Sentence with word exhausting

изнурительный, утомительный


- утомительный, изнурительный; изнуряющий

exhausting day — трудный день

Мои примеры


an exhausting job in the hot sun — изнурительная работа под жарким солнцем  
the treadmill of exhausting family schedules — бесконечная череда однообразных и утомительных семейных дел  
an exhausting and devastating struggle — изнурительная и опустошающая борьба  
exhausting / tiring work — утомительный труд  
centrifugal exhausting fan — центробежный отсасывающий вентилятор; центробежный эксгаустер  
dust exhausting plant — аспирационная установка  
air exhausting device — приспособление для отсоса воздуха; устройство для эвакуации воздуха  
dust-exhausting equipment — установка для отсасывания пыли  
dust exhausting fan — вентилятор для удаления пыли  
dust-exhausting unit — пылеотсасывающая установка  
exhausting cargo — выдача всего груза  
exhausting section of column — исчерпывающая часть ректификационной колонны  

Примеры с переводом

It had been an exhausting day.

Это был очень утомительный день.

We are in danger of exhausting the world’s oil supply.

Нам угрожает опасность истощения мировых запасов нефти.

Возможные однокоренные слова

exhaust  — выхлопной, выпускной, исчерпывать, извести, выпуск, выхлоп
exhausted  — исчерпанный, измученный, истощенный, обессиленный, изнуренный, уставший
exhauster  — дымосос, эксгаустер, вытяжной вентилятор, пылесос, аспиратор, экстрактор
exhaustion  — истощение, изнеможение, высасывание, выпуск, разрежение, вытягивание
exhaustingly  — исчерпывающе, утомительно, изнурительно
exhaustless  — неистощимый, неисчерпаемый

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Dealing with an ex-spouse who has Malicious Mother Syndrome can be exhausting.

Работа с бывшим супругом, у которого есть Синдром злой матери, может быть изнурительной.

This can eventually become quite exhausting.

И в конечном итоге это может стать очень изнурительным.

Living with them is as complicated as is exhausting.

Жить с такими людьми столь же сложно, как и утомительно.

Fighting with yourself constantly, is exhausting.

Находиться в постоянной борьбе с самим собой — это утомительно.

Flopping your closet can be exhausting

Пересматривать гардероб может быть изнурительно… Но переход от лета к осени…

Most people think that agriculture means terribly exhausting work from dawn to dusk.

Большинство людей думают, что сельское хозяйство — это жутко изнурительная работа от рассвета до заката.

The relief efforts were exhausting, as they always were.

Усилия по оказанию помощи были изнурительными, то есть такими же, какими они всегда и бывают.

Not as exhausting as your grandparents.

Не так утомительны как твои бабушка с дедушкой.

Traveling with small children is often exhausting.

Мы понимаем, что дальние поездки с маленькими детьми часто бывают утомительны.

Feelings like jealousy and resentment aren’t just exhausting; they’re pointless.

Такие чувства, как ревность и обида, не просто утомительны, они по сути бессмысленны.

All were ultimately acquitted, after long and exhausting legal processes.

Все они в конечном итоге, после долгих и изнурительных судебных процессов, были оправданы.

Impossible targets and exhausting, «intolerable» working conditions are frequent complaints.

Поминутные перерывы на туалет, невыполнимые цели и изнурительные, «невыносимые» рабочие условия — частые жалобы.

Never underestimate just how exhausting corporate travel can be.

Не стоит недооценивать, насколько утомительными могут быть поездки на работу.

Being at constant war with yourself is exhausting.

Находиться в постоянной борьбе с самим собой — это утомительно.

It can be exhausting for those suffering from it.

Состояние может быть изнурительным для тех, кто страдает от этого.

I never knew hunting for furniture could be so exhausting.

Никогда бы не подумала, что выбор мебели может быть таким утомительным.

Walking and standing all day can be exhausting too so acclimatize yourself.

Однако ходить и стоять целый день также может быть утомительно, поэтому лучше всего ходить самостоятельно.

They’re often long and exhausting.

Зачастую, они бывают очень длительными и утомительными.

It must be exhausting guarding us day and night.

Это, наверное, утомительно, охранять нас день и ночь.

It’s exhausting having to live with a level of pain that never really goes away.

Это утомительно жить с болью, которая никогда не утихает.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 3940. Точных совпадений: 3940. Затраченное время: 100 мс


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Women Honeymoon Outfits — Planning and arranging your wedding can be exhausting but what awaits is a relaxing and fun-filled vacation with your loved one.


