Sentence with word fuel

топливо, горючее, разжигать, снабжать топливом


- топливо, горючее

- разжигание страстей

to add fresh fuel to a quarrel — разжигать ссору, подстрекать ссорящихся
to add fuel to the flame — подливать масла в огонь


- заправлять горючим или топливом
- запасаться топливом; заправляться горючим
- питать, поддерживать

this organization is fuel led by massive grants — эта организация держится на огромных субсидиях

- заливать топливо; питать топливом
- принимать топливо, грузить топливо

to fuel a ship — принимать топливо на корабль

- грузиться топливом
- ж.-д. экипировать

Мои примеры


a fuel that burns cleanly without loss of power — топливо, которое сгорает чисто, без потери мощности  
to burn fuel oil — работать на мазуте  
to burn gaseous fuel — работать на газообразном топливе  
to burn solid fuel — работать на твердом топливе  
concentrated nuclear fuel — обогащённое ядерное топливо  
to cut off fuel supply — прекращать подачу горючего  
depletion of fuel — расход горючего  
to dump a fuel — сливать топливо  
to fuel fire — подбрасывать топливо в огонь  
to add fuel / oil to the fire/ flame — подливать масла в огонь  
fuel filter — топливный фильтр  

Примеры с переводом

We stopped to take on fuel.

Мы остановились, чтобы заправиться.

The fuel tank’s almost empty.

Топливный бак почти пустой.

It is wasteful to use so much fuel.

Использовать так много топлива неэкономно.

The price of fuel keeps going up.

Цена на топливо продолжает повышаться.

This light means you’re running low on fuel.

Если горит эта лампочка — значит, у вас заканчивается бензин.

Six of us were told off to get fuel.

Шестеро из нас были посланы за топливом.

I had the fuel pump replaced on my car.

Мне поменяли /я заменил/ топливный насос в машине.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The tanker fueled in Bahrain

Fuel was rationed during the war.

The airplanes were fueled in midair.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

fuelling  — горючее, заправка горючим
refuel  — дозаправиться, дозаправить, пополнить запасы топлива, пополнять топливом
fueler  — питатель, топливозаправщик,

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: fuel
he/she/it: fuels
ing ф. (present participle): fuelling
2-я ф. (past tense): fuelled
3-я ф. (past participle): fuelled

ед. ч.(singular): fuel
мн. ч.(plural): fuels

Synonym: combustible, kindling. Similar words: feel, full, bull, cue, fall, fee, few, field. Meaning: [‘fjuːəl /’fjʊəl]  n. a substance that can be consumed to produce energy. v. 1. provide with a combustible substance that provides energy 2. provide with fuel 3. take in fuel, as of a ship 4. stimulate. 

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1. The boiler uses solid fuel.

2. Coke is used as fuel and in making steel.

3. They still cut turf here for fuel.

4. The fuel tank’s almost empty.

5. Food and fuel were scarce in this region.

6. Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage.

7. Solid fuel would be more economical.

8. They were forced to forage for clothing and fuel.

9. The fuel tank has a capacity of 40 litres.

10. Streamlining cars increases their fuel efficiency.

11. They ran out of fuel.

12. They scouted around for more fuel.

13. Aircraft sometimes fuel while in the air.

14. The plane was running low on fuel.

15. The power plant burns used vehicle tyres as fuel.

16. There is a severe shortage of fuel.

17. My new car is economical of fuel.

18. The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.

19. What sort of fuel do these machines need?

20. His resignation seemed only to fuel suspicions.

21. We must ensure continuity of fuel supplies.

22. The pilot checked the fuel gauge frequently.

23. The car consumes a lot of fuel.

24. There was a sudden flare as a fuel tank exploded.

25. It remained very difficult to procure food,( fuel and other daily necessities.

26. Fears that the world was about to run out of fuel proved groundless.

27. Machines are delivering up to only 25 percent of the fuel they combust.

28. The intake of gasoline was stopped by a clogged fuel line.

29. The new Metro is designed to run on unleaded fuel.

30. Wood, coal, oil, petrol and gas are all different kinds of fuel.

More similar words: feel, full, bull, cue, fall, fee, few, field, flee, free, fund, fur, heel, peel, pull, sue, all, angel, area, aunt, auto, awful, ball, be, beef, beg, bell, belt, bet, boil. 

A fuel is any material that can be made to react with other substances so that it releases energy as heat energy or to be used for work. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Using our proprietary technology platform, Mascoma provides bioengineered yeasts and other microorganisms proven to reduce costs and improve yields in the production of renewable fuels and chemicals.


The new Highway Department facilities will include an office building, a large vehicle storage building, a repair shop, a cold storage building, a salt shed, a truck wash and a fuel station.


If an individual’s turbines or panels produce an excess of energy, it can be transferred to other customers in the grid or stored in fuel cells until it is needed.


After graduating with a degree in Architecture from Cambridge, she spent a year as Operations Manager aboard the record-breaking biofueled powerboat Earthrace, where she traveled 25,000 miles, visited 120 cities, and ran a campaign to promote the use of alternative fuels.


A district judge in ruled that 13 fossil fuel pipeline protesters were not responsible for any infraction because of the necessity of their actions.


Instead, it’s focused on blocking new infrastructure — like the Fraser Surrey terminal — while gradually reducing the economy’s overall dependence on fossil fuels.


I believe food is fuel but indulgences are a must because well, as you’ll see… I’m a chocolate fiend!


Nuclear facilities do not produce air pollution like power sources that burn fossil fuels.


When we were in government, we postponed fuel duty increases when the economy was weakened, when families were struggling, and that’s what the government should do now.»


Real fat on the other had is readily used by the body and is used as fuel and energy.


By doing this, the anti-establishment sentiment enters the mainstream and fuels the very divisions in society that they aim to oppose.


As the prices of gasoline, diesel and home heating fuel rise, consumers» energy bills eat up a growing share of their after-tax income, forcing cutbacks in more discretionary areas of spending.


The initial thinking started with the approach she and her group have used to understand and control catalysts for water splitting, and applying it to ion conduction — the process that lies at the heart of not only rechargeable batteries, but also other key technologies such as fuel cells and desalination systems.


The party’s manifesto also vowed to keep the pensions «triple lock» and winter fuel payments for all pensioners — payouts that the Tories said they would drop.


The lawsuits suggest that the car wasn’t built to withstand side impact, and that it didn’t have a racing fuel cell.


The SURE-P scheme was set up by the then President Goodluck Jonathan administration following the part removal of fuel subsidy in 2012.


«There’s a lot of people betting that this stock is going down and I think this analyst is just adding fuel to the fire,» King Lip, chief investment officer at Baker Avenue Asset Management in San Francisco, said of Morgan Stanley’s downgrade.


The agreement requires Entergy to make repairs and upgrades to Indian Point and its spent fuel storage system.


All the while, Puerto Ricans don’t have the luxury of waiting for the grid of the future, so renewable energy entrepreneurs must compete against fossil fuel generators.


Shell has reportedly also curtailed fuel supplies at the retail level.


The estimate is that 5.5 million households, or 9 million people, are now in fuel poverty.


«Phasing out cars that run on fossil fuels from cities is a good way to kick-start action but despite these headline-grabbing proposals the emission reduction targets in the plan lack ambition,» he added.


Refusing to allow climate change to be used as an excuse to destroy or prevent secure employment, to drive down wages or working conditions, to arrest economic development around the world, to forbid the working classes and non-white people from having children, to inflate the fuel prices that always hit the poor hardest, or to restrict either travel opportunities or a full diet to the rich.


While the U.S. is the world’s biggest natural gas producer and is now also a net exporter of the fuel thanks to its shale gas boom and the start of exports from the Gulf Coast in February 2016, New England is still dependent on LNG brought in on ships for almost 10 percent of its needs, mainly in winter for use in heating, according to the State Department.


The public divides evenly over the idea floated by Paul Burstow, a Lib Dem MP and former welfare minister, that benefits such as the winter fuel allowance should be withdrawn from better-off pensioners.


A bounce in profits from Caltex Australia’s sole remaining refinery will propel benchmark profit for the fuels supplier higher for the first half.


The Energy Ministry will be setting up an eight-member investigative committee to look into the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) company’s controversial sale of 5 million litres of contaminated fuel.


Landing seemed too risky, so they decided to jettison fuel and land in the sea.


Both the stalk and the seed can be used to produce various goods, including clothing, building materials, fuel, paper, and other consumer products.


President Bush, in his State of the Union address Tuesday night, issued a new mandate to reduce gasoline dependency and increase use of ethanol and other alternative fuels.


NASA uses dense plutonium «pellets» for fuel.


I implore you to do the research about fossil fuels.


Arrangements made for aircraft rental or charter information, car rentals, limos & taxis, fuel, ramp services, hangar, hotel and other services.


Much of the chaparral shrubs produce twigs and stems in size ranges of the 1-hr, 10-hr and 100-hr fuels.


The seats will also save JetBlue on fuel costs by making planes more than 1,000 pounds lighter.


As all sources of contamination (e.g., pesticides, fertilizers, sediment, wastewater, garbage, fuels, etc.) are controlled.


Bishop John wrote: «In the current climate of growing hostility to Catholics I would appeal that the BBC guard against adding fuel to the fire.


The will to utterly waste the most important source of finite fuel on the planet; the will not to use it for the creation of renewable energy sources but instead to power our «4 mile commute to work».


Fossil fuel alternatives are simply cheaper — and not enough people care enough about the environmental benefits to pay the premium for biodiesel it deserves.


Cuomo, who has his own HUD baggage, did not need more fuel for the fire the Republicans are sure to bring.


Giving brains an energy boost might help with HD, but getting extra fuel into the brain is difficult.


Last year, the average fuel price in California was the highest of all 50 states, costing $ 3.23 per gallon at the pump.


European Parliament calls for total ban of a techniquethat saves fuel and reduces damage to marine life


For example, Champness works with car firms to find ways nanochemistry can make hydrogen a safe and reliable fuel for the future.


