Sentence with word immense

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Blockchain has immense potential in healthcare.

В то же время, есть огромный потенциал для блокчейна в здравоохранении.

We all recognize the immense potential in this field.

Мы все признаем, что в этой сфере существует огромный потенциал.

Software failures can have significant consequences, and malicious vulnerability exploitation can inflict immense losses.

Сбои в работе программного обеспечения могут привести к серьезным последствиям, а злонамеренная эксплуатация уязвимостей может причинить колоссальный ущерб.

Nations in transition from command to open economies face immense hardships.

Страны, осуществляющие переход от командной к открытой экономике, сталкиваются с колоссальными трудностями.

The movie has grabbed immense attention and…

С самого начала этот телефон завоевал огромное внимание и…

Disarmament would release immense human and material resources now devoted to military purposes.

Разоружение высвободило бы огромные людские и материальные ресурсы, выделяемые в настоящее время на военные цели.

We thank them for their immense contribution over the years.

Выражаем им огромную благодарность за тот вклад, который они вносили в течение этих долгих лет.

Nonetheless, central banks still enjoy immense credibility.

Тем не менее, центральные банки по-прежнему пользуются огромным доверием.

I am seeing souls being tormented, and immense flames.

Я видела, как мучаются души, и как лижут их огромные языки пламени».

I find physical and tangible activities like cooking provide immense relief.

Я считаю, что физические и материальные действия, такие как приготовление пищи, приносят огромное облегчение.

How we treat physical values now is of immense impact for our positive future.

И то, как мы относимся к физическим ценностям сейчас, оказывает огромное влияние на наше позитивное будущее.

The humanitarian benefit can be immense.

Гуманитарная польза от этого могла бы быть огромной.

The demands there for infrastructure and service rehabilitation are evidently immense.

Потребности этих районов в восстановлении инфраструктуры и системы услуг, по всей видимости, огромны.

We face immense challenges in both the developing and developed worlds.

Как в развивающихся, так и в развитых странах перед нами стоят огромные задачи.

Their impact on agriculture, livestock and transportation is immense.

Их наличие оказывает огромное воздействие на функционирование таких сфер, как сельское хозяйство, животноводство и транспорт.

Cannot reconcile to this immense loss.

Она до сих пор не может смириться с этой огромной потерей.

He said that spending time with kids brings him immense satisfaction.

Не раз говорил он, что общение с детьми доставляет ему огромную радость.

Yet, they face immense challenges developing institutions and achieving social cohesion.

И все же они сталкиваются с огромными проблемами на пути развития институтов и достижения социальной сплоченности.

Ever since I lost my immense fortune.

Всем я стал ненавистен! с тех пор как я потерял свое огромное состояние.

Nevertheless, you’ll undoubtedly experience immense benefits from working on your favorite skills.

Тем не менее, вы, несомненно, получите огромную пользу от работы над своими любимыми навыками.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат immense

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

огромный, громадный, необъятный, безмерный, великолепный, бескрайний


- огромный, колоссальный, громадный

immense numbers of birds — несметные стаи птиц
an immense territory — обширная территория
an immense appetite — волчий аппетит
at an immense distance /length/ — на огромном расстоянии
to have immense respect for smb. — относиться с глубочайшим уважением к кому-л.

- безмерный, необъятный, бескрайний, беспредельный, безграничный, бесконечный

immense space — необъятное пространство

- разг. великолепный, замечательный

he was immense in that role — в этой роли он был неподражаем

Мои примеры


to anyone who beholds the immense complexity of life on earth — каждому, кто созерцает всю огромную сложность жизни на земле  
to my immense gratification he arrived on time — к моему огромному удовольствию он прибыл вовремя  
immense relief — большое облегчение  
the immense and boundless universe — бескрайняя и бесконечная Вселенная  
at an immense distance — на огромном расстоянии  
immense economic importance — огромная экономическая важность  
at an immense length — на огромном расстоянии  
immense number — гибель  
immense quantity — видимо-невидимо  
immense territory — обширная территория  
immense amount — огромное количество  
immense services — огромные заслуги  

Примеры с переводом

She is an artist of immense talent.

Она потрясающе талантливая художница.

He inherited an immense fortune.

Он унаследовал огромное состояние.

The town takes immense pride in recent achievements.

Жители города необыкновенно гордятся последними достижениями.

