Sentence with word generation

Synonym: coevals, contemporaries, genesis, multiplication, propagation. Similar words: generation gap, veneration, general election, generate, degenerate, operation, AND operation, liberation. Meaning: [‚dʒenə’reɪʃn]  n. 1. all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age 2. group of genetically related organisms constituting a single step in the line of descent 3. the normal time between successive generations 4. a stage of technological development or innovation 5. a coming into being 6. the production of heat or electricity 7. the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production. 

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1. A generation ago genetic codes were certainly unknown.

2. Schools help to acculturate the second generation of immigrants.

3. The older generation doesn’t like pop music.sentencedict .com

4. The older generation prefer a darker and more traditional kind of clothing.

5. People of my generation all think the same way about this.

6. Alarmists usually regard the rising generation as a falling one.

7. Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.

8. Her films had an immeasurable effect on a generation of Americans.

9. The idea of handing down his knowledge from generation to generation is important to McLean.

10. Like most of my generation, I had never known a war.

11. She has nothing but scorn for the new generation of politicians.

12. My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war.

13. People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.

14. She ranks above any other musician of her generation.

15. Writers like him belong to a different generation.

16. The older generation have a different set of values.

17. Jimi Hendrix inspired a generation of guitarists.

18. The First World War slaughtered a whole generation.

19. The environmental impact of power generation is being assessed.

20. To people of our generation Kennedy was a god.

21. We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress. 

22. A lie begets a lie till they come to generation

23. She was one of the best tennis players of her generation.

24. Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction.

25. Life is a test and this world a place of trial. Always the problems — or it may be the same problem will be presented to every generation in different forms.

26. Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation.

27. Natural selection ensures only the fittest survive to pass their genes on to the next generation.

28. Books are treasure banks storing wisdom passed down from generation to generation.

29. David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his generation.

30. These new ideas are penetrating into the minds of the younger generation.

More similar words: generation gap, veneration, general election, generate, degenerate, operation, AND operation, liberation, desperation, general, exasperation, alliteration, in general, confederation, proliferation, consideration, general ledger, the general public, ratification, gratification, stationery, ration, oration, duration, rational, migration, adoration, aberration, irrational, reparation. 

How to use generation in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «generation» and check conjugation/comparative form for «generation«. Mastering all the usages of «generation» from sentence examples published by news publications.

