Sentence with word flatter

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1. Don’t flatter yourself so much.

2. That colour doesn’t flatter many people.

3. She likes to mix with people who flatter her ego.

4. You can make your stomach look flatter instantly by improving your posture.

5. We flatter ourselves that we provide the best service in town.

6. If you flatter your mother a bit she might invite us all to dinner.

7. Perry would always flatter Mrs. Mitchell by praising her cooking.

8. Lewis’s novel doesn’t flatter Midwestern attitudes and morals.

9. Clever tailoring can flatter your figure.

10. Are you trying to flatter me?

11. Orange and khaki flatter those with golden skin tones.

12. I suspect these statistics flatter to deceive.

13. The picture certainly doesn’t flatter her.

14. I refused to fawn over her or flatter her.

15. It is disingenuous of him to flatter me.

16. Short skirts don’t flatter me at all.

17. The landscape became wider, flatter and very scenic.

18. Don’t try and flatter her — she doesn’t approve of creeps.

19. I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war.

20. You flatter yourself. Why would we go to such ludicrous lengths?

21. He reached a flatter section of land near the river.

22. You flatter me immensely!

23. Do you really think he likes you? You flatter yourself!

24. Lewis’ novel doesn’t flatter Midwestern attitudes and morals.

25. Flatter her a little — tell her she’s beautiful.

26. Don’t try to flatter me!

27. And in the newer and flatter organization where there is little opportunity for promotion(, how does an enterprising employee advance?

28. He may well be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter

29. He kept trying to start the car and the battery got flatter and flatter, until it wouldn’t turn the engine at all.

30. My philosophy of fashion is that I like to make clothes that flatter.

More similar words: flattering, latter, matter, shatter, battery, scatter, pattern, no matter, shattered, a matter of, scattering, as a matter of fact, flat, attend, attempt, inflate, attend to, deflated, afflatus, attentive, attendant, attenuate, attention, deflation, inflation, attendance, flagellate, inattentive, letter, utter. 

льстить, обольщать, приукрашивать, рихтовальный молот


- льстить; чрезмерно хвалить

you flatter me! — вы мне льстите!
to flatter smb.’s vanity — льстить чьему-л. самолюбию, тешить чьё-л. тщеславие
to flatter oneself — быть слишком высокого мнения о себе; переоценивать себя
he flattered himself that he spoke French with a perfect accent — он воображал, что говорит по-французски с безупречным произношением
we flatter ourselves that we can do without their help — мы льстим себя надеждой, что можем обойтись без их помощи

- (обыкн. pass) быть польщённым

I feel flattered by your invitation — мне лестно получить ваше приглашение

- подольщаться (к кому-л.)
- приукрашивать; преувеличивать достоинства

the portrait flattered her — на портрете она красивее, чем в жизни

- быть к лицу, красить (кого-л.; об освещении, одежде и т. п.)
- поэт. быть приятным, ласкать (слух, глаз и т. п.)


- гладилка, правильный молоток

Мои примеры


to feed / flatter smb.’s ego — льстить кому-л., льстить чьему-л. самолюбию  
to flatter smb. on smb.’s knowledge — преувеличивать чьи-л. знания  
to flatter smb.’s vanity, to tickle smb.’s vanity — польстить чьему-л. тщеславию  
flatter slope — пологий уклон (ВПП)  
flatter tests — испытания на флаттер  
blacksmith flatter hammer — гладильный ручной молоток; гладилка  
flatter a bulge — ликвидировать выступ; срезать клин  
electric flatter — электрическая гладильная машина  
flatter collar — плоский воротник  
flatter hammer — рихтовальный молоток; рихтовочный молоток; рихтовальный молот  

Примеры с переводом

Don’t try and flatter her — she doesn’t approve of creeps.

Не пытайся льстить ей — она не любит подхалимов.

I refused to fawn over her or flatter her.

Я отказался подлизываться или льстить ей.

I flatter myself that my interpretation is correct.

Надеюсь, что моё объяснение правильно.

I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war.

Я тешу себя надеждой, что эта операция положит конец войне.

Perry would always flatter Mrs. Mitchell by praising her cooking.

Перри всегда будет льстить миссис Митчелл, восхваляя её умение готовить.

Lewis’s novel doesn’t flatter Midwestern attitudes and morals.

Роман Льюиса преуменьшает достоинство отношений и нравов среднего Запада.

Возможные однокоренные слова

flat  — плоский, ровный, плоско, ровно, плашмя, квартира, бемоль, делать плоским
flatly  — решительно, плоско, ровно, уныло, скучно
flatness  — плоскость, ровность, настильность, пологость, категоричность, вялость, безвкусица
flatterer  — льстец
flattering  — лестный, льстивый
flattery  — лесть, самообольщение

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: flatter
he/she/it: flatters
ing ф. (present participle): flattering
2-я ф. (past tense): flattered
3-я ф. (past participle): flattered

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


You did not come here to flatter me.

Вы пришли сюда не для того, чтобы льстить мне.

Don’t flatter Putin with high-level attention.

Не надо льстить Путину чрезмерным вниманием на высоком уровне.

All you have to do is flatter him.

Все что, тебе нужно, это польстить ему.

This should surely flatter the Russian leader, whose ambitions have never gone so far.

Это, несомненно, должно польстить российскому лидеру, чьи амбиции никогда не заходили так далеко.

Try to wear clothes that flatter your body, irrespective of your age.

Старайтесь носить одежду, которая льстит вашему телу, независимо от возраста.

Be afraid of the friends who flatter you.

Бойтесь друзей, которые вам льстят.

If it will flatter us, it will cease to be effective.

Если же она будет льстить нам, то перестанет быть эффективной.

She didn’t want anyone to flatter her.

Она не хотела, чтобы ей льстили.

But I shouldn’t flatter you so much.

Но мне не следует так сильно тебе льстить.

You are already arrogant enough. I will flatter you no further.

Ты уже достаточно высокомерный, так что я не буду тебе больше льстить.

They flatter you with all those chains.

Они тебе льстят всеми этими цепями.

Just don’t flatter me because I stuttered in prison with you.

Просто не льсти мне, потому что я сидела с тобой в тюрьме.

You flatter me, your eminence.

Вы мне льстите, ваше преосвященство.

On the other hand, let they will cease to flatter themselves — the Ukrainian army showed the full not fighting capacity.

С другой стороны, пусть они перестанут себе льстить — украинская армия показала свою полную небоеспособность.

Good doctor, your words flatter me.

Прекрасно, доктор, Ваши слова льстят мне.

Be careful with your words and compliments; don’t flatter unnecessarily.

З) Будьте осторожны в своих словах и комплиментах, не льстите.

They do not try to please or flatter us, this is the usual behavior of any Brit or American.

Они не пытаются понравиться или польстить нам, это обычное поведение любого европейца или американца.

Dr. Grassetti suturing the fascia of the abdominal muscles, pulling them closer, creating a flatter tummy, firmer and a slimmer waist.

Доктор Grassetti ушивание фасции мышц живота, потянув их ближе, создавая льстить животик, тверже и стройнее талию.

The successes of the eldest son of Antoine, a medical student, flatter his ambition.

Успехи же старшего сына Антуана — студента-медика — льстят его честолюбию.

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flatter — перевод на русский


My husband and I were listening to the street singers… when I saw him go up to Madame Pelletier’s flat.

Я с мужем слушала уличных музыкантов, когда увидела, что он поднимается в квартиру мадемуазель Пелетье.

Do you remember that flat around the corner from law school… and those sandwiches from Barney’s?

«ы помнишь ту квартиру на углу юридической школы и те сэндвичи от Ѕарни?

Then I remembered that after you were arrested we searched this flat. And I saw a copy of his bank statement in that desk.

Я вспомнил, что после вашего ареста, мы обыскали квартиру, и я видел на столе копию выписки с его счёта.

The flat must be kept up to its accustomed style of living, Miss Renton.

Квартиру необходимо поддерживать в достойной ее роскоши, мисс Рентон.

I’d show you my flat.

Я покажу тебе мою квартиру.

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You flatter me.

— Вы льстите мне.

-Why are you flattering me?

-Вы опять мне льстите!

You mustn’t flatter me and say things you don’t mean.

Не льстите мне, ведь вы так не думаете.

Don’t flatter yourself.

Не льстите себе.

Confusion, yes, but it is better to live and make the confusion than to burrow and not live. Señor Ortega it’s obvious you’re a man of the world. You flatter me, señorita.

наверное, но лучше самому прожить и создать свой бардак чем прятать голову в песок сеньор Ортега я вижу вы человек образованный о, вы льстите мне сеньорита так вот… я кажется имею неверное представление о любви

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You know, flat, white on one side. How about it?

Знаешь, плоская, белая с одной стороны.

There were books once that said the Earth was flat.

Были книги, в которых когда-то писали, что Земля плоская.

200 years after Columbus we persisted in thinking that the world was flat.

Двести лет после Колумба мы упрямо твердили, что земля плоская.

Christian name, my flat foot.

Имя, данное при крещении, моя плоская стопа.

Frozen water isn’t flat!

Замёрзшая вода не плоская!

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— I’m flattered.

— Но не остальным. — Я польщён.

And a bit flattered.

Ну и немного польщён.

At the same time, he is a bit flattered, touched and enormously mawkish.

Он польщен и тронут, он сейчас растает.

I’m certainly flattered.

Я, определённо, польщён.

As a matter of fact, I’m sort of flattered.

Фактически, я немного польщен.

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Very flattering!

Очень лестно!

That’s very flattering.

font color-«#e1e1e1» -Это очень лестно.

It’s rather flattering.

— Такое даже лестно.

— It’s flattering! — Yes, isn’t it?

— Впрочем, мне это скорее лестно.

Amazingly stupid, but flattering.

Как лестно! Глупо,но лестно.

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— I suppose I should feel flattered. — You certainly should.

Вы думаете, я должна быть польщена этим?

I’m very flattered at your visit, Mr. Charles.

Я польщена вашим визитом, мистер Чарльз.

— I’m flattered.

— Я польщена.

— Oh, don’t apologize. I’m flattered.

— О, не извиняйтесь, я польщена.

But I’m terribly flattered. I didn’t know I was so popular.

Но я очень польщена таким вниманием к моей персоне.

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They only want to build new flats instead of repairing our homes!

Строят новые дома, вместо того чтобы привести в порядок наши!

Has he come to take back the flats?

Забрать дома?

I’m the one who occupied your flats.

Это я решила занять дома.

Make sure we get back in those flats! — Mrs. Carmè, in writing.

Пусть скажет, когда мы сможем вернуться в дома.

They left the flats today. — No!

Сегодня они освободили дома.

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You really know how to flatter people.

Вы и вправду знаете, как польстить людям.

— You are easily flattered.

– Легко же тебе польстить.

— What, flatter him?

— Что, польстить ему?

To flatter Caesar, would you mingle eyes With that ?

Чтоб Цезарю польстить, ты не стыдишься любезничать с его рабом!

-You, of course… would do anything to flatter that fraud.

-А ты, конечно… сделаешь все, чтобы польстить этому проходимцу.

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I had some trouble with a flat tyre.

У меня лопнула шина.

Don’t tell me. lt’s a flat tire.

Только не говори мне, что это спустилась шина!

We have a flat tyre, people.

Дети мои, проколота шина.

Liberace pulled in here with a flat tire… but we never had anybody that’s somebody like you.

Ну конечно, тогда в 61-м… приезжал Либерэйс, у него спустила шина… Но никого, вроде вас, мы никогда не видели.


Шина лопнула.

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We live, my family and I, in the country about 15 miles out, so I keep a little flat here in Bromley.

Я и моя семья живем в загородном доме, миль пятнадцать отсюда поэтому я снимаю здесь, в Брамли, квартирку.

I rented a little flat, Edgware Road.

Я снял квартирку на Эшвер-роуд.

Why can’t we get a little flat in Soho?

Почему бы нам не снять маленькую квартирку в Сохо?

I was thinking of taking a small flat on the mainland.

Скорее всего сниму квартирку на материке..

We got a little flat together, begged and borrowed, couple of cots, and when the two of you were born, we were thrilled to bits, because we had two lovely little babies.

Мы сняли маленькую квартирку, раздобыли две колыбельки. И когда вы двое родились, мы были вне себя от радости. Потому что у нас было двое чудесных крошек.

