Sentence with word lack

отсутствие, недостаток, нужда, не хватать, недоставать, нуждаться


- недостаток, нехватка; (полное) отсутствие; нужда


- испытывать недостаток (в чём-л.), нуждаться (в чём-л.), не иметь (чего-л.)

- обыкн. pres. p. недоставать, не хватать, быть недостаточным

nothing is lacking for comfort — есть всё для удобства /комфорта/
five copies are lacking — недостаёт пяти экземпляров
a subject on which information is lacking — предмет, о котором ничего не известно
the vote lacks three to be a majority — до (абсолютного) большинства недостаёт трёх голосов

Мои примеры


shrubs dwarfed by the lack of water — кусты, чахлые из-за нехватки воды  
the lack of any concrete evidence — отсутствие каких-либо конкретных доказательств  
a failure traceable to lack of energy — неудача, которую можно отнести на счёт недостатка сил  
the lack of cohesion in the party — отсутствие сплочённости в рядах партии  
lack of coincidence — несовпадение  
lack of correlation — отсутствие корреляционной зависимости  
to lack decision — быть нерешительным  
lack of demand — недостаток спроса  
to lack depth — быть неглубоким, поверхностным  
for lack of — из-за нехватки  
to lack a quorum — не дотягивать до кворума  
to show a lack of restraint — не уметь сдерживаться  

Примеры с переводом

This soup lacks salt.

В этом супе не хватает соли. / Этот суп недосолен.

Her problem is lack of sleep.

Её беда в том, что она мало спит.

Time is lacking for a full explanation.

На подробное объяснение не хватает времени.

You shall never lack for money while I am alive.

Пока я жив, у тебя никогда не будет недостатка в деньгах.

He will not lack for advisers.

В советчиках у него недостатка не будет.

Lack of food weakened his strength.

Недоедание подточило его силы.

For lack of fuel, their planes were grounded.

Из-за нехватки топлива их самолёты взлететь не смогли.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Smith can be excused for his lack of interest in the course (=his lack of interest is reasonable).

…a history textbook that has been widely criticized for its lack of advertency to the contributions of minorities…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

lacker  — лак, политура, глазурь, лакировать, покрывать лаком
lacking  — недостающий, умственно отсталый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: lack
he/she/it: lacks
ing ф. (present participle): lacking
2-я ф. (past tense): lacked
3-я ф. (past participle): lacked

lack — перевод на русский


But underneath its flabby exterior is an enormous lack of character.

Но оно прекрасно скрывает полное отсутствие характера.

This lack of respect for the servants is insufferable!

Отсутствие уважения к прислуге невыносимо!

It shows a definite lack of trust.

Это указывает на отсутствие доверия.

Our chief problem is lack of firsthand knowledge.

Наша основная проблема — отсутствие первичного знания.

My health, or, rather, the lack of it, forbids me.

Здоровье, вернее его отсутствие, не позволяет.

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Only a pianist is lacking

Только пианиста и не хватает…

You lack specific evidence.

Согласитесь, ему не хватает точности.

That they lack; for if their heads had any intellectual armour, they could never wear such heavy head-pieces.

Да, им этого не хватает. Если бы их головы были защищены бронёй разума, они не носили бы на них таких тяжёлых шлемов.

— 40.000 Lack.

Не хватает 40 000.

Forgive me for my lack of understanding.

Прости, что мне не хватает понимания.

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Unless you plan to arrest me for lack of emotion.

Вы же не арестуете меня… за недостаток эмоций.

It’s the addition or lack of the enzymes that makes the difference.

Именно добавка или недостаток ферментов обуславливает разницу.

It’s not like Clare to show this lack of courtesy.

Не в привычках Клэр демонстрировать недостаток вежливости.

There’s a fundamental weakness in that fellow… a basic lack of character.

У этого парня основной недостаток — бесхарактерность.

On first reading it’s evident that the film lacks a problematic, or a philosophical premise…

Видишь ли, с первого же взгляда бросается в глаза недостаток проблематики или, если хочешь, философских рассуждений…

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People walk around, lost in thought, among the photographs, the reconstructions, for lack of anything else.

