Sentence with word habitat

And used to their natural habitat.
И привыкли к своей природной среде обитания.

The waters are all taken in to construct the wetlands for habitat restorations.
Вся вода проходит через искуственные болота, воссоздающие природные местообитания здешних видов.

The ability to connect to all of these networks makes a habitat valuable.
Возможность присоединения ко всем этим сетям делает место обитания ценным.

As the Cadasta Foundation and Habitat for Humanity’s Solid Ground campaign recently demonstrated in a new online survey, these uncertainties have far-reaching consequences.
Как недавно продемонстрировала в новом онлайн-опросе программа «Надежная опора», проводимая Cadasta Foundation и Habitat for Humanity, эти неопределенности имеют далеко идущие последствия.

“Hydromorphology” is the physical characteristics of the riverine structures such as river bottom, river banks, the river’s connection with the adjacent landscapes and its longitudinal as well as habitat continuity.
“Гидроморфология”- это физические характеристики речных структур, таких как речное дно, берега реки, их связь с прилегающим ландшафтом и их протяженность, так же как и целостность места распространения.

It represents a privileged habitat and recreation area.
Оно является привилегированной средой обитания и местом отдыха.

Guideline 7 Each preservation reference area should contain the full range of habitat types found within its subregion.
Параметр 7 В каждом заповедном эталонном полигоне должен присутствовать весь диапазон типов местообитаний, встречающихся внутри субрегиона.

An agreement for the preservation of wildlife and its natural habitat in the GCC States.
соглашение о сохранении диких животных и растений и их естественных мест обитания в государствах ССЗ.

He claims they are drowning as their icy habitat disappears.
Он заявляет, что они тонут из-за того, что исчезает их естественная среда обитания.

Efforts such as the Inclusive Growth in Cities Initiative and the United Nation’s Habitat III conference are helping to turn the tide against rising inequality one city at a time.
Такие мероприятия, как «Инициатива всеобъемлющего роста в городах» и III Конференция Habitat ООН помогают переломить ситуацию растущего неравенства в городах, последовательно работая в каждом из них.

You can find spiders in nearly every terrestrial habitat.
Пауков можно встретить практически в каждой наземной среде обитания.

Finally, the Commission considered environmental matters, including the relationship between sea ice and cetaceans; habitat degradation; and anthropogenic noise.
Наконец, Комиссия рассмотрела экологические вопросы, в том числе связь между морским льдом и состоянием популяций китообразных; ухудшение состояния местообитаний; и антропогенный шум.

After all, much of what makes a house a habitat lies outside of his department’s purview.
В конце концов, большая часть из того, что делает дом местом обитания, лежит вне компетенции его ведомства.

You can’t dump industrial waste as it may harm the «natural habitat«.
Нельзя даже сбросить промышленные отходы, т.к. это может навредить «естественной среде обитания».

This is the particular additional habitat requirement of humanity.
Это особенное дополнительное условие для среды обитания, необходимое человеку.

To preserve representative and unique habitats, all habitat types for a subregion should be included within a preservation reference area.
Чтобы сохранить репрезентативные и уникальные местообитания, в заповедный эталонный полигон должны войти все типы местообитаний, характерные для субрегиона.

And the human habitat was reduced to just a few small pockets, compared to what we have today.
И места обитания людей сократились до нескольких очагов, по сравнению с тем, что мы имеем сегодня.

Beverly + Dereck Joubert live in the bush, filming and photographing lions and leopards in their natural habitat.
Бeвepли и Дерек Жубер живут в пустыне, снимая на видео и фотографируя львов и леопардов в их естественной среде обитания.

How does it work to make habitat for animals like me?»
Как он функционирует, создавая среду обитания для «животных» вроде меня?»


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This habitat also provides the humidity ticks need to survive.

Эта среда обитания также обеспечивает паразитам необходимый уровень влажности, который им нужен, чтобы выжить.

Their habitat is threatened by deforestation.

Их среда обитания находится под угрозой из-за вырубки лесов.

It also discussed findings about marine habitat degradation and rehabilitation.

В нем обсуждаются также выводы на предмет деградации и восстановления морских местообитаний.

Airlines will work towards protecting the animal and also protect its shrinking habitat, he said.

«Авиакомпания намерена поработать в направлении защиты животного, а также сохранения его сужающегося ареала», — добавил он.

