Sentence with word incorporated

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The 1996-1997 financial statements incorporated recommendations made in the previous biennium.

В финансовые ведомости 1996-1997 годов включены рекомендации, сделанные в предыдущем двухгодичном периоде.

Almost all reproductive health components are being incorporated into programmes.

Почти все аспекты деятельности, связанные с охраной репродуктивного здоровья, включены в программы.

The contents have, as appropriate, been incorporated in this report.

Содержащаяся в них информация, когда это было необходимо, была включена в настоящий доклад.

No website can survive if this tool is not incorporated.

Ни один веб-сайт не может выжить, если этот инструмент не включен.

In 1951 Wilanów was incorporated into Warsaw.

В 1951 году Вилянув был включён в состав Варшавы.

Human rights courses had been incorporated into secondary education curricula.

В программы среднего образования включены учебные курсы, посвященные вопросам прав человека.

Comments had been incorporated and the documents approved.

В них были включены замечания, после чего эти документы были утверждены.

Additional points raised under previous agenda items have also been incorporated here.

Сюда же были включены отдельные вопросы, поднятые в рамках предыдущих пунктов повестки дня.

Furthermore, relevant links leading to closely related information have been incorporated.

Кроме того, были включены соответствующие ссылки, позволяющие получать доступ к близкой по теме информации.

Aboriginal cultural context and learning methodologies are being incorporated in program areas.

В число программных областей включены такие направления, как культурный контекст и учебные методики коренных народов.

Constitutional provisions guaranteeing equality had not been incorporated into domestic law and were therefore not enforceable.

Положения Конституции, гарантирующие равноправие, не включены во внутреннее законодательство, и поэтому не обеспечено их соблюдение на практике.

The changes have been incorporated in the December 2006 financial statements.

Эти изменения были включены в финансовые ведомости по состоянию на декабрь 2006 года.

The Penal Code now incorporated provisions against all forms of violence.

В настоящее время в уголовный кодекс включены положения, касающиеся всех форм насилия.

Civil Aviation Regulation 2006 had incorporated laws pertaining to SAR.

В Устав гражданской авиации 2006 года были включены нормы, касающиеся ПС.

Recent Security Council resolutions have incorporated such language.

В недавно принятых резолюциях Совета Безопасности уже включены такие формулировки.

This means that they also incorporated handwriting recognition features.

Это означает, что они также включают функции распознавания рукописного текста.

They all have at least a budget rule incorporated in their national legislatures.

У всех из них есть, по крайней мере, бюджетное правило, включённое в их национальные законодательства.

Its design and construction incorporated many special features.

Поэтому их проектирование и строительство связаны с рядом специфических особенностей.

Tolerance initially implied religious tolerance, but over time this concept incorporated other meanings.

Толерантность изначально подразумевала религиозную терпимость, но со временем это понятие вобрало в себя и другие смыслы.

Article 6 incorporated the established obligation to try or extradite.

В статью 6 включено установленное обязательство предавать суду или выдавать другому государству.

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1. He was incorporated a member of the college.

2. Your idea will be incorporated in the plan.

3. New ideas will be incorporated into the book.

4. They incorporated his proposals into their plan.

5. These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment.

6. Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the new plan.

7. Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.

8. We’ve incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.

9. Results are incorporated within personalized medical records.

10. Pre-Christian sacred geometry was incorporated into church architecture.

11. When Smith’s business became large, he incorporated it.

12. Hanover was incorporated into Prussia in 1886.

13. The mill incorporated with others.

14. I incorporated the new plans with the old.

15. The data is now incorporated in the total figures.

16. These new features can easily be incorporated.

17. The computer company will be incorporated with another.

18. The firm will be incorporated with the parent company.

19. Our original proposals were not incorporated in the new legislation.

20. The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.

21. We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design.

21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

22. Many of these ideas are now being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment.

23. We incorporated many new safety features in the new model of the car.

24. Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the plan.

25. There are two main structuralist techniques incorporated into critical social research.

26. In 1940 the area was incorporated as part of the city of London.

27. The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.

28. It must be incorporated when the contract is made.

29. For example, few schemes incorporated practical work using equipment.

30. Furthermore, the eatery is no longer incorporated, he said.

More similar words: incorporate, corporate income tax, incorporation, corporate, certificate of incorporation, corporate tax, corporate finance, corporation, close corporation, corporal, incorporeal, multinational corporation, decorated, evaporated, corporeal, decorate, evaporate, redecorate, corroborate, torpor, elaborated, porpoise, reinvigorated, purported, purportedly, decoration, decorative, evaporator, evaporating, evaporation. 