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How to use flatter in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «flatter» and check conjugation/comparative form for «flatter«. Mastering all the usages of «flatter» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Men tend to have wider jaws and flatter cheeks, thinner lips, and flatter eyebrows.
It is not so much vengeance, rather ‘you flatter me and I’ll flatter you.
Traders have been watching the yield curve, or the spread between the 2-year note yield and the 10-year note yield, get flatter and flatter.
«Investors always and constantly worry about a flatter yield curve, but historically the market continues to rally in these environments against a flatter curve,» he said.
Canadian government bond yields fell across a flatter yield curve.
Partly because they have done a lot to flatter him.
Japan’s yield curve is much flatter — below 20 basis points.
Further details of the encounter did little to flatter Trump.
«We don’t need to flatter him any more,» Ramos concluded.
Over Bluetooth or analog stereo cable, the soundstage feels flatter.
There are questions about what the flatter yield curve means.
And beardedness continues to flatter him in the 21st century.
In the 503th century, flatter shoes became the preferred style.
Which is lucky, because her sculptors did not flatter her.
That the rest falls flatter is not really Schor’s fault.
Ms. Kawakubo rarely stoops to flatter in any traditional sense.
The keys are flatter, but typing on it feels good.
First, reform should make the code simpler, flatter and fairer.
The larger lobe is also flatter than the smaller one.
A flatter face to accommodate a mouse’s snout wasn’t working.
He had no wish to flatter anyone – and especially not himself.
The power and volume buttons are flatter, but still very tactile.
The spread is flatter, but it’s 100 basis points or so.
«We don’t think the flatter curve is a warning,» he said.
General Mills replaced curved noodles with straight ones, which lie flatter.
Flatter people to capture and hold their interest, Joe Goebel suggests.
Amid a wave of rampant nonjudgmentalism, life was flatter and emptier.
After pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and pumping, they became flatter and saggier.
To flatter him is to sanitize and encourage all of that.
A flatter-seamed ball that flew farther, introduced in 214, helped.
General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in
The Chinese also decided to flatter Mr. Trump, Mr. Shi said.
Know your power colors that flatter you — and those that don’t.
The changes included stronger arms, flatter abs and much more focus.
These employees were eloquent and knew how to flatter their bosses.
As he drifted upward, his images became flatter, stranger: visual puzzles.
The spread is flatter, but it’s 2409 basis points or so.
If you flatter your cat, do so in a reverent whisper.
It’s just positive stories that flatter the regime and the country.
Congressional Republicans even like to bring it up to flatter him.
It’s true that upon repetition it falls a little flatter, and flatter still, but the imprint of how cheeky and unserious Brewis and Hayes are about this very serious, spectacular endeavour lasts a little while longer.
He instead used the local elections as a way to flatter Merkel.
Canadian government bond prices notched modest gains across a flatter yield curve.
The camera bump’s not dead, but it’s a lot flatter in 2017.
It was flatter than a pancake, and just really awkward to use.
I honestly think this dress will flatter any figure under the sun!
We need comprehensive immigration reform to create a flatter, more equal world.
The Cadillac wants to flatter you, the Giulia wants to bite you.
The right front tire was ever so slightly flatter than the left.
Equities are lower, the dollar’s higher and the yield curve is flatter.
The truth is that the curve is much flatter than you think.
The Federal Reserve’s rate-hiking policy has been driving a flatter curve.
Yield curves are also likely to be flatter than in previous cycles.
And we arrived at a brighter, flatter option — but was it better?
My small B-cup breasts seemed more difficult to flatter than flatten.
I’m not trying to flatter myself but — AMLG: So he copied you?
Last year’s imports of refined nickel, in other words, flatter to deceive.
Strut, spin, flatter, serve — the constant flex of thighs and white lies.
A flatter, or inverted, yield curve takes a hit to bank profitability.
The flatter drawer version measures 15 in long by x 8 in.
Trump prefers the company of dictators who can flatter and be flattered.
Did you have to flatter your teachers to get away with that?
Flatter the sardines with a glass of pigato, a white from Liguria.
I saw the drones, flatter and broader, and with much bigger eyes.
Nadal’s looping spins were in stark contrast to Schwartzman’s sharp, flatter strokes.
It will neither flatter liberal pieties nor assuage feelings of collective guilt.
I found out later that the flatter one is the Chicken McGriddle.
Samsung could also shakeup its TouchWiz Android skin with a flatter, cleaner interface.
My skin was looking healthier, my stomach was flatter, things were going great.
For Your EdgesTrying to get your baby hairs to lay down even flatter?
I also wish the carrying / charging case was flatter instead of pill-shaped.
It feels more natural to grip than the flatter, more board-like 6.
Fortnite’s cartoony, colorful art style goes a long way to flatter technical deficiencies.
Why would Mr Modi’s government fiddle the figures to flatter its hated predecessor?
Stronger bladders and flatter ears will therefore confer advantages and better genetic scores.
Why not flatter people into doing what the government wants them to do?
In the past, a flatter yield curve has signalled an impending economic slowdown.
It also seemed designed to flatter a President famous for a gilded lifestyle.
Instead, it’s neither/nor, and one of the flatter movies of the year.
Just finding a way to get the ball shooting through and hitting flatter.
Boston terriers also have significantly flatter faces than they did 100 years ago …
A flatter VIX futures curve indicates little expectation for increased stock market gyrations.
Chick-fil-A’s sandwich is noticeably smaller, browner, and flatter than Popeyes’ sandwich.
It sits flatter against the pan, thus more easily pulling an even sear.
Acer is the latest company to flatter the house that Bill Gates built.
Lower U.S. yields and a flatter curve kept a lid on the dollar.
These mice are small, Hahn says, and have a lower and flatter profile.
Trump then followed up that failure by continuing to coddle and flatter Kim.
Lear has banished Cordelia, his favorite daughter, for her failure to flatter him.
Ms. Ge has lost 11 pounds and said she has a flatter stomach.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter cents to yield 1.638%.
But it doesn’t flatter anybody, so it’s more convenient, I suppose, to ignore.
The senator, though, was not looking to flatter the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter cents to yield 1.572%.
«I think cars are in for a period of flatter growth,» Shirley said.
Or we’re going to get a flatter yield curve, and that’s a story.
Sobel does not condemn or excuse or flatter or even analyze the characters.
A flatter yield curve puts lenders at a disadvantage by squeezing profit margins.
Another lesson of American Presidential history: Beware of candidates who flatter the people.
It should be obvious that the larger these platforms get, and the more pressure they are under to sell ads, the flatter and less interesting their products will be, and the flatter our memories of the previous year will be.
The more this mutation was able to suppress SMOC2, the flatter the dogs’ faces.
«I assign no significance to the curve being flatter than 2007 as a result.»
The pop superstar’s half-baked viral stunt turned out flatter than a botched soufflé.
He also told this uneasy, «somewhat weird» man how the medium could flatter him.
Conspiracy theories are valid so long as they flatter his view of the world.
There is a risk Mr Pompeo would seek to flatter his boss by agreeing.
Some of the cloth buttons are a little flatter than they should have been.
The color may seem simple, but the options are endless — and they all flatter.
Clean and bright shades that flatter every skin tone are going to be huge.
Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours sounds vastly superior on the PM3, thanks to its flatter response.
And so I flatter myself, and pretend I am not that sort of person.
Apple is also reportedly slimming down the MacBook Pro to include a flatter keyboard.
On the flatter stages, the riders fly by so fast it’s a whizzing blur.
The mesh inserts have a dual purpose: to flatter your figure and offer breathability.
These pencils are shaped to be flatter and easier to grip for young kids. 
Stock traders fear a flatter curve means a weaker economy is on the horizon.
And I’m sure he’s saying that to flatter me, which I’ll accept any day.
The rest of it, including the typeface, has a flatter and more modern look.
Doubtless, quasi-Westernized men and women from the exotic Orient flatter white self-images.
The mountainous east coast of Taiwan is less populated than its flatter western side.
Demanding that outsiders check their privilege can simply flatter their sense of self-awareness.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter Canadian cents to yield 1.644%.
The spotlight he commanded as a powerful cultural figure did not always flatter him.
They then flatter him, put on parades and banquets, and he quickly reverses course.
To prevent «whisker fatigue,» Dr. Moore suggested using a flatter dish without steep sides. 
A flatter yield curve allows them to do it at the lowest possible rate.
Trump shouldn’t flatter himself that Bill gave a damn one way or the other.
As a result, they are melting more slowly than they would on flatter ground.
Go deeper: Ukraine president’s efforts to flatter Trump on display in July phone call
The refreshed aluminum design, flatter keyboard, massive trackpad, and Retina displays are identical the predecessors.
INGRAHAM: Is he trying to flatter Putin to get what we want strategically from Putin?
Typing on them is comfier than the flatter keys on the new MacBooks for sure.
Flatter me This is a novelty, but it may be Alexa’s most human-like skill.
The flatter the surface, the better, as these instruments will work best on level terrain.
The flatter a wave’s face is, the more speed a surfer needs to catch it.
Put it together, and the net effect is a bet on a flatter yield curve.
Grenier feels that Instragram is designed to flatter, enhance or sort of exaggerate certain things.
The kingdom’s outsized welcome, intended to flatter a president hungry for affirmation, appeared to work.
«I’ve noticed a flatter tummy and tighter skin, not to mention better concentration,» she wrote.
And banks will still have trouble rallying with lower rates and a flatter yield curve.
Samsung might also give its TouchWiz Android skin a revamp with an flatter, cleaner look.
The world is becoming smaller, larger, flatter and rounder, and all at the same time.
They flatter opponents and lure them in, and then strike them down on the field.
You’ll notice that tabs, iconography, navigation, and the general UI all feels a lot flatter.
Once again, we bounced along base roads, but this time in flatter, more open grasslands.
When his youngest daughter, Cordelia, refuses to flatter him, hurt and angry Lear banishes her.
The yield curve is flatter than it has ever been since before the financial crisis.
However, sharply higher rates accompanied by a flatter yield curve could spell something more malignant.
A flatter yield curve also has negative implications for financial stocks as interest margins compress.
A comforter is a flatter version of a duvet, sometimes with a quilted sewing pattern.
He mastered, mostly, how to walk in heels and riddled out which lipsticks flatter him.
They were all about who could get closest to and flatter our Dear Leader most.
But the president shouldn’t flatter himself that the global economy hangs on his every word.
As our foreheads smoothed and grew flatter, we developed eyebrows, rather than the brow ridge.
Side-on, I think my stomach is slightly flatter in the after photo (right) below.
Early dinosaurs had both knifelike teeth for eating meat and flatter teeth for chewing plants.
The hosts flatter him and have helped entrench Trump’s running battles with the mainstream media.
Certainly a significant tranche of painting became flatter, threw out 3-D illusionistic effects etc.
The same Nestle scientists are working to change the shape of fat compounds so they’re flatter.
And, things can get especially complicated if you’re searching for a pair to flatter wide calves.
You bow and scrape and flatter, diminishing yourself and becoming unable to speak truth to power.
Canadian government bond prices were mixed across a flatter yield curve in sympathy with U.S. Treasuries.
This combination presents an additional impetus for the (Treasury yield) curve to move flatter from here.
Flying in a dozen Republican politicians to flatter him and praise his reckless policies changes nothing.
Helge receives an unsettling pep talk, and he seems both flatter and vaguely disturbed by Noah.
The shirt is soft and breathable and comes with a slim cut to flatter every torso.
«The president tried to flatter me [like] I’m his good friend,» he told reporters this week.
That’s why we might be seeing a drop in bond yields and a flatter yield curve.
But my stomach was a hell of a lot flatter than it was 24 hours earlier.
They’re creamy, they’re full-coverage, and there are plenty of options to flatter every skin tone.
And in an interview or event situation, asking someone for their advice never fails to flatter.
The new flatter design and more angular look, and will be available for $5,500 per unit.
The collection is called Le Rouge Sculpt and includes five shades that flatter all skin tones.
LONDON (Reuters Breakingviews) — Politics could flatter or flatten global economic growth in the next two years.
When reality doesn’t favor or flatter him, he simply says what he wants to be true.
We’ve already seen Softbank’s CEO Masayoshi Son flatter Trump by promising $50 billion in U.S. investment.
At least the bun was tall and fluffy, unlike its often flatter counterparts at other restaurants.
Members of the genus Homo, which includes modern humans, have flatter, more slender faces by comparison.
In addition, while the flatter Medicaid enrollment trends are welcome, the plateau is unlikely to last.
Moreover, these rudimentary special effects could smooth, enhance, and flatter their subjects, transforming and elevating them.
The next day, I woke up with a flatter stomach than I’d had in a while.
Focus on scraps that are on the flatter side and easy to display in book form.
As for corporate earnings, they expect to see a rebound in earnings but flatter profit growth.
Their tuneful songs reward flashy vocalism and are generic enough to flatter many kinds of interpretation.
Both Japan and Britain in recent weeks have hosted splashy visits clearly meant to flatter him.
In point of fact, when we saw the data, the features are flatter, more atonal speech.
And Introducing the Paulina Jean with a sculpting contour waistband to hug and flatter your curves.
«We wanted to push the rock up the hill to a flatter place,» Ms. Kibbe said.
» Barbara Slavin of the Atlantic Council, another think tank, had a blunt reply: «Don’t flatter yourself.
End-of-summer rosés, particularly those with just a touch of fruitiness, will flatter this dish.
We would flatter ourselves to think that there is anything particularly old-fashioned about Anne’s trajectory.
For sugar-snap peas, select specimens that are smooth, shiny and unblemished — the flatter, the better.
It makes for a more flattering portrayal, perhaps, but also a flatter and less human one.
He ain’t dumb; he’s learned the Flatter Trump and You Get What You Want Plan. 16.
And instead of blasting Trump for his Taiwan move, they begin to flatter and praise him?
For beginners, I suggest you start with a flatter shape, such as fettuccine, tagliatelle, or spaghetti.
He had a flatter demeanor the deeper we got into some of the gory, and crazier stuff.
But the narrower, or flatter, the curve gets, «the worse it is for the market,» he said.
Then, after Windows and Android embraced a flatter look, iOS followed suit with iOS 7 in 2013.
But the brain case was more primitive — flatter and longer instead of high and round, like ours.
So that is going to create a much flatter curve, a much more difficult environment for investors.
But it’s hardly the first time Gabbard has embraced outlandish ideas that happen to flatter her worldview.
European bank stocks were down more than 1 percent as the flatter yield curve hurt banks’ profitability.
We asked Jennifer Angel, astrologist and spiritual life coach, which beauty trends will best flatter each sign.
Will you be hiring any time soon or are you happy with this flatter structure for now?
It’s a collection of colors that will flatter a spectrum of skin tones — and spike major sales.
The mobile operating system ditched the skeuomorphic design language in favor of a flatter and minimalist interface.
Lifting shoes are often flatter than running sneakers, and have a higher top than other cross-trainers.
Innovation isn’t a matter of upgrading the operating software or making devices smaller and flatter, he noted.
Even me, I post pictures that flatter my figure and can give the wrong idea to everyone.
Despite positive reports on trade talks, Treasury yields were little changed, with the yield curve modestly flatter.
But the flatter gilt yield curve suggested markets saw little scope for BoE rates to rise further.
The keys all look to be flatter, likely adopting the same slim format used on the MacBook.
But, for petite women, scoring ones that flatter is like finding a needle in the proverbial haystack.
Some of these new ones are too, but not all: A high percentage flatter their fictional sitters.
And if enjoying a cheeseburger means missing out on a slightly flatter stomach, I’m okay with that.
«We will be helping women discover shades that flatter them that they will actually wear,» she says.
If you’re used to phones that saturate colors more, then Essential’s photos may look a bit flatter.
The yield curve (the spread between yields of short term and long term maturities) has become flatter.
The gap between them was «flatter,» or narrower at just 245 basis points, the lowest since 210.
It’s all much flatter and much less carefully done than the show seems to want to think.
It is stunningly painted in a persimmon pink shade chosen to flatter guests’ complexions in flickering candlelight.
This was the second consecutive «transition» stage, shifting the race across flatter areas to more difficult terrain.
To boast, to flatter, to deceive others, to deceive himself, out of habit — or perhaps just because.
Meanwhile, Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve in sympathy with U.S. Treasuries.
The eyeshadow and blush/highlighter palettes are filled with highly-pigmented colors that flatter all skin tones.
Should Rubio have been more willing to criticize Trump, and Ted Cruz less willing to flatter him?
Donald Trump was proposing a simpler, flatter tax code, one that truly benefited the working middle class.
Or, instead of wanting flatter abs, we can make it a goal to strengthen our core muscles?
The sensors on the back also sit flatter against the actual tracker compared with the Charge 2.
Lemon groves tend to be located on flatter ground, and the trees do not shed their leaves.
Flatter are the Polish artist Piotr Uklanski’s reproduced stills from «Olympia,» Leni Riefenstahl’s notorious Nazi propaganda film.
That when David praised me I should realize it’s not to flatter me, he really means it.
And they’re asking questions that don’t flatter the self-image of either the North or the South.
Instead of browbeating world leaders, he’s let them flatter him into submission with theatrically obsequious state visits.
Depth Perception is vital for all sports and when it’s lost the world is a much flatter place.
He commissioned a set with chests that are flatter that the usual female versions, but not completely flat.
It has 14kWh of storage and 7kWh of peak power draw, along with a flatter external form factor.
Mr Pompeo may be too eager to flatter the president but, sadly, that is a requirement for survival.
«It would be closer to reality to say MU69’s shape is flatter, like a pancake,» Stern added.
It’s a simple enough arrangement: deploy a bare-bones staff in the states and flatter the state parties.
However, Ostwald warned against reading the flatter yield curve or U.S. Treasuries’ inversion as a warning of recession.
It’s the women who fall outside of those familial ties who are often subject to Kendrick’s flatter musings.
The narrator also knows that he’s no good at drawing faces and isn’t likely to flatter his subjects.
Their hierarchies were flatter and perhaps looser, and, compared to laborers on the grain corvée, they seem free.
The cap-less bottle and flatter design uses 50% less plastic and doesn’t need bubble wrap to ship.
By no means is it watertight, but it lies flatter and holds up better than basic overlock stitching.
You have to call a cow by her name, flatter her, whisper in her ear, sing her praises.
We need one that is simpler, fairer and flatter, and not a tax code that so ridiculously complicated.
I’ll flatter The New Republic in assuming that if you’re reading this (thank you), you’re a sophisticated person.
«Flying in a dozen Republican politicians to flatter him and praise his reckless policies changes nothing,» he continued.
Photographs flatter him: there he is, with his bright, taut prettiness, delicately clenching the muscles of his face.
And Juncker, apparently keen to flatter Trump, was eager to play along in language that the President appreciates.
Yet Young’s project is the opposite of an attempt to flatter the contemporary reader on her comfortable superiority.
Classical productions were tailored to his black dancers, with costumes designed to flatter a variety of skin tones.
Although American officials went to almost comic lengths in attempting to befriend or flatter their Pakistani counterparts — Adm.
Even as Mr. Trump’s behavior becomes increasingly outrageous and often unhinged, the party’s grandees appease and flatter him.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve on Friday in sympathy with U.S. Treasuries.
There is little doubt that without the amplifying effect of inflation expectations the Phillips curve should be flatter.
The compression here—an abrupt transition to flatter, rutted terrain—creates a force of more than three g’s.
Attempts to flatter your interviewer will most likely fall short – especially in relation to appearance or material possessions.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve on Thursday in sympathy with U.S. Treasuries.
The Model 1 is flatter and more portable than the Kinesis Advantage, and about $20 cheaper, at $329.
I wish I could get an even flatter one without a battery in it for my other sunglasses.
Theatre people will flatter you to your face and stick a knife in your back, that’s a fact.
«Especially once everyone realized that off-the-shoulder tops flatter virtually all shapes and sizes,» he told Insider.
Here, minor characters, many of them Indian, offer her pearls of wisdom and speeches that flatter her ego.
But the New York Democrat told CNN’s Dana Bash he would remain skeptical of Trump’s effort to «flatter» him.
Samsung could also unveil a revamped version of its TouchWiz Android skin with a cleaner, flatter look and feel.
That, or she’s just playing dumb to flatter her friend and hairdresser by saying she’s looked great all along.
MNE activities flatter the level of GDP and therefore credit metrics such as the government debt-to- GDP ratio.
The FreeBuds have a slightly longer, slightly flatter stem than the AirPods, and their case is a little larger.
Era in which you flatter donors by saying grossly insulting things about large numbers of voters is long over.
Influenced by the simple Material Design visual look for Android, the updated YouTube looks a lot flatter and cleaner.
And the Treasury yield curve is flatter, speaking to the perceived lateness of this moment in the economic cycle.
Barbie got a tighter smile, straighter hair, smaller hips, a smaller chest, a slightly wider waist and flatter feet.
Analysts said if the missile were fired on a standard, flatter trajectory it would be capable of reaching Alaska.
The moment you ask for a better STALKER, you are asking for the game to pander and to flatter.
He also sought to flatter his new US counterpart — including by staying in Trump’s Washington hotel during his stay.
