Sentence with word equipment

Equipment is a fashion label currently based in Los Angeles, California. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

To this, contractors are required to supply their own equipment, tools of trade, mobile devices, computers, laptops, software, etc..


Third, a full body approach gives you options for fun — you can switch up the equipment and format you use throughout the week.


I know it’s painful to be apart from your nice kitchen equipment, but the fact is that so many people (roommates, friends, friends of roommates, etc.) will be in and out of your kitchen in college that you really can’t know how well your stuff will be treated.


Every year new equipment comes out that allows athletes to push themselves to the limit and reach even higher fitness goals.


It’s a new year and I have a new piece of equipment in my kitchen.


Aside from these constant debates, let’s remember the point of this article: developing a lower body routine we can do anywhere with limited equipment.


About the Flexible Packaging Association The Flexible Packaging Association is the U.S. association of the manufacturers of flexible packaging; and, material or equipment suppliers to the industry.


Back for its 15th year, MinnPack brings you the latest packaging, automation, and labeling equipment spanning food and beverage packaging, packaging design, flexible packaging, and more.


ACE Pros get 15 % off professional pricing for educational materials, manuals and videos, equipment and accessories.


Tozer has since sold his shares back to Wilson, but the company has undergone a rapid expansion — now employing 75 people, increasing sales by 50 % and adding new equipment and processes, including a digital printer capable of putting a picture on a piece of glass as big as 283 by 130 inches.


NEAR will be built at the breakneck speed of 29 months, in part because it relies on equipment developed as part of the Star Wars programme.


Workshop participants met in four smaller groups to build on discussions about how school districts have strategized to upgrade their kitchen equipment and infrastructure.


The newspaper-style printing of electronic equipment has led to a cost-effective device that could change the way we interact with everyday objects.


No special equipment or skills required.


Muscle Maker Grill has relationships with third-party sources which offer financing to cover the following: franchise fee, startup costs, equipment, inventory, accounts receivable, payroll


My only problem is that I don’t have a steamer at home (I’m a student so I don’t have all those fancy kitchen equipments — at least yet) so I was wondering if it’s possible to cook the sweet potatoes in boiling water and just drain them well?


Helpful equipment includes plastic spoons, a highchair, bibs, and plastic bowls.


The only piece of equipment that you will need is an interval timer.


No fewer than 100 shops, equipment and goods worth over N100m were razed by fire on Friday at a section of Sango Plank Market in Ibadan,…


The company, through its subsidiaries, designs, manufactures, markets and services a broad line of commercial and institutional foodservice equipment used by major restaurant and hotel chains, independent restaurants, hospitals, schools, airports, correctional institutions and canteens.


As an added bonus, it takes under 1 minute to make, doesn’t require any kitchen equipment, and can stay in the fridge for up to a week.


Digital printing specialist Xeikon has outlined plans to grow its interests in inkjet printing, having entered the market with a portfolio of equipment over the last year.


Buy Baby equipment rental online at best price in India.


On the average, there are no special technologies or equipment needed to run this type of business except for e-commerce store/website, customized logistics, inventory-management software and also shipping management software applications and other relevant software applications.


I purchased the Cambro equipment needed for salad bars, and they serve a dual role as breakfast kiosks.


Ultimately, this is a HIIT workout that is designed to burn a lot of calories and the good thing is that you need zero equipment.


After years of equipment research, CHS Sunflower discovered Log5, an industry-leading pasteurization technology company located in the Netherlands.


Both locations have access to the same emergency (anti-hemorrhagic medications, IVs, antibiotics…) and obstetrical equipment (doppler ultrasound fetal monitoring, labor tubs, birth stools…), supplies and medical providers (midwives!).


With its own water supply, the washer can be used in areas that may be difficult to reach for other equipment.


A space suit is a complex system of garments and equipment and environmental systems designed to keep a person alive and comfortable in the harsh environment of outer space.


If your little one is full of excitement and curiosity when construction equipment is around, then


We have to build global consortiums in all disciplines to ensure the availability of equipment and data to all researchers, including citizen scientists, who perform investigations of significance.