Incorporated is an American television drama series. The show premiered November 30, 2016, on Syfy. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The point of having an incorporated hub in echo plus provides limitless choices.


Ancient Games and Ancient Places, exhibited at Grand Central Moderns Gallery in 1955 incorporated prints and sculptural works.


But I imagine that the statistics given in the book for incorporated law firms in the UK exclude those in Scotland.


PDVSA is a foreign incorporated body which has no assets within the jurisdiction, which does not carry on business in the jurisdiction and which has no presence within the jurisdiction.


From this time, Johns increasingly incorporated tracings and details of works by artists including Matthias Grünewald, Pablo Picasso and Edvard Munch.


«Using sophisticated techniques, the Asante incorporated gold across many different areas of their lives, but most significantly in royal regalia and ceremonial objects.


The kitchen design incorporated elements such as inset cabinets, Bianco Macaubus Quartzite, a cypress island, curved kitchen hood, floating shelves with inset lights and a beautifully designed cypress cabinet for extra storage.


Among incorporated engineers, the mean was 43 (and the median 42), with 3 % working fewer than 30 hours per week and 9 % working more than 50 hours per week.


The Martian is not overly concerned with life on Earth, but there are some solid pieces of world-building incorporated early on that establish that NASA and space exploration have been reinvigorated, and NASA has embarked on the «Ares» program, reminiscent of the Mercury and Apollo programs that eventually got us to the moon.


Cicero is an incorporated town and suburb of Chicago named after the Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero.


Gambusino Prospector de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. is a Mexican incorporated company that provides exploration services to companies searching for mineral resources in Mexico.


We regularly act for speciality clinics and FHO’s throughout Eastern Ontario, advising on cost sharing agreements, shareholder agreements for incorporated clinics and association structures alongside the real estate and general business needs clinics


These are incorporated based upon prior work using (1) the surface ozone response to methane emissions changes from two global composition-climate models, (2) the impact of ozone on yields of four staple crops, wheat, maize, soy and rice, based on the methodology of Van Dingenen et al. (2009), and (3) their valuation using world market prices, as described in Shindell et al. (2012a).


Managed risk, created issue/risk management process introduced status management and incorporated metrics driven status reporting, conducted weekly deep dives with team leads, by freezing the design and introducing a change request process and conducting weekly integration meetings with process leads.


For an incorporated lawyer it’s a very effective tool.»


How a Shareholders Agreement can keep an Infant small business alive — By Garnet Brooks, Halifax Business Lawyer Most Entrepreneurs have heard their lawyer and advisers discussing how shareholders agreements are useful for managing contingencies over the long term in situations where there is an incorporated business with more than one shareholder.


Press the «soup» setting or blend on high until soup is thoroughly mixed and incorporated, at least 1 minute.


New facelifted Range Rover comes with the new front bumper fascia with integrated air intake vents, aluminum grille and lights with incorporated LEDs which in the end gives it rounder, more modern look.


Mix until incorporated and then beat for 1 additional minute.


Guests who book Airbnb listings that are located in the unincorporated areas of San Luis Obispo County, CA (does not include the incorporated cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, El Paso De Robles, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo) will pay the following taxes as part of their reservation:


I also struggled to find a cleanse that incorporated mindset!


Avalon is the only incorporated city on Santa Catalina Island of the California Channel Islands, and the southernmost city in Los Angeles County.


Currently, real estate agents in Ontario are required to structure their businesses as independent contractors, rather than as incorporated businesses, says Zaza.


(a) the incorporated document is readily available to the public, on and after the day the regulation or amending regulation containing the reference is filed under Part III (Regulations); and


Gently fold egg whites into chocolate mixture in 2 additions, folding just until incorporated each time.


The bill requires incorporated animal shelters, rescue organizations and other non-profit entities that offer animals for adoption to register with the Department of Agriculture and Markets.


The Arkansas Association for Infant Mental Health (AAIMH) was founded in May of 2009 (incorporated September 2009) in response to a growing interest in and concern about the healthy social and emotional


Outside of incorporated organisations The Marruk Project is uniting the multicultural Swan Hill community through sharing Aboriginal culture, and The Muntjiltjarra Wurrgumu Group is taking the lead in determining how best to create positive change in Wiluna.


Individuals with qualifications not listed on the Engineering Council website are assessed individually and may still qualify for incorporated or chartered status.


