Sentence with word kindness

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


A forced kindness deserves no thanks.

Оно означает, что вынужденная доброта не стоит благодарности.

But I discovered it was more than kindness.

Но мы знаем, что в нем была больше чем доброта.

Our company encourages respect, friendliness and kindness to colleagues.

В нашей компании принято проявлять уважение, приветливость и доброжелательность к коллегам.

Truly grateful and will never forget her kindness.

До сих пор она глубоко признательна ему за это и никогда не забудет его доброту.

It had all started with his kindness.

Но, по-моему, началось всё… с его доброты.

We will never forget the kindness you have shown us.

Мы никогда не забудем той доброты, которую вы нам подарили».

Know that people love you for your attitude and kindness, sometimes excessive.

Знайте, что люди любят вас за ваше отношение к ним и доброту, порой чрезмерную.

Their kindness only extends to protecting your feelings in the moment.

Их доброта распространяется только на то, чтобы пощадить ваши чувства в данный момент.

All are our kind mothers, and we must repay their kindness.

Все эти существа являются нашими добрыми матерями, и мы должны отплатить им их доброту.

A kindness that these soldiers will surely never forget.

Доброта — вот что эти солдаты, наверняка, никогда не забудут.

Some people make us believe that kindness and sympathy still exist.

Некоторые люди заставляют нас верить, что доброта и сочувствие все еще существуют.

I don’t deserve this kindness.

Мне кажется, я не достоин такой доброты.

Caring, warmth and kindness towards oneself extended into the world.

Забота, тепло и доброта к самому себе, распространяется на весь мир.

I hope now to return that kindness.

Теперь я надеюсь, что смогу отплатить за эту доброту.

Your excessive kindness is nothing but pride.

Твоя безмерная доброта — не больше, чем проявление тщеславия.

Favi, I could never repay such kindness.

Фави, я никогда не смогу отплатить за такую доброту.

I want you to treat her with kindness and respect.

Я хочу, чтобы ты отнёсся к ней с добротой и уважением.

Was it kindness, I wonder.

Было ли это добротой, хотел бы я знать.

I hate anything to do with love, kindness and feelings.

Я ненавижу все, что делается с любовью, добротой и сильными чувствами.

Where you see kindness, others see weakness.

Там, где ты видешь доброту, другие видят слабость.

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But «kindness» means «universal responsibility.»
Но доброта значит всеобъемлющую ответственность.

Benevolence, loving kindness against hatred.
щедрость и доброта душевная — против ненависти.

I cannot forget his kindness.
Я не могу забыть его доброту.

I really appreciate your kindness.
Я действительно ценю вашу доброту.

His kindness touched my heart.
Его доброта тронула моё сердце.

I sincerely appreciate your kindness.
Я высоко ценю Вашу доброту.

I will never forget thy kindness.
Я никогда не забуду вашу доброту.

I will never forget your kindness.
Я никогда не забуду вашу доброту.

I shall never forget your kindness.
Я никогда не забуду твою доброту.

I can’t forget his kindness.
Я не могу забыть его доброту.

I’ll never forget your kindness.
Я никогда не забуду твою доброту.

They repay my kindness with mortars?
Они ответили мортирами на мою доброту?

Simple acts of kindness and love.
Простые проявления доброты и любви.

He was a font of simian kindness.
Он был неиссякаемым источником обезьяньей доброты.

We got the milk of human kindness.
У нас есть молочко людской доброты.

God will requite you for your kindness, sir.
Бог вознаградит вас за вашу доброту, сэр.

Courage, fearlessness, kindness, and an acne-free complexion.
Мужество, бесстрашие, доброта, и лицо без прыщей.

A simple, well-meant kindness from a kind person.
Простая, без задней мысли доброта доброго человека.

And much beholden to you for your kindness, sire.
И большое тебе спасибо за доброту.

You will even weep, perhaps, with gratitude and kindness.
Вы даже, может быть, заплачите от благодарности и доброты.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
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с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

Random good picture Not show

1. A forced kindness deserves no thanks. 

2. Kindness is the sunshine of social life. 

3. Kindness will creep where it may not go. 

5. Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand. 