We see an immense flock of geese making up the stream.

Мы видим большую стаю гусей, плывущих вверх по течению.

From the heights of the mountain immense avalanches often descend.

С вершины этой горы часто сходят ужасные лавины.

It takes an immense commitment and a lot of love to bring up a child properly.

Чтобы правильно воспитать ребенка, нужно огромное самопожертвование и очень много любви.

The lurid reflection of immense fires hung in the sky.

Пылающие отсветы бушующего огня отражались в небе.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Dealing with children who are so damaged calls for immense tact and sensitivity.

No one goes to Hades with all his immense wealth

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

immensely  — очень, чрезвычайно, безмерно
immensity  — необъятность, безмерность

Synonym: enormous, giant, gigantic, great, huge, large, mammoth, monumental, stupendous, vast. Antonym: finite, limited. Similar words: commensurate, commensalism, nonsense, commencement, dimmer, glimmer, immerse, trimmed. Meaning: [ɪ’mens]  adj. unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope. 

Random good picture Not show

1. What we are ignorant of is immense

2. She gazed at the immense expanse of the sea.

3. The immense pressure causes the rock to fracture.

4. They made an immense improvement in English.

5. To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap.

6. He made an immense amount of money in business.

7. Winning the prize carries immense prestige.

8. The sea was rolling in immense surges.

9. With immense relief I stopped running.

10. There is no doubt that Bohr’s influence was immense.

11. The Church wields immense power in Ireland.

12. They spent an immense amount of time getting the engine into perfect condition.

13. An immense volume of rocks and molten lava was erupted.

14. People who travel by rail still read an immense amount.

15. The expense of living is immense.

16. The professor was revered for his immense learning.

17. To my immense relief, he didn’t notice my mistake.

18. The sun is an immense globe.

19. Her services to the state have been immense.

20. The idea aroused immense enthusiasm among party workers.

21. He has had to surmount immense physical disabilities.

22. She has risen from humble origins to immense wealth.

23. This island country commands immense natural resources.

24. The town takes immense pride in recent achievements.

25. His immense enthusiasm carried us all along.

26. The political fallout of the revelations has been immense.

27. The photos are of immense historical value.

27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. His services to the State have been immense.

29. The psychological effects on the United States were immense and in Washington the wounds have still not fully healed.

30. When the first settlers moved into the area they faced immense hardships.

More similar words: commensurate, commensalism, nonsense, commencement, dimmer, glimmer, immerse, trimmed, immersed, immediate, immediately, sense, dense, tense, censer, incense, offense, expense, intense, license, incensed, defense, dispense, pretense, condense, in a sense, ensemble, comment, commend, make sense. 

Compared with Barcelona and Spain legend Xavi, Koke played a major role in Diego Simeone’s side’s immense success last season as they won La Liga and reached the Champions League final against all the odds.


«She is a woman of great courage and immense ability,» Soubry said.


After an immense run overnight brought price to trade in excess of the 7000, just a matter of days post-6000 break, things took a turn for the worse and price gave back a large portion of the run on a severe correction.


Nowadays, I find it amazing when Israeli loyalists talk about the suffering of Israelis, who are in the line of rocket attacks from Gaza, without the slightest concern for the far greater suffering of Palestinians who are subjected to infinitely more destructive rockets from Israel, not to mention an economic blockade that has caused immense suffering on every level of existence.


«We now have an immense amount of gene sequencing information for a number of different diseases,» said Krogan.


Now, Fordham can add to that his own immense experience and expertise in the field of which he is undoubtedly at the forefront, but he does so not by introducing substantial commentary but by the precision and incisiveness with which the cases are analysed and categorised.


As part of the One Million Years project, a continuous live recitation of dates from an immense ledger will occur three days a week during the run of the exhibition on the ground floor of the Guggenheim rotunda.


Character Introductions Dark Knight Brendires A king with immense power in control of…


These new types of stem cells have the capacity to turn into many other cell types, holding immense promise for regenerating damaged tissues all over the body.


On one hand is the immense crowd of sinners, the prodigal sons, whom the Father of Mercy goes out to meet, and who offers them the feast of Lamb in the new rite.


We work with leading experts to establish fault and help obtain compensation to families for their immense losses.


There are immense savings to be had if legal services are provided in a seamless fashion with these other services.


