Sentence with word dry

Synonym: arid, parched, thirsty, wet. Similar words: dry up, sundry, laundry. Meaning: [draɪ]  n. a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages. v. 1. remove the moisture from and make dry 2. become dry or drier. adj. 1. free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet 2. humorously sarcastic or mocking 3. lacking moisture or volatile components 4. opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages 5. not producing milk 6. (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation 7. without a mucous or watery discharge 8. not shedding tears 9. lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless 10. used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones 11. unproductive especially of the expected results 12. having no adornment or coloration 13. (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish 14. having a large proportion of strong liquor 15. lacking warmth or emotional involvement 16. practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. 

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1. Drawn wells are seldom dry.

2. It’s no use pumping a dry well. 

3. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. 

4. Keep your powder dry.

5. Dry wood makes a good blaze.

6. The branches were dry and brittle.

7. He wiped his boots dry with an old rag.

8. They used dry twigs to start the fire.

9. The dry riverbed finds no thanks for its past.

10. Go and rub your hands dry.

11. The house was riddled with dry rot.

12. I need to change into some dry clothes .

13. We collected dry twigs to start the fire.

14. When the paint is completely dry, apply another coat.

15. She rubbed her hair dry quickly with a towel.

16. The dry spell quickly diminished our water suply.

17. He set the dry leaves alight.

18. The snow was as dry as powder.

19. ‘Help!’ she croaked, her throat dry with fear.

20. Moisten the clay if it seems too dry.

21. Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.

22. Joe ran his tongue over his dry lips.

23. The sun beat down mercilessly on the dry earth.

24. We made the fire out of dry sticks.

25. Tomorrow’s weather will be dry with sunny periods.

26. If the mixture seems dry[], add water.

27. This coat will keep you dry in the rain.

28. Some plants flag in hot,[] dry weather.

29. We never know the worth (or value) of water till the well is dry

30. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. Thomas Fuller 

If the skillet it dry, add a dash more of oil.


Drop lard by the tablespoonful onto dry ingredients.


I made it last night for a small dinner party and baked it for 22 minutes, but the edges were so dry.


Increase the speed and very gradually add 1/3 cup of sugar, then beat until the meringue forms stiff but not dry peaks.


To the same bowl, add in all the dry ingredients (flax, oat flour, stevia, salt, nutmeg, cocoa, baking soda/powder)


Fold the wet ingredients into the dry until just combined; do not overmix.


Da King, maybe Jesus will help Ricky get over his addiction to oil cans due to his condition of dry bones.


Last but not least, gently fold the banana mixture into the dry ingredients along with 1/2 cup chopped walnuts.


If I recall, it had 2 cups of dry oats, edamame, red bell peppers, hummus, and more nutritional yeast than most people use in their lifetime.


When I was making this I noticed that the mixture looked really dry, so I added an extra 1/2 stick of butter and about another 1/4c or so of buttermilk.


«While they may be «dry» in nature, we argue such questions are extremely important for a highly-levered and cash-hungry company,» Jonas said.


SPOON 1/4 cup of mandarin oranges onto paper towel and blot dry.


Before roasting the chickpeas it’s really important that you pat them dry really well after rinsing.


Sift the dry ingredients into the sour cream mixture and whisk until the batter is just smooth.


Do not over cook your shrimp, they will become dry and chewy.


Stir in the parsley, add some of the reserved pasta water if the sauce seems too dry, and serve in a large bowl.


Add dry ingredients to the bowl that has liquid ingredients.


Drain and rinse with cold water and set aside to dry.


Organic dry roasted sunflower seeds out of the shell make for a great organic snack.


Those heavy stains that seem to stay on pots, pans, oven’s glass door, kids» crayon marks, graffiti, hard water stains… It’s simple, you don’t have to mix with this or that and get your hands all dry and nasty.


mix it all together and use your bare hands to incorporate the dry ingredients into the mashed potatoes.


In the US we use this word to describe a long, dry, hard, twice baked cookie perfect to be dunked in milk or coffee.However, we Americans (unlike Italians) have this thing about putting butter in everything we bake.


Rinse the brisket with cold water and pat dry.


As to the second point, severe to extreme hot and dry weather conditions in the Northern Plains — specifically in areas of Montana and the Dakotas — are putting wheat (and corn) on the defensive.


The real evil was the gossip who was a tattle-tail and the denominational leaders who fired the guy when he had done nothing wrong, leaving him high and dry with no way to provide for his family.


