Sentence with word explanation

Synonym: account. Similar words: exploration, nation, zonation, donation, national, nationwide, inclination, combination. Meaning: [‚eksplə’neɪʃn]  n. 1. a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc. 2. thought that makes something comprehensible 3. the act of explaining; making something plain or intelligible. 

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1. I want to hear your explanation for being late.

2. His explanation stands to reason.

3. Try to simplify your explanation for the children.

4. I think you owe me an explanation.

5. The police apparently thought this explanation perfectly reasonable.

6. There must be an innocent explanation for her behaviour.

7. He left the room without explanation.

8. What is your explanation for being late?

9. Illustration by example is better than explanation in words.

10. His explanation sounds all right.

11. He gave us an intelligible explanation.

12. There is no rational explanation for his actions.

13. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for all this.

14. You will find the explanation in the encyclopedia.

15. She could find no plausible explanation for its disappearance.

16. Her explanation is not implausible.

17. Do you really regard that explanation as sufficient?

18. She left the room abruptly without explanation.

19. The boss turned a deaf ear to my explanation.

20. Her explanation doesn’t ring quite true.

21. I want a very comprehensive explanation of this plan.

22. If you wish for further explanation,( you’d better apply in person to the director.

23. The book opens with an explanation of why some drugs are banned.

24. I can’t think of any possible explanation for his absence.

25. Mr Byers last night demanded an immediate explanation from the Education Secretary.

26. Mr Patel phoned the University for an explanation, and he was given the usual unconvincing excuses.

27. It should be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation.

28. The proposition is so clear that it needs no explanation.

29. ‘I had to see you,’ he said, by way of explanation.

30. When you know why you like someone, it’s a crush. When you have no reason or explanation, it’s love.

More similar words: exploration, nation, zonation, donation, national, nationwide, inclination, combination, nomination, nationalism, international, discrimination, explain, explosion, expedition, relation, operation, education, equation, formation, location, inflation, radiation, sensation, migration, isolation, allegation, situation, violation, variation. 

An explanation is a set of statements usually constructed to describe a set of facts which clarifies the causes, context, and consequences of those facts. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

However for the sake of explanation for trend following entries…..


Sorry for the long explanation, I was probably trying to justify separating the lists more to me than you to you.


All lessons have an interesting starter, either «who am I» or a «fact or fiction» fact about living things — again to develop children’s critical thinking skills, scientific reasoning and explanations.


The study has earned high marks from researchers not on the soy industry’s payroll, including Dan Sheehan, PhD and Daniel Doerge, PhD at the FDA’s National Laboratory for Toxicological research in Jefferson, Arkansas.who stated, «Given the great difficulty in discerning the relationship between exposures and long latency adverse effects in the human population and the potential mechanistic explanation for the epidemiological findings, this is an important study.


So we filed an appeal, claiming the failure to provide the records in a timely fashion, absent an explanation for the delay or a deadline for providing them, amounted to an effective denial of our request.


This study therefore shows that climate warming is not the only explanation of global ecological disasters in the past on Earth: it is important to continue analysing ancient marine sediments to gain a deeper understanding of the earth’s climate system.


In my view, the explanation for share-price gains that are stronger than the economic outlook justifies is that hot money fleeing Europe is looking for safe havens — one of which is the U.S. stock market.


One plausible, but as yet unproven, explanation is that these variants provide a genetic background that determines how our bodies respond to environmental risk factors.


One teacher interviewed for Through Our Eyes, a study on Black teachers, offers an explanation: «I think we don’t have the trust barrier sometimes that other teachers of a different ethnicity may» [8].


Every new bubble is fueled by consumers with one of two excuses: 1) Greed is a primal force powerful enough to make even the most intelligent among us succumb to its allure; 2) stupidity is the only other explanation for what we see every day that keeps the free market system from being victim-free.


His explanation is that there were differences, but the media exaggerated them and Brown was the victim of Blairite supporters.


Waters includes a short one/two-sentence explanation with each pick, so head to ArtForum to read all of his thoughts on his Top 10 of 2017.


So, to gain wider-ranging understanding of scientists, we gave explanations like, «This blurry image is the limit of our observation of planet formation at this point.


We’re looking for long answers that provide some explanation and context.


