Sentence with word humorous

1 His humorous remark made everyone laugh.

2 The book takes a humorous look at parenthood.

3 Her latest book is a humorous look at teenage life.

4 He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him.

5 The humorous joke is common property.

6 He had a wide mouth and humorous grey eyes.

7 His humorous remark lightened the tense atmosphere.

8 The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.

9 a potpourri of short stories and humorous verse.

10 The film is at once humorous and moving.

11 She had not intended to be humorous.

12 The film has some mildly humorous moments.

13 The teacher dished up the story in a humorous way.

14 The poet ranted his humorous verses before a big crowd.

15 The film is delightfully humorous in the best traditions of romantic comedy.

16 Normally he asked questions,[] and had a humorous remark or two.

17 A pat humorous tale may sometimes arouse a big laugh.

18 The speaker gave us a humorous joke which suddenly clicked with us and we all laughed.

19 He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain.

20 It was a half way humorous remark.

21 At seventy-four, he published humorous verse in Latin.

22 A very beadle to a humorous sigh.

23 Joyce thought this last remark was humorous.

24 He was warm, gregarious, crotchety, and humorous.

25 He was, however, quietly spoken, and also very humorous.

26 The novel is a humorous but often painful odyssey through the next three decades of Dolores’ life.

27 It seemed oddly perverse, in a humorous kind of way.

28 She has written her description of him in a mildly humorous vein.

29 John Lennon found time to publish two books of his humorous prose.

30 Judging from the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be humorous.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Not necessarily there for humorous value.

При этом не обязательно возникает именно юмористический эффект.

Nearly all my poems are humorous or satirical.

Практически все тексты песен носят юмористический или даже саркастический характер.

Usually they get into humorous situations on the road.

По дороге он попадает в смешные ситуации.

Sometimes there was even a humorous skit.

Там порой были даже какие-то смешные вещи.

I remember a humorous situation in a laboratory.

В связи с этим мне вспомнился один забавный случай, произошедший в лаборатории.

We think it very humorous that you only give power to something if you surround it with mystique.

Мы находим очень забавным, что вы придаете силу только тому, окружаете мистикой.

Possibly because she found her own rage humorous.

Наверное, это потому что у него свое особенное чувство смешного.

Think twice before sending humorous messages.

Подумайте дважды перед тем, как отправлять юмористические сообщения.

Many are humorous, but some are also educational.

Многие из них веселые и забавные, но некоторые также имеют и поучительный характер.

As strongly as humorous films, people like bright colors.

Также сильно, как и юмористические фильмы, люди любят яркие цвета.

It’s same with the humorous stories.

Точно так же обстоит дело и со смешными историями.

The book is dark and humorous.

Таким образом, книга будет темная и смешная.

It’s humorous until it happens to you.

Действительно, смешно, пока подобное не происходит с вами.

Scott covers a breadth of practical and humorous insights from his own success and mistakes.

В своей книге Скотт охватывает огромное количество практических и юмористических взглядов и представлений, которые сложились у него на основе его собственных успехов и ошибок .

Observations: The production was overall quite humorous, albeit somewhat disturbing.

Данные наблюдений: В целом, спектакль был довольно смешным, хотя иногда и неприятным.

Cynical Realist painter noted for humorous clown-like figures.

Циничный художник-реалист, известный юмористическими фигурами, похожими на клоунов.

Another makes humorous videos and posts them online.

При этом американцы делают забавные видео и выкладывают их в Интернет.

It was very humorous to watch him.

Было очень смешно наблюдать за ним.

I simply can’t pass up the humorous elements.

His many assignments produced intriguing, humorous and often disturbing images and more than once threatened his life.

Большинство его командировок производили на свет интригующие, юмористические, но чаще тревожные фотографии, а несколько раз это даже гразило его жизни.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

юмористический, смешной, забавный, комический


- юмористический

humorous writer — писатель-юморист
humorous story — юмористический рассказ

- забавный, весёлый, смешной, комический

humorous accident — комическое происшествие
humorous situation — смешное /забавное/ положение

- уст. капризный
- уст. = humoral
- уст. влажный

Мои примеры


a serious book that includes a few humorous stories as leaven — серьёзная книга, которая для разнообразия включает в себя несколько забавных рассказов  
a mock news program with humorous riffs on current events — пародийный выпуск новостей с весёлыми остротами по поводу текущих событий  
humorous episode — забавный случай  
amusing / funny / humorous incident — забавный случай  
humorous style — юмористический стиль  
a humorous twinkle in one’s eye — насмешливый огонек в глазах  
a humorous vein — юмористическая жилка  
humorous literature — юмористическая литература  
humorous message — юмористическое обращение  
humorous paragraph — юмористическая заметка  
humorous stunt — гэг  
humorous catchphrase — прибаутка  

Примеры с переводом

The book is very humorous.