Люди ходят вокруг, погруженные в свои мысли, среди фотографий. Воссоздание, потому что больше ничего нет.

The photographs, the photographs, the reconstructions, for lack of anything else.

Фотографии, фотографии, воссоздание, потому что больше ничего нет.

The explanations, for lack of anything else.

Объяснения, потому что больше ничего нет.

Because you have knowledge which I lack.

У вас есть знания, которых нет у меня.

A strange lack of intelligent life on the planets.

Странно, что на планетах нет разумной жизни.

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Though perhaps my lack of surprise is just a product of this town, this world of ours.

Хотя возможно, моя нехватка удивления… только продукт этого города, этого мира.

Just as the lack of it is responsible for the Doctor’s mountain sickness.

Точно так же, как нехватка воздуха вызвала горную болезнь у Доктора.

Lack of weapons.

Нехватка оружия.

His culinary skills are forever thwarted by the lack of good ingredients.

Нехватка тонких ингредиентов хронически мешает его таланту кулинара проявить себя.

Although she seems to lack emotion, this is largely a pretense.

Нехватка эмоций в данном случае ничего не значит.

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Anyway, tom, i’ve often wondered if i didn’t show a lack of faith in you, in your ability to meet a crisis by yourself and come through it alone.

Так или иначе, Том, я часто спрашиваю себя, что было бы если бы я не показала, что недостаточно верю в тебя, в твою способность встретить кризис лицом к лицу и преодолеть его самому.

True, until now I lacked ambition, probably because I was alone.

Действительно, до сих пор я был недостаточно амбициозен, возможно, потому что я был один.

You lack the courage of your convictions.

Ты недостаточно храбр для таких обвинений.

Their vessels lack maneuverability.

Их суда недостаточно маневренны.

People are scared because they lack vision.

Люди боятся, потому что мыслят недостаточно широко.

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He says that without her, my woods lack poetry, and his gamekeeper’s job seems utterly dreary.

Он говорит, что без нее лесам недостает поэзии. И его егерская жизнь стала в высшей степени безотрадной.

They lack your initiative.

Им недостает вашей инициативы.

He just lacks concentration.

Ему недостает собранности.

What’s lacking in your life?

Чего недостает в твоей жизни?

I lack the ability.

Недостает способностей.

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You lack the season of all natures, sleep.

Ты мало спишь, а сон -спасеньежизни .

In the Piombi prison, one could not play certain games, especially for lack of space.

Как я понимаю, в тюрьме Пьомби не поиграешь в такие игрьк там для этого мало места.

Forgive my lack of faith in you… but it all still seems like a dream to me.

Прости, что я мало верил в тебя, но мне постоянно, кажется, что это сон.

You have to admit I kinda lack in the book area.

Ты должен признать, если дело касается книг, от меня мало толку.

Lack of work makes Mr. Huy look bad to Teacher Dao…

Мало сделанной работы заставляет господина Хуи жаловаться Учителю Дао…

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Don’t you realise that when you’re older you’ll regret this lack of application?

Неужели ты не понимаешь, что когда ты повзрослеешь, ты будешь жалеть, что тебе не хватило прилежания?

And all the others who lacked the strength and luck to survive

И всем остальным, кому не хватило силы и удачи, чтобы выжить субтитры:

Drug trafficking charges dropped for lack of evidence.

Обвинялся однажды как соучастник в торговле наркотиками. Улик не хватило.

But the thief I was dealing with wanted rather too much for the lease… and I lacked the necessary spondulicks.

Ќо этот мошенник, бывший хоз€ин завода, нашЄл клиента побогаче. — «ак что мне просто не хватило средств.

If I lacked poise, I apologize.

Если мне не хватило самообладания, прошу прощения.

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Women lack the noble soul, the immortal one.

Женщины лишены благородной души, бессмертной души.

They lack compassion.

Они лишены сострадания.

That assumption suggests attractive women lack credibility.

Предполагается, что привлекательные женщины лишены доверия.