Makeup: — Clinique Chubby Stick for eyes in «Bountiful Beige «— Lipstick Queen lipstick in «Saint Coral «(read the explanation on Sinner and Saint over at Eyespaintedblack)— Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3, which is said to be a dupe for the Naked 3


But what I do understand and find convincing is his alternative explanation: Technology and globalization significantly shift the competitive advantages for certain kind of talent, labor, and expertise.


Many doctors present the parents with a clear explanation on why their child should have the right amount of iron intake.


I would periodically ask a colleague working on worms, Keith Blackwell, if there was an explanation for this strange phenomenon.


You are to let you know who you are and a brief explanation of why you want to connect.


Here is Wenger embarrassing comments after the emirates humiliation, Wenger said: «I do not have to sit here and give you any explanation about every decision I make.


The most obvious explanation for the gap is that women faculty are over-represented in the lower paying, nontenure track jobs such as lecturer or assistant professor, and that relatively few women are tenured professors.


But with no obvious explanation of why size doesn’t correlate with complexity, visitors will probably come away mystified.


Tonight, I will share my own variation on the model, and try to give an intuitive explanation o…


The theory posits that particles in our universe should each have a twin that interacts with our world only weakly, providing a potential explanation for dark matter — the mysterious and inert substance that makes up almost a third of the universe.


Whilst the study served to objectively present the data, there could be 2 possible explanations for this result.


So while people in Dawson Creek, Sudbury and Val-d’Or need no explanation, the value of resources can be lost on those living in bigger southern cities.


Most articles start with a very basic explanation of who might need information on the topic.


Lohmeyer’s position is certainly not an explanation, but the statement of ultimate philosophical paradox.


«If you’re wondering why marketers seem intent on e-mailing you more and more,» McKinsey states, «there’s a simple explanation: it works.»


Granted, neither campaign’s website is loquacious on policy, but Mr. McKinney’s 1,060-word explanation of his tax plan beats Mr. Foley’s 57 words on the economy.


Science offers testable, and therefore falsifiable, explanations for natural phenomena.


However, the Senate explanation to their version of the bill, which ultimately made it into law, states that «Taxpayers may still generally deduct 50 % of the food and beverage expenses associated with operating their trade or business (e.g., meals consumed by employees on work travel).»


I mean, there is no other explanation


Phantom Thread is not a film that benefits from a lot explanation.


Your «explanations» did nothing of the kind.


Actually Nicole, I love your explanations of the «ingredient and recipe development weeds»!


After years of explanation and debate as a part of the education blitz to build acceptance of its New Distribution Capability standards, the… KEEP READING


Pictures and explanation gorgeous, as always.


One possible explanation for why mortality rates are higher for non-drinkers may be that low levels of ethanol (alcohol) in your bloodstream helps prevent the formation of formaldehyde from dietary methanol.


The post offers a complete guide with lots of links to further ideas and explanation, but here are the basic eight steps to a thorough pre-holiday decluttering:


Tony’s BARF technology was thought to be an alternate explanation for their retro looks, but we’re not sure how that could help undo Thanos’s destruction.


This write up is not meant to go deep into Instructional Design; hence a detailed explanation of these models is not being presented here.


For the full explanation on how to use the list, scroll down to the bottom of the list.


So putting that aside, what is your response to the explanation of Genesis 6:5 above?


The algorithm used by a computer model called the Boltzmann machine, invented by Geoffrey Hinton and Terry Sejnowski in 1983, appears particularly promising as a simple theoretical explanation of a number of brain processes, including development, memory formation, object and sound recognition, and the sleep-wake cycle.


It’s natural to react this way and it is a bit rude to continually stare at a couple without giving an explanation.


As usual explanations for low performance goes immediately to blaming the victims — student demographics.


However, following is a list of the most common insurance programs available and a brief explanation of each one.


[2] For an explanation of the wrongness of condomistic intercourse in the absence of contraceptive intent see Luke Gormally, «Marriage and the prophylactic use of condoms», The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 5 (2005): 735-49; reprinted in Faith 38/2 (March-April 2006): 16-24.


Digital Reader comes up with an upfront explanation about «loss leaders» and «predatory pricing» to clarify what Amazon is accused to do and there is no necessity to repeat Nate’s definition.


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


All science is description and not explanation.

Что всякая наука есть описание, а не объяснение» (Пирсон).

I suspect that every true proposition has an explanation.

А я убеждена, что каждый конкретный случай имеет свое объяснение.

Clearly, that contradiction required an explanation.

