Sentence with word firstly

1. The problems are twofold — firstly, economic, and secondly, political.

2. Firstly, it’s expensive, and secondly, it’s too slow.

3. I want two things from my boss — firstly, a pay rise, and secondly, a longer contract.

4. You need, firstly, a strong independent board of directors and secondly, an experienced and dedicated staff.

5. Firstly, they are not efficient, and secondly, they are expensive to make.

6. Firstly, they must make certain that their pension needs are adequately catered for.

6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

7. There are three factors to take into account: firstly cost, secondly time, and thirdly staff.

8. Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this success.

9. You should gather yourself together firstly under conditions of great danger.

10. Firstly, a workshop must have a central theme.

11. Firstly a couple of minor quibbles.

12. Firstly, the rafts were now propelled by engines.

13. Firstly, programming of cardiovascular disease may continue during infancy.

14. Firstly, member states regulate their banks.

15. Firstly, bills are issued in large denominations.

16. Firstly, intelligent agents will become ubiquitous.

17. Firstly, there’s a brace of ballads.

18. Firstly, that there is a change in visual perception.

19. Firstly capitalist society is by its very nature unstable.

20. Firstly(, it can be taken from court proceedings.

21. Firstly, who cares for the carers?

22. Firstly, loan demand must come from creditworthy customers who can guarantee loan repayment at a future date.

23. Firstly, over the past few years, it has acquired various software businesses with related but incompatible products.

24. Firstly, improved police efficiency will affect the rate of recorded crime.

25. Firstly, a widowed grandmother may be remembered as moving into the family home.

26. Firstly people will have more-frequent contact with many more of their neighbours.

27. Firstly, engine fires happen, though thankfully they are rare, and often not catastrophic.

28. There are two very good reasons why we can’t do it. Firstly, we don’t have enough money, and secondly, we don’t have enough time.

29. The programme is now seven years behind schedule as a result, firstly of increased costs, then of technical problems.

30. The elasticity values faced by individual developing countries vary greatly as a function, firstly, of their size.



- во первых; прежде всего

Мои примеры


intend firstly — первоначально намереваться  

Примеры с переводом

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this success.

Во-первых, я хотел бы поблагодарить всех, кто внёс свой вклад в этот успех.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…firstly, gather all the ingredients together…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

first  — первый, ранний, первый, сначала, впервые, начало
firstling  — первенец, первые плоды, первенец животного

Firstly, could you tell us if the operation came about as a result of a tip off, and if so, could you reveal to us the source

Firstly do not move your shoulders or your buttocks

At first, I refused the offered, because firstly, I am also working there and secondly it’s not United States, the place I dream to go to

Firstly he chose five personal guards, then he divided the rest of the gang into roughly four groups of fifty each

Firstly, Axel instituted a series of long sweep patrols, on horseback, to ensure that anything that was happening within twenty miles of the village was reported and planned for and, secondly, he and his two friends started putting in more defenses

ourselves firstly) not to fall again in the mistakes, but to

Firstly, the attempt of removing the religion! I think

Firstly, they can

Firstly, their guard is down and they’re on a ‘buying high’ with endorphins

Firstly, I have already seventy-five years, what

But I warn you, by this act I will demonstrate two things: firstly that I am as charitable with my time as I am with the departments funds; and secondly, that my decisions never — never, I tell you — necessitate revision

Firstly, the things you promote should be related to the ‘thing’ they originally signed up to this list for

Firstly they had never experienced anything more than mild winds on the planet, certainly nothing strong to stir up clouds of dust like they could see now, and secondly, the lack of movement was more than a little suspicious

She moved along until she was pressed right up against him, firstly to be as close as possible to what she had to hold in place and secondly for the extra warmth

Firstly, it moulded exactly to his shape; its HUD overlay was giving him a bewildering array of information

Firstly it angered him, the way they simply dismissed his supplied information as false, but it also puzzled him

Firstly, there is time: As humans, we are bound to a fixed timeline and currently we cannot move back in time to collect accurate data from the point it occurred in history

Firstly, in my opinion, one would expect to find that whatever evidence we are looking at, would be timeless

In our quest to evaluate the Bible as we know it today, according to the scientific method to see what conclusions we can draw, we will firstly start with the New Testament and see what it offers in respect of design

