Sentence with word harmful

Smoking is harmful to health.
Курить вредно для здоровья.

It is also economically harmful.
Оно также является экономически пагубным.

Protect your device from harmful content
Защита смартфона от вредоносного содержимого

Reporting harmful or dangerous content
Отправка сообщения о вредном или опасном контенте

Such a failure is extremely harmful.
Такая неудача чрезвычайно пагубна.

To avoid viruses and harmful contents, take the following precautions:
Для защиты от вирусов и другого вредоносного содержимого следует принять следующие меры безопасности:

Now not all lies are harmful.
И не всякая ложь вредна.

harmful historical legacies that weigh down its most important interstate relationships;
пагубным историческим наследием, которое давит на наиболее важные межгосударственные отношения;

This information helps Google better protect everyone from harmful apps.
Эти сведения помогают Google защищать пользователей от вредоносных приложений.

Smoking is harmful to your health.
Курение вредно для вашего здоровья.

Why would any government pursue such a harmful and mindless economic policy?
Почему правительство проводит столь пагубную и бездумную экономическую политику?

Spam refers to abusive, harmful, or disruptive content, profiles, and messages.
К спаму относятся оскорбительные, нарушающие порядок или вредоносные профили, сообщения и контент.

Ilaria Fresh means no harmful pesticides.
«Илария Фреш» не содержит вредных пестицидов.

Urges States to condemn all harmful traditional practices, in particular female genital mutilation;
настоятельно призывает государства осудить все виды пагубной традиционной практики, особенно калечащие операции на женских половых органах;

Arguably, Gerashchenko was the most harmful office-holder during the transition.
С этим конечно можно не соглашаться, но в переходный период Геращенко был самым вредоносным государственным чиновником.

This medicine has no harmful side-effects.
У этого лекарства нет вредных побочных действий.

My fellow environmentalists, on this subject, have been irrational, anti-scientific, and very harmful.
В этом вопросе мои коллеги по защите окружающей среды заняли нерациональную, антинаучную и весьма пагубную позицию.

Chrome automatically blocks harmful downloads that try to cause problems on your computer, like:
Chrome автоматически блокирует скачивание вредоносных файлов с программами, которые могут:

These same infections create harmful algal blooms.
Те же самые инфекции провоцируют образование вредных скоплений водорослей.

The most harmful consequence is the public’s loss of trust in the system.
Самым пагубным последствием такого отношения является потеря общественного доверия к системе.


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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Smoking cigarettes is one of the most life-threatening harmful habits ever acquired.

Курение сигарет считается одной из самых опасных для жизни вредных привычек, когда-либо приобретенных человеком.

Forget about ineffective (and even harmful) supplements.

Теперь поговорим о неполезных (и даже вредных) сочетаниях продуктов.

I find it very harmful and dangerous.

Я считаю, что это очень вредно и опасно.

Others think it’s harmful for the body.

Некоторые из них утверждают, что это вредно для организма.

Consider if your game is perpetuating discrimination or, worse, glorifying harmful behaviors.

Задумайтесь, не подкрепляет ли ваша игра дискриминацию — или того хуже, не прославляет ли вредоносное поведение.

Cruise level emissions may be more harmful.

Выбросы, производимые при полетах в крейсерском режиме, возможно, являются более вредными.

Energy generation produces harmful emissions, including greenhouse gases.

Процесс производства электроэнергии из них, кроме того, сопровождается вредными выбросами, в том числе парниковых газов.

Cows also produce methane gas which is a harmful greenhouse gas.

Кроме того, коровы производят метан, который также относится к вредным парниковым газам.

However, vigorous exercise immediately after eating is harmful.

Впрочем, замирать в ленной неподвижности сразу после приёма пищи вредно.

First you must ensure that no harmful chemicals are in the aquarium.

В первую очередь нужно стараться, чтобы никакие вредные химические вещества не попадали в воду.

Some patients refuse medications believing that pills are harmful.

Некоторые пациенты просто отказывались верить в то, что солярий вреден.