I wasn’t first generation, or second generation—I was the 1.5 generation.
Also, the Hopeful Generation, the Anxious Generation, Generation Fix-It and The Cleaner-Uppers.
Computer ComponentsProcessorsComputer ComponentsProcessors8th Generation Coffee LakeComputer ComponentsProcessors8th Generation Coffee Lake8th Generation Coffee LakeWhat is it?
Amazon says Kindle Paperwhite 6th Generation and 7th Generation; Kindle 7th Generation; and Kindle Voyage 7th Generation, which were released in 2013 or later, are exempt.
«This will help to bring my dad’s generation, my kids’ generation, and my generation, together,» Pastrana says.
Dell’s 5424 and 7424 are more powerful, with a boost from sixth-generation generation to eighth-generation Intel processors.
Jeff Yang: Generation X is bitter I belong to generation X, which might as well be called the interstitial generation.
Every generation, subsequent generation has it easier — PERINO: Yes.
They were the second generation that came after my generation.
And I hearken back to the greatest generation, that generation.
Like that it was passed down from generation to generation.
It’s an identity that’s passed down from generation to generation.
I guess I’d rather be generation snowflake than generation bulldozer.
It’s a different generation, the generation that doesn’t take chances.
Renewable generation passed coal generation in the EU in 2017.
We’ve gone from the «Greatest Generation» to a goalless generation.
As you’d expect, the newer generation … I’m the bridge generation.
Your generation of combat soldiers is a generation of volunteers.
I want to see my generation help the next generation.
«We are Generation Z, the generation after millennials,» they write.
My generation is already doomed to be a lost generation.
This generation of Koreans call themselves the «Sampo Generation» (three resignations generation) who have given up on dating, marriage, and having children.
It’s just the way that DNA gets copied in every generation that only so much gets passed down from generation to generation.
The irony is that while the greatest generation spawned the worst, it looks like the worst generation has given us another greatest generation.
«These young men belonged to a very special generation, the greatest generation, a generation whose unconquerable spirit shaped the postwar world,» she said.
It can differ from culture to culture and generation to generation.
Some of them, in fact, encourage gas generation or coal generation.
Yes, I’m in this transitional generation, this sort of bridge generation.
We’re not a silent generation — and we’re not a stupid generation.
So a lot of family businesses, from generation to generation fail.
And then that generation has become so influential on my generation.
Each new generation stands on the successes of the previous generation.
I think its hereditary, like passed down from generation to generation.
He made service a family tradition passed from generation to generation.
Most of the music is passed down from generation to generation.
It is Liberation in a Generation, not Liberation Within a Generation.
Year after year, census after census, generation after generation they disappear.
SK: Bridget and Elyse’s generation, my kids’ generation, they’re incredibly collaborative.
Hentai, 083chan, and the brutally unstoppable infantilization of generation after generation.
Negative FCF Generation: Fitch forecasts TDP’s FCF generation to remain negative in 2017 amid weak performance and suppressed cash flow from operations (CFFO) generation.
The lack of swimming skills can be passed from generation to generation.
Carbon-free electricity generation as a percentage of overall generation has fallen.
But the generation of 1968 was, like this one, a global generation.
«It just goes from generation to generation,» Christina Harms, 31, tells PEOPLE.
You see these dramatic generation-to-generation changes [in diabetes and obesity].
Jones’s generation fought for its existence, my generation has fought to market
They’re memorised, then carefully passed down in ceremonies from generation to generation.
Piled generation on generation, however, it really might create a genetic elite.
There’s a new generation of entrepreneurs and a new generation of investors.
Each generation thinks the other generation isn’t taking the pandemic seriously enough.
Families are how our values are passed down from generation to generation.
«My generation is first generation that will be significantly affected,» she said.
They were then passed down from generation to generation in his family.
Yet generation after generation, they do far too little to eliminate it.
By comparison, my generation, the underwhelming Generation X, numbers only 65 million.
The industry of this generation should pay the bills of this generation.
Positive FCF Generation; Leverage Improvement Fitch forecasts TV Azteca’s FCF generation to remain broadly positive in the short- to medium-term, driven by stable EBITDA generation.
«Record generation from wind and near-record generation from solar contributed to the overall rise in renewable electricity generation this spring,» EIA said on its website.ADVERTISEMENT
«Record generation from wind and near-record generation from solar contributed to the overall rise in renewable electricity generation this spring,» EIA said on its website.
Things are getting better and I have more confidence on racial issues in the next generation than I do in our generation or the previous generation.
You know what, I’d rather be generation dull hipster, than generation bitter Tory.
Generation Z is the most ethnically-diverse and largest generation in American history.
This is the next generation of energy generation, sustainable development, and green jobs.
Allumette is about parents, children and lessons that pass from generation to generation.
This date marks when the next greatest generation was born: the Frontline Generation.
In kitchens everywhere, recipes and cooking secrets are passed from generation to generation.
For an entire generation — my generation — that process is all we’ve ever known.
Here’s a first generation AirPod (left) next to a second generation AirPod (right).
The latest generation of teens is apparently the most conservative generation since WWII.
I think that every generation sees the hypocrisy of the generation before it.
In generation after generation of students, youth themselves are really leading the way.
Kahn spoke with Reuters about keeping a family business thriving, generation after generation.
Everything about our society is prearranged, so this generation is a fraudulent generation.
The older generation has to set a better example for the younger generation.
And most of these divisions actually seem to deepen from generation to generation.
The previous generation didn’t wear the hijab as much as our generation does.
Despite being the most educated generation, millennials are also the most indebted generation.
The sixth generation iPad is being replaced with a new seventh generation iPad.
After a fire generation, it is only natural to have a water generation.
Stories of the tribe’s origins have been passed down from generation to generation.
«This next generation is the most diverse generation to get married,» Cooper said.
It definitely concerns me, especially since my generation is the true European generation.
I think this generation is now getting more opinionated than any generation before.
In college football, the same institutions tend to win championships generation after generation.
Sample question: How will the last generation know it is the last generation?
You can tell the Generation Z — but you don’t say the word generation?
It is a business that has been passed down from generation to generation.
The knowledge of chinampa farming «goes from generation to generation,» Mr. Venancio said.
My daughters are of the Obama generation, the most racially diverse generation yet.
Theirs is not the generation of tolerance; it is the generation of acceptance.
Shinra is a third-generation Infernal: rather than being a walking inferno, like first-generation Infernals, he and others from his generation can create and control fire.
«This is the handover of a primary leadership position from my generation, from Martin’s generation, to another generation,» Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams told a news conference.
In 2012, the median household income for first-generation Americans was $45,475, compared with $51,291 for the second generation and $51,853 for the third and later generation.
«I believe this generation, particularly the younger generation, doesn’t really like labels,» Conway said.
He’s even got a first generation iPhone and a first generation iPad for sale.
For me, it’s all about Jewish values and continuing them from generation to generation.
«Little Women» has been retold and adapted, generation after generation, for over a century.
It’s interested in how memories and stories are passed down from generation to generation.
Studies have shown that traumatic memories can be passed on from generation to generation.
Affixed to bioenergy generation, though, CCS does something that other forms of generation cannot.
What future does a country have when its next generation is a lost generation?
«Generation after generation of people in Kentucky have smoked,» said Watts, the chamber spokeswoman.
The virus’ glycoproteins change slightly from generation to generation, allowing it to evade detection.
Today an older generation has voted to ruin the future for the younger generation.
Passed down from generation to generation, La Vaquita Negra has become a local institution.
Where generation after generation, folks have been displaced from their homes across the country.
But our industry has always been that way, passed down from generation to generation.
The work of mourning is not a constant, but changes from generation to generation.
Then think about all that creativity and enterprise interrupted, repeating itself generation after generation.
Comedy norms may shift drastically from generation to generation, but pratfalls remain in style.
The next generation is going to be the best-informed generation in American history.
The alienation of this generation is higher than the alienation of the previous generation.
But our generation certainly did not match the legislative activism of our parents’ generation.
I can’t think of a single generation who thought the next generation wasn’t inferior.
Picture Prompts Generation Z is known as the most diverse generation in American history.
Here are four possible statements: • Our generation is significantly different from our parents’ generation.
«In many ways, the younger generation is influencing the generation above them,» said Wallstrom.
Generation after generation, Americans eventually embrace the latest arrivals, and get stronger for it.
The «G» stands for «generation,» so «5G» is the fifth generation of wireless technology.
That’s more than any other generation in history, making them the most indebted generation.
«It outrages the younger generation, how their parents’ generation was treated,» Mr. Yosef said.
There was plenty of support for widely publicized names already coined for the generation born, roughly, between 1995 and 2015: Generation Z, Homeland Generation, Post-Millennials and iGeneration.
Model numbers are A1218 for 1st generation, A1378 for 2nd generation, A1427 or A1469 for 3rd generation, A1625 for Apple TV HD, and A1842 for Apple TV 4K.
Data released by the government last month showed coal-fired generation fell 213 percent last year while nuclear generation rose by 21 percent and wind generation by 20.6957 percent.
Five of the seven retiring representatives belong to the Baby Boomer Generation while one belongs to the Silent Generation and one to Generation X. Their median age is 6900.
Generation Z won’t work because, again, it’s difficult to define a new generation by terms better applied to an old one (and also because Generation Y never took hold).
Levels of inequality in South Africa appear to be passed down from generation to generation.
I’ve found that my generation and the older generation — it’s really difficult to date them.
In addition to this generation of gay men, his work influenced a generation of artists.
That’s what our generation, the generation of seeking out purpose in work, is all about.
Many of these stories involve the passing of the torch down from generation to generation.
She was a witch, or demon worshipper, passing down this demon from generation to generation.
Are these the next generation of stormtroopers, or the next generation of the Imperial Guard?
Many members of Generation X and the baby-boom generation were attracted to this idea.
The look and feel of the second generation AirPods is identical to the first generation.
For Mr. Sanders, preventing concentrated wealth from passing from generation to generation is the goal.
These are livelihoods and economic engines that can thrive and endure for generation upon generation.
And that generation is the millennial generation, a group that has been voting for Sen.
In Cape Breton’s close-knit Gaelic communities, the traditions were passed from generation to generation.
We’re as relevant to a new creative generation as we were to an older generation.
Tickets are like Willy Wonka’s golden ticket, and are passed down from generation to generation.
Most knife makers in Japan started out by making Samurai swords, from generation to generation.
Passed down from generation to generation, they are annotated by each baker who uses them.
But that next generation, my nephew’s generation, very few to no one has arranged marriage.
«I don’t know what to make of it, my generation versus this generation,» he continued.
«Every generation has a challenge, and the challenge of our generation is inequality,» Walker said.
My generation struggles with loneliness, self-doubt, and more anxiety than any generation before us.
The Echo Sub also works with the third-generation Echo Dot and second-generation Echo.
That was the first generation, and I think we are now at the fourth generation.