Its habitat is forest and semi-open country, including cultivated areas.

Его среда обитания является лес и полуоткрытый страна, в том числе посевных площадей.

It also underscores the importance of habitat.

Также он отметил, что большое значение имеет среда обитания.

No other habitat on earth has such a constant temperature.

Ни одна другая среда обитания на Земле не имеет такой постоянной температуры.

◈ Their Environment: Their habitat includes swampy areas and tropical forests.

◈ их среде: их среда обитания включает в болотистой местности и тропических лесах.

The key to abundant wildlife in coastal Louisiana is habitat.

«Ключевым фактором многообразия диких животных на побережье Луизианы является среда обитания.

The habitat habitat for these representatives of the marine fauna is the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

They change their habitat throughout the year.

It grows in many types of habitat, including disturbed areas.

Растёт во многих типах среды обитания, включая нарушенные области, такие как обочины.

Very little is known about their winter habitat or behavior.

Об их строении, среде обитания и поведении было мало что известно.

I also agree we should get a mountain habitat.

Также я согласна, что нашему государству необходимо развивать горную промышленность.

This is probably largely due to their choice of habitat.

Это, наверное, зависит во многом из-за их выбора среды обитания.

This means that they are vulnerable to negative changes in their habitat.

Это означает, что они теперь уязвимы для негативных изменений в их среде обитания.

Most mosquitoes will remain near the same breeding habitat throughout their adult life.

Большинство комаров будут оставаться вблизи одной и той же среды размножения на протяжении всей своей взрослой жизни.

Therefore the species is not affected by habitat degradation.

Таким образом, причина снижения численности животных не связана с ухудшением условий среды обитания.

Such stands may also provide poor habitat for wildlife.

Такие лесонасаждения могут также представлять собой плохую среду обитания для диких животных и растений.

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habitat — перевод на русский


-In my natural habitat?

— В среде обитания?

An absolute dissection of a yet unexplored habitat.

Абсолютной вскрытие еще не исследованной среде обитания.

I need a complete photo record of those animals alive and in their natural habitat.

Но, чтобы получить поддержку, я должен представить снимки животных… снимки ящеров в естественной среде обитания.

A carnival of monsters all living in their natural habitat.

Карнавал монстров, живущих в естественной среде обитания.

I would never pass up an opportunity to see you in your natural habitat.

Ни за что бы не упустил возможность посмотреть на тебя в твоей природной среде обитания.

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This island is their natural habitat and now that man is leaving, well, the bats may once again flourish.

Этот остров — их среда обитания. И теперь, когда люди покидают остров, я надеюсь, они снова здесь поселятся.

-Sadly, logging and human settlement today threaten what might possibly be his habitat.

— К сожалению, вырубка леса и человеческое вмешательство угрожает среде возможного его обитания.

He was found in the tiger habitat.

Он был найден на месте обитания тигра.

A money launderer’s natural habitat… is near rich people.

Природная среда обитания отмывателей денег находится рядом с богатыми людьми.

No signs of habitat.

Никаких следов обитания.

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Of course now, the question is, how will these animals be returned to their natural habitats?

— Разумеется, главный вопрос-как вернуть этих зверей в их естественные места обитания.

Despite your vulnerability, you have taken possession of every habitat… and conquered swaths of territory… like no other species before you.

Несмотря на свою уязвимость, ты захватил все места обитания… и покорил такие территории, как никакой другой вид до тебя.

These artificial great plains are making wild grasslands amongst the most endangered habitats on Earth.

Эти искусственные поля представляют огромную опасность для степей, как места обитания.

It’s sort of natural habitat.

Это что-то вроде природного места обитания.

Next time, we venture to the newest habitat on Earth, our cities.

В следующей серии мы отправимся в самые новые места обитания на Земле — наши города.

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Habitat Ring.

Жилое кольцо.

Habitat ring, level 14.

Жилое кольцо, уровень 14.

I can search the Docking Ring and you the Habitat Ring and the central core.

Я могу обыскать стыковочное кольцо, а вы осмотрите жилое и центральное ядро.

It’s floating dark, barely registers on radar but it’s got a habitat ring, which means someone’s home.

Она не обслуживается, даже на радаре еле видна. Но там есть жилое кольцо, а значит, кто-то дома.

