Sentence with word hurry

Synonym: accelerate, hasten, hustle, rush, speed, urge. Antonym: delay. Similar words: hurry up, in a hurry, hurricane, hurt, churn, church, hurdle, cherry. Meaning: [‘hɜrɪ /’hʌrɪ]  n. 1. a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry 2. overly eager speed (and possible carelessness) 3. the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner. v. 1. move very fast 2. act or move at high speed 3. urge to an unnatural speed. 

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1. Nothing is ever done in a hurry

2. Hurry up, or you won’t keep up with them.

3. In his hurry to leave, he forgot his passport.

4. I have to hurry up.

5. Don t hurry me.Let me think.

6. You’ll be in time if you hurry.

7. Hurry up! We’re waiting to go.

8. Don’t be in such a hurry.

9. I did not feel the slightest inclination to hurry.

10. We must hurry up,or we’ll be late.

11. I’m in a hurry, so come to the point.

12. In her hurry, she dropped the books.

13. In her hurry she dropped the eggs.

14. If you don’t hurry, we’ll be late.

15. Hurry or you’ll be late for school.

16. You must hurry up, or you’ll be late today.

17. He went off in a great hurry.

18. Hurry up or we’ll miss the train.

19. You don’t need to hurry.

20. Hurry up and get dressed.

21. The party breaks up and the neighbors hurry home.

22. Hurry forward there,[] please—there are people waiting behind you.

23. Hurry up, we’re wasting time.

24. Why are you in a hurry?

25. Stop dawdling and hurry up: we’re late.

26. Hurry up — it’s almost time for school.

27. Hurry up, you’ve been knocked on.

28. You always seem to be in a hurry.

29. Let’s hurry a bit, we are far behind them.

30. They who live in a worryInvite death in a hurry

More similar words: hurry up, in a hurry, hurricane, hurt, churn, church, hurdle, cherry, parry, tarry, carry, sorry, worry, carry out, quarry, furrow, carry off, carry on, current, currency, surround, worry about, blueberry, surrogate, currently, recurrent, strawberry, surrounded, occurrence, concurrent. 

торопить, торопиться, подгонять, спешка, поспешность, торопливость


- спешить, торопиться

- подгонять, поторапливать, торопить; ускорять

to hurry the ending — ускорять конец /развязку/
it would be a pity to hurry the work — было бы очень жалко скомкать работу
don’t hurry me — не подгоняй меня
I have been hurried into (making an) error — меня так торопили, что я сделал ошибку
the salesman hurried the customer to make a choice — продавец торопил покупателя с выбором

- refl спешить, торопиться; стараться (закончить что-л.)
- делать что-л. поспешно; отправлять, посылать и т. п. в спешке

to hurry in — поспешно входить (куда-л.)
to hurry out — а) поспешно выходить (откуда-л.); б) поспешно уводить или увозить
to hurry smth. into the car — поспешно втащить /погрузить/ что-л. в машину
to hurry over smth. — поспешить с чем-л.
troops were hurried into the town — в город были поспешно введены войска

- уст., диал. будоражить, возбуждать

hurry no man’s cattle — имей терпение


- спешка; торопливость; поспешность

undue hurry — излишняя спешка /поспешность/
in a hurry — скоро; с лёгкостью, охотно
in one’s hurry — в спешке, спеша
in my hurry I forgot the keys — я в спешке забыл ключи
what’s your hurry? — чего ты торопишься?
why all this hurry?!, is there any hurry about it? — куда /зачем/ торопиться?

- нетерпение, нетерпеливое желание; желание или необходимость сделать что-л. поскорее

he is in a hurry to leave — ему не терпится уехать
why are you in such a hurry? — куда вы так торопитесь?, что вам не сидится?

- муз. тремоло
- мор. причал для загрузки корабля углём /углем/

in a hurry — скоро; с лёгкостью, охотно
I shan’t invite him again in a hurry — теперь я не скоро приглашу его к себе
you won’t find the book in a hurry — вам нелегко будет найти эту книгу

Мои примеры


in a hurry to lock the door — спеша запереть дверь  
in a devilish hurry — в ужасной спешке  
in fidget and hurry — в нетерпении и спешке  
hang of a hurry — безумная спешка  
to be in a hurry — спешить, торопиться  
no hurry — не к спеху  
hurry, or you will be late — торопись, а то опоздаешь  
tearing hurry — безумная спешка  
hurry-up breakfast — завтрак на скорую руку  
hurry into clothes — одеваться второпях; одеваться наспех  
come in great hurry — примчаться  

Примеры с переводом

I’m sorry to hurry you up.

