Sentence with word divide

«So, this result does not support the hypothesis that a mixed membrane is inherently instable and could thus have created the lipid divide


Turn out dough onto a lightly floured surface and divide into 4 portions.


If I was Liz Kendall, cast as the uber-pragmatist in this Labour leadership contest and with a difficult message of «wake-up-and-smell-the-coffee» to sell to the party’s suspicious grassroots, I would look across the ideological divide at Jeremy Corbyn and emulate how he’s running his campaign.


Evenly divide, about 1 tablespoon each, and press onto the bottom and side of muffin cups.


Shape it into a ball and divide into 4 equal pieces.


To make the bowls; divide beans, sweet potato, pepper strips, eggs, Jack cheese, and avocado halves between 4 bowls.


Once noodles are tender, divide mixture between two bowls.


Whisk together the olive oil, agave, and balsamic vinegar, divide and pour over each.


A growing number of Canadian business schools are implementing investing programs that buy and sell with real dollars, blurring — or eliminating — the divide between campus and Bay Street.


Remove cauliflower from oven, divide between serving dishes, top with queso, return to oven for two to five minutes, carefully remove, place serving dishes on a plate, and top as desired before presenting.


The crackdown is meant to boost morale by reducing the perceived divide between ordinary Chinese and party officials.


This is why individual attempts to address the racial divide in this country so often hit a stone wall.


CIFAR is finding the root causes of human diseases, developing technology to improve quality of life, bridging the divide between rich and poor nations, and meeting our future energy needs.


Oh God of Earth and altar, bow down and hear our cry, our Earthly rulers falter, our people drift and die, the walls of gold entomb us, the swords of scorn divide, take not thy thunder from us, take away our pride.


Originally from California’s Central Valley, Renteria aims to bridge the divide between rural and urban America.


But don’t worry if not; some babies take longer to get the hang of the day-night divide.


I’ve spoken to numerous people at both extremes of the divide and have heard very little realistic or constructive.


Once there is absolutely no liquid remaining in the bowl and the mixture is thick, divide in half and place one half on each of the lined baking sheets.


In addition, British Election Study Panel Survey data analysed by Professor Ed Fieldhouse of the British Election Study team demonstrated the geographical North-South divide in Britain’s electoral support highlighting the legacy of former PM Margaret Thatcher.


Yuval Levin offers a characteristically learned and thoughtful account of the great political divide of our day: The difference between these two kinds of liberalism — constitutionalism grounded in humility about human nature and progressivism grounded in utopian expectations — is a crucial….


But the New Statesman found the party’s divide was closer, with 47 % against AV compared with 41 % backing the change.


Tell us how you have negotiated the device divide with your kids.


Bring the soup back to a boil and divide among six bowls.


The potentially disappointing divide, described in a recent analysis by psychologists David Lubinski, Camilla Benbow and Harrison Kell at Vanderbilt University, mirrors what researchers have seen in studies of other highly educated folks.


Nevertheless, it would be disappointing to see a player that has been integral to their success in recent years cross the divide and join their main rivals.


We face a huge game this weekend, against our local rivals, who have now created a gap of 10 points between us and them, and thus made a mockery of the North London divide, that has stood unflinching for so many years now.


But the left/right divide does not always help to understand European populism.


Commisso scoffed at the current administration’s efforts, suggesting the policies pursued by Sheehan have caused more of a divide — pointing to the city’s trash fee and a cost associated with youth recreation programs.


Virologists suspect that at least one of these diseases came from outside Australia, crossing the narrow divide from Papua New Guinea aboard a bat.


Thinly slice cooked potato and divide between both pizzas.


No ordinary cancer can live as long or divide as many times as that of the «immortal devil,» the long-dead animal that spawned the current plague.


Bisphenol-A and the great divide: A review of controversies in the field of endocrine disruption


«We believe that together, as citizens, we have a higher calling to close the military/civilian cultural divide by joining in service to our communities.»


Working on a lightly floured surface, divide dough into 5 equal pieces.


Turn the dough into a floured surface, divide in half, and form each half into a flat circle.


The first head-to-head presidential debate highlighted the stark divide between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Democrat Jared Bernstein says.


But look at risk as an example of the entrepreneurship-management divide: Many business schools and programs teach tactics for managing and mitigating risk.


If people want to chatter about that and try to create a divide, that’s up to them.


Toss, and divide salad among 4 individual salad bowls.


The decision underscores a growing divide between the outspoken tech industry conservative and Silicon Valley.


Dialogue and understanding begin within these national forums, leading toward a bridge across the GREAT divide.


At the end of the week add all the calories up and divide by 7, that will be the average daily calorie intake you consumed.


The division between being right and being faithful is often a divide between our ego and our soul.


On a freezing cold Tuesday in March, this divide opened up into public view.


This is worse: imagine how the Guardian or the BBC would react if a Conservative MP said that «black people love playing «divide and rule»».


«Addressing this divide is, in my mind, a transformative opportunity for the community of researchers interested in the human experience.»


It’s NOT a new development or as the article strongly insinuates, an indicator of some divide between Kawhi and the team.


This is not a left/right, conservative / liberal divide; this is every American.


To calculate glycemic load (GL): Simply multiply the GI by the amount of carbohydrate and divide by 100.


And those who hold it in such blasphemous esteem… will continue to splinter and divide over it.


раздел, разделение, дележ, водораздел, делить, делиться, разделять, разделяться


- водораздел
- граница, рубеж

the continental divide between Europe and Asia — континентальная граница между Европой и Азией

- разг. делёж; распределение

the Grand /Great/ Divide — амер. а) Скалистые горы; б) смерть


- делить, разделять

to divide smth. in two — делить что-л. пополам
to divide smth. (into three parts) — разделить что-л. (на три части)
to divide one’s hair in the middle [at the side] — носить волосы на прямой [на косой] пробор
divided between hatred and pity — образн. со смешанным чувством ненависти и жалости

- делиться, разбиваться на части

to divide into smaller groups — разбиться на более мелкие группы
to divide at the mouth — образовывать дельту (о реке)

- делить, производить деление

to divide 60 by 12, to divide 12 into 60 — разделить 60 на 12

- быть делителем
- делиться без остатка

ещё 12 вариантов

Мои примеры


people on both sides of the political divide — люди с обеих сторон политического спектра  
to divide into two / three parts — делить на две, три части  
to divide a mother from her child — разлучить мать со своим ребёнком  
to divide public opinion — вызвать раскол в общественном мнении  
to divide a pathway through the sea — рассекать морские просторы  
the divide between the rich and the poor — разрыв, пропасть между богатыми и бедными  
to bridge the divide — служить мостом, помогать преодолевать различия  
to divide finely — измельчать  
to divide harmonically — делить (отрезок прямой) в гармоническом отношении  
to divide into parts — делить на части, членить  
to divide in two — делить пополам  

Примеры с переводом

If you divide 21 by 3, you get 7.

Если разделить двадцать один на три, получится семь.

She divided the pie into eight pieces.

Она разделила пирог на восемь частей.

The war divided children from their parents.

Война разлучила детей с родителями.

Can you divide 49 by seven?

Вы сможете разделить 49 на 7?

We should divide up the costs equally between us.

Нам следует поделить расходы между собой поровну.


Ставьте на голосование! (возглас, требующий прекращения прений и перехода к голосованию)

I want to build a fence to divide the flower garden from the vegetable garden.

Чтобы отделить цветник от огорода, я хочу построить изгородь.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They divide household duties so that she cleans and her husband cooks.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

divided  — разделенный, отделенный, раздельный, составной, рассеченный, разъемный
divider  — делитель, циркуль, ширма, тот, кто делит
dividing  — разделительный, разделяющий, делительный
dividable  — делящийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: divide
he/she/it: divides
ing ф. (present participle): dividing
2-я ф. (past tense): divided
3-я ф. (past participle): divided

ед. ч.(singular): divide
мн. ч.(plural): divides

ters, and let it divide the waters from the waters

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

is to simply divide your subject’s span of years in two,

They divide the take with the owners of the biggest corporations in their county

Boys crowd the bar and the steps that divide the two split levels of the room

say that they are unable to cross the Divide into our

The trainees were instructed to divide into groups of two for a

would not only divide the Church, it would turn the tide of

and he will divide the spoils with the

revelation from Heaven that acts to divide our spirit from the

The greater their number, the more they naturally divide themselves into different classes and subdivisions of employments

The particular consideration of those circumstances, and of that policy, will divide this

enemy also knows this and will do what he can to divide the

Stock up on meats when they are on sale and then divide them up into individual serving

Stalin) agreed to divide Europe in the zone of

To divide it was to ruin it, and to expose every part of it to be oppressed and swallowed up by the incursions of its neighbours

procrastination is to divide the project into small parts

What the manufacturer was prohibited to do, the farmer was in some measure enjoined to do ; to divide his capital between two different employments; to keep one part of it in his granaries and stack-yard, for supplying the occasional demands of the market, and to employ the other in the cultivation of his land

By obliging the farmer to carry on two trades instead of one, it forced him to divide his capital into two parts, of which one only could be employed in cultivation

When the scarcity is real, the best thing that can be done for the people is, to divide the inconvenience of it as equally as possible, through all the different months and weeks and days of the year

he devised a plan to divide the moon into

If a nation, therefore, is ripe for the East India trade, a certain portion of its capital will naturally divide itself among all the different branches of that trade

What remains of this sum, after defraying these different expenses, they may divide among themselves, as compensation for their trouble, in what manner they think proper

In 1722, this company petitioned the parliament to be allowed to divide their immense capital of more than thirty-three millions eight hundred thousand pounds, the whole of which had been lent to government, into two equal parts; the one half, or upwards of £16,900,000, to be put upon the same footing with other government annuities, and not to be subject to the debts contracted, or losses incurred, by the directors of the company, in the prosecution of their mercantile projects ; the other half to remain as before, a trading stock, and to be subject to those debts and losses

By a resolution of the house of commons, for example, it was declared, that when the £1,400,000 lent to the company by government, should be paid, and their bond-debts be reduced to £1,500,000, they might then, and not till then, divide eight per cent

— We can divide the number of Books in this manner: the 22 Books of the writers of more than one Book have a sum of 946 (86×11), while the other 44 Books have a sum of 1,265 (115×11)

Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors

On the second day he created the firmament which he called Heaven and which would divide the waters above Heaven from the waters below heaven

On the fourth day he created the Sun, the Moon and the stars and set them in the sky for seasons and signs and to divide the light and the darkness on earth

Continuing on our quest to rebuild a pre-flood scenario: In verse 7 of Genesis Chapter 1, God created the firmament to divide the waters into 2 partitions

This had been the divide with so many other worlds; direct communication or interaction could prove to be more trouble than was worth

At first no one said a word, as Longleaf’s party crossed the divide

I heard of someone who had arranged for his mate’s police dog to bite him, and then planned to divide the civil claims money

It was not intended to divide and conquer in order to advance an individual (or group‘s) social and political agenda

“And the , though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is to

divide into the chocolate cups

Satan‘s clever strategy of Divide and Conquer has been brilliantly orchestrated by his enlistment of the spiritually depleted who, although not inherently evil, and perhaps motivated in part by ―good‖ intentions, have fallen victims to pride and self-love

Whenever a white person was attacked and killed it immediately escalated for the colonialists were very much less in numbers than the locals and could only keep them in subjection with force and divide to rule

When your children divide their time between you and their mother, they have to deal with two different households, two different parental personalities, two different sets of rules, two different styles of keeping house, two toothbrushes, etc

Divide and rule is often used as a counter-terrorism method and we saw how the Rhodesians created RENAMO in Mozambique which was later taken over by South Africa

Hah! Duzek was doing it his way! Can’t say as I blame him, but he’ll at least divide the opposition

They learned to divide and conquer, first allying with one prince and then again with his former enemy

When the younger told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now, instead of waiting until you die!’ his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons” (Luke 15:11–12)

Suddenly Nisaba, in a desperation marked by the anticipated loss that was etched upon her features, leaped across the narrow divide, throwing herself into the surprised arms of Nimrud, hugging him with an intensity that caused him to stagger back a step