As Metzger points out, the most easily and thoroughly automated industries on Earth today are also those most necessary for space development — the manufacturing of electronics, transportation equipment, and machinery.


So investing in better equipment can be a way of investing in the productivity of your workers.


The Federal Government is to support the Kogi Government with agricultural equipment to encourage farmers and boost agricultural production in the state.


I love the variety of equipment, the character education incorporated into lessons AND how clean it is!


In nine years of battling wildfires across the Western United States, Edmund Howick has mourned a fallen fellow firefighter and hiked a mountain hauling nearly 100 pounds (45 kg) of equipment on his back to escape a blaze that heralded its advance with a roar.


The panel met on three separate occasions in June and July to hammer out the plan, which is estimated to save $ 164,000 annually beginning in 2018 through the consolidation of the Boonville town and village courts, Department of Public Works equipment sharing and a mowing and snowplowing agreement between the City of Rome and Town of Verona.


The report shows the original proposal to enhance fire and rescue services had a completion date for early 2003, but most of the new equipment and vehicles were not in until 2005 and after.


One of the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, according to, is that most «Health insurance plans must provide breastfeeding support, counseling, and equipment for the duration of breastfeeding».


Second, toads love to squeeze into tight hidey-holes, and so will often end up inside material and equipment that is about to be transported.


Clean Harbors offers a full line of High-Pressure Services for cleaning these items and process equipment of all types.


An exercise complex is simply a series of exercises performed with a single piece of equipment and no rest between exercises.


He built his own Bronco Bowl, which uses $ 335,000 worth of air-conditioning equipment as part of his plan for a «fair shake for spectators.»


That’s why I secured more than $ 25 million for AIM Photonics in June as part of next year’s federal defense budget and the funding for major equipment purchases was approved that same month.


He said National Grid ratepayers would pay millions to retrofit the Dunkirk coal plant, which was slated to shut down, with equipment to burn natural gas.


If you can not consistently follow a simple workout routine for any noteworthy period of time, don’t buy equipment you won’t use.


US About Blog Diamond MMA — a sports equipment company that designs, manufactures, and distributes high-end groin protection, athletic cups, jockstraps & compression shorts.


Earth moving equipment and vehicles belonging to Exton Cubic’s sub-contractor, Ibrahim Mahama’s Engineers and Planners (E&P), had earlier been impounded at Nyinahin, the town where the forest reserve is located.


Statistics Canada publishes data for four broad types of physical capital: buildings, engineering construction (highways, dams, etc.), machinery and equipment, and intellectual property.


Phrases with «equipment»:

  • equipment
  • standard equipment
  • of equipment
  • safety equipment
  • new equipment
  • equipment such as
  • equipment and supplies
  • many standard features found on other vehicles as optional equipment
  • standard equipment for the money
  • equipment necessary
  • (see

Random good picture Not show

1. The equipment is still at the experimental stage.

2. The oil company will ship out the heavy equipment.

3. They supply us with latest equipment.

4. Sulphur is also used to sterilize equipment.

5. The equipment sent out a regular high-pitched signal.

6. Is the equipment operational yet?

6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

7. Can I rent the equipment?

8. Periodic checks are carried out on the equipment.

9. Sailors have special equipment to help them navigate.

10. The equipment is checked on a regular basis.

11. The money will be used to repair faulty equipment.

12. The climbers strapped on a variety of equipment.

13. Hospitals are increasingly depending on charity for vital equipment.

14. Put the equipment in No 3 bay.

15. The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.

16. The ship is loaded with military equipment.

17. Make sure the equipment is properly installed.

18. We’ll have to bring our equipment up-to-date.

19. The firm is Britain’s main producer of electronic equipment.

20. I want to know the magnitude of this equipment.

21. The team’s first task was to decide what equipment could be salvaged.

22. Undercover officers found drug-making equipment used to impregnate paper with LSD.

23. Accidents due to failure of safety equipment are uncommon nowadays.

24. The equipment had to be dismantled and reassembled at each new location.

25. Thieves broke into the offices and stole $150,(’s worth of computer equipment.

26. The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipment.

27. The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.

28. In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.

29. We had enormous difficulty in getting hold of the right equipment.

30. It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment.

More similar words: requirement, equip, development, equivalent, developmental, equity, require, required, commencement, amendment, entertainment, sentiment, frequent, subsequent, frequently, consequently, moment, comment, mentor, segment, ailment, mention, payment, mentally, element, basement, momentum, movement, fragment, monument. 