Извини, что тороплю тебя.

Hurry up! Everyone’s waiting.

Поспешите! Все ждут.

He hurried to respond to her letter.

Он поспешил ответить на её письмо.

She hurried back to her desk.

Она поспешила вернуться к своей парте.

If we hurry, we’ll get there in time.

Если мы поторопимся, то доберёмся туда вовремя.

They were hurrying to catch their train.

Они спешили, чтобы успеть на свой поезд.

I’m in a deuced hurry.

Я ужасно спешу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…both lovers had to hurry to keep their noontime tryst in the park…

Emergency supplies have been hurried to the areas worst hit by the famine.

“Aren’t you ready yet?” “Don’t be so impatient. There’s no need to hurry.”

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

hurry along — поторапливать, побуждать двигаться быстрее, ускорять, событие
hurry away — поспешно уехать, поспешно увезти или унести
hurry off — поспешно уехать, поспешно увезти или унести
hurry over — делать кое-как
hurry through — делать второпях, делать кое-как
hurry up — торопить, поторапливать, торопиться, спешить, поторапливаться

Возможные однокоренные слова

dhurry  — плотная хлопчатобумажная ткань с бахромой, ковёр из хлопка
hurried  — поспешный, торопливый, быстрый
hurly  — плотный, дородный, крепкий, большой и сильный, толстый, тяжелый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hurry
he/she/it: hurries
ing ф. (present participle): hurrying
2-я ф. (past tense): hurried
3-я ф. (past participle): hurried

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word hurry, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use hurry in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «hurry».

Hurry in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word hurry in a sentence.

  1. I tried to hurry out of the car.

  2. He wasn’t in a hurry to do nothin’.

  3. There was no pressure on the composer to hurry.

  4. Bastian to go to Gonzales «to hurry up reinforcements».

  5. The piece was produced under stress of tremendous hurry.

  6. Never take no cutoffs and hurry along as fast as you can.

  7. They wanted to hurry over it, and get the beastly business finished.

  8. When in no hurry, they usually crawl on either solid or soft surfaces.

  9. As the men hurry away to save their homes, Zurga frees Leila and Nadir.

  10. Brigadier Eather came up in his jeep and started urging the diggers to hurry up.

  11. So long as the government keeps bleeding me dry, I shan’t be in much of a hurry to work again!

  12. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.

  13. Sutherland had Huff hurry everyone onto the aircraft, which took off as the air raid siren sounded.

  14. The journey started on 27 January «in a state of hurry bordering on panic», according to Cherry-Garrard.

  15. Urged to hurry with his task by Dormin, Wander soon heads off to defeat the sixteenth and final colossus.

  16. On March 15, Brenner wrote to Leach stating that Barber seemed in no hurry to have the new coins produced.

  17. Film historian Film News Anandan stated that Kalidas «was produced in a hurry, and was technically flawed.».

  18. Sammy was in such a hurry to collect her rewards that she released the tray before Bias had a chance to get hers.

  19. Brant sent a letter to McKee, urging him to hurry because «whilst the enemy are scadred [scattered] we can easy manage them».

  20. The new Prime Minister’s attempts to secure such a settlement were frustrated because Germany was in no hurry to talk to Britain.

  21. The governor was in no hurry to act; the Orsbornes finally left Georgetown on 13 August, when they boarded the cargo liner Inanda.

  22. Following further delays as Beresford’s two divisions regrouped, the relieving force were ordered to hurry to Badajoz on 15 March.

  23. Realizing he had been duped and that Gazan’s troops were tiring rapidly, Mortier sent orders to Dupont’s division to hurry forward.

  24. Financially independent, he was in no hurry to decide among the many offers of employment from top law firms and major corporations.

  25. The two, accompanied by Asmadi, hurry back to Doerachman’s home, only to find Mardjan and his men sitting relaxedly on the front porch.

  26. Burnie recalled that he stopped coming home for supper to hurry to the riverfront, slip aboard an excursion boat, and play the calliope.

  27. She claimed that the EAAF forensics appeared in a hurry to perform the autopsy before all the forensic experts had assembled for the autopsy.

  28. Charles marched to southern Italy and laid siege to Lucera, but he then had to hurry north to prevent Conradin’s invasion of Abruzzo in late August.

