Sentence with word hide

Synonym: cloak, conceal, cover up, mask, pelt, screen, skin, veil. Antonym: display, expose, reveal, show. Similar words: chide, hideous, hid, hidden, hiding, side by side, hidalgo, idea. Meaning: [haɪd]  n. 1. the dressed skin of an animal (especially a large animal) 2. body covering of a living animal. v. 1. prevent from being seen or discovered 2. be or go into hiding; keep out of sight, as for protection and safety 3. cover as if with a shroud 4. make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing. 

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1. Poverty and love are hard to hide

2. Hide one’s talents in a napkin. 

3. Love and poverty are hard to hide

4. Velvet paws hide sharp claws.

5. Hide nothing from thy physician.

6. A fair face may hide a foul heart. 

7. Cats hide their paws.

8. Don’t hide. Run! You’ll make it to tomorrow.

9. Can’t help sadness, then slowly learned to hide.

10. Elephants have a very tough hide.

11. He made no effort to hide his disappointment.

12. John doesn’t hide his adoration for the girl.

13. How can I hide away, the whim of fate.

14. He could not hide his agitation.

15. She manufactured a false story to hide the facts.

15. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

16. She wears loose clothes to hide her flat chest.

17. She could not hide her dismay at the result.

18. He could not hide his embarrassment.

19. The robbers all wore hoods to hide their faces.

20. She used to hide her diary under her pillow.

21. Numerous attempts have been made to hide the truth.

22. Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sadness.

23. She could not hide her astonishment.

24. She smiled to hide her slight embarrassment.

25. She made a gallant attempt to hide her tears.

26. I’m who I’m, I have nothing to hide.

27. A fox cannot hide its tail.

28. I hide my storm-like love in my heart just not to give you any pressure. The more precious my love is, the more I cherish the love from others.

29. She clenched her hands in her lap to hide their trembling.

30. If rich, it is easy enough to conceal our wealth, but, if poor, it is not so easy to conceal our poverty. We shall find it less difficult to hide a thousand guineas, than one hole in our coat. 

More similar words: chide, hideous, hid, hidden, hiding, side by side, hidalgo, idea, aide, ride, bide, wide, side, tide, abide, glide, pride, ideal, bride, rider, slide, video, aside, snide, widely, ride on, decide, reside, ride out, subside. 

скрывать, скрываться, прятать, прятаться, шкура, укрытие, кожа, тайник


- сдирать шкуру; свежевать
- разг. выпороть, спустить шкуру
- прятать

to hide (away) a treasure — прятать сокровище
to hide smth. from sight — убрать с глаз подальше
hide yourself! — прячься!
she hid her face in her hands — она закрыла лицо руками

- прятаться; скрываться

where is he hiding? — где он прячется?
you had better hide — вам лучше спрятаться

- скрывать; не проявлять, не показывать (чувства и т. п.)

to hide (up) a scandal — замять скандал
to hide one’s feelings [intentions] — скрывать свои чувства [намерения]
I have nothing to hide — мне нечего скрывать
what are you hiding from me? — что вы от меня скрываете?

- закрывать, загораживать, скрывать

the sun was hidden by the clouds — солнце было скрыто облаками
the wall is hidden under the ivy — стена скрыта плющом
to hide one’s face — а) отворачиваться; б) = to hid one’s head
to hide one’s head — а) прятаться, укрываться; б) не показываться (особ. от стыда)
to hide one’s light /one’s candle/ under a bushel — а) библ. держать свет под спудом; б) скрывать свой ум и талант; быть излишне скромным


- шкура; кожа

raw hide — недублёная /сыромятная/ кожа
to have a thick hide — быть толстокожим

- шутл. кожа (человека)

neither hide nor hair — ничего; ни разу; ≅ ни слуху, ни духу
to save one’s hide — спасать свою шкуру
to tan /to dress/ smb.’s hide — разукрасить /избить/ кого-л.