As I read further into it I became groaningly disappointed in the discovery that his obviously learned effort seemed only a different kind of example of the divide that I have witnessed over the years between science and religion

But maybe we have received most of what we need already and just can’t seem to be able to divide the wheat from the chaff, as it were

Maybe that was the case because God probably desired to generate the need to divide the narrative by days, because there is a reason for the seven days -from a religious point of view- which we will discuss below

The words divide politics into different approaches

He goes on to write how the Leftist agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority to divide the people by: (a) creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization, (b) satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation, (c) augmenting primitive feelings of envy, and (d) rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordination him to the will of the Government

25 And the king said, Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other

her the living child, and in no wise kill it; But the other said, Let it be neither mine nor yours, but divide it

Divide and Conquer

But, in this land of freedom, a divide was

Not only do they have a strategy to divide us, they also have one to close the American mind

17 He may prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the silver

9 Destroy, O Lord, and divide their tongues, for I have seen violence and strife in the city

6 God has spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth

13 You did divide the sea by your strength: you broke the heads of the dragons in the waters

7 God has spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth

better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud; he who handles a matter wisely shall find

Though this book is used as such it was not intended to divide and should be used to unite

rejoice when they divide the spoil

12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he has poured

take you balances to weigh, and divide the hair

1 Moreover, when you shall divide by lot the land for inheritance, you shall offer an oblation to the Lord, an holy portion of the land:

29 This is the land which you shall divide by lot to the tribes of Israel

It was obvious that they hoped we would divide our force and attack on both sides of the river

you’re earning (4% in this case) and divide it into 72

take away their memorial from that place; 36 And that he should place strangers in all their quarters, and divide their land by lot

Divide dough into two portions

Divide dough into two cakes, 1 inch in thickness

Blessed are all the righteous, blessed are all those who walk in the way of righteousness and sin not as the sinners, in the reckoning of all their days in which the sun traverses the Heaven, entering into and departing from the portals for thirty days with the heads of thousands of the order of the stars, together with the four which are intercalated which divide the four portions of the year, which lead them and enter with them four days

Their four leaders who divide the four parts of the year enter first; and after them the twelve leaders of the orders who divide the months; and for the three hundred and sixty days there are heads over thousands who divide the days; and for the four intercalary days there are the leaders which sunder the four parts of the year; And these heads over thousands are intercalated between leader and leader, each behind a station, but their leaders make the division; And these are the names of the leaders who divide the four parts of the year which are ordained: Melke’el, Hel’emmelek, and Mel’ejal, and Nerel; And the names of those who lead them: Adner’el, and Ij’s’sa’el, and ‘Eleme’el — these three follow the leaders of the orders, and there is one who follows the three leaders of the orders which follow those leaders of stations that divide the four parts of the year

Originaly known as Corte Culebra (Snake Cut), it now takes the name of Colonel David DuBose Gaillard, the engineer who was in charge of the excavation of about seven and a half miles long through the Cordillera Continental (Continental Divide), during the construction of the Canal

15 And at the death of Isaac, he left his cattle and his possessions and all belonging to him to his sons; and Esau said to Jacob, note I pray you, all that our father has left we will divide it in two parts, and I will have the choice, and Jacob said, We will do so

36 So the Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to me? speak to the children of Israel that they shall proceed, and do you stretch out your rod on the sea and divide it, and the children of Israel shall pass through it

14 Now therefore divide this land for an inheritance to the nine tribes and to the half tribe of Manasseh, and Joshua rose up and did as the Lord had spoken to him

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters

27 Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil

16 But lift you up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea

33 And you shall hang up the vail under the taches, so that you may bring it in there within the vail of the Ark of the Testimony: and the vail shall divide to you between the Holy Place and the Most Holy

17 And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, but shall not divide it asunder: and the priest shall burn it on the altar, on the wood that is on the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour to the Lord

8 And he shall bring them to the priest, who shall offer that which is for the sin offering first, and wring off his head from his neck, but shall not divide it asunder:

4 Nevertheless these shall you not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he chews the cud, but divides not the hoof; he is unclean to you

7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he chews not the cud; he is unclean to you

The concept was that those who directed the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger numbers of the human race into opposing camps, so that they could be armed and

27 And divide the prey into two parts; between them that took the war on them, who went out to battle, and between all the congregation:

17 These are the names of the men which shall divide the land to you: Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun

29 These are they whom the Lord commanded to divide the inheritance to the children of Israel in the land of Canaan

reason: it is impossible to divide a country into equal shares and give each citizen an equal amount

7 Nevertheless these you shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof; therefore they are unclean to you

6 All the inhabitants of the hill country from Lebanon to Misrephothmaim, and all the Sidonians, them will I drive out from before the children of Israel, only divide you it by lot to the Israelites for an inheritance, as I have commanded you

5 And they shall divide it into seven parts, Judah shall abide in their coast on the south, and the house of Joseph shall abide in their coasts on the north

You merely add up the numbers and divide by 5

16 But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide

thither within the vail the ark of the testimony: and the vail shall divide unto

(Peleg means to divide

I will discuss in future chapters the split, initiated by Martin Luther in 1517, between Catholic and Protestant confessions that also will follow this cultural divide, with Catholic France to the west, and Lutheran Germany to the east

He may prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the silver

If paid bi-weekly (as is mostly the practice these days), still divide the monthly amount by two –

My age _____ divided by 3 = ______ years I’ve slept

but the birds divided he not

Interventionist medicine can be broadly divided into three methods i

«So what? Infinity divided by a million is still infinity

And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light

Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat

The same power that divided the waters of the Sea of Reeds allowing the

Egypt, the night was divided into different watches (Exodus 14:24)

There were seven hundred fifty six soldiers aboard the Al-Harron, about evenly divided between intelligence and astrophysical engineers with all the specialties reporting thru one or the other

The new class of students are seated directly in front of us, divided into the two main areas of study, agriculture and engineering

The moon was divided as it shone down on the blue flames that rose

Deuteronomy 32:8-9 say, “When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when He divided all mankind, He set up the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the sons of Israel

The cave had been divided into several living areas

It had branches that always divided in two and did so no more than three times

” He had quickly turned her around and he deftly divided her hair into three sections and began a simple braid

It was long, flexible and multi-legged, but the legs were directly under it like an earth animal and they divided in two so each looked like a huge, very thick, two-tined fork

I divided the money into four stacks

The house is late 19th Century I think but has been divided into three apartments – the owners have the ground floor and let the two other floors

In the same way that we divided the Chart of Emotions

It doesn’t help that the blasted thing is bigger than I am … so I’m on a loser for starters! It would seem that the world is divided into those people who can put on duvet covers without any trouble and those who cannot

Besides that, it divided the people’s beliefs

soul is not divided, but is whole

another, as a shepherd divided his sheep from the goats:

Brent scrambled up a half dozen eggs and divided them up between the three of them

in one of the divided sections, sliding their way onto the worn seating

Howard divided their clients up between the remaining officers, and Joseph did not like the arrangement

Howard divided their clients up between the remaining officers and Joseph did not like the arrangement

The drinking areas downstairs are divided by metal grates and there is hardly any furniture

Until at last the world was divided

“Wholeness, or one, when divided by seven yields a repeating decimal, as does three into one

” He made sure he hadn’t lost his host, then continued, “All to nothing, an octave is divided into discreet vibrations

Also, there’s the obvious fact that the amount of energy required to give animalistic intelligence to a tree would require a magnetic monopole super-imposed within a super-massive black hole isolated within a Higgs Field times the density of a weakless universe divided by the sub-particle wave length of the root square of an isosceles triangle subtracting the para-statistical metadata equal to the maximum level of sub-atomic exotic particles, then acting under the assumption that in the event of the self-intersection of cosmic strings triggered by inordinate radiation, there would exist somewhere an object that was both simultaneously larger than the entire universe and smaller than an atom, blatantly violating the Law of Conservation of Energy

Jesse told of how at his death, it was all divided among his wives, and then handed down to the oldest boy of each

A three rail fence now divided the areas, she felt were not meant for the average guest

among the nations and divided up my

If indeed the land had been secured by her Great-Great Grandmothers estate, then perhaps it may have been noted on the deed of how it was to be divided

Between the primary towers, smaller towers of red stone divided up the length of the crenelated wall

The idle everywhere consume a great part of it; and, according to the different proportions in which it is annually divided between those two different orders of people, its ordinary or average value must either annually increase or diminish, or continue the same from one year to another

As for our allies, with the Triad divided they will be hard to come by

The stock of the country, not being sufficient for the whole accession of business which such acquisitions present to the different people among whom it is divided, is applied to those particular branches only which afford the greatest profit

“People are divided because of what they understand about the

The river that is meant to unify them has divided them

divided between those two different sets of people

Firstly he chose five personal guards, then he divided the rest of the gang into roughly four groups of fifty each

, which, divided among the sixty four last years of the last century, will alone very nearly account for that small enhancement of price which seems to have taken place in them

During the greater part of the last century, those two nations divided the most considerable part of the East India trade between them; the trade of the Dutch continually augmenting in a still greater proportion than that of the Portuguese declined

“Its the algebra all those A plus B divided by the sum of the square root of C makes him, well a bit bored

These different sorts of rude produce may be divided into three classes

In what manner this price is to be divided upon the different parts of the beast, is indifferent to the landlords and farmers, provided it is all paid to them

empire was divided, every part was fighting with the

This book is divided into five chapters

But though the whole value of the annual produce of the land and labour of every country, is thus divided among, and constitutes a revenue to, its different inhabitants ; yet, as in the rent of a private estate, we distinguish between the gross rent and the neat rent, so may we likewise in the revenue of all the inhabitants of a great country

The whole capital of the undertaker of every work is necessarily divided between his fixed and his circulating capital

It was upon this occasion that the sum which the bank had advanced to the public, and for which it received interest, began first to exceed its capital stock, or the sum for which it paid a dividend to the proprietors of bank stock ; or, in other words, that the bank began to have an undivided capital, over and above its divided one

In 1746, the bank had, upon different occasions, advanced to the public £11,686,800, and its divided capital had been raised by different calls and subscriptions to £ 10,780,000

The circulation of every country may be considered as divided into two different branches; the circulation of the dealers with one another, and the circulation between the dealers and the consumers

the common profits of stock ; but the whole capital of the country being the same as before, the competition between the different capitals of individuals into which it was divided would likewise be the same

If this capital is divided between two different grocers, their competition will tend to make both of them sell cheaper than if it were in the hands of one only ; and if it were divided among twenty, their competition would be just so much the greater, and the chance of their combining together, in order to raise the price, just so much the less

Great tracts of uncultivated land were in this manner not only engrossed by particular families, but the possibility of their being divided again was as much as possible precluded for ever

The produce was divided equally between the proprietor and the farmer, after setting aside what was judged necessary for keeping up the stock, which was restored to the proprietor, when the farmer either quitted or was turned out of the farm

These last were composed chiefly of the proprietors of lands, among whom the public territory was originally divided, and who found it convenient to build their houses in the neighbourhood of one another, and to surround them with a wall, for the sake of common defence

If landed estates, however, were divided equally among all the children, upon the death of any proprietor who left a numerous family, the estate would generally be sold

jobs because the team is divided

Your morning paper is divided into sections, and each section caters to

When they divided their kingdom among their different children, they divided their treasures too

To see a pair of scissors in your dream indicates that your focus is being divided into too many directions

When it first comes from the ground, too, it is necessarily divided among a greater number of owners than any other commodity ; and these owners can never be collected into one place, like a number of independent manufacturers, but are necessarily scattered through all the different corners of the country

Were all nations to follow the liberal system of free exportation and free importation, the different states into which a great continent was divided, would so far resemble the different provinces of a great empire

As among the different provinces of a great empire, the freedmn of the inland trade appears, both from reason and experience, not only the best palliative of a dearth, but the most effectual preventive of a famine; so would the freedom of the exportation and importation trade be among the different states into which a great continent was divided