Equipment and controls were destroyed.
Все оборудование уничтожено.

“The army’s equipment is being upgraded.
— Военная техника совершенствуется.

Replacement of obsolete communications equipment
Замена морально устаревшей аппаратуры связи

Additional equipment required for certain classes:
Дополнительное снаряжение, требуемое для некоторых классов:

Future infocommunication structures, systems and networks: technical equipment, technologies and standards
Будущие информационно-коммуникационные структуры, системы и сети: техническое оснащение, технологии и стандарты.

Strengthening national Commissions set up to oversee implementation of the Moratorium, in terms of staffing and equipment, and developing national plans of action;
укрепление национальных комиссий, созданных для наблюдения за осуществлением моратория, с точки зрения кадрового и технического обеспечения и разработка национальных планов действий;

The infrastructure, equipment and staffing will, however, need to be upgraded and reinforced to keep pace with the demand for services.
Вместе с тем инфраструктуру, техническую оснащенность и кадровое обеспечение будет необходимо модернизировать и укрепить для удовлетворения возрастающих потребностей в услугах.

Registration and storage of specialized technical equipment;
учет и хранение специальной технологической оснастки;

MoO seeks compensation for the loss of office furniture and fixtures, office equipment, and reference and technical books and periodicals.
МН испрашивает потери офисной мебели и арматуры, офисного оборудования, а также справочных и технических изданий и журналов.

Activities: Design and execution of programmes of work; personnel management (three engineers, two survey teams for hydrological and mineral drilling, one geophysical team); management of geophysical surveying equipment and materials.
Функции: разработка и осуществление программ деятельности; управление кадрами (три инженера, две разведочные группы — бурение скважин с целью разведки запасов водных ресурсов и полезных ископаемых, геофизическая группа); управление материальной частью и техническим оснащением геофизической разведки.

This project, known as Train Office, has as its main goal the creation of an information management system for the reception and transmission in real time, from the train, of information, inter alia, concerning the crew, the rolling stock, the traction equipment, by identifying train stocks (in the case of commercial wagons), and the follow-up of their geographical location.
Этот проект, получивший название » Трейн офис «, преследует одну главную цель- создание системы управления информацией, которая позволит получать и передавать с поезда в режиме реального времени информацию, касающуюся персонала, подвижного состава, тяговых средств и т.д., идентифицируя тем самым парк транспортных средств (в случае коммерческих вагонов), и следить за их географическим местонахождением.

Spy Cams and Surveillance Equipment:
Камеры наблюдения и другое оборудование для слежения

road maintenance equipment (motor graders, road rollers, asphalt finishers);
дорожно-ремонтную технику (автогрейдеры, дорожные катки, асфальтоукладчики);

Military searchlights and control equipment thereof.
Военные прожекторы и аппаратура для управления ими.

They did not have good equipment.
У них не было хорошего снаряжения.

Assistance with technical equipment for a mobile operational defence system for the Belarus State border
О содействии техническому оснащению мобильной оперативной системы охраны государственной границы Республики Беларусь

The attrition of men, machines and equipment was reaching alarming proportions.
Потеря личного состава, танков и боевой техники достигала тревожных размеров.