The astounding body of work has not just revealed the immense contribution to reviving forgotten stylistic approach but suggests a particular insight in the studies of popular culture from a new perspective.


If the Tories win an immense majority, a ruinous hard Brexit could beckon.


A youthful newsman, dapper in a three-piece suit of improbable hue and immense checks, had thrust a microphone in front of Velez and was inquiring what had passed through his mind when he pinch-hit the three-run, eighth-inning homer that had given the expansion team its fifth win in its first week and, astonishingly, a share of first place in the American League East.


«Love has an immense ability to help heal the devastating wounds that life sometimes deals us.


Regardless, I would stick to racing on your own and waiting for multiplayer, that is sure to be an immense experience.


You’re gaining weight, your birth canal is preparing for labor and your body is undergoing an immense amount of stress.


They’re going in search of tons of precious coins but there’s lots of dangerous barriers, immense gaps and other hazards that they’ll need to avoid while they run, jump and slide through the intergalactic metropolis.


Additionally, cheap airfare caused by immense people of permissions of competition to travel from a place to another in very low rates and this permits that women travel from a city to the other to adult friend finder their uninhibited personal Dates.


In every city we visited the passion for the development of talent acquisition as a respected profession was immense.


The number of adult UK dating sites is immense.


Inge is determined and yet fragile, placid and yet spinning a million miles an hour beneath the surface, and her journey — both around Germany and her past — could only be carried off by a performance of immense skill.


He got taken off after 88 mins and eve knowing the immense pressure the manager is under, wouldn’t even touch his hand when he ran past him.


Places like Lisa Burridge & Associates Real Estate can be of immense help during the purchase process.


With its immense appeal and success among users in India, the LMS was also implemented across offices in Europe.


A dip in the immense pool will cool you down again.


This Plague of Days is a lot of grim fun and an immense undertaking.


Minor print errors like debris and scratches abound, but far more troubling are the immense number of compression artifacts.


Lingard’s work rate has been immense, roaming into the central areas and doing everything hr could to get United forward and creating.


There is immense emphasis placed on writing the best cover letter that you can write because of this very important journey.


Our tester was the more efficient 640d xDrive model, fitted with an older generation N57 3-liter straight six twin-turbo diesel engine that delivers immense amounts of torque from nearly idle.


Frances Stark’s mid-career survey at the Hammer Museum in 2015 (which travelled to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) showed the immense breadth of her work spanning nearly 25 years.


Their limits on futures are generally far lower than sharper books in the first place so they’re not going to have to pay out immense sums no matter who wins.


The export opportunities for Canada are immense.


The Church on the other hand, has neither responded to the pain and outrage of women, nor has it recognized this immense love women have for the Church.


Even with the bumps in the road, Pernell says the immense support from his colleagues has made all the difference in the world.


Stevia First has a market value of about $ 20 million today, but the potential return for investors could be immense as it enters the large sweetener market.


Located on the highest point of the Park, the immense beauty of the Caribbean Sea and Xcaret can be admired from the St. Francis of Assisi Chapel…


The loss was immense and there really isn’t any hope that I’ll be able to replace most of it.


********************* John A (20:11:22): I’m sorry but I thought the article was tremendous nonsense, and will cause immense damage to the reputation of this website.


We may all be currently talking about Boyhood and Richard Linklater’s immense success in bottling time, but it was Before Sunrise that truly captured the essence of stolen moments.


The oceans contain immense heat because they are (at least) 273 degrees above absolute zero.


Dopita has developed a theoretical model to describe what would happen when a jet of gas produced at the centre of a galaxy passes through the galaxy at immense speed and shoots out into space.


The defining characteristic of the British constitution is not its unwritten nature; rather, it is the related and immense flexibility that flows from an absence of entrenched constitutional rules.


Major bosses are referred to as «Keymasters» and are identifiable by their immense size by a key that’s visible on their person.


To make its reputation stronger in the country, Audi India is putting immense efforts towards amplifying its dealership network in India and will add around ten more dealers.


I’ve been a big contributor to its immense growth and popularity over this past year.


I agree that unbundling has immense potential to enhance access to justice.


«This heroic campaign shall be carried out on a vast scale, transforming our economy at wartime speed,» The Climate Mobilization writes, because «climate change is causing immense human suffering and damage to the natural world.


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