But aslong as we are united and fight, generation after generation, we can achieve democracy.
The story of flying Africans has been passed down from generation to generation since slavery.
And the younger generation was much more culturally and socially liberal than the previous generation.
But overall, I feel that our generation is much more progressive than the older generation.
Coal generation accounted for nearly 40 percent of the grid operator’s power generation yesterday afternoon.
There is a reason why these dishes have been passed down from generation to generation.
As a member of the Nixon generation, Bernstein gave a list of instructions for the next generation of journalists, the Trump generation, on how to (un)cover the next Watergate.
We — the 9/11 generation, the tech disruption generation, the sons and daughters of the baby boom generation — must save our republic and solve the great problems of our time.
Researchers tested five types of speakers: a first-generation Google Home Mini, a first-generation Apple HomePod, Microsoft’s Harman Kardon Invoke, and the second- and third-generation Amazon Echo Dots.
JC: And so our notions of what work is radically shift generation to generation — first observation.
We are an incredibly entrepreneurial generation, we’re a generation that’s never been told what to do.
GENES that increase an individual’s reproductive output will be preserved and spread from generation to generation.
Millennials and Generation Z were also found to have sex less often than any previous generation.
«The inspiration is the new Californian generation … mixed with the new Italian generation,» Aquilano told Reuters.
HP is using Intel’s 27700th generation Core i24 CPUs inside, not the newly announced 21080th generation.
And it’ll take a generation, a generation or more for us to get back on track.
In the first generation, 99% use such ethnic labels; by the sixth generation, only 6% do.
Mister Rogers’ neighborhood lived up to the values he taught my generation and my children’s generation.
Generation to generation When the girls grew up and had children, the kids wore the dress.
Electricity generation from solar increased by 35.8 percent, while wind electricity generation rose by 5.1 percent.
That production did for my generation what Brando and Streetcar had done for a generation earlier.
LEVIN: What about our generation that runs the government, and our generation that pushes this agenda?
Make no mistake: Misogyny is like a genetic disease that’s passed down from generation to generation.
Maybe the government is secretly pioneering the next generation of the next generation of telecom technology.
«I think there’s been a big change from my parents’ generation to my generation,» Dhingra says.
I don’t think that’s difficult to relate to for Elle’s generation, as compared to our generation.
YouTube videos stream a new generation of «TV stars» to a generation that doesn’t watch television.
Long live the Queen of Soul as we pass her music on from generation to generation.
Not only is this the generation of instant gratification, but also the generation obsessed with nostalgia.
Generation Z, more than any other generation, prefers subscribing to Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube Red.
There’s the Echo 2nd Generation, Echo Dot 2nd Generation, Echo Spot, Echo Show and Echo Plus.
Generation Z has singled themselves out as a generation that’s already working themselves to the bone.
The meaning of «luxury» to our generation is different to the generation who came before us.
That repeated itself generation after generation until the wolves evolved to be, in nonscientific terms, friendly.
That production did for my generation what Brando and ‘Streetcar’ had done for a generation earlier.
«We’re protecting the Greatest Generation right now, and the children of the Greatest Generation,» she said.
We allow great wealth to pass from generation to generation with little or no tax due.
Some of these tips have been around for thousands of years, passed from generation to generation.
Our generation may not complete this work, but we’re making it easier for the next generation.
«Comparing any generation to a unique generation in Spanish football and for me the best generation ever in world football is difficult, it’s not fair for the young players,» he said.
Seventh Generation Dish Liquid Pros: Buy a 6-pack of Seventh Generation Dish Liquid at Amazon for $19.62 (originally $13.80) Buy Seventh Generation Dish Liquid at Walmart for $3.27 (originally $2.97)
«David taught a generation of activists who taught a generation of activists who will teach the next generation of activists,» Clean Water Action said in a blog post memorializing his career.
Still others have attempted to break out the people born between 1977 and 1983 as their own micro-generation, since they fit uneasily into both Generation X and the millennial generation.
That’s my generation, marked by the proliferating of our parents or grandparents after they returned from World War II. From the beginning of the 1900s to about the mid-‘20083s, generations had romantic names: the lost generation, the greatest generation, the silent generation, the baby boomers.
He was saying, «My generation was the generation of TV,» and maybe it’s too much of a statement, but it feels like that’s what’s changing in my generation: gender and human interaction.
Between Generation X and Millennials exists a tiny micro-generation of people who call themselves the Xennials.
GUTFELD: Every generation has it easier, because the progress is handed to them by the previous generation.
The first generation crosses were made in 1997 and the second generation crosses were made in 2000.
So that viral DNA got passed down from generation to human generation as so-called endogenous retroviruses.
POWER GENERATION The company also plans to expand its power generation capacity, particularly in gas and renewables.
Before the publication of his book in 1870, songs were passed down orally from generation to generation.
Count on the Classics: Books are called classics because they continue to engage readers generation after generation.
We’re now witnessing the emergence of a new generation of equal moral importance: a Greatest Generation 2.0.
Will this new generation be a cautionary tale for the next generation of food delivery start-ups?
The big flaw in Young’s thesis is that ability does not descend necessarily from generation to generation.
This generation is the most professional generation of footballers we have ever had—not only in England.
In some sectors, the workers also succeed one another generation to generation, maintaining the expertise and confidentiality.
The Mars Generation A couple of years later, Abby founded her nonprofit organization called The Mars Generation.
» Luttrell, a member of Generation X, also challenged millennials: «To the next generation: this is for you.
Such customs are passed on from generation to generation, abetted by an elaborate facade of traditional purity.
A lineage that somehow survived storms and disease, war and pestilence, love and hate, generation after generation.
Often these chemicals get passed from generation to generation, from the bodies of mothers to their young.
Distributed generation uses small-scale power generation fueled by natural gas or solar and wind power arrays.
A generation of parents suddenly kept their children close, and a generation of children learned to worry.
Here, in this rundown desert hamlet, tradition is passed from generation to generation, from mother to daughter.
Already, the millennial generation represents the largest generation in the American workforce, if not yet the electorate.
Healthy Cash-Flow Generation: Improved recovery of sales proceeds and margins support Vanke’s superior cash-flow generation.
Shop the men’s Cole Haan Generation ZERØGRAND sneaker, $120Shop the women’s Cole Haan Generation ZERØGRAND sneaker, $120
I think a lot of that is each generation tries to separate itself from the generation before.
But like I say, every generation has kind of their backlash reaction to the generation before it.
One option is providing payments for maintaining generation capacity, which might not actually boost coal-fired generation.
Today, power generation on Vendée Globe boats has virtually eliminated the need for diesel-powered electricity generation.
Wind energy was the top source of new energy generation in 6900, surpassing 2628 gigawatts of generation.
Every generation of modernist artists has applied a firm negative to points championed by the previous generation.
Only 16 percent of the Silent Generation is minority, but 44 percent of the millennial generation is.
«Generation after generation, I saw women in Mexico didn’t have the same opportunities as men,» she said.
Only the Kennedys, probably, grieved as much as O’Neill’s family did year after year, generation after generation.
Erika Krenn, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A first generation college graduate’s journey I am a first generation college graduate.
We are the next «Greatest Generation» of leaders — or the «innovation generation» — that can propel America’s future.
A single generation experienced a transformation in the treatment of human illness as no generation had before.
How do you think they are passed on from playground to playground, and from generation to generation?
«For my parent’s generation, or even my generation, there’s hesitancy in what we let out,» she said.
I mean they have different rules, but things are still being passed down from generation to generation.
«I fundamentally believe that each generation should collect artists of their generation, as a responsibility,» says Harvey.
Because the gap between the old generation and the young generation is getting pretty visible and angry.
«She said: Dad, in the years to come, my generation will look back and judge your generation about how you deal with the issue of homosexuality in the same way that your generation considered your parents’ generation in the way that they dealt with our indigenous people,» Wallace said.
Every generation of scientists looks back and shakes its collective head in condescending disbelief at how little the previous generation knew, rarely stopping to reflect that the next generation will do the same.
Generation Z is both the most ethnically diverse and best-educated age cohort in American history — only 55 percent of that generation is white, compared with 2023 percent of the baby-boom generation.
Robust Cash Flow Generation: Positively, AMX boasts strong operational cash flow generation and Fitch forecasts its pre-dividend FCF generation to turn positive in 2016 and onwards, which could be used for deleveraging.
Black girl magic didn’t just come out of nowhere — it’s been lovingly passed down from generation to generation.
A seventh-generation Intel Core i7 processor is up there, but Intel has already released eighth-generation processors.
READMEAMD’s second generation of Ryzen is faster than the first generation—and faster than Intel’s current offering too.
If you had perfect reproduction from generation to generation, for example, then you wouldn’t get evolution, Christakis says.
That’s the biggest generation in the U.S. and within a few years they’ll be the biggest consuming generation.
«(The controversy) shows there’s some division between the younger generation and the 1989 democracy movement generation,» says Lee.
But there is one constant — the absolute joy, and terror, that roller coasters have brought generation after generation.
Our girl is a townie, «programmed by generation after generation of workers» to settle for a menial job.
I think this generation of people in their 30s are a lot different than even our parents’ generation.
LOS ANGELES — YouTube is looking to make its on-demand generation of viewers into a generation with demands.
Time welcomed 1967’s upcoming youngsters as «not just a new generation, but a new kind of generation«.
«I remember Koko saying she wanted something where she could pass it down, generation after generation,» he said.
Sometimes we carve them into generations, separating Generation X from Millennial and Baby Boomer from The Greatest Generation.
Only then could this generation be the last generation that lives in a nation plagued by gun violence.
Other companies that Generation has backed include Asana, DocuSign, gogoro, CiBO, M-Kopa, Ocado, Optoro and Seventh Generation.
He was a first-generation Jewish American, who was really first-generation assimilated, and actually, not assimilated, right?
He has a style that causes many of his generation to wonder if he is of their generation.
Years of helicopter parenting have resulted in a generation that’s far less mature than the generation before it.
Trump is a third-generation American on his father’s side and a second-generation American on his mother’s.
So why is New Zealand so successful at producing world-class flyhalves year after year, generation after generation?
Now, the brand is declaring a new generation in footwear with a shoe aptly named the Generation ZERØGRAND.
VICE: If a generation doesn’t buy in, what happens to the generation trying to collect on their investment?
The story of sex education in America has been passing on minimal information about it generation after generation.
All Americans whether first generation or tenth generation are bound together in love and loyalty, friendship and affection.
The explanation was obvious: racism, and the continuous price African-Americans pay for it, from generation to generation.
That is why Emma Morrow, 20, said she thought her generation should be known as the Mobile Generation.
«I care about the current generation and also the future generation and future of this sport,» Djokovic said.
Platini, the former France midfielder, is one of the greatest soccer players of his generation — perhaps any generation.
They’re going to be the largest generation in American history and the most diverse generation in American history.
«Storytelling is such a powerful thing with which we pass on information from generation to generation,» Vonk said.
The instrument was passed down from generation to generation and is one of my family’s most cherished heirlooms.