Rome, like most of the other ancient republics, was originally founded upon an agrarian law, which divided the public territory, in a certain proportion, among the different citizens who

While Portugal was under the dominion of Spain, Brazil was attacked by the Dutch, who got possession of seven of the fourteen provinces into which it is divided

The colony of Nova Belgia, now divided into the two provinces of New York and New Jersey, would probably have soon become considerable too, even though it had remained under the government of the Dutch

But, in a new colony, a great uncultivated estate is likely to be much more speedily divided by alienation than by succession

metakaoline (finely divided product that results from

The existing theories of concrete strength are divided into three groups: phenomenological, statistical and structural

desert; houses were divided as some held to

The body should be well structured, divided up logically, with plenty of carefully spaced visuals

It would be absolutely impossible to distribute among all the leading members of all the colony assemblies such a share, either of the offices, or of the disposal of the offices, arising from the general government of the British empire, as to dispose them to give up their popularity at home, and to tax their constituents for the support of that general government, of which almost the whole emoluments were to be divided among people who were strangers to them

The dormitory occupies the entire second floor of the school building and it is divided into four quadrants or “wings” that are identical to each other in their lay-out and facilities

The term is divided likewise into three periods, of seven years each; and in each of those periods, the rate of the Irish bounty is the same with that of the American

The sovereigns of China, of ancient Egypt, and of the different kindoms into which Indostan has, at different times, been divided, have always derived the whole, or by far the most considerable part, of their revenue, from some sort of land tax or land rent

The following book, therefore, will naturally be divided into three chapters

In some countries, the citizens destined for defending the state seem to have been exercised only, without being, if I may say so, regimented; that is, without being divided into separate and distinct bodies of troops, each of which performed its exercises under its own proper and permanent officers

Cultural similarities have divided the world, but water, which is in short supply, may unite it

Among brothers and among sisters, the eldest always takes place ; and in the succession of the paternal estate, every thing which cannot be divided, but must go entire to one person, such as a title of honour, is in most cases given to the eldest

The divided capital of the Bank of England amounts, at present, to ten millions seven hundred and eighty thousand pounds

Over and above all this, the moderate capital of this company is said to be divided among a very small number of proprietors

The South Sea company never had any forts or garrisons to maintain, and therefore were entirely exempted from one great expense, to which other joint-stock companies for foreign trade are subject; but they had an immense capital divided among an immense number of proprietors

upon their capital; and that whatever remained of their revenues and neat profits at home should be divided into four parts; three of them to be paid into the exchequer for the use of the public, and the fourth to be reserved as a fund, either for the further reduction of their bond-debts, or for the discharge of other contingent exigencies which the company might labour under

They were gradually more and more extended, and were divided into many inferior chapters; till at last the doctrine of spirits, of which so little can be known, came to take up as much room in the system of philosophy as the doctrine of bodies, of which so much can be known

The ignominy of an unjust decision, when it was to be divided among five hundred, a thousand, or fifteen hundred people (for some of their courts were so very numerous), could not fall very heavy upon any individual

The interested and active zeal of religious teachers can be dangerous and troublesome only where there is either but one sect tolerated in the society, or where the whole of a large society is divided into two or three great sects; the teachers of each acting by concert, and under a regular discipline and

But that zeal must be altogether innocent, where the society is divided into two or three hundred, or, perhaps, into as many thousand small sects, of which no one could be considerable enough to disturb the public tranquillity

There are two very easy and effectual remedies, however, by whose joint operation the state might, without violence, correct whatever was unsocial or disagreeably rigorous in the morals of all the little sects into which the country was divided

2 When considering the structure of the Tanakh in its original Hebrew form, it is divided into three parts: It starts off with the “Pentateuch” or Torah

When the parish happened to be situated in a great city, it divided all the inhabitants into two parties; and when that city happened, either to constitute itself a little republic, or to be the head and capital of a little republic, as in the case with many of the considerable cities in Switzerland and Holland, every paltry dispute of this kind, over and above exasperating the animosity of all their other factions, threatened to leave behind it, both a new schism in the church, and a new faction in the state

On top of this however, you also have to make use of words for which vowels and consonants, respectively could be evenly divided by 7

The sum of the 66 numbers, (1+2+3+…+66), is 2,211 (201×11) and this sum can be divided between Epistles and Non-Epistles

The tythe of the church is divided into such small portions that no one of its

A counter divides the room into an office for the secretary and a small waiting area with a few chairs and a coffee table covered with magazines

It divides everything

One of the women is screaming abuse at the officer sitting taking prints … for a moment I can’t see who it is, then the group divides … Joan

He sort of knows this is one of those generational divides, but the basic prejudice lingers

The whole annual produce of the land and labour of every country, or, what comes to the same thing, the whole price of that annual produce, naturally divides itself, it has already been observed, into three parts; the rent of land, the wages of labour, and the profits of stock ; and constitutes a revenue to three different orders of people; to those who live by rent, to those who live by wages, and to those who live by profit

In the first chapter, I have endeavoured to shew what are the different parts or branches into which the stock, either of an individual, or of a great society, naturally divides itself

The general stock of any country or society is the same with that of all its inhabitants or members ; and, therefore, naturally divides itself into the same three portions, each of which has a distinct function or office

The second of the three portions into which the general stock of the society divides itself, is the fixed capital ; of which the characteristic is, that it affords a revenue or profit without circulating or changing masters

Though the whole annual produce of the land and labour of every country is no doubt ultimately destined for supplying the consumption of its inhabitants, and for procuring a revenue to them; yet when it first comes either from the ground, or from the hands of the productive labourers, it naturally divides itself into two parts

When land, like moveables, is considered as the means only of subsistence and enjoyment, the natural law of succession divides it, like them, among all the children of the family ; of all of whom the subsistence and enjoyment may be supposed equally dear to the father

But the prize divides him

Concrete on the basis of organic aggregates as other types of concrete divides by application on heat insulating, structural-heat insulating and structural

The revenue or profit arising from stock naturally divides itself into two parts; that which pays the interest, and which belongs to the owner of the stock ; and that surplus part which is over and above what is necessary for paying the interest

Predestination divides humanity into saints and sinners, those destined to go to heaven and those bound for hell

This is usually evident when there is an argument or a debatable policy that divides the community

Shapiro adds, “To accommodate all the mental procedures necessary to deal with these various goals, Minsky divides the mind into six levels

How could they come up with a system which could endure and provide the best possible peace and comfort? They settled upon a Republic which divides power into three branches

“Well, as it is now, abortion divides the country

7 The voice of the Lord divides the flames of fire

gives the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divides the sea when the

For when the lightning lightens, the thunder utters its voice, and the spirit enforces a pause during the peal, and divides equally between them; for the treasury of their peals is like the sand, and each one of them as it peals is held in with a bridle, and turned back by the power of the spirit, and pushed forward according to the many quarters of the Earth; And the spirit of the sea is masculine and strong, and according to the might of his strength he draws it back with a rein, and in like manner it is driven forward and disperses amid all the mountains of the Earth; And the spirit of the hoar-frost is his own angel, and the spirit of the hail is a good angel; And the spirit of the snow has forsaken his chambers on account of his strength -There is a special spirit in it, and that which ascends from it is like smoke, and its name is frost; And the spirit of the mist is not united with them in their chambers, but it has a special chamber; for its course is glorious both in light and in darkness, and in winter and in summer, and in its chamber is an angel; And the spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of the Heaven, and is connected with the chambers of the rain, and its course is in winter and summer, and its clouds and the clouds of the mist are connected, and the one gives to the other; And when the spirit of the rain goes out from its chamber, the angels come and open the chamber and lead it out, and when it is diffused over the whole Earth it unites with the water on the Earth; And whenever it unites with the water on the Earth; For the waters are for those who dwell on the Earth; for they are nourishment for the Earth from the Most High who is in Heaven; therefore there is a measure for the rain, and the angels take it in charge; And these things I saw towards the Garden of the Righteous; And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: ‘These two monsters, prepared conformably to the greatness of God, shall feed

The Pasig River, unfortunately soiled and contaminated at present, divides it into North and South within the boundaries of the five cities that make it up: Makati, Pasay, Caloocán, Quezón (seat of the national government) and Manila where Palacio Malacañang is located

4 Nevertheless these shall you not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof: as the camel, because he chews the cud, but divides not the hoof; he is unclean to you

5 And the coney, because he chews the cud, but divides not the hoof, he is unclean for you

6 And the hare, because he chews the cud, but divides not the hoof; he is unclean for you

8 And the swine, because it divides the hoof, yet chews not the cud, it is unclean to you: you shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase

For when the lightning lightens the thunder utters its voice and the spirit enforces a pause during the peal and divides equally between them; for the treasury of their peals is like the sand and each one of them as it peals is held in with a bridle and turned back by the power of the spirit and pushed forward according to the many quarters of the Earth; And the spirit of the sea is masculine and strong and according to the might of his strength he draws it back with a rein and in like manner it is driven forward and disperses amid all the mountains of the Earth; And the spirit of the hoar-frost is his own angel and the spirit of the hail is a good angel; And the spirit of the snow has forsaken his chambers on account of his strength -There is a special spirit in it and that which ascends from it is like smoke and its name is frost; And the spirit of the mist is not united with them in their chambers but it has a special chamber; for its course is glorious both in light and in darkness and in winter and in summer and in its chamber is an angel; And the spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of the Heaven and is connected with the chambers of the rain and its course is in winter and summer and its clouds and the clouds of the mist are connected and the one gives to the other; And when the spirit of the rain goes out from its chamber the angels come and open the chamber and lead it out and when it is diffused over the whole Earth it unites with the water on the Earth; And whenever it unites with the water on the Earth; For the waters are for those who dwell on the Earth; for they are nourishment for the Earth from the Most High who is in Heaven; therefore there is a measure for the rain and the angels take it in charge; And these things I saw towards the Garden of the Righteous; And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: ‘These two monsters prepared conformably to the greatness of God shall feed

When a cel divides

He divides all men

Junod wrote: Fink left Park in 1980 and now divides his time between Athens, GA, where he teaches journalism at The University of Georgia, and his upstate New York farm

Or how can a man enter into the house of a valiant man and seize his garments if he do not beforehand secure himself from that valiant mane and then will he cut off his house; But when the valiant man is armed guarding his house his possessions are in peace; But if one come who is more valiant than he he overcomes him and takes his whole armour on which he relis and divides his spoil

As if the man has reached a point where a path divides and has made a decision

His lord said to him: Well done you good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things you enter into the joy of your lord; Also he who had received two talents of gold came and said: Lord you gave to me two talents of gold; Note I have gained two other talents of gold besides those; His lord said to him: Well done good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things; enter into the joy of your lord; Then he who had received the one talent of gold came and said: Lord I knew you that you are a hard man reaping where you have not sown and harvesting where you have not cultivated; and I was afraid and went and hid your talent of gold in the ground; see there you have what is yours! His lord answered and said to him: You wicked and lazy servant you knew that I reap where I did not sow and harvest where I have not cultivated therefore you should have placed my money with the money exchangers and then on my arrival I should have received my own back with usury; therefore take the talent of gold from him and give it to him who has ten talent of gold; because for everyone who has it shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him who has nothing even that which he has shall be taken away; and you will throw the unprofitable servant into outer darkness where there shall be weeping and grinding of teeth; When the Son of Man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory; and before Him shall be gathered all nations; and He shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats and He shall place the sheep on his right hand side but place the goats on the left; Then the King shall say to those on his right hand: You blessed by my Father come over; Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world because I was hungry and you all gave Me food; I was thirsty and you all gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you all clothed Me; I was sick and you all visited Me; I was in prison and you all came to Me; Then shall the righteous answer Him saying: Lord when did we see you hungry and fed you? Or thirsty and gave you drink? When did we see you a stranger and took you in? Or naked and clothed you? Or when did we see you sick or in prison and came to you? and the King shall answer and say to them: Truly I say to you in as much as you all have done it to one of the least of these my brothers you have done it for Me; Then he shall say also to those on the left hand depart from Me all you cursed ones into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels because I was an hungry and you all gave Me no food I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink: I was a stranger and you did not take Me in; I was naked and you all did not clothe Me; I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me; Then they shall also answer Him saying: Lord when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister to you? Then He shall reply to them saying: Truly I say to you in as much as you did it not to one of the least of these ones you did not do it to Me and they shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous shall go into eternal life

