Sentence with word intent

намерение, цель, пристальный, внимательный


- намерение, цель

with good intent — с добрым намерением
with evil intent — со злым умыслом
with intent to defraud — с целью обмана
with intent — преднамеренно, умышленно

- предназначение

the intent of the device — назначение устройства

- уст. значение, смысл

the intent of the proposal — смысл предложения
to all intents and purposes — а) как бы то ни было; в любом случае; б) фактически, по существу; на самом деле; в действительности


- сосредоточенный, напряжённо-внимательный; пристальный

intent look — а) пристальный взгляд; б) сосредоточенный вид
intent thought — напряжённая мысль

- погружённый (во что-л.); поглощённый, занятый (чем-л.)

to be intent on smth. — сосредоточить своё внимание на чём-л.
to be intent on reading — быть поглощённым чтением
to keep one’s mind intent on smth. — постоянно быть занятым мыслью о чём-л.

- полный решимости; настойчиво стремящийся (к чему-л.)

intent to succeed — настойчиво добивающийся успеха
to be intent on one’s improvement — стремящийся к самосовершенствованию
to be intent on one’s purpose — настойчиво стремиться к своей цели
he is intent on doing his best — он полон решимости сделать всё, что от него зависит

Мои примеры


to forejudge guilty intent — возыметь умысел  
criminal intent — преступный умысел  
by intent — намеренно  
intent gaze — пристальный взгляд  
actual intent — действительное намерение  
clear intent, obvious intent — явное намерение  
deliberate intent — заранее обдуманное намерение, предумышление  
evil intent, malicious intent, mischievous intent — злонамеренность, злой умысел  
fraudulent intent — намерение обмануть, умысел на мошенничество  
general intent — общее намерение, общий умысел, общая цель  

Примеры с переводом

What was the writer’s intent?

Каков был замысел автора?

He was intent on leaving the country.

Он стремился уехать из страны.

Jake listened intently.

Джейк слушал внимательно.

They were intent on their work.

Они были сосредоточены на своей работе.

Intent upon her work, she didn’t notice the cold.

Сосредоточившись на работе, она не замечала холода

She thinks I’m trying to make things difficult for her, but that’s not my intent.

Она думает, что я намеренно усложняю ей жизнь, но это не так. (он это делает не специально, у него нет такой цели)

She behaved foolishly but with good intent.

Она вела себя по-дурацки, но благонамеренно.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She was convicted of writing bad checks with intent to defraud.

…intent on finishing her sculpture in time for the group show…

He is charged with possession of a gun with intent to commit a robbery.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

intention  — намерение, цель, стремление, замысел, идея, понятие, намерение жениться, виды
intently  — сосредоточенно
intentness  — тщательность, заботливость, напряженное внимание

intent — перевод на русский


In Paris, for instance a police regulation of August 25th, 1958, forbids loitering with intent to solicit during certain hours in the Bois de Boulogne and around the Champs-Elysees.

Существует декрет от 25 августа 1958 года, где сказано о запрете прогуливаться слишком долго и всячески демонстрировать свои намерения в течение нескольких часов в Булонском лесу, на прилегающих улицах и на Елисейских полях.

Your violent intent and actions demonstrate that you are not civilised.

Ваши враждебные намерения и действия показывают, что вы не цивилизованные.

So they went on, feeling a little anxious now, in case the animals in front of them were of hostile intent.

И они пошли дальше, немного беспокоясь оттого, что звери впереди них могли иметь враждебные намерения.

It is our intent to prevent any external power from interfering in Klingon affairs.

Наши намерения состоят в предотвращении любой внешней силы от вмешательства во внутренние дела клингонов.

This is just the sort of work that will persuade Mr Blumenfield of our intent.

Это как раз та работа, которая убедит мистера Блуменфилда в том,.. что у нас серьезньiе намерения.

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We hope that you will understand that our intent is to establish peaceful relations with you.

Надеемся, вы поймете, что нашей целью является установление мирных отношений.

These sordid Caesars, who can only find courage, like rats, by hunting in packs, came to Brighton with the avowed intent of interfering with the life and property of its inhabitants.