In addition to this, if we know that the Bible is a document that was constructed by someone who is not bound by the same limitations that we as humans are bound by, what should we make of the information that it conveys? Can we trust it? Should we stop and listen to what it is saying? How should we treat the information when we have provable evidence that it was put together by someone, who is not only outside of our time and dimensional space, but who claims to be responsible for creating the environment in which we live? We will firstly set out to identify aspects in the Bible, relating to the presence of design and also consider aspects of design at different levels

With Relativism influencing people’s thinking today, especially when considering subjects like spirituality and faith, as we have discussed earlier, it would be good to firstly reset our own thinking: For this, I would ask you to take a totally objective stance and bury all preconceptions that you may have about this subject

From the definitions above, we will firstly consider the structure of the text, in the original languages in which the Bible was written, specifically looking at three main areas in the Bible

C: — Firstly, in the methodology of structuring the text and analysing any numeric or chronologic structures that may exist in the original text

Firstly, let us take Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden where they were instructed not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge: There are many speculations as to what conditions Adam and Eve were living in during their time before they sinned

We see firstly that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, fulfilling the prophecies of both Gabriel to Daniel in Daniel 9, as well as the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9

Interestingly enough, the garment which is referred to in two passages above, firstly points to the water covering the entire Earth as a garment and secondly it describes the subterranean waters being covered by a “garment” before the Flood

Here is a possible explanation of how this could have occurred: Firstly, if we consider the fact that the Earth’s magnetic field strength has been scientifically proven to have diminished by 10% over the past 150 years, we know that if we extrapolate this weakening tendency backward into the past, the magnetic field generated by the Earth’s geo-dynamo would have been stronger the further back one goes in time

Firstly, there would be the effect of gravity

Firstly we establish – with Elekka’s help – their exact centre of operations

Firstly the Russian networks speculation about the American’s next action of retaliation

Firstly, an understandable scepticism

Firstly, if the Trojan War did in fact occur around 1200 BC, Aeneas would have been a very old gentleman in the year 753 BC

Firstly, the need for food

Josie told me all I could do was pray for her, firstly to accept Jesus and secondly to let Him change her life

Firstly, the terrorists received training from the communist countries and weapons and what not outside Rhodesia

Firstly the border area where it took place was much easier to manage being in a single line between Angola and Namibia to the west and the Caprivi (part of Namibia) and Zambia to the east

The opposing forces were firstly SWAPO which had a private army called PLAN which we refer to as terrorists as it was at the time and place being local Namibians wanting independence

Firstly that would be the pseudo operations and the fireforces as described as well as the visual reconnaissance from the Rhodesian Air Force

Firstly, could you please give me the names and dates of birth of those you are looking for

«Firstly, we’d need six foot high fencing

Firstly, remove yourself from the situation

1 Firstly recognize the role of mind and begin dealing with it as outlined in «Minding yourself» in the previous section

Firstly, sugar (carbohydrate) is one of three basic food-types and to ban it is to ban at least one third of foods available

Firstly, I have felt for a long time that this aspect of care was over-emphasised as a method

Now, how on earth was I supposed to know that, firstly that it was too early and secondly that it would be invalidated, unless someone told me

Firstly, they begin for the Area of Activity SYSTEMATIZATION because this Area is responsible for the creation of the Usuarist Projects, as well as it determines the form of participation political or technical of the teams

Firstly everything is spinless

Firstly: Who will hear His voice? Those who are in the graves or those in the ditch behind the crematorium together with animal bones? Those who are in the graves or those whose ashes are scattered on the country side or in the ocean? You can trust me in this – nowhere in the bible does it say: “and those whose ashes have been used as tattoo ink will hear his voice and be resurrected”

Firstly, it states “for those who love God”, which they don’t because they don’t even know what it means and secondly: The verse has another portion to it…

Firstly I thought there is nothing else that can be mentioned,

Firstly I should say that this whining is a perfectly natural behavior for a young puppy — it is how they get attention from their mother from a very early age

As soon as this reverse process begins various stages of rebirth commence, firstly in the «Bardo», the Tibetan word for this intermediate state, then in a new physical incarnation

Firstly, the water level inside the reactor must have dropped,

Firstly, there is the risk of a hydrogen

Firstly, the whole family uprooted and moved to

Several things are important here, firstly, should Peter have been at the fire at all? Like

