Sentence with word flexible

Antonym: inflexible. Similar words: flexibility, complexity, Bible, foible, visible, eligible, horrible, fungible. Meaning: [‘fleksəbl]  adj. 1. capable of being changed 2. able to flex; able to bend easily 3. able to adjust readily to different conditions 4. bending and snapping back readily without breaking 5. making or willing to make concessions. 

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1 You are too flexible with her.

2 We need to make the working day more flexible.

3 Rubber is a flexible substance.

4 We offer flexible repayment terms.

5 We can be flexible about your starting date.

6 We are all born flexible but as we grow older,[] we tend to seize up a little.

7 A flexible retirement age is being considered by Ministers to unify men’s and women’s pension rights.

8 You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach.

9 The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more countries quickly.

10 Can you be flexible about when you take your leave?

11 Our plans need to be flexible enough to cater for the needs of everyone.

12 Employees said they would prefer more flexible working hours.

13 Many mothers prefer flexible working hours .

14 Automation would bring a shorter, more flexible working week.

15 He has a flexible mind.

16 The government needs a more flexible approach to education.

17 Our plans are quite flexible.

18 We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.

19 Our new computer software is extremely flexible.

20 Leather,( rubber and wire are flexible.

21 Work is, for better or worse, becoming more flexible nowadays.

22 My mother is fairly flexible about what time I need to be home.

23 His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry.

24 In the future there will be more flexible working and multi-skilling.

25 We are following the American trend towards more flexible working conditions.

26 You need a flexible approach in devising your ground plan for bargaining.

27 The road of life is a spiral path, only swagger, flexible turning, can rise to the ideal.

28 The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation of flexible and competing sub-sidiaries.

29 Since I’m my own boss , my hours are flexible.

30 Employers are being encouraged to adopt family-friendly measures like flexible hours.

More similar words: flexibility, complexity, Bible, foible, visible, eligible, horrible, fungible, possible, incredible, accessible, comprehensible, be responsible for, as soon as possible, complex, exit, flee, rifle, fleet, Mexican, existing, reflection, sibling, terribly, incredibly, able, blend, table, cable, bless. 

гибкий, свободный, гнущийся, податливый, уступчивый


- гибкий

flexible cable — гибкий кабель
flexible language — богатый, выразительный язык

- эластичный, упругий

flexible wire — мягкая проволока
flexible binding — мягкий переплёт
flexible pipe — шланг

- тех. ковкий
- податливый, уступчивый

flexible character — мягкий, уступчивый характер

- манёвренный, подвижный

flexible defense — манёвренная /эластичная/ оборона
flexible gun — турельная (стрелково-пушечная) установка
flexible transport — безрельсовый транспорт

- свободный (о режиме рабочего дня и т. п.)

flexible curriculum — свободное расписание

- универсальный (о приборе, методе и т. п.)

Мои примеры


a material that is both strong and flexible — материал, который одновременно является прочным и гибким  
flexible policy — гибкая политика  
flexible schedule — гибкий, скользящий график  
flexible tubing — гибкие трубки  
flexible processor — гибко программируемый процессор  
flexible workstation — гибкое автоматизированное рабочее место, гибкий производственный модуль  
flexible sentencing — назначение наказания (в установленных законом пределах) по усмотрению суда  
flexible bond — гибкая перемычка  
flexible budget — бюджет, предусматривающий возможные изменения  
flexible trailing cable — гибкий тяговый канат  
flexible disc joint — подвижное дисковое соединение  

Примеры с переводом

Dancers need to be flexible.

Танцоры должны быть гибкими.

My schedule is very flexible.

У меня очень гибкий график работы.

Rubber is a flexible substance.

Резина — это эластичное вещество.

The government needs a more flexible approach to education.

Правительству необходим более гибкий подход к образованию.

This computer program has to be flexible to meet all our needs.

Эта компьютерная программа должна быть гибкой, чтобы удовлетворить все наши потребности.

Many mothers prefer flexible working hours.

Многие мамы предпочитают гибкий график работы.

It requires a flexible system of accreditation.

Это требует гибкой системы аккредитации.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We can be flexible about your starting date.

Our schedule for the weekend is very flexible.

