Sentence with word joy

Antonym: grief, sorrow. Similar words: boy, job, toy, do., go by, gob, poly, pop.. Meaning: [dʒɔɪ]  n. 1. the emotion of great happiness 2. something or someone that provides pleasure; a source of happiness. v. 1. feel happiness or joy 2. make glad or happy. 

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1. Joy put heart into a man. 

2. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy

3. A cheerful wife is the joy of life. 

4. The joy of the heart makes the face merry. 

5. Joy puts heart into a man. 

6. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever. 

7. Joy often comes after sorrow, like morning after night. 

8. There is no joy without alloy. 

9. No joy without alloy [annoy].

10. Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbours. 

11. The foundation of true joy is in the conscience. 

12. Joy shared with others are more enjoyed. 

13. No joy without annoy.

14. I leaped into the air with joy.

15. Love, joy, hate, fear and jealousy are all emotions.

15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

16. He welcomed me with joy.

17. Wishing you many years of joy and happiness.

18. The news filled him with inexpressible delight/joy/horror/pain.

19. She swooned into his arms for joy.

20. He is a great joy to listen to.

21. May joy and health be with you always.

22. They all shouted for joy when they heard it.

23. Love, hate, joy, fear and grief are emotions.

24. Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintances, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace of happiness. 

25. When something sensational happens to us, sharing the happiness of the occasion with friends intensifies our joy. Conversely, in times of trouble and tension, when our spirits are low, unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress. 

26. The past is for wisdom, the present for action, but for joy the future. 

27. Pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy

28. Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money ; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. 

29. Money is a singular thing, It ranks with love as man’s greatest source of joy. And with death as his greatest source of anxiety. 

30. As fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it, so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it. 

More similar words: boy, job, toy, do., go by, gob, poly, pop., any, bay, body, bow, buy, by, cop, cow, day, do, dot, fog, for, gay, go, guy, hay, hey, holy, how, jar, jaw. 

There would have been moments of awe and wonder at Jesus’s description of the coming Kingdom, joy and comfort in His renderings of the Beatitudes or the Good Shepherd and His flock.


Have you ever experienced the joy of meeting someone who is your dream date?


It’s a game capable of delivering real moments of magic, but is too often marred by inconsistent Kinect controls that can turn those feelings of joy into frustration.


I actually went back to school as a grad student so I get to relive the joys of winter breaks.


This form of restrained joy is also the current preferred method of Jose Mourinho, as if desperately trying to remind himself that the Manchester United brand needs a less combustible approach.


Goats and yoga classes are where joy and zen meet.


You should try it, it’s fantastic,» enthused Anita’s skydiver colleague, as she waxed lyrical about the joys of jumping out of an aeroplane with nothing…


Great God, the only bridge, the bridge of power, life and joy, the bridge that was a span, a cry, an ecstasy — that was America…»


Despite some challenges and drawbacks, having twins or multiples is a great joy.


This is only the fifth time I’ve been through all the joys of pregnancy (read about my previous pregnancies here), so I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers, but thought I’d share what I’ve learned along the way!


It makes me think of a terrorist at an event in a huge arena with a grenade who with one pull of a pin can totally destroy the joy of a beautifully prepared day and the lives of countless people who spent money and travelled to get there.


This cheerful octopus decor pillow in turquoise brings joy to any space.


So make sure that you feel the excitement and joy that would come with your vision coming true.


Sometimes, they try to overcome my progress, but changing to a keto lifestyle has aided in my FREEDOM from things that debilitated me and robbed my joy.


Instead of fighting for joy or meaning, she dwelled in darkness.


Your baby gets to experience the joy of exploring new flavors and textures while you get to watch his thrilled reactions to nutritious new foods you can make at home.Starting out, you’ll get to introduce them to small bites off a spoon, -LSB-…]


One of the great joys of running a magazine is getting to hear readers react to our stories.


But as an ambivert I crave connection and the joy of creating in tandem with an equal force.


Replica watches also make great gifts for others, so there’s no limit to the joy you can spread with them.


We know our rainbow baby will bring joy into our life and I hope we can provide the perfect place for him/her to grow up.


These videos of happy babies finding joy in their everyday lives will turn your day around.


But on the Evergreen Park side, there was no joy.


Every Instagram photo of a DD creation or message about DD success, even if it’s just that the book made you laugh, brings me an embarrassing amount of joy.


It truly is an amazing sight to see when New York restaurants open up, tables move outside and the joys that accompany dining are visible to the outside world.


Then, I was beginning to get a handle on this joy (and sometimes task).


To the joy of my English teacher heart, going paperless allowed me to add extra rounds of drafting, peer review, and revision for students — essential parts of good writing process that can be difficult to include due to time constraints.


… And suffering voluntarily undergone will bring them an inner strength and joy.


I have seen even tiny children jump for joy at the thought of a ride to the supermarket.


Overall the car is a pure joy to wake up to every morning, I have an 03 Rnage rover as well as I havent driven it since I bought this car.


Christy, it’s our pleasure and always a joy to see to you at the party with your amazing projects!


