Sentence with word grapes

1 The sweetest grapes hang the highest. 

2 The grapes are made into wine.

3 Squash the grapes into a pulp.

4 I think it’s a case of sour grapes.

5 The first grapes are harvested in mid-August.

6 I think it’s just sour grapes.

7 Wine is made from grapes.

8 I think it’s sour grapes.

9 Mother is juicing some grapes.

10 The grapes are ripening, the apple trees are heavy with fruit.

11 The price of grapes had shot up to 32 francs a kilo.

12 They can express the juice from grapes to make wine.

13 They crushed out the juice of grapes in a wine-press.

14 Wine is made by crushing grapes.

15 The grapes are hand-picked and pressed.

16 These grapes are completely flavourless.

17 The grapes cost $2 a pound .

18 Essentially, vines and grapes need water, heat and light.

19 This region produces the grapes used in champagne.

20 Grapes are usually either green or red.

21 He can’t eat grapes — they upset him/his stomach.

22 The grapes are delicious but very seedy.

23 The wine is made from organically grown grapes.

24 Who scoffed all the grapes?

25 The wine is produced from Chardonnay grapes.

26 The peasants were treading the grapes in huge vats.

27 The juice of the grapes was pressed out.

28 The grapes were laid to dry on racks.

29 The place is nationally known for its melons and fruit,[] especially its seedless grapes.

30 She went on a 48-hour detox, eating nothing but grapes.

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When you land Grapes, you win up to 30.000 coins.

За виноград вы получите до 30000 монет.

Table Grapes: Maturity requirements — minimum brix values for different varieties.

Столовый виноград: требования к зрелости — минимальное значение числа Брикса для различных разновидностей.

To adopt the present recommendations for Table Grapes and Pineapples as UNECE Standards.

Предложение принять существующие рекомендации в отношении столового винограда и ананасов в качестве стандартов ЕЭК ООН.

Grapes contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two critical carotenoids for maintaining eye health as we age.

В винограде содержится лютеин и зеаксантин, два основополагающих каротиноида для сохранения здоровья глаз с возрастом.

I forgot about Mr. Grapes.

Grapes help preventing cancer and fight cholesterol.

Виноград помогает предотвратить рак и в борьбе с холестерином.

Grapes contain several important nutrients and powerful plant compounds that benefit your health.

Виноград содержит несколько важных питательных веществ и мощные растительные соединения, которые приносят пользу вашему здоровью.

Grapes are a well-known fruit worldwide, fitting into almost any lifestyle.

Виноград — это хорошо известный фрукт во всем мире, подходящий практически для любого образа жизни.

Grapes are mostly used for wine production.

Виноград используют, в основном, для производства вин.

Grapes were the first thing Noah planted after the flood.

Виноград — первое, что посадил Ной после потопа, ступив на землю.

Grapes and wine have always given refreshment and ensured health.

Виноград и вино всегда давали освежение и обеспечили здоровье.

Grapes contain high levels of beneficial plant compounds, which may help protect against certain types of cancer (6).

Виноград содержит высокий уровень полезных растительных соединений, которые могут помочь защититься от развития определенных видов рака (6).

Grapes are collected in boxes of 12-15 kg.

Виноград собирают в ящики по 12-15 кг.

Grapes for the red blend passed pre-fermentation maceration.

Виноград для красного бленда проходил пред-ферментационную мацерацию.

Grapes contain many types of antioxidants, primarily in the skin.

Виноград содержит много видов антиоксидантов, прежде всего в кожице.

Grapes of incomparable beauty, besides.

Виноград несравненной красоты, помимо прочего.

Grapes of all colors contain a rich mix of antioxidants — including polyphenols, such as flavonoids and resveratrol.

Виноград всех цветов содержит богатую смесь из антиоксидантов: полифенолы, флавониды и ресвератролы.

Grapes contain an abundance of polyphenols, including flavonoids, and are also one of the main dietary sources of resveratrol.

Виноград содержит множество полифенолов, включая флавоноиды, а также является одним из основных источников ресвератрола.

Grapes give a really good dose of antioxidants.

Виноград дает действительно хорошую дозу антиоксидантов.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Grapes

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grapes — перевод на русский

I’ve got grapes.

У меня есть виноград.

I like grapes.

Мне нравится виноград.

