Sentence with word dress

A dress (also known as a frock or a gown) is a garment consisting of a skirt with an attached bodice (or a matching bodice giving the effect of a one-piece garment). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I’d like to walk to get ice cream, and wear maxi dresses, and be more freckled.


We were surprised to meet Anthony there: a twenty-six-year-old white man in an argyle sweater vest, white dress shirt, tie, baggy plaid pants, and sneakers, at the old Methodist church in Maytown, Ohio, whose white steeple rises behind the trees in our backyard.


Cernan was the lunar module pilot for the Apollo 10 mission, the «dress rehearsal» that made it possible for the historic moon landing a few months later.


I think you might like my dresses — they are all ethical as I only use vintage fabrics — if you do please let me know!


Most brides are excited about finding the right dress for their big day, but for Scottish paper obsessive Stacey, it was the wedding stationery that…


My daughter has asked me whether she can wear her princess dress that we bought for Halloween — and I thought «Heck yeah — let’s get some mileage out of my $ $»


Although Hyman didn’t offer any more specific timeline, she did talk about another fun feature the company has been beta-testing since the summer, that she describes as a sort of Netflix for dresses.


I ironed for the first time in months before a wedding the other week because the dress I’d bought had fallen to the bottom of the wardrobe..


The rivals are playing the match to fine tune preparations ahead of what would be a dress rehearsal of the FA Community Shield to be held in a fortnight.


I was pondering the other day about what the world thinks a christian looks like, things they do, polite, dresses a certain way, talks a certain way, perhaps what a Duggar looks like.


The Pinterest Board «Guys on Modesty» even makes suggestions for skirts, dresses, shorts and bathing suits.


They only had 5 guys dress and because of that they simply wore down by the second half of their game.


I have been strict lower fat/low carbing for over a year, to lose 7 vanity pounds (I’m small and 5 lbs is a dress size!)


The fact that different genders, styles of dress and religious beliefs are portrayed equally in Team Muhafiz is a significant statement in Pakistan, where a conservative interpretation of Sunni Islam is the norm.


His grandmother already has a fancy dress, and now they just plan to go out to dinner and take pictures together.


When I started writing this blog, we were in the thick of the dress up days, and while I do know they’ll come around again with Matthew, I miss the chaos the comes with getting the older boys ready for candy collecting.


Over the door of a Leipzig coffee shop is a sculptural representation of a man in Turkish dress, receiving a cup of Kona from a boy.


Just going into Autumn here, but I’d totally wear that dress!


Related: Golden Tate taunts Rams player 30-yards from end-zone on 80-yard TD catch Related: Vikings cheerleader dresses up as Waldo for Halloween


How does the manner of dress of your sisters… (lend) to the dignity… of your vocation?


Many hosts have responded to the lack of clear dress codes by concocting their own.


After one of the longest winters that I can remember, it felt quite exciting to finally put all my winter gear in storage and switch to easy tee shirts and jersey dresses.


Just curious where you get your smock / tunic dresses?


A light, creamy sauce dresses up marinated tofu cutlets for a dish that could easily be found on the menu of a high-end restaurant.


Like a pair of Ed Cooley’s dress pants.


Ruffle Neckline Dress This adorable ruffle dress is perfect for the holidays!


Play a classic round of golf at Peter Hay Golf Course with vintage hickory shaft clubs and dress in attire of days gone by.


Pictured above are the completed sewing projects: a purple dress (vs. 22 — «she is clothed in fine linen and purple»), a knit scarf (vs. 13 — «she selects wool and flax and works with eager hands»), a pillow (vs. 22 — «she makes coverings for her bed»), and a one-of-a-kind Proverbs 31 sash (vs. 24 — «she supplies the merchants with sashes»).


One is in a princess dress and the other is outside playing in the dirt.


Joseph Marver wasn’t having the best October selling dresses in his California store a few decades ago.


So, dress up your baby in Sozo blankets today and make irresistible cute.


Fun and Fearless — It’s exactly like it sounds… Everyone dresses up as a pirate (or something related — Hubby and I went as Treasure maps last year).


Menswear brands like Indochino and Proper Cloth offer tailored dress shirts without making you leave the house.


Perfect for layering, pair this basic sleep dress with all of your robes.


Maybe I could finally wear an actually dress while I’m with my baby!


But normally they were not distinguished from other religious groups in terms of language, dress, food, or most of their customs, except for worship.


