Sentence with word imaginative

Tonight, he will share with us his imaginative mind and distinctive voice.
Сегодня вечером, он поделится с нами своим образным умом и отличительным голосом.

At science slams or the FameLab competition, researchers deliver imaginative presentations, hoping to gain the audience’s vote.
На неформальных конференциях по популяризации науки Science Slam и на конкурсах ученых FameLab исследователи выступают с образными презентациями своей работы в доступной для простого человека форме, надеясь на получение голосов аудитории.

Doctor, you’ve written a very imaginative story, but it’s conceivable that people will think it’s based on fact.
Доктор, вы пишете очень образную историю, но, вероятно, люди подумают, что она основана на фактах.

They look around and see fangs-bared atheists on one side and head-patting paternalists on the other, each chalking the Christian faith up to imaginative fiction.
Они оглядываются и видят оскалившихся атеистов с одной стороны и излишне ласковых патерналистов с другой, и обе эти группы приписывают христианскую веру к образным вымыслам.

He is a very imaginative writer.
Он — писатель с богатым воображением.

Both realism and imaginative policy are required.
Необходим и реализм, и творческая политика.

So I have a particular imaginative approach to visual work.
У меня к визуализации свой подход, отличающийся акцентом на воображение.

A really important part of being a player is imaginative solo play.
Для игрока действительно важно играть в одиночку в игры воображения.

Now imaginative people have been having fun with this for over 400 years.
Творческие личности упиваются этим уже более 400 лет.

“I’m convinced that nature is far more imaginative than we are,” he said.
«Я убежден, что природа обладает гораздо более богатым воображением, чем мы», — добавил он.

Creative accounting, long a staple of supply-side economics, has never been more imaginative.
«Креативная» бухгалтерия, основной элемент экономики стимулирования предложения, никогда ранее не была так склонна к мечтательности.

We saw some of the most imaginative use of social media during the Obama campaign.
Во время кампании Обамы, мы могли наблюдать за самыми изобретательными способами использования социальных медиа.

But I’ve come to believe that truly imaginative visual work is extremely important in society.
Но я убеждена, что по-настоящему творческая визуальная работа несёт исключительную общественную важность.

Her laugh, her little nose, her cute laugh, the things she does in bed, so imaginative.
Её смех, её маленький носик её милый смех невообразимые вещи, которые она делает в постели.

But Latin America is deeply troubled; it needs decisive, bold leadership at home and imaginative, unwavering support abroad.
Но страны Латинской Америки очень обеспокоены — им необходимо решительное, смелое руководство дома и твердая поддержка за границей.

Kerry has been more imaginative with his gifts before – something his Russian counterpart referenced with his basket of potatoes.
Раньше Керри был с подарками более изобретательным — на что и намекнул его российский коллега своей корзиной с картошкой.

This is the source of all morality, this imaginative act of empathy, putting yourself in the place of another.
Ведь источником любой морали является тот воображаемый акт сопереживания, когда человек ставит себя на место другого.

Padoan has more recently created an imaginative public-private partnership to finance a desperately needed recapitalization of Italy’s banks.
Недавно Падоан создал очень креативное частно-государственное партнёрство для финансирования крайне необходимой рекапитализации итальянских банков.

Imaginative literature is not necessarily about writing who we are or what we know or what our identity is about.
Творческая литература не должна обязательно быть о том, кто мы такие или что мы знаем или о нашей личности.

NHRIs should devise specially tailored consultation programmes and imaginative communication strategies to ensure full compliance with article 12 of the Convention.
НПЗУ необходимо разработать специальные консультативные программы и стратегии творческого общения для обеспечения полного соответствия с положениями статьи 12 Конвенции.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
Все примеры собраны из уже переведенных текстов: официальных документов, сайтов, журналов и диалогов из фильмов.
Раздел Контексты поможет в изучении английского, немецкого, испанского, русского и других языков. Здесь вы сможете найти примеры
с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

1, She’s very hard-working but not very imaginative.

2, The imaginative child made up fairy stories.

3, You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach.

4, The house was always decorated with imaginative flower arrangements.

5, Her writing is imaginative but lacks precision.

6, She weaves imaginative elements into her poems.

7, He was esteemed as a dedicated and imaginative scholar.

8, The food is fresh, wholesome and imaginative.

9, She was an imaginative and innovative manager.

10, He had the ability to take bold imaginative decisions.

11, You’ll need to be a little more imaginative if you want to hold their attention.

12, He’s one of the most dynamically imaginative jazz pianists still functioning.

13, Mahler’s own imaginative orchestration was heard in the same concert.