Stand… I’m reading a huge plasma surge in the habitat ring.

Ожида… Я фиксирую мощный выброс плазмы в жилом кольце.

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Gosh, I thought he’d be happier in his true habitat.

Боже: я думала в естественной среде ему будет лучше.

You ever work for Habitat for Humanity?

Ты когда-нибудь работал в «Естественной среде для человека»?

Or are you gonna show yourselves off in your natural habitat and fly that Kappa Tau flag freely?

Или же вы предстанете перед ними в своей естественной среде свободно размахивая флагом Каппа Тау?

We don’t want to disturb them in their natural habitat.

Мы не должны беспокоить их в естественной среде.

When he can get one, in his natural habitat,

В своей естественной среде — при любой возможности.

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I suppose it’s because, in their natural habitats, things like the ability to punch stoutly on the nose don’t exist.

Полагаю, потому что в их естественной среде просто некому давать им по носу!

The more I watch our predator, the more I begin to think that it is what controls the Nubbins in their native habitat.

Чем больше я смотрю на хищника, Тем больше начинаю думать, Что это он контролирует популяцию Пушистиков в природной среде.

By exploiting different environments, they didn’t compete and could coexist, dominating their chosen habitats.

Населяя разные ареалы, они не конкурировали друг с другом и могли сосуществовать, доминируя каждый в свой среде.

Seeing you in your natural habitat is truly disturbing. Hi!

Видеть тебя в твоей настоящей среде действительно волнующе.

What is his natural habitat?

В какой такой естественной среде?

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The habitat’s population consists of humans, Vulcans, Bolians, Ferengi…

Население купола состоит из землян, вулканцев, болианцев, ференги…

Tuvok, keep working on a way to target their habitat’s power source.

Тувок, продолжайте работать над способом атаковать источник энергии их купола.

Some kind of force field went up around the habitat.

Вокруг купола было установлено силовое поле.

The Delta Flyer is heading up from the habitat.

Дельта-флаер удаляется от купола.

You and Tuvok were in the alien habitat for nearly three hours.

Вы и Тувок были в куполе инопланетян почти 3 часа.

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Well, anyhoo, guess what I found in my habitat, today.

что я сегодня в своём вольере нашла?

Look, the point is, okay, is that keeping animals in fake rock habitats with plastic kiddie pools is criminal.

Слушай, дело в том, что содержать животных в поддельном вольере с детским пластмассовым бассейном преступление.

Well, it’s your bottom. I went to happy hour once and woke up naked in the penguin habitat at the Bronx zoo.

Однажды я пошла в бар на счастливые часы и проснулась голой в вольере пингвинов в зоопарке Бронкса.

At the zoo, they’ve got this camera set up in their habitat.

В зоопарке в их вольере усыновлена камера.

Astonished onlookers at the Bronx Zoo watched as a man, reportedly high on NZT, jumped into the lion habitat and proceeded to tame one of the animals, to the point where she was literally eating out of his hand.

Потрясённые посетители зоопарка наблюдали, как мужчина, предположительно под НЗТ, запрыгнул в вольер со львами и приручил одного из животных до такой степени, что она буквально ела у него с руки.

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Habitat Ring, level K-55.

кольцо Хабитат, уровень K-55.

Habitat Ring D-12.

Кольцо Хабитат Д-12.

— Did you know you can travel the whole world Working for habitat, rebuilding houses?

Ты знал, что можешь объездить весь мир, работая в Хабитат, строя дома?

And Jimmy Carter’s part of Habitat.

— И Джимми Картер тоже работает в Хабитат.

I think It’s wonderful that you like Habitat for Humanity so much.

Я думаю, это очень хорошо, что тебе так сильно нравится Хабитат.

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(1) This type of owl prefers a desert habitat.

(2) If the heart has no place where the habitat is wandering.

(3) This creature’s natural habitat is the jungle.

(4) The panda’s natural habitat is the bamboo forest.

(5) The dolphin’s habitat is being rapidly degraded.

(6) This creature’s habitat is the jungle.

(7) The marshes provide a rich habitat for water plants.

(8) Development is destroying the animal’s native habitat.

(9) In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft.

(10) Some animals are in danger because their native habitat is being destroyed.

(11) The moorland is an important habitat for many rare bird species.

(12) The forest provides a habitat for hundreds of species of plants and animals.