In some cases, the piece could be restored intact, but angled in a way that produced a flatter profile.
The flatter the yield curve, the tighter a bank’s net interest margin, which exacts more pressure on its profitability.
The flatter the curve, the more traders watch it as a warning for future economic weakness — or even recession.
They have looked quick in testing, but lap times can flatter to deceive with soft tyres and low fuel.
Another tactic is to flatter your partner, so that she feels better about herself after having spoken to you.
One former official claimed to Politico that Trump was trying to flatter her more than making a sincere offer.
In his world, there’s ice and there’s curling ice — harder, purer, flatter and with crucial ‘pebbles’ on the surface.
Domed tortoises have rounded shells, and saddleback tortoises have flatter shells with flared edges and a raised neck opening.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter Canadian cents to yield 1.512%, its lowest yield since Dec.
To flatter me, he guessed my age, and I, to prove him foolish, said, ‘Sir, I am a chair.
Marketers flatter our sense of agency with slogans like «Just Do It» (Nike) and «Declare Your Path» (New Balance).
Levi’s released the «Wedgie Fit Jean» — a pair of pants that claims to flatter your booty like no other.
Instead, China will flatter these countries in telling them they form essential nodes for a vast China-centric network.
What’s more, it turned out that even the stars did better when they were on teams with flatter pay.
Not to flatter myself, but I really hope that I was able to use that kind of braided narrative.
On the other hand, companies such as WordPress and Valve have found great success by maintaining flatter organizational structures.
It has combined positions that would benefit from a flatter yield curve with investments in inflation-linked local bonds.
Canadian bond yields tumbled across a flatter yield curve, with the 10-year down 20.6 basis points at 0.450%.
The French president recognized Trump’s transactional style, and sought to flatter and impress him during one-on-one visits.
Since the sole is flatter and lower, it provides a barefoot, second-skin feeling that might be strange at first.
The first thing owners will notice is that the touchscreen looks flatter (a trend we’ve been seeing across all UIs).
On top of that, most of the tutorials and advice out there are created specifically to flatter already-feminine features.
After all, the headline on the landing page guarantees «perfect proportions to fit and flatter your 5’4″ and under frame.
» Patrick Demarchelier/Glamour She adds that certain silhouettes don’t flatter her figure: «But [also] I’ve got tits and an ass.
The Surface Pro’s kickstand extends to a flatter position than prior models for a more comfortable writing experience, as well.
This model also has a flatter low end than Pioneer’s previous flagship, the HDJ-2000, and punches up the highs.
I saw butts much flatter, much rounder, much higher, much lower, with more and less cellulite, wrinkles, tone, and muscle.
All he had to do, then, was play nice, flatter Trump, and he knew he’d probably get what he wanted.
They say they just want the news given to them straight, then only trust outlets that flatter their ideological preconceptions.
The Treasury yield curve, the spread between two- and 10-year yields, was slightly flatter, last at 18.9 basis points.
The positive he took from that was that my abdominus rectus was just about poking through in flatter lighting conditions.
«When the Fed tightens more than once a year, historically it is very consistent with a flatter curve,» Gundlach said.
European «stress tests» this month may not flatter Deutsche, partly because they take no account of its capital-boosting plans.
I liked to flatter myself by thinking that my reporting about medical products, like a flawed heart device, helped people.
The government’s other alarming innovation has been to discontinue, revise or delay some official data that do not flatter it.
Chick-fil-A’s biscuit is taller, firmer, and more colorful, while Wendy’s has a more uniform, albeit flatter chicken patty.
However, if a flatter yield curve persists net interest margins will come under pressure, and it could hinder earnings growth.
Volkswagen recently unveiled the newest iteration of its logo, giving it an updated, much flatter look than its old logo.
It’s a minor comic miscalculation to put the flat-voiced Minna in the general vicinity of the even flatter Marjorie.
In particular, he said vertical lines will be big because they look great in photos and «flatter any body type.»
«It doesn’t flatter me because it is related to my age,» Mutafova said with a typical creak in her voice.
Dr. Andersen says saturated fats are composed of chains of single carbon bonds, which gives them a molecularly flatter shape.
The biggest changes appear reserved for the MacBook Pro, which will reportedly be slimmed down to contain a flatter keyboard.
Moreover, the activities of multinationals inflate GDP and flatter debt ratios but it’s a sector that is hard to tax.
This year, with flatter premiums and a raucous midterm election, there has been less media attention on the enrollment period.
Delay decisions that could be disruptive and flatter the ego of the commander in chief in order to gain favor.
Canadian bond yields rose across a flatter yield curve, with the 2-year yield up 15.8 basis points at 0.625%.
Like the bakers, some flatter themselves by calling their work «research,» but their real formula is to aggregate and speculate.
» Did you have that moment of, «The feedback loop in the world is most photos now are this much flatter.
North American elk are primarily found in deciduous forests, prairies and mountainous terrain, while Asian elk prefer colder, flatter areas.
Effectively, funds are positioning for a flatter curve through short-term yields remaining elevated and longer-term yields drifting lower.
I planked for a minute every day for a month, and was surprised when I actually noticed a flatter stomach
Thankfully, there is considerable momentum in Congress to transform the tax code into one that is fairer, flatter and simpler.
On the phone with business associates, Trump would flatter, bully, and occasionally get mad, but always in a calculated way.
But any worries a flatter yield curve spells the end of this bull run are premature, says one market watcher.
The bases used in Japan are also fluffier and rise to a crown, while American bases are harder and flatter.
The batter is better when the fatter gets flatter and the cream is a dream when spooned into the latter.
Here, BMW has simplified the menu structure by making it much flatter and also made some tweaks to the overall design.
It has a comfy relaxed fit with a split tail in the back which hangs low to flatter every body type.
Each shadow is neutral enough to flatter a spectrum of skin tones, with just enough shimmer to double as a highlighter.
Trump’s utter lack of shame does flatter a certain conservative impulse: the frustration some on the right have with political correctness.
The most cynical see a marketing exercise, rebranding everything that China does abroad under slogans that flatter Mr Xi’s global pretensions.
The new look, as seen via screenshots sent to Mashable, shows icons that are flatter, thinner and devoid of any color.
I’d been hiking the previous week and had found hiking trails that were much flatter were much more difficult for me.
«I prefer lifting in shoes that are flatter and less bouncy,» Rebecca said after trying them out during a barbell workout.
Now, a new set of photos reveal that the space rock is flatter than initially thought — more pancake, really, than peanut.
And if cool pink shades don’t flatter your skin, Emma Stone has an solution in warmer shades of rust and mahogany.
The pacing is a little slow, and many of the characters outside of Denise’s family are flatter than they should be.
Frances is no Carrie: Her problems are much more serious, her clothes more muted and vintage, her voice flatter and deeper.
That revamp brought users a cleaner, flatter look complete with more subtle navigational icons and a minimalist black and white design.
But if the Fed stands pat, «look for a flatter curve with firmer prices just past the 5-year,» Vogel said.
Negative interest rates aimed at creating inflation and flatter yield curves caused by a weaker growth outlook are compounding the problems.
It’s harder for plastic to get caught on flatter corals (known as massive corals), so they are less prone to disease.
Earlier this month, for example, exciting images appeared to show that MU69’s lobes are much flatter than scientists had anticipated.
The default wallpaper has been tweaked as well, to better match the new color scheme, with a flatter and lighter design.
By contrast, the performance of the Trump team suggests that its learning curve is a lot flatter than it should be.
Is it going to go into deal making, or is it share buy backs to flatter some of the share prices?
«As rates go lower and curves go flatter, finding yield by extending duration is clearly running out of steam,» he said.
With countershading, an animal features a dark back and a light belly, which makes them look flatter and less three-dimensional.
By ignoring the villains’ perspectives, Season 8 is flatter and less interesting than the world of Thrones’ earlier seasons had suggested.
The Non-Scale Victories checklist also includes suggestive benefits: flatter stomach, leaner appearance, clothes fitting better, and wedding ring fitting better.
President Trump has built strong relationships with foreign leaders, or foreign autocrats have figured out how to flatter the president’s ego.
Whereas, with the cassowary daggers, they removed a lot of the sides of the bone, resulting in a flatter, weaker design.
The studios were stuck with a release pattern designed to flatter a social landscape that, by and large, no longer existed.
This is illustrated best by seeing our electoral distributions side by side: The FiveThirtyEight histogram is wider and flatter than ours.
Why else would Trump flatter and court a brutal, ruthless dictator with a worse human rights record than even the Iranians?
This is partly thanks to a flatter yield curve — the narrowing spread between short-term interest rates and long-term rates.
Liverpool Jeans «cross fits» its styles across multiple body types, which means these skinny jeans are designed to flatter curvier silhouettes.
You can invest in special double-ply wrapping paper, but the temperature and humidity of a refrigerator do not flatter them.
The first several letters echo the mundane events described in others, though they are notably flatter and more to the point.
While a flatter curve may have implications for the pace of future economic growth, it does not materially raise recession risk.
That may not be surprising, since Trump seems never to have met a thug he doesn’t want to imitate and flatter.
Some of the ingredients — including the raisins, walnut oil, brandy and verjus — can all come from California to flatter the wine.
Unlike Mr. Vick, he treated the theater as an ordinary space with a proscenium stage whose acoustic didn’t flatter the voices.
Canadian government bond yields fell across a flatter yield curve, with the 10-year yield down 1.2 basis points at 1.261%.
Winter athletes will also seek speed, though on flatter terrain, during the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Lahti, Finland, Feb.
Hanoi (CNN)President Donald Trump was looking to flatter his new friend in Singapore when he struck upon an unusual compliment.
Obe’s father is somewhat flatter, though he’s partly redeemed by his Monopoly obsession, which inspires the name of Obe’s animal friend.
It’s unclear if the script’s stolid dialogue is attempting to flatter modern teens, or if the writers just don’t know any.
One is that when he’s trying to flatter and finagle, everything is beautiful: countries, cities, people, bills, questions, even chocolate cake.
You compliment him, you flatter him, you work with him behind the scenes, you don’t take a stand against him publicly.
Analysts said if the missile were to be fired on a standard, flatter trajectory, it would be capable of reaching Alaska.
The Facebook-owned photo-sharing service updated its iOS and Android apps Wednesday with a new, flatter design and multicolored app icon.
The flatter black and white design we first spotted last month is officially making its way to Instagram’s iOS and Android apps.
«It’s not hyperbole to note that Trump’s bizarre adoration of dictators who falsely flatter him is a national security risk,» Klass added.
Underneath the longer hood and bigger, flatter single frame grille is a 3.0-liter twin-turbo V6 engine that produces 354 horsepower.
«Do not flatter me, or I’ll never be good,» she replies, with just the dimmest awareness of the illusions that surround her.
You insert the larger, flatter side of the toy in the vagina, while the smaller side rests on the clitoris and vibrates.
This sets Bee apart from pretty much everyone else — including Oliver, whose comedy is by and large designed to flatter the audience.
The most interesting art in the show are her paintings and drawings, while the more sculptural work often feels flatter and unmoored.
There’s a handle slot in the middle of the board, and the wheels are bigger and flatter than on most other hoverboards.
These glide vehicles follow a much flatter and lower trajectory than the high, arching path of a ballistic missile, these researchers say.
My two favorites, Coral Daze and Pink Perfection, really flatter on fair skin, but all of the sheer shades are super-wearable.
«This is up significantly over the past year, mainly because of a flatter yield curve and weaker current growth,» the note states.
And there are more variations of brown than we can count — and certainly at least one that will flatter your skin tone.
Google went one step further, with its Material Design that included bright colors, playful transitions, and a much flatter and simplified interface.
The pins also flatter a variety of textures and lengths, including Bebe Rexha’s bob, Laverne Cox’s long curls, and Megalyn Echikunwoke’s cornrows.
He noted financial intermediaries will need to factor in the possibility of lower rates, particularly during economic downturns, and flatter yield curves.
Israel curbs working ties with nations that voted for UN resolution Kerry has had a flatter set of priorities than his predecessor.
MNE activities flatter the level of GDP and therefore fiscal and other credit metrics such as the government debt to GDP ratio.
Weirdly, I just noticed that these publications tend to support Trump, and their false stories all flatter Trump’s beliefs and political positions.
South Korea’s 2/10-yield curve this week was briefly flatter than Japan’s curve, which has had a pancake shape for years.
It’s an impressive array of burnt orange, terracotta, and rust hues to flatter a wide range of eye colors and skin tones.
The country needs a president who treats our friends as friends and does not bow and scrape before enemies who flatter him.
North Korea may have determined that if they flatter Trump, they can achieve normalization of relations and easing of sanctions without denuclearization.
Beyond 220, the forecast was a bit lower than the previous projection, primarily reflecting a flatter expected path for crude oil prices.
Since no two sets of breasts are alike, the same warm-weather shirts aren’t going to flatter everyone in the same ways.
«We are late-cycle optimists and think 2018 is set to be another year of good, albeit flatter returns,» added Mueller-Glissmann.
In much of the West, overdose deaths have been flatter as the epidemic has raged in parts of the East and Midwest.
A flatter curve is created by a more gradual increase in the number of cases per day and a more gradual decrease.
Thus, Trump attacks and insults our closest allies while praising brutal dictators who flatter him (and declares neo-Nazis «very fine people»).
No doubt its plaid bell-bottom suits, T-shirts emblazoned with the word «censored» and oversize vinyl coats will flatter either sex.
The hairstyle on the figure looks nothing like Pattinson’s, even though he was sporting a flatter style at one point in 2010.
They flatter and cajole, seduce and tease, berate and buffalo him as they try to feed customers and — ultimately — save the restaurant.
The rally in risk assets has tightened credit spreads considerably, and the much flatter yield curve presents diminished prospects for extending duration.
The yield curve indicator has caught the attention of investors over the last few weeks given that the line has become flatter.
Today, despite some fast-gentrifying exceptions, the general rule still holds: The flatter the land, the poorer the people living on it.
But as the world has gotten — or seemed to get — smaller and flatter, national cultural traditions have lost some of their distinctiveness.
At the same time, sluggish to non-existent revenue growth helped push companies to buy back shares to flatter their earnings figures.
Overseas, Russian President Vladimir Putin — a former KGB agent devoted to undermining the U.S. — a year ago learned how to flatter Trump.
Music is a great catalyst for memory and nostalgia—versions of the past that often flatter in a way that history doesn’t.
A flatter yield curve typically reflects that investors are less confident in the economic outlook and, therefore, have a lower risk appetite.
As you can see, both do solid work brightening the image, but the Pixel 22020 is colder, flatter and more evenly brightened.
However, I have noticed that HDR images look slightly flatter on the iPhone XS than they do on the iPhone 11 Pro.
«Strong, pit bull, sex symbol,» went a third, showcasing the biography section of a Twitter account, @WomenForCohen, created to flatter Mr. Cohen.
There does seem to be a method to Trump’s global madness: He likes to lambaste allies but flatter and cajole America’s adversaries.
And I liked the season’s final image, which uses the flatter lighting of a news photograph to throw everything that’s happened into relief.
» Grande stans are passionately shooting down the accusations, saying Princess Nokia in particular «shouldn’t flatter herself thinking Ariana actually knows who she is.
The rate on the 212-year note is inching closer to that of the 10-year, making that ordinarily upward sloping curve flatter.
They didn’t win enough, but they also didn’t flatter the things that needed flattering; the second is harder to fix than the first.
He was later the subject and primary source of a tell-all book that didn’t flatter too many people in the Bush administration.
The watch case itself also appears to be slimmer with a flatter, possibly a haptic-based side button instead of a physical one.
Mitchell had one all-important goal while creating the collection: That each piece would flatter every single one of her 2 million followers.
Each Stila Eyes Are the Window Palette holds 12 highly pigmented shades that will flatter a wide range of skin tones and irises.
Yield curves have turned flatter, meaning short- and long-term bond yields are converging, which could signal a recession is on the horizon.
» Brown slammed the president&aposs meeting saying «flying in a dozen Republican politicians to flatter him and praise his reckless policies changes nothing.
Air drying naturally will keep the wave flatter, and using the Redken No Blow-Dry Cream will help moisturize and control the curl.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the 10-year rising 28 Canadian cents to yield 1.891 percent.
Towards dusk, as the two friends headed down from the falls into flatter, more open country, a crowd of villagers surrounded their car.
Trading of bonds, currencies and commodities was flatter—except at Goldman, where business rebounded by 23% after a poor start to last year.
The 16-shade lineup features a plethora of reds, nudes, pinks, and plums — pretty, fit-to-flatter basics that are anything but basic.
The logo still has the overlapping red and yellow circles and sans-serif font, but all the elements are slimmer, flatter, less fussy.
These flowers are a great example: the S7 Edge produced a flatter, but still pleasant image, making the iPhone photo look more saturated.
He also said the retail segment same-store sales income could come in flatter to low single-digit negative for the first-quarter.
Appropriately for the 1980s, he used a gutted Commodore 64c but swapped out the keyboard for a flatter modern version with a trackpad.
But Wilde revealed that while she loves dressing for the decade, it’s not always easy to find clothes that flatter her body type.
But The Lily is also repackaging content—and thereby getting more clicks out of it—in ways that do not flatter its audience.
But to fixate on these transgressions would be to flatter our own prejudices and inoculate ourselves against the critical force of his argument.
The curve has been distorted by central banks’ bond-buying programs, which have artificially made the curve flatter than it might have been.
«Lower and flatter yield curves are compounding these issues by gradually eroding margins, especially in smaller retail banks,» the IMF recognized last May.
DXY to 90 — it was at 93.7 on Friday — coinciding with unambiguous U.S labor and consumer weakness and a flatter U.S. yield curve.
But later they grow flatter, the colors bolder and a little less abstract as horizon lines are introduced, demarcating land, sea, and sky.
The formal lyricism of the vocal lines creates tunes that flatter the ear and lodge themselves in the memory after a single hearing.
Oysters have two distinct shell halves attached with a hinge: one looks like a cup, and the other is flatter, like a lid.
You’re basically trying to open up the leg a little bit to make it flatter, allowing it to cook faster and more evenly.
Hold a summit, flatter Trump’s vanity, let him issue a communiqué claiming vast achievement, then go on doing whatever you wanted to do.
Whomever he chooses next needs either the hide of a rhinoceros or, more likely, an ability to flatter and keep below the parapet.
You can even pretend, as I did, that it has something to do with your skill and not the car’s ability to flatter.
V-Moda says they’ve got larger, flatter ear cups compared to the Crossfade series; comfort is obviously key during lengthy recording studio sessions.
Images from that flyby revealed that the object was far flatter than originally anticipated, and researchers are still analyzing data from the mission.
A cone volcano is the most immediately recognizable mountain-shaped variety, as opposed to shield volcanoes or calderas, which are flatter in shape.
And, of course, Barr’s new boss exhibits a special fondness for Russian friends who flatter him, while he ignores or distorts U.S. intelligence.
The yield curve was modestly flatter, continuing a trend that began on Tuesday, with longer-dated securities falling faster those with shorter maturities.
Mozart once famously said music should always «flatter and adore,» and I suspect Ogden may have taken such instructions to heart. apc-us.
I like to flatter myself as someone who’s seen a lot of news, so I can understand the what of news pretty quickly.
In some times and places the humps are more pronounced; in temperate climates, with less heating and cooling demand, they’re a little flatter.
«While the very nature of a fast flyby in some ways limits how well we can determine the true shape of Ultima Thule, the new results clearly show that Ultima and Thule are much flatter than originally believed, and much flatter than expected,» Hal Weaver, New Horizons project scientist from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, said in a statement at the time.
Unfortunately, the only shots available are of the back and some parts of the side, which now has flatter edges, presumably for better grip.
This is a subtle change, but the team told me that it very deliberately tried to go with a more modern and flatter look.
Canadian government bond prices were lower across much of a flatter yield curve, with the 10-year falling 13 Canadian cents to yield 1.461%.
As its shares fell over the past couple of weeks, stocks of other large-cap tech and online media companies have been much flatter.
He had admitted to some of the practices used to flatter revenues (such as backdating deals and doing «round-trip» transactions) and been fined.
The two opposing sides in question are those who support fluffy pillows, while the rest prefer a flatter pillow to lay their head upon.
So the FIA has devised flatter kerbs that have dynamics such as negative cambers, to upset the balance of cars that run over them.
A flatter curve is seen as an indicator of a recession, with lower longer-dated yields suggesting that the markets see economic weakness ahead.