The fluids travel through flexible plastic tubing.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

inflexible  — негибкий, несгибаемый, несгибающийся, непреклонный, негнущийся, непоколебимый
flexibleness  — эластичность, гибкость
flexibly  — гибко, эластично

Transcontinental has acquired Multifilm Packaging Corporation, a flexible packaging supplier located in Elgin, Ill..


Personally, I have a lot of floral pieces in my closet, and I feel that they are just as flexible to mix and match.


Self-employment is on a rapid rise in America as people look for more flexible working conditions, more control over their careers and supplemental income opportunities to weather economic uncertainty.


Power cleans will condition the wrists to build stronger and more flexible wrists.


These microlearning techniques are flexible.


The hip ligaments are loose and flexible for a few weeks after birth.


That said though, my schedule is flexible dependent on my deadlines.


Unlike Illumina X Ten line dedicated to human genome re-sequencing only, HiSeq 3000/4000 series are capable of processing samples derived from all organisms, making them very flexible and cost-effective sequencing platforms.


We offer a wide range of dissertation and thesis writing services that are flexible enough to fit the diverse academic needs of students at any level.


«As a decades-long leader in aseptic flexible packaging, customers have come to us to help them produce their freshest products possible.


Next, as I mentioned earlier, be flexible and write everything down.


If you have read my blog for a while now, you will see that I often show the same bag, shoes, jeans etc as for me I like to choose items that will be flexible to be worn in different ways.


I’m family oriented, kind, generous, caring, flexible, dependable, honest, loyal, and can communicate.


I loved the leaf staircase which was flexible flow inside the café or outside.


Ultimately to facilitate change and to activate progress requires teachers and students to learn the tools, gain the knowledge and to be given the power to be bold, innovative, curious and flexible.


I have a really easy, flexible vegan pasta dish for you today!


That’s why many individuals wanting to shed those extra pounds have turned to flexible dieting.


This cloud-based program allows for a flexible implementation: it can be used as a summer school literacy program, a core summer ELA program, or a course of independent study to accelerate student learning gains throughout summer break.


The calculator is flexible, and it’s designed to help you put the VOAL formula to work for your brand in the way that makes the most sense for you.


In patients suspected of having chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer, physicians use a thin flexible scope to examine the upper digestive tract.


I also do a fit camp class and I have noticed in that class how much more flexible I am…… I recommend!


We may say that instinctive behaviour is behaviour related to a rather well-defined goal, but often demanding a more flexible adaptive type of behaviour, including the possibility of learning from experience, in deciding exactly how that goal shall be reached.


LendingClub’s eligibility requirements are flexible, and you might be able to get a personal loan when more traditional lenders aren’t willing to look at your situation.


Middle schoolers aren’t little kids anymore, and they need to learn how to be flexible.


MOO’s IUL insurance offers the flexible benefits of universal life with indexed accounts linked to the returns of specific equity indexes.


Schedule Details: My husband’s schedule is more flexible.


Whether you work with naked products or flexible bags, we are always able to create a production line that answers your every need.


Highlights and case studies provide a composite picture of how flexible pacing is managed and how it works.


The more we can automate the basics, the more we can be flexible when (gulp) the bus gets a flat tire.


Such changes — flexible thinking, managing feelings and paying more attention to others — persist long after the pups are weaned, making active rodent parents of both sexes «smarter» (Lambert, 2012).


These are super flexible, comfortable, and stable.


In the coming months, the bank pledged to «be flexible in putting to use various monetary policy tools to maintain liquidity at a reasonable level.»


The materials are flexible and durable enough that you can playfully squash one of your creations or bounce it around the room, and a 31-page booklet gives plenty of background on the underlying science.


Today’s consumers are more discerning, demanding products that are capable and flexible — but more intelligently executed.


Learn about the benefits of encouraging flexible work options, how leaders can make work worthwhile for its employees, and how to discuss work flex with employees.


It also requires a supportive spouse, children who are flexible, dependable childcare and transportation, but does not guarantee consistent pay since births may not happen during the shifts assistants have committed within the month.


Arts integration strategies can deepen learning and provide flexible options for all students to access curriculum and diverse ways of understanding.