Every Palestinian generation inherits the yearning for freedom from the previous generation — and the struggle to achieve it.
Next-generation nuclear offers the possibility of lower costs and greater safety than the current generation of plants.
Here&aposs everything we know so far about the next-generation games coming to next-generation game consoles.
In addition to goals for first generation fuels, the EISA laid out ambitious goals for second-generation biofuels.
Do you know how your family’s traditions, celebrations or ceremonies of death have changed from generation to generation?
We govern from election cycle to election cycle, news cycle to news cycle, and not generation to generation.
Generation after generation of Americans have sought to make our Founders’ ideals a lived reality in our country.
But that allegiance slipped from generation to generation in Mr. Montes’s family, and in Cuba as a whole.
Generation after generation, demagogues have poisoned minds, but society still underestimates the ability of words to arouse action.
We stand for the flag not for our generation but to set an example for the next generation.
The indoctrination of hate that unfortunately gets passed down from generation to generation hinders opportunities for true peace.
Healthy Cash-Flow Generation: Improved recovery of sales proceeds and stable margins support Vanke’s superior cash-flow generation.
We’re talking about sports idioms, those everyday phrases ingrained in our lexicon, handed down from generation to generation.
I think it’s of the utmost importance that we go on, generation after generation, the more the better.
«Only then could this generation be the last generation that lives in a nation plagued by gun violence.»
Baby boomers might call us the «laziest generation,» but millennials are working the longest hours of any generation.
From baby boomers to Generation X to millennials, it seems that each generation faces a new set of problems that they believe to be tougher to solve than those faced by the former generation.
Here are a few things we can predict for Generation Alpha: Based on the above traits, we may not only be looking at a generation of great caregivers, but a generation of great kids.
But here are some approximations: Baby Boomers: 21945-21965 Generation X: 21981-26 Millennials (sometimes called Generation Y): 213-218 Generation Z: 203-present Keep in mind that while some high school students fall into Generation Z, they are frequently also described as millennials — a contemporary byword for young adults.
Solid Cash Generation: We expect solid free cash flow (FCF) generation from Baidu’s search services, although cash generation in 2016 may be affected by the new online advertising regulations and Baidu’s enhanced customer verification process.
In 2015’s «Baepsae» they rebuke the older generation for promoting the idea that the younger generation are lazy.
Lower overall electricity demand, along with increased renewables generation, means there is less need for gas-fired electricity generation.
In fact, Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X accounted for a narrow majority of voters in the 2018 midterms.
So it was almost like AIDS took out a whole generation and then crystal meth took out another generation.
Namely, they were worn as engagement rings throughout the 19th century in Ireland, passed down from generation to generation.
In Black culture, folklore remains an essential mode of passing down stories, customs, and beliefs from generation to generation.
There is no suggestion that more coal generation or more nuclear generation would make our grid any more secure.
Most of the firm’s generation in Nordic nations already comes from carbon-free hydro, nuclear and wind power generation.
Amazon is bundling the second-generation Echo smart speaker with the third-generation Echo Dot for $2993 (usually $149.98).
Generation Z, the generation born after 1997, differs from millennials when it comes to how they use social media.
Though in my experience, the third generation Oasis has the same problem with battery life as the second generation.
Chuck Schumer, he&aposs our generation; Nancy Pelosi, well, she is a generation behind, but you get the point.
Another example is heirs property, which is passed down informally from generation to generation, usually because there’s no will.
If actual generation is calculated according to EIA’s average capacity factor, wind only contributed 26 GW of actual generation.
Ingredients Notes Directions This is our family’s secret Ramos Fizz recipe that’s been passed down from generation to generation.
And by ‘we’, I mean largely older generation who voted leave and have just condemned my generation even further.
This event is not only about the next generation of players, but also about the next generation of fans.
Intel’s latest processor generation is now official, and the 7th generation of Core processors looks to pack a punch.
Jones is, without doubt, the most agile thinker of his generation, and perhaps of any generation in living memory.
They affect every generation and every generation is susceptible to the addictive qualities of social media and cell phones.
An astonishing 21625 percent of Fortune 2900 companies were founded or cofounded by first-generation or second-generation immigrants.
Allegiance to Mr. Castro and to the revolution he started has slipped from generation to generation across the country.
Distributed generation software landscape Distributed generation software landscape This is a great start, but it’s still very early innings.
This is a generation of human beings who have more power as individuals than any generation in human history.
Simply, every new generation assumes that the environment (or its condition) left by the generation before it is normal.
In other words, car interiors will forever be evolving because what makes people happy changes from generation to generation.
I spent a decade teaching first-generation students — often also first-generation Americans — at a small college in Chicago.
Whenever a new generation changes something that hasn’t changed for a long time, the older generation doesn’t like it.
It is a small band of enthusiasts whose estimable goal is to keep the boats sailing generation after generation.
And the history and the jealousy that an older generation can have of a younger generation or vice versa.
It’s that treadmill feature that leads to the persistence of racial disparities in the United States generation after generation.
I mean, the soldiers are gone but the next generation hasn’t and the next generation heard all the stories.
Climate change is making the waters warmer for longer, allowing the creatures to breed gelatinous generation after gelatinous generation.
Recipes passed down from generation to generation tell us something about who we are and where we come from.
All of these melodies and cadences and emotions are things that would have been passed down generation after generation.
Sanders and Corbyn recognized the angst of this generation and offered freebies including college tuition to appease this generation.
This generation of generals who grew up in the Iraq war probably understands that more than any previous generation.
Because the cost is deferred, the whole population can ease further and further into maladaptive dysfunction, generation by generation.
But the next generation will have to wait a little longer for this generation to finish what it started.
He is founder of the Harvard College First-Generation Student Union and president of the First-Generation Harvard Alumni.
Overall, 79 percent say leaders from their generation would do a better job of governing than the prior generation.
Even when its elites proceed with the best intentions, the inequities of the system recreate themselves generation after generation.
The key difference between our generation and our parents’ is that we belong to the «Bernie or Bust» generation.
«It may have been that the millennial generation — our largest generation, our future generation that will carry us through for the next multiple decades — there may be disproportional numbers of infections among that group,» she said.
«I cannot tell you how many young women I heard from who loved the series, and who also had no idea what my generation or their mothers’ generation or their grandmothers’ generation went through,» she said.
It can also be the case the younger generation is too busy raising families and building their own careers, and it’s a challenge for the first generation to respectfully get the younger generation involved and participating.
What I like most about this generation is that they care about this country, and they are a service generation.
We are currently on the 20th generation, and Intel just started announcing CPUs from the 21th generation earlier this month.
Since Watergate, generation after generation of American politicians have attacked the very idea that our government can do anything right.
Is Tinder empowering a generation to meet someone in the digital age or creating a generation of promiscuous, lonely souls?
Fitbit, meanwhile, was still busy cranking out generation after generation of simple fitness trackers you could slap on your wrist.
Its fourth-generation iPad mini is, aptly named, the iPad mini 4, while it’s fourth-generation iPad is called…iPad.
And at 21000 ounces, the third generation headphones are lighter than the previous generation, which weigh in at 22 ounces.
Photo: Adam Clark Estes (Gizmodo)Sound quality on the third generation 21000X headphones remains the same as the previous generation.
And it is campaigns like this that can help break this cycle, which is passed on from generation to generation
«The younger generation prefers scientific forecasts while the older generation use both the (indigenous knowledge) and scientific forecasts,» she said.
Their generation had fulfilled their obligations, and I wondered if the obligation of my generation was to fulfill their ambitions.
Much of renewable energy generation is intermittent: wind and solar power generation peaks are often around times of low demand.
Taylor Farms’ co-generation plant Taylor Farms’ co-generation plant Why pack three different types of cleantech into one farm?
«This generation is going to be a bigger leap than any generation before,» a video describing the new hardware detailed.
This isn’t a new generation of console, but an improved version of Microsoft’s current 210th generation console, the Xbox One.
The real key difference with that generation of video games and today’s generation of video games is a qualitative one.
In deregulated wholesale markets, power generation is split off, owned by separate generation companies that compete on an open market.
«Generation over generation you’re going to see a dramatic miniaturization,» Ryan Pamplin, Meta’s VP of Sales and Partnerships, told me.
Their classic style with diverse nuances is what’s made them go through generation to generation always feeling fresh, never antiquated.
Those in favour of higher rates of inheritance tax argue that it reduces the inequality passed from generation to generation.
«I stand for our generation and our generation is gonna be riding hoverboards,» the rapper Wiz Khalifa tweeted last year.
«There is an evolutionary desire to procreate, and have their genes be passed on from generation to generation,» Orbuch says.
I’ve seen a new generation over the last 5-10 years of a younger generation into this style of music.
Women approached this through a combination of these nuance ingredients, which were often secrets passed down from generation to generation.
What they found was that, when given the independent letter, first-generation students performed far worse than continuing-generation students.
More than 246 percent of them think their generation is more entrepreneurial than were Generation X, or even baby boomers.
This has emboldened criminals and cemented the urban pathologies that are destroying generation after generation of youth in our cities.
Every generation thinks every generation is wrong, which goes back to original point of the article: genres are always changing.
ESP will hit first-generation Echoes and Dots first, with another round coming to generation two in the coming weeks.
The book offers powerful peeks into their descendants’ lives, generation by generation, and the forces that seek to disrupt them.
I think there’s a generation gap [in religion] in as much as there’s a generation gap in the whole world.
Through hard work, grit and unbending determination, generation after generation of Americans have secured success for themselves and their families.
Moreover, it is a technique that could be applied generation on generation, to improve grandchildren and great-grandchildren still further.
Fourth generation (2202G) networks are already overloaded, and this new generation of technology will need faster and more reliable connectivity.
«It’s another generation, a generation of giants, and he was the last one,» said Leah Hoffman, 60, a government employee.
A generation of founders also has no control over the way a future generation is going to appreciate its actions.
The department, she said, would be better served by focusing on attracting first-generation Americans and first-generation college graduates.
From creating a generation gap to causing millennials to delay life milestones, here’s how the recession has defined the generation.
It’s also a possible formula for breaking the generation to-generation trend of mass incarceration that continues to plague America.
Some people think it references tagging or graffiti, and interpret it as my generation looking back at my father’s generation.
It is a secretive culture rooted in experience that in Alba has been passed from generation to generation for centuries.
Some think of the estate tax as a method of preventing wealth from being passed down from generation to generation.
The biggest fight of my generation and the generation behind me is for our right to live on this planet.
Do you ever worry that the next generation won’t know what H.I.V. and AIDS meant to you and your generation?