Carbon taxes are a lot more complicated to implement and can create perverse incentives for nonparticipating countries to burn more carbon — because fuel prices fall as demand goes down.


In the lab, these seaweeds leak huge quantities of dissolved carbon that then fuels the spread of potentially infectious microbes on coral surfaces.


«The cheaper batteries get, the less viable fuel cells are,» Levi Tillemann, a fellow at the New America Foundation and electric vehicle expert, said yesterday afternoon.


This may have something to do with a fuel shortage that forces motorists to wait in lines at the few working gas stations for hours.


Her failure to answer basic questions about fuel duty when up against Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight was such a train wreck it kept trending on Twitter well into the following day.


(5) reduction in transportation sector emissions through increased transportation system and vehicle efficiency or use of transportation fuels that have lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are substantially lower than those attributable to fossil fuel-based alternatives;


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Additionally, the expenditure for ground transportation fuel was inadvertently recorded under fuel for generators.

Кроме того, расходы на топливо для наземного транспорта были ошибочно учтены по статье «Топливо для генераторов».

The fuel source 136 may provide hydrocarbon fuel and/or other types of fuel.

Источник 136 топлива может обеспечить подачу углеводородного топлива и/или других видов топлива.

Your body needs fuel to work properly and food is that fuel.

Ваше тело нуждается в топливе для физических упражнений, а источником этого топлива является пища.

The fuel can be gas fuel that is combined with the gas fuel from the gasifier.

Топливо может представлять собой газообразное топливо, которое соединяется с газообразным топливом из газификатора.

The Act also allows to use fuel under certain conditions as heating fuel in the fuel production process without paying excise duty.

Закон также позволит при определенных условиях использовать топливо в качестве освобожденного от акциза топлива в производственных процессах.

It is designed to transport fuel on any roads and cross country for mechanized refueling of automobiles and armored vehicles with filtered fuel, and for the short-term fuel storage.

Она предназначена для транспортировки горючего автодорогами любого типа и по бездорожью, механизированной заправки фильтрованным топливом автомобильной и бронетанковой техники, кратковременного хранения топлива.

Alternative fuel fleets can obtain significantly lower fuel prices than those reported by entering into contracts directly with local fuel suppliers.

Альтернативные флоты топлива можно получить значительно более низкие цены на топливо чем сообщалось путем заключениядоговоров непосредственно с местными поставщиками топлива.

Such options require the use of a better quality, cleaner fuel within the same fuel type, or the switching to an alternative fuel with lower emissions.

Такие варианты требуют использования более качественного и экологичного топлива того же типа или переход на альтернативное топливо, дающее меньше выбросов.

Coal-bearing sediments of the basin are a great energy fuel, raw material for chemical industry, production of liquid motor and heating fuel, for producing synthetic fuel gas by underground gasification of him.

Угленосные отложения бассейна являются прекрасным энергетическим топливом, сырьем для химической промышленности, производства жидкого моторного и котельного топлива, получения искусственного горючего газа путем подземной его газификации.

Monitoring systems employ various methods and technologies to monitor and track fuel inventories, fuel purchases, and fuel dispenses.

Они используют различные методы и технологии для мониторинга и отслеживания запасов топлива, закупок топлива и распределения топлива.

Jet fuel or aviation turbine fuel (ATF) is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in aircraftpowered by gas-turbine engines.

Реактивное топливо или турбинное топливо авиации (ATF) — тип авиационного топлива, разработанного для использования в самолете, приведенном в действие газотурбинными двигателями.

All Member States are prohibited from selling or supplying of aviation fuel, jet fuel and rocket fuel to the DPRK.

Все государства-члены должны запретить продажу или поставки КНДР авиационного топлива, авиационного бензина и реактивного топлива.

The fuel filter installed between the fuel highway and the fuel pump makes purification of fuel.

The fuel pump gives fuel to the fuel highway which also performs functions of the tank for fuel nozzles.

The fuel pump submits fuel via the fuel filter to the fuel highway under the pressure exceeding pressure in fuel system.

Reporting on emissions from fuel sold and fuel used would provide valuable information.

Представление отчетности о выбросах, подготовленной на основе объема продаж и потребления топлива, позволит получать ценную информацию.

Alternative fuel means any fuel not derived from petroleum.

Each heater fuel system must meet the powerplant fuel system requirements affecting safe heater operation.

Все топливные системы обогревателей должны удовлетворять всем требованиям к топливным системам силовых установок, влияющим на безопасную работу обогревателя.

The fuel pump has to work harder as acceleration needs more fuel.

В это время и топливный насос должен работать ускоренно и усиленно, так как топлива необходимо больше.

Specifically, fuel system 300 includes low-pressure fuel pump 302 to pump liquid fuel from fuel tank 308.

Более конкретно, топливная система 300 включает в себя топливный насос 302 низкого давления, чтобы накачивать жидкое топливо из топливного бака.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат fuel

