Sentence with word furious

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Fate of the Furious has hit $908.4 million Worldwide and will pass a Billion this coming week.

Это означает, что по всему миру всего за Судьба яростный уже до $908.4 млн., и он будет пересекать 1 млрд долларов на этой неделе.

Furious attacks on the collection followed, thus only increased interest to the new school.

Последовали яростные нападки на сборник, что только увеличивало интерес читающей публики к новой школе.

Furious, he promptly quits but cannot find another job.

Разъяренный, он быстро уходит, но не может найти другую работу.

Furious Eddie, who learned about the incident, kills the abuser, and then enters the prison psychiatric clinic for 10 years.

Разъяренный Эдди, узнавший о случившемся, убивает обидчика, после чего попадает в тюремную психиатрическую клинику на 10 лет.

Furious over the fact that their envisioned utopia has collapsed in ruins, the leftists now seek only destruction.

Разъяренные тем фактом, что их предполагаемая утопия обрушилась и превратилась в руины, левые теперь стремятся только к разрушению.

Furious Matos pushed the first judge, then struck his foot to the head referee, and finally spat on the carpet.

Разъяренный Матос сначала толкнул судью, потом нанёс удар ногой в голову рефери и напоследок плюнул на ковер.

Furious at these demonstrations, Putin gave full vent to his imperial instincts.

Разъяренный этими протестами, Путин дал волю своим имперским инстинктам.

Furious, Pattle berated the pilots for not carrying out their primary assignment.

Разъяренный, Пэттл материл своих пилотов за невыполнение их основного задания.

Even the most heroic heroes in China, the Furious Five, bowed in respect to this great master.

Даже самые героические герои в Китае, Яростная Пятерка, склонились в уважении перед этим великим мастером.

Furious Ala ad-DIN wished for revenge and gave the order to kill 30 thousand Hindus.

Разъяренный Ала ад-дин возжелал мести и отдал приказ убить 30 тысяч подданных царицы.

Furious, the leopard is wreaking havoc in the Indian Punjab in the North and attacked five local residents.

Разъяренный леопард устроил хаос в индийском штате Пенджаб на севере страны и напал на пятерых местных жителей.

Furious Spartak fans fearful of another home defeat

«Разъяренные фанаты «Спартака» опасаются еще одного домашнего поражения».

Furious politicians in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, retaliated by threatening to prosecute Russian companies that buy property in Abkhazia.

Разъяренные политики в столице Грузии Тбилиси в ответ пригрозили подавать в суд на российские компании, которые приобретают недвижимость в Абхазии.

«Kiba, the Furious Wolf».

Furious, he tries to contact him.

Furious, she told him it was over.

А.ИЛЛАРИОНОВ: Он говорил о том, что она закончилась.

Furious Charge refunds a charge if it hits only 1 enemy.

У героя восстанавливается один заряд «Яростного рывка», если это умение поражает только одного противника.

Of those fifteen ships, the Furious was converted into carrier during the war.

Из тех пятнадцати кораблей, в ярости был переоборудован в носитель во время войны.

The official title of the film is «Furious 7″.

Оригинальное название фильма — Furious 7.

Furious with himself and suffering the effects

Злой на самого себя и страдающий от эффектов

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Furious

Результатов: 4726. Точных совпадений: 4726. Затраченное время: 197 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: angry, mad, overwrought, rabid, raging, upset, violent. Antonym: gentle, meek, mild, quiet. Similar words: curious, penurious, various, imperious, nefarious, glorious, notorious, delirious. Meaning: [‘fjʊrɪəs /’fjʊər-]  adj. 1. marked by extreme and violent energy 2. marked by extreme anger 3. (of the elements) as if showing violent anger. 

Random good picture Not show

1. ‘He was furious.’ ‘I can imagine.’