Эти жалкие выскочки, которые проявляют смелость, только охотясь группами, как крысы, прибыли в Брайтон с определённой целью помешать жизни и собственности его населения

That’s illegal entry with intent.

Это незаконный въезд с целью.

— You broke into my house, with intent to harm me.

— Ты проник в мой дом, с целью навредить мне.

— The signal from the ISN News Center here in Geneva was lost when our facilities were attacked by saboteurs intent on paralyzing all Earth communications systems as a prelude to invasion.

— Сигнал из новостного центра ISN был потерян здесь, в Женеве, когда центр был атакован. Целью атаки было парализовать коммуникационную сеть Земли в качестве прелюдии к вторжению.

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— Malicious intent?

Преступный умысел?

You can’t prove intent.

— Вы не сможете доказать умысел.

I would argue intent.

А я буду оспаривать умысел.

And under its innocuous title does it conceal its most revolutionary intent.

И под этим невинным названием кроется страшный революционный умысел.

I just-— But was there bad intent?

Но был ли злой умысел?

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For how long do you intent to stay in Gul?

Как долго ты намерен оставаться в Гюль?

I am intent on not seeing Laura… Yet.

Я намерен не видеть Лору… пока.

Yep, the wronged husband intent on defending the abusive wife till the bitter end.

Да уж, обиженный муж намерен защищать жену-стерву до победного конца.

But Odysseus is intent on hearing it and surviving.

Но Одиссей намерен не только послушать их, но и выжить.

Sparky’s intent on leaving, so gather his belongings and find him something to wear home, wherever that is.

Живчик намерен уйти, так что собери все его вещички и найди какую-нибудь одежду. Сделаем.

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In the beginning, it was my intent to simply use you.

Вначале я хотела тебя использовать.

Your intent matters for nothing.

Никого не волнует, что ты этого не хотела.

My intent not to rob you of life.

Я не хотела тебя убивать.

The intent was to be funny.

Я просто хотела подшутить.

I have no clue, but she seemed pretty intent on killing you.

Без понятия, но похоже, она очень хотела убить тебя.

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If his intent was to commit suicide, and he would have died anyway as a result of injuries incurred from jumping off the roof, it’s still suicide in my opinion.

Если он намеревался покончить с собой, то он бы все равно умер в результате травм, полученных от прыжка с крыши, так что я все еще считаю это самоубийством.

He did everything you do if your intent is to perpetrate a fraud.

Он всё делал так, как будто намеревался совершить обман.

But even if we’re to assume it, we simply cannot make the leap to intent to kill.

Но даже если это предположить, мы просто не можем утверждать, что он намеревался убить.

Why not just run him down with a car, if his intent was to kill?

Почему он просто не сбил его на машине, если намеревался убить?

The guy, he had intent, it was like he was lining up his target.

Тот парень, он намеревался стрелять, похоже было, что он ждал, пока цель будет на линии огня.

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His father’s remonstrance couldn’t dissuade him from whatever he was intent on doing.

Протест отца не мог повлиять на него, не мог отговорить от того, что он собирался сделать.

To see a human invoke the name of Valen to be willing to die for one of my kind when I was intent upon killing one of my own the rightness of my cause disappeared.

Видеть человека, произносящего имя Велена желающего умереть за одного из наших когда я сам собирался убить одного из нас в этот миг правота моего дела исчезла.

— My intent is to beat you.

собирался уделать вас.

My intent is exactly like this

Я как раз собирался это предложить!

Yeah, but if the attacker’s intent was to kill, he would have held the choke hold long enough until the lungs failed.

Да, но если бы атакующий собирался убить, он зажимал бы шею достаточно долго, чтобы легкие отказали.

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Intent goes to whether she intended to commit the battery.

Замысел в том, намеревалась ли она нанести удары.

And secondly, if you suspect that he’s stealing another buffet from you, you’d have to be able to establish prior intent.

А во-вторых, если вы его подозреваете в воровстве второй порции из буфета, вам нужно будет сначала установить преднамеренный замысел.