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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How to use fuel in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «fuel» and check conjugation/comparative form for «fuel«. Mastering all the usages of «fuel» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The hydrogen station will supply fuel to fuel cell vehicles and fuel cell buses.
Only sales of aviation fuel, jet fuel and rocket fuel to North Korea are banned under U.N. sanctions.
They’re too expensive, and the fuel is heavy—which means you need even more fuel to carry the fuel.
Halting the fuel tanks that transport fuel to gas stations at the Nassiriya refinery caused fuel shortages across Dhi Qar province.
The data shows Beijing, North Korea’s main source of fuel, suspended all exports of gasoline, diesel, fuel oil and jet fuel.
It’s an attractive fuel option because it wouldn’t have to be blended with jet fuel — it is jet fuel, just made without drilling for oil; the fuel exploits what’s already in the air.
Our body runs on fuel, and food is our fuel.
U.S. law requires fuel companies to add biofuels like ethanol to the country’s fuel supply through the ‘renewable fuel standard,’ adopted in 2005.
Fuel or no fuel, Kepler was still churning out the data.
He said the complex makes gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel.
In Mexico, thieves target the fuel arteries to siphon off fuel.
The impact on fuel consumption is more complicated because it depends on the average fuel efficiency of the vehicle fleet and the fuel-economy of new cars purchased each year as well as fuel prices themselves.
Fueloyal: A sensor network aimed at eliminating fuel truck waste, Chicago-based Fueloyal has invented smart fuel caps that provide updates on fuel weight.
Each category also had subcategories for different fuel types: gasoline, diesel, electric, hydrogen fuel cell, and liquid fuel made from natural gas or ethanol.
As the graph shows, fuel economy ratchets up as fuel prices rise.
Fuel: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing new renewable fuel standards.
«You have a fuel which is a renewable fuel,» Dr. Prakash said.
India, which has long monopolized fuel supplies to Nepal, was widely blamed for preventing fuel tankers from crossing the border, leading to crippling fuel shortages.
Cummins’ filtration business offers more than 8,300 products, including air, fuel, lube and hydraulic filters, as well as fuel water separators, coolants and fuel additives.
In addition to the 0.5%-sulfur fuel, called Very Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (VLSFO), shippers can use marine gas oil with a sulfur content of 0.1% to replace marine fuel containing 3.5% sulfur, called High Sulfur Fuel Oil (HSFO).
But he said fuel oil gains were unlikely to hold for long due to new marine fuel regulations requiring the use of fuel with a lower sulfur content than fuel oil and encouraging usage of middle distillates from 2020.
In addition to the 0.5%-sulfur fuel, called Very Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (VLSFO), shippers can use marine gas oil with a sulfur content of 0.1% to replace marine fuel containing 22.7% sulfur, called High Sulfur Fuel Oil (HSFO).
Halting the fuel tankers that transport fuel from the Nassiriya refinery to regional gas stations caused fuel shortages across the southern Iraqi province of Dhi Qar.
Only diesel fuel is injected into each cylinder, not a fuel-air mix.
This fuel, known as Refuse Derived Fuel, is then burnt to create energy.
Nuclear plants release more energy using less fuel, so fuel costs are lower.
Fuel purchases for its self-supply fuel business are passed through to revenue.
Fuel prices Rising fuel costs have put global airlines under even more pressure.
Ships switching to low sulphur fuel need ensure fuel tanks and related piping are cleaned of sludge and sediment that build up with high sulphur fuel, which could also contaminate the new cleaner fuel and potentially make the vessel non-compliant.
Fuel injected engines use a computer to control the mix of fuel and air initiated by a throttle pull based on a fuel map created by engineers.
The ostensibly modern spacecraft of today carry all their fuel with them from the start — a lot of that fuel is required simply to transport other fuel.
There’s a low-carbon fuel standard to limit the carbon content of imported fuel.
It also requires fuel — the same fuel Pyongyang would use to propel its missiles.
Thompson’s car is an AA fuel streamliner, while Poteet’s is a blown fuel streamliner.
Fuel excise tax is not the only reason Russian fuel has not grown cheaper.
It would also eliminate any remaining fuel subsidies and aim to deregulate fuel prices.
Hydrogen fuel cells use compressed hydrogen as their fuel and release only water vapor.
Part of the fuel savings comes from a drop in oil and fuel prices.
Surely a plane will have fuel gauges to indicate how much fuel is left.
You’re supposed to be tough on fuel theft, and these people were stealing fuel.
Various types of nuclear spent-fuel recycling have existed since World War II, and some nations that use nuclear power currently recycle their spent fuel into new fuel.
Gasoline and diesel fuel refineries are required to add a certain amount of renewable fuel, like corn-based ethanol, to each gallon of petroleum-based fuel they refine.
The marine fuel industry has had its fair share of scandals, including large-scale fuel-theft and illegal under-selling of fuel through what the industry calls the ‘cappuccino effect’, where sticky fuel oil is frothed to inflate its apparent volume to buyers.
«The fuel smugglers and thieves have permeated not only the militias which control much of Libya, but also the fuel distribution companies which are supposed to bring cheap fuel to Libyan citizens,» Sanalla told an inaugural Oil and Fuel Theft conference in Geneva.
The tainted fuel can harm engines in ways such as clogging pipelines or overwhelming fuel filters, Singapore-based marine fuel surveyor and consulting firm Maritec Pte Ltd has said.
It also keeps constant track of the fuel bladders with a fail-safe fuel alert (you don’t want anyone dropping out of the sky when the fuel runs out).
Indonesian fuel stations will not be allowed to sell unblended diesel fuel once the new rules apply, he said, adding that companies found selling unblended fuel will be fined.
Fuel shortages in the state also eased as 37.6 percent of gas stations were without fuel statewide, down from 46 percent Monday evening, according to fuel information service GasBuddy.
Recently, Chet Thompson of American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) testified before Congress and proposed a «fuel neutral» octane standard as a «potential replacement» for the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).
Fuel shortages were not expected as a result of the blockade given France’s network of emergency fuel reserves and in the absence of sympathy action by fuel sector workers.
Honda in December began leasing its hydrogen fuel cell Clarity Fuel Cell in Southern California.
Royal Caribbean does not forecast fuel prices and budgets fuel consumption on current pump prices.
«Cooking fuel, fuel for generators, basic food, clean water is almost non-existent,» she said.
Fossil fuel money: Biden plans to sign the «no fossil fuel money» pledge on contributions.
There were no shipments of crude oil, jet fuel, fuel oil and naphtha last month.
The rules also cover other products such as aviation fuel, naphtha, lubricants and fuel oil.
Backup fuel supplies should be ready and accessible in the event of a fuel shortage.
Both automakers recently unveiled hydrogen fuel cell cars, which convert the fuel into electric power.
With supercooled fuel, the launch occurs soon after the fuel is pumped into the rocket.
The car has a self-sealing fuel tank that prevents fuel spillage during an attack.
Tougher fuel economy rules give an advantage to cars and trucks that don’t need fuel.
The Clean Air Act requires transportation fuel to contain a minimum amount of renewable fuel.
China remained a large buyer of so-called cracked fuel oil as fuel for ships.
The fuel error wasn’t caught right away, because the fuel gauge was on the fritz.
Refineries have cut their fuel oil output after upgrades ahead of stricter emissions regulations for ship fuel in 2020 and as exports of Iranian fuel oil, a major producer and exporter of the residual fuel, have dropped before the U.S. sanctions start on Nov. 4.
As a result, demand for high sulphur fuel oil, the main fuel on ships, is expected to drop sharply in favour of diesel and very low sulphur fuel oil, a new type of fuel that is starting to be produced in various different blends.
The fuel tax required nuclear plant operators to pay 145 euros per gram of nuclear fuel each time they exchanged a fuel rod, which usually happens about twice a year.
Refiners of gasoline and diesel fuel are required to add a certain amount of renewable fuel — corn ethanol or other biofuels — to each gallon of petroleum-based fuel they refine.
«We believe the market is mispricing both residual fuel oil (high sulfur fuel oil) and & gasoil (low sulfur fuel oil),» oil analyst Torbjoern Kjus trading told a presentation in Oslo.
Fuel exhaustion occurs when fuel is cut off from the engines, causing them to stop running.
You of course burn more fuel but, as fuel has become less expensive, it’s worth doing.
Trucking fuel to major airports is not feasible due to the sheer volume of fuel needed.
Fuel starvation occurs when fuel is cut off from the engines, causing them to stop running.
«[Idling] does of course use fuel, and the bigger the engine, the more fuel,» he said.
Will our default fuel be hydrogen or a liquid fuel like butane currently used for lighters?
«They’re a fuel for my energy, a fuel for my passions,» she says of her boys.
The hypermiling community tries to maximize fuel efficiency while driving, but the fuel supply never replenishes.
Fourth, fuel is a huge variable, as jet fuel often takes up 25 percent of costs.
A tanker carrying fuel rolled over in Punjab province and villagers rushed to collect leaking fuel.
If it can fuel a thrash set, it can definitely fuel your way-less-punk day.
With EVs, hybrids and more fuel-efficient vehicles, fuel taxes are also at risk for decline.
«For diesel fuel, jet fuel, heating oil, we’re seeing the lowest prices since 2004,» said Kloza.
Fuel industry spokesman Andrew McNaught said airline fuel rationing would stay in place until Sept. 28.
A recession, a sluggish economy and new fuel economy standards have significantly reduced motor fuel demand.
The blast ruptures the fuel systems, the fuel finds an ignition source, and an inferno ensues.
But to operate the water pumping stations, first Puerto Ricans need fuel, and fuel is scarce.
Trillions of dollars in fossil fuel subsidies mean the fuel for these vehicles is artificially cheap.
Those who can afford it buy fuel for heaters, if any fuel is to be had.
In 1975, Congress established fuel economy standards through 85033, and fuel efficiency improved for a decade.
Uncle Sam rates Cadenza’s fuel economy at 20 city and 28 highway on standard grade fuel.
Its fuel tank can hold 115 gallons of diesel fuel, making it equipped for long travels.
However, generating more energy from the same amount of fuel makes the fuel more cost-effective.
Under the revised plan, the cleanup process will require the removal of the fuel rod assemblies from the spent fuel pools before any of the melted fuel debris can be removed.
It can be caused by a number of factors including a fuel leak, internal icing, failure of the fuel pumps or gauges, or crew error managing the engine’s use of fuel.
The shipping industry now uses more than 5 million barrels of fuel a day, including the high sulfur fuel, lighter marine fuel and a tiny amount of LNG, according to Citigroup.
«We have produced our own jet fuel, but we can do more than that, we can export jet fuel and we also want to produce palm-based jet fuel,» he said.
Countries around the Gulf subsidized fossil fuel consumption by around $200 billion in 2014, and accounted for 40 percent of all fossil fuel subsidies worldwide («Fossil Fuel Subsidies Database», IEA, 2015).
The reduction followed power saving, hundreds of billions of dollars worth of investments in renewable energy, and fuel conversion and enhanced fuel efficiency of fossil fuel-fired power units, the ministry said.
China, the main source of North Korea’s fuel, did not export any gasoline, jet fuel, diesel or fuel oil to its neighbor last month, data from the General Administration of Customs showed.
Mason places the blame squarely on her own shoulders, admitting she used the wrong kind of fuel for the stunt, which required lamp fuel instead of the campfire fuel she went with.
The fire is not expected to have any material impact on fuel oil trading and supply in Singapore, a global trading hub of the fuel, two Singapore-based fuel oil traders said.
It has, however, banned the sale of aviation fuel, jet fuel and rocket fuel to North Korea, but Air Koryo and any North Korean civilian aircraft refueling overseas are exempt from this.
Even if you and everyone you know cut personal fossil fuel use — even if everyone in America did it — it wouldn’t turn those rising fossil fuel lines into falling fossil fuel lines.
Stop pouring money into fossil-fuel companiesFirst, financiers must act boldly to stop financing the expansion of fossil-fuel extraction and infrastructure and should commit to phasing out fossil-fuel financing altogether.
The price of 95-octane fuel was kept at 8.75 Egyptian pounds ($13) a litre, 92-octane fuel at 7.75 pounds a litre and 80-octane fuel at 6.50 pounds a litre.
A female member of staff at the Sevastopol fuel station showed the Reuters reporter who visited it a document called a «fuel passport» detailing the origin of the fuel on sale there.
«They are low on fuel; they are not empty, but they are low on fuel,» says Anderson.
Those products included middle distillates like jet fuel and heating kerosene, fuel oil and particularly U.S. propane.
We took surrogate nuclear fuel, so no real nuclear fuel was used or harmed in this experiment.
As fuel prices dropped over the past decade, sales of many fuel efficient cars, including hybrids, sagged.
