Sentence with word inventor

1. The government patented the device to its inventor.

2. The Rubik cube derives its name from its inventor.

3. The inventor had an original mind.

4. The machine takes its name from its inventor.

5. The inventor is trying to market his new product.

6. The machine is named after its inventor.

7. Edison won his spurs as an inventor while rather young.

8. He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.

9. The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.

10. French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.

11. Franklin was a scientist, an inventor, and a statesman.

12. But the great inventor was not at a loss.

13. Marconi was the inventor of radio.

14. Inventor Mike Godwin has created Cozydry — the ultimate luxury in bathroom aids.

15. Its inventor looks like he’s on a flying visit to the twentieth century.

16. It is the duty of the inventor to build a new gestalt for the old one in the framework of society.

17. Richardson was the inventor of the cane-spliced cricket bat and a catapult for bowling which was successfully used for many years.

18. The inventor may not be the best man to develop and manufacture the product.

18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

19. But one inventor thinks he has the answer — a building material made of straw that can withstand very high temperatures.

20. But the inventor refuses to make his equipment available for controlled scientific tests.

21. Lister was the inventor of several mechanical processes which made his fortune, and he duly became Lord Masham.

22. The Wurzel is the most sophisticated and its inventor has studied heron behaviour and come up with a radical audible warn-off.

23. Alexander Bain, the inventor, devised a way of skimming raised metallic letters with a stylus attached to a pendulum.

24. Every great inventor or scientist has had to unlearn conventional wisdom in order to proceed with his work.

25. For start-ups it was the lone inventor in a garage.

26. According to the inventor, the ear generates a reference signal which mixes with incoming sounds to produce a composite signal.

27. The Nobel Medal bears the image of the great Swedish inventor.

28. In my youth my ambition had been to be an inventor.

29. Nobody thought that he had turned out a great inventor.

30. In 1856, his second cousin Coleman Sellers, a brilliant inventor, joined him from Cincinnati.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


An engineer basically is an inventor.

The inventor himself was nearly killed in the incident.

Известно, что сам изобретатель чуть не погиб во время испытаний.

Steampunk rehumanizes technology and rediscovers the inventor in each person.

Стимпанк 2020 реанимирует технологии прошлых лет и заново открывает изобретателя в каждом человеке.

The great inventor indeed had two secret laboratories.

У великого изобретателя на самом деле была своя секретная лаборатория.

He began his career as an inventor at age 30.

А свою карьеру в качестве изобретателя он начал в возрасте 11 лет.

At age 24, he had become a well-known inventor.

Довольно того, что в двадцать четыре года он уже сделался знаменитым изобретателем.

The inventor of the radio is contested.

The inventor had invented — that was enough.

Изобретатель довольно усмехнулся — это было то, что надо.

Unfortunately the patent law did not always protect an inventor.

К сожалению, патент в XIX столетии не всегда мог защитить права изобретателя.

Marx called it «a kind of inventor statistics».

К. Маркс назвал их автора «в некотором роде изобретателем статистики».

Her best friend Victor wants to become a famous inventor.

Ее стремление разделяет лучший друг Виктор, мечтающий в будущем стать великим изобретателем.

Roger L. Easton is generally credited as its inventor.

Роджер Л. Истон был всеобще признан в качестве основного изобретателя GPS.

Pretend you are a scientist, an inventor.

Hashcash inventor Adam Back states that cryptographic fungibility is stronger than policy-based fungibility.

Изобретатель Hashcash Адам Бэк (Adam Back) утверждает, что криптографическая взаимозаменяемость более устойчива, чем основанная на политиках.

1847-1931 Prolific American inventor, with over 1,000 patents.

(1847-1931), американский изобретатель, запатентовавший более 1000 изобретений, в том числе…

As Mark Twain said, the best inventor is accident.

Как сказал Марк Твен, «самый выдающийся изобретатель — это случай».

The upside-down ketchup bottle earned its inventor Paul Brown $13 million.

Перевёрнутая бутылка кетчупа принесла своему изобретателю, Полу Брауну (Paul Brown), 13 миллионов долларов.

Boyan Slat is a 23-year-old Dutch inventor and entrepreneur.

Боян Слат (Boyan Slat) — 23-летний голландский изобретатель и предприниматель.

Tom Edison, America’s greatest inventor never completed grade school.

«У Томаса Эдисона, величайшего изобретателя всех времён, не было высшего образования.

As a young woman she met fellow mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage.

В это же время молодая девушка знакомится с британским профессором математики и изобретателем Чарльзом Бэббиджем.