Your little bundle of joy is more important than every penny in the world.


If simplifying your life (or your closet) is one of your goals for 2015, I encourage you to check out Gretchen’s and Adrien’s posts (linked above), and consider how you might apply the same or similar principles to help you figure out what sparks joy in your heart.


I aspire to be patient and understanding, and work to find joy and harmony with my little girl.


It wasn’t a burden, it was a joy to me.


There are six modes to choose from, too, called freshness, warmth, vitality, joy, comfort and training.


Hope not NY gunner he looks quality I’m happy with GP and if wenger signs anothe quality player I’m jumping for joy


We believe there is beauty and joy in simplicity.


The cast from the original franchise spoke of their affection for the films and their joy at coming back for the new films.


nourishing your self love increasing your sensual energy strengthening your access to joy and happiness


I hope to find many more things throughout life that bring me joy!


We help all people to meet true love and friendship, to find the best person for spring-autumn relations and bring in their lonely souls joy and happiness.


13 Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root.


During those early days, it is sometimes difficult to focus on the joy that lies before you as you rock and roll from vomiting to exhaustion.


The divine Shepherd greets us not with a stern reprimand but with joy; God delights in discovering us, his lost and wandering lamb.


When their overflowing joy welled up in generosity, they gave beyond their ability.


Having children brings great joy, but also anxiety, doubt, horrifying diapers and third mortgages to pay for tuition (for them) and vodkas (for us).


But it’s also a movie about faith that includes doubt, hope, pain, and joy, and refuses to sacrifice authenticity in the name of message.


If you reached a goal but didn’t enjoy it, you want to understand how to increase the joy the next time.


Buen Vivir», a life philosophy that implies to live in harmony with Nature and with the Other, eating well, loving well, working with joy, dancing, meditating and dreaming — because everything begins with a dream.


1 Thessalonians 1:6 And ye became followers of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost.



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Let’s start with the word ‘joy’.

When I was around her, I felt ‘joy’.

Когда я был вокруг нее, Я чувствовал «радость».

She experienced ‘open heart joy’.

Тренинг «Радость открытого сердца«.

I was losing the ‘joy’ of life.

Who is still using words like ‘joy’ today?

And that word translates to ‘joy’.

In this lies the true source of his freedom and, therefore, joy’, she stressed.

В этом истинный источник его свободы и, соответственно, радости», — подчеркнула докладчица.

He met every person with words of love: ‘My joy’, he called them.

Каждого человека он встречал словами любви, каждого называл «Радость моя.

How often do you experience ‘joy’?

Как часто вы бываете у «Счастья»?

He also noted that the icon cannot ‘cry out of joy’.

При этом он отметил, что икона не может «плакать от радости».

There will be ‘joy’ instead!

Guess she couldn’t find ‘joy’ in that either.

Судя по всему, и там «щастье» не нашел.

The only intact structure in this valley referred as ‘Memorial of joy’ is awe-inspiring.

Единственной неповрежденной структуры в этой долине называют ‘Мемориал радости’ внушающей благоговейный трепет.

When I think about my new CD, the word ‘joy’ comes to mind.

Когда я думаю о своём новом диске, у меня в голове вертится слово «радость».

The ‘face with tears of joy’ emerged as the most used emoji globally in 2015.

«Лицо со слезами радости» оказалось самым популярным эмодзи в 2015 году.

Even the name Gozo is derived from the word ‘joy’.

Даже название события Радоница произошло от слова «радость».

A wise man once said ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ and they were right.

Мудрец сказал однажды: «Человек сам кузнец своего счастья», и он оказался прав.

His last words were, ‘Welcome joy’ (Allen).

Его последние слова были «здравствуй, радость» («welcome joy!»).

Tesla Model 3 tops list of vehicles that ‘bring the most joy’

Tesla Model 3 возглавляет список машин, которые «доставляют наибольшее удовольствие»

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат joy’

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joy — перевод на русский


What joy in having killed our children

.. Какая радость — эти наши убитые деточки! ..

And laugh, like youth and beauty do when life still promises joy and happiness.

» смейс€, пока есть молодость и красота, пока обещает жизнь радость и счастье.

Before them lay the uncertain years That promised joy and maybe tears.

Пред ними лежат года несчетные, что обещают радость, а может и слезы.

O, God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers… mercifully accept our prayers… and grant to thy servants the help of thy power… that our sickness may be turned into health… and our sorrow into joy.

Милостивый Боже, опора слабых и приют страдальцев прими наши молитвы дай силу рабам твоим исцели болезни, здравие нам даруй и обрати горе наше в радость.

— I think it’s a joy, a gift from heaven…

— Я принимаю за радость, за вознаграждение с небес…

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Joy’s expecting again.

Джой снова ждет ребенка.

I left the kids at Joy’s, so I’d better go pick them up.

Я оставила детей у Джой, поэтому я лучше съезжу, заберу их.

Wants me to patch things up with Joy.

Хочет, чтобы я уладил отношения с Джой.

Do you know what, Joy? I’ve been thinking.