Think of another animal that people believed was harmful.

Можно только посочувствовать тем видам животных, которые человек считает для себя вредными.

Vehicles using them also produce fewer harmful emissions.

Также автомобиль, оснащенный такой системой, совершает меньше вредных выбросов.

No company ensures 100% removal of harmful chemicals from coffee.

Ни одна компания не гарантирует 100% удаления вредных химических веществ из кофе.

And third, because some meteorites contain harmful materials when eaten, he explained.

И в-третьих, потому что некоторые метеориты содержат вредные материалы при употреблении в пищу», — пояснил он.

Use harmful factors to achieve positive effects.

Вредные факторы могут быть использованы для получения положительного эффекта.

But these products are not suitable for pregnant women because they contain harmful chemicals.

Тем не менее, эти продукты не подходят для беременных женщин, поскольку они содержат вредные химические вещества.

Salt «reacts» with harmful energy.

Соль «вступает в реакцию» с вредной энергией.

Ask our politicians to ban harmful pesticides and favor clean farming.

Обратитесь к нашим политикам с требованием, запретить вредные пестициды, в пользу чистого сельского хозяйства.

Beer in its composition has harmful substances that adversely affect men.

Пиво в своем составе имеет вредные вещества, которые плохо влияют на мужчин.

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Harmful is a rock band from Frankfurt, Germany, founded in 1992 and frequently compared to early Helmet and more occasionally to Blackmail. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It is possible for individuals to make a difference by changing things within their control, such as cutting down on their meat consumption in order to curb the harmful emissions generated by the livestock industry.


Web content control will intercept any request that user initiate in firefox and display a warning page if the children is trying to open harmful content.


There can also be synthetic materials covering the underside that can be harmful if eaten.


Smokers know that smoking is harmful, but they don’t stop.


So many of today’s products contain harmful chemicals that can cause profound and lasting health effects.


Arginine also acts like an antioxidant by reducing lipid peroxidation which is a harmful process that creates cell damage from free radicals.


You should always wearing at least broad-spectrum SPF 15 to help shield skin against the sun’s harmful UV rays no matter what the season.


Protect those hands while protecting your babies from harmful and irritating scents and chemicals with some Weleda Skin Food cream.


Finally, the forgiveness aspect is important — a shorter repayment term could mean bigger forgiveness, but if that’s taxable, that could be harmful.


Some, such as lymphocytes, help to kill harmful microorganisms.


The main task — to improve your metabolism and lead the body of harmful metabolic products.


With increasing availability of zero-emission cars over the coming years, when will citizens at large start to question the idea that every vehicle has an «exhaust pipe» that just belches harmful substances into our shared air?


In fact, the depletion may be more harmful than ever, according to a new study.


You face a large undead risk, however they’re simply a part of the harmful open-world ecology.


Peer pressure is a powerful influence, one that you need to understand so that you can help protect your child from making harmful decisions done under its sway.


One study demonstrated that regularly eating chocolate rich in flavanols offers significant sun protection and can protect you from harmful UV effects; while regular milk chocolate had no effect.


He says closure was «interpreted as an attack or something done against their will that was harmful to them.»


You had to accuse your spouse of abandonment, adultery, physically abuse, mental cruelty or some other harmful act.


If your form is wrong, the results are going to be wrong (not to mention potentially harmful).


We need to make sure that we recognise the difference between early potentially harmful sexual behaviour and work with partners to divert young people, as opposed to young peoples natural curiosity to experiment for which we do not want to unnecessarily criminalise.


Actually, the trend is in the opposite direction, suggesting that DEMs may be actively harmful.


While formaldehyde is naturally occurring, high levels can be harmful to humans.


Window film and tinted window film quickly deliver an impressive return on investment by cutting energy costs and blocking harmful UV rays.


Chemicals such as dyes and pesticides can be especially harmful because they are made up of small and highly soluble organic particles that can not be completely removed during the water treatment process, ultimately ending up in our drinking water.


