Sentence with word emphatic

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Notwithstanding the emphatic statement, in Phil. iii.

Saudi Aramco’s answer to this question is an emphatic ‘yes’.

Ответ Saudi Aramco на этот вопрос — решительное «да».

It required strong, emphatic language to make them realise the ugliness of their foolish ways.

Для того чтобы заставить людей ясно понять мерзость их безрассудных путей, необходим сильный и выразительный язык.

The plan was, however, frustrated by the emphatic refusal of Germany to consider it.

План, однако, был сорван выразительным отказом Германии от его рассмотрения.

While polling historically favoured remain, it was not emphatic.

В то время как опрос исторически благоприятствовал сохранению, он не был решительным.

Social networks actually make kids more relationship-oriented, considerate, and emphatic.

Социальные сети на самом деле делают детей более ориентированными на отношения, внимательными и решительными.

These shapes are joined and supported by flexible strips of lead that form dark, emphatic contours.

Эти кусочки соединяются и держатся гибкими полосками свинца, которые образуют темные выразительные контуры.

The author has a limited vocabulary, but loves emphatic repetition, and his very monotony is solemn and impressive.

Лексический запас автора ограничен, однако он любит выразительные повторения, и сама монотонность его повествования носит торжественный и впечатляющий характер.

Volition, in the emphatic sense, involves something more than voluntary movement.

Воля в решительном смысле предполагает нечто большее, чем добровольное движение.

When asked how this should be done he was emphatic.

Когда его спросили, как это сделать, он был решительным.

As I mentioned above, most «sole» enthusiasts are emphatic about using unrefined salt rather than table salt.

Как я упоминал выше, большинство «единственных» энтузиастов решительно относятся к использованию неочищенной соли, а не поваренной соли.

«I was a little more emphatic than usual,» he recalled.

«Я был немного более решительным, чем обычно», — вспоминает он.

Photographs of early twentieth century exhibitions show how these emphatic frames guaranteed central positions for Goldie’s works.

Фотографии с выставок начала двадцатого века показывают, как эти выразительные рамки гарантировали центральные позиции для произведений Голди.

The «you» in the Greek text is emphatic.

Слово «свое» в греческом тексте звучит очень выразительно.

Such emphatic stoppages would become his specialty — Joshua now has 22 consecutive wins.

Такие решительные бои станут его специальностью — Джошуа теперь имеет 22 последовательных победы.

Significantly, Prime Minister Modi’s remarks were most emphatic and specific.

Примечательно, что замечания премьер-министра Моди были наиболее выразительными и конкретными.

In emphatic speech in Argentina and Chile = [ʒ].

We naturally lack this emphatic quality.

Конечно, нам очень недоставало этого светлого ума.

This is the especially emphatic use of the word.

This time, her victory was even more emphatic.

Хотя на этот раз его победа была еще более спорной.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

выразительный, подчеркнутый, эмфатический, настойчивый


- выразительный; подчёркнутый, эмфатический

her answer was an emphaticNo! — она ответила категорически «Нет!»

- настойчивый, настоятельный (о просьбе и т. п.)

emphatic opinion — твёрдое убеждение
emphatic denial — категорический отказ
he was emphatic in his assertion that … — он настойчиво утверждал, что …
I must be emphatic on this point — я должен настаивать на этом моменте

- явный; яркий; бросающийся в глаза

emphatic success — несомненный успех
emphatic speaker — темпераментный оратор

- лингв. эмфатический

emphatic mood — эмфатическое наклонение
emphatic pronoun — усилительное местоимение
emphatic stress — эмфатическое ударение
emphatic plural — эмфатическое или поэтическое множественное число

Мои примеры


the accented or emphatic syllables — ударные или выделяемые при произнесении звуки  
to show one’s opinion in emphatic shape — очень убедительно выразить своё мнение  
emphatic tone — настойчивый тон  
her answer was an emphatic❝No!❞ — она ответила категорически «Нет!»  
give an emphatic denial — категорически отрицать  
emphatic fall — эмфатическое падение тона  
emphatic opposition — решительная оппозиция  
emphatic public statement — решительное публичное заявление; яркое публичное заявление  
emphatic refusal — категорический отрицание; категорический отказ  
emphatic rejection — категорический отрицание; категорический отказ  

Примеры с переводом

He was pretty emphatic about me leaving.