Climate alarmism must be an exhausting enterprise with so much real world data that stubbornly refuses to cooperate….


On a bad day it’s an exhausting, frustrating ride where we are tested beyond our limits through sleep deprivation,… -LCB- read more -RCB-


While parenting has its rewards and joys, it can also be exhausting, frustrating and challenging.


Cathy, sounds like you had a wonderful, if exhausting, time dressing up the Charmer for spring!


I believe that home owners are tired of the traditional sale because it is mentally exhausting and the seller and the buyer usually walk away pissed after the transaction.


CES is both astonishing and exhausting.


The work of a veterinary technician can be quite exhausting at times, both physically and emotionally.


Dating as a Jewish single in Australia and around the world, really is often subject to parental and family pressure its exhausting constantly being asked when youre going to settle.


Like almost everything its age in Poland, it bears the dreary stains of an exhausting century.


While it does take time and effort to market your book, it doesn’t have to be difficult or exhausting, in fact, marketing your book online can be a lot of fun and quite rewarding!


You see, I had been thinking that if I read a book a day, it would naturally be exhausting, but I would be bound to get to the end sometime and then, even if I had to skip a few, I could claim a certain position in the world of the intellect.


And it can be exhausting playing Atlas, can’t it?


It can be quite exhausting, this whole blogging thing, but it is so enjoyable and rather addictive!


However, after 20 years together, Husband reckons my most exhausting ideas are those for small businesses.


It’s an exhausting yet exhilarating experience, good enough to survive the unnecessary 3-D in which it arrives and flawed only in its march to an end predetermined in the minds of millions who’ve committed the books to memory.


just kidding * Reviews can be so exhausting thus the delay.


This can be costly, time intensive, and exhausting.


However, after a while, especially in the third trimester when most women are at the doctor almost weekly, it can get old and exhausting.


It was time-consuming, costly, inefficient, and exhausting, to say the least.


Uhhh — It can get exhausting and so expensive to take so many supplements.


It was too exhausting or troublesome to think about how Jasmine would be fed if I was not around.


Taking care of twins is exhausting and you need to get your rest where you can!


The holiday season tends to be both joyful and exhausting, which is why self-care becomes wildly important as you kick of this new year.


This story also has more sappy romantic drama and soap opera-style love triangles than Twilight ever did, making it even more exhausting to endure.


Baby sleep can be exhausting, but there’s no magic solution.


Today’s the last day of our spring break and it has been glorious and exhausting all at once.


For introverts, being surrounded by groups of people can be exhausting.


Having 2 toddlers is exhausting and amazing at the same time.


«I know this was an exhausting process on everyone.


In the gameplay shown there were a wide range of NPC characters which included; a tear shaped flame monster, and garlic creature exhausting odor, a giant stone creature with mechanical elements, ghost looking creatures, jack o’lantern pumpkin heads with skeleton bodies, and stone creatures with their pieces bouncing independently as they moved.


And of course, Dissertation turns out to be the most demanding, time-consuming and exhausting writing assignments.


This constant unfolding, at once captivating and exhausting, sets the Morris Louis paintings apart from other contemporary paintings.


If you’re feeling unfulfilled at work, you may find the nine to five treadmill of boredom, coffee, more boredom, and more coffee day in and day out to be exhausting.


I guess, from the perspective of technical expertise, I can see the win, but as a vessel for storytelling, I find the ostentatiousness of The Revenant to be off-putting and exhausting beyond the first 45 minutes or so.


The editing around the action scenes makes it difficult to tell what is going on at times, and by the time we reach the two hour mark just watching the film becomes as exhausting as the story unfolding.


It might seem like an empath is pushing you away or distancing themselves from you, but in reality, they’re just trying to take a break from absorbing your feelings in addition to their own, which can be exhausting.


Out of these exhausting and embarrassing fiascoes, I found a baby buncher’s oasis; a indoor play co-op/swap shop, which offers occasional music and story times but for the most part is a free for all.


I want to throw in the towel and say that we tried from every angle, but they keep trying different parts and it is exhausting.


But my job is just so stressful already, and pumping has made the days combative and exhausting and difficult to navigate.


We understand, job hunting is just too exhausting that it could sap all your energy.


Giving church away because it’s exhausting pasting the smile.


Like that very funny but sometimes exhausting friend who is in the kitchen making himself one more drink while you’re saying goodnight to everyone else as they leave the party, «Game Night» overstays its welcome by just a scooch.


«The schedule has been exhausting, and it’s actually easier in to fly to Japan or Korea than it is to travel to Perth, where the time difference is greater,» one senior member said.


