Sentence with word hesitate

Synonym: falter, flounder, let up, pause, rest, waver. Antonym: dare, decide, determine. Similar words: facilitate, on the side, hypothesis, habitat, limitation, invitation, rehabilitation, state. Meaning: [‘hezɪteɪt]  v. 1. pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness 2. interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing. 

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1. Please do not hesitate to call us.

2. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

3. Please don’t hesitate to call me.

4. I hesitate to marry her.

5. He seemed to hesitate a second.

6. People should not hesitate to contact the police if they’ve noticed anyone acting suspiciously.

7. If you hesitate too long, you will miss the opportunity.

8. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

9. The time will hesitate can breathe, will stop for us.

10. The army did not hesitate; they took the town by storm.

11. I didn’t hesitate for a moment about taking the job.

12. She did not hesitate to express the disdain that she felt.

13. I hesitate to describe him as really clever.

14. I might today hesitate to turn in a burglar.

15. I’d hesitate before accepting such an offer.

16. They hesitate between fighting and submitting.

17. I didn’t hesitate about working with Craig.

18. I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.

19. Something about his smile made her hesitate.

20. If you get into trouble, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

21. She didn’t hesitate for a moment but came straight out with her reply.

22. If you need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask.

23. He’s the kind of filmmaker who doesn’t hesitate to over-sentimentalize.

24. This could make your superiors hesitate to trust you with major responsibilities.

25. The shock made her hesitate for a moment but she quickly came to herself again.

26. If you hesitate, you may lose the opportunity to compete altogether.

27. Would you like that? Don’t hesitate to say no if you’d rather not.

28. Some parents hesitate to take these steps because they suspect that their child is exaggerating.

29. The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment,Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. 

30. If you wish to discuss this matter further please do not hesitate to contact me.

More similar words: facilitate, on the side, hypothesis, habitat, limitation, invitation, rehabilitation, state, estate, prestidigitation, dictate, statement, these, chest, catches, sit, all the same, the same as, on the spot, site, resist, design, beside, resign, sit up, sit on, vital, just the same, for the sake of, designs. 

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For further questions don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.

В случае возникновения вопросов, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь в любое время контактировать с нами.

Never hesitate to communicate with me for fear of bad English.

Никогда не стесняйтесь общаться со мной, боясь, что у вас плохой английский.

Once there, you will hesitate.

Когда вы на первом месте, вы будете колебаться.

He told me they will not hesitate.

Он сказал мне, что они не будут колебаться.

Either way, we hesitate to know.

Другими словами, нам необходимо сомневаться, чтобы узнать.

So, never hesitate to consider their help.

Никогда не сомневайтесь в том, что вам не помогут.

They hesitate because maybe if they say something, people may reject them.

Они сомневаются потому что, может быть, если они скажут что-то, люди могут отвергнуть их.

Let us not hesitate to assume this noble political commitment.

Давайте, не колеблясь, возьмем на себя это благородное политическое обязательство.

My captain will not hesitate to kill you.

Мой капитан не будет колебаться, прежде чем убить вас.

People who are shy often hesitate before trying something new.

Люди, которые застенчивы, часто стесняются, прежде чем попробовать что-то новое.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us about this property.

Не колеблясь, войти в контакт с нами в отношении этого имущества.

Do not hesitate and send us your request.

В этом случае не сомневайтесь и присылайте нам свои предложения.

When they are uncertain, they hesitate.

Потом, когда появляются возражения, противоречия, он сомневается.

Do not hesitate to contact us regarding this unique property.

Не колеблясь, войти в контакт с нами в отношении этого имущества.

This seems so obvious that I hesitate to mention it.

Сейчас это звучит так очевидно, что я сомневаюсь, стоит ли об этом упоминать.

I would not hesitate to see another production.

Не сомневаюсь в том, что у нас появятся новые производства.

I don’t hesitate in such cases.

«Я ни секунды не сомневаюсь в таких случаях.

Do not hesitate to visit this unique place.

Так, что не сомневайтесь и обязательно посетите это уникальное место.

Many hesitate to refinance if their loans are public.

Многие люди сомневаются, в том стоит ли им рефинансировать кредит.

For traders, these hidden points represent invisible support/resistance zones where prices will hesitate and/or reverse.

Для трейдеров эти спрятанные отметки представляют собой невидимые зоны сопротивления (поддержки), у которых цена может колебаться и, или разворачиваться.

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стесняться, колебаться, запинаться, призадумываться, не решаться, запнуться


- колебаться, сомневаться

I hesitated about taking the position — я раздумывал, согласиться ли мне на эту должность
we hesitated concerning the course to be taken — мы не знали, какой путь избрать
he didn’t hesitate for an instant — он не колебался ни минуты
go on!, don’t hesitate! — продолжайте!, не мешкайте!

- не решаться

to hesitate to do /in doing/ smth. — не решаться сделать что-л.
I hesitate to affirm — (я) боюсь утверждать
to hesitate about accepting a gift — не решаться принять подарок
he hesitated over the price — его смущала цена
I hesitate rather to choose my opinion — я боюсь высказать определённое мнение

- стесняться

do not hesitate to ask me — спрашивайте меня, не стесняйтесь

- запинаться, заикаться

to hesitate in one’s speech — заикаться
he hesitated for a word — он запнулся, подыскивая нужное слово
he who hesitates is lost — промедление смерти подобно

Мои примеры


to hesitate over a choice — колебаться в выборе  
hesitate about accepting a gift — не решаться принять подарок  
don’t hesitate! — продолжайте!; не мешкайте!  
he noticed her hesitate — он заметил, что она колеблется  
hesitate in speaking — говорить с заминкой  
hesitate in speech — заикаться  
if you hesitate at all — если вы хоть сколько-нибудь сомневаетесь  
once you hesitate you are lost — стоит заколебаться-и ты пропал  
she was noticed to hesitate — заметили, что она колеблется  
waver / hesitate — поколебаться  

Примеры с переводом

She hesitated to act.