- (охотничья) засада; укрытие; скрадок
- тайник
- гайда, хайд, надел земли; мера земельной площади (= 100 акрам)

Мои примеры


a purse of simulated alligator hide — кошелёк / сумочка из искусственной крокодильей кожи  
a whip made of untanned hide — хлыст, изготовленный из недублёной кожи  
to hide / mask one’s feelings — прятать свои чувства  
to hide out from the police — прятаться от полиции  
to have smb.’s hide — содрать с кого-л. шкуру, наказать кого-л.  
to soak a hide — отмачивать шкуру  
to hook the money and hide it — украсть деньги и спрятать их  
all horn and hide — кожа и кости  
newly stripped bullock’s hide — свежесодранная воловья кожа  
to hide / repress a smile — прятать улыбку  
to express / hide disgust — выражать / скрывать отвращение  
to bury /to hide/ one’s head in the sand — зарывать /прятать/ голову в песок  

Примеры с переводом

Muslim women hide their faces.

Мусульманские женщины скрывают свои лица.

Don’t try to hide anything from me.

Не пытайся ничего от меня утаить.

They hid me from the police in their attic.

Они спрятали меня от полиции на чердаке.

The church roof was half hidden by trees.

Крыша церкви был наполовину скрыта за деревьями.

He couldn’t hide his anger with us.

Он не мог скрыть, что сердится на нас.

Her tangled hair hid her face.

Её лицо было скрыто за спутанными волосами.

Use a cosmetic to hide the scar.

Используйте косметику, чтобы скрыть рубец / шрам.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the innkeeper tried to hide how much the request incommoded them…

Patterned carpet can hide a multitude of sins (=the carpet is dirty, but the pattern hides it).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

hideous  — отвратительный, ужасный, страшный, сильный
hiding  — сокрытие, прятание, порка
hider  — закрывающий многоугольник

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hide
he/she/it: hides
ing ф. (present participle): hiding
2-я ф. (past tense): hid
3-я ф. (past participle): hidden

ед. ч.(singular): hide
мн. ч.(plural): hides

The Hide is a 2008 film, the debut from director Marek Losey, who previously had an award-winning career as a director of advertisements. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I love wearing tunic dresses with leggings (hides my wide hip section and covers my stomach) and am always looking for new colors and unique styles, especially ones with short sleeves since I live in Florida.


Cordyceps kind of hides under the radar, but has profound benefits — especially in terms of athletic performance.


This means that a small percentage of HIV hides in infected cells, beyond the reach of even the most potent drugs.


If you work in a casual environment, leggings and tunic hides well.


the flow and flare hides those unwanted love handles like a breeze giving a supremely elegant appearance.


Cloth diapers have saved our hides (haha so punny) when we have been so broke that we can’t even afford food.


Juan confused solarizes their hides and provocative excessive shade!


Parts from several hides may be used to make a single leather bag.


These lessons have been beaten into them and branded on their hides.


Apart from their intrinsic value, kangaroos have instrumental value for their tourism appeal, for their meat and for their hides.


You feel they are strong, but that layer of fat hides your six packs.


I like the Vital Proteins brand because they use bovine hides made from cattle that graze on pasture and are not treated with hormones, steroids, or antibiotics.


Alligators have long been hunted, for hides and for meat, but in Louisiana hunters became so successful that the sight of an alligator became rare.


It’s a protein acquired from animal hides and bones.


My hair kind of hides them in the photos, but hopefully you saw how cute they are on my stories.


One theory is that this missing matter hides in a halo of hot gas around each galaxy.


p.s. Vital Proteins collagen is clean and is sourced from grass fed, pasture raised bovine hides and are free of hormones.


Vital Proteins Collagen Protein is sourced from pasture raised bovine hides from Brazil to ensure a natural, high quality, and sustainable source of this ancient nutritional powerhouse.


You are wearing warm, tailored clothing of hides, stitched together with bone needles.


An Australian hides behind Ecuador because Britain wants to give him to Sweden who might give him to America.