Fuel economy is respectable if not remarkable: 17 city/26 highway/20 combined, running on premium fuel.
Aviation fuel — unlike car fuel — mostly goes untaxed, which climate advocates see as a major missed opportunity.
The E.P.A’s all-wheel-drive fuel economy numbers are 23 city and 29 highway on premium fuel.
But even that has a benefit: Eating more fuel means burning more fuel, increasing your energy flux.
The state receives 90 percent of its fuel by ship, so port closures can limit fuel availability.
Mnangagwa said the increase in fuel prices was meant to ease the impact of the fuel shortage.
A fuel-efficient aircraft means the aircraft can travel a longer distance on one gallon of fuel.
So the electronic fuel gauge was linked to sensors in the fuel tanks by two separate channels.
Proponents of tougher fuel economy standards used these circumstances to argue for ever-more fuel-efficient cars.
The label displayed the annual fuel costs and the potential fuel savings over a five-year period.
The company supplies casings for uranium fuel rods and spent fuel cooling units to the nuclear industry.
President Obama openly boasted about increasing US fossil fuel production, fossil fuel exports, and low gasoline prices.
Several departments imposed fuel restrictions per vehicle and some banned filling up extra fuel in jerry cans.
In addition to requiring carmakers to improve fuel standards, a longtime priority for Democrats, the bill updated and expanded renewable-fuel standards, requiring fuel producers to mix in soy, palm and other kinds of vegetable oil with diesel fuel and to use ethanol from corn and sugar in gasoline.
Unfortunately, the technology is not yet there to allow planes to fly using hydrogen or electric fuel cells, which means that for now at least, jet fuel is very much fossil fuel based.
Solid fuel is like an explosive jelly, less corrosive than liquid fuel, and it can be more easily stored in the rocket’s fuel tank than the liquid alternative, which requires specially lined tanks.
Solid fuel is like an explosive jelly, and less corrosive than liquid fuel, meaning it can be easily stored in the rocket’s fuel tank, unlike the liquid alternative, which requires specially lined tanks.
Fuel refiners and retailers may accept some degree of margin compression to protect volumes and non-fuel sales (most fuel retailers also sell groceries and other items on which they make higher margins).
If the fuel system alignment is off, fuel could potentially go into spaces that it’s not intended to.
The EPA locked in fuel efficiency rules requiring automakers to nearly double fleet-wide fuel efficiency by 2025.
Several departments have imposed fuel restrictions per vehicle and some banned filling up extra fuel in jerry cans.
Reprocessing involves extracting plutonium from spent reactor fuel, one route to obtaining bomb fuel other than uranium enrichment.
Strong fuel oil margins could also underpin prices for heavier grades that produce more of the residue fuel.
The ship didn’t burn standard heavy fuel oil, but a type of high-grade, ultra-low-sulfur fuel.
«It’s fuel,» Chief Executive Willie Walsh explained, adding a rising fuel bill had been a headwind in 22018.
The fuel caught fire from the lightning strike and the floodwaters swept the blazing fuel into the village.
You’re kind of pushing another industry into that sector that includes heating oil, jet fuel and transportation fuel.
The Renewable Fuel Standard requires fuel companies to use increasing amounts of biofuel blended with gasoline and diesel.
Later, the manufacturer collects all three to recycle into refuse plastic and paper fuel (RPP) or boiler fuel.
U.S. government data showed substantial drawdowns in gasoline and distillate fuel inventories headed into the winter fuel season.
Ozone is a byproduct of fossil fuel pollutants, so reducing concentrations would likely mean reducing fossil fuel use.
It’s a byproduct of burning fossil fuel, so attempts to reduce ozone usually involve reducing fossil fuel use.
Using a lower octane fuel could often result in pinging or knocking because the fuel was igniting prematurely.
Top Tier fuel is sold by the major fuel retailers, including Arco, Exxon, Mobil, Shell, Texaco and Valero.
«A poorly tuned engine burns more fuel,» according to the U.S. Department of Energy’s guide to fuel efficiency.
Solid-fuel missiles can be launched with less preparation and require fewer support vehicles than liquid-fuel missiles.
The lack of sufficient government fuel stockpiles leaves consumers to the whims of global fuel markets after storms.
Switching occurs when gas prices nudge below rival fuel coal to become the cheapest fuel for generating electricity.
Despite the new jet fuel license, Hengli has not been granted any government quotas to export jet fuel.
As «stringent fuel efficiency standards» make gasoline cars more expensive, fuel savings and government incentives make electrics cheaper.
«It’s fuel,» Chief Executive Willie Walsh explained, adding a rising fuel bill had been a headwind in 2.43.
The fuel-cost savings alone would more than make up for the modest cost of improving fuel efficiency.
» National Fuel Gas: «I have always like National Fuel Gas and I am going to endorse it now.
Japan wants to use the plutonium extracted from spent fuel in nuclear plants as fuel for modified reactors.
How can fuel economy suddenly be flat if fuel economy standards are supposed to keep rising through 22011?
The U.S. refining industry has widely blamed its economic misfortunes on the country’s renewable fuel program, which forces refiners to either blend biofuels like ethanol into their fuel pool or buy renewable fuel credits.
The carbon footprint of the jet fuel made with LanzaTech’s technology shows a 70 percent reduction in carbon compared with jet fuel made from fossil fuel, Holmgren tells CNBC Make It. It’s economical too.
It will take you a ton of fuel to stop, then a ton more to start again, and because of the rocket equation, you need lots more fuel to accelerate all the extra fuel.
The Reserve Bank had been under pressure to remove the fuel subsidy, with economists saying some fuel companies were accessing cheap foreign currency and selling it on the black market instead of importing fuel.
According to the ICCT study, the industry’s average fuel efficiency, as measured by how much fuel is used to transport passengers, improved to 34 passenger kilometers per liter of fuel from 33 between 2014 and 2017 as carriers opted for modern aircraft with lower fuel burn and operated fuller planes.
In March, Trump ordered a review of the Obama administration’s stringent fuel economy standards, which force automakers to promote smaller cars or those with fuel-saving technologies like hybrids, electrics or even hydrogen fuel cells.
«Fuel constitutes the bulk of our operating cost, and our repeated efforts to negotiate lower fuel prices with Westmoreland Rosebud Mining, the plant’s sole and only historically permitted fuel supplier, have been rebuffed,» Lebsack said.
The new IMO regulations will reduce the allowed content of sulfur in shipping fuel, known as bunker fuel, from 3.5 percent to 0.5 percent, increasing demand for diesel at the expense of dirtier fuel oil.
Unlike solid-fuel missiles, liquid-fuel rockets have to be loaded with fuel just before launching, a process that can take up to an hour and make the missile vulnerable to a pre-emptive strike.
» Having fuel impact people on the ground «is very, very rare,» he said, but noted that he had read some reports «of people smelling jet fuel after an airplane had dumped fuel in the area.
Fuel traders and shipowners have warned for several years that the switch from high-sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) to low-sulphur fuel oil (LSFO) or marine gasoil (MGO) could lead to shortages and rising prices.
Instead of putting the obligation of blending ethanol into our fuel supply on the shoulders of refiners or importers they want fuel marketers – such as gas stations and other fuel retailers – to shoulder the burden.
The U.S. Department of Energy says flex-fuel vehicles can use 217% ethanol fuel or 22018% ethanol fuel, with the more ethanol-rich blends being more popular in farm states near where ethanol is produced.
Insofar as the grid is dependent on a single fuel, and there aren’t big piles of that fuel sitting next to power plants, it is more vulnerable to disruptions in the supply of that fuel.
Fuel suppliers who bid for 2017 contracts do not know the quality of fuel they will have to import.
It followed a fresh round of fuel subsidy cuts that pushed domestic fuel prices up by 20165% to 21%.
Despite its rising refining capacity, analysts said that Vietnam’s demand-growth for fuel would still require refined fuel imports.
It’s designed around a hydrogen fuel cell, for the urban explorer who doesn’t know there’s no hydrogen fuel infrastructure.
Fuel is the single-largest expense for airlines, so they have an incentive to use less fuel per passenger.
The new rules would also allow companies to directly sell fuel to industries without setting up retail fuel stations.
«The Tehran reactor has so far been working with old fuel, but modern fuel can improve efficiency,» he added.
«We are transferring our European refineries now from predominantly fuel refineries to jet fuel and petchem units,» Seele said.
«Currently, there are 566 fuel rod assemblies remaining in the spent fuel pool,» TEPCO said in a press release.
Control power operators run and monitor fuel equipment in various industries such as coal, nuclear fuel, or natural gas.
Under the Renewable Fuel Standard, oil firms have to blend billions of gallons of ethanol into fuel each year.
A fuel line had ruptured, and he’d been spewing a mist of fuel as he raced down the course.
He said the plane had a substantial amount of fuel and added that fuel was leaking from the aircraft.
«I think the team to develop liquid fuel missiles are being pitted against the solid fuel team,» Kim said.
Monju was designed to burn plutonium from spent fuel at conventional reactors to create more fuel than it consumes.
The IMO’s marine fuel regulations will limit the sulfur content in shipping fuel to 0.5% from the current 3.5%.
But that flood of winter fuel should be waning, with a switch over to summer fuel starting April 1.
To mollify the truckers, President Michel Temer’s government dismantled a free-market fuel pricing policy and reintroduced fuel subsidies.
A blue Bunsen flame, created by mixing more air into the fuel, is hotter and burns that fuel completely.
Fuel-air explosives, or FAEs, have two major components: a tank of compressed liquid fuel and an explosive charge.
Fuel ratings: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is moving forward with new automotive fuel ratings for ethanol-gasoline blends.
A hydrogen fuel tank stored on the roof of the train powers the fuel cells to produce electrical energy.
Airlines are keen to save as much fuel as possible, even as fuel prices are still at historic lows.
In other words, states needing nuclear fuel can reliably approach Kazakhstan without having to build their own fuel cycles.
Fuel efficiency, on the other hand, is regulated by the EPA and measures how well your vehicle uses fuel.
The ships will transport fuel and supplies to replenish U.S Navy ships at sea and jet fuel for aircraft.
This plane wasn’t exactly fuel-efficient: In just 80 seconds, its engine could guzzle down 15,000 pounds of fuel.
While acknowledging that E15 will increase tailpipe emissions slightly, he said the fuel would not largely increase fuel evaporation.
Besides the fuel savings that comes from canceling flights, the price of jet fuel has plunged in recent weeks.
IMO AND CLEANER FUEL SUPPLIES From January next year, ships will have to adhere to new international fuel standards.
Instead of controlling fuel emissions, the administration is rolling back fuel economy standards that the auto industry had embraced.
Moratorium on new major fossil-fuel projects, banning fracking, ending fossil-fuel subsidies, low-income weatherization and retrofit assistance.
At the same time they issued fuel efficiency standards, DOT and the EPA developed a new fuel economy label.
Fuel hedging is a contract that airlines use to reduce exposure to volatile and potential rises in fuel costs.
High-octane fuel in a low-octane car does not substantially improve performance, increase fuel economy or cut emissions.
The Kochs, through their company Koch Industries, own significant holdings in fossil fuel industries, including pipelines and fuel refineries.
Fuel refiners would surely charge a premium for these specialty blends, increasing the cost of fuel for every American.
That’s because taking off burns a lot of fuel, and on shorter flights, that fuel use becomes relatively larger.  
And lastly, there are these early success stories that fuel the idea of entrepreneurship and also fuel financial entrepreneurship.
Forward bunker fuel, or high sulfur residual fuel oil(HSFO) refining margins for 2020 have collapsed in recent months.
The A350 will fly to Japan using traditional fuel blended with alternative fuel, said Airbus sales chief Christian Scherer.
Without either the export documentation or the licensing to sell jet fuel domestically, Hengli would choose to produce more diesel or blending components for the motor fuel at the expense of jet fuel, said company sources.
Under the agreement, JetBlue will purchase more than 33 million gallons a year of a fuel made from plant oils for at least 10 years; that fuel will be blended with 70 percent traditional jet fuel.
Oil refiners are simply dusting off the old playbook — get renewable fuel supporters and lawmakers to buy into a «fuel neutral» performance standard, then use the «optionality» to get toxic petrochemicals back into the fuel supply.
The fuel that Boom is using comes from partner Prometheus Fuel, which is a company that uses electricity from renewable power sources, like solar and wind, to turn CO2 scrubbed from the air into jet fuel.
It employs a solid-fuel system that is quicker for launching than the liquid-fuel system employed in the Musudan.
We believe it’s really the destination fuel as the cleanest fossil fuel available to everybody that wants to use fuels.
North Korea says that they used a solid fuel engine as opposed to previous times when they used liquid fuel.