Girls talked all about their start-ups, ranging from a dress company to an app and even handmade felt dolls!


A rainbow cake, rainbow balloons, rainbow party table, rainbow letters, rainbow dress, rainbow paint, rainbow napkins, rainbow glasses, rainbow flowers, and rainbow giveaways.


Before Queen Victoria married Prince Albert in the mid 1800s, brides simply wore their favourite, most expensive dress — more often than not, it was the same one they wore to church as their Sunday best.


It is perfect paired with dress pants, jeans, shorts,… Read More


It would have been obvious by his dress and by his large crowd of followers that Jesus was some sort of teacher, leader or rabbi.


«Carrie of Pure Barre demonstrates moves you can do at work, even if you’re wearing pumps and a dress


I can’t get my little girl to wear anything other than a dress or skirt!!


This board book features 17 babies from around the world, diverse in dress and skin color, but aligned in innocence and beauty of expression.


While the House of Valentino is known for their showstopping awards season gowns and lipstick red dresses, it’s also known for sending sweet, girly frocks down the runway that leave many a girl sighing with desire — Fairy Tales & Fantasies.


And my dress fits just fine… but the whole need to breathe while wearing it thing is kinda an issue!


With the language of the body, this giving is determined by the way we talk, laugh, dress, walk and behave.


He’s a classic man with a contemporary twist in his perfectly tailored suit (similar here) and white dress shirt.


During the summer my girls beat the heat with cool tank tops and fun twirly summer dresses!


Sellers of everything from dress shirts to handbags and even consumer packaged goods are discovering the value of letting customers create their own unique products.


This is called «The Dress
Вот это называется «Платье».

Is that a dress, Tosh?
Ты одела платье, Тош?

You dress nice, good looking.
Одеваешься хорошо, выглядишь неплохо.

A duplication of fancy dress.
Одинаковые маскарадные костюмы.

A dress shop called «Get the Frock Out»
Магазин одежды под названием «Проваливай в платье»

What a pretty little dress.
Какое прелестное платьице.

Can’t she choose her own wedding dress?
Она сама может выбрать свадебный наряд, правда?

But when she said it, the phrase seemed all caught up in the excitement of preparations for our first communion and our first confession, and everybody knew that was really all about the white dress and the white veil, and anyway, I hadn’t really paid all that much attention to that phrase, «age of reason.»
Но в её устах фраза казалась облачённой в трепет подготовлений к нашему первому причастию и первой исповеди, и все знали, что на самом деле всё заключалось в белом платье и белой вуали, и, короче говоря, я не уделяла так много внимания той фразе, «возраст разумности.»

Under the circumstances, formal dress is to be optional.
В сложившихся обстоятельствах я не настаиваю на фраках и вечерних туалетах.

Shopping for my funeral dress.
Я сейчас за границей покупаю траурное платье.

And dress up very prettily?
И одеть что-нибудь красивое?

Rule number one — dress to impress.
Правило номер один — оденьтесь впечатляюще.

Fancy dress ball, is it?
Отличный костюм, не так ли?

You are not just changing the way you dress.
Ты не просто сменила стиль одежды.

Yeah, that dress is pretty revealing.
Ага, платьице весьма открытое.

That’s not exactly your wedding dress of your childhood dreams.
Наверное, не о таком свадебном наряде ты в детстве мечтала.

Sequins off of a dress.
Блестки от платья.

So I can dress casual?
Так я могу одеть повседневную одежду?

We had 70 actors dress in black.
У нас было 70 актеров, одетых в черное.

It’s my first recital dress.
Мой первый сценический костюм.


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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


A wedding dress and a dress for the stage both have specific roles they must fulfill.

Свадебное платье и платье для сцены имеют определенные роли, которые они должны выполнять.

Your dress, even my dress — inspiration has been nonexistent lately.

Твое платье, даже мое платье… Вдохновения у меня в последнее время совсем нет.

Shop mannequins are derived from dress forms used by fashion houses for dress making.

Манекены магазинов производятся из форм одежды, используемых домами моды для изготовления одежды.

Across the contemporary world as well as historically, gender differences exist in all types of dress, including ethnic dress.

В современном мире, как и в историческом плане, гендерные различия существуют во всех типах одежды, в том числе в этнической одежде.

Make sure the dress is perfectly packed, for example in a wedding dress travel box.

Убедитесь, чтобы платье было отлично упаковано, например, в коробке для транспортировки свадебного платья.