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These images culminated in a sequence of grainy pictures depicting John Logie Baird, the inventor of television, as recorded at the dawn of the broadcast age

inventor of television, as recorded at the dawn of the broadcast age

Daedalus was a famous architect, inventor, and master craftsman

Quite a few people dwelling in meta-physics believe that, when we are residing in a human form, part of our true selves could be photographed by way of the Kirlian process (named after Seymon Kirlian, the Russian inventor

A temporary monopoly of this kind may be vindicated, upon the same principles upon which a like monopoly of a new machine is granted to its inventor, and that of a new book to its author

You can imagine the inventor of the

Annuities for lives have occasionally been granted in two different ways ; either upon separate lives, or upon lots of lives, which, in French, are called tontines, from the name of their inventor

Inventor in the 1950″s of gonzo journalism

Jimmy reminded himself of his mission: to find Gerrid Lytum, the inventor of TIAR

Colonel Ordonez, the Spanish inventor and artillerist, succeeded Colonel Melgar, commanding the artillery, and had personally ranged the position with fearful accuracy

Carter should be compared to figures like Jonas Salk, inventor of the polio vaccine, or Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross

market and the inventor

and an award-winning inventor of several

Lucy gave thanks to the inventor of umbrella

inventor of the first weapons of mass destruction

I can only imagine how much ridicule the inventor of

His son, only fifteen years old and already an inventor

He was a great poet, a composer, philosopher, inventor, and friend of every fish who ever swam

Deciding not to bother she dragged her fingers between her legs and flicked drops of urine at her genius inventor before turning to her smirking entourage

It took a while before Aspen said quietly: “Maybe the inventor of the Portal should have never been born

The inventor of the electric starting gate for horse racing is credited to Clay Puett, who was a rider and starter at various tracks in the American West

“This helper is also an inventor

The inventor of gunpowder most likely wasn’t thinking

Thomas Alva Edison came up with hundreds of inventions, including 1,093 patents and still was only the fourth most prolific inventor in history

In, “My Dad, American Inventor,” in

introduce you to the inventor of this wonderful machine,

Without bragging, ladies and gentlemen, I am the sole inventor in the Imperium of the time distorter, the key element of any time machine

it’s happened to quite a few of my inventor friends

made and then the inventor and his group go out selling them

The inventor wants to show off his virtuosity and

inventor mostly wants to show off and please, so he goes along with all the mods

not why you went out as an independent inventor

The inventor thrust into the role of having stock on hand now is well behind the 8-ball

But for an inventor or design engineer, the passion is in the inventing or engineering

is seen as a «necessary evil» and something the inventor type is not interested in

professional inventor!» you’ll see possibilities for paid contracts all around you

So, the trend I discovered in those books ran like this; the inventor builds one for his own use

The inventor (you/me) takes the inventing risk (as it should be) and other

Typically the inventor builds the first one for the marketing guy at no cost, all he’s got is

of the pitfalls that an inventor can get led into in the process

Also now at this stage, even though you are basically an inventor, from now on call yourself

The handle «Inventor» probably won’t do it for you from now on

inventor contractor, the fun stuff that we live for will always be solving new problems

make a living out of being a professional inventor, and doing this sort of creative and

money simply bashing some more machines off the same, but I’m an inventor

for an inventor I reckon this IS getting all the ducks in a line! And it all started out of

That sort of selling is fun and fits in with «selling yourself» as an inventor

This is a whole different temperament set from that of an inventor, and

fact, I’ve seen that patent distraction thing crash many inventor startups

As an inventor just starting up, you’ll be out to prove yourself

guess that if you are an inventor and are looking at going commercial, then you’ll have been

When it comes down to it, as a professional inventor what you are doing is making thoughts

So, because you are an inventor you’ll be used to wanting to live on the boundaries of what is

I’ve not attached any sample contacts for you because, as a professional inventor, you will

But in our «sexy» inventor

The “spot” on 7UP comes from its inventor, who had red eyes

end up with the situation you want as an inventor

The inventor pays

Please feel free to share this ebook with your friends, associates, inventor club members

as a fellow inventor I’m trusting you

as a fellow inventor all my very best wishes go with you

Why the life of an inventor is just the best life you can have!

The inventor was working with it and said, “Oh, oh, there’s no power, so what’s the point?