But for me, I’m a better mom because I work, and the flip side of a flexible schedule is that every second I’m not working on Babyation is a second I get behind in something.


«I would start by warming up the feet — moving them slowly and gently until they became flexible,» she says.


Even though you had to adjust your goals, it’s good that you’re being flexible & still working on improving overall.


We found it more often hunting for adequate power, unlike the more flexible CVT in the Honda.


Since ebooks have no production costs, they let you be much more flexible in pricing, and can be a powerful marketing tool to attract new readers.


You get more flexible terms — as such you can extend terms in exchange for a smaller monthly payment


Reliant Funding’s flexible financing options provide retail business owners across the country the opportunity to build and grow their businesses without the limitations which accompany the lack of working capital.


When it comes to the importance of service revenue to your workspace, Cottle believes that the flexible workspaces are part of the service industry.


Bosses also find that they do need to be flexible.


They say that it uses a flexible display and it is indeed malleable, to a very small degree.


If you aren’t particularly loyal to Delta Airlines, and would much rather have a card that gives you high and flexible rewards on general travel and dining purchases, the Chase Sapphire Preferred ® Card is a good bet.


The more you practice, the more flexible you are going to be.


It’s a bit less flexible than the MQB architecture that underpins the new Volkswagen Golf, but New Small Family still can be adapted to vehicles of different sizes and purposes.


Phrases with «flexible»:

  • flexible
  • to be flexible
  • flexible schedule
  • flexible work
  • flexible packaging
  • flexible points programs
  • flexible life insurance
  • flexible premium universal life insurance policy
  • flexible coverage options
  • flexible points redemption
  • (see

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Graphene is flexible, transparent, and extremely strong.

В то же время графен — гибкий, прозрачный и чрезвычайно прочный.

Although it can be flexible or rigid, a flexible bronchoscope is almost always used.

Хотя это может быть гибкий или жесткий, гибкий бронхоскоп почти всегда используется.

Be flexible enough to test new things.

Будьте, вместе с тем, достаточно гибки, чтобы исследоватьдругие возникающие вопросы.

This architecture, though simple, is very flexible.

Эта система, несмотря на свою архаичность, является весьма гибкой.

There were no flexible working hours those days.

В те времена у нас еще не существовало понятия гибкого рабочего графика.

We offer world-leading, relevant, flexible, research-led tertiary educatio…

Мы предлагаем ведущее в мире, актуальное, гибкое высшее образование, основа…

They are more flexible than larger corporations.

Они являются более гибкими по сравнению с крупными промышленными предприятиями.

The benefit is that it’s very flexible.

Их преимущество состоит в том, что они очень гибкие.

On inequality, success will require stronger and more flexible labour markets.

Что касается неравенства, для успеха потребуются более сильные и более гибкие рынки труда.

They are more flexible than on-line builders but may be expensive to buy.

Они являются более гибкими, чем он-лайн строители, но может быть дорогим, чтобы купить.

That means you MUST be flexible.

Это значит, что вы должны быть гибкими.

Samsung is also working on a flexible screen.

В Samsung также ведут работу над смартфоном с гибким экраном.

The Ford decision shows how flexible multinational companies are in terms of geography.

«Решение Ford свидетельствует о том, насколько действия международных компаний являются гибкими с точки зрения географии.

Frank Hunt later made the flexible ruler in 1902.

Позже, в 1902 году, Фрэнк Хант создал гибкую линейку.

Unlike Nabucco TANAP is more flexible.

Проект TANAP, в отличие от «Набукко», является более гибким.

CA technologies manages and secures IT environments, delivering more flexible IT services.

Компания СА Technologies управляет средами ИТ-технологий и защищает их, обеспечивает более гибкие ИТ-службы для клиентов.

The greatest distribution to the scientific organisations the flexible hours (have got flexible time, flexible working hours).

Наибольшее распространение в научных организациях приобрел гибкий график (гибкое время, гибкие рабочие часы).

By leveraging flexible symbol rates, flexible modulation, and flexible grid options, significant improvements have been made to balance capacity versus distance.

Использование гибких скоростей передачи символов, гибкой модуляции и гибких параметров сети позволило сделать значительные улучшения, чтобы сбалансировать пропускную способность и расстояние.

