efficient ductless air system, skylights for natural light, and a landscape designed by a local designer to incorporate regional plants with an emphasis on visual flow.


Looking for information on Connecticut’s charter school landscape for the 2017-18 school year?


The ideal complement is the impressive landscape of the Apurimac’s Canyon, with its great river, rough mountains and the Condors» flight.


The rapid rate at which the marketing technology landscape is evolving has introduced two new realities for B2B marketers: (1) Organizations that can not adapt quickly and adopt new technologies will be displaced by those that can, and (2) technology-enabled marketing strategies are only as good as the data that fuels them.


The blame, Bresch argued (and not for the first time), largely lay with the shifting health insurance landscape.


… Organizations such as the National Network of State Teachers of the Year, NEA, AFT, Hope Street Fellows, The US Department of Education Teaching Ambassador Fellowship, Educators for Excellence, Teach Plus, and The Center for Teaching Quality, just to name a few, offer an opportunity for teachers to share their diverse views in an effort to create a policy landscape that is more relevant to the complexities of teaching and learning.


Whitehorse is also famous for natural parks and landscapes, receiving the National Civic Lead award for its natural beauty.


Video-based scenarios or simulations have been part of the eLearning landscape dating back to laser discs and CD-ROMs.


Sheffield, UK About Blog Weddle Landscape Design is primarily a landscape architecture consultancy with well respected technical strength in arboriculture, site planning, design and contract documentation and wide experience of ecological and environmental appraisal.


However, the pace of economic growth, the direction of inflation and interest rates overseas may help investors interpret the interest rate landscape and outlook for the relative performance of bank shares to REITs.


This wooded area just a few streets from downtown provides visitors with an opportunity to relax to the sounds of the Blue River, be skiing on top-notch slopes with quick and easy access to ski resorts via a free shuttle, and in the summer enjoy hiking and biking through the scenic landscape.


With an aspect ration of 16:10, the Motorola Xoom is more suited for landscape mode, but portrait mode is just wide enough to be useful as well, at about 1/2» wider than the Notion Ink Adam’s screen and 3/8» less than the iPad’s.


The tablet balances well in the hand both in portrait and landscape.


Pete wanted the environment to be another character in the film, especially considering there isn’t a lot of dialogue — the landscape needed to help.


This resource is a series of 18 lessons for the year 7 landscapes module for geography.


Before then, the landscape was largely stable grasslands.


As you pick it up there’s certainly a heft there at 415g but once it’s upright, or landscape, the balance across the slate sits it comfortably in your hand even over long periods.


The full report is available for purchase now, or download if you are a member of the AWEA, and «provides a comprehensive review of wind industry trends, industry rankings, and the market landscape through 2014.»


Urban rather than rural landscapes seem devoid of human life-interiors are only ever conditionally inhabited, houses more transitory than hotel rooms, roads rarely traversed and even then with catastrophic results.


Time is of the essence when it comes to studying these battered landscapes.


The parking and traffic management sector is an under‑researched area, and one which covers a vast range of subjects including: the design and construction of car parks, the effect that parking provision has on traffic congestion and the urban landscape, the effective management of kerb space, and the many media and public concerns that managing on and off street parking raises.


When they first began, the architects were faced with dilapidated buildings «that made no acknowledgement of the surrounding landscape, nor the cultural importance of the 90 per cent Maori school roll, as the Indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand».


The «landscape» of our experience generally has several peaks, one for each sensory modality.


«One approach is exemplified in Hawaii,» explain the authors, «where we’ve become part of a large coalition of stakeholders working together with the shared goal of reducing and eventually removing feral cats from the landscape


The set-up is a bit wonky and it bizarrely switches between landscape and profile screens, but I still applaud the effort.


Like other tablet operating systems, Windows 8 works in both portrait and landscape modes.


The television landscape will be worse off without its inhumanity.


Taking in the beautiful landscapes and ruins of Leptis Magna, the boys really begin to settle into the journey.


In addition to connectivity and stability issues, Metal Gear Online also had broken texture glitches that rendered a surreal landscape.