Their frequency makes them only more exhausting.


One big challenge is that the self-monitoring measure can be a bit exhausting at times especially when they have to sacrifice quality over quantity.


The planning stage is both exciting and exhausting.


Having a sweet potato for breakfast prepares your brain for the most exhausting tasks you may have ahead.


From Jon’s most recent and exhausting email, «Sometimes the things you see (on the street) are rather lovely, like the blossom on the trees and people outside drinking coffee and graffiti so fresh the paint is still wet.»


Holding both sides of that struggle together in one church, and subordinating it to the larger claims of the Christian confession, can be exhausting; the temptation, for ministers and members, is to seek a place where the debate has been settled.


The deal was viewed as the epitome of Thaksin’s sophisticated corruption and a betrayal of his proclaimed nationalism, thus exhausting his moral authority and political legitimacy.
Сделку назвали квинтэссенцией хитроумной коррумпированной системы Таксина и предательством провозглашённого им национализма, что означает исчерпывание его морального авторитета и политической легитимности.

Thus, the IMF’s recommendation to use capital controls only after exhausting interest-rate adjustment, reserve accumulation, and prudential regulation is out of step with the profession.
Таким образом, рекомендация МВФ использовать средства управления капиталом только по истощении возможностей корректировки процентных ставок, накопления резервов и осторожного регулирования отстает от жизни.

But for the most part, we’ve gone from salting to exhausting.
Но, в целом, засаливание привело к исчерпанию запасов.

And any attempt to destroy militarily Iran’s nuclear potential could entangle Israel in a prolonged and exhausting struggle that might unite all the enemies of the Jewish state.
И любая попытка разрушить ядерный потенциал Ирана военным путем может вовлечь Израиль в продолжительную и изнуряющую борьбу, которая может объединить всех врагов еврейского государства.

Yes, well, chaperoning can be exhausting.
Да, быть сопровождающей утомительно.

For that reason, instead of busying themselves and the world with the so-called anti-missile defence system, exhausting their coffers and those of others, emptying the pockets of American taxpayers and involving themselves and others in hostility against one people or another, Americans should first of all set about eliminating the weapons of mass destruction in the United States itself, and at the same time, or later, doing so in the rest of the world.
Поэтому вместо того, чтобы занимать себя и весь мир проблемой так называемой системы противоракетной обороны, тратить свои и чужие деньги, опустошать карманы американских налогоплательщиков и втягивать себя и другие страны мира во враждебные действия, направленные против того или иного народа, американцы должны прежде всего заняться ликвидацией оружия массового уничтожения в самих Соединенных Штатах и одновременно или позднее, обеспечить его ликвидацию в других районах мира.

This does not preclude the possibility that a person other than the injured person may satisfy the exhaustion of local remedies requirement by exhausting the substance of the same claim before a court of the respondent State.
Это не исключает возможности того, чтобы другое лицо, не являющееся лицом, которому причинен вред, выполнило требование исчерпания внутренних средств правовой защиты, исчерпав возможность предъявления того же по существу иска в суд государства-ответчика.

I work ten hours a day, then go home, cook, clean, take care of my kid, which is crazy and exhausting, and apparently, is something that 33.7 million single working mothers do in this country every day.
Я работаю десять часов в день, иду домой, готовлю, прибираюсь, забочусь о сумасшедшем и истощенном ребенке, и очевидно, это то, что делают 33.7 миллиона одиноких работающих мам в этой стране каждый день.

Sometimes countries arrive at good policy only after exhausting all available alternatives.
Иногда страны приходят к хорошей политике только после исчерпания всех имеющихся альтернатив.

The Committee wishes to wholeheartedly thank all NGO representatives who were finally able to appear before it after hours and hours of exhausting journey through numerous checkpoints, roadblocks, side roads and again hours of waiting at country borders, especially at the Allenby Bridge.
Члены Комитета хотели бы искренне поблагодарить всех представителей НПО, которые все же смогли выступить перед ними после многочасовой изнуряющей поездки через многочисленные контрольно-пропускные пункты, пикеты на дорогах, по объездным путям и после ожидания часами разрешения на пересечение государственной границы, в особенности на переезде в Алленби.