Early local healers separated those herbs that were harmful or ineffective from those that provided benefits, and the latter emerged as the medicines of that era.


Our positive, progressive approach to helping you manage your dog’s behavior makes harsh corrections and harmful training equipment obsolete.


A host of special molecules called nuclear RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), when misplaced outside the nucleus, form the harmful clumps seen in several…


But now that we know how harmful lack of socialization is, the study would not be repeated today.


In terms of the stroller’s safety many users agree that the independent canopies, rain covers, and UV protectors keep their babies safe from all harmful weather elements.The braking system stops the stroller right on track and the padded handle bars, suspensions, and duals wheels offer smooth rides.


Online or store-bought products that you know nothing about could prove to be harmful or of poor quality.


However, Trump and DeVos have not acknowledged this history or committed to protect students against harmful unintended consequences as they have championed a plan to funnel public funds into unaccountable private schools through a nationwide voucher system.


Plastic debris is unsightly; it damages fisheries and tourism, kills and injures a wide range of marine life, has the capacity to transport potentially harmful chemicals and invasive species and can represent a threat to human health (Thompson et al. 2009).


Unlike hormone replacement treatments, Estroven is said to be safe and free of harmful side effects.


Corn kernels are generally not toxic or harmful for Fido, and can even be great as a healthy snack.


Likewise, children who enter school behind their peers in these areas tend to remain academically behind and at risk for harmful behavior in adulthood (e.g., dropping out of school, criminal behavior, unemployment).


Competition is great, but this is a disgrace and extremely harmful to the field.


The acetic acid in the vinegar is a good disinfectant, effective against such harmful bugs as E. coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus.


Most synthetic are only half as potent & effective as their natural counterparts, but far from harmful.


Though many spices may be harmful to our dogs, cinnamon is a relatively safe way to add flavor, manganese, and antioxidants to your dog’s food.


These antioxidants help to counteract the harmful impacts of too much cortisol which floods the body with chronic stress.


«As you continue to investigate harmful technology and intellectual property practices, we ask that any remedy carefully consider the impact on consumer prices.


By starting a Body Cleanse Detox you will help your body remove harmful toxins and parasites from your body.If a body cleanse detox is not done at least a couple of times a year you…


That pesky puppy or curious kitten can find lots of ways to get into trouble, and — contrary to popular opinion — pets don’t always intuitively know what can be potentially harmful to eat or drink.


But it’s important for intended mothers be free of stress due to its harmful effects on the body.


There is nothing inherently terrible or harmful about frame strollers used in moderation, but far more often than not they are enablers of the bad stroller habits even great parents make.


It was unknown on September 16 just how quickly the panic would spread and how harmful it would be to the real economy.


Are you saying it is OK to be unloving and taunting if someone’s statement is untrue and possibly harmful to many people?


E-cigarettes contain up to 10 times the level of cancer-causing agents in regular tobacco, Japanese scientists said Thursday, the latest blow to an invention once heralded as less harmful than smoking.


Phoenix life was the first to bring many insights into the life insurance industry like the longevity of women’s lives over men or the harmful effects of tobacco use.


Although, through proper sportsmanship, perspective and education, many of these harmful injuries can be avoided, and the mercy rule, consequently, deserves to be mercifully eliminated.


вредный, пагубный, губительный, тлетворный, разлагающий


- вредный, пагубный; опасный

harmful consequences — пагубные последствия
harmful news — неприятные /тревожные/ новости
harmful animal — вредное животное

Мои примеры


chemicals that are harmful to the environment — химические вещества, которые являются вредными для окружающей среды  
a harmful dependence on foreign oil — вредная зависимость от иностранной нефти  
the off-site disposal of harmful waste — внеплощадочная утилизация вредных отходов  
deleterious / harmful effect — вредное воздействие  
harmful to one’s health — вредный для здоровья  
harmful conditions — вредные условия (труда)  
harmful consequence — вредное последствие  
harmful access — злонамеренный доступ (наносящий ущерб)  
emissions of harmful substances — выбросы вредных веществ  
harmful chemical substances — вредные химические вещества  
ensuing of harmful consequences — наступление вредных последствий  
levy on environmentally harmful consumption — налог на потребление, наносящее ущерб окружающей среде  
harmful admixture — вредная примесь  

Примеры с переводом

Too much sun is harmful to the skin.