But I experienced a revelation… that I had been brought to this island to provide the commensurate social services that were sadly lacking for the poorer elements of society here.

Меня озарило: я попал сюда, чтобы оказывать социальные услуги, которых были лишены беднейшие слои общества.

Cruelly lacking in manners.

Начисто лишены манер.

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Again that lack of forgiveness and vengeance.

Здесь и высокие помыслы, и их отсутствие, и всепрощение и месть.

A negative study may reflect a lack of benefit, or simply a lack of sufficient quantities of patients to detect a difference.

Отрицательное исследование может отражать отсутствие выгоды или просто отсутствие достаточного количества пациентов для выявления различия.

Such factors include lack of understanding of the political qualification, lack of political experience, lack of professional communications and others.

В их числе недостаток понимания сути политической специальности, недостаток практического опыта, недостаток профессиональных коммуникаций и другое.

Today’s modern world has three main enemies: lack of time, lack of money and lack of harmony between personal life and work.

У современного человека есть три главных врага: нехватка времени, нехватка средств и отсутствие гармонии между личной жизнью и работой.

But lack life, who knows flowers… and lack ART! Lack expression on the wall, lack sensitivity, lack color.

NASA has been criticized for lack of vigilance and «lack of curiosity as to what shouldn’t happen».

NASA подверглось критике за отсутствие бдительности и «недостаток любопытства к тому, чего не должно происходить».

The project aims to address problems such as the lack of books and the lack of Internet in General education institutions.

Проект направлен на решение таких проблем, как нехватка книг и отсутствие интернета в общеобразовательных учреждениях.

It has several advantages and only a lack of lack of support for Flash.

To some economists, the lack of simplicity in the central bank’s policy suggests a lack of conviction.

Для экономистов отсутствие более разумной политики со стороны Центробанка Турции указывает на недостаток его уверенности.

The police lack basic equipment and personnel.

У полиции не хватает ни элементарного снаряжения и техники, ни личного состава.

Apartments facing north generally lack natural light.

Помещения, ориентированные на север, как правило, не получают достаточного объема естественного освещения.

Some animals that live here lack eyes.

Поэтому, животные, которые там живут, как правило, не имеют глаз.

14.8 million lack access to healthcare.

По меньшей мере, 14,8 миллионов человек не имеют доступа к медицинской помощи.

However, those trials currently lack approval and funding.

Тем не менее, в настоящее время для проведения этих исследований у них не хватает разрешения и финансирования.

Another reason traders lack patience is boredom.

Ещё одна причина, по которой трейдерам не хватает терпения — это скука.

Staff often lack basic food hygiene knowledge.

Работники зачастую не имеют элементарных гигиенических знаний и навыков работы с пищевыми продуктами.

What spiritualists often lack is true knowledge.

То, чего часто не хватает духовным людям, так это истинного знания.

Self-confidence is something we sometimes lack.

Уверенность в себе — то, чего порой нам не хватает.

A lack of qualified teachers is another issue.

То, что у нас до сих пор не хватает профессиональных преподавателей, это другой вопрос.

Individually, we sometimes lack self-discipline.

А нам, в нашей быстрой жизни, иногда самодисциплины не хватает.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

What is important is that you don’t neglect this extremely important aspect of business operations, but also not to be discouraged and disheartened by the lack of funds.


Pebble managed to address the two biggest complaints people have about smartwatches: their lack of functionality and clunky looks.


This clearly shows your lack of intelligence and thus does not surprise me you believe in fairy tales.


VANCOUVER — Wednesday’s bunker fuel spill in English Bay exposed the B.C. Liberals» empty promises and lack of leadership on oil spill cleanup, says New Democrat leader John Horgan.


However, the entire journey has not come without some hiccups, as a large part of crypto investors have pointed out the lack of progress and the general slow movement of the project, contributing to some degree of negative market sentiment against it.


Although lack breakfast appropriateness has never stopped me before.


This apparent lack of rigour will disappoint some people, particularly those looking for a simple rule.


The alarms over AT&T’s deal for Time Warner stem from mounting frustration over high prices and the lack of competition in the telecom industry, with most Americans limited to one or two providers of broadband services.