Not quite so big, it’s very exhausting after awhile.
Не так энергично, так как это очень утомительное занятие.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs continuously informs the public with a view to increasing general awareness about all possibilities of seeking remedies for discriminatory conduct, including the possibility of litigation, and after exhausting all available domestic remedies, also about the possibility embodied in the Optional Protocol.
Министерство труда и социальных дел постоянно информирует население с целью повышения общей осведомленности обо всех возможностях обращения к средствам правовой защиты в связи с дискриминационными действиями, в том числе о возможности возбуждения судебного дела, а также- в случаях, когда исчерпаны все доступные средства судебной защиты внутри страны,- о возможности, предоставленной Факультативным протоколом.

We believe that the threat of exhausting living marine resources is particularly serious in the specific case of countries that are, like Tunisia, located in closed or semi-enclosed seas, who need fish resources to feed their people and in whose national economies fishing plays a key role.
Мы считаем, что угроза истощения живых морских ресурсов является особенно серьезной в конкретных странах, которые, как Тунис, расположены на замкнутых или полузамкнутых морях и которые полагаются на рыбные ресурсы в качестве источника пропитания для своего народа; это страны, в экономике которых рыболовство играет ключевую роль.

The foreign litigant must therefore produce the evidence available to him to support the essence of his claim in the process of exhausting local remedies.
Иностранный истец должен поэтому представить имеющиеся у него доказательства в обоснование существа своего требования в процессе исчерпания внутренних средств правовой защиты.

You’re twisting your head up, arching your back, it’s exhausting
Придется вытягивать голову, выгибать спину. Это утомительно.»

Should they keep printing money even after exhausting their ability to inject extra liquidity into the economy via conventional open-market operations, which is now the case in the United States and elsewhere?
Должны ли они продолжать печатать деньги даже после исчерпания своей способности вливания дополнительной ликвидности в экономику посредством обычных операций открытого рынка, что в настоящее время и происходит в Соединённых Штатах и повсеместно?

And she doesn’t have to go on an exhausting hunt and try and kill a warthog.
И ей не надо идти на утомительную охоту и пытаться убить кабана.

In the Air Services Agreement case of 1978, the Arbitral Tribunal had found that international law did not prevent a party from resorting to countermeasures before exhausting dispute-settlement procedures or during negotiations with the wrongdoer.
В решении по делу о соглашении о воздушных перевозках в 1978 году арбитражный трибунал постановил, что международное право не лишает сторону возможности обращаться к контрмерам до исчерпания процедур разрешения споров или во время переговоров с правонарушителем.

Worse still, we have continued with our old working methods, rituals and habits — resulting in repetitious statements and exhausting negotiations.
Еще хуже то, что мы по-прежнему используем старые методы работы, исходя из старых привычек и ритуалов, что приводит к повторяющимся заявлениям и бесконечным утомительным переговорам.

On this point, the Committee takes note of the author’s claim that her complaint lodged on 20 January 1996 remains under consideration, and that this exempts her from exhausting the civil party remedies highlighted by the State party.
В этой связи Комитет принимает к сведению утверждение автора о том, что рассмотрение жалобы от 20 января 1996 года еще не завершено и что это освобождает ее от исчерпания всех доступных потерпевшей стороне средств правовой защиты, упоминавшихся государством-участником.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

It would take hours of work and would be exhausting for everyone, but the power unleashed would surpass anything that raw vengeance alone could accomplish

less doctor’s appointments, without exhausting procedures and treat-

sessions of the exhausting procedures at the oncology center

body went through exhausting procedures of traditional medicine and

Barney is exhausting, though I have to say that Emma kept him beautifully under control

The city was fun, but having fun here could be exhausting

I protest but, it is far to exhausting trying to resist her

Duty had been vigorous today, but not exhausting, enough to make her pretty tired and ready to get some sleep

It’s been an exhausting few days

It was a heady experience, but as she said, exhausting

“It’s true I’ve had an exhausting day, my lord

Ultimately all this has made me a better person, and certainly one with vast knowledge and dare I say wisdom, but it really made me feel unhinged for a long time, which is emotionally exhausting

Penelope stood looking at her friend in angry disbelief for nearly a half minute before finally exhausting her own patience

Talking was exhausting, and I needed to take a break

There was something about it that was extremely worthwhile, while at the same time exhausting

The last hour before show time was exhausting! By

�Going for a walk is not only boring it is also exhausting

Written expressions are not (merely) impartial bystanders indifferent to an author‘s tireless efforts to create something meaningful or consonant with the author‘s intended designs; exhausting its own emotional and intellectual energies by sustaining elements of singular merit however dire or tiring such efforts might (otherwise) be

Josie had done the exact same thing and I can’t say I blamed her at all – the last few weeks had been so exhausting