It also has its own flexible screw machine, flexible hoist, flexible gripper and other conveying forms.

Он также имеет собственную гибкую винтовую машину, гибкую таль, гибкую ручку и другие транспортирующие формы.

As a result, manufacturers have had to develop flexible polymer screens for flexible telephones.

В результате производителям пришлось разработать гибкие полимерные экраны для гибких телефонов.

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This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Ruben Paucek

Score: 4.7/5
(35 votes)

1 You are too flexible with her. 2 We need to make the working day more flexible. 3 Rubber is a flexible substance. 4 We offer flexible repayment terms.

How do you use flexibility in a sentence?

Flexibility in a Sentence ?

  1. The ballerina’s flexibility allowed her to do lots of bends and turns.
  2. Flexibility of the rubber band will determine how far it goes once it is stretched and shot.
  3. As he grew older, the man’s flexibility was replaced with brittle bones.

What is a good sentence with flexible?

Examples of flexible in a Sentence

She’s been doing exercises to become stronger and more flexible. Our schedule for the weekend is very flexible. This computer program has to be flexible to meet all our needs.

What is the example of flexible?

The definition of flexible is someone or something that bends easily, is easily persuaded or can be changed easily. An example of flexible is a yoga expert. An example of flexible is a work schedule that allows work to be done at any time during the day. Able to change to cope with variable circumstances.

What is flexible in your own words?

Filters. Flexibility is defined as the ability to change, to bend, or to persuade. An example of flexibility is being able to work whenever one wants. noun.

39 related questions found

When someone is flexible meaning?

adjective. Something or someone that is flexible is able to change easily and adapt to different conditions and circumstances as they occur.

How do you become flexible?

To get the most out of your flexibility training, keep these factors in mind:

  1. Aim for 3 days a week of flexibility training to start. …
  2. Hold or perform each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. …
  3. Perform dynamic stretches before strength training and cool down with static stretches after.

What are 5 examples of flexibility?

5 Examples Of Flexibility Exercises

  • Bend and Twist. Stand with your arms crossed, hands on opposite shoulders, knees bent slightly, and feet shoulder width apart. …
  • Lower Leg Stretch. Stand facing a wall with your feet about shoulder width apart. …
  • Standing Hip Bend. …
  • Achilles Tendon Stretch. …
  • Sitting Stretch.

What are 2 examples of flexibility?

Examples of flexibility activities include:

  • stretching.
  • yoga.
  • tai chi.
  • pilates.

What are the 3 types of flexibility?

These are static stretching, dynamic stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). There has been lots of research to evaluate the effectiveness of each stretching type, and it shows that although each method has the ability to greatly improve flexibility, there are differences between the three.

How do you use the word flexible?

Flexible sentence example

  1. His nature was flexible without being faultily weak. …
  2. She went up to him and with a swift, flexible , youthful movement dropped on her knees. …
  3. She pulled on the jumper, not expecting it to fit and surprised to find the leather-like material as flexible as spandex.

How do you show flexibility at work?

You can become more flexible by following these seven steps:

  1. Focus on your core values.
  2. Be open-minded.
  3. Develop your skill set.
  4. Be optimistic.
  5. Stay calm.
  6. Plan ahead.
  7. Have a strong support network.

What is the flexibility?

Flexibility is the ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted, pain free range of motion. … The range of motion will be influenced by the mobility of the soft tissues that surround the joint. These soft tissues include: muscles, ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, and skin.

Why Being flexible is important?

Flexibility is an important component of physical fitness and has many positive effects on the body. For instance, it improves mobility, posture, muscle coordination, reduces the risk of injuries and muscle soreness. It even leads to a better overall “shape”.

What is flexibility at workplace?

Flexibility in the workplace means being able to quickly adapt to new circumstances as they arise. An employee who is flexible can change their plans to navigate or overcome unanticipated obstacles.

What are some good exercises for flexibility?

Because stretching may aggravate an existing injury, if you’re injured, you should consult an athletic trainer or physical therapist about an appropriate flexibility program.