But more radical changes are afoot, too, like replacing jet fuel with biofuels, futuristic wing designs, or even fuel cells.
It skewed production and left them unable to respond when high fuel prices shifted buyers towards more fuel-efficient cars.
Trade group American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers warned tariffs could raise domestic fuel prices and jeopardize the proposed trade deal.
Sunoco operates about 900 convenience stores and fuel outlets in eight U.S. states, offering merchandise, food service and motor fuel.
Strong economic growth, cheap fuel, more driving and purchases of bigger vehicles have offset improvements in fuel economy since 2015.
The federal fuel tax is currently 18.4 cents per gallon of gasoline and 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel fuel.
If fuel prices rise too much, the refining industry could be self-policing, and move quickly to provide more fuel.
Such missions eat up a lot of fuel during the rocket’s takeoff, leaving less fuel leftover to perform the landing.
A just transition means ensuring that fossil fuel workers and fossil fuel-dependent communities are treated with dignity and respect.
Rather than carrying fuel from Earth for use on Mars, Musk wants SpaceX to create fuel when it gets there.
VCs sell jet fuel which works well for jets; motorcycles are more common but need a different type of fuel.
I had to choose the fuel, but I don’t know anything about fuel, and I don’t know anything about cars.
Toyota says a diaphragm material in the fuel injection system can harden over time and crack, allowing fuel to leak.
Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) The last option for the green-thinking consumer is the fuel-cell powered FCEV class.
Fuel oil is a refined product mostly used as bunker fuel for ships and is also burned in power stations.
Subsidized cheap fuels also encourage smuggling, create fuel shortages, depress fuel prices on the black market and enrich organized crime.
New research suggests that sugar may fuel tumor growth in the body because cancer loves to use sugar as fuel.
Ryanair said it did not limit fuel consumption and that its aircraft take off with fuel exceeding E.U. safety guidelines.
Skyrora’s ‘Ecosene’ fuel is a type of kerosene, however, which is a much more common modern aviation and rocket fuel.
Mr. Asbar was also working on a solid-fuel plant for missiles and rockets, a safer alternative to liquid fuel.
Cars and vehicles stuck up at improbable angles, many of them missing fuel caps — probably from scavengers siphoning off fuel.
If you’re going to go a long way in space, you need long-lived fuel, and nuclear fuel provides that.
If the two numbers coming from each tank agreed, then the fuel gauge could confidently show the current fuel level.
Carbon taxes are a fee on fuel use, based on how much carbon dioxide that fuel puts into the atmosphere.
We looked at the most fuel-efficient vehicles on the market today, as well as the least fuel-efficient vehicles.
Fuel oil, or residue fuel, is the remaining product from crude oil processed through crude distillation units at a refinery.
USN Fuel Anabolic All-In-One — save £31 USN muscle fuel anabolic is a scientifically engineered muscle building MRP supplement.
» A bridge fuel… «When it comes to the issue of fracking I actually see natural gas as a bridge fuel.
Net fuel costs declined $200 million, largely due to a $256 million reduction in fuel hedging loss, the company said.
It will also install large-capacity fuel-cell technology at commercial sites and small-capacity fuel cells at retail sites.
For too long, the fossil fuel companies have gotten away with pouring fuel on the fire of the climate crisis.
Catanzaro lobbies for many fossil fuel companies and associations, such as Devon Energy and the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers.
They are also trying to seal fuel vents, where fuel can escape now that the ship is on its side.
One kilogram of fuel from the energy-producing powerhouse would technically be the equivalent of 10,000 tons of fossil fuel.
Fuel costs are expected to rise next quarter with second-quarter fuel efficiency to be flat-to-down 1 percent, year-over-year after the removal of its Max jets, which use less fuel than other planes.
As a result, the fuel economy standards are on track to deliver only half to two-thirds of the anticipated reduction in fuel consumption («Low gas prices expose flaw in U.S. fuel economy standards», Forbes, April 19903).
The biggest danger to a nuclear plant from flooding is the loss of power, which can make it difficult to cool the uranium fuel in the reactor core and the fuel stored in the spent fuel pool.
A fault in the systems of Aircraft Fuel Supply, a third-party company that controls the supply of fuel to aircraft, meant at least 70 planes could not be provided with the fuel they needed to depart.
A fault in the systems of Aircraft Fuel Supply, a third-party company that controls the supply of fuel to aircrafts, meant at least 50 planes could not be provided with the fuel they needed to depart.
«We could see pressure on fuel oil cracks emerge as surging fuel-oil rich crude production in Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Russia is likely to boost fuel oil supplies,» said Eugene Lindell, an analyst at JBC Energy.
Unlike liquid-fuel rockets, solid-fuel missiles do not have to be loaded with fuel just before launching, a process that can take up to an hour and make the missile vulnerable to a pre-emptive strike.
In turn, the Zebra Fuel mini-vans themselves didn’t need to travel to the wholesale supplier, but were refuelled by the Zebra Fuel «mother ship,» a much larger tanker able to restock multiple Zebra Fuel delivery vehicles.
According to the latest data from Turkish energy watchdog EPDK, Petrol Ofisi sold 530,206 tonnes of gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, jet fuel and other fuel in November in Turkey, and had a market share of 22.7 percent.
Shell said it has developed fuel product offers including very low-sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) supply in selected bunkering ports, high-sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) supply for ships with on-board scrubbers and liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Shell said it has developed fuel product offers including very low-sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) supply in selected bunkering ports, high-sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) supply for ships with on-board scrubbers and liquefied natural gas (LNG).
The company said last month it was seeking regulatory approval for an increase in fuel surcharge to counter the higher fuel costs and a weak peso, after a 36 percent jump in fuel costs wiped out annual profits.
Audi says its e-diesel fuel allows cars to run in a way that is almost carbon neutral — meaning the fuel would not substantially add carbon emissions into the atmosphere, making the fuel potentially far more environmentally friendly.
Hydrogen fuel cells — which use compressed hydrogen as their fuel and release only water vapor — have been in development for decades.
The rolling strikes had disrupted fuel and other supplies at French ports, provoking panic buying and fuel shortages across the country.
The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program was signed into law in 2005 and designed to boost a renewable fuel industry annually.
Because a car’s CO₂ emissions are directly linked to its fuel economy, any gain in fuel efficiency results in lower CO₂.
«If you haven’t eaten, your body will have to go find fuel, and it’ll go to fat for fuel,» she says.
That mass must be moved by more fuel—which adds more mass to the craft, which thus needs still more fuel.
Spent fuel from nuclear reactors can be reprocessed to extract plutonium, which is then recycled into mixed oxide, or MOX, fuel.
The super-chilled fuel allows easier transportation of natural gas, the least polluting fossil fuel, but is relatively expensive to develop.
Passenger cars will have to not only go farther on less fuel, but also travel those miles on lower-carbon fuel.
But changing dynamics of the local fuel market mean selling fuel at home has become as profitable as shipping it out.
With fossil fuel plants, costs are more evenly spread between construction of facilities at the outset and buying fuel over time.
In the long-term, Brown said that rising fuel efficiency and the emergence of electric vehicles would eat into fuel demand.
The tanks that form a critical link in Oregon’s fuel supply are surrounded by walls, to contain any accidental fuel breach.
Kroger offers a fuel points program to its Plus members where you earn 1 fuel point for every $1 you spend.
But the speed at which your body gets its fuel from food can be as important as the amount of fuel.
In this image taken before the disaster, the spent fuel pool and the fuel rods can be seen in pristine condition.
Prices for energy and petroleum products rose 3.4 percent, driven by more expensive motor gasoline, diesel fuel and light fuel oils.
That means, for example, turning Mars’ atmosphere into rocket fuel and launching fuel tankers into space to refuel a primary ship.
A by-product of the crude oil refining process, fuel oil is used as a shipping fuel and in power generation.
The Chinese firm also pledged to develop the fuel marketing business by introducing small and black-owned businesses as fuel retailers.
The standards call on auto companies to design more fuel efficient cars so that Americans can drive farther with less fuel.
Yet, it is reasonably fuel-efficient in delivering an average 35 miles per gallon on the highway using regular unleaded fuel.
Rather than burying spent nuclear fuel, the U.S. should have policies that promote recycling and the development of advanced fuel cycles.
The broadcaster detailed a process — known as fuel tankering — whereby planes carry much more fuel than they need for a trip.
Currently, gasoline and diesel fuel dominate, accounting for 77 percent of transportation energy consumption, making this sector ripe for fuel diversification.
Motorists wait for hours to fill up at fuel stations despite fuel prices having gone up more than 500% this year.
This strategy enables a more weight-efficient fuel tank that can depart for Mars holding its full, 150-ton fuel capacity.
So what is supposed to be a «home-grown fuel mandate» actually requires imports be used in preference to domestic fuel.
Argentine law currently mandates fuel providers use a 10 percent mixture of biodiesel in all diesel fuel sold to the public.
Prices for energy and petroleum products fell by 1.8 percent on lower prices for light fuel oils, diesel fuel and gasoline.
He said that more fuel was arriving, and that officials were working to get truckers to transport fuel and other supplies.
FEMA has delivered fuel to 2628 hospitals with another 28500 hospitals scheduled to receive fuel in order to have continuous power.
A more fuel-efficient conventional engine, it has enabled a 16% reduction in fuel consumption in Airbus A320s, the company said.
Most ships, especially the big ones that do the heavy hauling, burn what’s called high-sulfur fuel oil, or bunker fuel.
Long flights mean planes must carry tons (literally) more fuel, making the aircraft heavier and demanding more fuel to stay aloft.
Some fuel suppliers have also begun to tighten their fuel supply terms to the embattled carrier, piling additional pressure on Jet.
JET FUEL FLOWS Analysts expect China’s exports of diesel, gasoline and jet fuel combined to maintain double-digit growth in 2020.
Among those creditors are big engineering and construction companies like Fluor and CB&I, and Nuclear Fuel Services, a fuel supplier.
Shippers and fuel companies were scrambling to secure supplies via sea or other alternatives to get fuel to the East Coast.
Widodo has asked for further expansion of the biodiesel program and ordered studies on mixing palm-based fuel with jet fuel.
Houston-area refineries are responsible for significant portions of the nation’s gas, military grade fuel and jet aviation fuel, Mitchell said.
Declining margins on high sulphur fuel oil as demand falls off for the polluting fuel have weighed on overall refining profitability.
Scrubbers, which reduce sulfur content of fuel on-board ships, are seen as an alternative to buying more expensive, cleaner fuel.
Even though giant passenger jets do guzzle down fuel at a ridiculous 0.67 miles per gallon—seriously, they need 1.5 gallons of jet fuel for every mile traveled—there are so many people on an airplane that the fuel cost gets split down to a much more reasonable price: a per-person fuel efficiency of 104.7 miles per gallon.
In turn, the Zebra Fuel mini-vans themselves don’t need to travel to the wholesale supplier, but are refueled by the Zebra Fuel «mother ship,» says Bennis, a much larger tanker able to restock multiple Zebra Fuel delivery vehicles.
» It also does not demonize the fossil fuel industry, though it does call for «stopping new fossil fuel leases» on public lands and ending «the tens of billions of dollars of tax breaks currently given to fossil fuel companies.
Southwest continues to expect second quarter fuel costs in the range of $2.10 to $2.20 per gallon, but said its fuel efficiency will decline more than expected due to the absence of its most fuel-efficient aircraft, the MAX.
Hawaii’s Alternate Fuel Standards Act requires 20% of highway fuel to be provided by alternate fuels by 2020 and 30% by 2030.
On the transportation side, the strong fuel economy standards put in place by the Obama administration continue to drive fuel efficiency forward.
Conversely, low and stable fuel prices can cause fuel economy to backslide, which occurred from the late 1980s until a decade ago.
The new venture will take over Reliance’s 1,400-plus retail fuel stations and its aviation fuel business spread across 30 Indian airports.
In July, four oil tankers carrying 71,000 tonnes of fuel, equivalent to 10 percent of Yemen’s monthly fuel needs, were denied entry.
«Despite fuel prices being higher than last year, we are digesting fuel very well at the moment,» Qantas CEO Alan Joyce said.
Even airlines instructed aircraft to fly slightly slower to save on fuel («Airlines fly slower to cut fuel bill», Reuters, Sept. 19803).
