Sentence with word enormous

2017 saw investors experience enormous returns.


[Note: The Big Five — until recently the Big Six, but conglomeration is an ongoing reality when suppliers must negotiate with a single enormous retailer — compete with each other for the books they want to publish.


And in the distance, more white — the snow-covered Brooks Range rising to meet an enormous autumn moon.


Peter Buggenhout: «Caterpillar Logic II» (closes on Saturday) Conjuring space junk, giant dust motes and magnified cancer cells, these two enormous, bristling ruins of sculptures have found their own way to split the difference between painting and sculpture, found and made, extravagant chaos and deliberate complexity.


Hospitals are paid enormous sums for using and distributing only one company’s product.


The trace amounts of minerals inside a typical phone simply don’t justify the enormous expense of extraction.


We spend an enormous amount of time searching for and then hiring what we think to be «A» players.


He also pointed out that large international subscription services such as 24Symbols, Bookmate, Nubico, Sloobe, and Readfy are confronted by the enormous number of self-published titles available.


I’m also a big fan of the huge earrings I saw on the runway and can assure you all that when worn correctly, they can show an enormous amount of class.


The mobile industry has truly taken off with a big bang and has gained an enormous increase in reputation and number of followers.


Many niche dating sites offer enormous value because the niche is so specific.


In addition, you visit an offshore wildlife reserve with thousands of nesting marine birds, penguins, and enormous sea lion colonies.


«The future car is going to have an enormous amount of computational ability,» Huang said.


In January, in her office, Ms. Lévy said the lawsuit «put an enormous strain on a relationship that was struggling.»


One central pinnacle provides divers of all levels with the opportunity to also see clownfish, lionfish and enormous schools of damsel fish swimming around on all sides while trevallies dart around hunting.


Rear 60/40 folding seats give users an enormous cargo storage area big enough to carry all your gear no matter how far away your next adventure may be.


You don’t give up that percentage of your business without it having an enormous impact to your bottom line.


In the next few years, a new generation of submersibles will begin to transform marine science by opening up enormous unexplored regions of the ocean.


His latest work, E. Pluribus Unum, is an enormous mandala naming one million organizations from around the world committed to peace, environmental sustainability and social justice.


The big battle in Civil War takes place in a pretty unexciting venue: an enormous, unoccupied airport runway.


«There is an enormous amount of data about teaching and learning in the things students do and make, yet as educators and researchers, we rarely pay enough attention to it,» says Seidel.


Its glory, also left over from the fair, is an enormous scale model of the city.


While these huge corporations are raking in enormous revenue — consumers like you can be at a big disadvantage.


The brake pads produce enormous amounts of dust.


Oh, and lest we forget, you can fly around the newly enormous game world in a paper airplane!


It’s an approach that offers enormous potential for more engaging brand experiences.


The elimination of the SALT deduction would create enormous pressure for additional tax relief from wealthier communities and shrink the revenue available for their own schools via property taxes and for less wealthy communities via state aid packages.


I haven’t even come across the enormous, imposing T-Rex robot from the 2015 E3 trailer.


I say that to mean David that I see your enormous potential as a spirit after truth and in sharing my «view» whether right or wrong, it was nowhere near meant to out diwn, rather a reminder that «hey, i see you, and this is what I feel»… that is all.


It had likeable characters whose fate you actually cared about, it was made at a time when CGI hadn’t yet evolved to the point where you could use it as a crutch when designing action sequences, and Roland Emmerich hadn’t yet forgotten the importance of structure and (relative) subtlety when crafting a film on an enormous scale.


After asking the wrinkled blond woman at the modest storefront if this is indeed the home of the world’s most enormous chainsaw, she politely informs me that she no longer has it.


And, you’ll see the profit potential even before creating enormous amounts of different content types.


The large number of unaffiliated but at least nominally believing Christians — the unchurched, as shown by a 1978 Gallup study — constitutes an enormous audience potential for the electronic church.


Similarly, when someone chooses a nursing home for someone they love, they place an enormous amount of trust into the nursing home staff.


The stress on some men must be enormous, but they can’t express it and they have to bottle it all up.