I created this dish with Five Spice Powder along with traditional aromatics and dry red wine because I felt the flavors could definitely live up to the bold notes of the gorgeous Yao Ming 2013 Family Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon (and I adore Five Spice Powder).


(The mixture will still be pretty «dry»)


So delicious I quadrupled the dry ingredients and put them in a jar for even faster pancake production.


Up to one-fourth of the sugar can be replaced with nonfat dry milk without loss in quality.


Finally mix in dry ingredients and just before it is completely combined, remove from mixer and pour in toffee pieces.


Store in a cool, dry place and use in place of regular breadcrumbs for extra flavor.


Place the dill pickle chips on the paper-towel-lined baking sheet, cover with more paper towels and dry well.


If it seems a tad dry you can add 1 Tablespoon of water at a time but you don’t want it to be super wet.


Combine dry ingredients (oat flour, tapioca starch, cane sugar, baking powder, sea salt, and pumpkin spice) together in a large bowl until evenly dispersed.


Kind of dry and can’t taste peanut butter.


At night I lined them up on my bed: fat flakes of mica, buckeyes bigger than shooter marbles, blue jay feathers, bird bones and — if I was lucky — a cicada shell, one of those dry brown bug bodies you can find on tree trunks when the 17-year locusts come out of the ground.


I used a half of a cup of dry red beans in this recipe and it’s the perfect amount for one person.


Cable conveyor cleaning includes dry and wet options.


Scrub the sweet potatoes well and pat them dry with a dish towel.


thank you for your taste tests, your recipes and the detail you provide (e.g. dry active vs. rapid rise… finding it in the market, let alone knowing the difference makes me feel so much more confident about cooking!).


Pour the tofu banana mixture into the dry ingredients and gently fold the ingredients together until well combined (be gentle, and do not over stir the batter or the bars will come out tough).


It’s a sweet vermicelli pudding prepared with milk, dates, dry nuts and coconut.


Add the cubed butter and cut into the dry ingredients with a pastry cutter, fork, or your fingers.


To make the batter, I first mixed the wet, the dry, and the egg-replacer ingredients in separate bowls.


When cured overnight, basted with a complex brown sugar, maple syrup, liquid smoke and soy sauce mixture and then slowly baked in the oven, strips of salmon become a dry, salty-sweet snack with just a hint of smoke.


For example, I think it would work if you have a dozen tomatoes, measure your liquid from the guts, and use half that amount of dry rice.


It has a crisp, dry finish that will leave you eager for more.


If you find the mixture to dry for your taste, you can add chicken stock butter.


The cake batter before putting in pans was dry and crumbling and it was the same after baking.


As the leaves dry, make the dipping sauce.


сухой, засушливый, сухо, насухо, досуха, сушь, засуха, сушить, сушиться


- сухой

dry clothing — сухая одежда
dry bread — сухой хлеб
dry wash — выстиранное и высушенное (но не глаженное) бельё
with dry eyes — без слёз
to rub smth. dry — вытереть что-л. насухо
to wring linen dry — тщательно /почти досуха/ выжать бельё
to be kept dry — держать в сухом месте, предохранять от влаги (указание об условиях хранения изделия)

- сухой, не обмочившийся

my child was dry at two years — мой ребёнок просился на горшок с двух лет

- спец. сухой

dry ice — сухой лёд (твёрдая углекислота)
dry steam — сухой пар
dry weight — сухой вес, вес без заправки
dry assay — сухая проба, сухой анализ
dry battery — сухая электрическая батарея

- лишённый влаги, жидкости; обезвоженный

dry fountain-pen — авторучка без чернил
dry weight — сухой вес, вес без заправки
dry concrete — стр. жёсткий бетон

- ненамазанный, без масла, джема и т. п.

dry toast [bread] — гренок [хлеб] без масла

ещё 21 вариант


- сушь; засуха
- сухая погода
- сухость
- суша
- (pl drys[draız]) амер. разг. сторонник запрещения спиртных напитков; сторонник сухого закона
- стр. сухая кладка


- сушить; высушивать

to dry herbs — сушить травы
to dry smth. by the fire — сушить что-л. на огне /у огня/
the wind dried the skin — на ветру кожа высохла

- сушиться, сохнуть

to dry in the wind — сушиться на ветру

- вытирать (насухо)

to dry one’s hands (on a towel) — вытереть руки (полотенцем)
to dry smth. with a cloth — вытереть что-л. тряпкой
to dry one’s eyes — вытереть глаза, утереть слёзы
to dry one’s tears — а) утереть слёзы; б) снять траур