Academic dress is a historically traditional dress, which is worn in the academic community.

Академическая одежда является одеждой исторических традиций, носимой в академическом обществе.

The dress was voted the ninth-most iconic red-carpet dress of all time.

Платье было признано девятым самым знаковым платьем красной дорожки всех времен.

Academic dress is also worn by members of certain learned societies and institutions as official dress.

Академическую одежду также носили представители некоторых научных обществ и институтов в качестве официальной одежды.

The most common dress for women all over the world is the dress.

Самой универсальной одеждой для женщины является костюм.

A designer determines the price of a prom dress, and authorized retailers are required to sell the dress at that suggested retail price.

Дизайнер определяет цену выпускного платья, а розничные торговцы должны продавать платье по рекомендованной розничной цене.

Friends used to have a strong tradition of simplicity in dress, more properly called «plain dress«.

Друзьям была свойственна сильная традиция простоты в одежде, более уместно называемая «нарочито бедной, грубой одеждой».

Disused as the daily dress, such dress continued to serve as the ceremonial for a long time.

Выйдя из употребления в качестве обычной женской одежды, такое платье еще долго служило как праздничное.

The cocktail dress can be called a democratic version of the evening dress.

Коктейльное платье стало демократичной версией вечернего платья.

A good alternative for a winter wedding dress can be a formal dress.

Хорошей альтернативой платью для девушки на свадебное торжество может быть вечерний костюм.

The bride appeared before the guests in a traditional white dress, and the groom in national dress.

Невеста предстала перед гостями в традиционном белом платье, а жених в национальном костюме.

With the exception of the latter part of this time-period, evening dress followed the conventions of daytime dress.

За исключением большей части этого периода времени, вечернее платье следует за условностями дневного платья.

If you want to choose a classic dress for every day, pay attention to the knitted dress model.

Если Вы хотите выбрать классическое платье на каждый день, обратите внимание на трикотажную модель платья.

If you are looking for a dress for special occasions, pay attention to the hourglass style dress models.

Если Вы ищете платье для особенных случаев, обратите внимание на модели платья в стиле песочные часы.

The general evolution of oriental dress inevitably affected Uzbek national dress, though some of its distinctive and unique features have been preserved.

Узбекский национальный костюм, развиваясь в общем русле восточной одежды, в то же время имеет свои самобытные, неповторимые черты.

A Grecian draped dress with pleating and embellishment around the bust are one particular of the most contemporary and modern dress designs for ladies.

Греческого драпированные платья с плиссировкой и украшениями вокруг бюста являются одними из самых современных конструкций платьев для женщин.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

платье, одежда, одеяние, одеваться, одевать, парадный, плательный


- платье, одежда

- (женское) платье

silk dresses — шёлковые платья

- одеяние, убор, убранство; покров

spring dress — весенний наряд (деревьев)

- оперение

winter dress — зимнее оперение (птиц)


- одевать; наряжать

to dress oneself — одеваться
to dress a child — одеть ребёнка
she was dressed simply but faultlessly — она была одета просто, но с безукоризненным вкусом
she was dressed in white — она была одета во всё белое

- одеваться, наряжаться

to dress well [badly] — одеваться хорошо [плохо]
to dress for dinner — переодеться к обеду

- готовить костюмы

to dress a play — сделать костюмы для спектакля

- украшать, убирать

to dress a shop-window — оборудовать витрину, оформлять витрину
to dress smth. with garlands — украсить что-л. гирляндами
to dress (a) ship — а) расцвечивать корабль (флагами); б) амер. поднять государственные флаги на корабле

- приготовлять; приправлять (пищу)

ещё 18 вариантов


- парадный

dress clothes — парадная одежда
dress cap — амер. воен. парадная фуражка
dress uniform — воен. парадная форма одежды
it’s a dress affair — ≅ надо быть при полном параде

Мои примеры


a dress with a slit skirt — платье с разрезом на подоле  
The dress had a scalloped skirt. — У платья был фестончатый подол.  
a dress with a dropped waist — платье с заниженной талией  
to dress drill bit — заправлять бур  
cheap dress — дешевое платье  
dress code — дресс-код  
conservative style of dress — консервативный стиль одежды  
a cool dress — лёгкое платье  
well-cut dress — хорошо скроенное платье  
cutaway dress — платье с открытыми плечами  
daring dress — смелое, сексуальное платье  
to dress well — одеваться хорошо  
right dress! — направо равняйсь! (команда)  

Примеры с переводом

I dressed quickly.