6. Beauty lives with kindness.

7. Kindness always begets kindness.

8. I can hardly thank you enough for your kindness.

9. Thank you for all of your kindness.

10. She was known to all for her kindness.

11. Her kindness of heart endeared her to everyone.

12. Your kindness quite overwhelms me.

13. Kindness is one of his characteristics.

14. The person always returns ingratitude for kindness.

15. His character is a combination of wit and kindness.

16. I never thanked him for his kindness.

17. We are not insensible of your kindness.

18. You will be recompensed for your kindness.

19. I can’t thank you enough for your kindness.

20. Such kindness restores your faith in human nature .

21. He did it out of pure kindness.

22. Kindness is one of my grandpa’s characteristics.

23. His kindness and support earned him her eternal gratitude.

24. For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

25. I’ve received kindness from him.

26. A dog reacts to kindness by wagging its tail.

27. Kindness is easily mistaken for love.

28. The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindness, beauty and truth. 

28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

29. We can not tell the precise moment when friendship is founded, As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over ; so in a serics of kindness there is at last one which makes the heart run over. 

30. He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. 

More similar words: sadness, wretchedness, brand new, far and near, tactlessness, wednesday, kind, kind of, kindred, kinesthetic, kindergarten, witness, shyness, finesse, fitness, awareness, business, darkness, wellness, aloofness, toughness, gentleness, on business, wilderness, businessman, willingness, homesickness, gracefulness, agribusiness, effectiveness. 

Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern and consideration for others. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The spa offers treatments inspired by the Buddhist tradition of loving kindness and incorporates locally sourced herbs and plants.


Countless customer reviews can attest to the superior service and peace of mind they bring their customers — with many users lauding the professionalism, kindness and understanding shown to them by their debt management advocate.


She said: «It’s sad that we’ve reached a place in society where basic kindness and understanding requires legislation.»


In particular Vanier brings out the profound sadness of Jesus as, through fear and a closed mentality, people build up their own walls that destroy trust in him or put up their own barriers to shut out love: in his description of the washing of the feet, Vanier looks at Peter who does not understand weakness until he is filled with the Holy Spirit, Judas who can not tolerate love and kindness, and John who eventually abandons himself to Jesus and knows he is loved by him.


Can’t beat their wonderful good nature, their kindness, their intelligence, their faithfulness, their sense of fun, their companionship…


I appreciate all your openness and kindness in sharing all your thoughts as I look forward to going tiny in my future.


How beautiful and just so wonderful an act of kindness like that… funny because my neighbour knocked on the door this afternoon with a bunch of handpicked flowers from the yard, she was leaving for a weeks hols and thought I might like to enjoy them rather than them sitting out there on their own.


Professionalism and extraordinary care have guided us through crises and laughter and heartbreak, always helping us to make informed decisions and treating us and our animals with the utmost respect and kindness


Whether it stems from the acceptance of another’s kindness, appreciation for the majesty of nature, or a recognition of the gifts in one’s own life, gratitude enhances nearly all spheres of human experience.


You will learn how to communicate and treat each other with kindness and respect.


We are so grateful for all the kindness


Corinne has a way of connecting with others through humor and kindness that facilitates positive growth and development.


When your preschooler performs an act of kindness, tell him what he did right, and be as specific as possible: «You were very generous to share your toy car with your baby brother!


So when you think of heart chakra, of course, you already know it’s empathy, it’s kindness, it’s peace, it’s compassion.


Perhaps they will show kindness by giving a friend a hug or sharing their favourite toy.


Science says lasting relationships come down to — you guessed it — kindness and generosity.


The staff kindness and courtesy will… Read more render your stay pleasant and relaxing.


Formulate how to support integration of identity to bring more compassion and kindness into the world


Turkish hospitality shows itself in many ways — from being invited over for coffee, taken out for a meal, helped in various ways, shown immense kindness, and being the recipient of Turkish generosity and compassion.


last time i checked islam was about peace, kindness, and compassion.


Some think to make you more lovable in my eyes by praising almost exclusively the charm and the kindness of your human face as men saw it long ago on earth.


The Chief, Art Rooney, was 87 when he died, and he left behind a legacy of kindness, loyalty and, above all, family.


As family members pets should be treated with kindness.


At the end of the day you only have control over self and your actions, never the actions of other and you only have the power to see change in your life with the aid of God’s Spirit which will cause you to produce good fruits like love, mercy, goodness kindness….


Our gifts of diapers and kindness would not be possible without financial support from individuals, foundations and organizations.


Still, I firmly believe that everyone should be treated with kindness and shown some facet of Jesus» love (even when we feel they don’t necessarily deserve it).


What random act of kindness are you sharing with your child this week?


I am Brazilian psychologist I think about it, here in Brazil, we refer to «values» or «moral values» when we have the same values, or when we give importance to things or feelings that we like, such as: like and want to have a large family, and we like to spend our children the importance of friendship, respect, honesty, kindness… I think that these similarities can be of values which approximates couples, and this can create a very strong bond.