2. I was furious when he crashed my car.

3. I was late and he was furious with me.

4. Residents in the area are furious at the decision.

5. The BBC switchboard was jammed with furious calls.

6. She was absolutely furious at having been deceived.

7. Angry is not the word for it-I was furious.

7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

8. He is furious at the way his wife has been treated.

9. He was furious with himself for letting things get so out of control.

10. She launched into an angry/furious tirade about how she had been unfairly treated.

11. It makes her furious to see a good breed of sheep being treated cruelly.

12. Ade was furious at heart.

13. You should have seen her — she was furious!

14. I was annoyed, indeed furious, over what happened.

15. He was furious, but his manner was very restrained.

16. He’ll be furious at being kept waiting.

17. A furious player kicked his racket into the grandstand.

18. Arsenal’s opening attack was fast and furious.

19. I was furious at his making such an accusation.

20. I was absolutely furious with him.

21. Neil set off at a furious pace .

22. He’s furious about/at the way he’s been treated.

23. She smiled, but privately she was furious.

24. Their incompetence made me furious.

25. He gave a furious blast on his horn.

26. He sounded annoyed, not to say furious.

27. He risked a glance at her furious face.

28. He was rightly furious at the decision.

29. What’s up with him? He looks furious.

30. His anger suddenly erupted into furious shouting.

More similar words: curious, penurious, various, imperious, nefarious, glorious, notorious, delirious, mysterious, notoriously, lugubrious, gregarious, precarious, laboriously, glorious revolution, infuriate, curio, centurion, curiosity, riotous, pious, envious, obvious, tedious, anxious, dubious, noxious, previous, officious, specious. 

яростный, разъяренный, бешеный, неистовый, свирепый, взбешенный, злющий


- разъярённый, взбешённый

furious animal — разъярённый зверь
to be furious — быть в ярости
to be furious to hear of smth. — рассвирепеть, узнав о чём-л.
to be furious with smb. [at being kept waiting] — обозлиться на кого-л. [на вынужденное ожидание]

- яростный, неистовый

- шотл. юр. безумный; сумасшедший

Мои примеры


bitter / furious / violent quarrel — жестокая, ужасная ссора  
furious bark — злобный лай  
to be furious with smb. — обозлиться на кого-л.  
furious fighting — ожесточённый бой  
be furious — прийти в ярость; быть в ярости; разгневаться  
furious gale stirred up the sea — жестокий шторм поднял волнение  
furious outburst — яростный взрыв  
furious quarrel — сильные раздоры  
furious rabies — буйное бешенство  
he was furious — он был в ярости  

Примеры с переводом

She was furious with herself.

Она была зла на саму себя.

She was furious.

Она была в ярости.

We worked all night at a furious pace.

Мы всю ночь работали в бешеном темпе.

She was absolutely furious.

Она была просто в ярости.

He was absolutely furious at / about / over her refusal.

Он был просто в ярости из-за её отказа.

The statement brought him into a state of furious anger.

Это заявление привело его в состояние бешенства.

One of the men sounded furious, the other frightened.

По голосам было понятно, что один из мужчин разъярён, а другой — напуган.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Neil set off at a furious pace.

There was a furious row over the proposals.

Arsenal’s opening attack was fast and furious.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Not exactly The Fast And The Furious.
А не «быстро и яростно».

Fast and furious, my friend.
Быстро и неистово, мой друг.

The women, facing a crowd of furious men calling them “whores” and other epithets, marched two miles under a rain of abuse and delivered their petition against the law to legislators.
Женщины, окружённые толпой разъярённых мужчин, обзывавших их «шлюхами» и другими эпитетами, промаршировали три километра под ливнем оскорблений и доставили законодателям свою петицию против нового закона.

Instead of The Fast and the Furious, it’d be
Вместо «Быстрые и свирепые», это будет

Behind me, a Kuwaiti diplomat scribbled furious notes in Arabic.
За моей спиной кувейтский дипломат яростно что-то строчил в блокноте на арабском языке.

These and other internal reforms would serve to moderate the furious rise in the price of developing-country assets.
Эти и другие внутренние реформы послужили бы для сдерживания неистового повышения цен активов развивающихся стран.

Now, hundreds and sometimes thousands of furious young men have been gathering at varying places around Moscow and other cities, shouting nationalist slogans, making fascist salutes and beating up darker-skinned people who appear to be from the Caucasus or Central Asia.
Сейчас в Москве и других городах сотни, а иногда и тысячи, разъяренных молодых людей собираются в разных местах, выкрикивают националистические лозунги, поднимают руки в нацистском салюте и избивают людей с более темным цветом кожи, в которых подозревают приезжих с Кавказа и из Средней Азии.

The furious opposition of social policy advocates to free trade, however, cannot stand scrutiny.
Однако, яростная оппозиция защитников социальной политики свободной торговле не выдерживает тщательного анализа.

Now that there’s a crisis in Ukraine, American politicians and foreign-policy experts are fast and furious in rolling out the policy proposals.
Сегодня, когда на Украине разразился кризис, американские политики и внешнеполитические эксперты стремительно и неистово выдвигают одно предложение за другим.