«When I moved from suburban New Jersey to the East End in the early «60s, my abstract paintings increasingly incorporated forms and colors derived from my new environment.


Mousse is a moist, semi-solid sweet or savory dish that is light and airy due to incorporated air bubbles.


Palm’s ill-fated webOS was savaged by the same media outlets for stuttery behavior in version 1.x, so version 2.0 incorporated hardware acceleration and other improvements to deliver a smoother experience.


Other series, like her «Matador» paintings, explored sexual identity or incorporated elements from urban life and popular culture, although she passionately disapproved of the burgeoning Pop Art movement.


One common explanation is that the government poorly explained its intentions in overhauling taxation for small or single-proprietor incorporated businesses.


One is the slightly improved camera from the DSi to the 3DS with the incorporated gyroscope.


Cary is currently the second most populous incorporated town (behind only Gilbert, Arizona) in the United States.


For example, taxes can get tricky with incorporated businesses.


Solution I presented was replacement of VFD drive with incorporated motor preheat circuit to prevent condensation build up in the motor stator during off cycles


Her work G-Force, installed at the Whitney Museum at Altria in 2001 incorporated hundreds of suspended thongs.


Before it became an incorporated enterprise, founder Michael Dell got into the PC business selling computers built from stock components out of his University of Texas dorm room.


Standard tech equipment on both models includes OnStar communication with incorporated Wi-Fi hotspot and 4G LTE, Bluetooth connectivity, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, satellite radio, a six-speaker sound system, a rear-view camera, and two USB ports.


There are 179 separate tax authorities that collect property taxes in Maryland, including all 23 counties, Baltimore City and 155 incorporated cities.


States require your incorporated entity to have a registered agent or an equivalent on file with their department of the Secretary of State.


Propel portfolio companies Brave and Civic were two of the first venture-backed, U.S. incorporated startups to perform ICOs.


Mix until everything is moist and incorporated, then dump in the shredded zucchini.


This exhibit is aligned with the 30 year anniversary of West Hollywood’s establishment as an incorporated municipality.


In the process, HexaDrive have also removed the multiplayer mode from this version and incorporated elements into the singleplayer.


They were the guardians of the body of Christian teaching, and this incorporated knowledge which, as they thought, had been communicated to man by God Himself, and consequently all future discoveries by man were bound to conform to the truth already received.


What followed were important early series such as her Black Light paintings, many of which incorporated reflective acrylic squares, and her Black Earth works, consisting of ceramic tiles finished in a shimmering black glaze.


It has an incorporated towel rail and a compartment on the lower portion.


акционерный, зарегистрированный как корпорация


- зарегистрированный как корпорация или юридическое лицо; являющийся корпорацией; имеющий статус акционерного общества

incorporated bank — амер. акционерный банк

- получивший статус города (о населённом пункте)
- тех. встроенный

Мои примеры


incorporated company — акционерная компания  
incorporated person — юридическое лицо  
incorporated trustee — доверительный собственник  
food protein incorporated in a nonfood product — пищевой белок, введённый в непищевой продукт  
photocatalysts-incorporated textile — ткань с введенным фотокатализатором  
be incorporated in an apparatus — входить в состав прибора  
carbon nanotubes-incorporated carbon fiber — углеродное волокно с УНТ  
high-energy laser-incorporated radar — РЛС, сопряжённая с высокоэнергетическим лазером  
incorporated area — объединённая область  
incorporated nuclide — отложившийся нуклид  

Примеры с переводом

The company incorporated in 1981.

В 1981 году эта компания стала корпорацией.

She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal.

Она включила его предложения в текст своей заявки.

The company is incorporated in the state of Delaware.

Компания зарегистрирована в штате Делавэр.

Our original proposals were not incorporated in the new legislation.

В новом законодательстве наши первоначальные предложения учтены не были.

We’ve incorporated many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.

В конструкцию здания мы внедрили множество экологически чистых технологий.

The company was incorporated in 1981.

В 1981 году эта компания превратилась в корпорацию.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Definition of Incorporated

included; combined

Examples of Incorporated in a sentence

The bride was insistent that the wedding planner make sure that red, white, and blue were incorporated in her big day.


At the dance recital, the students incorporated modern, tap, and jazz into their final routine.


The contest’s winning recipe incorporated several local favorites into one combination dish.


If your workout routine is fully incorporated into your daily life, you will be more likely to continue.


A former art teacher, the instructor always incorporated art projects into her course curriculum.


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