- переставать доить (корову перед отёлом; тж. dry off, dry up)
- не давать молока (о корове)

Мои примеры


a country with a very dry climate — страна с очень сухим климатом  
a mind dry of new ideas — ум, неспособный создавать новые идеи  
dry and chaffy epistle — скучное и пустое письмо  
arid / dry desert — безводная пустыня  
to store in a cool dry place — хранить в прохладном сухом месте  
dry air — сухой воздух  
to go / run dry — высыхать  
the dry part of ship — часть корабля выше ватерлинии  
dry town — город, в котором действует сухой закон  
dry cleaners — химчистка  
dry book — скучная книга  
dry thanks — сдержанная благодарность  

Примеры с переводом

Are the clothes dry yet?

Одежда уже высохла?

Mary dried her hands.

Мария вытерла руки.

She was drying her eyes.

Она вытирала глаза.

I let my hair dry naturally.

Я жду, пока волосы высохнут сами.

You wash and I’ll dry.

Ты моешь (посуду), а я буду вытирать.

Our clothes have been dried by the sun.

Наша одежда высохла на солнце.

Shall I dry for you, mother?

Мама, мне вытереть посуду?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The path is dry as a bone (=very dry).

She stood up and dried her eyes (=wiped away her tears).

Mix the dry ingredients first, then add the milk and eggs.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

dry out — подсохнуть
dry up — высыхать, пересыхать, иссякать, засохнуть, высушивать, пересохнуть, иссохнуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

dryer  — сушилка, фен, сушильный аппарат, сиккатив
drying  — сушка, высыхание, сушение, вяление
dryness  — сухость
dryly  — сухо, холодно, неприветливо, без прикрас, скучно, неинтересно, прозаично

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: dry
he/she/it: dries
ing ф. (present participle): drying
2-я ф. (past tense): dried
3-я ф. (past participle): dried

срав. степ. (comparative): dryer
прев. степ. (superlative): dryest

dry — перевод на русский


Okay, but you’re right about this, actually, it has a lot of dry goods on it, it actually could be useful for my earthquake kit,

Ладно, ты права насчет него, на самом деле на нём много сухой еды, это может пригодиться на случай землетрясения,

The dry martini you always shake to waltz time.

Сухой мартини всегда трясут под вальс.

Hmm. Dry martini.

Сухой мартини.

During the off-season, they undoubtedly use it as a dry dock.

Держу пари, что в межсезонье её используют,как сухой док. — Просто чудесно!

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Don’t bother. It’ll dry in front of the fire just as well. Thanks all the same.

Не беспокойтесь, она прекрасно высохнет у камина.

They should dry quickly.

Она высохнет быстро.

In applying streams of color, one after the other… without waiting for the preceding one to dry.

Мы извлекаем цвета по очереди, не дожидаясь, пока предыдущий слой высохнет.

Come on, soon as these clothes of ours are dry…

Ха-ха-ха! Как только высохнет одежда…

I will drain him dry as hay:

Высохнет, как сено, он.

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I just once would like to hear a dry cleaner admit that something was their fault.

Я просто хочу чтобы химчистка хотя бы раз признала что она что-то испортила.

The warden’s dry cleaning.

Химчистка надзирателя.

What, do you think the dry cleaners is your personal closet?

Вы что, думаете, что химчистка это ваша личная гардеробная?

I have spinning and then I get my dry cleaning.

Сегодня у меня танцы, химчистка.

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Hmm! It’ll take till midnight to dry our clothes.

До полуночи мы едва успеем высушить одежду.

I’ll have to dry my hair out so Papa won’t know.

Мне нужно высушить волосы, чтобы папа не догадался.

And I tried to dry your hair as best I could.

Я постарался, как сумел, высушить вам волосы.

And I think I shall be able to dry myself out with that lovely fire.

И я думаю, что я буду в состоянии высушить себя у того прекрасного очага.

Finish up all these things. — Come back in an hour and dry me off.

Иди работай, а через час придешь меня высушить.

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Dry them.

Вытри мне руки.

Dry those tears.

Вытри слёзы.

Dry my back.

Вытри мне спину.

Now, be a good boy and dry my back.

Так что будь хорошим мальчиком и вытри мне спину.

Dry your eyes and stop being silly.

Вытри глаза и не глупи.

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The blood pounding in your ears and your lips dry

Когда кровь подходит к лицу, во рту всё пересохло,

— My throat’s dry.

У меня в горле пересохло.

My mouth is dry

Во рту пересохло.

My throat was feeling dry.