The war in Iraq, burgeoning budget deficits, escalating energy prices, the Katrina fumble, immigration and controversies surrounding his chief political advisor have contributed to the president‘s growing unpopularity among Liberals and Conservatives, alike, thereby exhausting whatever remaining political capital he might have had in advancing the judicial career of a long time friend

What a long, boring, surprisingly exhausting night

The wind beating on the back of your neck is exhausting

After a long and exhausting search, with much burning of the candle at both ends and in the middle; I finally found what I was looking for

These were exhausting days for all

It is when men work with most exhausting

The days that followed were as exhausting as the first, made more difficult as they were forced to travel ever greater distances to locate the sunken hulks

Several exhausting days later, they arrived in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, directly across the US border from McAllen, Texas

It was exhausting listening to him

It was exhausting keeping up with all the lies

As a nurse, Manda was used to working long hours, but this was more exhausting than anything she had ever done

I was glad I wasn’t in on the conquest of this area—it must have been exhausting

without exhausting its infinite possibilities

Josie and the children, however, had a relatively good rest after a exhausting wait at the border and an anxious ride under torrential rains

The real estate tycoon who ordered the hit on Bolles was executed after exhausting his appeals

(that would be exhausting) but there are ways of raising your profile

should try to stand out each and every day (that would be exhausting) but there are

14 This was around the time I began to realize how incredibly exhausting

Being present in the world is exhausting

It has been exhausting

And most exhausting

This whole process has been terrifying and exhausting and I

«What’s the point of raising a useless child? It is only exhausting

Only now did he realize how exhausting the journey had been, without any food for more than

This tracking business was quite exhausting

She wondered if another long and exhausting walk was in store for her, and fighting back tears, she made her way towards the shopping-centre along what she took to be the town’s main road

Thank God! I felt the outline of a vent with air exhausting out of it

something more lucrative and less exhausting

The nights were long and exhausting and invariably the next day they would all wonder if they really did all the things that they remembered

Exhausting herself completely, she drifted off into a dream

They think a thing and say another! What they say is not always what they do! And what they do not always is what they feel! Who understands them? It is too exhausting to deal with you and one needs a keenness of exceptional discernment to crumble what your heads hide! And if these heads belong to the feminine genre, it is much worse! And if this head supports itself on the shoulders of Camila Montero? I think there is nothing worse than could happen to a human being! You speak very much!, Too much!, Very, very much!

It was an exhausting schedule for little financial reward

And I ran so fast that I did not know for how long and when my forces, mitigated by the exhausting effort to flee, seemed to abandon me, a leafy tree, that was guarding a small marble tomb, planted on one side of the road with its roots protruding as fingers scratching the ground, made my weakened legs bend and fall against the dusty and weary way

Joan had had an exhausting day

Towards the end, I found it exhausting as I would focus on

how? Finally, after exhausting a plethora of possibilities, Octavia mustered enough courage to engage in dialogue with her fair cousin Clarice

The repeated jumps into and out of hyper drive were exhausting for the military personnel, but the civilians who were not accustomed to such treatment suffered the most

Doris put in a full day at the Institute and although she helped as much as possible, her day was exhausting and very demanding

The process was exhausting and took intense focus to pull it off

The fight was exhausting

As soon as the order to bury the dead in a common grave was carried out, he assigned Colonel Roque Carnicero the minion of setting up courts—martial and he went ahead with the exhausting task of imposing radical reforms which would not leave a stone of the reestablished Conservative regime in place

The constant, exhausting battle against circumstances is

The rearing of José Arcadio helped Úrsula in the exhausting task of keeping herself up to date on the smallest changes in the house

Some in his congregation wished he had spent more time inside the church’s four walls rather than exhausting himself and others on outreaches to the poor

I’m sure it’s exhausting to her

few weeks turned into an exhausting flurry of activity

along with my weekly therapy sessions, are exhausting me

This is exhausting because the prizes are ever changing, according to the fads of culture, and we end up indulging our fears about not having what others have

Over the last decade, watching the game has been exhausting and painful, with contests that could have been won by exercising fundamentals of the game

The run and carry routine was so exhausting upon reaching

Mitchell sat on his bed, exhausting his brain to retrieve any previously charged incidents between his parents in the past

He felt all his nerves exhausting

Isolated instances of sniper fire and patrol skirmishes, plus the occasional mortar fire, however kept nerves raw, further exhausting the Marine defenders

The deadly aerial dance went on for a good ten minutes, taxing Ingrid’s skills as a fighter pilot to the limit and exhausting her