  29. Bert/Bertha’s costume was made in a hurry from a vintage tuxedo and an old feathered dress, which helped to give it a «made-it-on-the-road» feeling.

  30. Hay sent Adams a copy of a cheap British edition, telling him, «I think of writing a novel in a hurry and printing it as by the author of Democracy.».

  31. As the 21st advanced, Kearny rode out in front of the regiment, strenuously urging them to hurry, and refuting warnings that Confederates were close by.

  32. When Louise offered to continue the ironing, the woman refused, adding that she was in a great hurry to finish so that she could go and see Princess Louise.

  33. This forced him to hurry his writing, as the production team had hoped to have the show in rehearsal by the start of September; this was postponed by two weeks.

  34. The leather straps and toggles of the campaign hats or Leaders’ Wood Badges could be used as emergency tourniquets, or anywhere that string was needed in a hurry.

  35. Wood called Herbert Gerhardt, an engraver, who had seen the man with the package hurry towards the train, and whose wife had been hit in the stomach in the man’s rush.

  36. Ring also surprised England selector Walter Robins with his speed through the air, while journalist Tom Goodman noted Ring’s focus on making the ball hurry off the pitch.

  37. In his hurry to depart he left his suitcase behind, which contained letters and other documents that, he believed, supported his claims to a sexual relationship with Thorpe.

  38. As the legislation was not approved until May 12, 1920, and the commission hoped to have the coins available for sale as early as possible, Dallin was urged to hurry with his work.

  39. Madison recorded that Mason, believing that the convention had given his proposals short shrift in a hurry to complete its work, began his journey back to Virginia «in an exceeding ill humor».

  40. The demand for power at that project was so great that in 1943, two generators originally intended for the Shasta Dam were installed at Grand Coulee to hurry the generator installation schedule.

Synonyms for hurry

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word hurry has the following synonyms: haste, hastiness, hurriedness, precipitatio, rush, rushing, hasten, look sharp, festinat, travel rapidly, speed, zip and speed up.

General information about «hurry» example sentences

The example sentences for the word hurry that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «hurry» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «hurry».

«No Hurry» is a song recorded by American country music group Zac Brown Band. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Sergej Milinkovic-Savic isn’t a name you’ll forget in a hurry, and the highly rated Serbia international looks set to dominate the gossip columns in the January transfer window.


of torque, might work hard to get this 2,715-kilogram vehicle up to speed in a hurry, but the engine itself feels wonderful — smooth, strong and with good sound.


7)… that my kids never want anything to do with helping me clean the house, yet when I’m in a hurry because we’re having company over in 20 minutes, they suddenly want to learn how to use the vacuum.


So go hurry and grab the favorite piece and make your summer more stylish and adorable with these cool dresses.


When you’re still half asleep and in a hurry to get out the door, is there anything easier than reaching for breakfast cereals?


If you’re in a hurry and do forget to shut this straightener off — not to worry — the automatic shut off feature will power down the Xtava after 60 minutes.


It’s organized-ish but very small and I really don’t even notice til I come home at the end of the day (because my husband and I are flying out the door in such a hurry!)


It distinguishes a local resident from all tourists who are always in a hurry, are afraid not to have time to see the island, skip a tour or not go to a fish restaurant.


(Otherwise, you’ll be too tempted to leave them open when you’re in a hurry.)


Both systems work well and with slight effort, as does virtually everything else in the new Honda, which certainly is one of the easier cars to get onto in a hurry.


The comedy here leans heavily toward the filthy end of the spectrum, but once you get past the sex comedy and dirty language (and be in no hurry to do so) there’s actually a very sweet story about a man trying to find true love while being told that casual sex is all that matters.


Zen has always been fond of Dungeon Siege, American McGee’s Alice and — though she won’t admit it in a hurry — Crash Bandicoot, a childhood favourite!


The second is the state of balance sheets — the share of money, or things that can be exchanged for it in a hurry, in the assets of firms, households and financial institutions.


Ford’s F-150 based Raptor off-road super truck has held this pinnacle unchallenged since 2010 but with the introduction of the Chevy Reaper things could turn grim in one quick hurry.


I think it’s so important to have a few pieces of jewelry in your wardrobe that you know you can put on with any outfit in a hurry.


They were very pushy and seemed to be in a hurry to get me to write a check before I knew the details of the coverage I was looking into getting.