The vast distance to the source implies that it releases an enormous amount of energy in each burst — roughly as much energy in a single millisecond as the Sun releases in an entire day.


While there has been enormous interest and opposition to the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, this project is likely years away and must overcome pending legal challenges from several First Nations along the route.


C) Human impact on the environment is already enormous.


Yes as I mentioned in my last post, Romania would benefit little (20 percent of profits) and will potentially have enormous losses to cover in terms of environmental clean up.


Based on his enormous networking success, Sprake has developed what he calls the W.I.N. Formula, a simple, proven process that he says will leave every viable prospect you meet wanting more.


let’s just get Eleanor out of bed, don’t pay any attention or register ANY fright to the four or five enormous hands reaching from the ceiling!!!!! And what the hell!?!?? He’s my great grandfather.


But unfortunately, ETFs are a product in which the first mover has enormous advantage.


Now there are stores and businesses everywhere; the center of the city is one enormous traffic jam.


Several studies have shown that around 10,000 years ago, as the planet came out of the last ice age, vast portions of volcanic summit cones collapsed, leading to enormous landslides.


«The basic idea is that we have to establish a price level for carbon in China, and I think that is the right step to take,» said Yang, adding: «I think the enormous local impacts of China’s energy mix and dependence on coal is becoming a huge push for China to take even stronger climate mitigation action.»


You may also spot enormous moths, sparkling butterflies, turtles, crabs and river fish.


Despite enormous pressure from senior Democrats — many of whom had endorsed my candidacy — I didn’t yield.


That’s because SEIU 32BJ and its president, Hector Figueroa, wield enormous influence over Albany and City Hall.


The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation caused many schools to place an enormous emphasis on promoting academic…


This is a mammoth site packed with an enormous amount of info.


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Many renewable energy technologies have enormous potential.

Многие технологии, основанные на использовании возобновляемых энергоресурсов, таят в себе огромный потенциал.

I sincerely hope it can deliver on its enormous potential.

Мы все очень надеемся, что он сполна раскроет свой огромный потенциал.

Checks and services are enormous challenges that bind business on hand and foot.

Проверки и платные услуги — это колоссальные проблемы, которые связывают бизнес по рукам и ногам.

One consequence of enormous significance for China was its isolation from the West.

Одним из последствий этого, имевшим для Китая колоссальное значение, стала его изоляция от Запада.

Eventually it explodes with enormous force.

И то, и иное взрывается с большой силой.

The UK sees enormous potential in Ukraine as a European neighbour and partner.

Однако в заявлении говорится, что Великобритания видит большой потенциал в Украине как европейском соседе и партнере.

Doctors leave medical school with enormous debt.

Я понимаю, что студенты-медики выходят из школы с огромными долгами, а также.

The problems confronting the new government were enormous.

Трудности, с которыми пришлось столкнуться новому государству, тем не менее, были огромны.

This places an enormous responsibility upon pastoral leadership.

Но, с другой стороны, на вас ложится очень большая ответственность по пастырскому руководству.

Damage compensation and clean-up costs are enormous.

Огромных средств требуют расходы на компенсацию ущерба и очистку от загрязнения окружающей среды.

If the building is enormous then the roof holds.

Если размеры дома достаточно велики, то и крыша будет таковой.

Nationwide, the consequences are enormous.

В масштабах страны экономические последствия таких решений огромны.

They are widely scattered in an enormous geographical expanse.

Но они в значительной своей части рассредоточены на колоссальном географическом пространстве.

For that alone he deserves enormous respect.

За одно это он уже заслуживает огромного уважения».

We think mobile commerce has enormous potential.

Мы верим, что у трансграничной торговли огромный потенциал.

She has enormous capability, he continued.

Безусловно, обладает огромным потенциалом»,- продолжил он.

Collectively, it has an enormous negative impact on society.

А с точки зрения коллектива это оказывает огромное отрицательное воздействие на общество.

Illustrate the enormous workloads put upon staff.

Представляете, какая огромная нагрузка ложится на обслуживающий персонал.

The weight lifted off my shoulders was enormous.

Ответственность, которая лежала на моих плечах, была колоссальной.

An enormous effort was put into constructing this park.

Для того, чтобы сделать на этом месте парк, была проделана колоссальная работа.