But the grandiose Woodstock ideals hardly seem to have defined the Woodstock Generation — if a generation can be defined, anyway.
He is a seventh-generation Texan from a state in which phrases like «seventh-generation Texan» are humble-brag gold.
But, she told The Vancouver Sun at the time, the need to fight such battles generation after generation was dismaying.
Yeah. My wife and I have been in Colorado for over a decade, actually fourth-generation … kids are fifth-generation.
Generation after generation, it would relentlessly copy and paste the gene it carried, until it was present in every descendant.
«Ultimately this young generation across the Arab world is a generation that can build tolerance, hope and peace,» she said.
«They always had the intent that life is transitional, money is transitional, it should not go from generation to generation
Healthy Cash-Flow Generation: Vanke’s superior cash-flow generation is supported by improved recovery of sales proceeds and stable margins.
They comprise just 85033 percent of the millennial generation, a generation that is more likely to embrace diversity and globalism.
At private nonprofit colleges 28503 percent are first generation, and at private doctoral-granting universities, 22019 percent are first generation.
Billionaire hedge-fund founder Lee Ainslie is worried his generation is going to be remembered as ‘the generation of greed’
When it comes to sound quality, the third-generation Echo features notably improved performance compared to the previous generation model.
Don’t think of us as the generation obsessed with gun control – we are the generation obsessed with making tangible change.
Much as Generation X and Millennials embraced Google and Facebook, Generation Z is already embracing other tech players like Snapchat.
Phones look the same generation to generation, with the exception of foldable phones, which are still a work in progress.
A staggering 83% of Generation X workers believe they’ll have a harder time achieving financial security than their parents’ generation.
We’re getting to the highest form of ourselves when we’re not dealing with these same social ills, generation after generation.
How can it be changed without them just giving away the money, or continuing, family after family, generation after generation?
Things like hereditary wealth, things like noble titles, monarchy, feudal culture, generation after generation of people tied to their land.
PARIS, Dec 6 (Reuters) — Electricity generation from French wind turbines rose 13 percent in October, boosting French power generation from renewable sources which rose during the month alongside nuclear output, while coal and gas-fired generation fell.
«It’s been widely documented that the younger generation wants a different type of management or leadership,» He says, about millennials, currently the largest generation of workers, and the oldest cohorts of Generation Z entering the labor force.
Developed by sex workers over decades and passed down from generation to generation, it’s a skill that’s harder than it sounds.
«Let me ask you guys a question because your generation is known as the ‘hook-up generation,&apos» Jada, 46, began.
Worldwide, wind power generation grew by more than 17 percent in 2017 to reach 4.4 percent of total world electricity generation.
First, this generation of students is challenged with more mental health issues – like anxiety and depression – than any generation on record.
But the temptation to dismiss a new generation as a bunch of freeloading know-nothings isn’t limited to the Snapchat generation.
Claro, in other words, is not where you go for Oaxacan recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation.
» «The younger generation is much less inhibited on spending their money,» says Eric Fish, author of «China’s Millennials: The Want Generation.
Like trick-or-treating on Halloween, Courir de Mardi Gras is a tradition that has transformed itself from generation to generation.
An article about burnout that discussed the feelings and behaviors of a generation — my generation — didn’t include my dead black batteries.
Each generation is more connected than the last, but the latest generation, those born after 1998, wants to buck the trend.
Capacity markets are supposed to be not only encouraging new generation to come in but also encouraging inefficient generation to retire.
«We are the first generation to experience climate change and we are the last generation who can stop it,» he said.
Since then, generation after generation of gymnasts have continued to surpass the skills that earned Nadia Comaneci the first perfect 10.
Size-wise there is no difference between the second-generation Oasis, which was introduced in 2017, and this new third generation.
Amazon’s second-generation Echo Dot is everything the first-generation of the miniature smart speaker should have been: smaller and cheaper.
It partnered with Google to build a next-generation camera that would allow filmmakers to realize their next-generation VR dreams.
And since 1920, generation after generation of Chinatown residents has slipped into Hang Ah Tea Room for dumplings, noodles, and tea.
It’ll be the 8th generation, following the much-loved Kindle Voyage that sat atop the 7th generation of Amazon’s e-readers.
«This deal may help them compete with cheaper coal based generation even though they don’t have much coal generation,» Browne said.
It gives me great meaning to carry this mother on day to day, year to year, and hopefully, generation to generation.
Christian colleges train the next generation of the religious right, and enrich the current generation with speaking gigs and lucrative positions.
Today, China has a fifth-generation capability; the only question that remains is how many fifth-generation fighters they will have.
The first generation of Pixel phones might not immediately wow us, but that will be because they are the first generation.
Some of the artisans have worked at Caovilla for 19603 years, passing the secrets of the trade from generation to generation.
«It’s like a special flower that they give to the second generation, the third generation, the fourth, the fifth,» Zhong says.
Every generation has its defining characteristics, but millennials are a generation unto their own — at least, that’s what the world says.
As society slowly becomes more educated from generation to generation, the general public’s attitudes toward globalization should move toward the experts’.
Generation Alpha just began to turn nine years old, and the impact of this new generation is starting to take shape.
«Do not tear down Confederate Avenue,» said Moreland, who described himself as an eighth-generation American and a sixth-generation Georgian.
My mom’s generation and older were dealing with the hand they were dealt, but my generation has a pretty good shot.
While the Left may claim ownership over the future through the current generation coming of age, this generation begs to differ.
Apple could refresh its Macs with Intel’s new eighth-generation Core processors, a bump from the seventh-generation introduced last year.
Bohemia had been Hussite for a generation when Luther was born and it remained Hussite for a generation after his death.
His generation and my parents’ generation shared connections and common purposes that younger generations have an increasingly difficult time relating to.
It’s part of the furniture when using a PC, like an old rocking chair that gets passed from generation to generation.
I grew up in a family where the tradition of pottery and craftsmanship has been handed down from generation to generation.
That’s more than $1,000 less per year than Generation X or the boomers, and almost $100 less than the silent generation.
Improbably, they have pulled it off this year without the greatest American player of this generation (or any generation): Serena Williams.
» Sherry from California said «Selfie Generation» is apt: A name that I have heard circulating around the internet is «Selfie Generation.
That has left behind a troublesome age gap for a tradition that has long been passed down from generation to generation.
It’s serving up traditional Baba-Nyonyan cuisine that was crafted from family recipes that were handed down from generation to generation.
This generation is the most diverse and resilient generation of our lifetime, and they inspire and challenge us to be better.
The second generation ends up adding roughly $30 billion to government coffers, while the third generation creates a $223 billion surplus.
» Paul added: «I don’t think that’s what Congress meant in 2002, nor do I think one generation can bind another generation.
The former generation did not adequately tend to the subsequent one, the argument goes, and did not groom a new generation.
The scientists observed as these second-generation hybrids raised a third generation of pups, measuring the same parental behaviors as before.
It used Ford Focuses for its first-generation vehicle and Chrysler Pacifica minivans (a la Waymo) for its second-generation one.
The company plans to ship the second generation this fall followed by the third generation in 2019, according to the report.
And if not our generation, there is a solid platform being built for the next generation to fight for the environment.
Because agriculture is a part of our heritage, the value of hard work has been passed on from generation to generation.
These discrepancies, from revisions by government-influenced review panels, mean the states’ existing political demographics are being reinforced, generation after generation.
The first generation works their fingers to the bone making things; the next generation goes to college and innovates new ideas.
There’s a very direct lineage, where hysteria, in the 19th-century idea of it, has been passed down generation by generation.
The US government, holding with its 220-year generation policy, defines the millennial generation as people born between 230 and 23.
«We measure this sort of thing closely, and if you look at what their underlying needs and aspirations are, there’s no difference at all between this new generation of workers and my generation and my father’s generation,» he said.
While Freeform’s target audience is mostly millennials, the channel is specifically geared to an age group — people from 18 to 34 — rather than a generation, on the grounds that what a generation wants changes as that generation becomes older.
MADRID (Reuters) — Spanish energy company Repsol announced three renewable generation projects with a total generation capacity of 800 megawatts (MW) on Monday, bringing it a step closer to its 2025 target of 4,500 MW of low-emission power generation.
Each generation of white people became socially invested in the lowly place of black people; these people understood their own identity in terms of who they opposed, and this positionality was passed on from racist generation to racist generation.
«With their innovative strength and rapidly expanding generation capacity, renewables are putting other forms of power generation under increasing pressure,» she added.
I think the younger generation want to communicate with the older generation and hope (they) can understand their worldviews and life choices.
The younger generation are more safe space-y and into gender politics, and the older generation are more straight-up anti-fascist.
Payments and lead generation: CompareAsiaGroup (lead generation) raised $40 million, which is more than was raised in credit, blockchain, and insurance combined.
Companies developing processors, new memory technologies, new displays and next generation connectivity are well-positioned as key enablers for next generation wearables.
The upcoming Apple TV would be the company’s fifth generation of the device; the 4th generation box launched back in October 2015.
That could be confusing since it seems like there should be a first-generation 10nm process line as a generation in between.
Because the upstream drives do not copy and spread themselves, they drop away, generation by generation, until only the last gene remains.
«I think that this generation has more on its shoulders than any different generation probably since, like, the Vietnam War,» Barris said.
Millennials have surpassed Baby Boomers both as the United States’ largest living generation and as the largest generation in the American electorate.
Where every generation has afforded the next generation a longer life expectancy, that is more than who finances sickness when it transpires.
«Our generation spoiled everything, not with awareness, maybe, but we have also allowed the generation following us to face this,» Margaret says.
FCF Generation Improving: We expect TT’s FCF generation in 2017 to significantly improve, with FCF margin in the mid-single digit range.
The app’s slogan «Fiction for the Snapchat Generation» embodies the founders’ goals: revive fiction from being lost in the social media generation.
Apple also says that only MacBook models with third-generation keys will get the new fourth-generation keyboard from a free repair.
The ama plunge as deep as 60 feet in freezing water, with no oxygen tanks, using techniques passed from generation to generation.
My generation is the last generation to have come of age in the United States without positive mainstream representation of transgender people.
Refinery29 is partnering with the Clinton Foundation and Alliance For A Healthier Generation to inspire a new generation of healthy, active women.
«The older generation has more beliefs than knowledge, and our generation has more knowledge than beliefs,» he writes in the exhibition catalog.
Many of the bigger estates in rural Wales are passed from generation to generation and rarely come on the market, she said.
It’s been exposed to various promoters and styles throughout the years, and that knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation.
Because the millennial generation is smaller than the boomer generation they’re inheriting from, he said, wealth will be more concentrated upon transferal.