When a strong armed man minds his estate his goods are kept in tact but when one stronger than he shall come upon him and overcomes him he takes all his armour from him in which he trusted and divides his gains

Each state legislature decides the amount that divides a grand larceny from a petty larceny

and one that divides many Christians

I have prepared an org chart that divides responsibilities in an equitable fashion based on our relative skills

Divorce divides families and makes people become bewildered and angered and many have to split up their belongings that they have worked so hard for many years

It is the ego of man that create false concepts that tries to divides us, labels us, and control us by the miss use of power and authority

This rail divides him from the uncertain mists of the world, and places him stark and clear on the decks of his own surety – how dangerous a place to be! A gospel of uncertainty is one by which all men should abide – judge for yourself the veracity of this statement

The links in the chain that still spiritually shackles American Christians include white feelings of racial superiority, race and class segregation, the resulting racial divides, rejection of the Bible and the Gospel as oppressive white doctrine, and finally, the persistent demobilization of African Americans for world missions

This assumption remains backed by missions structures that maintain divides between black and white Christians as the status quo

In addition and as part of the spiritual warfare, the black-white divides among Christians widened because of racial discrimination, politics, and money issues

She now divides her time teaching yoga, speaking

Your perception of “us & them” divides and keeps you from it

subtracts interest expense from operating income and then divides this difference by the

Public divisions into political parties drives wedges into growing divides; stressing conflict instead of unity

If the fire divides in two then it’s an omen that the present company will divide into factions and dispute

Spring divides his time between Florida and Mexico

Polytheism, by multiplying the objects of its followers’ adoration, divides its claims on their belief

The devil divides families under a secular society that recognizes laws and not values

The laws in action were meant to force the unhappy state of thoughts that divides

I Chronicles 24:118 In this text King David divides the descendants of

@2Hands2Help Cooperation and caring divides labor without creating castes or classes

Through her clinical research, this author came to the conclusion that a child divides its mother in two within its fantasy: one half is represented by the good breast and the other represents the bad breast

He currently divides his professional time between writing both fiction and non-fiction from his home in sunny Tampa, Florida and is never far from his laptop, an archive of experience and desires, and lot and lots of caffeine

It also divides the two mountains, Mount Diablo to the north and Sierra Blanca to the south

“Haunted Bridge divides the old Christy Ranch from the Chumash ruins, and people say they’ve seen and heard weird things

The current for the third circuit enters the two wires of one of the first circuits, divides, reunites, so to speak, at the other end, then returns through the wires of the second circuit, dividing and reuniting again, thus just balancing the two divisions of the current and not causing any effect on either of the two original circuits

A ravine divides the two

This element divides a full single article into a teaser text and the rest of the article

This concept not only applies to size, but to all limits and divides we wish to create forming borders we can appreciate

By claiming the position held by singularity premier as a vacant spot until the arrival of the top, the singularity of the top divides the point flowing from

As this argument is taken into the space scenario the spinning structure divides the space into where it came from as well as where it is going and that puts space in relation to material on two sides of one divide

When matter divides into space (7 ÷ 21,999) the result from that is Π

Of course, language divides: we can indicate our left arm separately, but does that divide the body into separate parts? Though language splits things up, life is a unity

Thinking, by nature, divides and alienates the knower and the known

Jesus divides what the believer will receive into two time

Jesus divides what the believer will receive into two time periods, (1)

It is often necessary when a painting is nearly right to destroy the whole thing in order to accomplish the apparently little that still divides it from what you conceive it should be

Jesus divides what the believer will receive into two time periods, (1) the present life time (2) and the future after this life time

We say it is the judgment of the living, because we read, «Before Him shall be gathered all nations; and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats

Their faith becomes an antidote to their philosophy, and they will, perhaps, some day learn to think differently on the one question, which still divides us

The most noticeable points in the 9th Book of the Republic are:—(1) the account of pleasure; (2) the number of the interval which divides the king from the tyrant; (3) the pattern which is in heaven

He treats first of music or literature, which he divides into true and false, and then goes on to gymnastics; of infancy in the Republic he takes no notice, though in the Laws he gives sage counsels about the nursing of children and the management of the mothers, and would have an education which is even prior to birth

This is the science which, according to the Phaedrus, is the true basis of rhetoric, which alone is able to distinguish the natures and classes of men and things; which divides a whole into the natural parts, and reunites the scattered parts into a natural or organized whole; which defines the abstract essences or universal ideas of all things, and connects them; which pierces the veil of hypotheses and reaches the final cause or first principle of all; which regards the sciences in relation to the idea of good

He divides all men into two groups: those who live in pure love, and those who live in what he calls the love of ruling for the love of self

It divides the democratic West Berlin portion of the city from the Soviet-occupied area known as East Berlin

“Behind me stands a wall that encircles the free sectors of this city, part of a vast system of barriers that divides the entire continent of Europe,” Reagan says

But before entering the Gulf of Mexico near latitude 44° north, this current divides into two arms; its chief arm makes for the shores of Ireland and Norway while the second flexes southward at the level of the Azores; then it hits the coast of Africa, sweeps in a long oval, and returns to the Caribbean Sea

Attaining a white heat in the Gulf of Mexico, it heads north up the American coast, advances as far as Newfoundland, swerves away under the thrust of a cold current from the Davis Strait, and resumes its ocean course by going along a great circle of the earth on a rhumb line; it then divides into two arms near the 43rd parallel; one, helped by the northeast trade winds, returns to the Bay of Biscay and the Azores; the other washes the shores of Ireland and Norway with lukewarm

THE RIVER LIFFEY: The river that divides Dublin into south and north sections, and supplies most of Dublin’s water

The son unborn mars beauty: born, he brings pain, divides affection, increases care

I can see with my own eyes, goes the singer of this album he loves so much, It’s a scheme that divides

Nice cutting is her function: she divides

«But poverty may be as bad as leprosy, if it divides us from what we most care for

«It is as fatal as a murder or any other horror that divides people,» he burst out again; «it is more intolerable—to have our life maimed by petty accidents

’Twas the Way of Motherhood, the Sorrow and the Glory of the Female of the Species: that once having borne a Child, the Soul divides itself betwixt the Child and Mother and the Mother cannot toss her own Life away without consid’ring what will become of her Babe

The mathematical approximation divides the number of days between the two dates by 365

A new wrinkle, introduced in 1967, divides the capitalization into a preferred issue, which will receive all the ordinary income, and a capital issue, or common stock, which will receive all the profits on security sales

Invented during the 1940s, spread spectrum technology takes an existing narrowband radio signal and divides it among a range of frequencies in any one of several ways

The moment when the nucleus divides from one into two

The discretion is more due to, uh, class divides

A coverage ratio takes the income available for paying the total fixed obligations for a given year and divides that by the annual interest expense and fixed charges

He allots the imposts, taxes each person conscientiously, judges quarrels for nothing, divides inheritances without charge, pronounces sentences gratuitously; and he is obeyed, because he is a just man among simple men

Jomini divides the battle of Waterloo into four moments; Muffling cuts it up into three changes; Charras alone, though we hold another judgment than his on some points, seized with his haughty glance the characteristic outlines of that catastrophe of human genius in conflict with divine chance

Berith is derived from a root word which means «to cut,» and hence a covenant is a «cutting,» with reference to the cutting or dividing of animals into two

dividing the word of truth» (‘I Timothy 2:15)

It was a pity that no-one had thought it worthwhile to worry that the skirting boards didn’t line up where the dividing wall had obviously been taken out

If our churches are not united, then we need to repent and desperately seek the God who has torn down the dividing wall of hostility

Our driver was busily dividing the mail into parcels and envelopes

I told him to simplify 24/64 and he started dividing the numerator and

It was palatial, with polished marble floors, fine carpets and hangings, ornate wall sconces, soft music, live blooms ringing the ceilings and a large fish tank dividing the front room from the dining area

The drive itself is relatively long, running from the road to level with the back of the house where there is a fence dividing the drive from the back yard where I have a washing line and small shed, but the drive is not very wide and I have become adept at positioning the car in just the right place so I have room to get out without having to clamber through the hedge which separates this property from Sally’s

In fact I learned to type in the ballroom of the house – rows of manual typewriters on desks in half the original ballroom; a stud wall completely out of keeping with the original graciously appointed saloon dividing the room into two

Accordingly, I dug up a piece of ground as well as I could with my wooden spade, and dividing it into two parts, I sowed my grain; but as I was sowing, it casually occurred to my thoughts that I would not sow it all at first, because I did not know when was the proper time for it, so I sowed about two-thirds of the seed, leaving about a handful of each

By dividing the whole circulation into a greater number of parts, the failure of any one company, an accident which, in the course of things, must sometimes happen, becomes of less consequence to the public

A capital may be employed in four different ways; either, first, in procuring the rude produce annually required for the use and consumption of the society ; or, secondly, in manufacturing and preparing that rude produce for immediate use and consumption; or, thirdly in transporting either the rude or manufactured produce from the places where they abound to those where they are wanted ; or, lastly, in dividing particular portions of either into such small parcels as suit the occasional demands of those who want them

Unless a capital was employed in breaking and dividing certain portions either of the rude or manufactured produce into such small parcels as suit the occasional demands of those who want them, every man would be obliged to purchase a greater quantity of the goods he wanted than his immediate occasions required

Panic bloomed in my chest when I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the restaurant, from the other side of the big glass dividing wall

to say, they all had plans of dividing the

So, with a relish that somewhat offset his apprehension, he pulled out what he knew to be a cutting laser (he tested it on a dividing bulkhead during the journey) and set it working against the seal

The trade of insurance gives great security to the fortunes of private people, and, by dividing among a great many that loss which would ruin an individual, makes it fall light and easy upon the whole society

He could just make out a darker section dividing the top of the cone

process of dividing a local body into two tiers

Those objections are, that the tax, instead of dividing itself, as at present, pretty equally upon the profit of the maltster, upon that of the brewer and upon that of the retailer, would so far as it affected profit, fall altogether upon that of the maltster ; that the maltster could not so easily get back the amount of the tax in the advanced price of his malt, as the brewer and retailer in the advanced price of their liquor; and that so heavy a tax upon malt might reduce the rent and profit of barley land

parallel to be the dividing line between the United States and

” Sicarius tilted his head toward the wall dividing the room from thousands of tons of ice

Why do you think this is? Daniel 7:23 “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time

Brokin was dividing his forces at this point: the main body of his fighters launching a frontal assault, while a small band of specially trained boars under his direct command, would enter the sett through the air vent at the rear

The staircase ended in a grand vestibule, a row of columns dividing it from the vast room beyond

The spot he was about to drive into was next to a KFC drive-through, with a concrete dividing barrier the length of their van

Because it is never easy for leadership to admit error (or inexactitude) conflict has ensued, dividing those whom should have remained as one because of the commonality of their quest

and laws, and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time

3 Who governs the world with the palm of his hand, and all things obey his will, for he is the King of all, by his power dividing holy

Everyone was busy setting up traps around the perimeter, and I’d noticed them dividing rooms off into sections with the use of sliding doors

Chapter 33 Even dividing his livestock was not enough for Jacob, his wives and

I was aware that my plan for the upcoming campaign called for dividing my forces into three Ordu

Dividing people by their language and behavior was early used by China»s Mao, in the “

23 These are the inheritances which Elazer the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the heads of the fathers of the tribes portioned out to the children of Israel by lot in Shiloh, before the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle, and they left off dividing the land

mikes, began dividing the kids into groups of twenty

This unilateral and undemocratic action threw the city of Brea into political turmoil, dividing it into warring factions and turning friends into enemies