Suddenly, America looks like the rest of the furious, protesting, not-completely-free world.
Внезапно Америка стала выглядеть как остальной яростный, протестующий, не до конца свободный мир.

Iraq stands as a reminder of America’s furious desire to avenge the terrorist attacks of September, 2001 and hurt punish even those unconnected with the perpetrators.
Ирак служит напоминанием неистового желания Америки отомстить за террористические акты в сентябре 2001 года и наказать даже тех, кто не имел к ним никакого отношения.

We’ve decided to level the playing field on you, my fast and furious friend.
Мы решили уравнять шансы, мой быстрый и яростный друг.

And with Washington’s soft persuasion, are going after the Russian market fast and furious.
А компания при содействии Вашингтона, применяющего методы мягкого убеждения, стремительно и яростно повела наступление на российский рынок.

Air strikes on Petsamo and Kirkenes from the British carriers Furious and Victorious only worsened the chaos.
Воздушные удары по Петсамо и Киркенесу, нанесенные с британских авианосцев — «Яростного» и «Победоносного» — лишь усугубили беспорядок.

But her story just goes on and on, and the emotion that attaches to it seems strangely furious and vengeful.
Однако ее история продолжается и продолжается, и эмоции, которые сопутствуют ей, выглядят странно яростными и мстительными.

The new American ambassador’s meeting with pro-democracy supporters shortly after presenting his credentials was met with furious outrage.
А беседа нового американского посла со сторонниками демократии, состоявшаяся вскоре после вручения им верительных грамот, была встречена с яростным негодованием.

On the other hand, Tolstoy justified the unrestrained and unregulated eruption of public anger and the furious slaying of retreating French soldiers by Russian peasants.
С другой стороны, Толстой оправдывал неограниченное и бесконтрольное извержение общественной злости и яростное уничтожение французских солдат русскими крестьянами.

His words transformed what had been a squalid story about soccer stars run amok into a furious debate over the role of racism in French society, politics, and sport.
После его слов убогий сюжет о том, как звезды футбола скверно ведут себя, превратился в яростный спор о роли расизма во французском обществе, политике и спорте.

Judging from the amount of insect feces in the ear and nasal cavities, they fed at such a furious rate that it caused the boy’s skull to collapse from the inside.
Ну, судя по количеству экскрементов насекомых в ушах и носовой полости, кажется, что они питались в таком яростном темпе, что это привело к тому, что череп мальчика разрушился изнутри.

The Kremlin’s general involvement in eastern Ukraine has long been the world’s worst kept secret, but details of Russia’s exact role remain clouded in hearsay and are subject to furious denial.
Агрессия Кремля на востоке Украины давно уже является секретом Полишинеля, однако подробности о действиях России скрываются под дымовой завесой слухов, предположений и яростных опровержений.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

Furious is an Australian play script by Michael Gow, first performed in 1991. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Harry Redknapp was clearly furious after the match.


Animal rights advocates — and others — went into furious conniptions because Sarah Palin authorized wolves to be shot from helicopters as part of Alaska’s animal management program.


Five years later, licensed in two states, with my my judicial clerkship term nearing its end, the economy tanked, and not long after, the scam bloggers began their furious typing.


A loud and boisterous women from across the floor, furious with Churchill’s economic acumen, shouted out, «If I was your wife, I’d poison your coffee.»


They also remember this is a Marvel movie and set a furious pace with dynamic action set pieces that include a heist in London, a hyperkinetic car chase in South Korea and a battle royale back home featuring armor-plated rhinos.


It is September, and that means that art fairs will soon be opening up all around the world at a fast and furious pace.


Brown was furious that Blair had announced this on Frost’s sofa.


Besides, even with these occasional problems, Borderlands 2’s fast and furious action is more than captivating enough — especially in co-op — to make it a fine and refreshing slice of cartoony ultra-violence.


What a double it would made with Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln: the studious, low-key drama of the political deal-making to pass the Thirteenth Amendment and ban slavery forever, and the furious, violent, audacious revenge fantasy driven not by history but anger and righteous vengeance against a culture of dehumanization.


Luther explained to the Elector that the situation was indeed serious and, «even (Your Electoral Grace will excuse my foolish words) if it should rain Duke Georges for nine days and every Duke were nine times as furious as this one», he, Luther would still have to come and attend to the situation in Wittenberg.