The goals of this event are to provide a clear snapshot of the current transportation funding landscape, communicate urgency, identify creative funding solutions, provide successful examples, and relate to local implementation and sustainable reinvestment.


Pope Leo XIII surveyed the intellectual landscape and sought a Catholic system of thought upon which this renewal could be based.


USGS research ecologist Craig Allen has spent his career in this landscape, never growing bored.


These plants typically produce copious amounts of fruit that attract birds, which then spread the seeds across the landscape.


It’s also, of course, filtered through a very different cultural landscape, with characters born at about the time the earlier film was released.


The masterpiece originally hit theaters on June 20, 1975 and immediately changed the Hollywood landscape.


Additionally, their more than 90 seasonal excursions will bring you closer to culture, wildlife and landscapes of coastal Norway.


«Following the success of the first two Genius NY competitions, we are announcing the third round today to continue to transform the economic landscape of Central New York by attracting the next generation of innovative entrepreneurs,» Cuomo said in the news release.


«The digital healthcare landscape is changing quickly,» Wolin says.


The city and rural landscapes are stunningly beautiful and almost totally destructible.


The convergence of several major reforms is dramatically altering California’s public K-12 education landscape.


A change was necessary, given how the e-commerce landscape was evolving.


«Our goal is to understand how the alien landscapes that will soon be revealed by New Horizons were created via the physical and chemical interactions of these exotic ices,» said Grundy, a Lowell Observatory astronomer and collaborator on NAU’s ice lab.


Yet despite ERC20 and utility tokens» dominance in the ICO landscape, there is a high potential for mobile-only cryptocurrencies to democratize mining and dramatically decrease transaction costs.


If you follow the lead of Harvest by Bay Area landscape designers Stefani Bittner and Alethea Harampolis, you can whip up these and other pleasures from plants grown in your own backyard.


Those who seek to experience the best of Spanish and Portuguese cuisine, culture, art and history, all while traversing the dramatic landscapes made famous by Don Quixote.


«I think we’re going to be in for a very, very tough budget process next year and a long-term changed landscape, not for the better, for New York state and our municipalities,» he said.


The IdeaPad design favors a landscape orientation, with the micro-HDMI port, headphone jack, and docking port running along the bottom edge; power, volume buttons, screen-rotation lock and microSD card slot running along the left side.


Without compelling rationales for continuing the practice — ones that resonate both intellectually and emotionally with the American public and politicians — it’s only a matter of time before tenure inexorably disappears from the educational landscape.


Synonym: landscape painting. Similar words: behind schedule, DSC, cap, Cap., rape, tape, paper, grape. Meaning: [‘lænskeɪp]  n. 1. an expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view 2. painting depicting an expanse of natural scenery 3. a genre of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery 4. an extensive mental viewpoint. v. 1. embellish with plants 2. do landscape gardening. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Recent electoral shocks have shaken the European political landscape.