Я быстро оделся.

The dress fits well.

Платье сидит хорошо.

Do you like my new dress?

Тебе нравится мое новое платье?

They always dress for dinner.

Они всегда наряжаются к ужину. (ужинают хорошо одетыми)

Can the child dress by herself?

Девочка умеет самостоятельно одеваться?

He came out dressed in white.

Он вышел, одетый во всё белое.

She dressed warmly for skiing.

Для катания на лыжах она оделась тепло.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

My wife’s always going on at me to dress better.

His eyes quickly took in the elegance of her dress.

I have a fitting for my wedding dress this afternoon.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

dress down — отругать, задать головомойку, задать трепку
dress out — наряжать, наряжаться, украшать
dress up — наряжать, наряжаться, приодеть, приодеться, принарядиться, изысканно одеваться

Возможные однокоренные слова

dressage  — объездка лошадей
dresser  — костюмер, туалетный столик, обогатитель, туалет, франт, оформитель витрин
dressing  — соус, одевание, обогащение, выделка, перевязочный
dressy  — шикарный, изящный, разодетый, расфранченный
redress  — возмещение, исправление, восстановление, компенсировать, исправлять, возмещать
undress  — раздевать, раздеваться, домашний костюм, повседневный, непарадный
overdress  — верхняя одежда, одеваться слишком нарядно
dressed  — одетый
dressiness  — франтоватость, пристрастие к модной одежде, элегантность, изящество

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: dress
he/she/it: dresses
ing ф. (present participle): dressing
2-я ф. (past tense): dressed
3-я ф. (past participle): dressed

ед. ч.(singular): dress
мн. ч.(plural): dresses

Sentences with the word Dress?



