Sentence with word initial

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The mounting restrictions and tensions will render this initial stalemate unsustainable.

Нарастающие ограничения и напряженность приведут к тому, что этот первоначальный тупик станет неустойчивым.

Whatever your initial, so-called «Preliminary examination» language level will certainly be improved.

Каким бы ни был ваш первоначальный, так называемый «доэкзаменационный» уровень языка, он обязательно будет улучшен.

Those initial contacts are so important.

Эти начальные связи, однако, очень важны.

Our problem is that we incorrectly use the initial data.

Наша проблема в том, что мы неправильно используем свои начальные данные.

Your initial step to making money by selling Chinese products online is research.

Ваш первый шаг к зарабатыванию денег, продавая китайские товары в Интернете, — это исследование.

The initial wedge between them was social.

Так что первые официальные контакты между странами были гуманитарными.

They usually require a bigger initial investment.

В то же время эти технологии, как правило, требуют увеличенных первоначальных инвестиций.

As with a mortgage, initial initial costs for the loan can vary greatly.

Как и в случае с ипотекой, первоначальные взносы за кредит могут сильно различаться.

It helps eliminate initial resistance to new ideas.

Может быть, оно поможет преодолеть первую реакцию отторжения новой идей.

My initial reaction was to yell at him.

Моей первой реакцией, конечно, было наброситься на него.

The site contains wedding photo and videos to introduce initial idea of our work.

На сайте представлены свадебные видеоклипы, для того, чтобы помочь вам составить начальное представление о моей работе.

Some brokerage firms have a minimum initial investment requirement.

Брокерские компании, как правило, устанавливают минимальную сумму первоначальной инвестиции.

I remember how difficult those initial years were.

Мы помним, как тяжело это шло в первые годы.

The initial report was apparently destroyed.

Первоначальные наброски, по всей видимости, уничтожались.

We know the initial infection was an email.

По его данным, первоначальное заражение произошло по электронной почте.

So, those initial rejections didn’t kill me.

И поэтому у меня даже эти первоначальные вещи не вызывали отторжения.

As an initial fee supports their existing apartment.

В качестве первоначального взноса выступает уже имеющаяся у них квартира.

You can also create shorter courses that complement your initial topic.

Вы также можете создавать более короткие курсы, которые дополняют вашу начальную тему.

Any pleasure involves some initial training.

Любое удовольствие включает в себя некоторую начальную подготовку.

So I hope those critics- I get the initial reaction.

Поэтому я надеюсь, что критики — я понимаю их первоначальную реакцию.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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In a written or published work, an initial or drop cap is a letter at the beginning of a word, a chapter, or a paragraph that is larger than the rest of the text. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Although this post did not set out to complete a full linguistic analysis of language around «citizens» and citizenship, its initial descriptive findings do link with some of the debates and conversations already happening in both this series and wider scholarship.


The Marcel Desautels Centre for Integrative Thinking was established at the Rotman School in 2000 with an initial $ 10-million gift from the foundation and its president, Marcel Desautels.


To back up these initial results, other experiments were conducted offshore, called «binary choices,» previously only conducted in the laboratory on insects or small fish.


The Massachusetts legislature is expected to take an initial step tomorrow in enacting a so-called «millionaires» tax.»


CBS Corp. is preparing to make an initial merger proposal to Viacom within days, people with knowledge of the matter said, setting the stage for negotiations that could bring the media companies back together 12 years after they were split up.


Under the trigger, most of the tax cuts end after 2000 if the deficit is not at least $ 20 billion below CBO’s initial estimate for that year.


Startups working on digital currencies like Bitcoin and the related blockchain technology have raised $ 1.3 billion in traditional venture capital since the start of 2017, but $ 4.5 billion via more controversial initial coin offerings, TechCrunch reported.


His initial assignment will be to oversee Towne Park’s Washington, DC area operations including over 30 customers and 500 plus associates.


Here’s a snapshot of how the daily chart of $ TAN appeared at the time of our initial trade entry.