Он сильно настаивал, чтобы я ушёл.

His manner of speaking seems much too emphatic and high-pitched.

Его манера говорить кажется слишком эмоциональной и вычурной.

The president was emphatic that there would be no negotiating with the terrorists.

Президент подчеркнул, что переговоров с террористами не будет.

Wilde was emphatic that the event should go ahead.

Уайльд подчеркнул, что мероприятие должно состояться.

They were emphatic about their political differences.

Они напирали на свои политические разногласия.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the governor issued an emphatic denial of all charges…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

unemphatic  — невыразительный, неэмфатический

Emphatic was an American hard rock band from Omaha, founded by guitarist-songwriter Justin McCain in 2004. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Three of Southampton’s final five matches are away from St Mary’s, and one of the two remaining home assignments is a Manchester City side that will probably want to end their season in emphatic fashion on the final day.


Haspel earned emphatic support from GOP lawmakers as well as intelligence community members from both Democratic and Republican administrations.


It was an emphatic response from City after their bid for a quadruple came to an end with a shock defeat to League One Wigan on Monday.


In Minnesota, the answer is more emphatic «no»:


My view, which I have been propounding for some time, is an unequivocal and emphatic yes!»


«The Vice President now and while he was the running mate for the NPP was emphatic on the issue about borrowing in Ghana saying that the country need not borrow and that we have the resources here in Ghana and that when they win power they will not borrow.


But in spite of emphatic efforts, some training endeavors fail to capture the interest of the learners and do not make their intended impact.


My kids automatic response when I asked them if they had to potty was always an emphatic «no»… and then they would most often wet themselves a few minutes after that.


His comments came after an emphatic 3-0 victory for Chelsea away at Fulham, featuring one of the goals of the season from David Luiz.


I loved Amy Poehler’s impression of Brit actors doing an American accent in a pedantic, emphatic bass growl, the announcement that Wes Anderson arrived at the ceremony «on a bicycle made of antique tuba parts» and the fact that Boyhood «proves that there are still good roles for women over 40, as long as you get hired when you are under 40».


Fascinating… no mention of Steven Hawking’s emphatic statement that there is no heaven?


An even more emphatic answer obtained in Latin America where between 80 % (Panama) and 94 % (Mexico) favoured extradition.


In the same way, my condescending acquaintance and I can both be «called» (with emphatic finger quotes) as missionaries to Costa Rica, even though we are so vastly — and I mean vastly — different.


Vaping has been given an emphatic thumbs up by health experts after the first long-term study of its effects in ex-smokers.


Regardless of their emphatic materiality and simplified modular construction, both his outdoor work at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas, and his recent indoor sculptures seem calculated to destabilize the viewer’s experience of their seemingly static quality as objects.


If it were Arsenal of last season we could have struggled to regain the lead but in this occasion, we didn’t panic, we continued playing our game and finished in emphatic fashion.


Gunners are unstoppable at the moment, with just one draw and defeat in 8 premier league games, Arsenal retain their top spot with an emphatic win over Norwich.


Hot Mess, however, with its jagged contours, abrasive yellow background and hot-pink markings, may also be seen as a sincere homage to formalist abstraction, in its ad hoc approach, emphatic design, crisp draftsmanship, and coherent expression.


There are several types of grammatical moods including indicative, interrogatory, imperative, emphatic, subjunctive, injunctive, optative, and potential.


However, nearly a year and half since Purina bought Durango, Colo.-based Zuke’s, the company’s founding executives are emphatic about one thing — the 20-year-old brand remains true to its origins as an innovator of natural pet nutrition products.