Совершенно очевидно, что по этому вопросу имеются противоречия, которые требуют разъяснения.

There was no explanation for how it formed.

Однако не было никаких объяснений, как бы она формировалась.

Only the first possible explanation makes sense.

Для нас кажется, что следующее возможное объяснение имеет смысл.

One poll suggested a possible explanation.

Вскоре один из моих сотрудников предложил возможное объяснение.

Eventually we get an explanation that is more likely than others.

В конце концов, мы получим объяснение, которое более вероятно, чем другие.

The third explanation challenges what we know about planets.

Третье объяснение ставит под сомнение то, что мы знаем о планетах.

Independent travel is generally not popular and one key explanation for this is language.

Независимые путешествия, как правило, не популярны, и одним из ключевых объяснений этого является язык.

They know the level of explanation that biological science eventually must aim for.

Они знают уровень объяснения, к которому, в конце концов, и должна стремиться биологическая наука.

Panettieri and colleagues believe their new study may offer a much-needed explanation.

Панеттиери и его коллеги полагают, что их новое исследование может предложить столь необходимое объяснение.

Another explanation is that souls can only occupy their original body.

Другое объяснение заключается в том, что души могут занимать только свое первоначальное тело.

So, I would like your opinion or explanation.

Таким образом, я хотел бы получить ваше мнение или объяснение.

I doubt this explanation does you any good whatsoever.

Я сомневаюсь, что это объяснение приносит вам пользу, вообще.

Yet most scientists believe this current crisis has a simpler explanation: humans.

Однако большинство ученых убеждены в том, что нынешний кризис имеет гораздо более простое объяснение — человек.

I can be poor without explanation.

Your notion of what constitutes an explanation was too narrow.

Ваше представление о том, что конституирует объяснение, было слишком узким.

Instead, they are phenomena that themselves require explanation.

Напротив, это феномены, которые сами по себе требуют объяснения.

Some include basic biological forces while others seem to transcend concrete explanation.

Некоторые из них включают основные биологические силы, в то время как другие, кажется, выходят за рамки конкретного объяснения.

So, my first suggestion is that you contact this person demanding an explanation.

Итак, мое первое предложение заключается в том, что вы связываетесь с этим человеком, требуя объяснений.

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Sentences with the word Explanation?



  • «he was surprised by the absence of any explanation«
  • «the explanation was very simple»; «I expected a brief account»
  • «variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors»; «the discovered behavior norms»; «discovered differences in achievement»; «no explanation for the observed phenomena»
  • «The thief eluded the police»; «This difficult idea seems to evade her»; «The event evades explanation«
  • «the explanation was circuitous and puzzling»; «a roundabout paragraph»; «hear in a roundabout way that her ex-husband was marrying her best friend»
  • «a clear and present danger»; «a clear explanation«; «a clear case of murder»; «a clear indication that she was angry»; «gave us a clear idea of human nature»
  • «as the wedding day drew near»; «stood near the door»; «don’t shoot until they come near»; «getting near to the true explanation«; «her mother is always near»; «The end draws nigh»; «the bullet didn’t come close»; «don’t get too close to the fire»
  • «come closer, my dear!»; «they drew nearer»; «getting nearer to the true explanation«
  • «a concise explanation«
  • «writes in a limpid style»; «lucid directions»; «a luculent oration»- Robert Burton; «pellucid prose»; «a crystal clear explanation«; «a perspicuous argument»
  • «This behavior defies explanation«
  • «I demand an explanation«
  • «the dialogue is elliptic and full of dark hints»; «the explanation was concise, even elliptical to the verge of obscurity»- H.O.Taylor
  • «I’m expecting a full explanation as to why these files were destroyed»
  • «I heard his explanation of the accident»
  • «healthy scepticism»; «a healthy fear of rattlesnakes»; «the healthy attitude of French laws»; «healthy relations between labor and management»; «an intelligent solution»; «a sound approach to the problem»; «sound advice»; «no sound explanation for his decision»
  • «a child’s innocent stare»; «his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it»
  • «a meaningful explanation«; «a meaningful discussion»; «a meaningful pause»
  • «a meaningless endeavor»; «a meaningless life»; «a verbose but meaningless explanation«
  • «his explanation was a misappropriation of sociological theory»
  • «a perfectly natural explanation«
  • «a transparent explanation«; «a transparent lie»