I’d add no gutting of companies to lower the working force and make a quick buck, no monopolies, no monopolistic practices by a controlling group of corporations, responsible bidding, truth in advertising, positive advertising only, elimination of legalese and fine print, provisions for ending a contract, nationalization of key discoveries with ample one-time remuneration for the inventor and his company, equality in wholesale pricing, no tying up a competitor in court to drain his resources, procedures for quick settlement of patent violation suits, etc

The inventor, Stanley Ovshinsky ( Ovshinsky, S

It has been said that America is a continent without history, the stupidity of this comment is self evident when confronted by the archaeological sites of these mighty cities of such grace and beauty, and after listened to some of the colourful myths and legends I became enthralled, in particular after hearing the legend of a Toltec god named Quetzalcoatl (Plumed Serpent) he was described as a black bearded white man, who appeared a thousand years before the European invasion, he was a teacher, inventor, architect and painter, he eventually left Mexico saying he would return, when in March 1519 Hernan Cortez landed in Mexico with a mere 600 men he met no resistance because the Indians thought he was Quetzalcoatl returning, this mistake cost them and the world the loss of a complete civilization

Nancy thought that the inventor of television must be spinning in his grave by now

A man named Geminus was another clever inventor that inhabited Rhodes

more than a century before, and the early 19th century vehicles of François Isaac de Rivaz, the Swiss inventor of the internal combustion engine

Famous statesman, businessman and inventor, Ben Franklin found Christian dogma unintelligible and avoided Christian assemblies from early in life

Why not copyright recipes? Isn’t society beholden to the first person to bake a pumpkin pie, or any pie for that matter? Oh, the world of the intellectual property holder would be pretty bland if the inventor of pie had exclusive rights to development and distribution of pies

You�re the inventor of your own,

was largely considered in the years to come as the inventor of the Gothic

actually the initial inventor of photo bombing but the government will never admit it

The inventor may be great at the discovery of new products but that does not

(Those “facts”, by the way, were roughly as follows: Eldred Van-Ooy, the author of the poems, was an aborigine born in 1891 in the outback near Brisbane and then raised from birth by white, middle-class parents, Mildred and Cinque Van-Ooy, who educated him to the point where he went on to become an instructor in hydraulic engineering at a technical college as well as the inventor of a unique waste pumping system

for no amount of funding would the inventor

The unhappy inventor left in a huff promising to call me once he

and proprietary issues with the wily inventor

was duly contracted by the retired engineer turned inventor, Keith Gild, to write a

A deal was immediately signed with the inventor

the inventor and the not inconsiderable skills at Conlog would sooner or later find

My dad is a physicist and an inventor

In this form, the government encourages invention, research and writing by giving the full control of the «intellectual property» to the inventor or writer

287-212 BC) was a Greek mathematician and inventor, born in Syracuse in Sicily

One inventor said “I don’t remember anything when I am inventing”, imagination comes first to get the pattern set


Nevertheless—any of us who are parents know we’re not too wild about them never leaving home, but let ‘em die if they don’t have to? C’mon, let’s be serious! So—who would? What inventor or artist will deep-six every single invention, every creation that talent and passion creates, just because one or two weren’t “perfect”? Not sane, they won’t

while and usually make a lot of money for the inventor in associated

After that moment, “I-Techine” will be the inventor with a mind beyond our scale of conception

The inventor had never expected such a reply, which blew out the blaze of the glimpse of his hope… He became embarrassed and bowed his head in front of his young son, finding that he had no reply

Ask the inventor of the hula hoop!

conceptual inventor in history witnessed the same looks that Sam stood

The inventor visualizes his idea in exactly the same manner

As the interests of the individual are protected by the arms of the country, added to his own; and his needs may depend upon certain supply in the degree that they are felt more universally and steadily; in the same manner does conscious citizenship in the Republic of nature secure us from the annoyances of subordinate agents by alliance with superior powers; and by appeal to the fundamental laws of resistance or inducement offered to mechanical or chemical agents, distribute the labor to be performed between them and man to the best advantage of the inventor

«Paddy, the inventor of the wrench was Charles Moncke and he was a London blacksmith

The inventor has to work out his idea mentally before he produces it materially

Each inventor gave a short talk on something he thought would

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb was afraid of the dark

An inventor is a person who creates or discovers a new method, form, device or other useful means that becomes known as an invention. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The group was led by a well-respected electrical engineer, inventor and physicist at the time: John G. Trump, the uncle of Donald J. Trump.


Later the American sculptor Calder (inventor of the mobiles) became another close friend for many years.


Tesla’s name was used by Tesla Motors not because of any human connection but presumably because the original inventor‘s spirit seemed a good fit for the brand that Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk saw for his company.