The intent was perfectly clear.

Замысел был очевиден.

Will Graham asking to see you betrays his clear intent to manipulate you.

выдаёт его замысел манипулировать вами.

It betrays your clear intent to manipulate him.

Это выдаст ваш замысел манипулировать им.

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He got 15 years for possession with intent from judge Michael Reardon.

Он получил 15 лет за хранение и распространение от судьи Майкла Рирдона.

It says you were arrested last year for intent to distribute.

Здесь написано, что ты был арестован в прошлом году за распространение.

Arrests for armed robbery, attempted murder, intent to distribute.

Аресты за вооружённый грабёж, покушение на убийство, распространение наркотиков.

More than enough to show intent to distribute, gentlemen.

Этого вполне достаточно, чтобы привлечь за распространение, господа.

Intent to supply Class A’s.

Распространение наркотиков класса А.

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Ferdinand Gibson, I’m arresting you on suspicion of possession of a Class A drug, namely cocaine, with intent to supply, and on suspicion of armed robbery.

Фердинанд Гибсон, я арестовываю вас по подозрению в хранении препарата класса А, а именно кокаина, с целью распространения, и по подозрению в вооруженном ограблении.

Bust twice for possession with intent.

Дважды арестован за хранение с целью распространения.

That’s intent to supply.

Это уже, с целью распространения.

One more peep out of you, yeah… and it’s with intent to supply.

Короче, еще один звук… — … и будет не просто хранение, а с целью распространения.

Armed robbery, assault, possession with intent.

Вооруженное ограбление, нападение, хранение с целью распространения.

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Accordingly any intent that you strongly or subtly doubt, cannot enter into belief programming.

В соответствии с этим каждое намерение, в котором вы сильно или слегка сомневаетесь, не может войти в программирование.

We could argue it shows intent.

Мы можем оспорить, что она доказывает намерение.

Remember that the intent of hormonal therapy usually is palliative.

Дело в том, что цель гормональной терапии, как правило, только паллиативная.

The intent is to expand that.

Цель состоит в том, чтобы это расширить.

This was foreknowledge, with malicious intent.

Это было совершено преднамеренно, и со злым умыслом.

That indicates their intent to provoke an incident.

Судя по всему, это говорит о намерении замять инцидент.

But these were not statements of intent.

И эти слова были отнюдь не декларацией о намерениях.

But, still, brain science might support reasonable doubt about his intent.

Но, тем не менее, наука о мозге может поддержать разумное сомнение в его намерениях.

Unlike wills, letters of intent are often not legal documents.

В отличие от завещания, письма о намерениях, зачастую не правовые документы.

These are indicators that people searching for this keyword have high purchase intent.

Это индикаторы того, что люди, которые ищут это ключевое слово, имеют высокие намерения покупки.

Several delegations announced their intent to re-evaluate these ceilings.

Несколько делегаций заявили о своем намерении произвести переоценку этих потолочных значений.

Statements of intent are only words.

Слова о намерении — это всего лишь слова.

Your intent, not so much.

I do like your intent, however.

Но мне по душе твои намерения, так или иначе.

Their intent is to significantly increase distribution while reducing the price of the book.

Их целью является значительное увеличение продаж и, в то же время, снижение цены на книгу.

Show you’re here with peaceful intent.

Нужно показать, что вы здесь с мирными намерениями.

Statement of intent, hearsay exception.

Заявление о намерениях, исключение из правил о слухах.

Besides, seeing me, they’d immediately know my intent.

Кроме того, увидев меня, им сразу же станут известны мои намерения.

I asked him to explain again what unbending intent was.

Я попросил его объяснить еще раз, чем было «непреклонное намерение».

Varied queries can ultimately express the same underlying intent.

Разнообразные запросы могут в конечном итоге выражать одно и то же основное намерение.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат intent

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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An Intent in the Android operating system is a software mechanism that allows users to coordinate the functions of different activities to achieve a task. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«Your intent is so important,» she said.