  • Forward Lunges. …
  • Side Lunges. …
  • Cross-Over. …
  • Standing Quad Stretch. …
  • Seat Straddle Lotus. …
  • Seat Side Straddle. …
  • Seat Stretch. …
  • Knees to Chest.

What are the 4 types of flexibility?

Now that you’ve learned about 4 different types of stretching — foam rolling, static stretching, active stretching and dynamic stretching — you can begin to work them into your exercise plan.

How do you build muscle and stay flexible?

Flexibility training includes exercises that stretch muscles to lengthen them. Examples of commonly used flexibility exercises are Pilates, Tai Chi, Yoga and Stretching. You can begin your flexibility training with a slight stretch, then repeat three to five times.

How do you test flexibility?

Sit-and-reach and other similar tests that require a person to flex the hip to touch the toes are the most common field tests of flexibility. Such tests are designed to assess low-back and upper hamstring (complex of three posterior thigh muscles) flexibility.

How do you get flexible in a week?

The best stretches to become more flexible

  1. Start and end each day with static stretches. Static stretches allow for deep, isolated stretching. …
  2. Perform dynamic stretches before and after you exercise. Dynamic stretches improve mobility. …
  3. Mash your muscles a few times each week. …
  4. Practice rotational movements.

Can an inflexible person become flexible?

Even the most inflexible person can become flexible if they are willing to put the work into it. Flexibility is a skill that you can work on and improve at any age, you just need to believe that you can do it first.

Can you become flexible at 30?

You can still become flexible in your 30’s, 40’s or even 50’s. Your natural flexibility decreases with age, but your ability to become flexible stays the same – it is all about consistent training.

Can you become flexible at any age?

Improvements in flexibility can happen at any age. … Studies also strongly support the benefits of regular stretching and mobility training in order to improve flexibility and minimize any loss of range of motion—at any age. It’s never too late to start making improvements in your flexibility.

What type of word is flexible?

flexible adjective (ABLE TO BEND)

What do flexible hours mean?

Also known as flextime or a flexible work schedule, flexible hours means you have different start and end times for your workday than the standard 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Essentially, having flexible work hours means employees can begin their work earlier in the day or later than the originally set time.

Asked by: Nella Purdy

Score: 4.3/5
(10 votes)

Use “flexible” in a sentence | “flexible” sentence examples

  1. You are too flexible with her.
  2. We are all born flexible but as we grow older, we tend to seize up a little.
  3. A flexible retirement age is being considered by Ministers to unify men’s and women’s pension rights.

What is a good sentence for flexible?

Examples of flexible in a Sentence

She’s been doing exercises to become stronger and more flexible. Our schedule for the weekend is very flexible. This computer program has to be flexible to meet all our needs.

How do you use the word flexible in a sentence?

1 You are too flexible with her. 2 We need to make the working day more flexible. 3 Rubber is a flexible substance. 4 We offer flexible repayment terms.

What is an example of flexible?

The definition of flexible is someone or something that bends easily, is easily persuaded or can be changed easily. An example of flexible is a yoga expert. An example of flexible is a work schedule that allows work to be done at any time during the day. … A job with flexible hours; a flexible definition of normality.

What does it mean to be flexible?

Flexibility is the capacity to adjust to short-term change quickly and calmly, so that you can deal with unexpected problems or tasks effectively.

26 related questions found

What is flexibility in a sentence?

The flexibility means that I can do the things that I want when I want when I want. And, for ultimate flexibility and menu expansion, a single burner wok was also built into the design. My job requires a great amount of flexibility , including what time you might have to start work!

How can a person become flexible?

Let’s take a closer look at each of these areas of mental flexibility.

  1. Accept what you can’t change.
  2. Step back from your thoughts.
  3. Focus on the present.
  4. See the bigger picture.
  5. Live by your values.
  6. Take some risks.
  7. Conclusion.

How do you explain flexibility to a child?

Here are four ways to teach children to be flexible thinkers:

  1. Be a role model: Kids don’t do as we say, they do as we do. When we think in flexible ways we can share our experiences with our kids. …
  2. Talk the Talk: …
  3. Phrases that promote flexible thinking: …
  4. One more idea:

What are the 3 types of flexibility?

These are static stretching, dynamic stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). There has been lots of research to evaluate the effectiveness of each stretching type, and it shows that although each method has the ability to greatly improve flexibility, there are differences between the three.