If a learner acquires such education what will be its benefits apart from its inherent ethical and humanistic desirability? Firstly the

obstacles to such an awakening? Firstly such realizations are rare even in case of highly instructed conventionally educated persons

Firstly wondering why he hadn’t tried to chat up the nurse

I sighed, firstly at Ishvara’s inability to grasp my name, and secondly because he was right

I was really irritated, annoyed at Akua for firstly, calling me here under false pretences, secondly, because my stomach was growling, and thirdly, because I could have taken advantage of my trip over to the hospital and possibly have eaten a fresher meal than the one I had just guzzled, which was clearly impossible now, because the jock was here

What I had noticed though, was Levi groaning at firstly having company, and then struggling with trying to repress the anger at who our new company was

Remember the bottom line is, we firstly want to teach basic subjects that students can build upon

The President must firstly have a loving devotion to the United States of America

Well, firstly it’s about calming those emotional responses I mentioned above — the disbelief and panic

I want to build a circle as firstly I have

Firstly, this was not a delegated claim under the Fixed-Price Navy Form Syndicate Builders Risk Policy where I had authority up to $100k

Firstly, knowledge of true deception and episodes of error were assumed at the onset,

The team begins to wonder why is such action necessary, is there something wrong in the company, or worse still, what have they done wrong, and they start examining all aspects of their various relationships, firstly, with the company and leader and then amongst themselves, and finally, each individual examines their own life searching for a reason to explain what they feel is a lack of trust

Firstly and appropriately, Mr

Two points are key here: firstly, Weil made his money in the free-market system, and, secondly, he tried to be of help to the autocratic German state

Firstly, the protection which pet animals

There are only two real times that this list type will falter, and that’s firstly if you alienate, like we talked about above, and if your subscribers don’t understand

Firstly, there is nothing we

Firstly, I wouldn’t be able to move under the cover of vegetation,

Firstly, why had Raidan gone rogue in the first place? It didn’t fit his background at all

Firstly because this is an intelligence ship, secondly because Aros is a helluva long way from here, and lastly because the treaty only applies to people

” So then every hand that satan prepared to play, and he was going to play out all of his hands at this time, God would firstly trump it

Firstly a false vacuum — which is called ‘bhavanga’ in Buddhist literature

Firstly, this is because of the attachment that a scientist has to his body of knowledge that he had created and tested

Firstly, this is because of the low density of

Firstly, a theory of a larger brain is required because

When the Army found them Mark was in a very poor state and was repatriated firstly to an army hospital and then back home for further treatment

Firstly, there was Valerie and Phil who were excited about being able to adopt a new baby from the Abraham Clinic which was located on the Island

Firstly, escape is impossible

Firstly Dr Singh asked her to sit on a chair to the side of his desk so that he could take some history down

“Well firstly, I will be treated very badly if anyone finds out so you will have to do most of this on your own

Firstly, it»s important to note that production

Firstly we have two candles closing above the outer

Firstly, I notice that there is an implied responsibility and morality in the golden rule

Explaining this change in his batting style, he has acknowledged that he is batting differently because, firstly, no batsman can bat the same way for the entire length of a long career and, secondly, he is a senior member of the team now and thus has more responsibility

Firstly this isn’t going to work as a long term strategy, secondly it’s not healthy, and lastly its more than likely to do long term damage to your relationship, ie your partner might just get fed up and leave you! Stop ‘playing mean’ just for the hell of it — the price could be high — your partner won’t be able to trust you (there’s that word again) and as I’ve said before trust is pretty much essential to keep the very idea of sex with you in your partners head

Now there’s no way that you’d even think about building that great building without some fairly meaty foundations, firstly the building wouldn’t get far of the ground without falling over or sinking, and if you did miraculously manage to get to the 100th floor it wouldn’t stand up long to the daily crap that life was about to start throwing at it

Firstly, because it was the nearest and secondly, it was easier to park near

A frustration, firstly, at a complete lack of understanding of how to get my wife into bed, and secondly, a frustration at the lack of decent help out there for men in my situation

Firstly, Gaspar had paid a street-boy to ask questions concerning the identity of the Chief-Merchant’s secretary and had learned that he was called Pyx

She had been trying to cope firstly with their mother’s illness and then her death whilst holding down a job

arrangements firstly for all of them to attend the obligatory Mass, secondly to set them up with dinner and thirdly to attend Brian and Laura’s wedding in the afternoon, which meant another change of clothes

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Ms. Veytia Palomino said she shared the concerns expressed by the representative of Spain regarding the word «firstly«.