More importantly, airlines cut weight and fuel consumption by reducing the amount of unnecessary fuel, water and other items carried on board.
You can redeem up to 1,000 fuel points in a single fill-up at Kroger Fuel Centers for $1 off per gallon.
Changes in fuel efficiency standards in the United States can dictate investment decisions due to the country’s heavy consumption of the fuel.
It also distributes fuel to gasoline stations throughout the United States, accounting for about 4 percent of the nation’s retail fuel market.
Around 90% of Pilot’s revenue comes from fuel, but close to half of its gross profit is generated by non-fuel sales.
Prices for energy and petroleum products fell by 3.5 percent, dragged down by declines in motor gasoline, fuel oils and diesel fuel.
Coal’s only advantage as a fuel has been its relative cheapness compared with alternatives such as natural gas or distillate fuel oil.
The company is also a supplier to the nuclear industry, providing casings for uranium fuel rods and for spent fuel cooling units.
This 3 million swing in bunker fuel will affect the 38 million and the 3 million barrels of diesel fuel it uses.
But perhaps the ultimate goal of researchers in this field is to turn the waste product of fuel-burning into new fuel.
The problem the membrane is aimed at solving concerns a particular type of fuel cell, known as proton-exchange membrane fuel cells.
Turning plastic into fuel or electricity could help curb the pollution crisisBut not all plastics are fit to be converted into fuel.
Most freight moves using fuels derived from the middle and bottom of the distillation column: jet fuel, diesel and heavy fuel oil.
The Kalama project could offer the world’s second-largest oil consumer another alternative low-carbon fuel and further diversify its fuel choices.
One solution to the fuel diversity puzzle will be showcased at this year’s Washington Auto Show — hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles (FCVs).
If fuel economy is the driving force behind your purchasing decisions, nothing changes under EPA’s decision to freeze current fuel-economy standards.
The graph seems to suggest that technological progress for better fuel efficiency happened in spurts triggered by periods of rising fuel price.
The strait provides passage for China’s fuel imports from Africa and the Middle East, around 80 percent of its total fuel imports.
It also operates fuel pipelines and terminals, and supplies fuel to a retail network of 5,500 gas station across 29 U.S. states.
Just a few months ago Catanzaro was lobbying on fuel standards and greenhouse gas regulations for the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers.
«In a seismic event, the elevated 2628-gallon diesel fuel tank could spill fuel across the pump room floor,» the report says.
Liquid-fueled rockets are harder to store and move than solid-fuel rockets because the fuel is more volatile, according to experts.
The swollen surplus of fuel products could also send China’s fuel exports surging to new highs and further pinch Asian refining profits.
The F.A.A. said that emergency fuel-dumping procedures call for pilots to dump fuel over designated, unpopulated areas and from higher altitudes.
The jet had an engine problem and dropped its fuel for safety, though planes aren’t supposed to dump fuel over populated areas.
For a plane with full fuel tanks to land, it must dump the fuel to avoid potentially crashing upon landing, Soucie said.
Pakistan’s lower fuel oil demand may have contributed to weakness in Asia’s fuel oil market this week, the four trade sources said.
As of March, fuel shipments had decreased to approximately 85033 percent below the levels of fuel coming into the port before November.
The airline said fuel cost it $655 million more in the third quarter than a year earlier — as fuel prices rose 37%.
Known as Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards, the Obama EPA proposal was the biggest increase in fuel economy regulations in 2000 years.
Companies reducing their holdings of high-sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) before lower sulfur mandates for ship fuel, known as bunkers, go into effect next year has caused a recent drop in HSFO inventories in Singapore, the world’s biggest bunker fuel port.
A fuel type designed to meet the new cap, very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO), will initially be in limited supply, and quality discrepancies at different ports mean shippers are likely to stick to another compliant but pricier fuel, marine gasoil.
A fuel type designed to meet the new cap, very low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO), will initially be in limited supply, and quality discrepancies at different ports mean shippers are likely to stick to another compliant but pricier fuel, marine gasoil.
Lawmakers in fiscal 2006 began requiring non-commercial aviation fuel to be taxed at the same rate as highway diesel fuel, as part of an effort to discourage truck drivers from buying jet fuel that was taxed at lower rates.
Toyota also develops hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles and plans to launch fuel-cell car models with its Chinese partners, Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC) and FAW Group , in China, as the world’s largest auto market increases support for fuel-cell vehicles.
Companies reducing their holdings of high-sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) before lower sulphur mandates for ship fuel, known as bunkers, go into effect next year has caused a recent drop in HSFO inventories in Singapore, the world’s biggest bunker fuel port.
For example, U.S. stocks of jet fuel, distillate fuel oil and residual fuel oil are 15 percent, 20 percent and 33 percent higher than at the same time last year, while gasoline stocks have risen by less than 2 percent.
A fossil fuel subsidy is any government policy that lowers the cost of fossil fuel production, raises prices received by producers, or lowers prices paid by consumers: they can consist of tax breaks and direct funding for fossil fuel companies.
Zebra Fuel, the London-based startup that delivered fuel directly to your vehicle — backed by Robin and Saul Klein’s LocalGlobe, Brent Hoberman’s Firstminute Capital and Zoopla founder Alex Chesterman — has told customers it is «no longer» delivering fuel in London.
While an advantage for refiners, the high jet fuel prices threaten airline profits, for whom fuel is by far the biggest cost factor.
Analysts, however, say the figures continue to evolve; the $1.51 cost assumes prices for diesel fuel and that fuel economy costs remain static.
On Tuesday, a major fuel artery from the Gulf Coast to Chicago shut down because there was no fuel to pump through it.
His company typically keeps fuel tanks 183 percent full, but has increased stored fuel to 80 or 90 percent of capacity, Orlandi said.
The researchers said that this fuel is pure enough to be used as blendstock, a main component of fuel used in motorized vehicles.
CP said average fuel price fell 10% to $13 per gallon in the third quarter, leading to a 7.1% fall in fuel expenses.
Jet fuel is a relatively small part of a refinery’s overall output, often accounting for just 10 percent of U.S. refiners’ fuel production.
Faster thrust is available with rocket fuel, but the entire appeal of an EmDrive is that it doesn’t need rocket fuel at all.
Fuel distributor Z Energy gained 1.93 percent on lower oil prices and after announcing quarterly fuel volumes were higher than a year ago.
JET FUEL MARGINS FALL The coronavirus outbreak has caused many airlines to stop flights to parts of China, weakening demand for jet fuel.
The fuel distribution companies are suspected of criminally fixing fuel prices at the pump and hence harming competition in the market, police said.
You can redeem up to 1,000 fuel points in a single fill-up at Kroger Fuel Centers for a $1 off per gallon.
Fuel economy standards in the United States are improving the fuel efficiency of both cars and light trucks such as crossover utility vehicles.
This month’s fuel price increases will effectively end subsidies on most fuel products, a financial burden that has crippled state finances for decades.
Power outages were delaying fuel deliveries in Georgia to customers of Colonial Pipeline, the country’s largest fuel network, its operator said on Thursday.
Along with ensuring ongoing fuel security, the companies are hoping to reduce their environmental footprint by moving away from petroleum-based jet fuel.
It’s also highly fuel-efficient, compared to most fire sculptures: Le Attrata consumes about 80 gallons of fuel over four hours of shows.
DROPPING NUCLEAR WASTE INTO VOLCANOES Amazingly, volcanoes aren’t hot enough to melt the zirconium encasing uranium fuel rods, much less the fuel itself.
It also specifies the fuel Arak must use and says its spent fuel for the reactor’s lifetime must be shipped out of Iran.
For domestic distribution, Hengli must further be licensed by the Domestically Produced Aviation Fuel Certification Committee, which oversees jet fuel production and distribution.
A finance ministry source said taxing imported fuel is unlikely to increase prices and only two Indian airlines currently import some jet fuel.
The new fuel, however, will be much more refined and more like the lower sulfur diesel used by truckers and in jet fuel.
Kedzie said the marine fuel is from that middle tier, and could also be made by blending a higher sulfur fuel with diesel.
The four ships were carrying just over 71,000 metric tons of fuel, which represents over 10 percent of Yemen’s total monthly fuel needs.
Sending satellites to GTO uses up a lot of fuel during the initial ascent, leaving less fuel to pull off the vehicle’s return.
Clean Energy provides natural gas fuel and renewable natural gas fuel for transportation in North America with a network of over 550 stations.
The automotive fuel ratings, first developed in 85033, are intended to «help purchasers identify the correct fuel for their vehicles,» the agency wrote.
The president also has asked ministers to study further the possibility of mixing palm oil-based fuel with jet fuel, the statement said.
Authorities are yet to confirm if it is a jet fuel or natural gas pipeline, but media reports suggest it is jet fuel.
The state has the toughest fuel-economy standards in the nation, and some of the toughest emissions regulations on the fossil fuel industry.
Rather than raise the gas tax to correct for fuel efficiency, though, Trump is pushing reforms that would make vehicles less fuel efficient.
The carbon tax in Curbelo’s bill would apply to coal mines, fuel refineries, certain manufacturing facilities, natural gas processors and fossil fuel importers.
Who would be hit: The tax would apply to coal mines, fuel refineries, certain manufacturing facilities, natural gas processors and fossil fuel importers.
Russia already takes back spent fuel after several years on the understanding that the client state has no need to recycle spent fuel.
The automotive fuel ratings, first developed in 1979, are intended to «help purchasers identify the correct fuel for their vehicles,» the agency writes.
A vehicle’s owner’s manual specifies the type of fuel required for proper performance, although it might also say that premium fuel is »recommended.
Strong fuel oil margins, however, are likely to support prices for heavier grades that produce more of the residual fuel, survey respondents said.
On the other hand, jet fuel itself is heavy and dragging it along on an epic flight burns a lot of fuel, too.
As fuel efficiency increased and driving became cheaper, people drove more miles — thereby negating the marginal gains of owning more-fuel-efficient vehicles.
Though local officials say they are trying to crack down on fuel smuggling, fuel is still allocated to inoperational or «ghost» petrol stations.
Canada’s fossil fuel subsidies also undermine the purpose of carbon pricing, meant to discourage investments in producing more fossil fuel, according to Touchette.
However, its own subsidies to fossil fuel producers undercut its ability to convince major developing economies to roll back their fossil fuel subsidies.
The commission began investigating fuel retailers in February after many Bulgarians complained of high fuel costs despite a plunge in global oil prices.
The current standards require automakers to steadily increase the fuel efficiency of new passenger vehicles, limiting climate pollution while reducing consumer fuel costs.
They also noted it could be addressed by reducing fossil fuel use, meaning that fossil fuel reserves might one day become stranded assets.
«A logical move would be to store fuel in the sea, because fuel is lighter than water, so it should float,» Wang said.
Nonetheless, lower fuel costs have improved driving affordability and are probably contributing to the strong growth in both traffic volumes and fuel sales.
It will be one of 15 oiler ships that replenish fuel for Navy ships at sea and jet fuel for aircraft on carriers.
Since then, Chatterjee has turned the commission to focus on the subject of «fuel security» — the ability of plants to store fuel onsite.
Trafigura will load up to 1.2 million tonnes of visbreaking fuel oil and up to 2.5 million tonnes of straight-run fuel oil.
A fuel cell electric bus is slated to be unveiled late this year, while a sedan-type fuel cell car is also planned.
The bioethanol can be used as fuel and hence generate cash, while reducing the carbon intensity of steel-making and displacing fossil fuel.
It also can save on fuel costs, because the plane burns less fuel than a traditional rocket when it blasts off from Earth.
Along with fewer carbon emissions, Fulcrum has found a way to produce the fuel at a lower cost than its fossil fuel competitors.
Thus, we agreed to build the fuel facility to convert the weapons-grade plutonium into fuel for use in commercial nuclear power plants.
«He’s not a fossil fuel executive,» Biden said, adding that he supports suing the fossil fuel industry over its contributions to climate change.
Planes dumping fuel while in the air is a typical procedure, done to reduce the plane&aposs weight before landingPlanes carry not only the fuel that is needed to reach its destination, but extra fuel in case the aircraft needs to divert or re-route and make the flight longer, as well as an extra fuel reserve in case of an extreme emergency.