What’s another word for being flexible?

Some common synonyms of flexible are elastic, resilient, springy, and supple. While all these words mean «able to endure strain without being permanently injured,» flexible applies to something which may or may not be resilient or elastic but which can be bent or folded without breaking.

What is flexibility and example?

Flexibility is defined as the ability to change, to bend, or to persuade. An example of flexibility is being able to work whenever one wants.

What’s an example of an example?

Example is defined as something or someone that is used as a model. An example of the word «example» is a previously baked pie shown to a cooking class. An example of the word «example» is 2×2=4 used to show multiplication. … The squirrel, an example of a rodent; introduced each new word with examples of its use.

Where do you use flexibility?

Stretching your body to become more supple and flexible offers many physical benefits. Such training allows for easier and deeper movements while building strength and stability. Stretching your muscles and joints also leads to greater range of motion, improved balance, and increased flexibility.

What are flexibility types?

There are two types of flexibility exercises: static stretching, in which you stretch a muscle without moving, and dynamic stretching, which combines stretching with movements.

What are flexibility exercises?

Because stretching may aggravate an existing injury, if you’re injured, you should consult an athletic trainer or physical therapist about an appropriate flexibility program.

  1. Forward Lunges. …
  2. Side Lunges. …
  3. Cross-Over. …
  4. Standing Quad Stretch. …
  5. Seat Straddle Lotus. …
  6. Seat Side Straddle. …
  7. Seat Stretch. …
  8. Knees to Chest.

What is time flexibility?

What Is Flextime? Flextime, short for flexible time, is a work arrangement that allows employees to choose the start and end time for their workday. As employees seek a better work-life balance, flextime offers an opportunity to better manage their time.

What is thought flexibility?

A defining feature of creativity is flexibility of thought, the ability to create and use new mental categories and concepts to reorganize our experiences (1, 2). Flexibility in creativity has been related to originality of ideas and the ability to break apart from mental fixations (3).

How do you become flexible in school?

8 Ways to Support Your Students’ Flexibility

  1. Help students problem-solve. …
  2. Teach flexibility explicitly. …
  3. Teach self-advocacy skills. …
  4. Use a high ratio of praise to corrections. …
  5. Reassure students who love routines. …
  6. Give them a heads-up before a change happens. …
  7. Build collaborative partnerships with students. …
  8. Know yourself.

What is flexible thinking?

Doctors have a term to describe the ability to think about things in a different way. They call it cognitive flexibility. It uses two skills — flexible thinking and set shifting. Flexible thinking is when kids are able to think about something in a new way. … Here’s an example of how those skills work together.

What does flexibility mean to you?

What is flexibility? The word “flexibility” technically means the ability to bend without breaking. However, people often use it to describe the ability to adjust to changes in your life without creating stress or drama. Being flexible in life means that you can change your plans and adapt to new situations easily.

What is self flexibility?

Flexibility is a personality trait that describes the extent to which a person can cope with changes in circumstances and think about problems and tasks in novel, creative ways. This trait is used when stressors or unexpected events occur, requiring a person to change their stance, outlook, or commitment.

Why do you need flexibility?

Flexibility is an important component of physical fitness and has many positive effects on the body. For instance, it improves mobility, posture, muscle coordination, reduces the risk of injuries and muscle soreness. … Flexibility can occur not just through stretching but also through foam rolling or daily exercises.

What is flexibility in a job?

Flexibility in the workplace means being able to quickly adapt to new circumstances as they arise. An employee who is flexible can change their plans to navigate or overcome unanticipated obstacles.

What is 10 examples of sentences?

Examples of Complete Sentences

  • I ate dinner.
  • We had a three-course meal.
  • Brad came to dinner with us.
  • He loves fish tacos.
  • In the end, we all felt like we ate too much.
  • We all agreed; it was a magnificent evening.

How do you use give in a sentence?

Give sentence example

  1. Give me some information. …
  2. He knew only of those things that give joy and health and peace. …
  3. I can give him a son. …
  4. Was there nothing she could do that didn’t give her emotions and everything else away? …
  5. I’m too close to my goal to give up now.

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