While it is helpful to maintain relationships with professionals, and to depend upon them for advice on such things as taxes, legal issues, and health matters, this does not excuse you from exhausting all of your personal resources prior to seeking help

Now concentrated solely on her flying, which was exhausting for her nerves at such speed and low altitude in night conditions, Ingrid soon jumped over the buildings of Kunming, dropping back down afterwards

They had both had an exhausting afternoon with the events unfolding at the Versailles Club, and neither had thought about food until only a short while ago upon returning to police headquarters where Del’s car had been parked virtually all day

Wickland was sleeping soundly after the exhausting day and late night when his pleasant dreams were shattered by the ringing of his cell phone, the

through the topics with more than 8% look-ups can be rather exhausting and frustrating

―What I saw was a crazy person, who had a mental breakdown after the exhausting terrorist attacks, who made a lunge at the President of the United States

Heavily loaded with their armor, weapons and supplies, the foot soldiers lengthened their pace and endured in silence the exhausting march that followed

The Iotians have become even more aggressive than Earth of the equivalent time period, and, if they have not found a way to curve their population growth, which I believe put them in their initial crisis and, consequently, the reason for their adopting the gangster mentality, then they will be on the verge of a global war, and or exhausting all of their natural resources

Man, that was exhausting

The effort is exhausting and I’m only able to repeat the exercise ten times

some time and be exhausting for the investor and the venture management

The shortness bothered her but she knew that even a phone call could be exhausting to Suzy on some days so she held her peace and put the phone down

The hand that’s in charge of the plastic cup is trembling, due to the exhausting effort I’m having to make

» But even the Christian’s work is exhausting to flesh and blood; and so long as we dwell in a mortal body, work and weariness will go together

The season warns of the Lores’ return by exhausting the lives of the town’s elders, obviously Jack and Theresa in this case

exhausting research on the internet

It had been an exhausting twenty-four hours, but at least her mom was here, ensconced in the spare bedroom

The secret was both exhausting and exhilarating

This exhausting routine continued until they finally made it out of the forest

It’s exhausting to keep him restrained against his will

It had taken her three whole days of exhausting, back-breaking toil to clean that sack of wheat which weighed nearly 120 kilograms

“That was exhausting,” he said to Laeron, who had managed to sit in a discreet stillness through the last round of exercises

But death soon snatched his affectionate father in his years of youth after an exhausting illness and tiring pain

Random good picture Not show

1. The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere. 

2. It’s exhausting commuting from Brighton to London every day.

3. This work is physically exhausting and emotionally draining.

4. It had been an exhausting day.

5. Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course.

6. I’ve had an exhausting day.

7. It was an exhausting schedule she had set herself.

8. I find her exhausting to be with—she’s too intense.

9. This exhausting work is enough to run everyone down.

10. They’ve just finished an exhausting 75-date European tour.

11. This is exhausting work(sentencedict .com), but I manage to keep going somehow.

12. What an exhausting day!

13. After an exhausting few weeks I needed some time to recuperate.

14. We are in danger of exhausting the world’s oil supply .

15. The police have spent an exhausting day searching the woods.

16. The trip has been exhausting and I’ll be glad to be home.

17. It seems an exhausting and thankless task.

18. She’s just returned from another exhausting lecture tour.

19. The sheer monotony of the work is itself exhausting.

20. Life has become so dreary and exhausting.

21. The last few days had been hectic and exhausting.

22. This made building the fence quite exhausting.

23. Learning to surf is exhausting but exhilarating.

24. It was an exhausting regime of rehabilitation.

25. When getting drunk or belligerent became too exhausting, I went out exploring on layovers.

26. For the conductors, the process is by turns exciting and exhausting, agonizing and enlightening.

27. Meeting Bartlemas and O’Rourke was an unforgettable experience, and a fairly exhausting one.

28. But Mr Sandy found it a stimulating, not to say exhausting, tour of duty.

29. The loss of personality along with the total loss of short-term memory is very exhausting to live with.

30. Miles and Evan are so wide awake, it is exhausting.

More similar words: exhaustion, exhaust, exhausted, testing, existing, distinguish, interesting, distinguished, exhalation, austere, austria, austrian, rustic, justify, justice, justified, do justice, distinct, burst in, instinct, assist in, obstinate, consist in, burst into, distinctive, clandestine, abstinence, distinction, Palestinian, destination. 