14, On PC, the game had it all — imaginative storyline and characters, challenging gameplay, superb graphics.

15, The novel’s complex, imaginative style does not lend itself to translation.

16, The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic.

17, Fairy tales are imaginative.

18, Nearly every piece here is deft, intelligent and imaginative.

19, Female speaker He’s very imaginative with lots of ideas.

20, A more imaginative solution is shown in figure 4.19.

21, It means more imaginative deployment of staff.

22, Be Imaginative Read the extract below.

23, Comfortable restaurant with an imaginative menu using organic produce.

24, Imaginative people are winners. Unimaginative people are losers. Dr T.P.Chia 

25, But ultimately,( good ads are imaginative ideas.

26, A good idea or imaginative writing always shines out.

27, The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imaginations. 

28, The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imagination.

29, A halfway house between the theatre and cinema is possible. Olivier created one in his imaginative «Henry V» in 1945.

30, The problem tested the ingenuity of even the most imaginative students.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.





богатым воображением










Such an approach required imaginative leadership and foresight.

Для этого требуется творческий подход к руководству и дар предвидения.

Both imaginative and conservative, you have a knack for bringing both worlds to whatever you do.

Как творческий, так и консервативный человек, у вас есть умение объединять оба своих качества в любом деле, чем бы вы не занимались.

Legend is based on fact but also includes imaginative material.

Легенда основана на фактах, но также включает в себя образный материал.

Recall mental images live and spontaneous imaginative and creative thinking.

Вызывать в памяти мысленные картинки, живые и спонтанные, образное и творческое мышление.

Only beginners with a theoretical, imaginative event in their consciousness claim such experiences.

Лишь начинающие, держа в уме некое теоретическое, воображаемое, событие, притязают на такие переживания.

Yet another possibility is that the animal is largely imaginative or religiously symbolic.

Хотя возможно другое истолкование — что животное является в значительной степени воображаемым или религиозно-символическим.

This goal will require clear incentives and imaginative engagement strategies.

Для достижения этих этой цели потребуются четко определенные стимулы и творческие стратегии обеспечения участия.

We know that conflict prevention requires imaginative strategies.

Мы знаем, что предотвращение конфликтов требует разработки творческих стратегий.

Again, this imaginative story rests on evolutionary assumptions.

Опять же, эта образная история опирается только на эволюционные предположения.

Any theme you can think of can be used to construct imaginative teacher bulletin boards.

Любая тема, о которой вы можете думать, может быть использована для создания рекламных досок для творческих учителей.

The variety of biomes and imaginative LEGO creations to discover is truly admirable.

С другой стороны, разнообразие биомов и творческих творений LEGO, чтобы их обнаружить, действительно восхитительно.

Solution certainly imaginative but unfortunately not served to Dakar…

Решение конечно творческие, но к сожалению не служил в Дакар…

He is revealed to be smart and imaginative.

Он показал, чтобы быть умным и творческим.

A characteristic trait of these buildings is ornate and imaginative carvings that decorate window frames, facades, and roofs.

Характерной чертой этих зданий являются декоративные и образные резьбы, которые украшают оконные рамы, фасады и крыши.

It is the imaginative narration of this famous mythological incident that makes the fresco stand out.

Именно образное пересказ этого знаменитого мифологического события выделяет фреску.

In my opinion, the description is quite interesting and imaginative.

На мой взгляд, описание достаточно интересное и образное.

Technical and economic cooperation was considered to be one of the essential functions of an integrated and imaginative foreign policy.

Техническое и экономическое сотрудничество. считалось одной из важнейших функций комплексной и творческой внешней политики .

Renzo wanted to come up with a more dynamic and imaginative line of clothing than was available anywhere.

Ренцо хотел придумать более динамическую и образную линию одежды, чем было доступно на то время где-либо.

In fact, their imaginative power is not as developed as attackers.

Фактически, их воображаемая сила не так развита, как нападающие.

They are innovative, imaginative practical and appreciate art in each of its forms.

Деревянные драконы инновационны, творчески практичны, и они ценят искусство в каждой из его форм.

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Surprisingly and despite all the imaginative bullshit that goes on as far as «saving the world» is concerned, the film lacks creativity in providing the humor.


Here are some fun ideas for imaginative and dramatic play from last weeks Tuesday Tots Link Up.


Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two boys — an inquisitive eight-year-old and an imaginative five-year-old — and a brand new baby girl.


Bravely imaginative and self-sufficient out of necessity, 9-year-old Patrick encounters the volatile lives of adults with fear.


A captivating 1930s-set caper… offers a vibrant and imaginative evocation of a bygone era.