It will be in following the Creator’s guidance, as given to us through His Son -that the issue will be resolved —not looking to government to gain equality — we are already equal — government needs, in most instances, to stop dividing us — creating false barriers / ineffective solutions — even fostering racism

now dividing to cover the entire compound and at the rear entrance to

49 When they had made an end of dividing the land for inheritance by their coasts, the children of Israel gave an inheritance to Joshua the son of Nun among them,

So they made an end of dividing the country

recursively multiplying, dividing, and subtracting

dividing their inheritance of land

23 These are the inheritances which Elazer the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the heads of the fathers of the tribes portioned out to the children of Israel by lot in Shiloh before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle and they left off dividing the land

The sound of it pierces his mind, dividing thought from imagination, bone from flesh

whole world was dividing between things I could tolerate, and things

The Strike Force immediately Translocated into Venak, dividing into sections that took up station over every population center in that nation

A few minutes pass, punctuated only by the happy munching of the boy, who, as Hartstongue had predicted, is even now dividing the remaining berries and leaves into three equal portions

Gathering sticks the next morning, the four travellers made a fire and ate the creature greedily, dividing the flesh as fairly as possible between them

After dividing the food, the four of them eat in silence

Most of them are gathering closer to the dividing line between our dimension and yours, partly in order to project positive energies to Earth, which will counteract the negative energies here

Lorna started to drag the suitcase indoors and could not help but notice the twitching of Sally’s kitchen curtains across the dividing fence

But they were dividing

The «share of PR of every webpage that links to it» is calculated by taking the current Page Rank of the webpage and dividing it by the total number of links on the page

He had a high fence dividing our

About halfway down the shaft he constructed a dividing wall which had a large steel gate in it

Wealth of Nations by dividing the economy into

Whether it’s dividing a

Apophis is dividing us, attacking us one by

Muslim League under Muhammad Ali Jinnah was against ‘Quit India’ movement and the British later rewarded the Muslims for their loyalty by dividing India and creating Pakistan

Gāndhiji had no hesitation at all in refuting the idea of dividing India on the basis of religion

Muslims found fault with him because he was a staunch Hindu, was against dividing India and creation of Pakistan

The world is the one and only! Why do you continue with the habit of dividing the indivisible thing?

subtracting the oldest close price from the most recent, and the ROC’s formula is based on dividing the oldest close price into the most recent one:

She hadn’t been spying, of course, she just happened to be in a room whose window was only a couple of metres away over the dividing fence

He quickly adds up the figures from this year, dividing the Santas by the Jesuses and he heaves a relieved sigh

Rumble and Ngem rushed from the maternity room to the machine and looked at the TV screen displaying the image from an electron microscope, which showed cells dividing and growing at a vast rate


the body-as certaín somatically oriented therapies propose, dividing experience again

Encourage competition: Establish a fun and competitive atmosphere within the class, by dividing the class into teams

• Encourage competition: Establish a fun and competitive atmosphere within the class, by dividing the class into teams

He had no intention of dividing up his assets

The offices have those glazed dividing walls and plates

She pushed through the doors dividing the lobby from the rest of the hotel and up the stairs to the second floor

They continued through the door in the dividing wall, where there was the library to the left, opposite to the dining room

the result is 10 since we are dividing 1000 by 100 and we know that the result is simply 10

With that in mind, consider dividing

Thus there are three different combinations and we get this three by dividing 6 by 2 where 2 is the number of combinations of 2

Meme, his sister, dividing her time between Fernanda’s rigidity and Amaranta’s bitterness, at almost the same moment reached the age set for her to be sent to the nuns’ school, where they would make a virtuoso on the clavichord of her

At that time Amaranta had finished dividing her things among the poor and had left on the severe coffin of unfinished boards only the change of clothing and the simple cloth slippers that she would wear in death

Dividing the class into groups, he required each to develop a marketing strategy for a self-storage company in Virginia Beach

Whites praised Europeans highly for dividing and occupying Africa to subjugate its people in order to civilize them

Since God is in all things, including the rocks and earth, God, therefore, made the “firmament in the midst of the waters, dividing the waters from the waters

exact ratio of the forces by dividing force = q squared by force =

ratios we find that we are dividing dynes by dynes and they therefore will

is done by dividing both sides of the equation by 3

Under the uniform, there were a couple of layers of ordinary things like shirts and underclothes, all extra large size and all neatly washed and folded, and then a sort of dividing board which fitted across the whole of the chest

This was a main part of my own job; dividing up the job so each section was

events which had brought him to this dividing point in the fate of the world, and

This can be calculated by determining the speed of the limo over the path and finding the average speed in ft/ sec and dividing it into the distance traveled, 150ft

according to that scientific and mathematical comprehension), dividing the universe by

dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints

Through the center, a crushed-rock road separated the buildings, creating a sort of dividing line

All the dividing partitions had been demolished, and the whole space was open to the stairs

With the box top removed, Max decided to use the electric chain saw to slice through the skull, dividing the head into three horizontal slices

dividing by the square root of the sample size (5)

Dividing the two yields 1

A house divided cannot stand; it has to fall, at least the part that did the dividing

Examples of how to use the word “divide” in a sentence. How to connect “divide” with other words to make correct English sentences.

divide (v): to (cause to) separate into parts or groups

Use “divide” in a sentence

This book is divided into 25 chapters.
The team was divided into smaller groups.
We divided the work between us.
60 divided by 12 is 5.
She divided the pie into three equal parts.
We will divide class into two teams.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