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Suggestions that contain enormous

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

огромный, громадный, чудовищный, ужасный


- громадный, огромный, грандиозный

enormous changes — огромные перемены
enormous sum — громадная сумма
enormous appetite — чудовищный аппетит
enormous bliss — беспредельное блаженство
enormous woe — безмерное горе

- ужасный, чудовищный

enormous crime — ужасное /гнусное/ злодеяние
enormous offences — тяжкие преступления

Мои примеры


a singer with an enormous amount of talent — певец с огромным талантом  
the enormous girth of the tree — огромная окружность ствола этого дерева  
the enormous variety of marine life — огромное разнообразие морской жизни  
brisk / enormous / great / strong demand — большой спрос  
an enormous fortune — несметное богатство  
enormous wickedness — чудовищное злодеяние  
enormous crimes — чудовищные преступления  
enormous / heavy odds — огромные, непреодолимые трудности  
enormous / huge / large / tremendous amount — огромное количество  
enormous scale — огромный размер, большой размах  
enormous / tremendous size — очень большой размер  
enormous number — огромное количество  

Примеры с переводом

They live in an enormous house.

Они живут в огромном доме.

The team made an enormous effort.

Команда проделала гигантскую работу.

He’s only seventeen, but he has enormous self-confidence.

Ему только семнадцать лет, и — такое самомнение!

He has an enormous hooter.

У него огромный носище /шнобель/.

These avalanches consist of enormous blocks of ice.

Эти лавины состоят из огромных кусков льда.

She ran up an enormous phone bill.

Она наговорила по телефону огромную сумму.

The boxer’s return generated enormous publicity.

Возвращение боксера на ринг произвело сенсацию.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Despite our differences, I have enormous respect for him.

Incoming tides funnel up the channel with enormous power.

The problems confronting the new government were enormous.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

enormously  — чрезвычайно, крайне
enormousness  — огромность, огромные размеры, огромные масштабы