Она не решалась действовать.

Do not hesitate to call me.

Если что, звони, не стесняйся. / Звоните в любое время.

I hesitated to come without being asked.

Я не решалась прийти без спроса.

It would be fatal to hesitate.

Промедление смерти подобно.

I sometimes hesitate to say what I am really thinking.

Иногда я стесняюсь говорить то, что думаю на самом деле.

She hesitated and waited for her friend to say something.

Она колебалась, и ждала свою подругу, чтобы что-то сказать.

Don’t hesitate to call if there is a problem.

Если возникнет какая-то проблема, звоните не раздумывая.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the flinty rancher did not hesitate to lather a recalcitrant horse…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

hesitation  — колебание, сомнение, нерешительность, запинание, неохота, заикание
hesitative  — колеблющийся, проявляющий колебание
hesitating  — нерешительный, колеблющийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hesitate
he/she/it: hesitates
ing ф. (present participle): hesitating
2-я ф. (past tense): hesitated
3-я ф. (past participle): hesitated

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word hesitate, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use hesitate in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «hesitate».

Hesitate in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word hesitate in a sentence.

  1. Catherine did not hesitate to exploit her new authority.

  2. When the Queen seemed to hesitate, Marlborough and Godolphin refused to attend a cabinet meeting.

  3. Would I, who hesitate to reveal my learning to my women at home, ever think of doing so at court?

  4. Even Pericles’ own son, Xanthippus, who had political ambitions, did not hesitate to slander his father.

  5. Churchill himself had openly encouraged defection to the Orangist cause, but James continued to hesitate.

  6. Despite her negative perception of Muslims, Catherine did not hesitate to approach them as potential allies.

  7. Roger Ebert and Jonathan Ross seem to accept this interpretation, but both hesitate to overanalyze the film.

  8. Grainger was known for his musical experimentation and did not hesitate to exploit the capabilities of the orchestra.

  9. As a citizen I would hesitate, or not like, to see any political party outlawed on the basis of its political ideology..

  10. Blum notes that at a time «when artists did not hesitate to depict the breast of the Virgin, Memling did not shun her womb».

  11. Therefore, he did not hesitate to send troops to Corcyra to reinforce the Corcyraean fleet, which was fighting against Corinth.

  12. When Sir Joseph makes the argument that «love levels all ranks», a delighted Josephine says that she «will hesitate no longer».

  13. The Bradleys have the reputation of being the best rifle shots in that vicinity and they would not hesitate to shoot when necessary.».

  14. Leading Cairene officials began making contact with him, and Ridwan did not hesitate to preach jihād against Bahram from the pulpit of the mosque.

  15. Bucer did not hesitate to disagree with Zwingli on occasion, although unity between Strasbourg and the Swiss churches took priority over such differences.

  16. His official powers included the right of «search and seizure», which he did not hesitate to exercise on behalf of the trade or to further his own interests.

  17. Nevertheless, Hand did not hesitate to condemn Roosevelt’s frustrated attempt to pack the Supreme Court in 1937, which led commentators to warn of totalitarianism.

  18. Although it would finally curtail his medical studies, Bruce did not hesitate; with William Gordon Burn Murdoch as an assistant he took up his duties on Balaena under Capt.

  19. By the time of the Ochakov mutiny in November 1905, fleet morale had improved and Krieger did not hesitate to fire two 10-inch and fourteen 6-inch shells against the rebels.

  20. He placed its authority above other sources such as the ecumenical councils or the Church Fathers, although he did not hesitate to use other sources to support his arguments.

  21. The Commission hesitate to approve the Liberty Bell as shown with the crack in the bell visible; to show this might lead to puns and to statements derogatory to United States coinage.

  22. He would naturally hesitate to suggest to his committee that this player or that should be dropped, and so be instrumental in depriving the man in question of some part of his livelihood.

  23. The people were allowed to practise their religion; Lithuanian dukes did not hesitate to marry daughters of Orthodox dukes; at least some of the dukes’ scribes must have been Orthodox as well.

  24. Viv Richards, Joel Garner and Ian Botham were all very vocal in their support of the suggestion, the former two suggesting that other captains «would not hesitate to take advantage of the rules».

  25. British author and historian Antonia Fraser describes Catesby’s mentality as «that of the crusader who does not hesitate to employ the sword in the cause of values which he considers are spiritual».

  26. Nabokov did not hesitate to write that this demonstrated that Shostakovich was «not a free man, but an obedient tool of his government.» Shostakovich never forgave Nabokov for this public humiliation.

Synonyms for hesitate

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word hesitate has the following synonyms: pause, waver and waffle.

General information about «hesitate» example sentences

The example sentences for the word hesitate that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «hesitate» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «hesitate».

Definition of Hesitate

pause before doing something because of uncertainty or nervousness

Examples of Hesitate in a sentence

We watched the driver hesitate as she decided whether to turn right or left.


As his voice broke with emotion, the newscaster began to hesitate.


They decided to hesitate on choosing a vacation location, and missed out Caribbean cruise opportunity.


My dad always told me not to hesitate when something feels right.


The interviewee continued to hesitate before answering each question.


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