“(c) Strengthening national Commissions set up to oversee implementation of the Moratorium, in terms of staffing and equipment, and developing national plans of action;
укрепление национальных комиссий, созданных для наблюдения за осуществлением моратория, с точки зрения кадрового и технического обеспечения и разработка национальных планов действий;


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
Все примеры собраны из уже переведенных текстов: официальных документов, сайтов, журналов и диалогов из фильмов.
Раздел Контексты поможет в изучении английского, немецкого, испанского, русского и других языков. Здесь вы сможете найти примеры
с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

оборудование, снаряжение, оснащение, аппаратура, экипировка, вооружение, арматура


- оборудование; оснащение; снаряжение

the equipment of the laboratory took much time — оборудование лаборатории потребовало много времени

- оборудование; снаряжение; аппаратура

capital equipment — орудия /средства/ производства, капитальное оборудование
fixed equipment — стационарное оборудование
measuring equipment — измерительная аппаратура
automatic equipment — автоматика
diving equipment — водолазное снаряжение
equipment stock — станочный парк
with modern equipment — с современным оборудованием; с современными удобствами

- оснастка

yacht’s equipment — оснащение яхты

- экипировка
- воен. материальная часть; боевая техника

equipment density — насыщенность техникой

- спец. имущество

equipment park — склад имущества

- (умственный) багаж (тж. intellectual equipment, mental equipment)

professional equipment — профессиональная подготовка
equipment for smth. — подготовленность /задатки/ к чему-л.

- амер. ж.-д. подвижной состав

Мои примеры


an expensive piece of medical equipment — дорогое медицинское оборудование  
a very useful piece of equipment — очень полезная часть оборудования  
They confused increased equipment and expenditure with the quantity of effective work done. — Они спутали рост количества оборудования и расходов с количеством реально выполненной работы.  
to work bugs out of equipment — отлаживать оборудование  
snow cleaning equipment — снегоуборочное оборудование  
composing equipment — наборное оборудование  
crash equipment — аварийно-спасательное оборудование  
delicate equipment — чувствительное оборудование  
dependable piece of equipment — надёжный прибор  
durability of equipment — срок службы оборудования  
electric equipment — электрооборудование  
electronic equipment — электронное оборудование  
hunting equipment — охотничье снаряжение  

Примеры с переводом

This equipment is still functional.

Это оборудование все еще в рабочем состоянии.

Bring your own equipment.

Оборудование приносите с собой.

He has trucked all his equipment.

Он привёз на грузовике всё своё оборудование.

The photographer came early to set up his equipment.

Фотограф пришёл пораньше, чтобы установить свою аппаратуру.

The equipment cannot function without the staff.

Это оборудование не может работать без обслуживающего персонала.

We depreciate our equipment over three years.

Мы списываем стоимость нашего оборудования за три года.

A lot of money was spent on the equipment of the new hospital.

Много денег было потрачено на оборудование новой больницы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The factory has had frequent equipment breakdowns.

The equipment should be stored at a constant temperature.

The thieves got clean away with $300,000 worth of equipment.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Applications include industrial control instruments, medical equipment, security monitoring equipment, vehicle peripherals, audio-visual equipment, energy storage equipment.

Области применения включают промышленные контрольные приборы, медицинское оборудование, оборудование для мониторинга безопасности, периферийные устройства транспортных средств, аудиовизуальное оборудование, оборудование для хранения энергии.

With more than 50 series of machines, including laser cutting equipment, laser welding equipment, laser engraving equipment, laser marking equipment and laser etching equipment

Emergency equipment can be airborne within 24 hours.

Оборудование для оказания чрезвычайной помощи может в течение 24 часов перебрасываться по воздуху в место назначения.

Weapons artefacts were separated from other equipment and secured.

Предметы, имеющие отношение к оружию, были отделены от другого оборудования и была обеспечена их охрана.

For whom: personnel working with equipment: operators, equipment maintenance specialists.

Для кого: персонал, который работает с оборудованием: операторы, специалисты по обслуживанию оборудования.

Environmental test equipment is a precision and valuable equipment.

Fruit storage facilities with no regulated gas environment shall include: ventilation equipment, refrigeration equipment, storage equipment, sorting and packaging equipment.

Фруктохранилище без регулируемой газовой среды должно включать: вентиляционное оборудование, холодильное оборудование, складскую технику, сортировочно-упаковочное оборудование.