Examples include students pushing their universities to divest from fossil fuel companies, mothers lobbying for statewide access to clean energy, doctors raising public awareness, children suing the government and fossil fuel companies over intergenerational injustice, and frontline communities blocking fossil fuel expansion.
The biggest danger to a nuclear plant from flooding is the loss of power, which can make it difficult to circulate the water needed to cool the uranium fuel in the reactor core and the fuel stored in the spent-fuel pool.
Among many projects, Rugeri built automated platforms that would optimise fuel consumption for aircraft, statistically analysing the previous 2 years fuel usage to assist crews in deciding how much fuel to take on board for a certain journey, considering all possible variables.
That ability to cut its high-sulfur fuel oil output to nearly nothing while maximizing its diesel fuel output gives Reliance an advantage as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will require new low-sulfur fuel oil used in ships starting in 2020.
In the past decade, costs of fuel cells have fallen by 239% and costs of electrolyzers — a crucial component in hydrogen-fuel production — by 23%, according to a report released last month by the Department of Energy’s Fuel Cell Technology Office (FCTO).
A plant can switch to fuel oil fast as it is a reserve fuel, but there will be no short-term benefit because it first needs to burn the fuel that it bought for its reserves at an old price (11,000 rubles).
The group said its probe had identified that some vehicles may have small cracks inside one of the fuel lines in the engine compartment, which along with a pressurized fuel system may over time lead to fuel leakage in the engine compartment.
The missile uses solid fuel, which allows the weapon to be easily moved and fired more quickly than those using liquid fuel, analysts said.
With the combination of fixed fuel prices and raging inflation, buying cheap fuel has become one of the only uses for low-denomination bills.
The potential market: states like California and British Columbia, which reward companies for using more efficient fuel—regulations that can make this fuel competitive.
Apparently, ice that had formed in the fuel line due to the cold had restricted fuel access to the engine, which overheated and exploded.
There is a plentiful supply of low-sulfur fuel on international markets, and widely available refinery technology that can strip transport fuel of sulfur.
«There has been lots of optimisation work concerning platinum in fuel cells,» Achim Moritz, product manager for mobile fuel cells at Bosch, told Reuters.
Experts say that in America it is easier to regulate fuel consumption via vehicle-efficiency standards, which consumers notice much less than fuel taxes.
In 250, at the peak of Hydrogen fuel cell company start ups in California he left BAe to start his own fuel cell company.
A scrubber allows ship to wash cheap fuel and meet the IMO requirements, then discharge the pollutants from the cheap fuel into the ocean.
One, it’s a fuel source that’s abundant in outer space, and it’s ultimately better and more efficient fuel for flight beyond low earth orbit.
A meteoritic or asteroidal deposit of a particular element, and it’s called magnesium dolomite … which is the metallic igniter for jet fuel, rocket fuel.
Fuel consumption rises with the third power of speed so even a relatively modest reduction in speed results in a big saving on fuel.
«I learned that carbs fuel your energy and your workouts, and if you don’t have enough you can’t fuel a heavy workout,» she says.
The world’s second-largest economy also did not export any gasoline, jet fuel, diesel or fuel oil to its isolated neighbor, customs data showed.
Hyundai launched the world’s first mass-produced fuel cell vehicle in 2013, dubbed the Tucson Fuel Cell, but sales trailed Toyota’s rival offering, Mirai.
Refineries globally have also started to scale down high-sulphur fuel oil production six months ahead of a switch to lower sulphur marine fuel.
«A 2321 pct reduction in fuel burn is relevant at any fuel price,» CEO Carolyn McCall said in Toulouse as the A248neo was delivered.
Venezuela’s fuel consumption has roughly halved to about 350,000 bpd including gasoline, diesel, gasoil, jet fuel and liquefied petroleum gas, versus a decade ago.
One, it’s a fuel source that’s abundant in outer space, and it’s ultimately better and more efficient fuel for flight beyond low Earth orbit.
It adds that the average new car today has become more fuel efficient, consuming 2.43 percent less fuel per 100km than 10 years ago.
We will end the wet lease arrangements and the Dreamliners that will burn 3 percent less fuelFuel is 40 percent of our costs.
Gasoline prices influence fuel consumption primarily through consumer choices about fuel-economy when purchasing new vehicles and choices about the amount of discretionary driving.
The government also enacted a second round of fuel subsidy reform (the first round was in mid-2014), raising fuel prices by 30.5%-46.8%.
«Gas is a fossil fuel but it’s in the best place of the fossil fuel if you compare to coal and oil,» Flowers added.
«Along with China’s accelerating fuel upgrades, the problem of having the lower-grade fuel quit the market has become increasingly prominent,» the agency said.
Falcon 9 missions to GTO require more fuel and higher speeds, meaning there is less fuel left to slow the rocket down to land.
It is naive to think that we can «feed the world» forever using fossil fuel dependent means and increasingly toxic fossil fuel-based chemicals.
Most freight is moved by high-horsepower engines using residual fuel oil (ocean shipping) or distillate fuel oil (roads, railways, coastal and inland shipping).
In 28503, authorities uncovered a jihadist plot to blow up fuel storage tanks, terminals, and the underground web of fuel pipelines at JFK Airport.
Fuel is a valuable commodity in several African nations, leading people to take risks to try and siphon fuel from accessible tankers and pipelines.
Fuel is a valuable commdity in several African nations, leading people to take risks to try and siphon fuel from accessible tankers and pipelines.
The rise in theft from fuel platforms in the Gulf mirrors the increase in fuel theft from pipelines and Pemex facilities on the ground.
Beyond the operation of the reactor, the nuclear fuel cycle includes the mining, milling, processing, enrichment, fabrication, and transport of the uranium-based fuel.
«We know at least we have one kilogram of fuel,» said Dr. Nakamura, likening the uncertainty to an imprecise fuel gauge in a car.
Renewable fuel blending has increased because refiners and importers, as obligated parties, brought to market fossil fuels, which are amenable to renewable fuel blending.
Both issues fall under the nation’s Renewable Fuel Standard, a 2005 program that requires American refineries to blend biofuels into transportation and heating fuel.
Wind power’s greatest contribution to a reliable, diverse electricity mix is its ability to produce energy with no fuel cost or fuel price risk.
DNC VOTES TO REJECT FOSSIL FUEL COMPANY DONATIONS: The Democratic party’s main fundraising arm will no longer accept campaign donations from fossil fuel companies.
Over time, the insulation could mix with the fuel, eventually leading to «structural damage to the fuel tanks,» according to an Air Force statement.
«Companies may have extra high-sulfur diesel to sell as they replace storage tanks with cleaner fuel,» said a fuel marketing manager with PetroChina.
Under the Renewable Fuel Standard, refineries must blend certain volumes of biofuels into gasoline and diesel fuel or purchase credits from those that do.
Refineries globally have also started to scale down high-sulfur fuel oil production six months ahead of a switch to lower sulfur marine fuel.
The EPA is also gearing up to soon propose freezing fuel-efficiency standards and revoking a waiver California has to issue tougher fuel standards.
«But instead of running off a battery which stores the electricity chemically, it’s running off a fuel cell, a hydrogen fuel cell,» he added.
And the plunge in oil and jet fuel prices has greatly reduced the financial incentive to get the more fuel efficient jets into service.
China’s big alternative-fuel push Beijing has called for one in every five cars sold in China to run on alternative fuel by 2025.
He’d doused himself in fossil fuel to protest fossil fuel use, after leaving a suicide note nearby and emailing a copy to this newspaper.
A bundle of zip-tied electrical wires chafed against a fuel transfer line until it made a hole through which fuel started to leak.
Because the plane is more fuel-efficient, significantly less space has to be devoted to fuel, meaning more can be used for paying customers.
They include subsidies for switching to more fuel— efficient cars, subsidies for gas purchases and rebates for changing to clean fuel for home heating.
State fuel retailers and refiners Indian Oil Corp, Hindustan Petroleum Corp and Bharat Petroleum Corp operate about 90% of retail fuel pumps in India.
A representative of China National Aviation Fuel Corp, which holds a near monopoly on jet fuel distribution, did not immediately comment on the data.
The fuel-efficient measures of the aircraft lead Boeing to boast that it will offer 10 percent less fuel burn, emissions, and operating costs.
In 2005, when Congress first passed the Renewable Fuel Standard, the hope was that replacing gasoline with renewable fuel would reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Fuel has evaporated Those doused by the jet fuel were decontaminated with soap and water and did not need to be hospitalized, said Sgt.
Fuel economy compliance has gained increased scrutiny since Mitsubishi last month said it falsified fuel economy readings for some of its mini-vehicle models.
Fuel efficiency has improved dramatically in recent years, in large part thanks to stricter fuel regulations implemented by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
It is building new fuel cell stack and hydrogen tank factories so it can lift production of fuel cell vehicles to 30,000 a year.
Working-class Americans, who usually drive older, less fuel-efficient cars and spend a higher percentage of their income on fuel, are disproportionately affected.
Vance told investigators he realized the fuel lever caused an engine failure when he reached for the emergency fuel lever to prepare for impact.
Airliners fly on carbon-rich fuel and will largely fly on this fuel through the 2020s, if not much of the 2030s, at least.
The large mergers (United combined with Continental Airlines in 2010) and a plunge in fuel prices in mid-103 has helped fuel record profits.
These include the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, the renewable fuel standard, Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards, and other federal and state-level restrictions.
It is building new fuel cell stack and hydrogen tank factories so it can lift production of fuel cell vehicles to 30,000 a year.
Wiggins emphasized fuel diversity and said Perry’s proposed rule seemed to favor certain parts of the nation’s fuel mix that could disadvantage natural gas.
«Processing fuel oil gives better margins than (refining) crude oil as plants can get tax deducted (when selling refined fuel) later,» the official said.
Some fuel-oil plants weren’t able to operate because liquid feedstocks would gel and clog valves or trucks couldn’t reach facilities to deliver fuel.
Diesel is used to fuel heavy vehicles in industry and construction as well as mining equipment and also as a heating fuel in Europe.
Clean energy and anti-fossil fuel state ballot initiatives got crushed by fossil fuel money this year, including a carbon tax in Washington state.
DOE theoretically could have suggested that «fuel assurance» (its term for the attribute of having big piles of fuel around) be compensated at auction.
«The liquid hydrocarbons that come out of the Fischer Tropsch process can have a property or chain length that fits perfectly our fuel system on the airplane… this is why it’s called a ‘drop in’ fuel, a fuel that can substitute fossil kerosene,» Sizmann said.
HOUSTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) — Tropical Storm Harvey’s impact on the energy industry spread worldwide as flooded U.S. refiners and closed fuel pipelines threatened to squeeze national supply, roiling global fuel markets and rerouting millions of barrels of fuel to the Americas to avert shortages.
However, there could be other explanations for that: The pilot may have intentionally dumped fuel in the hopes of reducing the risk of a fireball in a crash, or the aircraft could have suffered a fuel leak or other unexplained reason for losing fuel.
There are already 14,000 hydrogen fuel cell forklifts operating across the United States, for example, said Keith Malone, a spokesman for the California Fuel Cell Partnership, a public-private partnership between the auto industry and the state of California to promote fuel cell transportation.
SINGAPORE (Reuters) — Chinese oil refiners want changes to tax laws on the consumption and sale of fuel oil in order to start producing low-sulphur marine fuel when new global clean fuel rules start in 2020, four executives at Chinese oil companies said this week.
FX Sutijastoto, director general of renewable energy at the energy ministry, said separately that the government is looking into creating a fuel made from a mix of palm fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), fossil fuel and another diesel fuel made entirely from palm oil.
WELLINGTON, Sept 19 (Reuters) — New Zealand’s jet fuel shortage on Tuesday forced 28 flights to be cancelled, six of them international, with concerns the fuel crisis may spread after petrol stations in the country’s largest city Auckland cut high octane fuel for high-end cars.
«I don’t expect any recovery yet for jet fuel (margins), and I’m very much concerned (to know) if the current level is bottom yet … But jet fuel will be the last to recover when the economy recovers,» a Singapore-based jet fuel trader said.