And I like grapes.

И мне нравится виноград.

Can I have a plum and some grapes, please?

Можно мне сливу и виноград, пожалуйста?

A plum and some grapes.

Слива и виноград.

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— Yeah, ginger ale and grape juice.

— Да, имбирный эль и виноградный сок.

Grape Juice Wilson!

Виноградный сок-Уилсон!

Here’s something you can’t do, Mr. Grape Juice.

Вот то, что вы не сможете сделать, Мр. Виноградный сок.

— Ginger ale and grape juice.

— Имбирный эль и виноградный сок.

Ginger ale and grape juice?

Имбирный эль и виноградный сок?

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Walk middle, sooner or later, get squished just like grape.

А если идёшь по середине, то рано или поздно тебя раздавят как виноградину.

He can shoot the pips from a grape at yards.

Он мог попасть в виноградину с сорока метров.

I dropped a grape.

Я уронила виноградину.

— I dropped a grape in the kitchen and it disappeared.

— Я уронила виноградину на кухне и она исчезла.

I was literally on my knees for 10 minutes looking for this stupid grape.

Я… Я буквально на коленях 10 минут искала эту тупую виноградину.

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It’ll have to keep. Have a grape!

Скушай виноградинку.

Want a nice grape?

Хочешь вкусную виноградинку?

Waiting and weighing and keeping a diary of everything that I eat so that I can feel guilty if I have one extra grape.

Ждать и взвешиваться и вести дневник о том, что я съела и чувствовать себя виноватой за каждую лишнюю виноградинку.

— You wouldn’t let her have a grape?

— Ты не дал ей виноградинку?

Here, have a grape.

Вот, возьми виноградинку.

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Like the ox was made to eat and the grape was made to drink.

Как бык был создан, чтобы есть, и как вино было создано, чтобы пить.

Pure Italic grapes!

— Да здравствует вино!

We traded for grapes.

Мы покупаем вино.

Are these wine grapes?

Из него делают вино?

Nothing like a good Falernian grape, is there?

С фелонийским вином ничто не сравнится.

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«Your breasts… Clusters of grapes.»

«Твои груди… виноградные гроздья.»

He is trampling out the vintage Where the grapes of wrath are stored

Гроздья гнева растоптал И урожай перемолол

Grapes of Wrath and watching football with your dad?

Смотришь Гроздья гнева и футбол с папочкой?

I don’t need test results to tell me that it is The Grapes of Wrath in there.

Мне не нужны результаты тестов, чтобы определить что внутри меня Гроздья Гнева.

My Dad’s condition is the dust bowl of my family, and we are the grapes…

Состояние моего папы — пыльная буря нашей семьи, и мы — гроздья…

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My grapes are waiting for their water.

Нужно полить мой виноградник.

Wow, you just polished off like a vineyard-worth of grapes.

Ого, да ты, похоже, целый виноградник решил съесть.

Tae San, ask her if she could give me a grape orchard instead of a rice farm.

может ли она купить мне виноградник вместо рисовой фермы?

When the time came to gather the grapes, he sent a slave to the tenants, to receive from them his share of the harvest.

и в свое время он послал к виноградарям раба, чтобы они дали ему плодов из виноградника;

In fact, it’s one of the top five vintages in the history of grapes.

По сути, это один из пяти высших урожаев за историю виноградника.

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She’s as swollen as a grape And she doesn’t have a shape

Она длинная, как виноградная лоза, и такая же бесформенная,

The grape vine is withering, so she wanted to stay here, and she won’t listen to me.

Виноградная лоза вот-вот увянет, и Элиза не хочет покидать её сейчас.

I think it’s noble as a grape… the way you look to River.

Я думаю, это благородно, как виноградная лоза… то, как ты присматриваешь за Ривер.

From goats to grapes.

От молочной козы до виноградной лозы.

You grab the grape between your thumb and forefinger… and gently twist it off and drop it in the bucket.

Берете виноградную лозу в ладонь… нежно отрываете от куста и кладете в корзину.

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Like thieves getting hold of your grapes.

Чтобы воры не крали урожай.

He said, «Shouldn’t we pick the grapes?»

Сказал мне: «что ты там стоишь, нужно собрать урожай.»

Oh, Father, you should see the grape harvest in Fleurency.