A love song tailor-made for hairbrush karaoke sessions, this is the track to play when you finally ask out that person you’re crushing on — and they give you an emphatic yes!


Hazard leveled the scores merely five minutes later with an emphatic finish from the middle of the penalty area, taking advantage of Southampton’s crumbling defense which had looked so assured for much of proceedings.


The 20-year-old French international then capped off the counter with his first goal for Barca, powering an emphatic finish past Courtois…


His six goals have included some emphatic finishes, while he has also claimed three assists in Serie A.


The head of the Senate GOP caucus, Minority Leader Len Fasano, R-North Haven, has been peppering state Democrats for months with vocal criticism, and the Sept. 2 letter comes as an emphatic slap back at him.


Called «Ballerina» in its European run — where a girl-specific title and lack of emphatic punctuation clearly aren’t turn-offs to family audiences — this modestly budgeted but appealingly energetic piece of aspirational fluff is best when its modern sensibilities mesh with its old-fashioned themes, and jarringly off whenever it feels the need to kowtow to contemporary kidpic tropes like slang, fart jokes, and anachronistic references.


Although Rose and the Bulls are down 53-49 at halftime, the 26-year-old point guard had this great pass to Pau Gasol, who finished with an emphatic dunk.


I have, in fact, diarized it with emphatic flags to remind me that it is one of the things, if not THE thing that I should do almost immediately.


Pound enjoys best one-day rise since October 2011 as FTSE 250 hits an all-time high Investors cheered the emphatic and unexpected victory of the Conservatives by pouring money into the stock market, spurring a rally that resulted in the value of British companies swelling by more than # 50bn.


Meanwhile, Guardiola has also voiced his support for Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger, widely criticised following City’s emphatic 3-0 win over his team in Sunday’s League Cup Final at Wembley.


The Liberals were less emphatic during the campaign than the NDP, but they did promise to toughen the federal environmental assessment process for approving mega projects.


You are less emphatic about clinging on to loving thoughts of what love should be.


He latched onto the end of Michail Antonio’s cross and found the back off the net with an emphatic acrobatic effort that found the top corner of the Palace net.


A lot of XIII-2 is an emphatic reaction to criticism that XIII was too linear.


He will probably suggest some of his own — small children can be quite emphatic about what rules they think are important!


This is a negative rhetorical question in the Greek which means that the implied answer is an emphatic no.


Mather is emphatic, «it’s about science, not about being a hero.»


But back to the blockbuster — Fred’s emphatic response that founders have a responsibility to go public and that liquidity is good for all stakeholder (employees, investors & the company).


Along the years, one can see a natural transition in his works from emphatic monumental African figures to abstract expressionism which he saw as the most rigorous and serious form of painting.


Thursday night, UH added another emphatic slide.


It’s now seven concessions in two games for goalkeeper Robert Green, after heavy defeats at home to Man Utd (2-4) and away to Bolton (3-0), the latter more emphatic but also their most recent, and that could have a seriously adverse impact on the mood of the West Ham dressing room ahead of this mammoth clash.


In fact, to date, none of these efforts to exclude providers from Medicaid have gone into effect because of successful legal challenges and emphatic push-back from the Obama administration.


Among religions «based on a revelation,» Christians and Jews are emphatic in saying that they do not have «exclusive possession of the truth.»


It was hardly an emphatic result though and the fact they lost Diego Costa to a muscle injury during the game suggests that Chelsea might just drop some more points after the international break.


either verbally or with an emphatic head shake ask baby questions that give her a chance to say no or yes, like «Do you want a drink?»


What he got instead was an emphatic defense of Brown by broker Paul Smith.


Our U18s got their season underway in emphatic style, beating Brighton 5-1 to give them the ideal start to the new campaign.


«Bearing in mind the data presented [in his recent article], the answer is an obvious and emphatic, NO.»