  • Once the extraordinary high wears off from bringing your newborn home from the hospital, the sleep deprivation and reality of how exhausting it is to care for a new baby sets in.
  • Many customers undeniably admitted that without adequate exhausting and exchange of indoor air to the outdoors, the concentration of pollutants indoors is often many times higher than that of the outd
  • Although it’s an exhausting endeavor, Maze said if she didn’t do all the events, she would be bored.
  • Endpoints exposed by the people alone to pick up in mind too exhausting for a while the cookies to request.
  • These processes are always exhausting, if not traumatic, for organisations and individuals.
  • Parents hurt you, exhausting emotional pain.
  • On Sundays, I would wrestle the same children through an exhausting sacrament meeting where I listened to people testify of the recharging power of church.
  • The specs are enticing but the experience is exhausting.
  • In new construction, drawings should show the range hood exhausting to the exterior.
  • Until your case settles for what you want, it can be a long and exhausting wait that can lead you to accept a much lower settlement award.
  • Recovering from illness caused by mold exposure can be exhausting, isolating and incredibly stressful.
  • The only thing more exhausting than sleeping on a bad mattress is shopping for a new one.
  • After an exhausting day of travel and a lost bag it may be tempting to deal with it the next day but do not take this approach.
  • And if they are in La La Land and putting up a front that all is OK at home, playing this game in and of itself can be exhausting and take its toll.
  • His work is exhausting and a nervous strain.
  • Putting yourself out there in your whole messy glory and finding that there are other lovely complicated humans who you can connect with as your selves, not as exhausting images.
  • Because I do not use copy paper almost at work, I am exhausting ink ribbon and copy paper with fax from Monotaro.
  • Uncovered memory leaks exhausting system resources, redesigned code to use memory more efficiently increasing system stability and longevity.
  • Grant Park is sprawling, there are too many people, personal space is not a thing and making the schedule work is exhausting.
  • The work is exhausting, hazardous and jeopardising their health.
  • The Ohio state agency has done a better job than many other state agencies distributing these funds to homeowners, with Ohio homeowners exhausting all of the funds before additional money was allocate
  • ASM from exhausting of memory resources when some incorrectly written preprocessing loop fails to exit.
  • It took place this Friday, after some very exhausting and long hours of work.
  • French’s division had to wait at the fords during the next day until the leading infantry, who were making an equally exhausting march, to reach them.
  • Exhausting for drivers to maintain interval for long periods of time At any given time during the SOM, both formations may be used; you can apply the open column between security units and closed to t
  • Life with a child with disabilities is still exhausting, and there are days when my husband and I wonder if we can manage.
  • They worked long exhausting hours, but eventually made enough money to buy a factory and hire employees.
  • However, their worries of it exhausting itself like it did before lessened.
  • Flexible benchtop exhausters can be positioned very close to the source of an airborne contaminant and control it without exhausting the large volumes of air that a fume hood requires.
  • If you need to zone out in front of the TV after an exhausting day at work, do it.
  • They do, however, face a certain amount of uncertainty and delay associated with exhausting their administrative remedies.
  • Divorce is difficult, complex, and often emotionally exhausting.
  • An angle valve with hardened trim exhausting it into either a long, straight run of pipe or directly into a receiver vessel should be used in order to avoid erosion of downstream pipe and ufb01ttings.
  • Many have ar tendency to tire themselves or their animals out duringrthe first hour of travel by exhausting too much of theirr energy at the start.
  • Academic writing can be a trying and exhausting endeavor to finish, but if you know the best place to acquire professional aid, you won’t struggle anymore.
  • Release from her most exhausting task.
  • These are stressful and exhausting dogs.
  • It must be exhausting having every little thing you do be picked on and feeling like you cannot do anything right.
  • The Bible contains principles that can help caregivers deal with the sometimes physically and emotionally exhausting challenge of caring for elderly parents.
  • After our first child was born sex really declined, and I understood as having a newborn is very time consuming and exhausting.
  • After a while, she kneeled and I banged her ass exhausting in the doggy fashion.
  • This can be maddening and exhausting.
  • The two primary shoe features that may make a player to have excellent steadiness in an exhausting game are a inflexible mid sole and a firm rear foot.
  • These changes have been frustrating and even nightmarish for some drivers who say the new system is exhausting to navigate.
  • They are exhausting to work with.
  • After two months of suffering and exhausting all my possible options I was unable to continue and so I ran away.
  • The work was exhausting and tedious.
  • «It’s physically and emotionally exhausting,» said Jackie Kopelan, Rafi’s mother.
  • Hi Jen, you poor thing, I too have a Narc and they are truly exhausting, demoralizing and sometimes dangerous to be around.