О, патер, вы должны увидеть сбор урожая в Флёранси.

He has to finish before the grape harvest is over.

Будем надеяться, что война закончится до сбора урожая.

Right, Chuck? — Yeah. It’s like a 1992 full-bodied grape juice.

Да, полусладкий, урожая 92-го года.

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- виноградина
- (grapes) виноград
- виноградная лоза
- (grapes) = grease 1.
- (the grape) вино
- красновато лиловый цвет, цвет «изабелла»
- pl грозди

Мои примеры


frostbitten grapes unsalable as fresh fruit — прихваченный морозом виноград, не подлежащий продаже как свежий фрукт / подмороженный виноград, не подлежащий реализации в свежем виде  
seedless grapes — виноград без косточек  
sweet grapes — сладкий виноград  
table grapes — столовый виноград  
to pick grapes — собирать виноград  
growing of grapes — виноградарство  
seedy grapes — виноград с косточками  
unfermental-juice grapes — сорта винограда для безалкогольных напитков и соков  
pick grapes — собирать виноград  
sour grapes mechanism — защитный механизм рационализации; рационализация  
the grapes — шампанское  

Примеры с переводом

The grapes cost $2 a pound.

Виноград стоит два доллара за фунт.

These grapes are completely flavourless.

Этот виноград совершенно безвкусный.

Grapes with bunches red as blood.

Кроваво-красные гроздья винограда.

Grapes are usually either green or red.

Виноград обычно или красный, или зелёный.

The first season the grapes shanked badly.

В первый год виноград сильно погнил.

At this stage the grapes have to be pressed.

На этом этапе виноград нужно отжать.

She supplemented his meal with a bunch of grapes.

Вдобавок ко всей прочей еде, она дала ему ещё и гроздь винограда.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…vines weighted down with plump, succulent grapes…

He trawled the Internet looking for Web sites on growing grapes.

…an extended portion of the valley is now devoted to the growing of grapes for wine…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

grape  — виноград, виноградина, гроздь винограда, вино, крупная картечь, мокрец, подсед, флер

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word grapes, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use grapes in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «grapes».

Grapes in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word grapes in a sentence.

  1. There is archaeological evidence of grapes.

  2. Irrigation made it possible to grow grapes for wine.

  3. The newly introduced exotic Central Asian grapes (i.e.

  4. The first grapes were picked in 1916 and sent to Junee for processing.

  5. Cape sparrows quickly exhausted the seeds and started eating the grapes.

  6. Arab traders presumably brought fruits such as mango, pomegranate, and grapes.

  7. She delivered what her doctor John Clarke described as a handful of transparent grapes.

  8. The monks farmed and worshiped on land once used by Leland Stanford to grow wine grapes.

  9. Important crops include orchard fruit, potatoes, alfalfa, mint, beans, beets, and wine grapes.

  10. The full-grown lambs, like the grapes, gourds and hazelnuts, will be harvested for the winter.

  11. Bird damage to grapes in 1968 cost upwards to $4.4 million while losing almost 17% of the crops.

  12. George developed Tatoi, building roads and planting grapes for making his own wine, Chateau Décélie.

  13. Mavrud, Rubin, Shiroka melnishka, Dimiat and Cherven Misket are the typical grapes used in Bulgarian wine.

  14. At the inquest, the pathologists stated emphatically that Stride had not held, swallowed or consumed grapes.

  15. Farmers grew wheat, barley, vegetables such as lentils and onions, and fruits including dates, grapes, and figs.

  16. If must is fermented at too high a temperature, acetobacter will overwhelm the yeast naturally occurring on the grapes.

  17. Already in the 16th century, Spanish settlers in Chile and Peru began producing aguardiente distilled from fermented grapes.

  18. Wine was consumed on a daily basis in most of France and all over the Western Mediterranean wherever grapes were cultivated.

  19. Davenport used the land for timber, grazing, and the cultivation of various crops, including olives and grapes for wine production.

  20. Vegetables included leeks, garlic, melons, squashes, pulses, lettuce, and other crops, in addition to grapes that were made into wine.

  21. While wine was the most common table beverage in much of Europe, this was not the case in the northern regions where grapes were not cultivated.

  22. Stanislas Dehaene reports in his book The Number Sense that raccoons can distinguish boxes containing two or four grapes from those containing three.