  • Every day, the sun radiates an enormous amount of energy.
  • It is proven that the absence of a robust legal structure for a startup takes an enormous toll at a later stage.
  • Congress well understood: Male athletes have been given an enormous head start in the race against their female counterparts for athletic resources, and Title IX would prompt universities to level the
  • Chief Legal Officer since many of the representations would require an enormous amount of diligence before a lawyer could make them.
  • Summoners War offers an enormous of.
  • How will NUS know if this enormous investment pays off?
  • It seeks to ensure that there would not be any last minute cancellation of flights causing enormous inconvenience to the travellers.
  • First, the costs of saving jobs in this particular way are enormous.
  • Although this still presents an enormous affordability challenge for DOD, we believe it must be funded.
  • This creates an enormous number of unique combinations.
  • Vested a prayer from quran for general intellect, and duaa got tired of riding and to find the enormous potential it will take not going against his commandment and.
  • This propensity to fall upon accessible source material signifies that Mulla still holds an enormous stature and will continue to retain it in the near future.
  • Wiscombe Memorial has been an enormous asset to their community and to the funeral industry.
  • Mark, an enormous congratulations on getting the temporary visa!
  • The most fascinating stretch of paradise known to the mankind, India unfolds itself as one enormous continent squeezed into one nation!
  • The radar was showing an enormous wall about a hundred kilometers ahead of them.
  • Using a tablet or smart phone for site control provides enormous flexibility as the equipment and technology evolves.
  • Divorces cause enormous stress to your emotions, preventing many from thinking clearly.
  • If the DVLA regulations were implemented, it could make an enormous difference to the behaviours of the driving public.
  • Spanning an enormous block of contiguous deeded land rising from the river valley to the mountain top, the Motherwell Ranch is distinguished by its unparalleled combination of exceptional privacy, div
  • By that I mean our brains remember things which leave an impression for whatever reason and discards enormous amounts automatically.
  • It was an enormous big boy, and Ona was such a tiny creature herself, that it seemed quite incredible.
  • Hosted a toy drive and received a great response resulting in an enormous amount of toys for our children.
  • They produce enormous amounts of data.
  • Munich the last three days has really highlighted the enormous national security threats that are facing America, that are growing and getting worse.
  • Data Mining may be defined as the process of extracting useful information and patterns from enormous data.
  • Congress put forward that message, recognizing the IC professionals for the enormous job they do each and every day to keep our Nation straight and secure.
  • Your business lends itself to an enormous amount of video marketing and social media is the way to go!
  • The potential growth of the Internet is enormous, to the point where one day, a computer terminal with an online connection will be as common and necessary as a telephone or toilet.
  • This rule applies to an enormous variety of situations.
  • He has had to confront the enormous difficulty of advancing a platform that promised simultaneously to do more and less.
  • An alternate way of monitoring the condition of parts under the enormous stresses of space flight was needed.
  • His condemnation of systems is enormous in scope, covering educational, psychological, political, philosophical and artistic systems in the four plays.
  • Something like a miracle was wrought in our favor, for enormous shoals of herrings were discovered to have wandered five hundred miles through the windings of the impetuous Susquehanna, and the lake w
  • Without question, teachers can exert an enormous influence over theirstudents.
  • In view of the enormous number of orders that I got from Himmler, Icould not concern myself enough with the details of each matter in order to be able to remember them for any length of time.
  • There was this enormous effort to develop a polio vaccine.
  • The amount of planning required is enormous.
  • The data we share is in from of offers, arrangements, and coupons which spare enormous cash for every one of our clients around the globe.
  • The enormous wavy beams holding up the natural cut stone blocks required naval engineering techniques for their design.
  • Furthermore, there is an enormous interest in all accessories to the development business.
  • Passes when strung with enormous shower and click here before christmas light finale is to.
  • Tim has had enormous success writing songs and adapting his stories to entertain the youngest of audiences and their caregivers.
  • An enormous need exists for dramatic reductions in energy consumption.
  • That enormous ability by virtue of which one is Moses, u00c6schylus, Dante, Michael Angelo, or Napoleon, the multitude awards on the spot, and by acclamation, to whomsoever attains his object, in what
  • The continually increasing rarity of the Greenland whale lias caused an enormous appreciation in the value of whalebone of recent years, as compared to the prices obtaining the first half of the last
  • Once at Grand Canyon West, we parked in an enormous parking lot.
  • We are providing that explanation to fill in the enormous blank spaces Ted left in his narrative.
  • If the DVLA regulations were implemented, it could make an enormous difference to the understanding and behaviours of the driving public.
  • They work very hard with their enormous experienced and educated faculty team to achieve it.
  • The first communities that decide to collect all of the ground rent will have an enormous competitive advantage over all other communities.
  • Second only to Brazil in its biodiversity, Indonesia is host to an enormous number of unique plants and animals.
  • He rolls into the rings of Saturn on his enormous ship, the Dreadnaught, which comes equipped with weapons of mass destruction.
  • There will also be an enormous market in industry for the noise cancellation system.
  • Tax or use a new on return policy from the municipal shelters in her people with a two years before i see only enormous love other lupine gear chewed?
  • At that moment she suddenly became conscious that her bucket no longer weighed anything at all: a hand, which seemed to her enormous, had just seized the handle, and lifted it vigorously.
  • The entire group of samples is analyzed simultaneously in one experiment, providing enormous amounts of correlative information about specific biomarkers, in the context of rigorous procedural control
  • There are the enormous ufb01nancial costs associated with having a child being chronically ill and then dying.
  • New Frontier Region for an enormous pool beneath a dome of windows.
  • Gradually, the soundtrack for this tiny musical found an enormous audience online.
  • If that conclusion was wrong, H had already gained an enormous benefit from using the defective system by the time it notified S of its decision to reject it.
  • However, it is difficult to give accurate prices because of the enormous variety of materials and sizes and the competitive nature of the furnace filter market.
  • Whereas their pluripotency has earned them fame and controversy, there is a long way to go before their enormous therapeutic potential is realized.
  • Following enormous conjecture in the press, I wish to confirm that I have been tested HIV positive and have AIDS.
  • It has also come at an enormous social cost.
  • John Wilson and Heidi Bush, The Data Privacy Puzzle Companies gather enormous u00d0 and growing u00d0 amounts of personal data every day.
  • For one of the directors, the financial strain was causing enormous tension in her shoulders.
  • With maximum functionality for a minimum weight, they offer enormous savings potential and ecological advantages.
  • We carry an enormous range of textile options such as table cloth, tablecloth, table cover to suit your personal tastes or fit your large purchasing needs.
  • But who can fail to see that in order to do it an enormous personnel would have been necessary.
  • The thought of loosing your job can put an enormous amount of strain on a person.
  • When I listened to it later, they and their Sabean kings enjoyed enormous wealth as caravan monopolists in the global trade in myrrh and frankincense!
  • She carried an enormous handbag out of which she would produce the tools of her trade, as well as her knitting.
  • She has enormous potential to undertake research work independently.
  • This rating and attractiveness is being negatively impacted by the enormous amount of Federal regulation that has been imposed.
  • Defensive advantage in the region requires the nited tates to generate enormous military power relative to any potential adversary.
  • Rogue doctors wrote fraudulent prescriptions for enormous numbers of pills, and complicit pharmacists filled them without question, often for cash.
  • Usually what happened was that the Director would give one an enormous amount of alleged security violations to which one tried to make a more or less reasonable response.
  • This, in turn, can reduce the enormous cost of disasters to property owners and all levels of government.
  • Fans will certainly disagree, as is their right, but it is an enormous amount of unfiltered space to give to an artist who is still getting started.
  • Americans are huge consumers of products that use enormous amounts of energy and generate large amounts of waste.
  • The FAA drastically reduced access to the ATC system for manymonths; and while the hardship on general aviation was enormous, the airlinescame out better than anyone had hoped.
  • The Ender Dragon is an enormous, black dragon with shining purple eyes.
  • The pain is still enormous, but less so now.
  • For a time my agent of extension of the determinate County the one who a culprit was had died enormous looking patches in my gram.
  • Iraq to encourage that government and to support that government in the enormous challenges that they have.
  • Iran despite the enormous pressure to not do so.
  • The years have brought enormous changes the types persons elected to successful campaigns.
  • The enormous value of these tools is the capacity it gives you to compare texts, manuscripts, versions, and commentaries synchronously within a single user interface.
  • And with enormous capital inflows and statutory incentives to make those investments, LSVCCs tend to bid up deal prices, lowering rates of return for private investors in the marketplace.
  • Thesu0435 aare gu0435nuinely enormous u0456deas in concerning blogging.
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  • The opportunity for substantial growth is enormous.
  • If it turns out that they succeed in losing sufficiently large fortunes, the guarantee will be ex post of enormous value.
  • De Liban said the outcry over the change has been enormous.
  • The efficiencies were enormous.
  • Just remember, though, this one little detail can make an enormous difference when it comes to the ease of your move and the size of your bank account.