About Blog This blog is my best effort at providing some balance to the increasingly strident healthcare lobby that seems intent on scaring everyone about almost everything.


McCarthy’s stated intent is to shine a light into the dark corners of an established relationship, at the places where alienation can take hold, yet she overstates the «intimate strangers» angle by positing her two leads at such exaggerated extremes.


But Gene Cromwell, the district’s director of parks, said the district board is intent on holding several public meetings before a decision is made.


But for all other intents and purposes, they do not need any degree or diploma.


Performance: M. Lamar at 601 Artspace This performance piece by M. Lamar (who happens to be the twin of actress Laverne Cox), will draw upon the apocalyptic themes of Negro spirituals, working with an intent to annihilate white supremacy once and for all.


The compact SUV has been built with an intent to make luxury SUVs more approachable for buyers.


The awareness of this paradox is, if I understand its intent correctly, the moving force of Reinhold Niebuhr’s new book, The Structure of Nations and Empires.


He placktered the tozz, spoken with different emotional intent.


It is not our intent here to review the full range of these programs or their effectiveness.


and it s a signal of intent that arsenal are only settling for the best.


SEGA’s intent to deliver the best Valkyria Chronicles games to date.


Specifically, it sends an intent in the following format:


Yet despite this intent, recent policy making on issues like welfare reform and housing is doing the opposite.


Does it depend on the intent of the owner of the data, or on the actual behavior of the computer system?


We do the best we can with good intent and submit ourself to the mercy of the universe.


«We start capturing all of your intent for the things you want to do,» vice president of messaging products at Facebook David Marcus said.


An array of sensors allows the AI system to instantly read changes in road and traffic conditions, as well as the driver’s intent.


While man is busy making wars, the Earth has already prepositioned itself to thwart all the violent intents and activities of men through a series of earth-shaking, earth exploding and a series of huge water splashing turbulence.


Then the hackers would have utterly failed if their true intent was to not have people see the film.


One may file a verified notice of intent to claim paternity before an out-of-wedlock child is born under the Adoption Code.


Take the time to carefully review the job description and the requirements listed in it — your letter of intent should echo and respond to these requirements.


Accuracy was an issue, but considering the Wildcats took just 11 sacks and threw just six interceptions all year, it’s clear the intent was quick, safe passing and using the pass as an extension of the run game in a lot of ways.


This new translation by Marion Wiesel, Elie’s wife and frequent translator, presents this seminal memoir in the language and spirit truest to the author’s original intent.


They simply charged from a distance intent on killing these little dogs.


Canadian Western Bank (TSX: CWB) today announced its intent to issue $ 100 million of Basel III-compliant non-cumulative 5-year rate reset First Preferred Shares Series 5 (the «Series 5 Preferred Shares»).


When considering your bidding strategy and the keywords you want to invest in, think about the intent of your potential leads.


When reviewers haven’t grappled so painfully with this whole issue of marketing and intent, the scores have often swung out in favour of EA.


Let’s hope that Spalletti saved his derby dominance for Inter — a win against Milan would be a clear signal of the club and manager’s intent this season.


They also expressed their annoyance via the medium of sarcastic applause after Depay tried his luck from long range — a rare display of attacking intent from LVG’s men.


In the present climate, it is for all intents and purposes impossible for a person who publically dissents from gay rights orthodoxies to get a job teaching in higher education.


But, to reinforce this point, in a partnership there are no winners and losers, and this should be done with a spirit of fun and with the intent purpose of understanding each other on a deeper level.


At this point, the pressure to participate can be difficult to resist, if for no other reason than to avoid being seen as oblivious; however, it is worth remembering that someone will cite the organizer’s intent and tie you to it, no matter how far the public’s engagement wanders.


But I had to wonder about when the rubber meets the road with an existing document created by a real author intent on content rather than formatting consistency.


The ASUS MeMO Pad 7 is a absolute statement of intent from both ASUS and Intel.


The basic premise — a four-player co-op battle against waves of murderous zombies — remains intact, but Sledgehammer is intent on adding its own unique fingerprint to the celebrated co-op series.