  23. As of 2014, New Jersey has 48 licensed and operating wineries which produce wine from more than 90 varieties of grapes, and from over 25 other fruits.

  24. In addition to high-tech industry, sectors important to Hillsboro’s economy are health care, retail sales, and agriculture, including grapes and wineries.

  25. Common starlings can eat and damage fruit in orchards such as grapes, peaches, olives, currants and tomatoes or dig up newly sown grain and sprouting crops.

  26. Other fruit is also sought after, and currawongs have been known to raid orchards, eating apples, pears, strawberries, grapes, stone fruit, citrus, and corn.

  27. The trompe-l’œil technique has been known since ancient times, Pliny telling the story of Zeuxis painting grapes so real that birds flew down to peck at them.

  28. They camped there for two days before continuing on and crossing what is now known as Aliso Creek, where they found wild grapes and roses in abundance, on July 26.

  29. Household bowls, cups, and pitchers are sometimes found in the graves, along with food such as eggs, pomegranates, honey, grapes and olives for use in the afterlife.

  30. The first grapes were planted at Hanwood in the spring of 1913 by John James McWilliam and his eldest son Jack who had come to the district from their winery in Junee.

  31. Bute persevered, commercial success followed and 40 hogsheads of wine, including a red varietal using Gamay grapes, were produced annually by 1894 to positive reviews.

  32. In the 20th century, the development of major irrigation areas in the Murray and Murrumbidgee valleys has led to the introduction of crops such as rice and wine grapes.

  33. During the summer, berries and softer fruits, such as blueberries, grapes, cherries, mulberries, pokeberries, and bunchberry, became the main objects of its consumption.

  34. The fruits of choice in the south were lemons, citrons, bitter oranges (the sweet type was not introduced until several hundred years later), pomegranates, quinces, and grapes.

  35. The Earl of Cardigan tavern is on one side of the street, and opposite is the Rummer, whose sign shows a rummer (a short wide-brimmed glass) with a bunch of grapes on the pole.

  36. Mason was a pioneer in the Virginia wine industry, subscribing along with other Virginians such as Thomas Jefferson to Philip Mazzei’s scheme for growing wine grapes in America.

  37. However, it was later revealed that Brown had wanted to lodge an official complaint with the Australian Board of Control, but May had refused, fearing accusations of sour grapes.

  38. The Sturnidae differ from most birds in that they cannot easily metabolise foods containing high levels of sucrose, although they can cope with other fruits such as grapes and cherries.

  39. The introduced population in Australia is considered a pest because it damages a variety of soft fruits in orchards, parks and gardens, including berries, cherries, stone fruit and grapes.

  40. Wine, verjuice (the juice of unripe grapes or fruits) vinegar and the juices of various fruits, especially those with tart flavors, were almost universal and a hallmark of late medieval cooking.

  41. On occasion, red wattlebirds have raided vineyards and orchards for grapes, stone fruit, figs, olives, loquats, apples, pears, and berries, which they puncture and extract the juice or flesh from.

  42. As a producer of specialist wine grapes, its wine style of international importance is Botrytised Semillon and the outstanding speciality made from these grapes is a «sauternes-style» dessert wine.

  43. In the British Isles, northern France, the Low Countries, the northern German-speaking areas, Scandinavia and the Baltic, the climate was generally too harsh for the cultivation of grapes and olives.

  44. The zoo’s vet, Bernhard Neurohr, also remarked upon the bear’s sweet tooth, stating that «Flocke is very enthusiastic about grapes, melon, kiwi fruit and pears», with a particular fondness for bananas.

  45. Starlings often assault crops such as grapes, olives, and cherries by consuming excessive amounts of crops in large flock sizes and in new grain fields, starlings pull up young plants and eat the seeds.

  46. Around the edges of the Karakum Desert, jackals feed on gerbils, lizards, snakes, fish, muskrats, the fruits of wild stony olives, mulberry, dried apricots, watermelons, muskmelons, tomatoes, and grapes.

  47. The Greeks were convinced that cabbages and grapevines were inimical, and that cabbage planted too near the vine would impart its unwelcome odor to the grapes; this Mediterranean sense of antipathy survives today.

General information about «grapes» example sentences

The example sentences for the word grapes that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «grapes» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «grapes».

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