Topping registry and gift lists everywhere, these legacy brands have been wished for, raved about, and passed down from generation to generation.
At some point, the field will be sliced and diced into progressive and establishment Democrats, the new generation and the older generation.
I don’t want their generation to have to fight this battle in the future because my generation failed to win it now.
That’s one of the reasons I started Generation Wealthy, and it’s a conversation I want to continue to lead for my generation.
Woods, since divorced, inspired a generation to take up the game, and now that generation is poised to take over the game.
» He wrote that «a generation that hates racism but chooses colorblindness is a generation that, through its neglect, comes to perpetuate it.
So one generation of aerospace heroes is inspiring the next, and our goal is to pass that forward to the next generation.
So then the crack generation happened and boom, boom, and then our whole generation was just raised on say no to drugs.
I can’t wait to see what impact the current generation of Chip Pro will have on the next generation of gadget inventors.
The conflict, between the older generation and the younger generation of Possum Springs, reaches its head near the end of the game.
But there can also be trauma from lynchings and other brutality that’s passed down from generation to generation and shrouded in silence.
A lot may hang on this strange question: the happiness of the next generation, the very existence of the generation after that.
Now this generation can see what I, a sixteen-year-old girl, and the generation before me got to love and enjoy.
Knowledge of the old comedy greats is information that should be passed down from generation to generation so it is not lost.
Unlike students of my generation who held false hopes for the party, members of today’s younger generation are more cynical and realistic.
The G stands for generation, and with each generation, the frequency and bandwidth tend to be greater for transferring information more quickly.
Every generation gets the «Freaky Friday» it deserves, and this generation must be onto something, because this newest version is solidly charming.
While that creates an opportunity for a generation of internet users, it also poses a new challenge for a generation of parents.
Billionaire hedge-fund founder Lee Ainslie said that he believes his generation will be considered the «generation of greed» by young people.
The younger generation, too — often called in the industry the «next generation,» or «next gen,» is shifting in its approach to investing.
Generation Z — those young people age 18 to 22 and born of technology — are, alas, the least healthy, loneliest generation on record.
The government adds that renewables are the single biggest contributor to electricity generation in Scotland, higher than nuclear and fossil fuel generation.
Cecilia Cabello is a third-generation Angeleno, and each generation lived in a different neighborhood of the city, but not by choice.
Apple’s seventh-generation iPad Apple’s seventh-generation iPad Amazon’s Echo Buds wireless earphones are $89.99, a $40 discount from their usual price.
To what extent does your generation inform your comedy, and in turn, how do you think your material speaks to your generation?
At just $329, the new seventh-generation iPad is compatible with the full-sized Smart Keyboard and the first-generation Apple Pencil.
What might these middle-aged lesbians have to teach a younger generation, and what might the younger generation teach them in return?
High Profitability and Cash Generation: We expect Alibaba to maintain high profitability and robust cash generation, driven by its core commerce operations.
For the past two centuries, from generation to generation, drunken Aussie-speak continues to be taught by sober parents to their children.
Like staring into a black pit of pure evil, a lineage-shaking trauma that will haunt my descendants from generation to generation.
Well, my husband Vince is third generation in this particular industry and now our children are fourth generation in this particular industry.
Power generation is «all but decarbonized» by 2040, with renewables at over 60 percent of worldwide generation (and together with gas accounting for over 80 percent), nuclear at 15 percent, and carbon capture and storage from fossil generation playing a role.
He did announce plans to bring U.S. radar-evading, or fifth-generation, aircraft to Europe in the coming months to continue efforts to integrate those capabilities with fifth-generation aircraft operated by allies, and with older fourth-generation weapons in Europe.
From a fifth-generation Salvadoran-American in California, to a second-generation Puerto Rican and Dominican-American in New York, to a first-generation Mexican-American immigrant in Georgia, racial identity for Latinos does not fit into a neat little box.
A study of immigrant children completed last month similarly concluded that «1.5-generation immigrant children’s connection to their heritage culture is stronger than or similar to the second-generation immigrants,» but not quite to the level of first-generation immigrants either.
» Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace, in their Generation Z: A Century in the Making, extend the older-generation comparison to the snapping point, saying the Zs are like the Greatest Generation because they both know «that global unrest and enemies exist.
There are five commonly recognized generations in the US right now: The Silent Generation, baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and Generation Z. For a while now, Vox’s Aja Romano explains, the cross-generational dialogue between boomers and millennials has been brewing.
And it&aposs very key that we retain that knowledge throughout the business, generation to generation, and we are now bringing in the next generation to make sure that we uphold the very high-quality standards that we base ourselves on.
«A typical millennial has actually earned £8,000 ($10,587) less during their twenties than those in the preceding generationgeneration X,» the report claims.
The new study focused on the adult children (generation two) and grandchildren (generation three) aged 6 to 83 years of those initial volunteers.
Instead of messing up power generation, the intruders watched and recorded information from computers that received the data from the energy generation systems.
«The more hydro generation you have the less [natural] gas generation you should have,» Citi analyst Anthony Yuen told CNBC in an interview.
Oculus says the Quest and Rift S complete its first generation of VR, and we don’t know what a second generation might bring.
As we have always stated, «Every generation needs a new revolution» And I’m excited for the next generation to lead this new chapter.
«This generation, we borrow it from the next generation,» Ruth told CNBC’s Pauline Chiou in a joint interview with Francis in Singapore recently.
A generation of apolitical bums never changed anything, so it’s great news that a new generation is standing up for what they believe.
«He represents the voice of a new generation — a generation that hasn’t been elevated despite being the largest voting block,» the adviser said.
Stable Cash Flow Generation The company has shown consistent growth over the past 13 years, with solid EBITDA generation even during economic downturns.
But still we rise to unimaginable heights generation after generation, whether it be to the White House, the big screen or the boardroom.
Family firms would not continue to exist for generation after generation if they weren’t innovating, adapting and looking for new markets and opportunities.
To install iOS 10, you’ll need an iPhone 5 or newer, a 4th-generation iPad or newer or a 6th-generation iPod touch.
«Creating something that resonates with my generation and the generation that comes after mine is how I’ll measure my accomplishments,» he told THR.
Apple calls it a «third-generation» butterfly keyboard, but the main change between these laptops and the last generation is that they’re quieter.
Niantic’s mission right now should be figuring out how to keep the game fresh without needing to constantly churn out generation after generation.
Even at 14mm, it would be considerably thicker than the first generation Samsung Galaxy from 2009 (11.9mm) or the first generation iPhone (11.6mm).
The previous generation of MacBook Pro keys (left) has a foggy silicone membrane, while the new generation (right) has a smooth, transparent membrane.
These are ways to acculturate a new generation in tradition, and doing that empowers that generation to take ownership, invest and evolve them.
This new generation of musicians and artists are defining the music of this era through the lens of first and second-generation Americanhood.
But among those who were in the difference education sessions, first-generation students had pretty much the same GPA as continuing generation students.
The F-18 is a fourth-generation plane and does not have the capabilities that define the fifth-generation F-35, including stealth.
The changes from generation to generation are subtle — the difference in 1 or 2 points on a 40-point narcissism scale, Grubbs said.
The second-generation AirPods look and function almost exactly the same as the first generation, and they cost just as much at $159.
The F-18 is a fourth-generation plane and does not have the capabilities that define the fifth generation F-35, including stealth.
This being the Generation Award, I’m going to cut to the chase and I am going to speak to you, the next generation.
The best defensive mind of his generation is now coaching a player who could be the best defensive big man of his generation.
It is the core of the American dream, that each generation should be able to build a better life for the next generation.
Girls wasn’t good at providing a whole generation with a simple, relatable set of stories, as Friends or Seinfeld had a generation before.
They have to hold their own among those Americans who share more in common with the Greatest Generation than with the woke generation.
Streaming via Apple TV requires an Apple TV (2nd or 3rd generation) with software 6.2 or later or an Apple TV (4th generation).
Then government keeps them shackled to these failing schools by mandating that these kids go to the same failing schools, generation after generation.
«The traditional practices have been passed down from generation to generation, and they’re no longer able to live off their trade,» she said.
My generation — I’m in my mid-30s — seems to use chat clients much more than my parents’ generation, which still frequently send emails.
Dr. Alfred G. Knudson, who deduced how certain cancers strike a family generation after generation, died on Sunday at his home in Philadelphia.
By talking through your family history, you can trace from generation to generation and find themes that have been passed down, Schleif said.
We may not remember and certainly don’t always feel it, but by the grace of God, it is passed from generation to generation.
Jacob was responsible for overseeing design on all of Nest’s products starting with the company’s second-generation smoke alarm and third-generation thermostat.
«A significant reduction in coal use for electricity generation was offset by increased generation from natural gas and renewable sources,» the EIA explained.
By their lights, a generation that grew up on reboots and revivals has itself, somehow, become one: a kind of woke Silent Generation.
Mr. Stephenson has indicated this ultrafast next-generation wireless technology, known as fifth-generation technology or 5G, would compete with traditional TV services.
And this generation of adolescents can hardly afford much more unhappiness: Today’s teenagers are plagued by more distress than any generation on record.
I think he hid that from his followers because that was very much frowned upon universally by that generation, by the hippie generation.
«It’s the battle of the old generation versus the new generation,» said Craig Johnson, president of Customer Growth Partners, a retail consulting firm.
Thus both live on, copied from generation to generation, latching on to humanity and perpetuating themselves too effectively to be got rid of.
It’s especially important for my generation to pick up our teachings so we can continue to pass them on to the next generation.
Nonetheless, with two older sisters firmly in Gen X, it is undoubtedly a generation that claimed me, and a generation that I claim.
The quest for more complex tricks is coded in the DNA of adrenaline-seeking athletes like White, passed down from generation to generation.
Updated for Autumn 22019: We’ve added our thoughts on the new 225 third-generation Kindle Oasis and removed the older second-generation model.
But as generation followed generation, opportunities diminished for direct interactions with the dancers of Mr. Sims’s vintage, all of whom are now dead.
In today’s men’s wear, «he would have looked ridiculous,» but in the ’50s, the styles weren’t that far removed from generation to generation.
Millennials have been called «generation snowflake» and «The Me Me Me Generation,» creating a stereotype of millennials as special, sensitive, lazy, and entitled.
I’m hoping that we live in a situation where the younger generation leads rather than the older generation doing the same old thing.
«Dis Generation» builds a positive solidarity anthem from a cheerfully echoey guitar line and noodling bass, plus a massively intergalactic chorus whose goofy power riff, string accompaniment, and sampled reggae squeals soar into the sky («This is our generation, generation, uh huh, yeah»).
Amy from California likes «Technology Generation» the best: I heard that we should be called Generation Z. Actually, to me this name brings on a feeling that we are the last generation to survive and the world will be brought down by us.
Warren: Look, there was a time in a very prosperous America — an America that was growing a middle class, an America in which working families were doing better generation after generation after generation — where the top marginal rate was well above 50 percent.