Слишком много солнца — вредно для кожи.

How can I shut out such harmful thoughts?

Как мне отогнать эти опасные мысли?

It is hopeless trying to screen your child from the harmful effects of television.

Попытки оградить ребёнка от пагубного влияния телевидения безнадёжны.

Women are more at risk from the harmful effects of alcohol than men.

Женщины более подвержены риску вредного воздействия алкоголя, чем мужчины.

It is harmful to overexpose your skin to the sun’s rays.

Вредно слишком долго подвергать кожу воздействию солнечных лучей.

DDT has been proven to be extremely harmful to the environment.

ДДТ оказался чрезвычайно вредным для окружающей среды.

Violence on television is generally decried as harmful to children.

Насилие на телевидении, как правило, осуждается как вредное для детей.

These new methods reduce the need to use harmful chemicals on crops.

Эти новые методы уменьшают необходимость использования вредных химикатов в отношении сельскохозяйственных культур.

You’ll need sunglasses that will cut out harmful UV rays from the sun.

Вам понадобятся солнцезащитные очки, которые не будут пропускать вредные ультрафиолетовые лучи от солнца.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Some insects are harmful but others are beneficial.

The ozone layer filters harmful UV rays from the sun.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

harm  — вред, ущерб, зло, обида, вредить, причинять вред, наносить ущерб
harmless  — безвредный, безобидный, невинный, ни в чем не повинный
harmfully  — во вред, в ущерб, пагубно, опасно, скверно
harmfulness  — вред, пагубность, вредность, вредоносность

Antonym: harmless. Similar words: charm, harmony, harmonize, harmonious, farm, arm, warm, farmer. Meaning: [‘hɑrmfʊl /hɑːm-]  adj. 1. injurious to physical or mental health 2. able or likely to do harm 3. causing or capable of causing harm 4. constituting a disadvantage 5. contrary to your interests or welfare 6. tending to cause great harm. 

Random good picture Not show

(1) The drug can be harmful if taken in excess.

(2) We should stop factories from producing harmful gases.

(3) She actually considered fresh air harmful.

(4) Smoking is harmful to your health.

(5) This apparatus produces harmful radiations.

(6) It’s important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

(7) Rubbishy commercials and harmful programmes contribute to the rise in violence and crime in the street.

(8) The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.

(9) Sunscreen provides a protective layer against the sun’s harmful rays.

(10) It is generally believed that smoking is harmful to health.

(11) Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.

(12) There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.

(13) Fruit juices can be harmful to children’s teeth.

(14) To jerk off is harmful.

(15) Smoking is a harmful vice.

(16) These products are often positively harmful.

(17) Not all virus infections are necessarily harmful to vines.

(18) Smoking can be harmful to your health.

(19) It is distinct that smoking is harmful to health.

(20) A lot of these chemicals are potentially very harmful.

(21) It is evident that smoking is harmful to health.

(22) There is a general awareness that smoking is harmful.

(23) Sighing for sorrow can be harmful.

(24) It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to health.

(25) Many household products are potentially harmful.

(26) Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation.

(27) Water is not an effective shield against the sun’s more harmful rays.

(28) Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.

(29) Unfortunately, pesticides kill off beneficial insects as well as harmful ones.

(30) Depletion of the ozone layer leaves the earth’s surface increasingly exposed to harmful radiation from the sun.

More similar words: charm, harmony, harmonize, harmonious, farm, arm, warm, farmer, armed, warm up, forearm, warmth, alarmed, garment, hard, full, sharp, shared, Chart., a share, harsh, shark, wharf, chart, awful, harbor, charge, harrow, careful, in full. 

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