Examples of how to use the word “explanation” in a sentence. How to connect “explanation” with other words to make correct English sentences.

explanation (n): the details or reasons that someone gives to make something clear or easy to understand

Use “explanation” in a sentence

I was convinced by his explanation.
I was convinced by his explanation.
Can you give me an explanation?
I don’t need an explanation.
I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for this.
That explanation is unlikely to be true.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The logical explanation is that he forgot.«
(logical, likely, natural, rational, obvious)

«He gave a credible explanation for being late.«
(credible, convincing, logical, acceptable, adequate, reasonable, satisfactory)

«She gave me an unacceptable explanation for not coming to class.«
(unacceptable, unlikely, inadequate)

«The assignment should need no further explanation.«
(no further)

«There was no apparent explanation for her absence.«
(no apparent)

«The professor gave a clear explanation of the assignment.«
(clear, easy, simple)

«He gave me a detailed explanation of the process.«
(detailed, complete, comprehensive, full)

«She provided a convenient explanation for not finishing her assignment.«

«There are a number of possible explanations for this.«
(possible, alternative, common)

«The official explanation seems unlikely.«

«She gave a brief explanation of the cause.«
(brief, lengthy, long, general, partial)

«This is the only explanation that makes sense.«

«They detailed many political explanations for the crisis.«
(political, cultural, historical, scientific, technical, theoretical)

Used with verbs:

«I have no explanation for being late.«

«He offered two explanations for the situation.«
(offered, gave, provided)

«This plan requires a detailed explanation.«
(requires, needs)

«The teacher demanded an explanation of the students’ actions.«
(demanded, asked for, waited for)

«She deserves a good explanation.«

«I owe him a better explanation.«

«I never received an explanation.«
(received, got)

«His explanation suggests he doesn’t really understand.«
(suggests, shows, indicates)

Used with prepositions:

«He quit his job without explanation.«

«They gave a long explanation about their reasons for leaving.«
(about, of)

«She’s still waiting for an explanation from her friend.«

«He gave a brief explanation for being late.«

объяснение, разъяснение, толкование, выяснение, оправдание


- объяснение; пояснение; разъяснение

the explanation of difficulties — разъяснение трудностей
after repeated explanations — после неоднократных объяснений
by way of explanation — в пояснение, для ясности
he said a few words by way of explanation — он коротко пояснил свою мысль
it needs no explanation that … — нет нужды пояснять, что …

- объяснение, разговор, выяснение отношений

they had an explanation — они объяснились между собой, между ними произошло объяснение

- объяснение, оправдание

legal explanation — юридическое обоснование
satisfactory explanation — удовлетворительное объяснение
in explanation of his conduct — в оправдание своего поведения
an explanation of their delay was demanded — от них потребовали объяснения причин задержки

- толкование, истолкование

differing explanations — разные толкования
the explanation proved to be erroneous — толкование оказалось ошибочным

Мои примеры


The explanation was concise, even elliptical to the verge of obscurity. — Объяснение было немногословным, даже слишком кратким, на грани неясности.  
getting near to the true explanation — приближение к истинному объяснению  
getting nearer to the true explanation — приближение к истинному объяснению  
to demand an explanation — потребовать объяснений  
to elicit an explanation from smb. — добиться объяснения от кого-л.  
to give / offer / provide an explanation for smth. — давать объяснение чему-л.  
to accept an explanation — принимать объяснение  
simple explanation — простое объяснение  
unsatisfactory explanation — неудовлетворительное, невнятное объяснение  
more plausible explanation — более правдоподобное объяснение  
shallow explanation — поверхностное объяснение  
unintelligible explanation — непонятное объяснение  
demand an explanation — потребовать объяснения  

Примеры с переводом

I demand an explanation.

Я требую объяснения.

She left the room without explanation.

Она покинула комнату без объяснений.

I don’t buy that explanation.

Это объяснение не кажется мне убедительным.

There’s probably a perfectly simple explanation for all this.

Этому, вероятно, есть совершенно простое объяснение.

Time is lacking for a full explanation.

На подробное объяснение не хватает времени.

Could you give me a quick explanation of how it works?

Не могли бы вы быстро объяснить, как это работает?

Her explanation did not clarify matters much.

Её объяснение мало что прояснило.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I heard his explanation of the accident

His explanation has the ring of truth.

I was none the wiser after his explanation.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): explanation
мн. ч.(plural): explanations

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