Книга очень смешная.

The film has some mildly humorous moments.

В фильме имеется несколько слегка забавных моментов.

He told us all sorts of humorous anecdotes about his childhood.

Он рассказывал нам всякие смешные истории о своём детстве.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the humorous moments in an otherwise somber affair…

…the rubrics at the beginning of the chapters are intended to be humorous…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

I like Jeff’s humorous Quote — The one with the most options wins


The author presents a comprehensive, well thought out paleo style eating plan in a humorous and organized manner.


Career Objective: Looking for a cartoonist position with «Fox News,» to draw political cartoons and bring forth complex administration issues in a humorous way to the public.


Here you will find travel tips, humorous anecdotes from my adventures and hopefully find some inspiration to get out in the world!


I’m am upbeat, humorous, sarcastic, personality with an honest approach to life and its many works.


They’ve tried to combat the games short lived campaign by giving each character their own mini mission to play through but even those can be completed in an hour or two tops which is somewhat disappointing, although the missions themselves do try and show case a lot of the franchise’s lighter, humorous side and they do it well.


Witty, humorous, respectful, well those are just a few words that describe me perfectly.


Last month I mourned my father after his death at 92 years of age — he had lived a full and vital life, humorous to the last even when age become a burden.


She was charismatic, humorous, a consummate storyteller.


The LEGO Movie Videogame will bring players into the humorous and action-packed role of Emmet, an ordinary LEGO minifigure mistakenly thought to be «The Special» — a character prophesized to save the world from an evil LEGO tyrant.


In this case, that means an opening credits sequence featuring the entire team and what amounts to a highlight reel of character traits meant to amuse: rapid banter from Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) and Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper), humorous» roid-rage from Drax (Dave Bautista), quiet bad-assitude from Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and an extended cute-Groot frolic.


As proponents of Street Art, both Banksy and Stik have gained enormous public popularity through their use of humorous, sometimes subversive and immediately recognisable imagery.


Decorate your family home in humorous style with the VIP International Rules For Dating My Daughter Wall Sign.


The movie also has quite a few humorous jokes drawn from factual animal knowledge to serve as stereotypes, like the memory of an elephant.


While there are no memorable music tracks throughout the campaign, the sound effects for each weapon, the well done and humorous dialogue from the main character and the high quality zombie growls adds to the immersion nicely.


In this humorous novel, 11-year-old Daughter has just enrolled in a new school, where she spends most of her time avoiding troublemakers like the Avengers (a would-be gang with a juvenile-delinquent leader), who call mixed-race Daughter a «zebra.»


Three time zones collaborating live and buzzing on what we hope will be a humorous adventure up there with Monkey Island and Wallace & Gromit.


«A view (occasionally humorous) of the causes, characters and craziness of the criminal courts and life from a prosecutor’s perspective.»


The perhaps humorous thought has been transformed with such precision, making us look closely at inanimate objects and see human personality or physical traits.


These are accompanied by personal letters, photographs from significant moments in his life, and his humorous sayings stenciled on the walls («Never give up before it’s too late!»)


They do include some more screentime for the humorous Kumail Nanjiani and outtakes.


Interspersed throughout are tongue-in-cheek comments, silly jokes and hilarious references that add a humorous and down-to-earth element to the overall design.


Fun, outgoing, passionate, honest, sexual, humorous guy, just looking to see who else is truely out there…


Armed with a portal gun, solve all kinds of crazy puzzles accompanied by a humorous robotic voice.


These two authors/moms met through a journal they kept in the IBM employee lactation room and, along with entries from other breast-feeding IBM moms, created this humorous (but informative) book on issues facing mothers returning to work.


While the activity is humorous it is also deeply troubling.


Better to deflect her cutting comments with a light, humorous response that shows you’re not taking the bait — and then change the subject.


«Anatomy of a Scene: The Explosive Bridge Chase Scene» (4:41, SD) allows Greengrass, Bradley, Damon, and Crowley to explain the filming one of the film’s most memorable action sequences, as we enjoy the humorous sight Damon hanging off a bridge like meat on a hook.