There are millions of Americans who would (and yes, I’d include those looking forward to being abducted by flying saucers in the Mormon religion) who wouldn’t think twice about ditching their religion to save their own hides.


Some people avoid kimono as the T-shape hides all the curves but not in the most flattering way.


I formed this stance because I don’t think vegan leathers are better alternatives to animal hides.


Evangelicalism in general hides it sore spots very well with nice rhetoric — but they can’t explain the dismal failure of the faith with regards to controlling «ego».


Life and life more abundant hides in our life as it stands.


Inside hides a lemon cheesecake filling with crunchy cacao nibs and on top, melted dark chocolate.


This is how yeast hides and protects itself from being destroyed.


The vessels in which they carried water to their dwellings — whether in hides or earthen jugs — were the earliest forms of bottled water.


I also adore the soft tiers (hides the food baby)


These are brands that produce fur coats; Lauren, Chalayan, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Valentino, Nina Ricci exhibited fur garments, made in excellent hues, while Versace, Dolce, and Gabbana, Emilio Pucci, Christian Dior, Elie Saab, Roksanda, Zac Posen, Alberta Ferretti have incorporated into winter dress line red, green, purple and even diverse hides.


The whole leather industry, based as it is on animal hides, is vulnerable these days to sensibilities about the relationship…


An individual who sold pelts in this fashion, a so-called bearskin jobber, would benefit if the market bottomed before the hides were delivered.


Vital Proteins Collagen is sourced from pasture-raised bovine hides from Brazil.


The production of leather also uses up natural resources including 15,000 gallons of water for every ton of hides, and creates significant amounts of carbon emissions which lead to climate change.


Blush (more like millennial pink) sofas, Icelandic sheepskin hides, and a wall covering by Calico add to the modern feel that makes wedding dress shopping at Lovely feel majorly less stressful and more like an afternoon of dress-up with good girlfriends.


Make sure you carefully read labels, too, because gluten hides in other places such as soy sauce, dry-roasted nuts, ice cream, alternative meat products, beer and more.


I answered this for Nicole above… most commercially available collagen peptides will not contain bone marrow (nor) bone matrix which is at the heart of whole bone extracts and bone soups… this is because almost all commercial collagen supplements come from the hides, not the bones.


The other reason is, black hides imperfections, so naturally white must make them more obvious!


Yet if Wenger had no stuck by Ramsey after his injury, he wouldn’t have become the type of player he is today and saved our hides last season.


In the meantime, says Reich, «this means we shouldn’t be as confident we’re right about the ability of… ecosystems to save our hides


Layering hides on area rugs is a very current look!


Residents of the Vineyard used sea salt to preserve and season food and tan animal hides, all extremely critical to survival.


But that average hides considerable variation, according to the new report.


The forgiving silhouette of the cheery, coral-colored tunic hides any (real or perceived) flaws.


My scarf kind of hides it but I’m wearing an off the shoulder top and its very comfortable since the sleeves are separate from the bodice.


This glazed almond pound cake may look simple on the outside, but inside hides a beautiful cranberry swirl.


It kind of hides out down by the beets, rutabagas and parsnips.


Our Collagen Peptides are sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine hides from Brazil.


Gelatin is obtained from selected pieces of calf and cattle hides, de-mineralized cattle bones (ossein) and porkskin.


This stand is a great choice for hunters who want to be able to constantly change their hides.


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Responsible casino will never hide such information.

Честное казино никогда не станет скрывать эту информацию и непременно укажет эти сведения.

People involved in illegal transactions have obvious reasons to hide their involvement.

Люди, участвующие в незаконных операциях имеют очевидные причины скрывать свое участие в них.

It uses this name to hide itself.

Это означает, что он использует эту фамилию, чтобы скрыть свою сущность.

All three wore hoods to hide their faces.

Все они были в масках, чтобы скрыть свои лица.

They have a locked room to hide in during the day.

Они занимались строительством тайных укрытий для того, чтобы прятаться там в течение дня.

We are what you hide every night inside your bed.

Мы — то, от чего вы прячетесь в своих кроватях каждую ночь.