Cleaning specialized equipment — this category includes both heating equipment and production equipment.

Очистки специализированной техники — к данной категории можно отнести как отопительное оборудование, так и производственную технику.

Among such elements are network equipment and internal software; automated equipment monitoring and diagnostic data storage systems, equipment testing centres.

Среди таких элементов — сетевое оборудование и внутреннее программное обеспечение; автоматизированные системы мониторинга оборудования и хранения диагностических данных, испытательные центры для оборудования.

Was the most modern equipment, including communications equipment and equipment for exploration.

Brewing equipment According to the principle of brewing can be divided into fermentation equipment, brewing equipment and distillation equipment, as well as later packaging filling equipment.

This equipment is specially designed for the detection of leaks of sulphur hexafluoride equipment and containers in power, railway, electrical appliance manufacturing, chemical, fire-fighting equipment and atomic physics research departments.

Это оборудование специально разработано для обнаружения утечек оборудования и контейнеров с гексафторидом серы в энергетическом, железнодорожном, электротехническом, химическом, противопожарном оборудовании и отделах атомной физики.

Manufacturer and distributors of electric steam boilers, ironing equipment, humidifying equipment and air compressor equipment.

Производитель и дистрибьюторы электрических паровых котлов, гладильное оборудование, увлажняющее оборудование и воздушный компрессор оборудования.

If your business needs updated equipment or you need to add more equipment as part of an expansion, consider equipment financing.

Если вашему бизнесу требуется обновленное оборудование или вам необходимо добавить больше оборудования в рамках расширения, рассмотрите возможность финансирования оборудования.

For example, a supplier of equipment may lease a piece of equipment to a buyer who takes possession of the equipment and pays for it in instalments.

Поставщик оборудования, например, может сдать определенное оборудование в аренду покупателю, который вступает во владение таким оборудованием и оплачивает его частями.

So now the popular brewing equipment is mostly aluminum equipment and stainless steel equipment.

Net equipment sales for the quarter were 81% agricultural equipment and 19% construction equipment.

A significant proportion of business is leasing of railway equipment, high-tech industrial equipment, water transport, power equipment, motor vehicles.

Значительную долю бизнеса составляет лизинг железнодорожной техники, высокотехнологичного промышленного оборудования, водного транспорта, энергетического оборудования, автотранспорта.

Poorly maintained equipmentequipment failure can occur when the equipment is not maintained in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.

Плохое обслуживание оборудования — выход из строя оборудования может произойти и тогда, если оборудование не обслуживается в соответствии с инструкциями производителя.

The schedules should cover equipment maintenance, current repair of equipment; overhaul of equipment.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат equipment

Результатов: 229560. Точных совпадений: 229560. Затраченное время: 213 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The team bought the latest equipment.«
(the latest, modern, state-of-the-art, the best)

«This factory contains high-tech equipment.«
(high-tech, technical, sensitive)

«The basic equipment was provided to us.«
(basic, standard, necessary)

«He needs special equipment to complete this job.«

«They had to replace the defective equipment.«
(defective, faulty, outdated, old)

«She bought new exercise equipment.«
(exercise, gym, sports, gardening, camera, video)

«The school needs new laboratory equipment.«
(laboratory, scientific, computer, electronic)

«The city is investing in new communication equipment.«
(communication, navigation, radio)

«They are bringing rescue equipment to the disaster site.«
(rescue, safety, security)

Used with verbs:

«They purchased new computer equipment.«
(purchased, bought, provided, supplied, donated)

«This store sells sports equipment.«
(sells, carries, stocks)

«They will install the equipment in the lab.«
(install, clean, upgrade, test)

«This game doesn’t require extra equipment.«
(require, need, call for)

«He needs to learn to operate the equipment.«
(operate, use)

«The computer equipment worked this morning.«
(worked, malfunctioned, broke)

Used with nouns:

«I had to call the equipment maker for instructions.«
(maker, manufacturer, supplier, vender, repairman)

«This store offers equipment rental.«

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