How to use divide in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «divide» and check conjugation/comparative form for «divide«. Mastering all the usages of «divide» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Our economic divide has led to a political divide, and the political divide has reinforced the economic divide.
Jesse Jackson talked about the economic divide, the education divide, the divide on enforcement, the divide on the environment.
António Guterres: I think we have three risks of divides: a geostrategic divide, a social divide, and a technological divide.
If we divide people beyond our borders, we divide ourselves.
It wasn’t divide and conquer so much as divide and destroy.
In particular, the political divide is also, increasingly, an economic divide.
INGRAHAM: There&aposs a divide in the party, though, on trade, huge divide.
Yet this divide is often thought of as a rural versus urban divide.
«Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, that is how they work,» Reeves said.
The liberal activism divide does not neatly match up with the red-blue divide.
«It’s not so much a racial divide but a generational divide,» he told me.
I use the grid to divide images’ and to add images’ and divide again.
It is a divide-and-sub-divide approach that reduces significantly an already-small majority.
There were three distinct draws based on polling: One to divide the bottom 10 candidates, one to divide the middle six candidates and one to divide the top four candidates.
There were three distinct draws based on polling: One to divide the bottom 0003 candidates, one to divide the middle six candidates and one to divide the top four candidates.
Divide cold cuts evenly among bottom halves of each roll; divide cheese evenly among top halves.
I’m getting information from both sides of the divide and, believe me, we’re talking a divide.
It helped deepen the Sunni-Shia divide there so severely that this divide today defines Iraq.
And as is usually the case in the US, the racial divide is also an opportunity divide.
But in the Trump era, the class divide looks more powerful than the gender divide, especially among whites.
The episode illustrates that the core divide in our politics is no longer the conventional left-right divide.
And then we still have the other divide that is linked to the divide between rich and poor.
«There are attempts to divide us — to divide us as a party, to divide us as a progressive movement,» Melissa Mark-Viverito, the former City Council speaker and another W.F.P. ally, told the group.
But the ideological divide, particularly with respect to the Palestinians and the synagogue-state divide, has never been sharper.
The divide between parties within the U.S. far exceeds the divide found between the U.S. as a whole and Europe.
After all, conspiracism creates a divide deeper than partisan polarisation—an epistemic divide over what it means to know something.
What I found was a divide — the same divide that has run through our people since the Exodus from Egypt.
The divide between business and workers has plagued policy solutions in recent years, but that divide has not always seemed insurmountable.
But residents say the city’s stark and growing divide between rich and poor has exacerbated the racial divide, generating similar tensions.
Fears of a deepening divide The bill’s critics also warned that it risked deepening the divide between Israel and Diaspora Jewry.
That would be a debate that, while it might divide by cultural values and aesthetics, wouldn’t divide along ugly racial lines.
Democratic divide: Some people at the bootcamp viewed the DNC’s tech focus as a way to bridge the Bernie/Hillary divide.
But Trump inarguably accelerated this divide at a rate unseen before in our politics—a divide that seems increasingly difficult to bridge.
It is intended to do nothing but divide people and I’m not gonna be part of this effort to divide this administration.
That divide, between the ultrareligious right and the secular right, has for the moment eclipsed the old left-right divide in Israel.
Putin seeks to destroy democracy itself, discredit democratic institutions, divide democratic nations from each other, foment bitter divisions within democratic nations, divide America from democratic allies, divide Britain from continental Europe and dismember democratic organizations including the European Union and NATO.
«The Black Divide» comes off the band’s latest release, Lost In The Black Divide ( out now on the aptly-named Pure Steel Records).
Generational divide becoming toxic The generational divide — particularly among women — is the subject of an increasingly bitter battle between campaign surrogates and supporters.
How to divide a column of values by a constantIt’s not uncommon to need to divide a column of numbers by a constant.
Now we have a «reality divide» There’s always been a political divide; it just wasn’t as high or as tough to get across.
And I realized the ideological divide between my mother and me was probably a lot like the divide in the country at large.
RED-YELLOW DIVIDE The junta’s four-year moratorium on politics was aimed at stamping out the intransigent red-yellow divide in Thai politics.
The number of people saying that such a divide exists, however, is higher than it was in 28500, when 6900 percent of respondents said there was no such divide in America compared to just 2628 percent who said there was a divide.
Before there was the one space / two space divide, there was a famous psychological experiment that created the false divide of Kandinsky versus Klee.
His decision may divide America from its European partners, France, Germany and the UK. And what happens next could further divide these nations, too.
Because of this historical divide, there hasn’t traditionally been a left-right divide in Irish politics, with both main parties centrist and relatively conservative.
The Mobile App Divide Closing the digital divide requires not just providing Internet access for all, but making sure that access enables opportunities for all.
The destructive divide between the sciences and the arts, which bedevils contemporary life, was, as Mr Holmes shows, neither a natural nor a necessary divide.
In America, there’s not just a divide between the rich and the poor — there’s also a growing divide between the wealthy and the ultra-wealthy.
The divide over health care among Republicans in this area of North Carolina is much wider and more fundamental than the current divide in Washington.
And this is creating the most relevant geopolitical divide in the world today: the divide between the World of Order and the World of Disorder.
It’s important to note that Southern attitudes to Civil War monuments are not uniform, though the pro-con divide typically follows the rural-urban divide.
And while it would complicate the issue of how to divide the economic pie, it’s always easier to divide a growing pie than a shrinking one.
While Trump has scrambled the conventional ideological divide, he has done so by aligning around a divide that is in many ways deeper and more fundamental.
It’s fundamentally useful to have a divide here the way it’s useful to have a divide between a book about fire and a book of matches.
«We have to condemn this divide-and-conquer strategy and also individual politicians who seek to play into the Chinese divide-and-conquer strategy,» Hsiao said.
The black-white divide in support for Obamacare was 20 percentage points larger than the black-white divide over Bill Clinton’s similarly controversial proposal, for instance.
That’s something he’s trying to grapple with on ÷ (or Divide), which takes a bolder divide and conquer approach to the British songwriter’s well charted genre-hopping ways.
Take your annual salary and divide by those 2,000 hours (equivalently, drop the last three zeros and divide by two), and voilà, you get your hourly rate.
But the controversy raises a pertinent question: whether the task of translation is simply to bridge the divide between cultures or to somehow also represent that divide.
Their mutual respect and engagement with each other in spite of the political divide and their consequent investigation and research into that divide is a powerful act.
But I think the debate has also been profoundly revealing about a divide within left-of-center American political discourse, a divide that maps closely but not perfectly with the divide between socialist-identified, Bernie-supporting leftists on the one hand and more traditional liberal Democrats on the other.
Turning Omar and her tweets into a flashpoint, similarly, serves to divide Democrats and, in the specific case of Graham, to divide them over something completely non-substantive.
«But we can’t do it as long as that anti-democratic backstop, that backstop that seeks to divide our country, divide the UK, remains in place,» he said.
In this case, lets divide up the Republican debate in Iowa Thursday night as Donald Trump, who was absent from the stage, appears to divide up the world.
A class divide on sexual harassment The Alabama race suggests the heightened focus on sexual misbehavior could widen the partisan divide between white- and blue-collar white women.
That’s David Brooks’s point: We can’t truly cross the divide unless there’s a societywide and soul-deep acceptance of the sinfulness that has caused and perpetuated that divide.
The divide over Ms. Pelosi is generational as well as ideological, and it mirrors a similar generational divide that surfaced among women when Hillary Clinton ran for president.
Such seemingly scattershot efforts in fact were aimed precisely: anything likely to divide Americans from each other, or divide Americans from the world, was a candidate for amplification.
The owner-renter divide is as salient as any other in this nation, and this divide is a historical result of statecraft designed to protect and promote inequality.
I have tried to conduct myself in this campaign in a way that would not divide our country, not divide it regionally, or by parties or in any other way, because I very firmly believe that what unites America today is infinitely more important than those things that divide us.
JORDAN: It doesn&apost divide the Republicans across this country, it doesn&apost divide INGRAHAM: So you don&apost care who you offend on Capitol Hill by doing this?
The everolimus had made conditions harsh, but if a mutant should arise that could thrive despite the drug, it would divide, and divide again, eventually taking over and spreading.
No change in partisan divide — The partisan divide over the President persists as well, with roughly 80 points between Democratic support for Trump’s removal and Republican support for it.
WUSCHEL tells stem cells to stop differentiating into other types of cells, which is akin to tell them to divide and proliferate (because differentiated cells can no longer divide).
«. Below you have «Well Done» and «Divide & Conquer.
«This is the criteria to divide people: The builders of bridges and the builders of walls, those builders of walls sow fear and look to divide people,» he said then.
Overall, this question highlighted the massive divide in our country, and for once, it’s not partisan but a three-way divide: Democrats, the #NeverTrump establishment, and those who support Trump.
To the Editor: Opinion pieces such as «In the Land of Self-Defeat» attempting to paint a description of the urban-rural divide do nothing more than increase that divide.
A great deal of that divide is due to a Trump campaign fueled by highlighting the small things that divide us, instead of the big things that bring us together.
Bridging Digital Divide Funding Delays Rostelecom expected some pressure on EBITDA in 2016 related to delays in receiving government compensation for network construction under the state’s Bridging Digital Divide (BDD) programme.
Analyst Peter Boockvar says the divide of opinion on inflation mirrors the divide between opinion holders, who fall into three broad groups: low-income earners, high-income earners and central bankers.
The primary divide we’ve seen in these presentations has been the human-android divide, but I’m curious about want to know what happened to the divisions that already existed in society.
At a time when efforts to divide people in the country along lines of caste and religion are underway, ordinary Indians have proved that they won’t let religious difference divide them.
Instead, drop 100 beans on the table, divide them into piles and then label each pile, noting that for every $100 you give away, this is how you divide it up.
Noisey: Divide & Dissolve’s aim is to dismantle white supremacy.
Apparently, they do — they result in a deeper divide.
Russia — to undermine the U.S. and divide the West.
As we focus on closing the digital divide for access, it is important to also close this app divide to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from the app economy.
Divide your APR by 365Since your APR is your annual interest rate, you’ll need to divide your APR by the number of days in the year to get your daily interest rate.
«The digital divide was about access to technology, and now that everyone has access, the new digital divide is limiting access to technology,» said Chris Anderson, the former editor of Wired magazine.
But even at this early stage, a clear divide has begun to emerge among the frontrunners — a divide that will likely shape the Democratic foreign policy debate in the months to come.
Growing divide over US-Israel relations In recent years, there has been a growing divide on Israel between the Democratic Party’s high-ranking officials and a few progressive political newcomers, such as Reps.
«You don&apost have to divide the segment in a bunch of different pieces, but I think that there&aposs definitely an opportunity to divide it up into more than one,» Deringer said.
The first is to divide their samples into appropriate subgroups.
The exhibition probably won’t change many minds about that divide.
Does it worry me that it might divide the vote?
So the regime stoked sectarian tensions to divide the opposition.
This latest divide seems to be fueled somewhat by optics.
However, Epstein says that divide has never affected their relationship.
It has already caused a divide within the LDS Church.
There’s also a clear partisan divide hidden in those numbers.
Divide broth, chicken, and vegetables between plates and serve immediately.
What are the challenges on both sides of that divide?
We cannot allow hateful speech or differences to divide us.
This divide was perfectly captured in a pair of images.
The divide, and Washington’s gridlock, make decisive government action unlikely.
Somebody’s going to win $100,000 or they’ll divide it up.
Divide among bowls and add the Fritos and sour cream.
You see somebody divide and division in California over it.
The divide and conquer A hot dog IN a bun?
Somebody’s going to win $100,2003 or they’ll divide it up.
After food costs and overhead, they divide the profits evenly.
The gender and racial divide doesn’t mark a dramatic shift.
MTV created and monetized the generational divide in television programming.
Toss to combine and divide on top of each burger.
«There’s not this big ideological divide among Democrats,» he said.
That would spark a civil war and only divide Venezuelans.
Divide batter between pans, filling each pan about ½ way full.
The brothers stand on either side of that divide, too.
There were glimmers of a partisan divide during the hearing.
New Hampshire shares Iowa’s main concerns, and its partisan divide.
The second divide exists within the ranks of advanced economies.
Under Western imperialism race was often used to divide people.
But so far, their plan to divide Democrats hasn’t worked.
A second vote would divide the country and infuriate Leavers.
What’s going here is a classic divide over social change.
Divide and rule is the oldest trick in the book.
Divide steak slices evenly between 2 of the bread slices.
Divide evenly into 12 portions; roll each into a ball.
The prohibitive factors that cause Ethiopia’s digital divide are straightforward.
Mr. Peskowitz has been on both sides of this divide.
The Shrinking Digital Divide Data breaches are on the rise.
His living room and kitchen divide the same rectangular space.
A great nation doesn’t divide in times of natural disaster.
There is a sharp divide between northern and southern Europe.
How do you decide how to divide up the punchlines?
The poll illustrated the racial divide in the presidential race.
Because of this great divide in objectives, DevOps was born.
The real divide here isn’t mainly about policy white papers.
As this divide gets wider, the show’s contortions get stranger.
But Bannon is a master at creating narratives that divide.
Previously, there was a clear divide between readers and viewers.
TRIPPI: Well, it is being properly cast as a divide.
But blanket allegations don’t bring us together, they divide us.
What is surprising is the generational divide the poll revealed.
This is key for the cells to divide and reproduce.
Talk about the divide and conquer, how that impacts things.
Divide tuna, eggs, tomato, potatoes and asparagus evenly between servings.
Investors are using that regional divide to guide their choices.
The economic divide has helped fuel a turn towards nationalism.
«It’s really caused a divide in our relationship,» Noble said.
He said these were also not meant to divide Europe.
There’s a clear divide between supporters of the two frontrunners.
«It can help bridge the divide that keeps us apart.»
That’s a divide they simply couldn’t bridge in the Senate.
Can we find common ground across the seemingly growing divide?
The racial divide is perhaps starkest on core Democratic values.