Sentences with the word Fuel?



  • «a clean fuel«; «cleaner and more efficient engines»; «the tactical bomb is reasonably clean»
  • «food and shelter are necessities of life»; «the essentials of the good life»; «allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions»; «a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained»
  • «the United States, up to the 1920s, used fuel lavishly, mainly because it was so cheap»
  • «more fuel is needed during the winter months»; «they developed alternative fuels for aircraft»
  • «fuel aircraft, ships, and cars»
  • «fuel the debate on creationism»
  • «hot fuel rods»; «a hot laboratory»
  • «lean ore»; «lean fuel«
  • «propellant fuel for submarines»; «the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency»; «universities…the seats of propulsive thought»
  • «smokeless factory stacks»; «smokeless fuel«; «a smokeless environment»
  • «he is starving her of love»; «The engine was starved of fuel«
  • «The airline transitioned to more fuel-efficient jets»; «The adagio transitioned into an allegro»

Examples of how to use the word “fuel” in a sentence. How to connect “fuel” with other words to make correct English sentences.

fuel (n): a substance that is used to provide heat or power, usually by being burned

Use “fuel” in a sentence

Make sure you don’t run out of fuel.
We’re almost out of fuel.
There is a shortage of fuel.

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  • Dictionary
  • F
  • Fuel
  • Sentences
  • They ran out of fuel.
  • The result will inevitably fuel speculation about the Prime Minister’s future. [VERB noun]
  • Since fuel is what takes us places.
  • Torque and horsepower in cars is usually the main subject discussed when it comes to fuel power.
  • Gasoline, LPG, hydrogen and other forms of fuel.We all have a good idea how far our car will run on a full tank of fuel.The engine has to work harder and uses more fuel when going uphill.
  • Gaseous fuel means a material that is in the gaseous state at standard atmospheric temperature and pressure conditions and that is combusted to produce heat or energy.Quick, efficient combustion depends on properties of the fuel, such as the volatility and octane number of gasolines.Fuel is a substance or material which produces energy when it burns or decomposes.
  • Your driving habits can also make a difference to your fuel consumption.
  • Qantas has blamed the relentless rise in fuel prices for the first major cut in its services since the SARS crisis hit the airline industry.
  • The coal, wood, or other fuel in a steam engine burns to create steam.Ignition occurs as fuel is injected into the compressed and heated air.A fuel is a material used to generate energy when it is burned.
  • Kerosene is used as jet engine fuel.
  • Cars are no more fuel efficient than in the 1960s, a prominent transport expert finds.
  • In AM, use fueling, fueled
  • Our discussion provided him with fuel for debate.

Definition of Fuel

to supply or power something

Examples of Fuel in a sentence

When you realize that food is a fuel used to propel your body, you will begin to choose healthier chow.


In cities like Lagos, constant power outages mean the residents have to come up with alternative ways to fuel their electronics.


Tax refunds are seen by some as a way to fuel the economy and strengthen our nation.


Talking about the breakup seemed to only fuel the scorned woman’s hatred for ex-husband.


Each attempt to douse the grease fire with water seemed to only fuel the flames and make the stronger!


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