  • «his son would never be the achiever that his father was»; «only winners need apply»; «if you want to be a success you have to dress like a success»
  • «The dress clings to her body»; «The label stuck to the box»; «The sushi rice grains cohere»
  • «for my wedding I had my mother’s wedding dress altered to fit me»
  • «bugle beads all aglitter»; «glinting eyes»; «glinting water»; «his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent»; «shop window full of glittering Christmas trees»; «glittery costume jewelry»; «scintillant mica»; «the scintillating stars»; «a dress with sparkly sequins»; «`glistering’ is an archaic term»
  • «This dress needs to be altered»
  • «she was refined in her choice of apparel»; «he always bought his clothes at the same store»; «fastidious about his dress«
  • «Parents must feed and dress their child»
  • «dress my hair for the wedding»
  • «What should I wear today?»; «He put on his best suit for the wedding»; «The princess donned a long blue dress«; «The queen assumed the stately robes»; «He got into his jeans»
  • «such an enormous response was astonishing»; «an astounding achievement»; «the amount of money required was staggering»; «suffered a staggering defeat»; «the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying»
  • «asymmetrical features»; «a dress with a crooked hemline»
  • «formal attire»; «battle dress«
  • «a belted dress«
  • «Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes»; «a curvy young woman in a tight dress«
  • «my boughten clothes»; «a store-bought dress«
  • «girls decked out in brave new dresses»; «brave banners flying»; «`braw’ is a Scottish word»; «a dress a bit too gay for her years»; «birds with gay plumage»
  • «bright dress«; «brilliant tapestries»; «a bird with vivid plumage»
  • «This dress accentuates your nice figure!»; «I set off these words by brackets»
  • «Get out your best dress—we are going to a party!»
  • «a dress of brushed cotton»; «a fleecy lining»; «napped fabrics»
  • «The iron burnt a hole in my dress«
  • «button the dress«
  • «a jester dressed in motley»; «the painted desert»; «a particolored dress«; «a piebald horse»; «pied daisies»
  • «I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles»
  • «changed attitudes»; «changed styles of dress«; «a greatly changed country after the war»
  • «chic elegance»; «a smart new dress«; «a suit of voguish cut»
  • «they had excellent seats in the dress circle»
  • «her dress was a disturbing clash of colors»
  • «dress the plants in the garden»
  • «the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent»; «woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC»; «she measured off enough material for a dress«
  • «he’s a cool dude»; «that’s cool»; «Mary’s dress is really cool»; «it’s not cool to arrive at a party too early»
  • «she made a copy of the designer dress«; «the clone was a copy of its ancestor»
  • «The dress got wrinkled»; «crease the paper like this to make a crane»
  • «how cunningly the olive-green dress with its underskirt of rose-brocade fitted her perfect figure»
  • «groom the dogs»; «dress the horses»
  • «a dress of traditional cut»
  • «cut a dress«
  • «the cut-out pieces of the dress«
  • «I don’t dare call him»; «she dares to dress differently from the others»
  • «they don’t know how to dress decently»
  • «dress the windows»
  • «with an evening dress one wears 10 denier stockings»
  • «`She would look beautiful in the new dress,’ Tommy said dreamily»
  • «formal wear»; «a full-dress uniform»; «dress shoes»
  • «a dress dinner»; «a full-dress ceremony»
  • «dress the tanned skins»
  • «dress the victim’s wounds»
  • «dress the surface smooth»
  • «dress the salads»
  • «dress a turkey»
  • «we had to dress quickly»; «dress the patient»; «Can the child dress by herself?»
  • «dress troops»
  • «She likes to dress when going to the opera»
  • «The researcher tried to dress up the uninteresting data»; «Don’t try to dress up the unpleasant truth»
  • «This dress wore well for almost ten years»
  • «excessive charges»; «a book of inordinate length»; «his dress stops just short of undue elegance»; «unreasonable demands»
  • «This dress hangs well»; «Her long black hair flowed down her back»
  • «a seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise, bathe and dress, chat falsely about this and that, and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened»
  • «This dress fastens in the back»
  • «neatness and fastidiousness of dress«
  • «fit a dress«; «He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out»
  • «pay one’s formal respects»; «formal dress«; «a formal ball»; «the requirement was only formal and often ignored»; «a formal education»
  • «fur fringed the hem of the dress«
  • «a full-dress debate»; «a full-dress investigation»
  • «girlish charm»; «a dress too schoolgirlish for office wear»
  • «goffer the trim of the dress«
  • «good news from the hospital»; «a good report card»; «when she was good she was very very good»; «a good knife is one good for cutting»; «this stump will make a good picnic table»; «a good check»; «a good joke»; «a good exterior paint»; «a good secretary»; «a good dress for the office»
  • «We cannot regulate the way people dress«; «This town likes to regulate»
  • «the hem of her dress was stained»; «let down the hem»; «he stitched weights into the curtain’s hem»; «it seeped along the hem of his jacket»
  • «The dress hugged her hips»
  • «she was looking very young tonight, and, as usual, indescribably beautiful, in a simple strapless dress of a green and white silky cotton»
  • «conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress«; «an informal free-and-easy manner»; «an informal gathering of friends»
  • «juicy barmaids»; «a red-hot mama»; «a voluptuous woman»; «a toothsome blonde in a tight dress«
  • «she wore a gold lame dress«
  • «The water left a mark on the silk dress«; «Her blood left a stain on the napkin»
  • «Let out that dress—I gained a lot of weight»
  • «make a dress«; «make a cake»; «make a wall of stones»
  • «a mini dress«; «miniskirts»
  • «a modest neckline in her dress covered her up to her collarbone»
  • «The dress molds her beautiful figure»
  • «near beer»; «a dress of near satin»
  • «her neat dress«; «a neat room»
  • «what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty»- George Meredith; «nice manners»; «a nice dress«; «a nice face»; «a nice day»; «had a nice time at the party»; «the corn and tomatoes are nice today»
  • «his polished prose»; «in a freshly ironed dress and polished shoes»; «freshly polished silver»
  • «The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it»; «rest assured»; «stay alone»; «He remained unmoved by her tears»; «The bad weather continued for another week»
  • «The designer romanticized the little black dress«
  • «the same man I saw yesterday»; «never wore the same dress twice»; «this road is the same one we were on yesterday»; «on the same side of the street»
  • «the dress had a scalloped skirt»
  • «scallop the hem of the dress«
  • «her dress was scanty and revealing»
  • «seam a dress«
  • «the dress needs shortening»
  • «a simple country schoolhouse»; «her black dress—simple to austerity»
  • «she wore a sort of magenta dress«; «she served a creamy sort of dessert thing»
  • «her spoiling my dress was deliberate»
  • «This dress spots quickly»
  • «Style my hair»; «style the dress«
  • «an unflattering portrait»; «an uncomplimentary dress«
  • «her unconventional dress and hair style»
  • «a violent clash of colors»; «her dress was a violent red»; «a violent noise»; «wild colors»; «wild shouts»
  • «as white as fresh snow»; «a bride’s white dress«
  • «his sister would have looked beautiful in that dress, he thought wistfully, just like an angel»