In my mind, and I believe this is true for essentially all scientists and inventors, there is a world of difference between at an NPE and a «troll».


If you’re not convinced that retaining customers is so valuable, consider research done by Frederick Reichheld of Bain & Company (the inventor of the net promoter score) that shows increasing customer retention rates by 5 % increases profits by 25 % to 95 %.»


In this slideshow we’ve included pictures from China’s DIY inventors: industrious men and women inventing in their backyard.


Our team of 160 qualified experts partner with Fortune 500 companies, suppliers, and independent inventors to successfully research, design, engineer, and manufacture high-impact products and services.


That the inventor of the World Wide Web could fill an auditorium at Cannes was not a surprise; that he should do so for a talk about artificial intelligence was — given that, by his own admission, he’s not an expert on the subject.


I have been asked to tell you who we are and why we created Industrial Heat, as a funding source for LENR inventors.


My magic wand would give every small business owner and every inventor the knowledge to recognize the need to protect their intellectual property and to learn more about their options.


Marius Stephanus Barnard (November 3, 1927 — November 14, 2014) was a South African cardiac surgeon and inventor of critical illness insurance.


You’re like a robot judging his inventor… the tail wagging the dog kind of thing.


Along the way, he adopts a dog of his own (and dubs him, «Shithead»), and starts various gigs, including a gas station attendant, carnival worker, and ultimately, an unwitting inventor of the Opti-Grab, an eyeglasses add-on that keeps ones frames from slipping off the face.


Natalie (Cameron Diaz, Being John Malkovich, Any Given Sunday), Dylan (Drew Barrymore, Never Been Kissed, Ever After), and Alex (Lucy Liu, Shanghai Noon, Play It To The Bone) must rescue the inventor of this software (Sam Rockwell, The Green Mile, Galaxy Quest) from rich businessman Roger Corwin (Tim Curry, Sorted, The Rugrats Movie).


««We do not find evidence that the system works to the benefit of small inventors or firms…» Main Happy Thanksgiving!»


Our goal is to help under-resourced inventors make their ideas come true and go to market.


Shuri is an innovator, an inventor, a scientist.


Wang has co-authored more than 130 peer-reviewed publications, has given more than 60 invited presentations over the past five years, is an inventor or co-inventor on more than 100 issued patents and has edited six books and topic journal issues on novel materials and reaction engineering for fossil and biomass conversions.


A modern inventor proposing a similar approach, however, would more likely elicit laughter than praise.


McRo’s founder, Maury Rosenfeld, the named inventor on the patents, is a highly accomplished, award winning computer graphics/visual effects designer and animator recognized for his advancement and contributions to the industry.


Up to now, data processors and inventors have worked closely together under the auspices of the SERC.


As an artist and inventor I’m working hard to get my business together.


Riding the bike is claimed to be «like having a perpetual motion machine,» and the inventor says he’s put thousands of miles on the bike since its construction.


Even if in the end an untested compound is useful (as is generally the case where there is an infringer), it is still important for an inventor to disclose not just how to make it but the reasoning/facts underlying the sound expectation that it works as promised.


The game starts off by introducing you to an inventor that has created some sort of VR-style visor that can merge real-life objects together.


Identify and describe the significant achievements of important scientists and inventors.


That mission, assigned to her by the government, is to track down Durand Durand (yes, the 1980s hit-making English band Duran Duran took their name from this film), a young inventor of the Positronic Ray, a powerful weapon that stands as a threat to the otherwise pacified planet.


The architect Richard Rogers, the inventor James Dyson, the designer Jonathan Ive or artists like Bridget Riley, to name but a few.


In the beginning of the 20th century, another brilliant American inventor, whose dog biscuits were not selling well, decided to make the biscuits in the shape of bones, and that’s where we get the familiar treat we give our canine companions today.


IN HIS RECENT EXHIBITION at Shanghai’s new Rockbund Art Museum, Cai Guo-Qiang included, in addition to a few works of his own, the folk contraptions and bittersweet narratives of nine Chinese countryside inventors, or, as he calls them, «Peasant da Vincis.»


I saw «The Last Heart Attack» and I was wondering what you thought about what Dr. Arthur Agatston said in the show, as he’s the inventor of the South Beach Diet, I’m wondering how credible his idea that the size of cholesterol particles and your cholesterol number doesn’t matter.


Cryptographer Adam Back, the inventor of proof-of-work system hashcash and the co-founder of Blockstream, explained the interdependent relationship between Bitcoin and the Bitcoin blockchain saying, «Bitcoin is the tokenized representation of security in the blockchain, and the blockchain is a distributed data structure that provides security.»