Gone is the Kindle logo, leaving only the brand’s signature «Tree Kid» silhouette with a flatter look more in line with modern app design.
«She looks like a mermaid goddess,» Adeola says, pointing out that while the color is bright, it’s soft enough to flatter the comedian’s skin.
New, flatter icons replaced the older ones and Spotlight search was tweaked to be accessible via a swipe down, not as a separate screen.
To that end, it’s pushing out a News Feed redesign that really just makes it all flatter and more gray, the company announced Tuesday.
Fashion developed in part because the shapes flatter our different bodies (what fits best, stays; how else to explain the eternal appeal of jeggings?).
Gaubert called Irvin «a business partner,» and though The Playmaker did not testify, his presence alone was enough to visibly flatter the fawning legislators.
The Cornell scientists also learned that Titan is more oblate—or flatter—than we thought, which means it has a crust that’s highly variable.
Experts believe if Friday’s test had been fired on a flatter, standard trajectory, it could have threatened cities like Los Angeles, Denver and Chicago.
Canadian government bond prices were mixed across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year price down 5 Canadian cents to yield 1.651 percent.
It’s a one-size-fits-all nude, with the perfect balance of beige and pink to flatter every skin tone of the color spectrum.
So it is all about finding things that work for you and there is nothing wrong with your body if something doesn’t flatter you.
A flatter curve, when the 2-year yield, for instance, rises closer to the 10-year, could signal a weakening economy in the future.
Yet a growing number of Indian restaurants are offering lists of wines intended both to flatter the food and to create unexpectedly delicious synergies.
Ahead of Wednesday’s statement, many experts said the latest ICBM was capable of reaching the U.S. if it had flown on a flatter trajectory.
The next day, I woke up with a flatter stomach than I’ve had in a while, although that may have just been water weight.
But in all those circumstances, the auditors were either inclined to agree with Trump or had a motive to flatter him by pretending agreement.
Over and over, he painted fundamentally false portraits of people and events to flatter himself, discredit predecessors and rivals, and promote his political objectives.
Prosperity and Rush need a cartoonish, hyperbolic threat to justify and flatter their freehold authoritarianism and dress it in the garb of egalitarian communitarianism.
Richard and his rivals for the throne of England flatter, deceive, betray, woo and abandon one another at the speed of television sound bites.
The bun on the new sandwich was definitely lighter, flatter, and smaller, though it still tasted excellent: sweet potato brioche with great structural integrity.
Those issues aside, the new keyboard is much more comfortable to type on compared to the flatter and stiffer feel of Apple’s butterfly keyboard.
As part of the new line of cars, a new Volkswagen logo was also revealed — basically a flatter version of its previous «VW» design.
Mr. Thompson said it would have helped to set up a camp on flatter land and to prevent the clear-cutting of the forest.
For this assignment, faced with an odd lot of vases, he said his job was not to compete with them, but to flatter them.
Canadian bond yields tumbled across a flatter yield curve in a record low at 0.1.9% and was last down 35.5 basis points at 0.373%.
The flatter the curve, the more likely it is to fall under that maximum capacity, allowing each patient access to the resources they need.
Meaning, we’re taking the hair by sections and twisting it upon itself, twisting it down to what I call a flatter, cinnamon-roll shape.
Some especially keen spatchcockers will also carve out the keel bone in the center of the bird’s sternum to get an even flatter bird.
A flatter curve is seen as an indicator of a slowing economy, with lower longer-dated yields suggesting a potential recession down the road.
The prominent faces on the sand replica of Mount Rushmore, for example, are much flatter when viewed from the side than from the front.
New homes on smaller, flatter lots in Strathmore and Norgate sell close to $20003 million; in Fairfield Park the price dips to $1.7 million.
She at least offers an alternative that is similar in style, but has a different cut that she thinks will flatter my boobs more.
I’m your conscience, the angel on your shoulder, the real thinking mind you’ve buried under layers of performative, let-me-flatter-liberal-readers piety.
Inside the long narrow room, the fluorescent lighting does not flatter, and there are only seats for about 15 or so, but who cares?
Khloé Kardashian has also spent Thanksgiving week pushing a tea that claims to give people a flatter stomach, although there’s no scientific evidence it works.
He believes only what he wants to believe, trusts only the polls that show him ahead, listens only to the people who flatter his ego.
Grandstaff: They’d have me do ten takes in a row just to get it a little flatter, a little more even, a little more monotone.
In May 2017, Meghan spoke to Glamour and revealed that Beckham’s dresses were something that she admired, but felt did not flatter her body type.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the 10-year CA10YT=RR rising 18 Canadian cents to yield 2.480 percent.
I prefer this to the flatter color grade of the One X, especially if you don’t want to spend time color correcting after the fact.
A flatter curve is seen as an indicator of a slowing economy, with lower longer-dated yields suggesting that the markets see economic weakness ahead.
Look closer and you’ll notice the buds themselves have a flatter profile, likely to the delight of helmet-wearing sports folks, and bigger control module.
The Closed are unforgivingly precise in their presentation, giving you the cold, hard facts of your music without ever threatening to flatter or sweeten it.
In the north land is flatter and thus efficiencies of scale easier to achieve, so pure primogeniture tended to apply and large holdings grew up.
The more apparent limit was its camera, which was even worse with dynamic range than the standard G6, and it produced flatter, less detailed colors.
On Jupiter, a much larger world with an even flatter atmosphere, researchers have also pinpointed where turbulence switches between two-dimensional and three-dimensional behavior.
But US officials said substance would take a back seat to the lashings of ceremonial Japanese culture meant to impress and flatter the US leader.
Owens’s mid-career works feel completely sterile, mainstream, and middlebrow — with just enough insider info to flatter the viewer who knows something about Roland Barthes.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve in sympathy with U.S. Treasuries after U.S. data showed a slowdown in underlying inflation.
Friend and foe alike know they must flatter him to progress, even if political constraints and personal taste mean they do not always do so.
Thanks to Snapchat and Instagram «pretty» filters, it’s easy to imagine what you would look like with larger eyes, a flatter nose, and fuller lips.
Maya and Anna both actively aspire to be stylish, but are trapped in pre-teen bodies they awkwardly attempt to flatter in early aughts fashion.
«The bond market is signaling an economic slowing,» said Paul Nolte, portfolio manager at Kingsview Asset Management in Chicago, pointing to a flatter yield curve.
You could make the argument that Apple offers a «flatter,» more true-to-life image, or at least one that is better suited for editing.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the 10-year CA10YT=RR rising 25 Canadian cents to yield 2.494 percent.
Unfortunately, flatter faces, in which the nose is closer to the rest of the face, have been linked to breathing problems and other health risks.
«Typically you eventually get to a much flatter yield that could lead to a recession,» said Peter Boockvar, chief market analyst with the Lindsey Group.
While the opera world is now flatter than ever, because of the growing number of global coproductions, taking shows on the road is rarely simple.
Zinn went so far as to say investors should prepare for a flatter yield curve, due to the Fed’s more cautious approach to rate hikes.
Like so much comedy today, the show is filled with winks and nods at the audience that flatter the listener’s sense of privilege and belonging.
This aesthetic shift carries over to the new hairstyles as well, which look soft and silky and wonderful compared to the much flatter older styles.
Ex-NBA player John Amaechi — one of the most famous openly gay athletes on the planet — has a message for Amar’e Stoudemire … DON’T FLATTER YOURSELF.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the 10-year CA10YT=RR rising 14 Canadian cents to yield 2.020 percent.
Water could take weeks to recede from the flatter country covered further west, where it has been welcomed in a region gripped by severe drought.
Still, Mr. Trump appeared fidgety while seated next to his stony Russian counterpart, whom he has repeatedly tried to flatter before meeting him in Helsinki.
The Earth is round, but not a perfect sphere, and is actually flatter at the poles with bulge around the Equator, hence the equatorial bulge.
And he gained the unbridled endorsement from the man who heads the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, whose eagerness to flatter his interlocutors is legendary.
It’s almost always easier, lazier, more convenient to boast, to flatter, to lie, to fail to interrogate yourself about why you believe what you do.
Frannie is a smart, independent woman—Campion dresses Ryan down by giving her darker, flatter hair, as opposed to her famous blonde locks, and glasses.
Patients with PTSD tended to speak in flatter speech, with less articulation of the tongue and lips and a more monotonous tone, the researchers reported.
These women were more than three times more likely to develop heart disease than women who had the opposite shape: fatter thighs and flatter stomachs.
More than that, they know how to flatter New Yorkers with food that doesn’t scream for attention but that smiles back when you notice it.
But he also fretted that a flatter running course might eliminate part of what he sees as his competitive advantage by training in Boulder, Colo.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter Canadian cents to yield 1.614% and the 10-year rising 75 Canadian cents to yield 1.540%.
Beijing responded with predictable fury and threats, even as Trump took pains to downplay the bill and to flatter President Xi in his signing statement.
While I didn&apost notice any difference in my performance in the gym, I was surprised that my stomach did look flatter by the end.
Though I had planned to roll the pastries into tight cylinders, I adopted a looser, flatter shape, which ended up looking more like a blintz.
And as they have gotten to know Trump, they have learned to regularly mention his properties in what appear to be attempts to flatter him.
Just when you’re finally accepting the controversial new Instagram icon and the flatter black and white design, Instagram may be shaking things up once again.
Canadian government bond yields were lower across a flatter yield curve in sympathy with U.S. Treasuries after a mixed U.S. retail sales report for January.
This is also likely an irritant to Abe, who’s tried very hard to flatter and placate Trump to avoid just these kinds of international dustups.
The yield curve between two-year notes and 10-year notes was last flatter at 20.18 basis points, after steepening to 263.57 basis points earlier Wednesday.
The configuration of parts on the «bottom» are also a oriented in a way that suggests it’s supposed to be placed vertically along its flatter edge.
With flatter, less believable characters, this sort of extravagant visual metaphor would come across as if La La Land is trying to project something onto them.
Lykouretzos made some changes roughly a year ago to put the firm on better footing, but the «reset to a flatter, nimbler team» was not enough.
Still, Adhia said, the multi-rate structure is far simpler than India’s existing federal and state taxes — even if he would have preferred a flatter structure.
The zipper fly created a flatter front (which was my only gripe about the button-fly Wedgies that were otherwise so close to perfect for me).
Samsung’s Galaxy Fold announcement isn’t even a week old yet, and we already have a competitor that is thinner, has a bigger screen, and folds flatter.
A mama-to-be should be able to show off her belly, but also find silhouettes that flatter her whole body, not just her precious cargo.
Though Ellis Faas lip colors are made to flatter all skin tones, the orange-y base in this brown nude will particularly pop against darker skin.
At its core, the Clips camera is a hands-free automatic point-and-shoot camera that’s sort of like a GoPro, but considerably smaller and flatter.
He was once fined for breaching securities law and accused of massaging employment and poverty figures to flatter his government’s economic record, though he denied it.
The flatter terrain — prone to storm surges and inland flooding — and higher population density often result in a great number of deaths or displacement of people.
In May 2017, she spoke to Glamour and revealed that while Beckham’s dresses were something that she admired, but felt they didn’t flatter her body type.
The British do it too, calling it «hothousing»; continental Europe less so, especially in the Nordic countries, where social hierarchies are flatter and parents more relaxed.
I don’t weigh myself, but by day three I was comfortably wearing my tightest pair of skinny jeans, and my normally rounded stomach was much flatter.
But Aquilarhinus had a jaw that came together in a W shape, meaning it could function in a wider and flatter scoop than a U shape.
On Friday, NASA released a video compiled using more than a dozen images that show Ultima Thule may actually be, uh, much flatter than initially thought.
The 10 evo looks very similar to the HTC 10 from earlier this year, but it has a larger, flatter design and lacks a headphone jack.
Experts believe if the most recent test had been fired on a flatter, standard trajectory, it could have threatened cities like Los Angeles, Denver and Chicago.
«The revenue declines have been largest in those states like ours with highly progressive tax systems, and smallest in states with flatter tax structures,» Scudder said.
The flatter and largely poor zones to the west of downtown also face a growing heat threat, as climate change brings more extreme temperatures, he said.
Even Dashboard’s look, the glossy gradient which was fresh more than a decade ago, seems outdated as the rest of Apple’s software adopted a flatter design.
With the pedal-assist, which usually can be adjusted up or down to suit someone’s fitness and preferences, they make hills feel flatter and distances shorter.
The Beach model is a hybrid, open-cockpit sit-in-kayak, while the Bay is a faster-paddling boat with a closed cockpit for flatter water.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, outperforming U.S. Treasuries after data showed U.S. consumer prices rebounded more than expected in October.
All this makes this tech especially useful for VR, where flatter images can cause motion sickness because they do not move as well with the viewer.
China and Russia, both of whose leaders Trump likes to flatter, represent the biggest cyber threat to the US, according to the panel of intelligence chiefs.
If that view is widely held, the Fed’s March forecasts could show a suddenly flatter path for interest rates that better matches its new ‘patient’ policy.
The collection ranges in price from $14.50 to $109, goes up to size 44DD and includes a range of colors to flatter almost every skin tone.
They look great, flatter almost every face, are extremely functional thanks to their large lenses, and — like all good things — they’ll never go out of style.
«Going back three weeks, [Chinese officials] were kind of guardedly optimistic, hoping that they could flatter Trump,» Aaron Friedberg, a China scholar at Princeton University, says.
And after Xi rolled out the thickest red carpet possible to flatter him during his visit to China, Trump sounded genuinely stirred by the lavish reception.
Some products, such as interest rate derivatives, have also been weak since the financial crisis as yield curves in developed markets have progressively become lower and flatter.
The alleged «Grace UI» TouchWiz revamp shows off a flatter, cleaner user interface, which the blog says may launch on the Galaxy Note 7 later this summer.
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The main reason seems to be that pitches often become easier to bat on as the day progresses, perhaps because they get drier, flatter and more predictable.
When Melissa McCarthy launched her clothing line, Melissa McCarthy Seven7, she told PeopleStyle that her goal was to be inclusive of all sizes and flatter all women.
When you eat at a restaurant, it’s likely that you’ve picked the spot from many options and will pick from its menu to best flatter your tastes.
«Vinegar is acidic and will close down the cuticle creating a flatter surface which increases the reflective quality of the hair,» says Color Wow founder Gail Federici.
Initially, I thought it’d be small enough for me to tolerate its existence, but over time, I found it more prominent than a flatter and wider notch.
Chinese President Xi Jinping will no doubt flatter his American guest, hoping that President Trump prefers the image of a successful summit to a confrontation over sanctions.
An iridescent highlighter will flatter most cheekbones and a sparkly shadow will add some pretty shimmer to almost any eyelid, but a seemingly simple red lip color?
It’s far less blocky and is flatter than the previous generation, with a subtly curved display and slightly tapered sides compared to the more rectangular Charge 23.
Every style magazine I opened echoed my grandmother’s critical sentiments; covers dictated the latest fad diet, slimming trick, and, of course, new way to «flatter» your figure.
The flatter terrain — prone to storm surges and inland flooding — and higher population density often result in higher numbers of people killed or misplaced by the storm.
The Fed’s asset holdings may hold down longer-term rates, while the Fed’s rate actions push up short-term securities, making the curve naturally flatter, he said.
The five-year to 30-year part of the U.S. yield curve US5US30=TWEB stood at 23.8 basis points, 18413 basis point flatter than late on Friday.
With an atmospheric pressure greater than that found on Mars, frozen nitrogen could have melted, carving its way across the rocky surface, and pooling in flatter areas.
Graham continued to promote body positivity when designing all of the pieces in her new capsule by making sure each one would flatter all shapes and sizes.
» Admitting he was worried his wife would drop the ring off the top of the building, Rubio joked, «They should have done it out by somewhere flatter.
Mommers’ research also led to him conclude that although surgery can help close the gap and make the belly flatter, it doesn’t necessarily lead to more stability.
NEW YORK, March 4 (Reuters) — Treasury yields on Monday morning were little changed with the yield curve modestly flatter, despite positive developments in U.S.-China trade talks.
Although pugs have stayed roughly the same size over time, they have been selectively bred to have bigger, wider eyes and flatter noses, according to the Guardian.
The smaller the gap between short- and long-term rates (the flatter the yield curve, in the jargon), the harder it is for banks to make money.
On July 33th EU supervisors are due to publish the results of their latest «stress tests» of 51 European lenders, which will not flatter Monte dei Paschi.
Mr. Baca had even thrust his pelvis forward, a trick he learned to make his stomach appear flatter and ensure the ladies looked, well, you know, there.
Kaplan said he expects the path of rate hikes over the next two or three years to be flatter than at any time in the Fed’s history.
I’ve been training in Muay Thai for about seven years, and while I don’t flatter myself that I’m good, I can hold my own in my gym.
What’s more, benchmark 85033-year Treasury yields are actually lower and the yield curve flatter than they were in the days before voters went to the polls.
Appreciating Woolson as more than the smitten confidante of Henry James is laudable, though Rioux might also have considered James’s negative effect on Wool­son’s later, flatter work.
He needs Jaime to flatter his manhood for a while before he is willing accept a promotion from background actor to actual character on Game of Thones.
Green: In the near term, Bannon does (and is doing) what everybody who wants to influence and ingratiate themselves to Trump does: Flatter him with obsequious praise.
I can’t flatter myself—there’s a line between what I really like to do, which is comedy, and something else that may end up being more popular.
Teeth, especially those in the back, get flatter and shorter because of the regular wear of chewing, which is accelerated by grinding and clenching, Dr. Hung said.
Todd: The thing about Fred is that you can flatter him into a lot of things by treating him like a strong man of great moral character.
His choice of subjects is no mystery, and neither is Nadar’s ability to coax and flatter and badger them into submitting their inner beings to the lens.
He’s used it to pressure and flatter Chinese leader Xi Jinping to reach a trade deal amid an escalating, tariff-driven economic conflict between the two countries.
The Swift 25’s keyboard is a bit flatter than my favorite keyboards, but it offers decent travel and a satisfying click, and it’s not super loud.
There is only the individual, trying to impress Mr. Trump, to flatter Mr. Trump, to commune with his mind and anticipate his whims and fits of pique.
«But the worst thing that you can do is flatter the book with attention and, even worse than that, threaten to sue the author,» McKinnon told CNN.
The curve has been getting flatter by the day — meaning short-end interest rates are rising faster than long-term rates, and they are growing closer together.
A compressing yield spread and flatter yield curve usually suggest lower risk appetite among investors as they gravitate toward safe haven assets such as shorter-term bonds.
Bill Baruch, president of Blue Line Futures, sees the yield curve getting flatter but does not expect it to stand in the way of more stock gains.
She eventually talked to one of Bull’s producers about her concerns, and on his advice, she went to Weatherly and tried to flatter him into backing off.
«It would be closer to reality to say Ultima Thule’s shape is flatter, like a pancake,» Alan Stern, who heads the New Horizons mission, said in a statement.
However, their final tuning seems uncertain as to whether it’s meant to flatter and excite the casual listener’s ear or do work as an actual studio monitoring headphone.
«If I can come in with more area — if I get bigger and flatter — I’ll decelerate sooner and higher,» Akin, who is also Kupec’s teacher, tells The Verge.
Microsoft aggressively pursued modern design principles at the time to launch Windows Phone with its Metro design, and Apple responded with iOS 7 and a flatter user interface.
Setting aside ethical questions, many of the genetic differences that might appear to contribute to social mobility (think flatter ears, etc) may not be associated with actual intelligence.
Equities are down, the curve is flatter, the dollar higher — all monetary tightening conditions here in the U.S. So they didn’t really accomplish much except getting markets nervous.
Hill, who has previously collaborated with Morphe Cosmetics on multiple collections, debuted with 20 nude lipsticks meant to flatter all skin tones — but the reactions have been mixed.
While these fossils were similar enough to our present-day selves to be considered modern humans, sharing our delicate cheekbones and flatter face, there were still certain differences.
For thundersnow to occur, the right ingredients need to come together to lift some of these flatter clouds and mold them into protrusions that some meteorologists call turrets.
Think: orange eyeshadow, warm brown cut creases, rose gold highlighter, and more — all of which flatter most skin tones and feel more inviting than other cool-toned variations.
The government said it would deal with the company in «a strict manner» after Mitsubishi admitted it altered data to flatter mileage rates on more than 600,000 cars.