  • Are you exhausting the unit out a hole in the wall?
  • Withdrawal fatigue is exhausting, but people often try and keep going at their usual pace.
  • Seriously, people, it is exhausting sometimes.
  • Fighting cancer is exhausting!
  • Frankly, at times I found this meeting exhausting because of the offhanded feature requests.
  • The regimen of study was exhausting and unexciting, and the school served the church.
  • Exhausting administrative remedies is also a prerequisite for many kinds of court challenges of agency actions.
  • Simpson says after exhausting other options, she showed up at a DMV office and was lucky they had an opening for her.
  • Research indicates that avoiding emotional connections can become exhausting and removes the satisfaction of being a healer.
  • Rabbinical school was intensive and exhausting.
  • The plaintiff alleges that her employer granted her medical leave for treatment, but later advised her that her employment might be terminated for exhausting all available sick and vacation leave.
  • We should not allow user to upload unlimited size of file due to security reasons or to avoid exhausting server space.
  • With the right document management system, you can avoid these exhausting difficulties.
  • The increased focus is one of the benefits of pairing, but can also make it quite intense and exhausting.
  • Choosing the wrong gear might make the game more exhausting and would limit a player’s qualities.
  • Honey, there is NO ONE I would rather share this amazing, joyous, beautiful, but exasperating and exhausting parenting journey with than you.
  • Spammers, bad sending reputations and poorly targeted emails have tarnished the trustworthiness of Email Marketing, which can make it an exhausting and time consuming procedure to get right.
  • Debt can be an exhausting trial on a marriage.
  • Members of activist or stakeholder groups may want to spend more energy pursuing their positive goals and less energy managing a frustrating and exhausting battle with opposing groups.
  • Life feels mentally and physically exhausting in this season, so I think I might enjoy being read to.
  • Others, to avoid exhausting their financial resources and relying on Medicaid, depend on unpaid family support or go without needed services.
  • Handle things as they come and always have a method of relaxation after an exhausting day to help you keep calm.
  • The findings suggest a process by which a stressful time can be experienced as motivating rather than threatening or emotionally exhausting.
  • Last year was expensive, crowded, and exhausting and we saw a less than ideal return on our investment.
  • After nine nervous and exhausting stages that took the peloton from the Riviera to the Pyrenees via a short journey in the Alps, riders would have normally taken some time off on Monday with their fri
  • They were exhausting days.
  • The most probable option that remains is an exhausting marathon.
  • But cleaning your household can be pretty tiring and exhausting.
  • Additionally, Enis Tahsin Til, regarding the War of Nerves synonymous to the Cold War, said that it was as much exhausting as an actual war.
  • These night marches are very pleasant when there is a moon, except for sleepiness; but when they are continued through the next day, they are frightfully exhausting.
  • It has been exhausting to say the least.
  • The reality is, startups are messy and entrepreneurship is exhausting on the best days, but still, I challenge you to bet on yourself.
  • Your baby will be more portable now and the early, exhausting days have passed.
  • On the other hand, fighting in court is expensive and exhausting.
  • Because the strategic planning process, when done well, engages a broad spectrum of stakeholders, repeating this strenuous activity more frequently than every three years would be exhausting.
  • Or sitting in awe as I listened to the thoughtful and mature reflections of my Service Week group after several hot and emotionally exhausting days volunteering at a girls home in Panama.
  • This can be effective, yet exhausting.
  • Exhausting capacity to adapt as disturbances or challenges grow and cascade.
  • The following instruction covers exhausting a dryer either through the left or right side of the cabinet, or through the base.
  • This extinguished it by exhausting potential fuel sources.
  • As people age and some become disabled, they may need a caregiver, and while that role can be fulfilling, it also can be exhausting and sometimes isolating.
  • Other relevant traumatic experiences This part of the evaluation is often exhausting for the person being evaluated.
  • Rhines from returning to federal court after exhausting the previously unexhausted claims in state court.
  • Why aren’t their news cycles so exhausting?.
  • You are responsible for providing adequate electrical, gas, exhausting and other connecting facilities.
  • This is a labor of love and can be very rewarding, and also isolating and exhausting.
  • After exhausting his state court appeals, Evans brought a petition forhabeas corpus relief, alleging that he had been denied his constitutional right toconfrontation at trial.
  • How to Protect Yourself From Amazon Spam Email It can be quite exhausting to deal with the number of unwanted emails we receive every day.
  • Was the work on that exhausting or exhilarating?
  • After exhausting all local resources to help Ryan, we reached out to Steve Bozak, an educational consultant.
  • The owner might have fully paid its contract price to the general contractor, exhausting its project funds.

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