Sharing is fine on the playground, but it doesn’t work in fantasy football, where the lack of a featured back drives owners crazy.


At the end of the ten hours, I came in and he made me give him two pennies which was my contribution to the social security and he gave me two one Dollar bills and a long lecture about the evils of Democrats and the welfare state and the lack of self-reliance and it went on and on and on, so I had the right antecedents too.


I haven’t made them yet so I love them (part of it might be due to the lack of nice bowls/jars like you use lol), but I definitely need to try one of these recipes asap.


Most economists find the «lack of inflation growth» perplexing in view of the tight labor market and a pickup in GDP growth.


Many of the stories we hear from the region are about a dire lack; but they are also connected by a sense of the pride that people have in relation to the food of their home country, as well as the humility and hospitality that goes into making and sharing it.


Following extensive travels throughout his country he lamented the fact that the delicate, fertile part of the Greek soil had been washed away through rains and the lack of vegetation in the country (Edberg, 149-50).


With amiable charm and a refreshing lack of pretense, Professor Tim Clydesdale has penned a more-than-hopeful volume with the message that the Big Questions can be back on the academic table.


As for the market fallout, the Euro and European equities were generally stronger as the morning progressed, but then plunged as Draghi started talking and the lack of ECB action became evident.


Lower income levels, lack of confidence in investing and greater exposure to eldercare issues may be contributing factors


Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz, also a Democratic candidate for governor, wrote in a series of tweets: «While Baltimore seemed a perfect fit based on @Amazon’s criteria, it’s clear that a lack of public transportation, following Larry Hogan’s decision to kill the Red Line, was a critical nail in the coffin.


Emily Chang asks Joyus Founder & CEO Sukhinder Singh Cassidy to respond to comments by Sequoia’s Mike Moritz attributing the lack of women in VC as…


Atheism is nothing more than a lack of belief in any particular deity (it technically doesn’t even deny the existence of a deity, it just doesn’t actively believe one exists, though I suppose we could get into the whole «weak atheism vs strong atheism» thing if we wanted to).


This accounts for most of the lack of footnotes in the volume.


While everyone else is making plans for Christmas and New Years» — dinner at her place, lunch at his, and drinks and someone else’s — there’s a bunch of people out there who don’t have parties or gatherings to look forward to, and the lack of events for them to attend during the holiday season may create a larger emptiness than usual.


«Low consumer knowledge of organic foods and lack of production are major challenges the Latin American food industry faces,» he said.


«There’s a certain lack of authenticity that comes along with the hiring of a large PR firm, that you kind of need help in shaping your message or spinning what you have to say,» Argenti says.


The quinoa «edge» for lack of a better word, is minimized.


The long-term supply and availability of high quality coffee is seriously threatened and there is a lack of research to identify appropriate and innovative ways of increasing cup quality and volumes of quality coffee.


I probably confused you with the lack of F recipe on Monday though.


She says she saw plenty of money in the ecosystem but a lack of understanding about the customers that Israeli companies were hoping to target, including in the U.S. «I always asked myself why founders weren’t spending more time here,» says Galili.


Given that lack of jurisprudence, the bill seeks to redefine «market» as «any market» and to remove the term «substantial» to define the market to be any market in Australia — which might otherwise prevent the application of section 50.


This is such a great recipe, I love all of the clever nutritional components of it: the carrot pulp chock full of vitamin A, the chia or flax seeds loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, the raisins for some potassium, the use of nutritious spelt flour, the lack of butter and minimal use of processed sugar, and the use of carob chips to add a little excitement to the muffins!


He blamed a lack of «truthful and balanced information» in his missteps in judging the case of Bishop Juan Barros, a protege of Chile’s most notorious predator priest, the Reverend Fernando Karadima.


What you can learn on this website is that animal foods come in packages which are disease promoting for a number of factors in addition to their protein: the fat, the lack of fiber, the dearth of antioxidants, the large number of contaminants, and hormones to name a few.