Where we — you and I are roughly probably the same generation, you are a little younger than I am — we are going to be the first generation of Americans to stop a tradition of generally every generation doing better than the one before.
Among the more well-known Islamic feminist thinkers in the West are its first-generation: scholars like Fatima Mernissi, Rifaat Hassan, and Leila Ahmed; the second generation: Kecia Ali, Sa’diyya Shaykh, Asmaa Barlas; a whole new generation, including Jerusha Lamptey and Aishah Hidayyatullah.
The biggest change in the eighth-generation Core line is that Intel is upping core count across the entire eighth-generation range on desktop.
One option is to create a long-term dynasty trust, which is created to pass wealth from generation to generation without incurring transfer taxes.
The president&aposs next Supreme Court nominee could solidify a conservative majority at the curt, for a generation or maybe a generation or two.
They are the first generation to plan their retirements around 401(k)s, and will be the largest generation to ever withdraw those funds.
As with the first generation Ryzen—and really any new launch of a CPU microarchitecture, the second generation of Ryzen will come in waves.
«But now we are seeing the younger generation, the third generation, more and more identifying very frankly and very loudly as Palestinians,» she said.
Finally, and not to be underestimated, Kamprad understood that furniture didn’t have to be like a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation.
But Pebble was one of the most important innovators in the smartwatch space, and the company delivered consistently interesting product design, generation after generation.
And though he and my great grandmother had four children, all born in the U.S., immigration continued to reshape their family, generation after generation.
For these laptops, the 8th generation chips will completely replace the 7th generation options, so they’ll keep their starting prices (between $799 and $949).
Young kids, they don’t want to wear what their parents wore, so it’s really hard for a specialty store to last generation to generation.
People proudly posed by the bodies of men and women hung from trees, for photographs that would be passed down from generation to generation.
Those graduating these days have been called «Generation Debt» and «Generation Broke» because of the massive debt they’ve accumulated in pursuit of a degree.
High Profitability and Cash Generation: We expect Alibaba to maintain relatively high profitability and robust cash generation, driven mainly by its core commerce operations.
I am going to be a voice for the new generation, the next generation, and for what has traditionally been strong in the party.
They slowed down the integration of first-generation Muslim migrants to the West and failed to grasp the difficulties faced by the second generation.
The higher metal content of the younger generation indicates these stars were polluted with heavy elements generated during supernovae explosions from the older generation.
It’s not ushering in the next generation of VR headsets, but it makes that generation feel a lot closer — just in time for 2018.
Krablr now wants to be the next generation of crab-pricing-meet-messaging app for millennials — and Krablr’s next generation product is VR ready.
The first generation AirPods (right) appear to have a stainless steel hinge, while the second generation AirPods (left) appear to have an aluminum hinge.
And as The Force Awakens and the entire prequel trilogy showed us, Star Wars is a story with motifs that repeat, generation after generation.
Make sure you buy the first-generation Apple Pencil instead of the second-generation version, which has the same name, or it won’t charge.
Songs are a major component of oral history, a way of passing down tales and legends from generation to generation with an accompanying tune.
Hillary Clinton told my graduating class at the University of Maryland in 20123 not to let our generation be pigeonholed as apathetic Generation Xers.
The economic, social, and health impact of climate change on our country has consequences for our generation, our children’s generation, and all future generations.
Mr. Kepel calls this the third generation of Islam in France, after a first generation of immigration and a second of unsatisfied political restiveness.
The Apple Pencil (2nd Generation) works with these iPads:iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd generation, released in 2018)iPad Pro 11-inch (released in 2018)
Electricity generation from natural gas surpassed coal as the biggest source of U.S. electricity generation in 85033, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
A mere 12 percent of family-held businesses make it to the third generation, and only three percent to the fourth generation and beyond.
«We won’t blame the older generation for earning more than us, but the older generation will blame us for pursuing democracy,» said Wilson Lau.
He explains that traditional jamu recipes are handed down from generation to generation, whereas most other herbal medicines lack the charm of historical lineage.
But the answer to what’s wrong in America is America — the aspirations passed down generation after generation and sung in unison week by week.
It’s also cyclical: Each generation can grow the previous generation’s money and leave it to the next generation, which then continues to grow it.
Stories of the ship and its survivors were passed down from generation to generation, although doubts also lingered given the lack of physical proof.
They’re almost as miraculous as those beauties we so hopefully coax out of the soil, generation after generation, through many more summers of love.
A «traumatized generation» became an «energized generation,» which Mr. Volpe expected would help shape a more progressive domestic agenda and demand gun control legislation.
«The first generation struggles to move up and traditionally the second generation has better access to education, a better job… better positioning,» he said.
Our kids’ generation — post-millennials, Generation Z, iGen, whatever name we or they settle on — will have at least four big issues to own.
The second generation of cellular networks delivered texting; the third generation boosted speeds to a few megabits per second, allowing for the first smartphones.
The company’s attempts to harness the spending power of the so-called Millennial generation and Generation Z have been fiercely strategic and demonstrably successful.
In the third quarter, generation from wind grew to 2.2 terawatt hours (TWh) from 1.5, while total generation grew to 29 TWh from 28.
«The black people don’t have powerful families, and that continues generation to generation,» Perez, a musician and former soldier, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
It’s about a second-generation or third-generation corporate leader who is constantly on cocaine and tries to bribe people out of his way.
As Britain’s generation mix now includes a lot more renewable energy generation and interconnection with Europe, the grid system needs to be more flexible.
The election of Justin Trudeau has brought a new generation to power, a generation raised on a vision of history more critical than laudatory.
Meanwhile, Puerto Ricans have been taught, generation after generation, she said, to believe that they cannot survive without the help of a colonial power.
The next generation of family members is left to step in and assist, paying for care for the previous generation, and the cycle continues.
Annoyingly, Sennheiser’s rated battery life for the third-generation Momentum Wireless has taken a bit of a dip compared to its last-generation headphones.
Millennials, the generation that loves to dine out, is also the generation that doesn’t like to tip servers as much as older diners do.
We are the first generation to feel the sting of climate change, and we are the last generation that can do something about it.
If we don’t win that war, the next generation that are sitting here having this conversation for the next generation of high school kids?
If that is true, he is probably much closer to the manner of learning of the millennial generation than his own baby boomer generation.
Yet while the previous generation tended to float on an airy cloud of early-music primness, this new generation feels a bit more hip.
But remember: It’s not competing with alternative forms of new generation, it’s mostly competing with existing generation, relative to which it is wildly expensive.
In essence, we lost a generation, and, much like Great Britain’s ‘lost generation‘ during World War One, it will take years to rescind it.
Another obstacle, political and social in nature, is that nuclear generation would partly push out the existing coal-fired generation fleet from the merit order and negatively impact the coal mining sector in Poland, for which power generation is the main coal off-taker.
That transition will end a remarkable four decades of dominance for the baby boomers, who have been the largest generation of eligible voters since 1978, when they surpassed what’s been popularly referred to as the Greatest Generation (or G.I. Generation) raised during the Depression.
But depressingly often, the Grammys end up the site of a sad battle: an older generation wielding its fading power to spite the younger generation.
Yes, but: Generation Z is set to make up more than 10% of the 2020 electorate, surpassing the elderly Silent Generation for the first time.
At the same time, there’s this whole world of wealth reproduction passing on the torch of power from one undeserving generation to another undeserving generation.
Some people are not able to receive funding to fix their homes because many of these homes have been passed down from generation to generation.
The second generation Sony 10003X headphones (left) have smaller ear cups and less cushioning on the headband than the new, third generation 1000X headphones (right).
In a Sony demo, I wore the second generation in a noisy environment, and then, immediately after, wore the third generation in the same environment.
The new third-generation Chromecast is just like the old second-generation Chromecast except for a design upgrade and a couple of new software features.
Thinking of those new immigrants as part of the «millennial generation,» though, mostly demonstrates how the concept of a «generation» is flawed to begin with.
«There is grief passed on from generation to generation,» she explained while perched on a stool, guitar in hand, waiting to perform Joanne’s title track.
The improvement is projected to be driven by improving FFO generation and positive free cash flow (FCF) generation partly used to reduce outstanding gross debt.
The researchers also found that neighborhoods that fostered opportunities for the last generation are likely to be more successful for the next generation as well.
The older people are buying the older generation of products, the young generation doesn’t want to buy that stuff because it doesn’t fit their philosophy.
Whereas a generation ago youth culture was driven by music, today’s young millennials and high-spending «Generation Z» consumers identify more strongly with designer labels.
Solar power generation capacity was up 74 percent in China last year compared with 2014 levels, while wind power generation capacity grew by 34 percent.
Dylan was said to have had his «finger on the pulse of [his] generation,» and today’s dads are among (or somewhat close to) said generation.
So the i216-7500U or m3-7Y30 is a 7th-generation Kaby Lake chip, while the i7-313HQ would be a 6th-generation Skylake chip.
Now there’s a third generation of the Kindle Oasis, which isn’t very different from the last generation apart from having a backlight with adjustable warmth.
The FCC must allow America’s first informers to begin building the next generation of television and the next generation of the nation’s emergency alert system.
«Deteriorating Eskom plant performance driven by old generation infrastructure confirms that we are now in need of more investment in new generation capacity,» he said.
And when federal contractors like Nissan and Kelly Services illegally violate the rights of their workers to organize, they’re passing poverty from generation to generation.
«What I can offer is the perspective of a young generation,» he continued, defining that as a «post-Cold War generation» — millennials, in other words.
The local level is where the next generation of national leaders are born, and grassroots efforts can be very effective in influencing that next generation.
Generation Z may be the first generation to have grown up with cellphones and laptops, but that doesn’t mean they’ll do their holiday shopping online.
It’s ironic to think a subsidy could undermine coal or nuclear generation, but industry rebound hopes are staked on next-generation technologies, not existing ones.
«Non-synchronous (renewable) generation and natural gas-fired facilities do not currently replace the secure capacity provided by coal and nuclear generation,» NERC wrote recently.
«You normally need a generation to come along, a new generation to make the same mistake that we all did 20 years ago,» Jainz added.
The latest version of iOS will be compatible with the iPhone 5 and newer, fourth generation iPad and newer and the sixth generation iPod Touch.
But it is also a place that has provided a livelihood for generation after generation of fishermen, especially those focused on red crab and lobster.
By age 32, nearly 70 percent of adults in your grandparents’ generation had married and 48 percent of those in your parents’ generation had married.
Hope: The younger generation who are angry, really good at organizing, and remind me of my grandparents’ generation—all of whom were anti-fascist activists.
The FCAS is described as the «next-generation weapon system where next-generation fighters team up with remote carriers as force multipliers,» on Airbus’ website.
If a retrovirus happens to infect an egg or sperm, its DNA can potentially be passed to the next generation and the generation after that.