(13) To save remaining herds and habitat, the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants.

(14) The grassland is an important habitat for many wild flowers.

(15) The moth’s habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out.

(16) The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear.

(17) This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.

(18) Hunting and habitat loss are the most likely reasons.

(19) Habitat[], especially if different from mainland.

(20) Jefferson Square is an ambitious departure for Habitat.

(21) The sea turtle’s natural habitat has been considerably reduced.

(22) The open sea is also an important habitat.

(23) Is it something in the mucky habitat?

(24) Habitat destruction and overfishing have also taken their toll.

(25) Many species are threatened in the wild due to habitat destruction by man.

(26) The main threat to the survival of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.

(27) With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.

(28) The greatest danger to tigers now is through loss of habitat.

(29) Dry stone walls may appear stark and lifeless, but they provide a valuable habitat for plants and animals.

(30) The severest human impact on the dolphins has been the loss of habitat.

More similar words: rehabilitation, a bit of, a bit of a, hesitate, limitation, facilitate, invitation, prestidigitation, bit by bit, bitch, orbit, rabbit, exhibit, cabin, every bit, prohibit, ambitious, ability, cabinet, exhibition, vital, a big shot, a big deal, guitar, capita, stability, liability, get at, disability, capability. 

In ecology, a habitat is the type of natural environment in which a particular species of organism lives. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Meanwhile, orangutan habitat would reduce by 16 % (1137 km2), resulting in the conservative loss of 1384 orangutans, or 25 % of the current total population with or without RED intervention.


It would be great to give students an opportunity to build a 3D habitat structure, using art supplies, to showcase what they’ve learned — it would also be expensive.


Continue onto Chabil Mar for your land based cultural and jungle experiences, to view the howler monkeys in their natural habitat, crocodiles and varied river marine life, explore ancient Maya ruins of Belize and cave swimming or tubing and jungle treks at the world’s first jaguar preserve.


They will be spay/neutered, vaccinated, ear-tipped and returned to their habitats.


From landmark agreements protecting fish and wildlife habitat, to innovative educational programming, and hundreds of partnerships with organizations serving those in need throughout the state, the Muckleshoot Tribe is contributing to the health of its forests and the quality of life of its citizens and neighbors.


John Andrew Olthuis: Called to the Ontario Bar in 1987, the Newfoundland and Labrador Bar in 2015 and the Alberta Bar in 1965, John Olthuis has spent 40 years working with First Nations across Canada from Labrador to the Northwest Territories for recognition and implementation of their Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, including finding innovative ways to secure cultural and habitat protection and economic benefits from projects they consent to in their Traditional Territories.


And that would give any organisms access to sunlight and organic material from impacting comets, providing a habitat where life could thrive (see graphic).


This has become a widespread weed present in 88 per cent of 24,824 of quadrats — small areas of habitat selected at random as samples for assessing the local distribution of plants and animals — monitored by researchers.


One factor in the divergence appears to have been cataclysmic eruptions of Mount Toba in Sumatra about 73,000 years ago, which destroyed habitat and likely hindered the dispersal of males.


Laughing Bird North Location: One nautical mile north of LBC Depth: 25-80feet / 8-24mt Access: Boat Expertise Rating: Novice On top of the slope here are scattered coral patches on the seafloor which makes it a perfect habitat for the protected queen conch.


See Australia’s tropical wildlife in its natural habitat.


Making its official debut on April 21st in the United States in a limited release, Born In China is narrated by John Krasinski as camera crews ventured deep into the wilds of China to film some fantastic beasts in their natural habitat.


Those that have been lucky enough to encounter them in the wild, in their natural habitat, talk of… Read more…


A variety of natural habitats are found on the Monterey Peninsula: littoral zone and sand dunes; closed-cone pine forest; and Monterey Cypress.


Using already disturbed lands would help avoid conflicts between renewable energy developers and environmental groups concerned about impacts to wildlife habitat.


This time the video takes us on an investigative journey in to the natural habitat of the team and thei… [Read More]


Many small mammals share habitats with humans and can carry cat fleas.


Scandinavian logging increased during the 20th century but has now peaked and will decline, and so moose will lose habitat as closed forest canopies reclaim the landscape.


Connecting sustainable agriculture and wildlife conservation: Does shade coffee provide habitat for mammals?