The nation’s great bee die-off has provoked a furious debate: What has caused a third of all commercial honeybee colonies to perish each year since 2006?


Why is it that I can write at such a furious pace and craft a story with all my heart, but when it comes time to submit it my knees turn to… um water?


Announcements are coming at a furious pace, with more financial institutions signing on each week.


The Tories» energy minister was the subject of a furious briefing campaign today, after he came out against the construction of further wind farms.


Surely the well-informed followers of this site have heard something about the furious resistance to the Common Core testing among parents in New York State, especially Long Island, not a Tea Party hotbed — and Arne Duncan’s sneering at those parents as suburban mommies who were upset because they were forced to confront the fact that their precious snowflakes are dumdums.


The character interaction is spot on, capturing with perfect naturalism how relationships can be a battlefield; how partners can turn from loving to resentful to furious, all in a matter of minutes.


But in practice, most teachers are unprepared and children are baffled, leaving parents furious.


She’s furious that you’re trying to make her sleep when SHE DOES N’T WANT TO SLEEP.


Reaction to the scandal came fast and furious Tuesday from top officials across New York City and the state, including Gov. Andrew Cuomo.


Veteran LGBT advocates are furious over the Empire State Pride Agenda’s surprise announcement that it will cease operations next year, with one of the organization’s original founders calling the move «a miscarriage of justice for the LGBT community.»


The machines attack Zion (in a digitally rendered flurry), key characters make mortal sacrifices, and Yuen Wo Ping cooks up a handful of furious fistfights involving gravity defiance, tossing people through walls, and impassive kung fu.


I took furious notes, trying to figure out who these people were, missing some of it, and spying the gags a mile off.


This third entry in the Annals of the Western Shore, about a well-treated slave jolted into furious awareness of slavery’s evils, illuminates powerful, humanistic concerns as well as Le Guin’s finesse at imagining diverse cultures.


The veto — six months after the measure cleared the state Legislature with bipartisan support and two years after the state agreed settled a lawsuit that gave rise the bill — ended weeks of furious negotiation about containing the eventual $ 500 million cost.


His statement was released shortly after Mayor Bill de Blasio convened a Gracie Mansion press conference with Mr. Bratton to assail the recent news reports surrounding Mr. Banks» resignation and tension among NYPD brass and City Hall — with the mayor and commissioner taking particular issue with a New York Post story that reported Chirlane McCray, Mr. de Blasio’s wife, was furious about Mr. Banks» departure, and never trusted Mr. Bratton and fought his appointment.


As we’re gearing up for May’s big show, the announcements are starting to come fast and furious.


The movie is deliberately paced, picking up speed as it goes, and it contains some sensational action setpieces, including a big brawl on an airport tarmac in which everybody fights everybody (the showdown exceeds your expectations) and a furious car-motorcycle chase in which the CGI trickery is so invisible, the scene feels old-school, like something out of The French Connection.


This could generally be considered a good thing, because it keeps the action fast and furious, with nary a frame drop to be found.


(Heck, I bet there’s a frustrated underwear model running around right now furious that he botched Reagan!)


For example, while I am furious about Microsoft taking away the Star Wars: Battle for Hoth game I purchased a few years ago, I was able to find and install Fable Coin Golf.


So it is at this crucial time that all of the major media guns associated with the fossil fuel industry are now unleashing a furious, focus-fire barrage on Tesla.


Chloë Grace Moretz, Kiersey Clemons, and Beanie Feldstein play three of the ladies of Kappa Nu, who aren’t about to let a little thing like furious neighbors stop them from throwing epic ragers.


The combat always elicited a furious joy within me, and I’d always find myself grinning from ear to ear as I chopped through the demon hordes.


She is furious espec about the Avent., which I understand.


LBJ was near-caricature Texan; a big man known for being folksy, blunt, profane, funny and often furious.


I would let a good friend write her a reply I know if this happened to my friend, I would be furious and wanting to write her something.


The game’s competent, programmable artificial-intelligence engine (AI) takes control of three companions, and from there, battles are fast and furious.


His followers were furious and wanted to fight their way through, but he prevented them from doing that, it was an exemplary act of maturity.


The flip-flopping back and forth motion of a baby rocker will surely soothe your desperately furious baby.


But The Guardian reported late in the evening that the government was «furious» that the photos ended up in the New York Times:


Seriously I was like this as well, the «iron lady» in everybody’s eyes, and I was so frustrated to find that there’s no one for me when I was in need, then I would be grumpy, annoyed, furious and scaring everyone.