Torturous father-son relationships involving Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper drag on for two-and-a-half hours of overly emphatic filmmaking and forced storytelling.


Although distressed by Cameron’s obstinate Euroscepticism, the Commissioner is otherwise emphatic in his approval, comparing him to the young Tony Blair of 11 or 12 years ago when Labour was in opposition.»


emphatic — перевод на русский


And don’t be too emphatic about this.

Только не надо слишком эмоционально говорить об этом.

You tend to be very emphatic and strong and — There’s no spillage.

Ты можешь эмоционально жестикулировать и …

No, I was being emphatic. I wasn’t yelling.

Я просто эмоционально выразился, а не кричал.

— I was just being emphatic.

— Это просто было эмоционально сказано.

— Okay, but I was being emphatic.

— Это просто было эмоционально сказано.

Показать ещё примеры для «эмоционально»…

They seem very emphatic about that.

Они кажутся очень решительными.

The Doctor was most emphatic.

Доктор был решителен.

— … in emphatic terms…

-…решительным образом…

Ryan, emphatic victory.

Райан, решительная победа.

A strong, emphatic denial, then.

Значит твёрдое, решительное отрицание.

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Synonym: emphasised, emphasized, exclamatory, forceful. Similar words: lymphatic system, emphasis, emphasize, alphabetical, pharmaceutical, that is, empathetic, what is more. Meaning: [ɪm’fætɪk]  adj. 1. spoken with emphasis 2. sudden and strong 3. forceful and definite in expression or action. 

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1. Wilde was emphatic that the event should go ahead.

2. She was equally emphatic about the importance of discipline.

3. His response was immediate and emphatic.

4. The statement is emphatic in stating that there must be a quid pro quo.

5. He was emphatic that he could not work with her.

6. He was pretty emphatic about me leaving.

7. He was most emphatic that I should go.

8. He was most emphatic about me leaving.

9. I answered both questions with an emphatic «Yes».

10. Yesterday’s emphatic victory was their fifth in succession.

11. Their reply was too emphatic for anyone to doubt them.

12. The minister has issued an emphatic rejection of the accusation.

13. He is especially emphatic about the value of a precise routine.

14. The rebels are emphatic that this is not a surrender.

15. He was very emphatic about that.

16. In a number of passages there are emphatic statements that he had come to fulfil the scriptures.

17. And Dalton’s emphatic right foot volley after 65 minutes put Argyle firmly in command.

18. It has the emphatic clarity of black-figure incision but is capable of much more subtle modulation.

19. It was an emphatic win and a remarkable turnaround in his fortunes.

20. But all the children I questioned afterwards were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience.

21. They were, however(, quite emphatic that there are large quantities of plant nutrients locked away in the soil structure.

22. The inaugural ball gown was an emphatic announcement that the first lady was going to play the style game her way.

23. The emphatic assertion of individual control over health exerted in some of these accounts can be looked at in a wider context.

24. Yet, Greene is emphatic that if there is any illegal dumping, it is negligible.

25. A more emphatic outline can be achieved by making a second cut round the outside of the first outline.

26. Poland reached the final of the championship yesterday with an emphatic 5-0 victory over Italy.

27. A century of confrontation and conflict can be a long time, but also an emphatic teacher.

28. In some examples it was thought necessary to highlight important distinguishing features with arrows or emphatic shading.

29. So in came James — and he recovered from a jittery start to stamp his authority on an emphatic Liverpool win.

30. What about the differences in pronunciation between the casual and the emphatic styles?

More similar words: lymphatic system, emphasis, emphasize, alphabetical, pharmaceutical, that is, empathetic, what is more, that is to say, contemplation, static, lunatic, erratic, fanatic, dogmatic, dramatic, aromatic, ecstatic, automatic, statically, chromatic, statistic, fanatical, schematic, pragmatic, traumatic, enigmatic, rheumatic, diplomatic, phlegmatic. 

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