They are rather small but hide treasures.

Мало посещаемый, он все же скрывает маленькие сокровища.

But that horrible stench was impossible to hide.

Но эту — потрясшую своим трагизмом — скрыть было невозможно.

I never hide anything from anyone.

Я никогда ни от кого ничего не скрываю.

A genuine company will never hide its identity or contact information.

Во-вторых, честная компания никогда не скрывает свой настоящий адрес и контактные данные.

Many of them simply hide their fear both from others and from themselves.

Многие из них просто-напросто скрывают свой страх как от других, так и от самих себя.

Many worried a future government could abuse this power to hide valuable land and/or minerals.

Многие были обеспокоены тем, что в будущем правительство сможет злоупотребить этой властью, чтобы скрыть прекрасные земли и/или ценные минералы.

Then what they do is they hide.

И что они с ними делать будут, скрывают объем.

Individuals often hide their drinking or deny they have a problem.

Люди часто скрывают свое пьянство или отрицают, что у них есть проблема.

You always choose your words to hide what you truly feel.

Вы всегда выбираете свои слова, чтобы скрыть то, что вы действительно чувствуете.

His statements were designed to hide something.

Его заявления были направлены на то, чтобы что-то скрыть .

But they usually do that just to hide the underlying fraudulent activity.

Но они обычно делают это, только для того, чтобы скрыть основную мошенническую деятельность.

I never hide my love to my motherland neither to this country…

Я никогда не скрываю свою любовь к своей родине, ни к этой стране.

Drugs simply hide feelings and problems.

Но на самом деле наркотики просто скрывают чувства и проблемы.

Was more significant things isolava Western guests, yet did not hide them.

Были более существенные вещи, изумлявшие западных гостей, и тем не менее их не скрывали.

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Hide or show the ribbon
Скрытие или отображение ленты

Okay, now you go hide.
Ладно, теперь ты прячешься.

Hide error indicators in cells
Скрытие индикаторов ошибок в ячейках

I’ll hide the moped.
Я спрячу мопед сзади.

Policymakers cannot hide from that reality forever.
Политические деятели не могут вечно «прятать голову в песок» от этой реальности.

Go and hide somewhere, Oskar.
Уходи Оскар, спрячься где нибудь.

Steven is always trying to hide money.
Стивен всегда пытается припрятать деньги.

You mean, save your hide.
То есть спасти твою шкуру.

As others have commented, such an approach could be read as an attempt to dissemble or hide issues of substance behind issues of procedure.
Как тут комментировали другие, такой подход можно было бы расценить как попытку дезагрегировать или сокрыть проблемы существа за вопросами процедуры.

“I have nothing to hide.”
«Мне нечего скрывать».

Shut up and go hide!
Заткнись и прячься!

Display or hide the fill handle
Отображение и скрытие маркера заполнения

We’re going to hide you.
Мы спрячем вас.

They got trap doors to hide their stashes in.
У них был люк, чтобы прятать свои заначки.

Go hide in your room.
Спрячься в своей комнате.

What, no thanks for saving your hide?
А где же спасибо за то, что спас твою шкуру?

It would then, in our view, be a mistake to try and hide this fact, and it would do a disservice to the claim which has been made by all members of this institution- and I include those members who were not able to join the consensus on the compromise package- that they value the role of the CD and they see it having a potential role in dealing with the challenges of the twenty-first century.
И таком случае, на наш взгляд, было бы ошибкой пытаться сокрыть этот факт, и это сослужило бы дурную службу заявлению всех членов этого учреждения,- и я включаю сюда и тех членов, которые не оказались в состоянии присоединиться к консенсусу по компромиссному пакету,- что они ценят роль КР и усматривают за ней потенциальная роль в преодолении вызовов XXI века.

Tap Hide My Story From.
Коснитесь Скрыть мой рассказ от.

Reapers are supposed to hide.
Жнецам полагается прятаться.

Hide in plain sight, you mug.
Скройся с глаз плана, лошок.


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