The yield curve between two-year notes and 10-year notes US2US10=TWEB was last flatter at 58.6 basis points, after steepening to 62.4 basis points earlier Wednesday.
Per CNN, the launch was the reclusive regime’s most advanced yet — with Los Angeles, Denver, and Chicago almost certainly within its range if fired at a flatter trajectory.
Another is True Fit, which has raised more than $110 million to work with prominent apparel brands and retailers to match consumers with styles that fit and flatter.
«We’re a little stronger, the curve is a little flatter, but volume has been anemic,» said Justin Lederer, an interest rate strategist at Cantor Fitzgerald in New York.
They want it to be able to land safely on a flatter surface that is surrounded by rocky terrain with the signs of habitability they want to study.
The municipality’s own 2009 master plan provided for it to be built to the west of the city, in flatter lands already connected to Istanbul’s main traffic axis.
First Mate Johnson become increasingly despondent as Flight 1820 continued south, relaying to her captive audience the official line as she received updates in a flatter, drier tone.
Sure it got flatter and more colorful and it got a whole lot bigger, but it’s still the same ol’ passive «boob tube» consumption device it always was.
Quebec City now looms as the place where Trump will get concerted pushback, even from leaders who have tried to flatter Trump’s ego such as President Emmanuel Macron.
«They are the opposite of bragging-rights wines, the ones that basically are made to flatter the egos of the producers and even more so of the buyers.»
Another person on a full-time salary with benefits must then set down art-piece ceramic plates that are perfectly selected to flatter the next two-mouthful course.
But even though the front-month price is now much the same, the backwardation of the curve is considerably flatter than it was at the beginning of January.
She rose quickly through the Conservative ranks and gained national attention with a jolting speech at an annual party convention, an occasion usually used to flatter party activists.
Conspiracy theories also flatter the theorists themselves: They are exceptional because they can perceive what everyone else is either too blind to see or too afraid to admit.
After all, they generally share the politics of the wealthy weekenders from New York who, enticed by the scenery, flatter their town by pricing them out of it.
That’s a whole, formative experience for a woman… She goes from a child-like [figure], a flatter chest, a more proportionate young teen body, to a woman’s body.
Second was accrual compared to revenues, which can tip which companies are displaying earnings which reflect underlying cash flow and which may be using accounting to flatter themselves.
Fantasies of individual power and collective victimhood are marketed to flatter obedient ticket buyers with the conviction that they are masters rather than minions, underdogs rather than lackeys.
Terrified of getting on his bad side, we bow and scrape, flatter and flirt, or worse — just to get that raise or make sure we don’t get fired.
He soon moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, where he began the practice of hiring people based on their looks, their television profile and their quickness to flatter him.
Starting about 2000 million years ago, one lineage of African hominins began to evolve new traits — a flatter face, bigger brains and a taller body, among other features.
When you’re the «right» race, gender and sexual orientation, when you’ve got the right schools and jobs on your profile, marketers use tracking to flatter and include you.
«I made a small adjustment today with my hands, just put them in a better position to get that shorter swing off, that flatter swing off,» McMahon said.
Sometimes I flatter myself that this is a talent, and although it is admittedly one of the minor talents, it is perhaps also the sole talent I possess.
Inevitably, since production-based measures make rich countries look good (they also flatter small states that do little manufacturing), most have picked this methodology for their carbon targets.
Political ad bans appeal in part because they’re so simple and (apparently) straightforward, and in part because they flatter our democratic self-conception as wise and informed citizens.
These are clothes that absolutely refuse to flatter you, that go out of their way to insult you, really, and still my sisters and I can’t get enough.
Payroll taxes are flatter — roughly seven to nine percent of most families’ income — although that money theoretically prepays a (declining) portion of future Social Security and Medicare benefits.
European governments tax the rich more heavily than America does, yet Europe’s tax burden is flatter because it also slams the nonrich with high income and payroll taxes.
Tratteggio is just one such technique—alterations can also be signalled by a slightly recessed surface, a flatter color, or a subtle line drawn around a restored area.
The flatter gradient and softer snow of the Jeongseon Alpine Centre’s course will benefit aerodynamic skiers that are good gliders on fast skis, attributes that cannot be developed quickly.
«When you get to be in my position, people do tend to want to flatter you and you’ve got to take it with a grain of salt,» he said.
«When you get to be in my position, people do tend to want to flatter you and you’ve got to take it with a grain of salt,» Schumer said.
Eager to prevent the May 4 anniversary from becoming a rallying point for political activism, the Communist Party has used the date as an excuse to flatter China’s youth.
Managers flatter themselves by being creative in how returns are calculated, by picking a bogus benchmark, or by cherry-picking a favorable time period over which to calculate performance.
The new Pixel Buds come in a rounder, egg-shaped case versus the flatter square case of its predecessor (which proved to be the source of many irksome problems).
Captain Jayson «Fireburner» Nunez nearly matched GarrettG for headline plays and offensive consistency, following his switch from the flatter, heavier Batmobile to the all-around, pro-favored Octane car.
The multiple controversies around Green Book, though obviously very different, have also shown Hollywood’s willingness to overlook criticism that doesn’t serve its financial interests or flatter its self-image.
The iPhone’s Smart HDR processing turns in an even, flatter photo with more depth in the shadows, while the View 220 shot is a lot more dramatic and contrasty.
I see women in magazines and wish my lashes were a bit longer, my curls just a bit more defined and shinier, my stomach flatter, and my butt bigger.
The makeup turned out to be something I just pulled out of my kit, colors I thought would flatter her skin tone and hair, like pink, silver, and blue.
Shaking from earthquakes can cause landslides, sending homes and construction tumbling into valleys, resulting in higher damages and death tolls compared with flatter parts of the world, Weston said.
Even so, with inflation expectations so steady, the flatter Phillips curve suggests that the cost for central banks in higher inflation of delaying interest-rate rises is rather low.
Already tailored with shorter inseams, hems and proportional sleeve lengths, LOFT petites are made to flatter women with smaller frames — because they know that one size doesn’t fit all.
The cut is one almost every celebrity is opting to rock this season — including the royal family — which is only proving the point that a bob can flatter everyone.
«Meanwhile a nine-month extension or longer would lead to a flatter curve unless a significant change in the modality of the QE programme is made,» the note said.
Tom Porcelli, chief U.S. economist at RBC Capital Markets, said history suggested a flatter, and particularly an inverted, yield curve was «compelling as an early warning sign» of recession.
Expert: Missile test puts US mainland in range Weapons experts say if Friday’s missile had been fired on a flatter, standard trajectory, it would have threatened major US cities.
Experts believed if this missile were fired on a flatter, standard trajectory, it would have major US cities such as Los Angeles, Denver and Chicago well within its range.
Investments give Chinese executives access and exposure to the best practices of Western corporate management style, which tends to be much flatter and more welcoming of group decision-making.
That’s great for when you’re specifically trying to add depth to your image via real bokeh, for instance, or when you want a flatter depth of field for portraits.
If you were still harboring reservations about either the flatter keyboard or artificially clicking touchpad of the MacBook, this new MBP is sure to allay them in a hurry.
Short sterling interest rate futures rose by more than 6 ticks across the 2019 and 2020 contracts, indicating a flatter profile of market expectations for future interest rate hikes.
Experience shows that this isn’t the case, yet we continue to flatter ourselves by adorning our bodies, homes and cities with smart gadgetry and claiming that it serves us.
The latter two years represent more muted gains than the 15.3 percent so far in 2017 and the big year in 3003, which Kostin attributes to flatter margins ahead.
House Republicans want a «fairer, flatter, simpler tax code» and want tax reform to close loopholes and prevent small businesses from having higher taxes than big businesses, he said.
The two-to-10-year part of the yield curve had narrowed to 11 basis points before finishing at 12.5 basis points, 1 basis point flatter on the day.
«Nuclear command and control today is less dependent on super-secure underground facilities, but in a flatter architecture than makes use of numerous redundant and dispersed facilities,» Kristensen said.
A flatter yield curve, in which the rise in longer-term bond yields lags those of shorter-dated bonds, is seen as a factor reducing support for the dollar.
Groups active here are trying to gently prod Ms. Collins, a voracious reader, to dig into Judge Kavanaugh’s record, and they are trying to flatter her sense of independence.
«With a flatter, more vertical forehead, that whole area above the eyes becomes much more mobile, and the muscles can make some really subtle communicative gestures,» Dr. Spikins said.
«The world is flat and getting flatter,» said Rick Zerkel, a pilot in Anchorage and president of an airfreight company, Lynden Air Cargo, that ships goods around the state.
A soaked canvas is likely to be at least half-an-inch flatter than a brushstroke-laden one, a distinction that helped spawn the now-historic Cult of Flatness.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve on Tuesday in sympathy with U.S. Treasuries as U.S. data showed that consumer prices rose moderately in December.
Once, during a walk through Rock Creek Park, she told me that if she didn’t go to church on Sunday she felt a little flatter for the whole week.
Although they have a youthful verve, he has a preference for long sleeves, high necklines, and below-the-knee skirts of the sort that can also flatter grown women.
Brady said that priorities for tax reform include flatter and simpler tax rates, eliminating loopholes, competitive business tax rates and making it easier for corporations to repatriate foreign earnings.
In a self-obsessed culture, identity politics suit institutional diversity goals—and flatter the woke global elite—while systemic critiques of capitalism (and its gentrification, awkward!) are effectively marginalized.
The latter is often more fun to watch, but of course that’s partly because it tends to flatter its audience as it goes along, which has an obvious downside.
«Mary really listens when I say when I don’t like something and takes the time to commission pieces that flatter me or make me feel strong,» Ms. Colman said.
A crunchier set of hooks might flatter him as a performer, but that might also obscure the charm of a record that works as a wildly unpredictable vocal showcase.
They all beat, and while there was the usual concern about net interest income being soft to the flatter yield curve and low rates, the other trends were all positive.
The health of banks was now a global concern, with negative interest rates aimed at creating inflation and flatter yield curves due to a weaker growth outlook compounding the issue.
«It very much depends on what happens in the rest of the hurricane season,» Coutts said, adding that if Irma were to hit Florida, «you might see a flatter renewal».
It wasn’t until iOS 7 in 2013 that Apple would abandon that aesthetic for a flatter, more modern one that eventual carried back over to its desktop look and feel.
It also shipped with iOS 7, a major overhaul of Apple’s mobile operating system that dropped various skeuomorphic design touches (like fake textures in apps) for a flatter, cleaner look.
White rhinos have the name because, the folklore goes, it’s a corruption of the word «wide»; as grassland grazers, they have wider, flatter mouths than their shrub-eating black cousins.
Canadian government bond prices were mixed across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year flat to yield 1.401percent and the 10-year rising 28 Canadian cents to yield 1.425%.
On Tuesday, the 10-year Treasury yield broke the psychologically important yield level of 3.0 percent, but the curve remains significantly flatter than it was at the start of 2018.
When Rihanna launched Fenty Beauty back in September, we were amazed by the range of foundations and highlighters created to flatter all skin tones, from the lightest to the deepest.
As workers gain more independence, organizations are becoming flatter and more interconnected, with unprecedented changes in leadership highlighting the importance of collaboration and results over traditional corporate hierarchies and authority.
I have to sacrifice my mind, my energy, my time, my schedule, my relationships, my plans, my goals, my dreams in pursuit of a flatter stomach and better toned arms?
And although the consistency of the finished product was a bit flatter (not as fluffy as with butter), it had a punch of coconutty flavor and I was into it.
Those who choose to serve the authoritarian leader — to hang out with him, flatter him, laugh at his jokes, watch his John Wayne movies — force themselves into the iron cage.
In South Korea, this eye-defining artistry goes next-level with a bevy of techniques and tricks that clever makeup-lovers combine to play up and flatter their eye shapes.
However, the icon’s update feels as dramatic as iOS 7 once did when Apple’s Jony Ive unveiled the operating system’s newer, flatter look-and-feel and its brighter color gradients.
The study speculates that this flatter dagger may have been a strategy to increase comfort when worn on the upper arm, or to reduce friction when inserted into a victim.
«We remain cautious of expectations for a flatter U.S. bond yield curve driving the dollar index lower,» said Philip Wee, FX strategist at DBS Group Research, in a morning note.
Mr. Saw’s samusas are flatter and daintier than Indian samosas, with skins that shatter promptly, giving way to a dark mash of potato and the distinctive musk of garam masala.
The texture isn’t gritty the way a lot of vegan protein bars are — instead they’re chewy and thin, kind of like a flatter Larabar with a thin layer of icing.
At $25 and up, good Provençal rosé, whether from Bandol, Cassis or Palette, may cost a little more, but it actually improves with age and will flatter the holiday table.
The worry in Europe is that Mr. Putin will flatter Mr. Trump and play on the American president’s notion of himself as a great negotiator in face-to-face meetings.
He’s a natural politician, a lawyer who knows when to flatter, when to threaten, and when to start lying, and his enemies underestimate him because he has no noble blood.
» • «As her political stature has grown — she has served in the cabinet twice and has been married to Mr. McConnell for 26 years — Beijing has sought to flatter her family.
In a free market, the story goes, you don’t need to flatter your boss or the company selling you stuff, because they know you can always go to someone else.
If you plan to watch the movie on a high-definition television or high-resolution computer monitor, though, SD video can look flatter and less vibrant than the HD version.
The other attachment is a narrower, flatter nozzle that can be used on its own or as a manual-scrubbing head, if you slide the retractable brush over the tip.
Buttigieg has touted his Iowa results in New Hampshire, but he has also looked to flatter the New Hampshire voters by describing them as people who «famously think for» themselves.
The sudden reversal in relations with Washington has been a shock to Beijing who thought they had Trump’s number, running a long campaign to mollify and flatter the US leader.
Shiffrin said she thought the shorter course benefited her because the top portion that was eliminated was straighter and flatter, which had not played to her strengths in previous races.
As her political stature has grown — she has served in the cabinet twice and has been married to Mr. McConnell for 26 years — Beijing has sought to flatter her family.
A year after it was discovered YouTube was testing a new flatter, more minimalist website design, the company’s now starting to roll out a public version as an opt-in setting.
The two-to-10-year part of the yield curve US2US10=TWEB had narrowed to 11 basis points before finishing at 12.5 basis points, 1 basis point flatter on the day.
This can result in certain physical characteristics like a flatter facial profile, an upward slant of the eyes, a deep crease in the palm of the hand, and low muscle tone.
They could be so desperate to avoid disaster that they flatter and placate him, leaving Trump to assume he’s now emperor of the West, free to make whatever deals he pleases.
Going back to 22, when the yield curve turned flatter drastically and eventually inverted, tends to go into a downward spiral within the next 210 months, according to The Leuthold Group.
We have introduced tops that are of a woven fabric, tops that are the knit fabric, things that are really breathable, so lots of different choices there that should really flatter.
«Garments are designed and constructed perfectly to flatter the female form, giving confidence, comfort and ensuring the wearer is the star,» Sara Jensen, head of communications for the house, tells PEOPLE.
Canadian government bond prices were mixed across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year price flat to yield1.586 percent and the 10-year rising 10 Canadian cents to yield 1.631%.
This suited economic traditions: the hilly south had generally been farmed in small patches by self-sufficient families, while the flatter north lent itself to larger, more class-stratified agri-businesses.
According to the publication, the show based the design on the suits worn by real lifeguards in Southern California and then tweaked each one-piece to flatter each stars’ body type.
«I guess his thinking is that the yield curve should be flatter in order to achieve 2 percent inflation,» said Naomi Muguruma, senior market economist at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities.
» We flatter ourselves with our schoolbookish vision of the United States as a nation of immigrants and a nation of religions, forever crafting a peaceful «unum» out of this discordant «pluribus.
While Venus travels through Fire sign Aries, you’ll find yourself focusing on how your looks make you feel: Your wardrobe—does it flatter you, and, even more importantly, are you comfortable?
The iPhone 7 seemed capable of picking out a bit more detail in the shadows of most images, and overall the iPhone 7 consistently captured a flatter image in most settings.
Mitsubishi used test parameters that were not approved in Japan and that tended to flatter the cars’ fuel-consumption ratings, in the most extreme cases by as much as 15 percent.
This is why it’s such a concern to me that nominee Kavanaugh felt it necessary to flatter the insecure president during their primetime reality show at the White House last week.
Pulling out of the JCPOA would risk a serious split with leaders of America’s traditional European allies, who have trekked to Washington in recent weeks to flatter, cajole and warn Trump.
The Chanticleers hit 94 home runs, the most in Division I, reflecting the coziness of a renovated home stadium as much as the flatter-seam baseball the N.C.A.A. introduced last season.
When it is flatter, as it is today (the spread between the two-year and 10-year Treasury bonds is about 103 basis points), he positions clients on the shorter end.
A steepening global yield curve will help euro zone banks and insurers and will also flatter the outlook for retirement savers, whose future liabilities look bigger at lower longer-term yields.
The memo about the call, which has set off a political explosion, shows the uncomfortable lengths other leaders can go to in order to flatter the notoriously praise-hungry US president.
Expectations concerning his general probity, his commitment to paying his fair share of taxes, and his ability to distance himself from meddling Russians and dictators who flatter him are similarly low.
The curve has gone flatter than that eight times in the past four decades: late 1977, August 1980, December 1981, July 1984, late 1988, late 1994, mid-1995 and May 2005.
It’s that they only like the right kind of carnies, carnies who flatter them that it’s all apple pie and corner stores, and that any of us can be a success.
One important factor here is that hedge funds are not required to report short sales in the same way as purchases, a factor which may either flatter or underestimate their performance.
More efficient options were not, however, as available in all the other shapes consumers desire, such as the round bulbs used above bathroom vanities or flatter ones used for recessed lighting.
Obama, who took as much pride in telling people he hadn’t read their books as Holbrooke did saying that he had, was disdainful of Holbrooke’s compulsion to flatter and be flattered.
Kosher salt is the top choice of many cooks because it costs about as much as table salt, but it’s comprised of larger, flatter pebbles, which make it easy to handle.
In fact, you might find that they flatter your complexion well enough that you can wear them alone — as a base, in lieu of makeup — and not regret that decision later.
Instead, runners will follow a more southerly, flatter route in the park, bringing them closer to Midtown Manhattan, closer to the skyscrapers and horse-drawn carriages, Columbus Circle and Carnegie Hall.
NEW YORK, Jan 21.75 (Reuters) — The Treasury yield curve was flatter on Monday morning as heightened tensions between the United States and Iran continued to boost demand for safe-haven assets.
From afar, the effect is definitely eye-catching, but for people who prefer the flatter screens on phones like the Pixel 3, Huawei’s new Horizon display may be even more divisive.
Speaking to media earlier this month, he praised «much flatter» management structures and said «old-style command and control» was ill-suited to the pace of change in a digital era.
Sometimes that would have been flatter than our present-day B♭, sometimes it would have been sharper, but it would rarely have been the same from one place to the next.
Canadian government bond prices were mixed across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year down 0.5 Canadian centto yield 1.624% and the 10-year rising 5.5 Canadian cents to yield 1.756%.
We asked two top nail artists — Stephanie Stone and Whitney Gibson — for the biggest color trends of summer, plus the exact polishes that will flatter on light, medium, and dark skin tones.
Canadian government bond prices were mixed across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year down 1 Canadian centto yield 1.536% and the 10-year rising 8 Canadian cents to yield 1.571%.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year up 3 Canadian cents toyield 1.521% and the 10-year rising 16 Canadian cents to yield 1.558%.
Canadian government bond prices were lower across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year down 4 Canadian centsto yield 1.608% and the 10-year declining 10 Canadian cents to yield 1.689%.
Canadian government bond prices edged lower across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year down 3.5 Canadiancents to yield 1.479% and the 10-year falling 6 Canadian cents to yield 1.528%.
Canadian government bond prices were lower across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year down 4 Canadian centsto yield 1.520% and the 10-year falling 10 Canadian cents to yield 1.466%.
They are much steeper, and thus harder to ride, than the flatter waves at Nazaré, whose crest either crumbles gradually or lands about halfway down the wave’s face, depending on the wind.