In general, current US intellectual property law starts with the assumption that the inventor owns the right to an invention.


«Give a new drug’s inventor the exclusive right to sell the drug for 15 years after the day the drug is approved by regulators in each nation.»


Such memorable personalities are joined by fresh creations Luceus (who, amusingly, comes up with long winded strategies) and Aurora (who tells him to shut up), Isla the skilled inventor, and the highly jubilant King Doric, all of which feel at home in the Dragon Quest multiverse.


The self-described «inventors, entrepreneurs, engineers, investors, researchers, and business leaders working in the technology sector» write in the letter published on Huffington Post, «We believe in an inclusive country that fosters opportunity, creativity and a level playing field.


The details: David O. Russell’s new movie was originally announced as a biopic of Joy Mangano, an inventor and entrepreneur, but Russell’s more recent descriptions of the character make her sound like more of an amalgam «inspired by» the real woman, in keeping with the loose «some of this actually happened» style of American Hustle.


According to reports, loom band inventor Cheong Choon Ng has made # 80 MILLIONin three yearsApproximately 700,000 ice bucket challenge videos have appeared…


This common-sense reform will strengthen the U.S. patent system by allowing independent inventors to seek their rewards through our judicial system while curbing the patent abuse from patent profiteers.


In his early career he was also an influential inventor, creating the first confocal scanning microscope, a version of which is now standard in labs worldwide.


The latest twists in an effort to gut software patents by Goodlatte seems destine to further crush the core novel inventors in America.


Play as the enigmatic inventor Nikola Tesla harnessing the static energy to power up Tesla-Mech and…


I later learned that Bladimir Mercedes himself was the inventor of this system, no wonder it works so well… Thanks Bladimir, you changed my life!!


In May of this year, the 44-year-old Australian begrudgingly confirmed he was indeed the inventor of bitcoin.


Edison was the only inventor who realized this, so he was the one who made history.


If an inventor can’t get capital from a bank in the form of a loan, from their own pockets, or from their family to found a new company, he or she seeks support from a venture capitalist.


CLARISONIC ® Mia, developed by the lead inventor of the Sonicare ® toothbrush, is professional-caliber sonic skincare for cleansing wherever your lifestyle takes you.


Ishida Europe is the European subsidiary of Ishida Co Ltd of Japan, the inventor and world market leader of the multihead weigher that revolutionised the accurate weighing and packing of a huge variety of products.


Dr Simard reported having been named as inventor on BRCA1/2 gene patents but not receiving royalties.


A school employee sought out a music-store owner named Robin Amend, who is also a musical-instrument inventor and repairman.


изобретатель, выдумщик, фантазер


- изобретатель
- выдумщик

Мои примеры


inventor’s certificate — авторское свидетельство  
actual inventor — действительный изобретатель  
true inventor — действительный изобретатель  
employee inventor — автор служебного изобретения  
fellow inventor — соавтор изобретения  
inventor’s bonus — вознаграждение за изобретение  
captive inventor — изобретатель, работающий по найму  
citizenship of inventor — гражданство изобретателя  
inventor’s declaration — подписка об авторстве патента  
issuance of inventor’s certificate — выдача авторского свидетельства  

Примеры с переводом

She invented a clever excuse.

Она выдумала хитрую отговорку.

The inventor of the machine spent years refining the design.

Изобретатель этой машины потратил несколько лет на доработку конструкции.

Thomas Edison invented the phonograph.

Томас Эдисон изобрёл фонограф.

One of the famous inventor’s descendants is also an inventor.

Один из потомков знаменитого изобретателя тоже изобретатель.

He was not a creator, nor an inventor, nor even a reproducer of a system.

Он не был ни создателем, ни изобретателем, ни даже воспроизводителем системы.

The product was patented by its inventor.

Продукт был запатентован своим изобретателем.

The inventor envisioned many uses for his creation.

Изобретатель предусмотрел множество вариантов применения своего творения.

We found out that he had invented the stories he told us about his military service.

Мы выяснили, что истории, которые он рассказывал нам о своей службе в армии, он просто выдумал.

She is credited with inventing a procedure that has helped to save thousands of lives.

Ей принадлежит заслуга изобретения операции, которая помогла спасти тысячи жизней.

Возможные однокоренные слова

inventory  — опись, инвентаризация, инвентарный, составлять опись

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): inventor
мн. ч.(plural): inventors

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