Just to make it clear, lidar essentially is active photon generation in the visible spectrum — radar is active photon generation in essentially the radio spectrum.
At pivotal moments of cultural change, such gaps open up, as the older generation breathes in one atmosphere and the younger generation breathes in another.
Most of the people in India are open to sharing their stories with anyone, and that’s how stories live with us — from generation to generation.
And those who came before us gave up far more than we have, thus far, to confront the inevitable challenges that befall generation after generation.
Last year saw wind generation in the U.S. overtake hydroelectric generation for the first time, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).
The first generation generally comes with righteous fervor, the second is focused on administration; and the third generation starts to think, What are we doing?
Lastly, the RFS compliance costs associated with first-generation fuels must remain reasonable, so that the financial incentives can be focused on second-generation fuels.
«The current generation of young people is the smartest, most idealistic, and least prejudiced generation in the modern history of the United States,» Sanders writes.
«It was a new generation, and that new generation came with a new interpretation of women,» Mr. Lindbergh later said of the British Vogue cover.
Often passed from generation to generation, many of these ancient trades have been fading as the world shifts from the artisanal to the mass produced.
For the last 64 years, Guinness World Records has continued to amaze generation after generation by chronicling the limits of what humans are capable of.
«The notion is that when you introduce a new generation of technology, it often is performing poorly to where the previous generation is,» Schilling said.
He was a generation-defining heartthrob and a generation-crossing father figure who projected kindness and a lack of ego on the set and beyond.
Sound Profitability, Cash Generation: The ratings reflect Fitch’s expectation that TWM will continue to maintain healthy profitability and operating cash generation over the medium term.
Both Thunberg and Eilish are perhaps two of the most famous figures to have so far emerged from Generation Z, the generation born post-2000.
«We’re looking at next generation treatments, next generation creations for 2025 not 2018; that’s why we need the certainty that comes with that,» Crist said.
Almost all of them think that one of the great moral failings of our generation is our failure to ensure there’ll be a next generation.
It’s easy to judge mothers like mine harshly, but her generation and every generation before had been taught next to nothing about their own physiology.
And only a small number of young women are currently interested in learning the trade, which has traditionally been passed down from generation to generation.
That is the mark of, «You’ve made it and you’re a real filmmaker» for this generation right now and maybe the generation right underneath mine.
These musicians are reinventing classical music for a new generation These musicians are reinventing classical music for a new generation This segment originally aired Dec.
These Asian supply chains are made up of «small cottage industries carried out by generation by generation in the country of origin,» Dr. Hearn says.
FCF generation has been negative due to organic expansion of SMR and SMP, but Fitch expects FCF generation to improve once capex normalises over FY18-FY19.
And, perhaps most notably, we’ve watched a generation of young people—Generation Z (many of whom can’t even vote yet)—rise up and lead the charge.
But it’s a first-generation product from a company that was only just founded in March, and it unfortunately also functions like a first-generation product.
Among the older generation, 408, or 17 percent, had high scores on depression screening tests, as compared to 45, or 25 percent, of the current generation.
Our 1st generation riders have been enjoying their boards for millions of miles without water resistance, and we’re confident that our 2nd generation riders will too.
The greatest generation, as it&aposs been called, and properly so, but a reminder that we are the children and the grandchildren of that great generation.
Both of them arrived six months after the launch of the second-generation Apple Pencil, and both offer compatibility only with the first-generation Apple Pencil.
At the heart of both societies is the same goal: keeping one’s identity intact for future generations so that their legacy moves forward generation after generation.
Microsoft Surface Laptop — $809.99 See Details This is the latest generation of the Microsoft Surface Pro line with an 8th-generation Intel Core i5 Processor inside.
Skin’s greatest strength is in how it shows the ways that hate gets passed from generation to generation — an insight that’s applicable far beyond white supremacy.
The pairing of next generation grid-scale batteries with existing renewable-generation sources will be utterly transformative for people in regions without current reliable power sources.
It’s possible this is a question that won’t ever be answered, and we’re simply meant to assume the story was passed down from generation to generation.
Intel’s next-generation Xeon processors (Cascade Lake) will include the new partitioning, alongside 8th generation Intel Core processors that ship in the second half of 2018.
It has announced its second-generation Ryzen processors for desktops that look to improve on the previous generation and keep the momentum going for AMD’s comeback.
«This outcome reflects both seasonal factors as well as long-term increases in renewable generation and decreases in coal generation,» the agency said in a release.
The 2016 Prius is a tiny bit better than the outgoing Prius, and the next generation will be a tiny bit better than this new generation.
After trailing our European counterparts in the roll-out of third-generation mobile services, we were the first to deploy the next generation — known as 4G.
«Both are millennial-led movements and are speaking largely the language of my generation, the millennial generation,» Gould-Wartofsky says of Occupy and Black Lives Matter.
The millennial generation — people born between 1981 and 1996 — are on the cusp of becoming America’s largest generation, according to projections from the U.S. Census Bureau.
The new generation of Apple’s low profile, «butterfly» MacBook key design looks an awful lot like the previous problematic generation except for a few subtle differences.
In addition, the researchers used sperm from the first generation of monkeys to create a second generation of transgenic monkeys who also displayed autism-like behaviors.
And when they arrived in their new home, many stuck to what they knew, and who they knew, handing down family trades from generation to generation.
«It’s especially hard for our generation to embrace dancing, because we are the generation that elevates effortlessness and irony,» says Sadie Kurzban, founder of 305 Fitness.
But when first-generation students received the interdependent letter, their performance was on par with continuing-generation students, who have at least one parent attend college.
Africa has something that it lacked a generation ago: stability Yet with a number of exceptions, Africa has something that it lacked a generation ago: stability.
This is one of the most powerful videos I have ever seen – showing how stereotypes hurt all of us and are passed from generation to generation.
Intel’s Skylake processors are getting a mid-generation refresh in the shape of the new Kaby Lake CPUs, launching today under the «7th generation Core» branding.
«Joaquin belongs to a new generation of dead kids and that generation of dead kids is growing and growing and growing every single day,» Oliver said.
You see it take on local color, and thus the aura of fact, but the characters and broad outline get passed on from generation to generation.
Values instilled by these activities are passed down generation to generation, and these values ensure that our nation’s resources are conserved, economies grow and families thrive.
Meanwhile, solar has seen a net generation increase of over 28503,22019 percent and accounts for the largest share of workers in the electric power generation workforce.
Burgess also noted «this generation of adolescents is going to inherit more debt than any other generation,» as well as structural debt and student loan debt.
The Founders would see how generation after generation of Americans has continued to expand rights and liberties to cover greater and greater segments of our society.
As the generation of Abdul-Aziz’s sons neared its end, tensions arose over who would be the first member of the next generation to become king.
It is the generation of Barack Obama as well as the generation of Donald Trump; there are millions who get it and millions more who don’t.
The millennial generation, the 83 million Americans born between 1982 and 2000, according to some estimates, outnumbers the baby boomer generation and is now starting families.
Generation X was also the first generation whose popular music was inextricably linked to visuals via music videos, a format pioneered and refined by Penelope Spheeris.
Millennials Become America’s Biggest Generation Millennials have surpassed the baby boomers to become the largest living generation in the US, according to the latest census data.
More likely, she suggests, they’re tied to what she calls the «isolationism and interpersonal breakdown,» experienced by Generation X, but certainly not limited to that generation.
While his customer base used to be more first-generation Chinese, he said now he saw more second-generation Chinese-Americans along with non-Asian customers.
If the trend continues, the next generation of children born to two Jewish parents will be less than 40 percent the size of the current generation.
BRUCE: At the end of the day, we all make choices in life, and each generation tries to — you try to make the next generation better.
So what can we do to empower a generation of overworked, underestimated women – and make sure the next generation has a smoother segue into middle age?
But it does not change the fact that Washington is a city where the rules of governance haven’t changed all that much from generation to generation.
I have been taking for granted the progress my mother’s generation made so that the women of my generation could benefit from their hard-won gains.
«I felt my generation has helped fuck up the world, but I wanted to make the younger generation more aware of their environment,» he told Mashable.
It pains me because these weren’t just concerns of my generation, they were also many of the same concerns that my father’s generation sought to overcome.
«Generation Z — kids between the ages of seven and 17 — they are [the] most unstable generation in history because of the anxiety they feel,» he said.
And it support falls with each generation from there — 41% positive among the general Millennial age group and 30% among the general Generation X age group.
Luxury Brands Seek a Way Into Generation Z The generation — encompassing those born since 1995 — acts differently from the one that came before it, the millennials.
But the millennial generation is the most diverse in American history, meaning there are more non-white voters within that cohort than in any previous generation.
From the recipes we pass on from generation to generation, to the daily ritual of creating and sharing a meal together, food is how we connect.
But it is good to remember that while every generation believes that it invented sex, every preceding generation forgets that it once believed the same thing.
Generation after generation of farmers have since bred them to be bigger and tastier — in many cases increasing their sugar content and stripping them of fiber.
The bill will diminish opportunities for social mobility by doubling the estate tax exemption, further entrenching generation after generation at the top of the income distribution.
For a time, they referred to Generation Z, the cohort that includes people born between 1995 and 2010, as Generation V — the «V» was for viral.

Definition of Generation

a generation is all the people in a group or country who are of a similar age

Examples of Generation in a sentence

This generation of students doesn’t seem to care about school as much as their parents.


Because they are from a younger generation, the teens don’t know anything about their grandparents’ music.


The children from this generation know a lot more about technology than their parents’ group.


Other words in the People groups, or groupings of people category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Eye contact and word generation share cognitive resources, according to a 2016 study.


K5 Spelling’s adaptive test-study» approach, automatic word generation, optimized visual interface, 150,000 word database and continuous tracking of each student’s spelling and misspellings is far beyond your typical online spelling program.


Study two involved measuring patterns of brain activity in a different group of participants (non-musicians) who took part in a word generation task and a music perception task.


The volume explores in images and words generations of racism and economic decline in her industrial hometown of Braddock, Pa..


It’s the straight forward use of the word generation.


Scorpio can only do so much or in other words generations are defined by games not their machines.



I can give you several sentences.

  • The generic medication is the same drug at a lower price.
  • He bought the generic version of the cereal.
  • She was convinced that a generic product was totally different from «the real thing.»

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Our family has many traditions that have been passed down from
generation to generation

Maybe, if she would be more generous, I would be able to use her

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