Buttigieg compares the divide between leading candidates like Minnesota Rep.
States already facing an historic partisan divide split even farther.
To make the ravioli, divide the pasta into 4 pieces.
Later on, he crossed the political divide to back Sarkozy.
There’s also substantial divide in economic sentiment between political parties.
Divide among 2 champagne flutes and top with champagne. Garnish.
This divide is between American liberals and the American left.
Go deeper: How Russians use social media to divide Americans
Is there a generational divide between crossword solvers and makers?
There’s a sharp partisan divide on these two questions, though.
«Tamika Mallory: «It is not our differences that divide us.
Do you ever wish there was more a divide there?
Will Democrats have to reckon with another, equally thorny divide?
But the divide here aligns too strongly with personal preference.
Mr Trump has deepened the divide on the business wing.
That ranking now almost precisely follows the national political divide.
Next, divide by total taxable employee income in said state.
Which brings me back to the therapy versus education divide.
But the divide does not fall neatly along generational lines.
«Divide and Conquer» is one of three offerings on Ailes.
What is more, the divide is along a new axis.
The divide between Scott and Nelson is currently within the .
Another point of discussion was how to divide the take.
How can people use faith to unite instead of divide?
Bagehot suspects this cultural divide will now define British politics.
There is a transatlantic divide on the definition of nativism.
Still, it’s enough of an idea to divide the nation.
To plate the salad, divide the lettuces among 4 bowls.
It will further divide the sector and complicate trade negotiations.
This measure is opposed by Democrats and divide even Republicans.
The divide is just another example of our bifurcated politics.
A close look at the data reveals a generational divide.
Metal bars divide a public bench on East 47th Street.
The formula was to divide by five and add pants.
The Cabinet officials’ announcement deepens a growing divide with Europe.
Democrats have continued to allow abortion to divide them, however.
Where you seek to divide us, we will stand united.
The emerging divide is a major test for Republican leaders.
So, how does this volume divide out into different industries?
After all, divide and conquer is their strategy, not ours.
The president has continued to use race to divide America.
In Belfast, Northern Ireland, «peace walls» still divide the streets.
No, no, se- ver -ing, as in divide by cutting.
They can either unite you, or they can divide you.
Simply divide the number 72 by your projected growth rate.
Pai recently outlined his plans for addressing the digital divide.
You can divide in Excel using a few different methods.
The divide was suggested even in the booths at RECon.
Just divide the number 72 by your expected interest rate.
In my opinion, you can’t divide and conquer a party.
You’re exactly right, and these rules divide along party lines.
To make the ravioli, divide the pasta into 33 pieces.
With every tweet, the GOP divide widened a little more.
A particularly nasty election season should have predicted the divide.
Here, CNBC investigates the implications if the two areas divide.
Merkel stressed that a U.S. withdrawal would divide the west.
Its goal: divide the American population and influence the elections.
There’s got to be some way to bridge that divide.
What they’re saying: There’s political opportunity in deepening this divide.
This proves edtech doesn’t have to exacerbate the digital divide.
Other nonprofit startups are tackling the second digital divide differently.
To serve, divide among plates and drizzle with olive oil.
It has pierced the stark distinctions that divide American communities.
Nathan Deal (R) illustrate another part of the party’s divide.
On Facebook, the political divide has only been entrenched further.
You have to figure out how to divide the cost.
In another movie, this divide might seem reductive, even reactionary.
For Mr. Marclay, there is often no divide at all.
What’s more, there was often an economic and racial divide.
The divide between the developed and undeveloped world has widened.
They want to divide the world into good and bad.
These contested stories divide our sympathies and spur angry debates.
You obviously know where I stand on this political divide.
But it reflects the growing divide between the two parties.
But it also underlines a divide over Mr. Trump himself.
Busing is hardly the panacea for solving the racial divide.
In the graphite drawing, lines divide the forms into sections.
Divide the dough in half and knead until smooth. 4.
His admonition further escalated the divide between employees and management.
It’s useful for Business Insider to divide things that way.
But it also sharpened an ideological divide in the society.
Let me ask you something that might spark a divide.
The intelligence divide alone is horrifying to even think about.
The divide between these two performances couldn’t be more vast.
What do you think Americans should do about this divide?
Divide 9 into 72: Your money doubles in eight years.
He also accepted some responsibility for Washington’s deep partisan divide.
This expertly constructed show manages never to cross that divide.
That divide has been especially acute in New York City.
«These attacks are seeking to disrupt and divide,» he said.
A partisan divide was evident in those results as well.
«They’re looking for ways to divide our society,» he said.
It is not Mr. Draper’s first attempt to divide California.
And it is intended to do nothing but divide people.
If the parties divide power, voters have a harder time.
When cells divide, they pass that damage to their descendants.
Divide that sliver even further and distribute among your family.
The divide is clearly driven by views toward President Trump.
In hockey, a much different kind of divide has existed.
That phrase is used to divide and used to distract.
«There is no need to divide the country,» he said.
Mr. Bolsonaro’s success owes much to his power to divide.
Interactive content has also been hindered by a generational divide.
I think there’s going to be potentially a gender divide.
The walk is short, but the virtual divide is huge.
Prometheoarchaeum can take as long as 25 days to divide.
Previously, scientists believed Jupiter itself was responsible for the divide.
Go deeper: Trump’s settlements announcement underscores partisan divide on Israel
Yawning inequality continues to divide the ultrawealthy and everyone else.
So how do all of us work across the divide?
The findings also signal a partisan divide on the issue.
But this partisan divide over this specific memo is misleading.
You can divide the cooking in two, if you like.
We now divide the president’s public addresses into two categories.
It’s not realistic or efficient to equally divide all tasks.
The divide in the field is how high to go.
We see this divide every year at the Thanksgiving table.
The role of religion in American identity revealed another divide.
We’ll start with the most obvious divide among Democrats: ideology.
Season with salt and pepper and divide among four plates.
But before the session could end, the divide got deeper.
This year’s bills divide the work of last year’s effort.
She warned that a Sanders presidency would further divide Americans.
DIVIDE AND CONQUER Then it is time for the boys.
There is this divide that we do need to bridge.
Krystal Ball describes the generational divide in the Democratic party.
Instead, the kiosks seem to point to an enduring divide.
Consider two typical ways traders divide the stock market: 1.
That response was seen as indicative of a generational divide.
There’s a great divide in the semiconductor space this month.
Education was the great divide, for women as for men.
Globalization also tends to divide societies into winners and losers.
Growing divide between Trump and McConnell over impeachment trial 299.
The calculation rests in part on the family’s generational divide.
Even now, because the case is ongoing, the divide persists.
Music is supposed to bring us together, not divide us.
To form the pasta, divide the dough into four pieces.
So, let’s try to unite the country, not divide it.
There’s a real divide between the trade hawks and doves.
Roll the zucchini slices up and divide among the plates.
What can Congress do to help resolve the digital divide?
Victor White at the railroad tracks that divide New Iberia.
But the partisan divide on which issues matter is stark.
Rather, the very nature of tech leads to the divide.
He can divide the world’s population into winners and losers.
To divide the house against itself so it cannot stand?
The other way to divide the electorate is by intensity.
Regionally, this crisis has laid bare a potentially dangerous divide.
Once that is fractured, the resultant divide poses huge headaches.
The monthly rent is $3,820, which the women divide equally.
We’ve been called in this season to bridge a divide.
There’s a big divide between that number and GAAP results.
A class divide has been growing for years among whites.
Ed Sheeran’s latest album Divide landed upon us mere mortals.
The peril is that activist women won’t transcend the divide.
We have to bridge the divide and bring people together.
They divide her daughter’s toys into baskets according to category.
The Nabokovs had themselves crossed an invisible, if indelible, divide.
Divide it in half — each piece should be approximately 1Kg.
Divide between baking sheets and spread in an even layer.
In reality, it is simply aggravating the country’s bitter divide.
And in these accounts, there is a sharp gender divide.
The text is so terribly important, mediate on that text but don&apost just make it up and that is the great divide that is going to, I think, divide the United States senate.
On the divide between Keurig and kegerator Now, Hopsy wants to combine those two business models, with the announcement of the Hometap, a device that sits somewhere on the divide between Keurig and kegerator.
Go deeper: Democrats’ divide on Medicare for All The drug-pricing deal that got away Health care profits are soaring The urban-rural health care divide is growing The return of the ACA wars
Split mirrors US cultural and political divide, bishop says William Willimon, a Duke Divinity School professor and bishop in the United Methodist Church, said the split mirrors the current US cultural and political divide.
But Eisgruber has still done something important: create urgency in his own community about the American class divide — a divide that has led to anger, alienation and the most worrisome political situation in decades.
«The fact that the racial divide is so deep between the parties, and the urban-rural divide is so deep between the parties, overlaps in problematic ways with the bias in Senate representation,» says Lee.
But the warming Earth is poised to divide — not unite — us.
But the Philippines can’t afford to straddle the divide, activists warn.
This, I think, is the divide over health insurance in America.
Suffice to say, it’s about the divide between fiction and reality.
A very big philosophical divide about how to approach these people.
Microsoft faces a daunting task in bridging the country’s digital divide.
The divide boils down to a basic question: Do the big
On top of that, there’s still a digital divide at home.
After lunch, it’s nap time, and we divide and conquer again.
Divide dough into 4 equal parts and smooth into round mounds.
They really divide up the space differently, depending on the person.
There’s a growing divide in the US between farmers and eaters.
TARANTO: Yes, this divide, we have seen it for a while.
Divide the dough into two discs and wrap in plastic wrap.
Trump was asked how to heal the racial divide in America.
Challenges abound in trying to bridge the divide over the wall.
The Huawei divide could mean they end up pushing us apart.
We shall not let others prey on or divide us either.
«Then divide the remaining hair into two equal parts,» Gonzalez said.
Other projects will aim to even out the urban-rural divide.
Her allies had warned an endorsement would only further divide Democrats.
Regardless of class divide, an interesting constant runs through the images.
Societal norms influence the boy/girl divide, but also adult diagnoses.
But the politics of identity still has the power to divide.
Go deeper: How 5G may wide the rural-urban digital divide
The divide in reactions might be generational, or maybe it’s dispositional.
Now the judge is being accused bridging the church-state divide.
This has built a deep divide between Turks and Kurdish Turks.
How did you and your husband divide duties in this way?
The newly engaged singer released his biggest album yet, ÷ (pronounced «divide«).
There’s no divide between them and their writers; they’re not literature.
But «there’s not this big ideological divide among Democrats,» he argued.
Divide among plates and drizzle with the chili oil to serve.
The general election may tell whether that divide can be bridged.
Were you feeling organized enough to divide your list by store?
These days history is more commonly used to divide and inflame.
Britain and the EU will need to divide those 40,000 tonnes.
«There’s zero need to further divide female sports fans,» she says.
We’ve lost friends over this great divide; even families are split.
There’s still a divide between the representation of women and men.
They are also what can divide us as a society, sadly.
At one level the answer is the ever-widening partisan divide.
They cannot be bullies and try to come conquer and divide.
In Europe the European Commission and national regulators divide the load.
But rather than form consensus, these reports served only to divide.
This divide is likely to dampen the impact of the hearings.
Divide the tuna among the plates, crumbling it over each serving.
That divide and the wounds from it have never really healed.
Critics say Yiannopoulos seeks to divide people by race and religion.
There is also a class divide in attitudes to certain behaviour.
Divide cauliflower mixture in half; place halves on prepared baking sheet.
And that growing economic divide compounded other divisions in our country.
This divide has dogged the government’s response to the Brexit vote.
Critics fear the move could divide the alliance and provoke Russia.
One area where Grant saw a meaningful divide is in energy.
There is a distinctive divide in the tastes of Razzouk’s clientele.
INGRAHAM: This will divide the party before the mid-term election.
Divide the onion mixture equally into the center of 4 patties.
But it also speaks to the generational divide in Democratic politics.
Our survey suggests that the rural-divide is real and large.
It rejected proposals to divide statewide congressional districts into smaller ones.
The troubled father-son relationship, too, hints at a generational divide.
«My mom always says, ‘Love doesn’t divide, it multiplies,’ » she said.
Neither is using religion as the reason to discriminate and divide.
The authorities divide each city into squares, with about 240 people.
Slice fruit for toppings and divide between the 2 servings. 4.
But they are reluctant to deepen Europe’s troubling east-west divide.
Instead of a divide, old and new technology brought us together.
The elections also reveal the divide created by the new constitution.
Among women with young children the social divide is even sharper.
Alas, the film itself doesn’t bridge that divide quite as smoothly.
Divide watercress mixture between sandwiches; cover each with 1 brioche slice.
Divide the chicken, chayote, and the cucumber slices among the bowls.
Certain policy issues, though, will continue to divide the two camps.
The agreement has fostered a structural divide in other ways, too.
But, in the pontificate of Pope Francis, that divide is blurring.
Divide mixture among lettuce leaves, top with blue cheese, and serve.
To serve, divide the sausage, spring onions, and radishes between bowls.
She also warned that any indictment would seriously divide the country.
But none of these examples are the divide I’m referring to.
Wireless internet is far from a panacea for the digital divide.
Hispanics might also divide closely between Biden and Warren or Sanders.
He should be talking about things that unite, not divide us.
Trump’s divisive tweets opened an equally imposing divide between the parties.
«I actually think that divide is narrowing quite quickly,» Ryan said.
In your nation as in mine, religion unifies — it doesn’t divide.
Divide batter evenly among 3 bowls (about 3 cups per bowl).
Space is playing a crucial role in bridging this digital divide.
Internet access is also expanding, and the digital divide is closing.
Criticizing «agents of anger determined to divide us,» Democratic California Gov.
Russia and Turkey say the attack aimed to divide them. Perhaps.
Overall, the racial divide revealed by the exit polls is stark.
There have been proposals to divide the 9th Circuit for decades.
The racial divide on the question used to be 36 points.
There is a fantastic divide between the rich and the poor.
The divide stems from profound economic, generational, educational and cultural differences.
Divide the cilantro and pickled vegetables on top of the pate.
Divide about one-third of the whipped cream evenly among parfaits.
Season with salt and pepper and divide mixture between potato skins.
President Obama may have tried to rise above the political divide.
We must not let fear and lack of understanding divide us.
Don’t forget to divide possessions of sentimental value, along with assets.