Morning, afternoon, night, between projects, split into two or three parts, in a hurry… I’ve…


«The 3.0 L twin-turbo VR V6 in the Infiniti Q50 sedan and Q60 coupe is smooth and refined, yet devastatingly fast, with brilliant midrange acceleration and an uncanny ability to get off the line in a hurry.


Though the sticker crowds $ 50 grand in a hurry when you tick the «Hybrid» option box, you’ll find few other vehicles for the same money that can haul 7 passengers in comfort, tow 3,500 pounds, and achieve close to 30 miles per gallon.


Mervyn King today signalled the Bank of England is in no hurry to raise interest rates as he warned several risks remained to the recovery and that there was no talk of «applying the brakes» yet.


If you are in a hurry then you’ll have to count.


If you think that you can just hop online and order a Ukrainian and Russian bride to be delivered in 4-6 weeks, you are going to be discouraged in a hurry.


Even people with significant resources can run into snags when attempting to raise cash in a hurry.


If an investor who owns an XYZ Company corporate bond needs to sell his or her holding in a hurry, they would have to check the market, or with a broker for a current quote and see which parties might be interested in purchasing the bond.


If you’re in a hurry to become «laid back,» you can fly directly to Placencia from the Belize international airport.


Of course every vehicle has its own nuances to master and once I found a few I liked I focused on beefing everything on them to 100 % in a hurry.


With all the hurry and lack of care caused by furtiveness, the animals are butchered in the field and the meat is smoked on racks over wood fires.


I have a tendency to skip steps when in a hurry — so the first time I made these I didn’t put the water in the oven AND didn’t egg wash them.


There is absolutely no doubt, they are in a hurry to get the title back home.


No, maybe you were driving too slow, or maybe the other person was just in a hurry, or maybe they are an aggressive driver.


Nervous and agitated, they do everything in a hurry and are quickly bored.


That little gauge alone won’t keep you from blowing your engine, but it will let you know that something has got to change in a hurry, or you may be using -LSB-…]


I never feel like he is in a hurry, although I know he is a very busy man.


How to be kind to yourself comes in many different ways or forms and being in a hurry, stressing out, not taking time to pause are all the ways which are not bringing you any self love… Continue Reading…


But if in a hurry you can use store-bought puff pastry, pizza or crescent roll dough.


FedEx Vermont defensive driving certificate For those who are in a hurry to get their Vermont defensive driving certificate of completion, choose FedEx when you sign up.


If you wonder how you missed this one in theaters, the answer is easy — it was in and out of the local multiplex in a big hurry.


But I do have 3 wars under my belt, so I can spin-up in a hurry.


The longer your list gets, the easier it will be for you to stick to your macro count when you’re in a hurry or when you’re travelling.


It’s important to understand all the seriousness of the process, make smart steps without a hurry and then, most likely, you will find a get your dream house.


If you’re in a hurry, look at our top and budget picks first.


So when you set the deadlines, be realistic, don’t be afraid to adjust, don’t get in a hurry, but at the same time do everything in your power to not miss a publishing deadline.


The engine * does * turn on if you need to accelerate onto a freeway, or for that matter if you’re just feeling in a hurry and use a lead foot.


* SHOP US FIRST * * TRADE-INS WELCOME * * CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT * * Excellent buy hurry in today this deal won’t last!


If you’re looking to rack up some points in a hurry, I’d recommend looking into the following cards:


They cant play football, and they where more in a hurry to equalize in the game.


An experienced plumber will have no problem getting a new faucet in place in a hurry.


Sometimes professional athletes are traded and have to find a place to live in a hurry.


There are so many signs and banners, flyers, specials, and colorful distracting labels on the food that it is difficult to comb through it all, especially if one is tired at the end of a workday or in a hurry (and who isn’t?).


The script was written by Liz Hannah, but Singer was brought in for his experience working on set — The Post was produced in a hurry, with seat-of-the-pants filmmaking that had the two writers delivering new pages daily.


Sentences with the word Hurry?



  • «why is he in such an all-fired hurry
  • «in a frightful hurry«; «spent a frightful amount of money»
  • «to close one’s eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover»; «the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave»
  • «We have to rush!»; «hurry—it’s late!»
  • «in a hurry to lock the door»
  • «it came by the first post»; «if you hurry you’ll catch the post»
  • «too pressing to permit of longer delay»; «the urgent words `hurry! hurry!'»; «bridges in urgent need of repair»

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