«At this moment, when the environment and culture are so under threat, Huyghe’s imaginative, uncanny approach to the serious ecological and social issues facing our planet tie his oeuvre to the ancient purposes of sculpture: they possess a shamanistic quality which tips the mimetic into life,» Mr. Strick added.


Because we encourage freedom from electronic screens the children are able to build their imaginative play from their own experience of the world around them, the actual human activities they see their families, teachers, and friends engaged in.


They are more collaborative, imaginative and curious, and greater engagement is resulting in improved learning.


Ranging in style from finish fetish works in the lineage of Ken Price and Ron Nagle, to playful figurative statues and imaginative riffs on traditional ceramic objects like vases, this year’s NADA fair feels like a potter’s paradise.


This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content: Nintendo eShop on Wii U BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition — Fly through the award-winning world of BADLAND and discover an astonishing number of imaginative traps, puzzles and obstacles on… Read More»


Follow along as the artist’s signature mélange of art history, pop culture, politics, and music invites you to explore Laguna Gloria in imaginative new ways.


This is the path the history of videogames have taken, a path that carries on from tabletop games before them, as well as from literature and films, with whom they share imaginative practices.


Cute, imaginative, and sometimes hilarious, it’s especially well suited for quick breaks — if you’re tired or short on time, you can dip in, solve a puzzle or two, and call it a day.


By 3 years of age, your toddler is beginning to play with his/her toys in a much more imaginative and creative way.


Verzello and Goodwin’s home marketing was textbook: imaginative promotions; local publicity; starting with core accounts, and then building from there.


Every year since 2010, some of New York’s most respected architects and designers, through an inventive project called Architects for Animals, have been helping our city’s feral and stray community kitties by creating imaginative winter shelters to provide them with a refuge from the cold.


Woodman has concentrated on the vessel — its multiple uses and meaning throughout time — which can be seen in her imaginative «Greek Pots Visit Edo» (2002).


OPENING THIS WEEK Kam’s Kapsules: Weekly Previews That Make Choosing a Film Fun by Kam Williams For movies opening Christmas Day, 2008 BIG BUDGET FILMS Bedtime Stories (PG for crude humor and mild epithets) Adam Sandler stars in this fanciful fairy tale about a hotel handyman whose life changes when the imaginative bedtime stories he shares with his niece (Laura Ann Kesling) and nephew (Jonathan Morgan Heit) magically start becoming true.


An important element of Klara Kristalova’s work is her embrace of the clichés surrounding «the Nordic», with her deep forests full of imaginative and mythical flora and fauna, which she infuses with contemporary and topical narratives.


However, ever since the serpent challenged Eve to imagine what life would be like if she partook of the tree of knowledge, people interested in behaviour changes (aka educators) have been implementing a whole range of game-like elements: imaginative role-play, simulation, rewards, goals, challenges, etc..


She’s enthralled by her imaginative, whimsical dad, but it becomes increasingly clear that he’s also an unreliable alcoholic clinging on to his job by a thin thread, driving her mother up the wall in the process.


Make a fun and imaginative addition to your little one’s room with the 4 VW Beetle Cars I Canvas Wall Art from iCanvas.


RPG Maker Player (NIS America, Free)— Don’t have the imaginative chops to dream up your own adventures, but want to see what the amazingly creative community is up to?


Most Classes are characterized by weekly themes or stories with accompanying music, costumes and props to encourage imaginative participation.


First you’d get the Japanese novel, All You Need is Kill, then you’d get the westernized Tom Cruise vehicle, Edge of Tomorrow (which would have kept its unique, imaginative, original title instead of its current, homogenized one if the movie wasn’t PG-rated).


Few games define the Genesis/Mega Drive era of SEGA as adeptly as ToeJam & Earl: a kinetic mixture of gameplay styles, inventive music, imaginative character designs, and yes, nineties attitude.


Despite some real imaginative sequences, which are illuminated by excellent production design and great costume choices, See You Up There’s lacklustre style isn’t consistent, never quite reaching the heights that the absurd tale requires.


The peer-reviewed report reveals how the shift in American childhood over the last 20 years from one «engaged in a healthy, imaginative, interactive way to one that is inwardly facing, sedentary and expecting things to be fed to [them]» has affected children’s physical and mental wellness.


In essence, the case was about some imaginative manoeuvring by Nicholas John Harding who sold his company for a combination of shares and loan notes.


Legos are one of the only plastic toys we have, and I make the exception because they encourage hours of imaginative play.