У меня в глотке пересохло.

— Let me have some. My throat’s dry. — You wouldn’t like it.

Дай мне тоже, а то в горле пересохло.

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This is dried seaweed.

А ещё сушёные морские водоросли.

Dried fungus.

Сушеные грибы.

Yeah, and you use dried seguro sardines.

— И вы используете сушеные сардины сегуро.

Look! Dried frogs!

Сушёные лягушки!

It is only herbs and dried rose petals.

Это всего лишь травы и сушёные лепестки розы.

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I put your clothes to dry.

Я повесила твои вещи сушиться.

«and we, who are left behind, hung out to dry or crushed,

«И мы, которые остались позади, вывешенные сушиться и измельчиться.»

We’ll get dry and warm up on the other side.

Сушиться, греться там будем, на том бережку.

«Please hung the laundry out to dry.»

«Повесь постиранное белье сушиться.»

To let it dry.

Развесил сушиться.

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It’ll get into the Volga, and the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, which is drying up.

Она же попадет в Волгу, а Волга впадает в Каспийское море, а оно высыхает.

Tired of rowing, I dreamt that the Titas had dried up

Я устал грести, Титаш высыхает.

The river is drying up

Река высыхает.

Imagine, mother, the stream dries up.

Представь себе, маменька, тот ручеек высыхает.

The paint dries quicker that way.

Так картина высыхает быстрее.

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Oh, Tom Sawyer’s drying out, too.

И Том Сойер тоже сохнет.

This heater really dries the paint faster.

И правда краска быстрее сохнет.

But it was more like a sickness, a fever that leaves the body burned-out and dry.

Но это было больше похоже на болезнь, лихорадку при которой тело горит и сохнет.

Dear. That plant is drying up.

Хозяйка, это растение сохнет.

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Sentences with the word Dry?



  • «a lotion for dry skin»
  • «They bled me dry—I have nothing left!»
  • «Blow my hair dry«
  • «My lips chap in this dry weather»
  • «a sharp photographic image»; «the sharp crack of a twig»; «the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot»
  • «dry weight»
  • «a dry run»; «a mind dry of new ideas»
  • «dry facts»; «rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner»
  • «dry toast»; «dry meat»
  • «a very dry martini is almost straight gin»
  • «a dry greeting»; «a dry reading of the lines»; «a dry critique»
  • «dry land»; «dry clothes»; «a dry climate»; «dry splintery boards»; «a dry river bed»; «the paint is dry«
  • «dry paint»
  • «the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers»; «a dry state»
  • «a dry cow»
  • «a dry white burgundy»; «a dry Bordeaux»
  • «a dry cough»; «that rare thing in the wintertime; a small child with a dry nose»
  • «dry sobs»; «with dry eyes»
  • «dry humor»; «an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely»; «an ironic novel»; «an ironical smile»; «with a wry Scottish wit»
  • «a dry book»; «a dry lecture filled with trivial details»; «dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to…life»- John Mason Brown
  • «he’s been dry for ten years»; «no thank you; I happen to be teetotal»
  • «dry clothes»; «dry hair»
  • «The river runs dry in the summer»
  • «they needed rugs to cover the bare floors»; «we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent»
  • «a dry climate kind to asthmatics»; «the genial sunshine»; «hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet»
  • «hard dry rolls left over from the day before»
  • «Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter»; «Light a cigarette»
  • «I’m itching—the air is so dry
  • «dry rot did the job of destroying the barn»; «the barber did a real job on my hair»
  • «dry skin desquamates»
  • «an inordinate proportion of the book is given over to quotations»; «a dry martini has a large proportion of gin»
  • «The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it»; «rest assured»; «stay alone»; «He remained unmoved by her tears»; «The bad weather continued for another week»
  • «rustling silk»; «the dry leaves were rustling in the breeze»
  • «he collected dry sticks for a campfire»; «the kid had a candied apple on a stick»
  • «towel your hair dry«
  • «Wash in warm water and tumble dry«
  • «These fabrics are delicate and cannot be tumbled dry«

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Some cats eat only dry food.

Хотелось бы отметить, что некоторые кошки едят только лишь сухой корм.

Mid-December to February are also dry.

Кроме того, сухой еще и период с середины декабря по февраль.

Imagine staying dry underwater for months.

Представьте себе материал, который остается сухим под водой в течение нескольких месяцев.

These tend to target dry or very dry skin and mention cold, dry weather.

Они, как правило, предназначены для сухой и очень сухой кожи и применяются в холодную и сухую погоду.