Even the daughter she’s mourning — the woman the billboards are for — only gets a single flashback in the way of development, and that scene includes her ending her final fight with Mildred with the furious sarcastic aside that she hopes she gets raped.


Public sector unions are furious — and the Conservatives said every family in the country would be left paying for the government’s mistakes.


Fast, furious, gorgeously shot by Birdman and Gravity «s Oscar-winning cinematographer EmmanuelLubeski in natural light…


I was furious but I have had to let it go into God’s hand and trust him to transform her heart.


If you are a fan of the fast and furious lifestyle, the E43 will be much more up your alley.


Rozza to stay and get another battler in midfield (young, fast, strong and furious).


The race to develop self-driving technology has sparked a furious round of mergers and acquisitions over the past few years, the rate of which has yet to subside.


Dragon Hills 2 features destructible terrain, fast and furious gameplay and epic boss fights.


Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher was furious with the way the Reds played in the second half against Sevilla last night.


I’ve never seen him so furious … and that is saying something with Dan

Oliver/D: —> (Furious) As I said I have fell in love before I kill

The backlash was furious

Creditors were furious, they even went so far as to knock on their door and the couple pretended to be absent! So, Alice finally got sick and tired of this all and decided to ask for a divorce

After an hour or so Mrs Stavrakis appears again and tells me that “Parissis is talking about you all the time! She is furious at you! She is always accusing you of everything! She is even claiming you have refused to type some entries about »Christianity» for her!”

«Marcus sold her, man! He sold her to the stinking Brits!» Seth interjects, «Marcus? Where is he now, FuriousFurious only stares at Seth with a look that tells him all he needs to know

His sons were both furious that the speedboat Byram was working on was not ready for them to go after it

was furious though he did not show it

Old Jimmy Cameron was furious when he witnessed at first hand how his daughter treated his guests and friends

This didn’t please me because I had figured it was my «furious thunder» that loosened the lock

I was too furious to be rational

As old Ted signed the contract for his new television programme, as the crowds cheered again and again, no one noticed the furious argument taking place between the judges

The furious sea was calm again

the old dear was furious

Old Jimmy Cameron was furious when he witnessed at first

In a furious, seething

Actually, I’m bloody furious with him

I wake up and stare at the ceiling of my bedroom at the flat feeling lousy and wishing I were dead … for the millionth time I go over in my head the events of last night … everything had been going so well … where had that blazing row materialised from? I grope under my pillow for tissues as I remember how, in a furious temper, I had screamed at Dave that I wasn’t going to stay another minute in his house … and he yelled back that, in that case, I had better bugger off

In the first ambulance the paramedic is working as quickly as he can given the constant subtle shifts of weight and force induced by the vehicle’s furious pace as it crosses the narrow stretch of land between the Taw and Torridge estuaries

He is furious

“That Enjteen wasn’t surprised by the name Tdeshi and he’s furious over being re-assigned

My father’s furious about this – a

I was so furious with my own

‘ Jacob became furious at the memory, his

shadowing these killers,’ she said, furious with her

He was still furious that it had all been done behind

Monsieur Monchet would be furious if he knew I had said

Again I advanced, but he repulsed me with a look of furious anger

He was to say, at the very least, furious

He was most furious of all to find out native astronomers were watching their docking maneuvers

He was furious at having his time wasted by this

I told them to leave! she thought, furious that they weren’t at the top of the Great Tree by now

«There was a furious battle,» Ava said

Abbot had recovered his composure and was furious

Neither party said a single word, but Adros didn’t doubt they were engaged in a furious telepathic conversation

I returned to the furious four

The Mistress is furious at me already

that he was truly furious on Arabs, not

He wasn’t angry; he was furious

I felt furious at Mother

He was furious

Poseidon, perhaps, furious that the

The king had been furious, forbidding her ever to come into his presence again, or set foot in the palace

Zeus was furious at being tricked, of course

Since Father was also furious at Andrastus, my cousin took every opportunity to console him

He was visibly furious; his face had contorted and turned red and he was short of breath

If he opposes them, on the contrary, and still more, if he has authority enough to be able to thwart them, neither the most acknowledged probity, nor the highest rank, nor the greatest public services, can protect him from the most infamous abuse and detraction, from personal insults, nor sometimes from real danger, arising from the insolent outrage of furious and disappointed monopolists