Г-жа Вейтия Паломино разделяет озабоченность, высказанную представителем Испании по поводу использования выражения «во-первых«.

Mr. Olivencia Ruiz (Spain), supported by Mr. Burman (United States of America) said that the use of the word «firstly» in the second sentence of paragraph 1 implied that the list was hierarchical, which was not the case.

Г-н Оливенсия Руис (Испания), которого поддержал г-н Берман (Соединенные Штаты Америки), говорит, что использование выражения «во-первых» во втором предложении текста пункта 1 подразумевает, что данный перечень носит иерархический характер, а это не соответствует действительности.

Другие результаты

Mr. WOLFRUM proposed that the words «Firstly» and «Secondly» should be added at the beginning of the second and third sentences of the paragraph in order to highlight the two points that particularly concerned the Committee with regard to the implementation of article 4.

Г-н ВОЛЬФРУМ предлагает добавить в начале второй и третьей фраз этого пункта слова «во-первых» и «во-вторых», с тем чтобы выделить два момента, которые вызывают особую озабоченность Комитета в связи с осуществлением статьи 4.

Using words like «firstly«, «secondly» etc. to front your points will help sort your thinking and keep you from rambling on and on.

Такие фразы, как «во-первых», «во-вторых», помогут Вам структурировать мысли и акцентировать на главном.

He declared that the wordFirstly‘ is wrong.

In other words, firstly, WADA suspended all anti-doping activities in Russia and introduced external management.

То есть, сначала ВАДА заморозило всю национальную антидопинговую деятельность в России и ввела внешнее управление.

In its own words it firstly shows tweets from official Russian propaganda outlets in English, and a short post discussing the themes of the day.

В верхней части страницы показаны твиты из «официальных российских пропагандистских изданий на английском языке» и короткая публикация по темам дня.

According to Aleksander words, firstly he looked out the implement with working width of 8 m and contemplated several similar variants, including models of French KUNH, American CASE and Ukrainian «LOZOVA MACHINERY».

Со слов Александра, он изначально присматривался к агрегатам с шириной захвата восемь метров и рассматривал несколько подобных вариантов, включая модели французского KUNH, американского СASE и украинского «ЛОЗОВСКИЕ МАШИНЫ».

Firstly some words about those who spent these negotiations.

Сначала несколько слов о тех, кто эти переговоры проводил.

Just look at whether there are key words, firstly, in the title page, and secondly, in the text of the page.

Так же посмотрите, присутствуют ли ключевые слова, во-первых, в названии страницы, во-вторых, в тексте страницы.

Teaching preschoolers Explore for the vocabulary means that any word you enter must firstly be communication relevant to child health; secondly, to semantic and grammatical relationship with other words.

Изучение лексики означает, что любое вводимое слово должно, во-первых, быть коммуникативно значимым для ребенка; во-вторых, вступать в семантические и грамматические связи с другими словами.

In other words, we must firstly be open to accept failure over and over, before we start feeling in control over our fears.

Мы должны научиться принимать неудачу снова и снова, перед тем, как начнем ощущать, что контролируем свой страх.

Firstly, a word about what goetia is not.

Во-первых, несколько слов о том, чем гоэтия не является.

This is because firstly, the word «reaction» itself is a word that directly implies causality.

Firstly, a word on what this book is NOT.

Firstly, you may have noticed most airports use both words and pictograms.

Во-первых, вы, возможно, заметили, большинство аэропортов использовать оба слова и пиктограммы.

Firstly, I want to say a few words to the respected Senator.

«Прежде всего, я хотел бы сказать несколько слов уважаемому сенатору.

Firstly, a person will need to realize what actions, deeds or words he was in the wheel of samsara.

Во-первых, человеку нужно будет осознать, за какие действия, поступки или слова он оказался в колесе сансары.

Firstly, there is no such word, and secondly, it is extremely ugly and unworthy.

Во-первых, такого слова не существует, и во-вторых, оно чрезвычайно некрасиво и недостойно.

A.Y. Firstly, I’ll sign under every word of your friend.

А.Ю. Во-первых, я подпишусь под каждым словом вашего знакомого.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 127. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 253 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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