Active dry yeast is using modern biotechnology and advanced equipment to dry industrial scale yeast cells into more than 95% dry matter and less than 5% moisture.

Активные сухие дрожжи используют современную биотехнологию и современное оборудование для сухих дрожжевых клеток промышленного масштаба в более чем 95% сухого вещества и влажности менее 5%.

Leopold also said that because tropical dry forests have a dry period (unlike rainforests), they are suitable for human activity.

Леопольд также сказал, что, поскольку тропические сухие леса имеют засушливый период (в отличие от дождевых лесов), они подходят для деятельности человека.

Dried fruits are packed in dry containers or bags, stored in a dry dark place with good ventilation.

Высушенные плоды пакуют по сухим контейнерам или пакетам, хранят в сухом темном месте при хорошей вентиляции.

The air therefore remains dry or very dry during day.

Поэтому воздух остается сухим или очень сухим в течение дня.

The scientists showed that they could transform a simple emulsion into a dry powder that is similar to dry water.

Ученые показали, что они могут превратить простую эмульсию в сухой порошок, который похож на сухую воду.

Wear dry socks; make sure you always have a pair of dry socks.

Наденьте сухие носки; позаботьтесь о том, чтобы у вас всегда была запасная пара сухих носков.

In the case of «dry walnuts», the internal central partition must be dry and brittle.

В случае «сухих грецкий орехов» внутренняя центральная перегородка должна быть сухой и ломкой.

Simply mix together one part dry roasted sea salt with twelve parts dry roasted sesame seeds.

Просто смешайте одну часть сухой прожаренной морской соли с двенадцатью частями сухих обжаренных семян сезама.

Wet spraying is used less frequently than dry blowing (when dry insulation is impossible).

Влажное напыление применяется реже сухой выдувки (при невозможности проведения сухого утепления).

Nozzle can not be dry, you need to keep it dry.

Насадка не может быть сухим, вы должны держать его сухим.

When not in use, keep the product(s) dry and put in a dry place.

Когда не в пользе, держите продукты сухим и кладите в сухое место.

It’s dry, they are dry forests.

By producing your own dry ice, airline caterers have complete control over dry ice availability, quality and cost.

Производя собственный сухой лед, поставщики бортового питания получают полный контроль над наличием, качеством и стоимостью сухого льда.

If you have dry skin, most often occur pronounced capillaries, dry patches and redness.

При сухой коже, чаще всего возникают ярко выраженные капилляры, сухие пятна и покраснения.

Provides moisture for dry cough especially in the winter, sinus irritation, and dry skin.

Обеспечивает влаги для сухой кашель, особенно в зимний период, раздражение пазухи, и сухую кожу.

Atomizer is intended for use of dry tobacco and dry mixes.

Атомайзер предназначен для использования сухого табака и сухих смесей.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат dry

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Definition of Dry

free from moisture or liquid

Examples of Dry in a sentence

The dry cracker felt like sandpaper in her mouth.


She washed the dry biscuit down with several glasses of tea.


After her sunburn started to fade, her skin was extremely dry and flaky.


The desert is so incredibly dry that most plants cannot survive because of the absence of water.


Her hair was so dry and brittle that she had to deep condition it every day.


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Used with verbs:

«This seat is dry.«
(be: is/am/are, feels, looks, seems)

«Try to keep dry.«
(keep, remain, stay)

«Pat the meat dry before grilling.«

«She rubbed her child’s hair dry.«
(rubbed, toweled)

«This cut should be kept dry.«

Used with adverbs:

«The chicken was extremely dry.«
(extremely, very, really, quite, a little, slightly)

«The paint is completely dry.«
(completely, perfectly, totally)

«Your clothes are almost dry.«
(almost, nearly)

«The weather is supposed to stay mostly dry.«
(mostly, mainly)

«She was barely dry before she got wet again.«
(barely, hardly)

Used with nouns:

«I’m not used to this dry climate.«
(climate, air, weather, heat)

«The desert is dry.«
(desert, earth, food, season, ground, paint, sand)

«I need a dry sponge.«
(sponge, cloth, towel)

«I have a dry throat.«
(throat, cough)

Examples of how to use the word “dry” in a sentence. How to connect “dry” with other words to make correct English sentences.

dry (adj, v): used to describe something that has no water or other liquid in, on, or around it; to become dry, or to make something become dry

Use “dry” in a sentence

These clothes are finally dry.
The paint on the door is not dry yet.
He dried his hair with a towel.
Would you please bring me a dry towel?

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