Did they rape her? Did they hit her? Those questions made her furious

But furious at Homer’s escape, he’d charged

And as they rose upward and looked down at the furious beings below, they could only stare in wide-eyed and gape-mouthed silence

There are enough furious ex-Legion men in these parts and pouring in from around the Empire that we’ve not as of yet needed to enter contract with any mercenaries for ground troops

The visions of all the furious red eyes under me, reaching up to grab me, still haunted me from time to time

“I like hearing you talk that way,” he told her hoarsely, not letting up for one second on his furious pumping into her cunt

When she felt the stream letting up in intensity, she quickly began a furious sucking movement with her lips

The action on the court is fast and furious, and the quality of play is very high

When Venus discovered what happened, she was furious and threatened to put an end to Psyche

was in a furious passion, and went stamping about, and shouting ‘Off with

Though God did not approve of anger, I was furious with the Rabbi

She was furious

Cupid was furious with me

“When I discovered we had to leave Judea, I was furious at a God that sent me even further from home

It is so in every gradation of despotism, from that of the gentle and mild government of Paris, to that of the violent and furious

Wild and furious Jazz-Rock

He was powerful and furious, the god of the sea

With a final furious glare, Raven stormed out of the room in the direction of Amethyst Tower

His nerves bristled and he was furious at the exploitation of his pain, at the sheer audacity Abbott had to use his self-harm as a selling point

The Dutchmen were quite tall, but were no match for four six foot two inch transvestites who, still on sunny siders, and increasingly furious over the treatment of their friends and the ruination of their hats

The rain and wind were furious, and Lt

Small wonder that Prempeh was livid with fear, and trembling in every limb as he heard the furious cries, and saw the denunciatory gesticulations of the angry multitude that spread around him on every side

She started to tell him off, like furious mothers do with their naughty children

He was furious, the drive from Howick had clearly not eased his fury at all

Pulling out his knife, he began whittling with furious intensity

He chuckled down at her, his eyes not leaving the ring of furious men, slowly taking a step back to separate from them, then two

He was so shocked that I knew about it and Mr Drake was furious that he’d not been the first to know

Dr Preston was furious as he called the ambulance

The players all played at once without waiting for turns, quarrelling all the while, and fighting for the hedgehogs; and in a very short time the Queen was in a furious passion, and went stamping about, and shouting ‘Off with his head!’ or ‘Off with her head!’ about once in a minute

he was so furious

“What’s your problem, you desiccated old prune? You don’t like the word ‘fuck?’ Try doing it once in a while, why don’t you, it works wonders on wrinkles!” In a deflating gasp, the woman cast her eyes downward and her knitting resumed, the needles clicking a furious tempo

We saw the cave that resembles the profile of the devil… and returned enduring once more the whipping punishment of the furious water, which seemed to last interminably… But what a feeling of satisfaction and delight when the lumber float was navigating away from the waterfall! This was a unique experience in life that cannot be lived in any other part of the world that I have the pleasure of knowing

As I fled down the companionway ladder, shutting the hatch behind me, I heard Tracy’s furious voice: «Why was she at the wheel in this weather? She has no experience

Truman, furious, was on the ground and there to greet MacArthur as he came off the plane

Furious, she dragged it out of her hair and lay it on her pillow

Dawley sat, writing at a furious pace

She’d been furious with him, but he wouldn’t budge from his story

She also knew her Father would be furious

Far below their feet, furious swirls of white hot and molten red rock churned with rage, their incandescent light gracing the thought-defying towers that seemed to vanish into the infernal abyss with an eerie glow

He had been furious with Laus, and he had hugged, kissed, and comforted her

Heard their furious screams

He was angry? That was nothing against how furious she was

Still furious, but also curious

Stop it, stop it now, the little voice inside hissed, you are furious with him, but before she had time to tell him how stupid she thought he was, it was over

“Go on then,” said Nicole before she turned to look at Ethan with a furious, mad gaze

Andy seethed with furious anger, even as he laid Nicole down up against a wall

She had been so angry, so furious

Yes, she was furious at Alaric; however, she wished she did not care

Now the first sounds reached them; the sounds of hostile yells, furious yells, brutish yells

He was furious! His eyes were dark, almost black, and they shot lightning at Ryato, at Alaric, at Gawavolf

His gaze was as dark and furious as that of Elior

Shock! Could he really yell that loud? He had to be furious!

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