The phone’s made of 250 percent glass and its curved glass edges on the front and back taper into the metal frame at a much flatter angle than on the Galaxy S9.
WPP may end up beating that, since a torrid 2017 will flatter this year’s growth figures, while the soccer World Cup typically induces clients to spend more on high-margin TV ads.
Scan any horizon in southern West Virginia, and you are likely see a ridgeline peeking up craggy and barren, somehow flatter than the densely forested peaks that surround it in rocky waves.
The drop in yields on longer-dated Treasuries drove the yield curve modestly flatter, with the spread between two- and 10-year bonds at 28.9 basis points, down from 30.8 on Monday.
Given the label’s ethereal aesthetic, in which many of the flowing chiffon styles lack closures in the waist and bust, the dresses are comfortable enough during pregnancy and flatter post-pregnancy bodies.
The FiveThirtyEight model is centered in about the same place as our model is, but is shorter and flatter than ours, leading to a slightly lower chance of victory for Mrs. Clinton.
It’s hard to think deeply about what makes a work of art «good» when you are holding an iPhone, scrolling though Instagram, and «liking» the art of anyone you want to flatter.
One part of the Caracas hillside gondola system cost $262 million, five times that of a similar project in the Colombian city of Medellin, though the Venezuelan line is shorter and flatter.
It is an entire network of thousands of Type A personalities guided by a belief that they can reason, spin, flatter or glad-hand their way out of any and all problems.
Canadian government bond prices were lower across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year down 7 Canadian centsto yield 1.492% and the 10-year falling 15 Canadian cents to yield 1.281%.
But Trump’s choice of praise for his new negotiating partner, relayed by a person familiar with the conversation, reflects the US President’s determination to flatter his way to nuclear peace in Asia.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year rising 1.5 Canadiancents to yield 1.413% and the 10-year up 18 Canadian cents to yield 1.232%.
And the lowness of long-term rates relative to short-term rates is something people are talking about; that a flatter inverted yield curve has been associated with recessions in the past.
Flatter than ever, my long-suffering backpack held only 2 pairs of shoes, a few toiletries (like Glossier lip balm, Supergoop sunscreen, and a ton of hair gel), intimates, and 2 swimsuits.
I’d already stretched the boundaries of realism from the start, giving us double the square footage and myself a flatter stomach and more striking features than my genetics would ever allow for. 
A summary of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky released by the White House Wednesday reveals Zelensky’s efforts to flatter and ingratiate himself with his American counterpart.
By immediately announcing the clichés that they will soon deploy, the filmmakers at once flatter and reassure the audience even as they lower any expectations that what follows will be new or different.
With these flatter «micromazes,» though, researchers can study the organisms in an environment that reasonably mimics the system of microscopic canals and similar structures found in their natural habitats like peat or moss.
The two flatter each other, so if the colors bleed together a bit — or if you’re not quite practiced at staying inside the lines — the product still looks completely natural on the skin.
«Today is the day that people will take risk off the table, so they can be flatter heading into the Fed meeting,» Michael Antonelli, market strategist at Robert W. Baird in Milwaukee, said.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year up 3 Canadian cents to yield 1.521% and the 10-year rising 16 Canadian cents to yield 1.558%.
Canadian government bond prices were mixed across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year price down 8 Canadiancents to yield 1.668% and the 10-year rising 4 Canadian cents to yield 1.567%.
Tom Porcelli, chief U.S. economist at RBC Capital Markets, noted that a glance at history suggested a flatter, and particularly an inverted, yield curve was «compelling as an early warning sign» of recession.
Joel Martinsen’s translation is flatter and more passive, and the main character never quite comes to terms with the death of his parents in a way that leaves the story feeling slightly incomplete.
Lamar’s pensive self-doubt and modest buying habits are reassuring if you wish him well as a person, as why shouldn’t you, and the simple keys-percussion-chorus beats flatter his cushiony timbre.
Every time Parquet Courts release a new album I rant and rave and apply hyperbole, and every time the music gradually turns slightly flatter than we admirers of our finest cowboy punks prefer.
A big concern is the Indian GST’s sheer complexity — with rates of 7603, 2760, 21 and 264.4300 percent, and myriad exceptions, it contrasts with simpler, flatter and broader sales taxes in other countries.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year up 1 Canadian cent to yield 1.583% and the 10-year rising 14 Canadian cents to yield 1.694%.
«We can’t afford a senator who embarrasses us and reinforces the stereotypes we’ve worked so hard to overcome,» he said, trying to flatter white voters into crossing the rubicon for a black candidate.
But a few months later, at a luncheon given by cosmetics magnate Leonard Lauder, Trump happened to be seated next to Yuri Dubinin, who proceeded to flatter the young real estate mogul shamelessly.
Creating clothes that flatter different body types is hard, and it’s a lot easier to just hire a bunch of rail-thin, similarly sized models and demand that every woman look like them.
Reciprocating the good will, Mugabe made a move that would flatter Beijing’s global ambition: Zimbabwe announced that it would become the first foreign country to accept the Chinese yuan as an official currency.
The flatter and more uniform black of the female nude in Mr. Marshall’s «You Must Suffer if You Want to be Beautiful,» by contrast, pushes the color’s political subtext right to the front.
It’s not clear whether someone who refuses to lie, flatter or curry favor would have much influence with Mr. Trump, so surrounded is he by people willing to do all of those things.
Canadian government bond prices were slightly higher across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year up 1Canadian cent to yield 1.598% and the 10-year rising 8 Canadian cents to yield 1.429%.
But for those who think that relationship is fundamentally wrong, hearing Clinton flatter the bankers — and fail to recognize why people would object to her husband taking their money — may be jarring nonetheless.
Logitech boasts that the Crayon’s flatter design helps ensure it doesn’t roll off desks and go missing, but it presumably also makes room for larger, cheaper components to help get its price point down.
» The Flatter Me skill will search for a new compliment and it may be exactly what you need to hear, such as: «The people you love are lucky to have you in their lives.
After a week of dressing in clothes that did not flatter me and were largely uncomfortable, I cared a little less about these judgey glares from people I’d never want to hang out with.
The analogy was not meant to flatter: Yee is a committed internet atheist who looks up to the secularist writer Richard Dawkins, chafes at political correctness, and admits to particularly enjoying going after Islam.
When did I first decide to smile, laugh, or make noises in bed when I didn’t feel any of it for real, to flatter or assuage you or persuade you to leave me alone?
The observation that something has aged poorly (or its cousin, the observation that something «doesn’t hold up») is usually designed to flatter the present; don’t we know more than those bums in the past?
As for May itself, the Dow has been virtually flat, up 0.1 percent on average over the past 100 years, and even flatter, up just an average 0.05 percent, over the past 20 years.
The drugstore-favorite announced a new Made For All by Color Sensational lipstick — a lineup of seven shades that were tested on 50 different skin tones in order to flatter everyone, all for $8.
While it’s a bit on the humdrum side design-wise, they do appear to have a flatter profile than many other true wireless buds, so hopefully that means it’s more flush to your ear.
Sony’s iconic Trinitron abandoned the perforated metal «shadow mask» that most color TVs used to keep their electron streams separate, for instance, using vertical wires that produced bright, clean colors and a flatter screen.
Now, how they run the campaign… We won’t have some politics-as-usual lizard person manhandling the Democrat Party to get her in, so with a flatter, fairer playing field… that’s what we need.
Canadian government bond prices were mixed across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year down 0.5 Canadian centto yield 1.656 percent and the 10-year rising 6 Canadian cents to yield 1.758 percent.
It’s larger, thanks to its larger display, and is flatter than the 220, but otherwise has the same aluminum finish with large chamfers, front fingerprint scanner, and capacitive buttons for back and recent apps.
The yield curve, while mildly flatter on the day, was on track for its largest weekly steepening since July following the bill’s passage, which was seen as hastening the pace of interest rate increases.
Lawmakers believe they can flatter Trump THE QUOTE THAT’S GETTING THE MOST TRACTION: President Trump voiced support for confiscating guns from certain individuals deemed to be dangerous, even if it violates due process rights.
Similarly, in the U.K., long-term yields have been more stable, and the yield curve flatter than other western G7 markets, because of the influence of domestic pension companies and their accompanying regulatory frameworks.
His color palette changes from the browns and blacks of his Dutch period to brighter colors, and he begins using flatter planes, influenced by his contact with the Impressionist painters and with Japanese prints.
The revision to Powerwall set to be unveiled at Friday’s event should be flatter than the previous edition, and shown and sold in Tesla stores, rather than exclusively via distributors, as reported by Electrek.
For instance, the Kinzhal hypersonic missile, launched by a modified MiG-31 fighter, travels 10 times the speed of sound along a flatter trajectory than heavy ICBMs, making it potentially very difficult to intercept.
Each elevated stopping-point along the path, where on-camera interviewers wait to flatter and schmooze, represented a new opportunity to negotiate entrance and egress in an outfit best suited for standing and posing.
Wishful Thinking Even as Democrats decry the false claims streaming regularly from the White House, they appear to have become more vulnerable to unsupported claims and conspiracy theories that flatter their own political prejudices.
For her breakthrough «Body Meets Dress, Dress Meets Body» (1997), Ms. Kawakubo created a collection that transformed the body with clothing enhanced by bulbous bumps placed in places meant to do anything but flatter.
SPX slightly pares loss, last down 0.33% BONDS: U.S. Treasury yields slipped; 1.503s US2YT=RR at 1.5682%; 10s US10YT=RR at 1.5774%; 2s/10s curve now flatter around 0.8 bps FOREX: The U.S. dollar index .
«You can see the utilities positive on the day, but financials are getting hammered on the flatter curve while industrials are likely down on the tariffs headlines,» said Jack Ablin, founding partner of Cresset Wealth.
They’re seeking to cut back on laborious pageantry that may please the guilds and flatter the famous, but that consistently leads to poor reviews and the most thankless hosting job on the show-business calendar.
After all, there were similar reports of cut down shipment orders before with last year’s iPhone X, that ultimately turned out to have resulted in drastically increased revenue for the company despite flatter unit sales.
The DSC-18, similar in dimensions and noise to a home weed-whacker, was built specifically for the steep slopes of Colombian coffee country, unlike the huge harvesting combines used in Brazil’s flatter coffee terrain.
«Although NFLX’s runway will span multiple years, our research suggests the domestic subscriber growth trajectory may be somewhat flatter than the market’s current expectations,» Jefferies analyst John Janedis wrote in a note to clients Wednesday.
Apple’s operating system became much flatter with the introduction of iOS 7, meaning it lost some of its frills like 3D-like effects on apps and other examples of skeuomorphism, and instead favored elegant simplicity.
And the charm offensive is the latest sign that some world leaders think the best way to get to Trump is not to rebuke or lecture him, but to flatter him and show him respect.
Remind them with some lingerie or swimwear from an inclusive brand with fashion-forward designs that aim to flatter every shape: Or set them up for a sexy evening with this set of silicone toys.
They have a subtle curve that provides flatter display area and distorts the image on the screen less, yet still manages to make the Note 7 narrower than if it had a fully flat display.
He has been promoting the full diversity of world music for decades, freely juxtaposing traditions in a way that can sometimes seem designed to flatter liberal pieties about multiculturalism, but more often simply feels vibrant.
Blacker is the new black, and researchers here and abroad are working to create ever more efficient light traps, which means fabricating materials that look ever darker, ever flatter, ever more ripped from the void.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year up 3 Canadian cents to yield 1.876 percent, and the 10-year rising 21 Canadian cents to yield 1.934 percent.
There you find that writing ability or general intelligence mean nothing if you don’t have the right connections, or the ability to flatter those in authority, or a father who once held the same job.
But with Rise of the Republic, Rome 2 now has a screen where you can have members of your dynasty scheme and flatter their way into their opposition’s good graces, and co-opt promising rivals.
Canadian government bond prices were higher across a flatter yield curve, with the two-year up 1.5 Canadian cents to yield 2.292 percent and the 10-year rising 14 Canadian cents to yield 2.484 percent.
It’s still possible that our increasing forehead height was the secondary result of other physical changes, such as our faces becoming flatter overall, and our brains shifting forward, and our brains’ frontal lobes growing larger.
Can you imagine what Republicans would have been saying if Barack Obama had made an impromptu visit to the Korean DMZ to shake hands with Kim Jong-un and flatter him after two failed summits?
Flatter yield curve is a cause for concern Bond investors are nervous that a portion of the yield curve briefly inverted earlier this month, meaning that short-term rates were higher than long-term yields.
Whether it’s Vladimir V. Putin or the alt-right darling and future White House strategist Stephen K. Bannon, the way to get to Mr. Trump is clearly to flatter him and massage his fragile ego.
A person in danger may try to flatter, bargain with, charm, or otherwise pacify their assailant in order to redirect and eventually escape the situation, or to lessen the damage done, should escape be impossible.
It’s a dress that’s emblematic of the ideals that Elsa was committed to when she started the line exactly 90 years ago: shocking color, surrealism, and clothes that fit and flatter a woman on the move.
These swings were likely to be a reflection of «incentives» that banks have to «window dress» or flatter their end of quarter or end of year balance sheets to ease pressure on capital requirements, Coen said.
Hu referenced GDPR directly in his speech yesterday, lauding it as «a shining example» of Europe’s «strong experience in driving unified standards and regulation» — so the company is clearly well-versed in how to flatter hosts.
Canadian government bond prices were lower across much of a flatter yield curve, with the two-year down 3 Canadian cents to yield 1.398% and the benchmark 10-year falling 8 Canadian cents to yield 1.444%.
White balance accurately changes from bright to dimly lit scenes, but if you want the best results, you should use the RX100’s flatter color profile so you can color-correct the rest in post-production.
She had a similar problem last week in The Bitchelor competition where she tried to improv and fell on her face so hard that it left it flatter than a phone book in a hydraulic press.
Petite Studio’s winter collection just dropped on the site last week, and now we can all let out a sigh of relief, because these cuts are made to flatter the petite frame instead of drown it.
Wagner Moura put on 40 pounds to play Escobar, and the sheer physicality he brings to the role helps make up for the fact that his paisa accent still comes out flatter than a stale arepa.
For starters, a massive set of old school weighing scales stands in the middle of the room on one of the flatter bits of floor, looking significantly more swanky than my local off licence ever has.
Muted U.S. economic growth, terrorist attacks, waning prospects for bold fiscal-policy moves and a flatter Treasury yield curve are among the notional threats that head-shaking commentators say «don’t matter» to equities’ persistent upward grind.
They will avoid talking about Trump tax cuts but they can’t avoid talking about loan growth and why bond yields are moving down and what the impact of a flatter yield curve will mean for them.
Upon arrival, even lower-level staffers were treated to a royal welcome from King Salman and his royal court, a concerted effort by the Saudi government to flatter Trump and the decision-makers in his administration.
The girls gather for some XXX-rated fare, where the only thing that falls flatter than Jane’s confession that un-PC Civil War fantasies make her toes curl is Sutton’s news about the ad sales job.
This is a fully persuasive argument if you already place a high premium on integrity, but it doesn’t adequately flatter the biases of those who don’t already know why they should care about the Russia scandal.
The technique of using a political victory in a local election to flatter an important foreign leader is new for Trump, but not an entire surprise for a president still basking in his own political victory.
«When kids come from backgrounds where they’re the first in their families to go to college, we have to take them seriously, and not flatter them and give them third-rate ideas,» Mr. Furedi told me.
While the former’s plaintive chorus neatly displays his vocal ache, the beauteous backup vocals on the latter hardly flatter a song whose kind wishes for a friend surviving cancer don’t diverge from received ideas or language.
The donors have what these days is known as agency: They are now placed in real (if still painted) space, appearing as citizens of the world, unlike the smaller, flatter, spiritual creatures on whom they gaze.
But I also think that most world leaders have figured out that the way to get Trump to do what you want is to flatter the hell out of him — whether you believe it or not.
Where herbs are often chosen to complement and flatter the ingredients they adorn, spices call attention to themselves, transforming and sometimes even usurping a dish, so it becomes a mere vehicle and excuse for spice itself.
The flatter southern half of the region, roughly up to the town of Villefranche-sur-Saône and made up largely of sandstone and clay soils with a bit of limestone, is the province of plain Beaujolais.
Now each of us constructs a custom informational universe, wittingly (we choose to go to the sources that uphold our existing beliefs and thus flatter us) or unwittingly (our app algorithms do the driving for us).
Now, countless other like-minded websites and publications, as well as celebrity endorsements via social media, promote similar concepts to consumers looking for alternatives to conventional medicine in hopes of ageless skin or a flatter stomach.
But when political operatives want to turn him into a candidate for election, he refuses to flatter popular taste, and the starving Roman citizens, whipped into an anti-elite frenzy by sinister tribunes, turn against him.
Many changes were being considered «to make the code more efficient and more pro growth, … flatter rates for everybody, particularly middle class people, get rid of the loopholes,» Kudlow said to reporters at the White House.
The article, besides regurgitating official Party history, was a clear attempt to flatter Xi. The leader’s «Chinese Dream» slogan — a vision of national rejuvenation in contrast to past national humiliation — was mentioned in all of Hao’s answers.
And during a July 19 primetime appearance, James turned a tricky question from guest host Jason Chaffetz about Vladimir Putin — on Laura Ingraham’s show, a favorite of President Donald Trump’s — into an opportunity to flatter the president.
WEF experts denied that the analysis had been remodeled to flatter U.S. President Donald Trump, who topped the bill at the WEF’s annual meeting at Davos in January, bringing his «America First» message to the world’s elite.
Verdict: After nearly two months and seven treatments — it’s recommended to do six to eight sessions to really see a true difference — I must say, my stomach definitely felt tighter and flatter than it had in years.
Revenue growth expectations have dropped to 23% from 26%, according to the average of estimates gathered This is partly thanks to a flatter yield curve — the narrowing spread between short-term interest rates and long-term rates.
LONDON (Reuters) — Hedge funds continue to bet on a flatter U.S. yield curve, but they are raising the stakes less and less, suggesting their conviction in the trade is ebbing as the end of the year approaches.
This all-in-one product is not only practical (it works on the eyes, cheeks, and lips), but it’s also one of those ruddy, rosy hues that flatter every skin tone with a postcoital sort of flush.
«The headwinds from a flatter yield curve and a lower-for-longer rate environment creates challenges for all financial institutions,» said John Shrewsberry, chief financial officer of Wells Fargo, which is the No. 1 U.S. mortgage lender.
The last time the two-year/10-year gilt curve was flatter was in October 2008, and earlier on Friday the U.S. version of the curve turned negative — something some economists view as a warning of recession.
Samsung has tightened up the S233’s overall design for the S7: it’s more comfortable to hold, easier to pick up off of a table, has a flatter fingerprint scanner, and has a less pronounced camera hump.
And it has been rumored that a new MacBook Pro will be slimmer than the existing one, with a flatter keyboard and a «Dynamic Function Row,» or a touchscreen OLED strip in lieu of standard function keys.
The models Swimsuits for All use inspire us to embrace the bodies we have rather than strive to me something we’re not — with swimsuits that flatter our shapes and make us feel comfortable in our own skin.
If the missile had flown on a flatter trajectory, it could have traveled more than 13,000 km, which «would be far enough to reach, for example, Washington, DC,» echoed Scott Seaman, Asia director at consultancy Eurasia Group.
Or more chunky areas, where it looked like the paint was pretty flat and flaking, we would put it on and then scrape it, lightly scrape it, with a putty knife to make the flatter, dimensional areas.
But I think it says something interesting both about the economics of media at this juncture and about what it means to be a truly independent thinker, not prone to embracing ideas that merely flatter one’s prejudices.
If I was president, my plan would be to flatter him delicately, asking for his opinion on law enforcement policy (like Obama did) and steer very, very clear of doing anything that would make him feel threatened.
The American meritocracy ostensibly rewards intelligence and hard work, but it also seems to favor those who cozy up to power, who flatter their elders, who inflate their accomplishments, and who claim to represent what they aren’t.
For a sequence in which Rae’s character pursues a love interest at a corny open-mike night, Matsoukas found a historic club with swirling tile mosaics on the walls, then painstakingly lit it to flatter the actors.
So when Laura Dern, as a divorce lawyer pitching herself to Nicole (Scarlett Johansson) in «Marriage Story,» says, «What you’re doing is an act of hope,» it’s more than simply a line to flatter a potential client.