I think that because of his choice to risk his life for his country, that he’s the kind of a man who would after the initial shock, disbelief and tears, indeed accept the child in willingly love and nurture, But what if he couldn’t accept You as belonging to him as his Wife anymore?


Where only the derivation of the initial aim is at stake, God’s effective activity for each occasion is not altered by belief or disbelief.


Publisher of The China Study The initial straw man argument made by Denise Minger «the release of The China Study by T. Colin Campbell.


SiriusDecisions’s recent report discussed a similar topic: the benefit of being well informed about the industry, company, and prospect before entering the initial sales call.


Clean — not sterile — techniques were followed in the initial storing and feeding.


Israeli entrepreneur and investor Moshe Hogeg invested in messaging app Kik ahead of its $ 125 million (# 97 million) initial coin offering — despite thinking the messaging app is «not doing great today.»


But, those feelings of fullness or that typical initial feeling of fullness goes away after the first few weeks.


What many people came face to face with in that moment was that social media were not the innocent frivolity we thought they were, lest Facebook’s more-than — $ 100bn initial public offering on the NASDAQ hadn’t already told us this.


And, contrary to my initial thoughts on it — I was under the impression that there wasn’t much science to support it — there actually have been a number of studies published in the last 5 years showing that it does actually work, and quite powerfully at that.


In its first campaign finance disclosure filed with the State Elections Enforcement Commission, Connecticut Forward reported incurring $ 91,000 in initial expenses for polling and other services from two Washington-based Democratic consulting firms.


Its initial work will involve developing new online resources aimed at educating the public about this issue.


The coach’s initial plan was to bring in Mauro Icardi and Paulo Dybala alongside Lionel Messi.


If an investment doubles your initial contribution, for example, it would be an equity multiple of 2.


These accounts tend to have low initial deposit requirements and typically don’t charge monthly maintenance fees.


to help other families get started out with the initial costs of purchasing diapers.


He has signed a three-year contract and Rangers have paid an initial # 6m for the Brazil international, although possible future payments mean the transfer could end up being worth considerably more.


INFACT Director, Elisabeth Sterken, has received a response to her initial letter to Food Banks Canada.


After breaking the initial token pressure, all five players were either jogging, walking, or standing.


Be aware that the initial price point for these nursing pads is higher, and additional expense is also created in the product-specific daily upkeep of the pads.


Does miscarriage in an initial pregnancy lead to adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes in the next continuing pregnancy?


This search tool will allow you to search both boy and girl baby names, by origin and by first initial.


Was that initial frustration based on the fact that you weren’t earning on par with your contemporaries?


The ATP-CP pathway is used during the initial few seconds that work is performed.


Make sure you don’t «break the chain» of your initial habit-forming process.


The two left New York in 1980, spending a year in Philadelphia before settling in Western Massachusetts in 1981 — and founding Accurate Writing & More with an initial marketing cost of $ 12 and a total start-up under $ 200 (most of it for a 13-year-old IBM Selectric typewriter).


Is it the money taken in any specific year / inflation adjusted initial portfolio value?


And as for the $ 250 on top of your minimum $ 250 deposit, that is just one of those 100 % welcome bonuses which usually come with a clause that restricts you from withdrawing both your initial deposit and the bonus until some minimum trading volume, usually expressed as a multiplier of your total account funds, is met.


The form of the drug was a point of contention in the initial debate over medical marijuana.


At our initial session we will get to know each other.


The only initial expense is a small amount of inventory.


According to The Daily Mail, Arsenal are ready to rival United having failed with an initial bid to sign him last summer and although the Red Devils remain the favourites to land the French international, it’s claimed that the Gunners are ready to make their move.


Laska says he was surprised that his team’s initial best guess worked so well.


The Egypt international has enjoyed a spectacular season since signing from Roma for an initial $ 42million last June, scoring 40 goals in all competitions.


The only time you needed to work on the site was the initial build.


It’s the moment many entrepreneurs hit eventually, no matter how much funding they have raised and burned through, no matter how many 100-hour weeks they and their teams have put in, no matter how brilliant their initial idea.