Arthur is just a boy as the story begins, and the movie takes him into adulthood with its sole imaginative sequence: With a drum machine pounding on the soundtrack, we see him growing in a series of staccato cuts, which are interspersed with other quick cuts that show what’s happening in Vortigern’s Camelot.


The unique flavour of Spain is ever present throughout holidays in Costa Teguise, discovered in the character of the authentic villages and towns, along with the taste of imaginative culinary treats.


In the manner of a social scientist, he is wont to stage «temporary situations and imaginative sitespecific constructions that predict various communication patterns in behavior and in the perception of things.»


This is a type of data abstraction that Hirakawa has mastered through his collaborations with Ryoji Ikeda, Yoshihide Otomo, Yuki Kimura or Benedict Drew, allowing him to create highly imaginative installations that immerse the viewers into process-based environments.


When the story is finished, kids of all ages will enjoy creating and painting miniature wooden sled ornaments for their Christmas tree or imaginative play.


I like to think that I am pretty imaginative, so, wow!


Reinvent your pasta dishes with these imaginative ideas.


I want his gaming experiences to be guided by good games full of imaginative storytelling and gameplay, and for the idea of paying being an integral part of a games core mechanics to be a long and distant memory.


But if you if you want imaginative boss fights, you’re in luck with Cuphead.


Whitehead applies the term «imaginative generalization» both to the limited generalizations that I have just described, as well as to the entire process in which repeated generalizations lead to the universal generalization that the scope of the principle is indeed universal.


Most people say I am outgoing, humorous, broadminded, educated and intelligent, imaginative and creative, kind and empathetic, loyal and honest and romantic.


There is much that remains to be done despite 25 years of hard work, particularly on the fourth Innocenti target that calls on governments to `… enact imaginative legislation protecting the breastfeeding rights of working women and establish means for its enforcement.»


Authors are creative; it takes plenty of imaginative juice to write a book.


We are a team of collaborative, skilled, imaginative individuals with a common goal of supporting the work of innovators and entrepreneurs across the country in every way we can.


The number of new and imaginative enterprises outlined by Artlyst this year will hopefully help bring art to a wider public, as well as focus on academic and critical engagement.


Plucking imaginative ideas from dreams, Lithuanian photographer Ceslovas Cesnakevicius creates varied and creative images that displace reality.


We are big Marvel fans and the latest custom Vinylmation from Brian Sharpiro featuring the Infinity Gauntlet is simply amazing and is extremely imaginative, with a completely unique look.


Firelei Báez, whose work has long been interested in the representation of women, particularly Afro-Caribbean/Afro-Latina women, reimagines important women of color in history in conversation through imaginative portraits.


From biblical literature to Buddhist belief, from Oceanic legends to contemporary French poetry, learn how Paul Gauguin incorporated his quest for spirituality and his search for paradise lost (and found) into his imaginative art.


You can embark on a mythical quest unearthing the recognisable landscapes, full of magic and mystery, and follow in the footsteps of the imaginative Arthurian tale.


образный, одаренный богатым воображением, одаренный воображением


- одарённый богатым воображением

imaginative power — сила воображения

- обладающий творческим воображением

to have an imaginative mind — обладать творческим воображением
imaginative painter — яркий художник

- образный; художественный

imaginative literature [writings] — художественная литература [-ые произведения]
imaginative work — художественное произведение

- воображаемый, ложный, мнимый

Мои примеры


an imaginative use of computer technology — творческое использование компьютерных технологий  
an imaginative solution to the litter problem — творческое решение проблемы с мусором  
imaginative solution to a long-standing problem — оригинальное решение давнишней проблемы  
imaginative and reflective faculties — способности к воображению и размышлению  
imaginative literature — художественная литература  
imaginative campaign — творчески-одухотворённая кампания; творческая кампания  
imaginative composer — яркий композитор  
have an imaginative mind — обладать творческим воображением  
imaginative ability — способность творческого воображения; способность творчески мыслить  
imaginative copy — художественно-образный текст  
imaginative insight — умение психологически поставить себя в положение другого человека  
imaginative package — нестандартная упаковка; оригинальная упаковка  

Примеры с переводом

Her poems include many imaginative metaphors.

В её стихах содержится множество образных метафор.

The artist executed his imaginative ideas in stone.

Художник реализовал свои идеи в камне.

The restaurant’s menu is quite imaginative.

Меню этого ресторана довольно неординарное.

He had the ability to take bold imaginative decisions.

Он имел возможность принимать смелые творческие решения.

She wrote an imaginative story about life on the planet Venus.

Она написала фантастический рассказ о жизни на Венере.

What but a great fetch of imaginative power?

Что, кроме фантастического напряжения воображения?

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