He shared his home but not his time, preferring, when not down at the pub watching Manchester City flatter to deceive in wide screen glory, to lock himself away in his room with his computers and his cable links to a very private world of digital opportunities

Ava felt ridiculous in the open-fronted top, even though it did its best to flatter what little she had

at the pub watching Manchester City flatter to deceive in wide

Followed by a gush of wind that lifted her ponytail — and nearly her whole body — into the air, one of the demons in front of her was crushed, compacted flatter than the breadth of her blades by a monstrous war pick

There was no need to flatter him, it seemed

They are very weak who flatter themselves that, in the state to which things have come, our colonies will be easily conquered by force alone

From shopkeepers, trades men, and attorneys, they are become statesmen and legislators, and are employed in contriving a new form of government for an extensive empire, which, they flatter themselves, will become, and which, indeed, seems very likely to become, one of the greatest and most formidable that ever was in the world

The proud minister of an ostentatious court, may frequently take pleasure in executing a work of splendour and magnificence, such as a great highway, which is frequently seen by the principal nobility, whose applauses not only flatter his vanity, but even contribute to support his interest at court

The teacher, instead of explaining to his pupils himself the science in which he proposes to instruct them, may read some book upon it; and if this book is written in a foreign and dead language, by interpreting it to them into their own, or, what would give him still less trouble, by making them interpret it to him, and by now and then making an occasional remark upon it, he may flatter himself that he is giving a lecture

The most sanguine projector, however, could scarce flatter himself, that any augmentation of this kind would be such as could give any reasonable hopes, either of liberating the public revenue altogether, or even of making such progress towards that liberation in time of peace, as either to prevent or to compensate the further accumulation of the public debt in the next war

Next came a bridge over a small river, and the street got flatter, with lights along it, and he knew it had to be here somewhere

After what seemed like the last of these rapids, the river was joined by several smaller streams as it ran through the lowering hill country toward what in the haze of great distance only indistinctly indicated might be a flatter land

– I have nothing to say although you try to flatter me!

Of my own personal knowledge, I know of several autistic children who have said these things and a characteristic is Bowman‘s observation of a flatter tonal delivery in speech

36 Nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied to him with their tongues

express image of a king whom they honoured, to the end that by this their forwardness they might flatter him who was absent, as if he

If I had one piece of advice, it would be to make a list of the friends or people who flatter you who have not asked you for anything

31 And yet for all this the king gaped and gazed on her with open mouth; If she laughed on him he laughed also but if she took any displeasure at him the king was fain to flatter that she might be reconciled to him again

Then the hills that separated them began to lower into the flatter ground that marked where the Copper Road would pass through them

Onto the flatter ground they flew where it crossed the road that had brought them here

There the ice was usually flatter and safer

them began to lower into the flatter ground that marked where the Copper Road would pass

Onto the flatter ground they flew where it

flatter with their tongue

lot flatter, but I hated the loose, wrinkly skin that remained

constructive ideas,» I told him without making it apparent I was trying to flatter

ideal lighting conditions that flatter your appearance

Lewis, deeply embarrassed himself tries to look Suzy in the eyes but loses his nerve and looks down at Darren; “That is the truth but don’t flatter yourself we were just fighting over you

To say the furniture was basic would have been to flatter it

In the next stage I want you to flatter me for twenty four hours straight without taking any breaks or pauses; this includes sleep too

stronger than the earth’s and the earth’s is a much flatter field

that is curved less than another curve will be flatter

“Don’t flatter yourself

Since the dough rises but also spreads out on the cookie sheet, the result will be flatter loaves

Another thing to keep in mind would be not to flatter her too much

not trying to flatter myself here

� Now, I am not telling you all this to flatter my ego, gentlemen

Once the range had been reduced, Hood would of course, still be susceptible to enemy shellfire, but at shorter ranges their broadsides would come at flatter trajectories

reflect the flatter slope and greater proportion of the equity curve; more debt actually

‘’Your question flatter me, Patricia, but I am already quite busy overseeing and protecting this bar and its customers and employees

The land there is flatter and less rocky; there is more water

When you need someone you do not hesitate to flatter but after needful is done you turn your eye away from him and reverse and forget all the true and fast relation of the past with them

I couldn’t help myself from trying to flatter her

“You flatter me, Your Eminence

Jovet was learning the trean in school, a clarinet like instrument, only flatter, ending in two pipes

moving to flatter country which they had not hitherto populated, Runt postulated, they would

‘You know how to flatter your man,’ he patted her, obviously pleased with her outpouring

He looked at him coolly, «Yes, well your ability to flatter is unmatched

was trying to flatter me so he didn’t have to apologise

I shifted my foot onto a flatter spot of grass and nodded for Gabriel to continue

to flatter the wives of unapproachable functionaries? It is hardly surpris-

She wears jeans that flatter her behind and wide hips

Wearing shades that flatter the color of your hair and give your

el palacio del Buen Retiro: built by Olivaresto flatter the whims of Philip IV

‘Madam, you flatter me,’ said the Professor, whose ears were quick

One thing that Paul teaches that will be of major interest to people who want better abs and a flatter stomach is that food intolerances can be a contributing cause to a distended lower abdominal area

It did suit her although the large bustle at the back didn’t flatter her dumpy figure

«Don’t flatter yourself,» I told him

do on the flatter terrain

round flatter moguls, instead of the short-n-choppy ones, on ad-

where the runs are flatter and icier as a boy five years

Although the Weatherby has a flatter trajectory, when making a long-distance shot you have to re-set the sight, even with this type of bullet

– Asshole! At this time, Juvenal, to flatter the mayor, spent the lunch offering me a lot of things I didn’t know, snubbing his «great» knowledge

Alcor was about to open his mouth to flatter her, when she threw another furious look at him

charged you up so much? Flatter me and say it is the sex

pray that my daughters laugh at the ignorance that flatter women

But don’t flatter yourself

“You flatter me,” Vince said

A confused disciple said honestly that he did not understand the meaning of the lesson, but a wise master said, «My friend, in your life you will meet of a lot of people who you will praise you deservedly and undeservedly, flatter you, and also you will meet many people who will hurt you and blame

This means only one thing – you will have a much flatter belly

So, how can you have a flatter and more defined stomach and get rid of that belly fat?

Lorry flattened his flaxen wig upon his head with both hands (which was most unnecessary, for nothing could be flatter than its shining surface was before), and resumed his former attitude

You are nervously irritable, Rodion Romanovitch, by temperament; it’s out of proportion with other qualities of your heart and character, which I flatter myself I have to some extent divined

Let him who has been deceived complain, let him give way to despair whose encouraged hopes have proved vain, let him flatter himself whom I shall entice, let him boast whom I shall receive; but let not him call me cruel or homicide to whom I make no promise, upon whom I practise no deception, whom I neither entice nor receive

«It’s the best joke of the season, isn’t it? I wouldn’t have told you, for I set my heart on surprising you, and I flatter myself I’ve done it,» said Jo, when she got her breath

Neither Basilio, however, nor his bride, nor their followers would take any part in it, and they withdrew to Basilio’s village; for the poor, if they are persons of virtue and good sense, have those who follow, honour, and uphold them, just as the rich have those who flatter and dance attendance on them

A considerable portion of the night passed in conversation of this sort, and though Don Juan wished Don Quixote to read more of the book to see what it was all about, he was not to be prevailed upon, saying that he treated it as read and pronounced it utterly silly; and, if by any chance it should come to its author’s ears that he had it in his hand, he did not want him to flatter himself with the idea that he had read it; for our thoughts, and still more our eyes, should keep themselves aloof from what is obscene and filthy

«A woman neglected by her husband, or whose manners form a striking contrast with his, will always have men on the watch to soothe and flatter her

I shall never reflect on my former acquaintance with your family in Devonshire without the most grateful pleasure, and flatter myself it will not be broken by any mistake or misapprehension of my actions

They know they’ve only got to flatter your vanity, and you press up to them like a dog that has its head scratched

«Not me! I’m equal to any of ’em, mater, they needn’t flatter themselves

Here ceased the rapid flow of her self-reproving spirit; and Elinor, impatient to soothe, though too honest to flatter, gave her instantly that praise and support which her frankness and her contrition so well deserved

infernally! Do you hear? And if you flatter yourself that I don’t perceive it, you are a fool; and if you think I can be consoled by sweet words, you are an idiot; and if you fancy I’ll suffer unrevenged, I’ll convince you of the contrary, in a very little while! Meantime, thank you for telling me your sister-in-law’s secret: I swear I’ll make the most of it

And from what I heard, Joseph contributed much to his deterioration, by a narrow-minded partiality which prompted him to flatter and pet him, as a boy, because he was the head of the old family

There are also opposite maxims and habits of pleasure which flatter and attract the soul, but do not influence those of us who have any sense of right, and they continue to obey and honour the maxims of their fathers

And why are mean employments and manual arts a reproach? Only because they imply a natural weakness of the higher principle; the individual is unable to control the creatures within him, but has to court them, and his great study is how to flatter them

connoisseurs overwhelmed me with upon this occasion, I might flatter

«Nay, I flatter myself that there can be no doubt of it,» replied the cavalier in the cloak

The arrangement was understood to be merely temporary, and was made as much with a view to flatter his neighbors as in obedience to the invariable rule of Indian policy

In short, he so blended the warlike with the artful, the obvious with the obscure, as to flatter the propensities of both parties, and to leave to each subject of hope, while neither could say it clearly comprehended his intentions

Coiler then changed the subject and began to flatter me

«And do you really flatter yourself that I shall yield to all your caprices, and quietly and

As he stood there in the forefront of this company, there was nothing in his refined and comely exterior to indicate that his real function was to pander to and flatter them; to invest with an air of respectability and rectitude the abominably selfish lives of the gang of swindlers, slave-drivers and petty tyrants who formed the majority of the congregation of the Shining Light Chapel

But the mind of the procureur was made up; he felt assured that Benedetto was guilty, and he hoped by his skill in conducting this aggravated case to flatter his self-love, which was about the only vulnerable point left in his frozen heart

The bullet shoots farther and flatter than a

Normally he would have asked her to come to him, as a sign of the superiority of the male within the church; but on this occasion he thought it best to flatter her

But he was also canny enough to know when to let up on the crew, when to flatter them, when to implore them, when to joke around with them

As I was playing an elderly woman complete with grey wig, I was not overly flattered – even Emma, my daughter, didn’t recognise me in that outfit!’