2. The house stood in a bleak and desolate landscape.

3. Nepal is stunning, with its wild, untamed landscape.

4. Soon the landscape unfolded before them.

5. We drove through a barren, rocky landscape.

6. He stood on the hill surveying the landscape.

7. The cottages harmonize well with the landscape.

8. The landscape was grey and stark.

9. We can expect changes in the political landscape.

10. He felt great awe for the landscape.

11. Increased population has transformed the landscape.

12. This landscape seemed to trap and amplify sounds.

13. Landscape gardeners have begun a clearance of the overgrown ground to make way for a new park.

14. The landscape is dotted with the tents of campers and hikers.

15. The political landscape of the country has changed since unemployment rose.

16. We moved to Northamptonshire and a new landscape of hedges and fields.

17. The trees and the mountains made the landscape very beautiful.

18. The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.

19. The art students were told to sketch the landscape.

20. The landscape unfolded before us.

21. Windmills are a characteristic feature of the Mallorcan landscape.

22. She prefers still life to landscape painting.

23. June’s events completely altered the political landscape.

24. The boy painted a landscape on paper.

25. The whole landscape looked as flat as a pancake.

26. Over the centuries, melting snow had carved valleys in the landscape.Sentence dictionary

27. Who gave me love placid who accompany me to see through the fleeting landscape.

28. The travellers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscape.

29. After twelve or thirteen centuries of unbroken continuity the landscape was being changed out of all recognition.

30. Here and there the rusted hulk of an abandoned car dots the landscape.

More similar words: behind schedule, DSC, cap, Cap., rape, tape, paper, grape, agape, scan, and so, capita, scare, capture, newspaper, capital, captain, scandal, scared, scale, scary, and so on, fiscal, handsome, scatter, and so forth, diamonds, capability, in the shape of, in this case. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The cultural landscape is a geographical landscape transformed by people due to human purposeful activity.

Культурный ландшафт — географический ландшафт, измененный вследствие человеческой деятельности.

Here, landscape professionals share their expert tips for lighting different areas of the landscape.

Здесь профессионалы ландшафта делятся своими советами экспертов по освещению различных областей ландшафта.

Yuon often combined landscape with multi-figure compositions of folk holidays and festivities, but landscape was always his main element in painting.

Юон часто сочетал пейзаж с многофигурными композициями народных праздников и гуляний, однако пейзаж всегда оставался основным элементом изображения.

Some may also apply an additional specialism such as landscape archaeology or law to the process of landscape planning.

Некоторые могут также применить дополнительную специализацию, например, археологию пейзажа или закон процесса планирования пейзажа.

What makes the most spectacular landscape photo is that landscape.

То, что позволяет сделать самую эффектную фотографию пейзажа — это пейзаж.

The beautiful landscape, mountain ranges and unforgettable landscape of the valleys create a sense of calm.

Красивый ландшафт, горные хребты и незабываемый пейзаж долин создает чувство спокойствия.

The principle of unity is easily measured if the other five landscape principles have been properly executed throughout the landscape.

Принцип единства легко измеряется, если другие пять принципов ландшафта были правильно выполнены во всем ландшафте.

The landscape sometimes seems like a military strategy map and not like a real landscape.

Ландшафт иногда выглядит как карта военной стратегии, а не как настоящий пейзаж.

The surrounding desert landscape looks more like a moon landscape.

Окружающий пустынный ландшафт более похож на лунный пейзаж.

If this window opens out onto a landscape, then the painting becomes a landscape.

Если это окно открывается на пейзаж, то картина становится пейзажем.

After all a devastated landscape is still a landscape.

Тем не менее опустошенный и разоренный пейзаж остается пейзажем.

To make the landscape ponds are often created that give the surrounding landscape more harmony and creates a natural part of nature.

Для украшения ландшафта часто создают искусственные пруды, которые придают окружающему ландшафту больше гармонии и создают естественную частичку природы.

Lava flows and deposits of stones made landscape of the island like a lunar landscape.

Потоки лавы и россыпи камней сделали ландшафт острова похожим на лунный пейзаж.

Eroded by water and wind clay form here very bright, bizarre landscape, which resembles the Martian landscape.

Размытые водой и ветром глины образуют здесь очень яркий, причудливый ландшафт, напоминающий марсианский пейзаж.

This Russian landscape master created a truly naturalistic image of his native landscape.

Этот русский мастер пейзажа создал поистине натуралистичное изображение родного пейзажа.

The Icelandic landscape was for centuries, and is, a very unforgiving landscape.

Ландшафт полуострова формировался веками, и сейчас представляет собой совершенно необычный пейзаж.

The aims of this convention are to promote landscape protection, management and planning and to organise European co-operation on landscape issues.

Целями настоящей Конвенции являются содействие охране, управлению и планированию ландшафтов и организация европейского сотрудничества по проблематике ландшафтов.

This drastically changed the natural landscape, the practices of Indigenous landscape management, and the relationship between California Indians and their environment.

Это коренным образом изменило природный ландшафт, практику управления ландшафтами коренных народов и отношения между индейцами Калифорнии и их окружающей средой.