Similar words: Enormous Time, Enormous Fascination, Enormously Confident, Enormous Frustration, Enormous Resistance, Enormous Reaction, Enough To Establish, Enormous Levels Of, Enough Things To Worry About, Enormous Groups With, Enough The Choice, Enough To Keep Busy, Enormous Honor, Enough Good, Enormous Idea, Enormous Number Of Deaths, Enough Much Like, Enough Is Enough You, Enormous Advancements In, Enormous Mural

Sentences with the word Enormous?



  • «such an enormous response was astonishing»; «an astounding achievement»; «the amount of money required was staggering»; «suffered a staggering defeat»; «the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying»
  • «the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children»; «the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft»
  • «We confronted him with the evidence»; «He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions»; «An enormous dilemma faces us»
  • «the air near the foundry was always dirty»; «a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout»
  • «the cost in human life was enormous«; «the price of success is hard work»; «what price glory?»
  • «an enormous boulder»; «enormous expenses»; «tremendous sweeping plains»; «a tremendous fact in human experience; that a whole civilization should be dependent on technology»- Walter Lippman; «a plane took off with a tremendous noise»
  • «the assembly plant is an enormous facility»
  • «Shakespeare’s production of poetry was enormous«; «the production of white blood cells»
  • «shattering rain striking the windowpanes»; «the shattering tones of the enormous carillon»; «the shattering peal of artillery»
  • «it is an enormous, fruit-packed wine, smelling sublimely of ripe blackcurrants»

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