Most lawyers and law firms and malpractice insurers think of backup attorneys in cases of disaster, like death or disability, but, if you’re intent on ramping up your vacation time, you should think of backup attorneys in terms of convenience.


«[T] he U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania charged Xi with four counts of wire fraud with the intent to assist unnamed entities in China to become leaders in superconducting thin-film technology.


I believe that — provided we are not unwaveringly shackled to artistic intent — Dadaism is a good framework for assessing Goat Simulator.


Human failings and their personalities often get in the way of this, and sometimes lead to excess on their part, but by and large I can not see evil intent on anyone’s part, much as I may disagree with them.


The car’s intent is underlined by the technical palette of materials used on the interior.


The Hello boys previously worked at companies like Criterion, Electronic Arts and Kuju — coming together in 2009 intent on recreating the feeling of the simple, colourful games of their youth.


Also Note: Sometimes a puppy is kept by Inverness Kennels with the intent of it going to a specific sort of home.


I believe that is one of the main mechanisms of motivated reasoning (in the sense that «motivation» does not necessarily mean conscious intent).


Of course, if you use the method in our course, for all intents and purposes you will have your colon functioning at the same efficiency as a ten year old child (very good) and it won’t get worse with age.


«It is our intent to achieve a fair resolution to this issue… so that our students and their families receive the same transportation benefits as those attending public city-wide high schools,» says Paul Gessner, Head of School at St. Joan, in a statement.


The Concept Kizashi 3, says Suzuki, «suggests both Suzuki’s future design direction and stated intent to offer a larger, more upscale sport sedan.»


It’s like the Whole30-ers who are intent on doing Whole365s.


There was a serious lack of attacking intent for most of the season, in which Darren Fletcher and Nemanja Vidic were discussed as our best players.


Ravitch seems to suggest that charter school students are traitors or second class citizens, and she seems intent on punishing them for seeking out learning environments that meet their needs.


About 13848 results found using ‘INTENT’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • The guy is a machine and he pounds the skins like his intent is to destroy them.  (open, save, copy)

  • Texting recruits is banned until a high school athlete signs a letter of intent.  (open, save, copy)

  • She was intent on breaking the women’s course record, but fell 34 seconds short.  (open, save, copy)

  • Worse, the Legislature seems intent on weakening current growth-management laws.  (open, save, copy)

  • The 27-year-old Jesuit High School graduate has already made good on his intent.  (open, save, copy)

  • Mbamalu is charged with possession of cannabis with intent to deliver, a felony.  (open, save, copy)

  • I was so intent on getting the picture that I didn’t realise he was groping her.  (open, save, copy)

  • Levy said the intent was not to harm the Patriots, simply to protect his client.  (open, save, copy)

  • Until we tame that intent within ourselves, technology at best postpones crises.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘intent’:

  1. Captive: giving or marked by complete attention to; «that engrossed look or rapt delight»; «then wrapped in dreams»; «so intent on this fantastic…narrative that she hardly stirred»- Walter de la Mare; «rapt with wonder»; «wrapped in thought» [source]
  2. Purpose: an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; «his intent was to provide a new translation»; «good intentions are not enough»; «it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs»; «he made no secret of his designs» [source]
  3. The intended meaning of a communication [source]
  4. (intently) with strained or eager attention; «listened intently»; «stood watching intently» [source]
  5. (intentness) the quality of being intent and concentrated; «the intentness of his gaze» [source]
  6. Tao Group was a software company headquartered in Reading, Berkshire, UK. It developed intent, a software platform. intent enabled content portability by delivering services in a platform independent format called Virtual Processor (VP). Its business was sold in May 2007. [source]
  7. The role of human purpose in an injury event [source]
  8. Demonstrating a deliberate series of actions with the objective of debilitating defense or economic security by destroying or incapacitating a critical infrastructure. [CIAO] (see also critical, object, security) [source]
  9. Motive to cause a result. Under some concepts of common law, every crime requires the element of intent, i.e., the act complained of must result from some direct motive of the accused to cause the act. … [source]

Native speakers pronounce  ‘intent’:

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