Synonym: adorn, attire, clothe, decorate, outfit. Antonym: remove, strip, undress. Similar words: dress up, redress, address, dressed, readdress, headdress, addressed, keynote address. Meaning: [dres]  n. 1. a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice 2. clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion 3. clothing in general. v. 1. put on clothes 2. provide with clothes or put clothes on 3. put a finish on 4. dress in a certain manner 5. dress or groom with elaborate care 6. kill and prepare for market or consumption 7. arrange in ranks 8. decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods 9. provide with decoration 10. put a dressing on 11. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of 12. cut down rough-hewn (lumber) to standard thickness and width 13. convert into leather 14. apply a bandage or medication to 15. give a neat appearance to 16. arrange attractively. adj. 1. suitable for formal occasions 2. (of an occasion) requiring formal clothes. 

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1. Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others. 

2. Fine words dress ill deeds.

3. Some parents dress their children like miniature adults.

4. Her tight dress inhibited her movements.

5. She cannot afford a new dress.

6. Her dress moulds to her figure.

7. She wore a yellow dress.

8. She felt cold in her flimsy dress.

9. You look really stunning in that dress!

10. He had his dress made by a Paris tailor.

11. I scorched my dress with the iron.

12. Some guests like to dress for supper.

13. I scorched my dress when I was ironing it.

14. The dress fastens at the back.

15. Her silk dress rustled as she moved.

16. The iron’s too hot[], you’ll singe the dress.

17. You won’t be warm enough in that flimsy dress.

18. That dress looks good on you.

19. I felt very extravagant spending £100 on a dress.

20. The dress is patterned upon a Paris model.

21. He doesn’t care much about dress.

22. You look good in that dress.

23. Do you like my dress? Please be honest!

24. She spent £100 on a new dress.

25. This dress fastens up at the back.

25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. I wore a white dress and was barefoot.

27. Singers performing Mozart’s operas often dress in/wear historical costume.

28. You can hook up the dress at the back.

29. She embroidered silver stars on her blue dress.

30. It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen. 

More similar words: dress up, redress, address, dressed, readdress, headdress, addressed, keynote address, press, duress, stress, actress, regress, oppress, repress, suppress, express, tigress, tresses, digress, depress, impress, press for, compress, buttress, mattress, pressing, Congress, waitress, restless. 

English Collocation

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Used with adjectives:

«What a beautiful dress.«
(beautiful, elegant, gorgeous, beautiful, fancy, plain, simple)

«She is wearing a knee-length dress.«
(knee-length, long, short, skimpy, shapeless, backless, low-cut, revealing, strapless)

«She wore a skintight dress.«
(skintight, tight, tight-fitting, loose-fitting, flowered, flowery)

«She spilled her drink on her cotton dress.«
(cotton, silk)

«We need to buy a cocktail dress.«
(cocktail, evening, party, prom, wedding, Easter)

«Everyone was in formal dress.«
(formal, casual, informal, evening, modern, traditional, military, civilian)

Used with verbs:

«Can you help me unzip my dress?«
(unzip, zip, zip up, lift, pull up, pull down, smooth, straighten)

«Do these shoes go with this dress?«
(go with, match)

«Try not to rip your dress.«
(rip, ruin, tear)

Used with nouns:

«I bought it in a dress shop.«

«She is a famous dress designer.«

«What is you dress size?«

«What is the dress code?«

«Where is your dress coat?«
(coat, pants, shirt, shoes, suit, uniform)

Used with prepositions:

«She showed up in a fancy dress.«

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Used with adverbs:

«She quickly dressed her baby.«
(quickly, slowly, carefully)

«She dressed beautifully for the occasion.«
(beautifully, elegantly, fashionably, neatly, nicely, smartly, stylishly, well)

«Her neighbor dresses badly.«
(badly, poorly, shabbily)

«Please dress appropriately for the interview.«
(appropriately, suitably, properly, professionally, formally)

«I wish she would dress decently around my parents.«
(decently, modestly, plainly, simply, causally, differently)

«The mother and daughter dress similarly.«
(similarly, identically, alike)

Used with prepositions:

«Please dress professionally for this job.«

«Her child was dressed as a clown.«

«My son likes to dress like a pirate.«

«They are all dressed in black.«

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