So, the outlook for 2018 is expected to look a lot like the narrow trading band seen in 2017, which means a lack of upside garners a big yawn from investors.


I plan on writing a review of the book for a future AM/FX but Danielle’s insider status and extreme lack of filter make for some spicy reading (she worked at the Dallas Fed for 9 years, advising Richard Fisher).


It was a long process because it was my first smoothie but I am really proud of myself:) I chopped the bananas and put them into the frindge for a cuple of hours because of the lack of time.


But her team was flummoxed by the lack of growth — and, worse, surprised.


If there is a lack of seasons in your area, it is easy to get back in touch fresh produce by going to your local farmers market.


«The FCA and PRA are not alleging that he acted with a lack of integrity or that he lacks fitness and propriety to continue to perform his role as Group Chief Executive Officer,» the company said Friday, adding its board «continues to have unanimous confidence in Mr. Staley.»


If an investor sells the shares at a time when no active market for them exists, such lack of an active market will most likely adversely affect the price received for the shares.


Given the lack of domestic cell manufacturing, the Section 201 remedies proposed by Suniva and SolarWorld would have created a bottleneck in terms of cell supply, and put these smaller U.S. module makers in a compromised position.


With moves like these, Evercore analyst Ken Sena says the outlook is positive, despite the lack of ad bucks generated from the brand’s big bang.


Ya, I don’t see anyone on the Braves who could fill that position, except maybe Freeman, but his lack of walks will come back to hurt if things don’t change.


My lack of planning is hence how this dish first came about.


Another downside: You can’t easily add employees because of limited space and lack of dedicated desks.


Much of my athletic wear specializes in breathability, and as a runner, I tend to prioritize qualities such as flexibility and a lack of weight or bulk.


However it’s clear to me that the German international has enjoyed his time at Arsenal, despite a lack of major honours and that his only vision right now is to continue with Arsenal, in an attempt to return the glory days to the Gunners.


I was a bit leery about the lack of spice, so I also added 1 tsp each cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and a small amount of clove.


There’s been a lot of recent press coverage about how millennials are turning out to be a marketing disappointment because of their lack of disposable income and job prospects (Bloomberg BusinessWeek called them «penny pinching» just last month).


We may be limited by our financial situations or by a lack of diversity in the fair trade market, but, if we start with a step, it’s quite possible we’ll gain the momentum and the perspective to keep on walking.


Travel, new cuisine, fantastic culture and a serious lack of Fast Food.


Random good picture Not show

1. Lack of work brings a thousand diseases. 

2. Idle folks lack no excuses.

3. People do not lack strength, they lack will. Victor Hugo 

4. Lack of knowledge is darker than night. 

5. To have a stomach and lack meat; to have meat and lack a stomach; to lie in bed and cannot rest; are great miseries. 

6. Lack of money necessitated a change of plan.

7. He felt faint for lack of food.

8. The project was scuppered by lack of money.

9. At last they ceased working for lack of capital.

10. Our main problem is lack of cash.

11. There is no lack of vegetable.

12. Lack of qualifications is an obvious disadvantage.

13. The leaves languished from lack of water.

14. The flowers are wilting for lack of water.

15. We are growing impatient with the lack of results.

16. Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.

17. She does not lack for friends.

18. Lack of sleep blunted her thinking.

19. Our greatest problem is the lack of funds.

20. Her eyes ached from lack of sleep.

21. The plant died for lack of water.

22. We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.

23. Hugh blames his mother for his lack of confidence.

24. The trip was cancelled through lack of interest.

25. The lack of rain has shrivelled the crops.

26. Lack of water will stunt the plant’s growth.

27. Two out of five people lack a proper job.

28. People lack the willpower,( rather than strength.

29. Lack of the right food may stunt growth.

30. There was no lack of volunteers.

More similar words: black, black out, for lack of, in the black, lackluster, blackcurrant, place, solace, palace, fallacy, lacuna, placate, glacier, in place, replace, laconic, shoelace, displace, take place, out of place, salacious, placating, placement, in place of, workplace, implacable, stalactite, ACK, marketplace, replacement. 

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