The words «big, strong heart» likely bring to mind examples of suffering through emotional breakups, offering kindness to strangers, and giving out the perfect cards on Valentine’s Day.


And while Snyder is dealing with a few less avengers, his film makes Nolan look downright drunk on human kindness.


We were thankful to return to our home and thankful for all your kindness during a time of uncertainty.


I do not think Brads post has anything to do with the helpfulness and kindness of the staff at Librarything.


Full of kindness and humility, with impeccable manners at all times.


Exercise your kindness muscles this year.


We’re never sure whether she’s conning these two folks or genuinely thinks/hopes she is their offspring, given her own contentious upbringing; she may be a pathological liar, a person who thinks she’s helping them get over their decades-long loss or just another lost soul in search of kindness.


These situations can bring out the worse in us but graciously also elements of decency and kindness.


Invoking kindness and empathy as you navigate rough waters will help you in multiple ways.


Understand what makes your child do and say the things they do, so when they do that irritating THING, you respond with kindness and not react out of frustration or anger.


She launched the Born This Way Foundation in 2011, a non-for-profit organization to empower youths embracing difference, and to inspire kindness and bravery, to be what you are, to live what you are.


However, home feels most «homey» with them in our home with our things, routines and kindnesses.


As your teen settles into a new school year, it’s important to remember that kindness is important.


Couples were encouraged through a series of lectures and exercises to approach their relationships with more compassion and empathy by doing things like listening as a friend, practicing random acts of kindness and affection, and using the language of acceptance.


You’ve led six-figure marketing campaigns and built homes for needy families out of the kindness of your heart.


At the end, collaboration starts with people’s kindness to help.


It says here: «The baby’s father spoke out about it and personally thank the nurse for her kindness


Some practitioners make an effort to make each day count by showing kindness to their fellow man.


Cats are very sensitive and observant to their surroundings, and when the grooming staff learn the appropriate introduction of cats to their salons, the cats will appreciate the kindness and, in most instances, will be willing, unstressed participants.


It begins as a small bud of romance, growing to passion, a mutual kindness, often resilient, and sometimes dwindling when life gets in the way.


They might enjoy cleverness, but they enjoy kindness more.


… and the little voice in the back pew that said «How about if we try doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly…» got thrown overboard as soon as the ship started taking on water…


доброта, доброжелательность, любезность, мягкосердечие, ласка, благоволение


- доброта; сердечность; любезность; благожелательность

kindness of heart — душевная доброта, сердечность
to do smth. out of kindness — сделать что-л. по доброте сердечной /душевной/

- любезность, одолжение; услуга

personal [great] kindness — личное [большое] одолжение
to show /to do/ smb. a kindness — оказывать кому-л. любезность /услугу/; сделать кому-л. одолжение
do me the kindness to shut up — будьте добры, помолчите
I received many kindnesses from him — он не раз оказывал мне любезность /услуги/; он сделал мне немало добра

- редк. любовь, привязанность; нежное чувство

to have a kindness for smb. — питать нежные чувства к кому-л.

Мои примеры


commit a random act of kindness — случайно сделать добро  
the old familiarity and kindness between the two states — старая дружба и понимание между двумя государствами  
to display, show kindness — проявлять доброту  
out of kindness — по доброте  
to do a personal kindness — сделать личное одолжение  
to repay / return a kindness — ответить на добро добром  
the milk of human kindness — сострадание, мягкосердечие, доброта  
only a show of kindness / regret — только видимость доброго отношения, сожаления  
an abuse of privilege [someone’s kindness] — злоупотребление привилегиями [чьей-то добротой]  
have a kindness — любить  
have the kindness — … будьте любезны…; благоволить  

Примеры с переводом

He was kindness itself.

Он был сама доброта.

She did it out of kindness.

Она сделала это из добрых побуждений.

Kindness is resident in his nature.

Доброта присуща его характеру.

How can I ever repay your kindness?

Как же я смогу отплатить вам за доброту?

She treats us with kindness and forgiveness.

Она относится к нам с добротой и всепрощением.

We were grateful for her many acts of kindness.

Мы были очень благодарны ей за множество добрых дел.

Kindness radiated from her.

От неё исходила доброта.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We thanked her for her many kindnesses.

You can’t help being struck by her kindness.

She is admired for her kindness and her honesty.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

kind  — вид, род, тип, разновидность, сорт, класс, добрый, любезный, хороший, сердечный
kindly  — любезно, доброжелательно, доброжелательный, добрый, приятный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): kindness
мн. ч.(plural): kindnesses

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