Other manufacturers offer herbivore habitats with an attached hay «silo» to help keep hay in a confined area of the cage.


For instance, owing to natural variability in habitat temperature and pH, animals living in intertidal and estuarine environments may have some resilience to increased temperature and/or acidification [21,22,25,26,30 — 32].


The Choco Nose can be easily mounted either on conventional wire cages or even wooden boxes that serve as habitat for your critters.


Environmental benefits In addition to greenhouse gas mitigation or sequestration, many projects provide a range of additional ecosystem services that enhance biodiversity, preserve natural habitats, control erosion, reduce localized air and water pollution, and more.


It would be awesome if our whole push to solve climate change was forced through the habitat provisions of the ESA to save the polar bear.


If so, we hypothesise that cats would increase their use of habitats that have been recently burnt or intensely grazed, and that this relationship would be stronger in areas of high small-mammal abundance.


Their natural interactions make them real, they make these digital creatures feel natural to the habitats they call home.


If you are outside the classroom looking at your local environment and habitats there are ID dials to download and make for identifying moorland birds and plants.


Other highlights of this epic voyage include seeing Indonesia’s Komodo Dragons in their natural habitat, relaxing on picture-perfect beaches on Bora Bora and visiting the Taj Mahal.


The AOA has identified over 40 % of the Southern Ocean that warrants protection and the Alliance has called for the establishment of the world’s largest network of Marine Protected Areas and no-take marine reserves to protect 19 key Antarctic marine habitats.


Tour several differing island habitats and see wildlife in its natural environment.


The area is absolutely one of the last untouched places on the planet where divers can participate in exploratory frontier diving in one of the most diverse marine habitats anywhere in the world.


The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to provide technical and financial assistance to private landowners to restore, enhance, and manage private land to improve fish and wildlife habitats through the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program.


Koblick may sound like a romantic dreamer for his enduring belief in the value of seabed habitats and his persistent efforts, over many years, to create new ones.


I am particularly seeking links to data and papers which show the wider, global picture regarding the impact of climate change on glaciers, and, crucially, the impact on humans and habitats if they do melt.


Islay is a beautiful and fertile Island and hosts a fantastic and varied population of birds and wildlife, due to the varied habitat, large wild areas and generally mild climate it is home to many species that are scarce across the rest of the UK.


Through Georgia Aquarium’s rescue and rehabilitation efforts, we are able to rehabilitate and release loggerhead sea turtles back into their natural habitats.


It is therefore possible to observe a variety of animals in their natural habitats, including: Giant Otters, Black Caiman, the majestic Jaguar, the strange Spectacled Bear, the Tapir, the Ocelot, 13 species of monkey, and an estimated one thousand species of bird.


However, erosion on the marsh edge by wave action has resulted in significant loss of this productive habitat.


On 23 June, UNESCO decided to put the Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP) Conservation Area in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh on the World Heritage List, acknowledging it as one of the world’s most important and significant natural habitats for conservation of biological diversity, containing threatened species of outstanding universal value.


The possibilities seem endless: virtual realities that immerse students in remote habitats or historical eras; learners mastering skills and content through digital games; kids everywhere achieving basic fluency in code, as their forebears once had to learn cursive.


Along the trail east of Mile Rock, this project, completed in 2007, increased canopy and understory bird habitat and boosted tree species diversity at a site frequented by birders from near and far.


Unfortunately, loss of habitat is occurring all over the US, as well as Central and South America, where migratory birds make their winter homes.


Each plant ingredient is grown organically and sustainably in its native habitat to ensure peak potency.


Place one to three inches of carefresh ® complete natural paper bedding in your pet’s habitat depending on the number and type of pets housed.


«The 409 national park sites preserve our country’s most outstanding scenery, wildlife, and habitat, and honor our most important historic events and people.»


«Our rice growers strive to improve yields, increase competitiveness and enhance waterfowl habitat.


«The hope is that this study will reinforce the importance of protecting habitats perceived as «low-quality», rather than merely solely old growth, high carbon, forests,» Goossens concluded.


Whether you are grabbing food at a fancy restaurant or seeing animals in their natural habitat, Tulsa has everything you could possibly need for a successful date.


At the same time, these industrial scale practices are destroying habitats


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had proposed to limit water release to protect the habitat of two endangered fish species.


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