Ger van Elk’s work from that period, across a wide range of mediums, often draws humorous parallels between Amsterdam and Los Angeles.


Think about the funny inside jokes in your industry, and capitalize on it with some humorous content that’s linkable.


They know you aren’t taking a defensive driving course by choice, so they attempt to make things humorous and somewhat enjoyable for you.


Her free-ranging commentary commentaries may be read as cautionary tales, but they enable a formal exploration that is clearly whimsical, sensual, humorous and celebratory.


We typically try to report on the most important in Recent Gaming News but one of the biggest things we enjoy doing is finding odd and often times humorous video game news.


Presidential history blog with humorous and historic stories from my trek to read a biography of every US president in order.


Here, let me quote my favorite humorous moments from this article:


From the 1970s, his tireless pictorial production was accompanied by intense sculptural activity, which included small humorous sculptures made with found materials, the Coco Mato boxes reflective of his psychedelic experimentation, and classicising figures often made in bronze.


Though Wyler himself took a humorous view of his relegation from the heights of critical acclaim, for the sake of a fuller appreciation of great cinema, we should take this critical oversight more seriously.


Some news items, like this, are humorous on their own, but leave it to the Daily Show to put it under the Laughascope and reveal just a little bit more…


Even though flippant lines made men seem outgoing and humorous, they also made them seem less trustworthy and less intelligent.


Enjoy a guided tour of the newly renovated California Lighthouse including a complete historic description by our humorous and very informative tour guide, Mitch!


Along the way, you’ll be entertained with interesting and humorous stories about Galveston’s unique history.


More specifically, the legendary Eiji Aonuma himself shared some interesting tidbits regarding the inclusion of Majora’s Mask alongside quite the humorous screenshot.


Oddworld: New»n’ Tasty is a game that both fans of the series and newcomers alike will enjoy, so pick it up and jump into the strange and humorous land — this game is one of the best platformers in recent years!


The main characteristics for such candidate are: reliable, kind and clever, serious, loyal, fun, gentle, caring, loving, sincere, decent, sympathetic, humorous, strong-willed, purposeful, adequate, confident in yourself and others.


I am very honest, humorous, spontaneos and athletic.


Furthermore the exhibition includes works where the author actually remixes portraits, scenes with small interventions: red noses, crossed eyes and black eyes add a strikingly modern and humorous accent to the dusty and solemn images.


The account continued to write humorous responses to people tweeting at the brand throughout the day.


Christians are such an odd, at times humorous, confused and lost amalgam of baseless «believers» who live and profess something that is 180 degrees opposite to the Jewish malcontent they wish to be a god.


She enjoys writing about the humorous and sometimes quirky side of today’s online dating and relationship quandries.


I describe myself as loyal, fun, fit, humorous and driven.


About 2596 results found using ‘HUMOROUS’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Events include gourmet lunch, humorous speech contest and educational workshops.  (open, save, copy)

  • Of course, a half-dozen humorous moments occurred before and after the ceremony.  (open, save, copy)

  • Gene Collier does a once-a-week 2-minute video with a humorous thread on sports.  (open, save, copy)

  • Presenters will recount humorous and unusual stories culled from local archives.  (open, save, copy)

  • Fey is currently working on her first book, a humorous memoir due out next year.  (open, save, copy)

  • The players seemed almost surprised by every humorous turn and inventive stroke.  (open, save, copy)

  • Oberg will also share humorous and poignant songs that soldiers would have sung.  (open, save, copy)

  • The maneuverings were filled with humorous sidelights and dramatic cliffhangers.  (open, save, copy)

  • Sheard a total of nine letters that were often humorous and occasionally flirty.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘humorous’:

  1. Full of or characterized by humor; «humorous stories»; «humorous cartoons»; «in a humorous vein» [source]
  2. (humorously) in a humorous manner; «Dickens had humorously suggested a special service of intercession at St. Paul’s Cathedral» [source]
  3. (humorousness) jocoseness: the trait of merry joking [source]
  4. (humor) put into a good mood [source]
  5. (humor) wit: a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter [source]
  6. (humor) the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; «she didn’t appreciate my humor»; «you can’t survive in the army without a sense of humor» [source]
  7. (humor) temper: a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; «whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time»; «he was in a bad humor» [source]
  8. (humor) the quality of being funny; «I fail to see the humor in it» [source]
  9. Humour or humor (see spelling differences) is the tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement. … [source]

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