Newmark, meanwhile, kicked off its initial public offering to disappointing results and advanced in talks to buy the retail and investment sales brokerage RKF, which took 27th place with $ 133.3 million.


He’d been in last Friday and was on antibiotics for crystals in his urinary tract, but after an initial rally over the weekend was fading fast.


The size of the pillow is determined by the initial style you picked out, your height and the size of your bed.


«I’ve been secretly working on a Pluto lander,» he blurted out after unveiling the initial New Horizons images.


The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, or ADNOC, is considering an initial public offering of minority stakes in some of its services businesses.


The likeliest cause for the initial reduction in speed is that you didn’t warm up for long enough.


начальный, первоначальный, инициал, начальная буква, парафировать


- начальный, первоначальный; исходный

initial letter — а) начальная /первая/ буква; б) заглавная /прописная/ буква
the initial symptoms of a disease — мед. ранние /первые/ симптомы заболевания
initial cell — биол. зародышевая /первичная/ клетка

- лингв. инициальный (об аббревиатуре)


- начальная, заглавная, прописная буква
- pl. инициалы


- ставить инициалы, визировать

to initial a document — завизировать документ

- парафировать

to initial an agreement — парафировать соглашение

Мои примеры


the initial stages of the disease — начальные стадии данного заболевания  
the initial statement of the sonata — начальное проведение темы данной сонаты  
initial chaos — первозданный хаос  
initial cost — первоначальная стоимость  
initial expenditure — предварительные расходы  
to initial agreement — парафировать соглашение  
to initial a memorandum — выпустить меморандум  
initial / new / opening phase — начальная стадия  
to retrace the initial curve — повторять первоначальную кривую  
beginning rhyme, initial rhyme, head rhyme — начальная рифма, аллитерация  
initial referral — первичная передача на рассмотрение  
initial state — первоначальное состояние  

Примеры с переводом

They took the initial step toward reconciliation.

Они сделали первый шаг к примирению.

You’ve resolved my initial complaint, but now I have a new question.

Вы решили мою первоначальную жалобу, но теперь у меня новый вопрос.

The initial response has been encouraging.

Первоначальная реакция обнадеживает.

Can you spell out your middle name instead of just giving the initial?

Не могли бы вы указать своё второе имя полностью, а не просто его инициал?

After this initial boost, recruiting will fall off again.

После первоначальной шумихи набор снова снижается.

His doctor made an initial diagnosis of pneumonia.

Его лечащий врач первоначально диагностировал ему пневмонию.

After the initial shock she regained her composure.

После первоначального шока она вновь обрела самообладание.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The least qualified applicants were winnowed out of the initial pool.

The initial euphoria following their victory in the election has now subsided.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

initially  — первоначально, сначала, вначале, с самого начала, в начальной стадии
initials  — инициалы
initialism  — инициальная аббревиатура, буквенная аббревиатура, слово
initialize  — устанавливать в нулевое, исходное положение, инициализировать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: initial
he/she/it: initials
ing ф. (present participle): initialling
2-я ф. (past tense): initialled
3-я ф. (past participle): initialled

ед. ч.(singular): initial
мн. ч.(plural): initials

English Collocation

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Used with nouns:

«We are in the initial phases of the project.«

(phases, stages)

«The initial chapters of the book are boring.«

(chapters, pages, part)

«Her initial reaction was anger.«

(reaction, response)

«His initial response was ‘no.’«

(response, reply, answer, word)

«Their initial feedback of the new restaurant was not good.«

(feedback, review)

«The company never addressed my initial complaint.«

(complaint, issue, problem, protest, grievance)

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Next Word by Frequency: latter

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Definition of Initial

the first; preliminary

Examples of Initial in a sentence

On the initial test, I made a bad grade, but I’m hoping to past the second one.


The initial draft of the book was much longer than the final version.


Without the initial paper, there was no way to tell what changes had been made.


The initial version of the shoe had some flaws that had to be redesigned.


On election day, the initial voters cast their ballots for a different candidate than the latter group.


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