He flattered her a little about the richness of her pubic curls and gave her a quick tingle by running the backs of his fingers over them

He was so flattered he invited me to join him in the wheelhouse for complimentary ouzo as soon as we were under way

The old tart was very flattered by his kind words, completely missing the sarcasm that Archibald had tried to inject into that last phrase

‘I’m honoured and extremely flattered that he trusts me that much, Jo

The old tart was very flattered by his kind words, completely

‘He says he was more flattered than annoyed, and

‘ Jean was flattered that she

Roman was flattered; I could see it in his eyes

«I’m flattered to accept,» she said, thinking this could be a lot of fun

flattered and honoured to…’ But the stranger was no

“Oh, do you really think so?” Obviously flattered and pleased at the suggestion

Even when at last convinced that they were different, be still flattered himself that those rich countries were at no great distance; and in a subsequent voyage, accordingly, went in quest of them along the coast of Terra Firma, and towards the Isthmus of Darien

Finding nothing, either in the animals or vegetables of the newly discovered countries which could justify a very advantageous representation of them, Columbus turned his view towards their minerals; and in the richness of their productions of this third kingdom, he flattered himself he had found a full compensation for the insignificancy of those of the other two

They flattered themselves that veins of those metals might in many places be found, as large and as abundant as those which are commonly found of lead, or copper, or tin, or iron

But everyman then, says he, fancied himself of some importance ; and the innumerable memoirs which have come down to us from those times, were the greater part of them written by people who took pleasure in recording and magnifying events, in which they flattered themselves they had been considerable actors

“As long as you understand that nothing can happen between us and that I cant love you in that way then its alright I suppose I should be flattered and I will always love you like a brother

Flattered that he’d come to her for help above all others

“I’m flattered that you want to have my cards

“You should tell the chef that I’m really flattered

He was flattered, no doubt about it

In his adapted persona, he flattered the border guards, customs agents and their supervisors with humorous comments about the many seals in his passport

To say I was flattered would’ve been asinine

I don’t know whether to be angry at the people laughing at me or flattered by the fact that he chose me first

” He rasped, flattered by her concern

“I’m flattered, but no thanks

I suppose I should feel flattered that my life was considered worth more than all the others she used and killed, but somehow I’m not

I was flattered, but reminded her of Grandfather’s warning about naming any child in our family Karl

Under normal circumstances I would have been flattered

Besides, you should be flattered

I had to admit that I was flattered

With myriad of indelible hours our lives you so flattered,

in the first place) but they will also be flattered

the job they perform and are flattered to be asked about it in more detail

I was flattered that someone like Tom seemed interested in me

You don’t seem flattered by my presence

and even though he had a mullet, I was flattered

She was very flattered that he knew her name, as

actually flattered by the attention, and by the idea that

“My youthful what?!!!” Emeroth exclaimed, caught between being surprised, flattered, and newly outraged

This talented salesman flattered Roy to a degree that was disgusting to others on the station staff and to us in Ithaca

In any case, I am flattered that you would consider me for a job in your organization

mother, and I could see that this treatment flattered her and instantly

I was surely flattered by the

I was flattered

“Hilsith will be flattered

«If that’s not an excuse to be flattered I don’t know what is

“Oh, these?” said Gary, flattered

cargo pants, hiking boots, and an olive-colored tank top that flattered her

Flattered by his praises, the more because they were spoken in front of Leonardo, I focused my attention exclusively on his person, and to his sugary poet phrases I reciprocated with the enforced courtesy of my deference

I was hopelessly flattered

Bindi was so flattered by Irma’s support she invited her for a coffee after the meeting

annoying, but for the moment he felt just a little flattered

Gowles was not entirely flattered

I am both honoured and flattered that the people of this new world have

Simultaneously flattered, embarrassed and irritated, Robert moved away as though trying to get a better view

‘I know that, Francis, I’m not in love with the guy, just curious, and flattered that he’s interested in me

‘Ha! It’s him who should be flattered

told me that dance was really all that she lived for, and that she was flattered but that my goals to

prone to orgasm flattered her, as she had still been a profound influence in my life

Flattered by her inference regarding his good mind, he accepted the chal enge

Didn’t V say that he was tempted to exhibit more of his good fortune to his friend? How flattered I was! And K too tried to impress me, how odd was that!

How flattered she felt that he chose to confide in her at the risk of even compromising himself at the ashram

Gomes smiled as he read the words and felt flattered

3 How these chief priests, scribes, Sadducees, and some of the Pharisees flattered themselves that Jesus, the disturber of their position and the challenger of their authority, was now securely in their hands! And they were resolved that he should never live to escape their vengeful clutches

He anticipated being called before the full meeting of the Sanhedrin and there hearing himself eulogized while they conferred upon him suitable honors in token of the great service which he flattered himself he had rendered his nation

“Oh no!” Ma blushed, but I could tell she was flattered

said pretending to be annoyed but secretly flattered that Harold

«Needless to say I was deeply flattered, nay, over- whelmed by this lavish praise the Supreme Commander bestowed on me,» said Orlov with a faint but proud smile

” “I’m very flattered, Henry,” I told him, “but I’m happy where I am, and I’m not that keen to take on a project that’s a shortcut to insanity

He smiled, “I’m flattered, I’m in a loving relationship already, I’m sorry

I walked away flattered by what Frank had said but also

I was very flattered that Frank trusted me with his

I was flattered that Frank referred to himself as my uncle

Meme felt with an aftershock that the box had been on the railing for a long time within reach of Fernanda’s curiosity, and although she was flattered by the audacity and ingenuity of Mauricio Babilonia, she was moved by his Innocence in expecting that she would keep the date

I flattered myself as I read Dubois’s history

We’d be more than flattered to work for you

“Umm, Officer Walt, I’m flattered that you found it in you

Although I was flattered, a part of me was a bit

Although I was flattered by Darren’s words, I got the

Corey was flattered to be part of the fraternity,

Although Corey was flattered by the invitation, he still

The Wilsons were flattered by Ericson’s hospitality

Maybe he was flattered by

I was thankful for his improvisation, flattered that he’d

flattered me by telling me that I’m an attractive woman, but I

I was flattered that Blackie would say such a thing

She collected herself, «Mitchell, I’m truly flattered that I mean enough to you, for you to hold back

Phillip turned with a flattered grin, «Sometimes forgiveness is the hardest thing to do, Mitch

I was flattered, but that’s not how I operate

The journey was soon over and the women folk came out to greet us with refreshments, the hard side to our return was when the relatives claimed their dead loved ones, being the High Lord I had to find the words that would help them get through their loss, being on a personal standing with most of the families I knew what they wanted to hear, the ones I only knew casually were more difficult to help, skill and bravery being the tools of the warrior, I flattered liberally, they seemed to appreciate this, all in all I felt quite inadequate and was glad to bring closure to this onerous duty

Katie seemed flattered and gave Thomas a seductive look over

She smiled with candor, obviously flattered

Even while she flattered him, she probed for weak spots

But how does this person know him? How does she know his habits? Maybe she’s a stalker! Actually, that’s kind of flattering that someone would show an interest in him

Deciding that, as it is my day off, I shall wear something different, I trawl through the wardrobe, digging out a flattering, mid-calf length woollen skirt in a pretty shade of deep blue that Nick hasn’t seen yet … with a pretty light blue top and my best gold necklace (a present from the school when I left) it would look smart and it would make me feel partyish

photo that is as flattering as it can be

«You’ll want something a little more flattering on

It is neither pleasant for me to listen to nor particularly flattering to you

‘That’s rather flattering – they’re splendid kids, Sally

Flattering myself that I have achieved this, I go into the office, hang my coat up and sit down at my desk

Yet, it has been vaulted to the point that we accept, without question, the saying: ‘A picture is worth a thousand words,’ this does a disgraceful injustice to the picture however flattering it may be to the language of words and wordsmiths

‘You? How can you help?’ It was hardly flattering, but

It was so flattering to have a fan/lover that we partially got back together

It makes the most sense so far for the observed behavior, even though it is less than flattering to my ego

attentive and flattering to the ladies (Enid talked casually

How the soldiers of both sides tried to cajole the unwitting by way of clever and flattering appeal was both amusing and tiresome – and all too often successful if attempted by a particularly silver tongue

For the ego, all happiness comes from the material world, and from having things and relationships (of the easy, flattering kind) in the world

To depart upon any occasion from those rules, in consequence of some flattering speculation of extraordinary gain, is almost always extremely dangerous and frequently fatal to the banking company which attempts it

“But there’s a rumor circulating around the village about you, and it’s not flattering

The clothes Worth had picked out for me were far more stylish and flattering than anything I owned, but they weren’t mine

Some readers of Bierzo 7 probably still remember Anthony Quinn’s flattering and endearing commentaries towards our privileged territory, but perhaps are unaware of several television reports that Fred made about El Bierzo for the American public

“It is very flattering

Now I was surprised to find myself responding to his charm, sincerely complimenting him, glowing in his flattering attention

3 The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaks proud things:

hates those who are afflicted by it; and the flattering mouth works out for ruin

the women called to him with the same flattering lines moments

It had a flattering picture of Terry and a very unflattering one of Nigel flipping off the media

When they saw me approach wearing the black sash, an undercurrent of murmuring went through them quickly replaced with a very flattering, spontaneous cheering, and an inappropriate beating of swords against shields

That was rather flattering, but I hope the boy didn’t inherit my family’s curse

told something very flattering, but not true? On one hand you

59 And when the children of Moab had so overwhelmed him with their speeches, and enticed him by their flattering words, they seated him in the tent and cooked and sacrificed for him, and he ate of their sacrifice and of their bread

” She says not able to accept his flattering comments

The letter was flattering and referred glowingly to Pops’s accomplishments

59 And when the children of Moab had so overwhelmed him with their speeches and enticed him by their flattering words they seated him in the tent and cooked and sacrificed for him and he ate of their sacrifice and of their bread

As flattering as it was, it also did not fly with Tetlow, who after having put up with a dozen brutal years of Ithaca winters, had no intention of moving only slightly south to Philadelphia

importance of all those flattering wishes, leaving Ulan with only one

There was no way to explain to him that his flattering smiles

It’s flattering at first to be followed around by someone like her, but there’s more to personal attraction than looks alone

The other guys were pleasant and it was flattering to be desired, so before leaving on tour I relieved half a dozen other polite and courteous gentlemen of their cash in the boss’s luxurious bedrooms

Flattering, but who would be waiting at his place to strip me of my belongings before committing rape and murder then selling me into slavery? An Australian I’d met in London had foolishly gone with such a fellow in Egypt and ended up raped by half a dozen men from whom he’d contracted hepatitis

Such obvious interest from a young man was flattering, but didn’t turn me on, so I wished him luck and retired to my cot for a wank

And if I express myself in these eloquent terms, so little flattering towards him, it is because irrefutably, and in a fairly short period of time, I had to suffer in the flesh the reaches of his overwhelming revenge

A giant crystal chandelier shed flattering amber light over a room bedecked with gold trimmings and intricately framed mirrors

Black- and-white close-ups are a really flattering shot

• Fix your hair! It should always frame your face in the most flattering way possible

Woe upon all who shun justice, spurn mercy, and reject truth! Woe upon all those who despise the revelation of the Father while they seek the chief seats in the synagogue and crave flattering salutations in the market places!»

threatened rape by flattering the rapist

They harkened with keen dark eyes and inscrutable countenances, and they went their ways without comment, and heeded with flattering intentness his instructions as to the working of iron, and kindred arts

The light’s not very flattering in here

One wasn’t very flattering to her, but she decided to handle it

Barbara smiled then while eyeing Otto with appreciation: he was exactly as she had expected him to be according to Nancy Laplante’s flattering descriptions of him

‘Hello Babe! That was a very flattering picture of you in the paper! Really got

Some of it is not very flattering about many senior commanders in the Pacific, I must warn you

Judging from her quick mental calculations, he would probably only have been two or three at the time of the wedding, but she found it somewhat flattering and interesting that this young man would become infatuated with a lady significantly older than he

He waited eagerly in hopes of garnering a flattering reply from his partner to give indication as to the amount of effort it would require to gain her affections

«She took at least three hours to put it all together, «her mother said, «but believe me Mitchell, you’re worth every minute of it!» He blushed slightly, as he always did in a flattering situation

Murray settled down on the back seat and studied the registration numbers of the vehicles as they came and went from the car park, it was just before noon when a Nissan Patrol with the registration Murray was looking for came rolling down the ramp and parked two bays away from the lift door, Mr Hawk stepped from the car and gave a casual glance around the car park, at least it would have looked like a casual glance to an onlooker but Murray knew better, Mr Hawk had scanned the whole car park looking for a threat, he had counted and evaluated every car in the car park, finding nothing untoward he then walked to the lift door and disappeared from Murray’s view, Murray stayed were he was without moving and sure enough two minutes later Mr Hawk stuck his head around the lift door and studied the car park again, checking that nothing had changed, he was behaving exactly as a professional should, as Murray would behave if the roles were reversed, although Mr Hawk would never recognise the fact he had placed himself at a slight mental disadvantage, Mr Hawk’s first impression of Mr Jay had been less than flattering, in fact he thought Mr Jay was a bit of a dork, a clever dork but never the less a dork, not a professional like himself just someone who played around with safe’s and lock’s, this was exactly the impression Murray had set out to promote, even though Murray had outsmarted him, Mr Hawk’s subconscious had still not discarded this first impression that Mr Jay was a gifted amateur, the prison sentence for receiving a measly amount of jewellery reinforced this opinion, this gave Murray a huge advantage

Corrupt but flattering, this idea he calls his ‘ego’, his ‘self

flattering smile that would usually melt even the coldest of hearts

The man pronounced the last word as if in derision, obviously insinuating that a less flattering term would have been appropriate for Sarah

Allied with the video footage she had already taken discreetly with her hidden micro-camera, it was not going to make for a flattering report on the United States

Wickland smiled and nodded with satisfaction at Higgins describing his characteristics so accurately as to be almost flattering

History had formed a picture of Emperor Tang Yizong that was less than flattering, to say the least

reedited Vinnie’s performance mixed in with less than flattering shots of » Mr

Flattering the security guard’s ego helped a little

She wore a flattering red dress with a brown cape, a sword at her side and arrows with a bow across her back

Forty, and she’d just be flattering me

“For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life, to keep you from the evil woman, from the flattering tongue of a seductress, do not lust after her beauty in your heart, nor let her allure you with her eyelids

but he suspected that the simile was not a particularly flattering one

The clothing fitted perfectly and was extremely flattering

mature? He hoped it was something reasonably flattering

Not a flattering look for

In a flattering testimonial given to me by my mentor, Michael J Woods, the astute

In a flattering editorial the astute editor concluded: ‘I strongly urge teachers,

It was flattering to be lionised

said about Toby and Dale, for him to say he fancied me was flattering

When others are either scolding me, or boringly flattering me, he only talked to me when it is appropriate

is so awed by what he sees that he resorts to flattering panegyrics, by

After introducing himself with flattering words about her looks, she invites him over to her house in Van Nuys

Now that she was older she realized it more of a command than an invitation, but at the time it had been flattering

” Rolling her eyes, she hoped it was not obvious how flattering she found the invitation

The effect was not flattering

Cass decides to spread the final thick flattering layer on the girls by stating, “I don’t know which delicacy to choose from

“Call me more flattering names as soon as I turn the corner, why don’t you? Brynne doesn’t have ears!” Even though she was making good progress in convincing herself that she was upset with Aazuria and Trevain, she was mostly upset with herself

Daphne was relieved to learn Cam had been telling the truth about Bridget not coming, even though she had worn her yellow backless halter top and most flattering navy shorts just in case

Here’s Vicki groaning in the throes of a relapse because someone has written that she met her late lover at a party and that he ate only soup,—here she is overcome by this picture which she translates as a hankering in spite of everything after her, and wanting to write to him, and ready to console him and crying her eyes all red again, and no longer taking the remotest interest in _Comus_ or in those frequent addresses of mine to her on Homely Subjects to which up to yesterday she listened with such flattering respect; and here are you writing me the most melancholy letters, longer and drearier than any letters ever were before, filled with yearnings after something that certainly is not Miss Cheriton—but beyond that certainty I can make out nothing

Delicately I conveyed this impression to him, leaving out only the thieves, by means of implications of a vaguely flattering nature

She covered her thickness with flattering garments

” It was made of pure white satin, overlaid with white lace and luminous seed pearls embroidered in rosette patterns on the heart-shaped bodice, which ended with a flattering V waistline both in the front and back

«Your incredulity is not very flattering to your sister,» he said; and Judith’s eyelashes as she concentrated her gaze on the teapot were alone sufficiently lovely, the curved, dusky-golden soft things, to make incredulity simply silly

Choose nail polish colors carefully; pale pinks that tone with the skin and more flattering than vivid reds or purples

«Yes,» said the Baroness, relaxing a little before this flattering appreciation

Or maybe I was just flattering myself

He might call her the most extravagantly flattering things, and she appreciated them and savoured them with a kind of objective delight that interested him at first extraordinarily

I knew he was just flattering me in some regard, but I couldn’t help but to admit that I had gotten quite good

It was a little scary because I didn’t know with whom I might have to interact, but it was also flattering to know they had confidence in me

I hoped no one took my picture while I was on it because it wouldn’t have been a flattering snap

was also pretty flattering to be told by an incredibly sexy

he began to fight his way with flattering haste out of his

When I was clean, I dressed in a sweater and fresh jeans, trying hard not to think about which pair would be most flattering

I don’t want to scare him off – and this is incredibly flattering – and he is sort of cute

What the fuck? Who runs out of salt? The thoughts running through our mind are less than flattering toward Eugene

I was always told that nothing flatters a girl

calculated to ornament the front parlours of the flatters

Maria flatters was artistic

2 For he flatters himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful

stranger who flatters with her words, who forsakes the guide of her youth, and forgets the covenant with her God because her house

who corrects a man shall afterwards find more favour than he who flatters with the tongue

The man who flatters his neighbour spreads the net for his feet

“He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue

Gels and liquids give color to the skin, with a light coverage that flatters tanned and even skin tone

It is a compliment that flatters but one does not necessarily love his flatterers

And when he ceases to think them honourable and natural as heretofore, and he fails to discover the true, can he be expected to pursue any life other than that which flatters his desires?

And these are not the only evils, I said—there are several lesser ones: In such a state of society the master fears and flatters his scholars, and the scholars despise their masters and tutors; young and old are all alike; and the young man is on a level with the old, and is ready to compete with him in word or deed; and old men condescend to the young and are full of pleasantry and gaiety; they are loth to be thought morose and authoritative, and therefore they adopt the manners of the young

‘She flatters me,’ thought the princess, turning away and continuing to read

Poverty and coquetry are two fatal counsellors; one scolds and the other flatters, and the beautiful daughters of the people have both of them whispering in their ear, each on its own side

Thenardier, by putting Jean Valjean outside in his stead, provided a prey for the police, forced them to relinquish his scent, made them forget him in a bigger adventure, repaid Javert for his waiting, which always flatters a spy, earned thirty francs, and counted with certainty, so far as he himself was concerned, on escaping with the aid of this diversion

something with them; they are what a philosopher would call, bespattered with the title, and that flatters them

The lady has a restless imagination, he-he! She has a liking for conversation on serious subjects, of any kind; in fact they please her so much, that it flatters her to discuss them

“She flatters me,” thought the princess, turning away and continuing to read

He who flatters himself that this will be sufficient, shuts his eyes against official evidence to the contrary; as well in the above-recited letters, written with a perfect knowledge of the performance on our part, and the promise of a performance on the part of France on the first day of November, as in the letter of the French Minister in the United States on the 12th of December, in which we are told that the French restrictions on our commerce are not to cease, but only on the result of firm and energetic measures to be adopted and persevered in by the two Governments against the common enemy


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