Знаешь что, Джой, я думаю,

It’s just a detour, Joy.

Но мне просто придется сделать обходной маневр, Джой.

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There is great joy in heaven

Словно огромное счастье случилось в небе.

The crane that lives a thousand years A symbol of myriad joys

Журавль, живущий тысячу лет, символизирует бесконечное счастье.

You picked out the spots where I was to feel such joy.

Выходит, что это ты, дорогая, заранее выбрала место, где мне довелось испытать такое счастье.

She’s known such joy.

Она познала такое счастье.

How could I express, dear friends, my joy at seeing you all assembled around me?

Друзья мои! Какими словами мне описать счастье, которое меня переполняет, когда я вижу здесь всех вас?

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They smiled graciously. A moment later I turned up 9, of course. I had the voluptuous joy of sharing my ‘theft’… with my wife and my mistress.

Они улыбнулись любезно, мгновение спустя я выбросил 9, конечно и имел удовольствие поделиться своим наворованным с моей женой и моей любовницей.

It is an honor and a joy…

Это честь и удовольствие….

It would be an honor and a joy…

Для меня это честь и удовольствие….

Frozen joy.

Холодное удовольствие.

— That’s my joy.

Для меня это удовольствие.

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— But today is all fun and joy!

-Но сегодня все прекрасно и радостно!

Yesterday you said it was a joy.

Правда? А вчера ты говорил, что радостно.

It is a joy and yet it hurts.

И радостно и больно.

«With the FELIX alarm clock, you’ll welcome every day with joy!»

«С будильником ФЕЛИКС ты радостно приветствуешь новый день!»

Walking with Friday around my kingdom was so funny that we spent days and nights so happy and delighted that we couldn’t believe that such joy could exist.

Ходить с Пятницей по моему королевству было так радостно, что мы проводили за этим дни и ночи. Я был так счастлив и рад, и не мог поверить, что это все на самом деле.

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There will be joy again in this house.

-Да здравствует веселье!

There you will find your friends the Cat and the Fox, joy and happiness.

Там ждут тебя друзья — Кот и Лиса, веселье и счастье.

Tell me, what do Jewish people do to express joy?

Скажи мне, что евреи делают, чтобы испытать веселье?

— Do you feel joy?

Ты чувствуешь веселье?

Word of your death will trigger joy among your people.

Когда умрёте, в стране пойдёт бурное веселье.

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If only we grown-ups… could preserve their capacity for simple joys and simple beliefs.

Если бы только взрослые могли сохранить свою способность радоваться простым вещам и иметь простые верования.

The world is a lovely place, if there is joy.

Хорошо человеку на свете, если он умеет радоваться.

It is necessary, and not in the least shameful to take pleasure in the joys of the little world.

Нужно, и в этом нет никакого стыда,… радоваться маленькому миру,

Joy will be mienne.

Я буду радоваться.

A possibility for joy is gone.

Возможность радоваться утрачена…

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Go and make my joy complete.

Иди-иди… Я счастлив за тебя.

What gives me joy to say that.

Как я счастлив, что ты это говоришь!

It is a great joy to see Your Majesty is not hurt.

Счастлив видеть, что вы уже здоровы.

The little boy smiled with joy in his eyes

Мальчик был счастлив, скажу вам без тени сомнения

I want to tell your Majesty the joy and the pride that I have to have served

Я хочу сказать Вашему Величеству, Что я был счастлив и горд Служить Вам

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— What joy verte.

Рад тебя видеть.

Thanks, you give me great joy.

Спасибо. Я так рад.

What joy to see a man!

Как я рад снова увидеть мужчину!

It is a joy and a privilege… to introduce tonight’s keynote speaker.

Я рад представить вам основного докладчика.

Dear friends, what a joy it is to welcome you to our church on this wonderful day for Angus and Laura.

Друзья мои! Я рад приветствовать в этом храме всех, кто пришел поздравить Энгуса и Лору.

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— Hi, Joy.

— Привет, Джои.

I want to challenge you, Joy.

Я брошу тебе вызов, Джои.

Joy, it’s so cold.

Джои, холодно.

Joy, what the hell did you put in there?

Джои, что ты туда вставил?

Joy and Avinash worked together even when Gandi Simpson dissolved himself.

Джои и Авинаш работали вместе, даже, когда Ганди Симпсон решил исчезнуть.

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Sentences with the word Joy?



  • «his mission accomplished he took a vacation»; «the completed project»; «the joy of a realized ambition overcame him»
  • «She was beaming with joy«; «Her face radiated with happiness»
  • «The children bubbled over with joy«; «My boss was bubbling over with anger»
  • «politics is his consuming passion»; «overwhelming joy«
  • «She crowed with joy«
  • «Dancing flames»; «The children danced with joy«
  • «a joy to behold»; «the pleasure of his company»; «the new car is a delight»
  • «The students delivered a cry of joy«
  • «her mood changed and she was all lightness and joy«
  • «there was a palpable sense of joy in the air»
  • «rhapsodies of joy«
  • «the sensuous joy from all things fair»

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