Unusual for the Netherlands detail of the landscape by Bruegel, apparently picked up from the Alpine landscape.

Нехарактерную для Нидерландов деталь ландшафта Брейгель, судя по всему, взял из альпийского пейзажа.

Landscape may be further reviewed under the following specific categories: landscape art, cultural landscape, landscape ecology, landscape planning, landscape assessment and landscape design.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Landscape?



  • «appreciative of a beautiful landscape«; «an appreciative laugh from the audience»
  • «an arboreous landscape«; «violets in woodsy shady spots»; «a woody area near the highway»
  • «bare rocky hills»; «barren lands»; «the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes»; «the desolate surface of the moon»; «a stark landscape«
  • «the nakedness of the landscape«
  • «a landscape of blurred outlines»; «the trees were just blurry shapes»
  • «a blue day»; «the dark days of the war»; «a week of rainy depressing weather»; «a disconsolate winter landscape«; «the first dismal dispiriting days of November»; «a dark gloomy day»; «grim rainy weather»
  • «the defacement of an Italian mosaic during the Turkish invasion»; «he objected to the dam’s massive disfigurement of the landscape«
  • «a constant deflation of the desert landscape«
  • «The landscape was deforested by the enemy attacks»
  • «the landscape unit drawn diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief, with a peat-filled basin»
  • «discontinuous applause»; «the landscape was a discontinuous mosaic of fields and forest areas»; «he received a somewhat haphazard and discontinuous schooling»
  • «a disfigured face»; «strip mining left a disfigured landscape«
  • «an exotic hair style»; «protons, neutrons, electrons and all their exotic variants»; «the exotic landscape of a dead planet»
  • «the featureless landscape of the steppe»
  • «The landscape flattened»
  • «the political landscape looks bleak without a change of administration»; «we changed the landscape for solving the problem of payroll inequity»
  • «Let’s landscape the yard»
  • «the moonlit landscape«
  • «the landscape architect suggested a small planting in the northwest corner»
  • «the annual rejuvenation of the landscape«
  • «the once inhospitable landscape is now tamed»
  • «shocked to see the transformed landscape«

пейзаж, ландшафт, ландшафтный, пейзажный, благоустраивать участок


- ландшафт; пейзаж

to admire the landscape — любоваться видом /природой/

- пейзаж
- пейзажная живопись
- уст. общая картина, панорама (чего-л.)


- благоустраивать участок, сажать деревья, цветы и т. п.

Мои примеры


the flat landscape of the prairie — плоский степной ландшафт  
the exotic landscape of a dead planet — экзотический пейзаж мёртвой планеты  
a blot on the landscape — ложка дёгтя в бочке мёда  
cultivated landscape — культурный ландшафт  
gloomy landscape — угрюмый пейзаж  
beautiful landscape — красивый пейзаж  
bleak / gloomy landscape — унылый вид  
to meld into the landscape — сливаться с ландшафтом  
landscape painter — пейзажист  
landscape architect — ландшафтный архитектор  
the landscape underneath — ландшафт, (простирающийся) внизу  
landscape format — формат издания, вытянутый по горизонтали; альбомный формат документа; вид  

Примеры с переводом

Let’s landscape the yard.

Давайте украсим двор растениями.

I was seduced by the beauty of the landscape.

Я был покорён красотой пейзажа.

The landscape was bleak.

Пейзаж был суровым.

A sense of calm breathed from the landscape.

Пейзаж излучал спокойствие.

He received a commission to paint a landscape.

Он получил заказ на пейзаж.

She likes to paint landscapes.

Ей нравится писать пейзажи.

The fluff of the cottonwood fleeced the landscape.

Тополиный пух покрыл всё вокруг словно овечьей шерстью.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Landscape photography is her hobby.

He felt great awe for the landscape.

He gazed out at the beautiful landscape.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

landscaping  — благоустраивать участок
landscaper  — специалист по обустройству ландшафта

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): landscape
мн. ч.(plural): landscapes

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