Divide the soup among bowls and serve with the cheesy bread.
The «He Will Not Divide Us» exhibit is now in Liverpool.
These investments will help close the income divide and reduce poverty.
Clearly the flyer is meant to scare and divide our residents.
Some day there may be no divide between automotive and technology.
Metropolis expressed fears about the class divide back in the 1920s.
The bottom line: An intensified Sunni-Shia divide is not inevitable.
The British media has epitomized this divide on their front pages.
This just means fewer reporters have to divide a heavier workload.
Now, Singapore has solution for bridging this divide: Intergenerational IT bootcamps.
Divide among bowls and top each with a dollop of ricotta.
Campaigns on both sides of the political divide are taking notice.
One is the desire to reach across the left-right divide.
You divide the skin and golden fat with clean, broad strokes.
His words tended to divide the country, not unite the country.
When I started school, though, that gender divide became more apparent.
Perhaps you can divide artists into two categories: farmers and cowboys.
The divide stems from a question of who has root access.
We live in an age where the racial divide is growing.
And it’s that divide that we saw exploited in the primaries.
On subjects that usually define the party-political divide, they agree.
Three drivers divide up seat time, strategically alternating at pit stops.
Divide between 2 glasses; top with whipped cream and raspberry sauce.
Others have introduced partisan amendments that could potentially divide the chamber.
The Senate has not completely avoided the partisan divide in America.
«In subtle ways, congestion can widen the economic divide between individuals.»
Divide the dollar value of equity by your company’s best value.
But the teams themselves believe they no longer represent that divide.
Except that there’s one gaping divide in that north-south trajectory.
The class divisions that produced the Labor-Liberal divide have faded.
That is the aim of Daesh, to divide ethnicities and religions.
This deal brought peace to the large and small business divide.
Sanders divide in the party, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict definitively does.
The stark divide between political partisans is of course nothing new.
So I oppose movements that are attempting to divide our society ?
«Divide and Conquer» is one of three projects focusing on Ailes.
If anything, these actions only further divide an already polarized nation.
When you look around you can divide managers into several categories.
And this tracks across the ideological divide in the mainstream media.
As a result, the divide with the Washington political class deepens.
If we divide ourselves, we’re doing our opponents’ jobs for them.
Still, he could not bridge the divide; perhaps he sharpened it.
And the partisan divide is exactly what you would expect. Mrs.
I wish that the murders did not divide our society anymore.
NASA needs a leader who will unite us, not divide us.
One of the faces of ever-growing digital divide, I suppose.
Our partisan divide leaves us weaker as we face the world.
We engage in passionate debate over issues that sometimes divide us.
In post-1992 LA Riots America, the racial divide was significant.
High crime rates are in part a reflection of this divide.
These are common sense solutions that cross every conceivable political divide.
BEING A BEAST: Adventures Across the Species Divide, by Charles Foster.
Together, they may be able to bridge the Kurdistan-Iraq divide.
To serve, divide the anchovy-peanut mixture among 4 small bowls.
By hyping the divide between his populist base and educated elites.
Divide $90 by three to get your monthly spend of $30.
Repeated efforts to bridge the divide between the factions have collapsed.
But the racial divide on education has not yet been bridged.
This is what it was like when the divide still existed.
The Hill: Senior Democrats tout achievements as party’s generational divide widens.
Politicians on both sides of the historical divide condemned Friday’s attack.
The Republican divide today is in some ways even harder to
Once you divide us, you weaken us, we are stronger together.
John Kasich of Ohio, continues to divide the anti-Trump vote.
So to me, walls that divide us aren’t a good thing.
More broadly, data shows the partisan divide on Israel is widening.
But the contentious issues at play could also divide tech companies.
Using a slotted spoon, divide the ceviche among individual serving bowls.
Among Democrats, that divide is a much wider 88% to 9%.
Feeds now divide people and affect the structure of our societies.
Graham’s comments firmly underscore the divide between Congressional Democrats and Republicans.
Yes, but: There’s huge political opportunity in bridging the divide, too.
Stir in the fennel fronds and divide the chowder among bowls.
To serve, divide the lobster and corn mixture among the tortillas.
Per the report: Go deeper: The political divide over climate science.
That regional divide is key to understanding what happened in 2016.
Eventually, that conflict of interest is going to divide the two.
Its intention was to sow fear; its intention is to divide.
No matter what you do there’s going to be that divide.
Framing it so seeks to divide and ultimately to halt progress.
This sort of divide is being replicated all around the world.
The final deal will divide the world economy into three tracks.
This isn’t the only photo to show Berlin’s night light divide.
Before I get there, a brief summary of the policy divide.
So there is a huge, incredibly consequential divide on climate policy.
I asked him to reflect on the divide in America today.
And she has not given up on reaching across the divide.
The recent experience of a tech lobbyist captured the political divide.
That’s also when polls picked up the widening partisan divide. Rep.
A deepening U.S. divide, Chinese crackdown’s surprise target, Banksy’s expensive prank.
The Democrat Danny O’Connor’s campaign has skillfully played to this divide.
It was a symbolic divide as much as a physical one.
They divide into tribes and resort to aggression to determine status.
Bridging this racial divide is a fraught matter, noted Dr. Skinner.
That gender divide played a big role in early teacher activism.
There are still major issues that divide Senate Republicans on repeal.
«Hatred and violence won’t be able to divide us,» he said.
What’s your view on the liberal and conservative divide in media?
My Jewish classmates seemed to divide along lines that privileged assimilation.
It creates an instant divide, the surrogates and those using them.
«As a socialist country you cannot divide people,» Mr. Yang said.
He bridged the divide between labor union leaders and their members.
But the debate itself represents a deep divide within country music.
FROM SCREEN TO BOOK After the movie we divide and conquer.
Even now, some remain ambivalent, which may reflect a generational divide.
Scholars used to divide the Resistance into «active» and «passive» forms.
The divide between American Jews and Israeli Jews goes beyond politics.
He said the dynamic was contributing to the nation’s political divide.
It’s a fiction that was created to basically divide resources unequally.
Divide the cheese, kimchi, apple, and nori among the roll bottoms.
This kind of moderate savings also marks the sharpest racial divide.
It may be the biggest divide in this year’s Democratic primaries.
It’s one more divide in the early stages of this campaign.
I think we should divide the issues between traditionalism and nationalism.
His enemies are legion on both sides of the Russia divide.
Let’s get together, take on Trump’s desire to divide us up.
You could probably divide American drama into before «Raisin» and after.
The partisan divide in infections and responses is difficult to ignore.
When you bridge eras, it’s easy to slip into the divide.
Go deeper: Trump plants racial explosives in the urban-rural divide
The divide between what’s worthwhile and what’s not is surprisingly vast.
«Don’t let this very divided vote divide us,» he told members.
Since then, the divide has become harder, deeper and more intractable.
The success is a remnant of the country’s Cold War divide.
But within those numbers is another story — a stark gender divide.
Audiard has managed to forge a third way, straddling the divide.
By now, you may have noticed a divide among your friends.
«We’re not trying to divide and separate this country,» Curry said.
At first, Michael and Angela plan to divide their money equally.
Clearly the flyer is meant to scare and divide our residents.
This much is certain: the partisan divide on the Court exists.
America’s political divide is deeper than it has been in decades.
We’ve also had governments that tried to hurt and divide us.
The best January dishes bridge the divide between healthful and heavy.
The partisan divide looks likely to be the same this time.Sen.
They even come with vertical pieces to further divide your compartments.
The field is still coping with the effects of that divide.
He has captured the faces of both sides of the divide.
That divide continued last week when Amazon reneged on the deal.
The Morning Consult poll, of course, showed the usual partisan divide.
Yakima’s social divide has long been defined by a physical one.
But there’s one curious divide within his output, too little discussed.
Washington must not give him additional opportunities to divide and rule.
The sharpest divide over Kavanaugh’s nomination predictably falls along partisan lines.
«Some people divide the world into disgusting or nice,» she said.
How better to heal our divide than to provide preventive services?
How the Answers to Four Simple Questions Explain America’s Great Divide.
But on the question of climate change, the divide is stark.
And it generally hovered on the edge of the partisan divide.
I simply wanted to describe the intractability of the partisan divide.
You could write an entire article on this cooperative great divide!
They now divide their time among Barcelona, Spain; Majorca; and Paris.
This divide sums up the perpetual neglect felt in the north.
That is the source of the divide in the first place.
Until recently, the divide of this outcrop has been largely theoretical.
This divide has run through Jewish history, and through Jewish individuals.
It’s a divide that Democratic Party leaders ignore at their peril.
Perhaps the divide was never so stark in the first place.
Never play into the hands of those trying to divide us.
We cannot allow Donald Trump to threaten communities and divide Americans.
There was, however, a stark racial divide in feeding tube use.
Give them a good stir, then divide them among warmed bowls.
The combination of gender and education produces an especially broad divide.
If you divide 72 by that rate, you get 4.16 years.
The racial divide is still extreme in areas of South Africa.
A man had successfully campaigned on the prejudices that divide us.
President Trump’s preference has always been to divide, attack and scare.
State constitutions divide power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
The thing is, the red-blue divide isn’t just about money.
When they have three women, it’s easier to divide that responsibility.
Socially though, there was no economic divide between students on campus.
Divide the sum by 1,000 to get the watt-hour rating.
The survey shows a partisan divide between Republicans and Democrats, however.
The players have used the flag to divide, not to unite.
Dr. Jennifer Conti: In obstetrics, we don’t divide pregnancies into terms.
Traditional experience doesn’t always help when dealing with a generational divide.
«We’re clearing the digital divide and reaching emerging markets,» Dankberg said.
The Sanders/Clinton divide is case in point for the Democrats.
That speaks to a deeper, developing divide within the Democratic Party.
Polyps divide into thousands of clones that eventually form coral reefs.
America is being torn apart by a seemingly unsurmountable ideological divide.
Rising costs for extracurriculars creates a divide between economically diverse families.
Divide among glasses and grate some fresh nutmeg over the top.
To serve, Divide the fish and onion halves among 4 plates.
On the day of travel, we divide our areas of work.
The memorial service inadvertently illustrated the nature of the deepening divide.
«That language is too puny — it’s designed to divide,» he says.
The Dutch case created an early divide among the company’s bondholders.
Now, they seemed inclined to divide the squad for some reason.
» He added, «One evil act does not divide a united community.
But hardly anyone across the political divide seemed to believe him.
It has a strange ability both to unite and to divide.
If national newsrooms must bridge this divide, Carney offers two suggestions.
But when it comes to CBD, there is no partisan divide.
Are we going to let him use those to divide us?
When judges handle these cases, they increasingly divide along party lines.
So the nature of its economy produces this kind of divide.
The digital health futurist Fard Johnmar calls this the Information Divide.
The result is a widening divide between two visions of democracy.
The Trump administration has tried, sometimes unsuccessfully, to straddle this divide.
Our new research shows that the divide among Asians is generational.
The internal class divide is less severe on the Democratic side.
Mr. Cohen’s testimony will reinforce the partisan divide over the president.
» He said he wanted to «incite violence, retaliation and further divide.
His strategy of reelection is to divide the American people up.
How did the decision give way to today’s deep political divide?
Climate policy didn’t always divide quite so neatly along partisan lines.
«This is an artificial way to divide it up,» Conover said.
When I’m playing a game I love, that divide fades away.
The real divide is over how far to go in responding.
And one of those issues is the digital divide, and infrastructure.
Central to this divide is the distinction between privacy and anonymity.
We are not going to let Donald Trump divide our communities.
Perhaps the divide, the disdain, the whole crack-up are inevitable.
This war is designed to divide democratic nations from within, to divide democratic nations from each other, and to ultimately destroy institutions that bring democratic nations together for common purpose, from NATO to the European Union.
There is one side of the modern left-right divide that thinks tearing brown babies away from their parents and imprisoning them is a matter of national security, and that side of the divide is ascendant.
Nolan is banking on the idea that exposure breeds good vibes, and that hanging out with a person who comes from the opposite side of a political divide can create enough connective tissue to bridge that divide.
The late David Porter borrowed it for his 2008 study, «On the Divide,» which documents Cather’s painstaking construction of her public image, and in particular her attempt, largely successful, to straddle the divide between commerce and art.
Obama blames the success of Russia’s election hacks on America’s political divide Obama blames the success of Russia’s election hacks on America’s political divide The Russian hack of the 2016 election worked because America let it work.
Others worried that a vote could divide the labor movement more broadly.
It might be helpful to divide statements about this into two categories.
Obviously, the partisan divide on environmental policy has been growing ever wider.
«My mom always says, ‘Love doesn’t divide, it multiplies,’ » Jessa tells PEOPLE.
He didn’t need to demean or divide in order to sound tough.
» Googlers argue they really care about closing the so-called «digital divide.
The executive-first strategy reveals another divide in Democratic immigration ideas, though.
To determine the number of years, divide 2000 by the inflation rate .
To serve, slice bread in half crosswise and divide among 4 plates.
It’s a divide that’s grown increasingly visible, with both sides claiming leverage.
Pepsi’s new global tag line is managing to divide the industry experts.
Divide it by 365 [days], that’s 265 people dying prematurely every day.
China’s attempt to divide international opinion about Xinjiang has worked so far.
After all, she has nice homes on both sides of the divide.
Divide the pesto in half and reserve one- half for another use.
That  divide  ranges from aborted projects to lethal fires to midair explosions.
Among the ultrarich, though, there’s a divide between how wealth is shown.
We divide that day into smaller fractions: the hour, minute, and second.
This divide is likely to become more apparent due to population aging.
And the divide this go-around appears to be growing even starker.
In this period, breast tissue develops and the cells within divide rapidly.
The anecdote was meant to divide, not unite and is completely false.
Voter approval of Cal3 would not automatically divide California into three states.
Absolutely. Deep partisan divide, along with platforms that easily amplify misleading messages?
But in public, the spat over Russia has revealed a deep divide.
They are part of the marketing campaign for his latest album, Divide.
Divide orange juice mixture evenly among 8 (3-oz.) ice-pop molds.
There is still a great divide over how to treat Paterno’s legacy.
Transportation is often where the urban planning gender divide becomes most apparent.
In many places, the divide within countries appears to be getting worse.
To Mr. Zou, that generational divide mirrored the political tensions at stake.
And we wonder​ ​why there is a​ ​persistent degree divide in America.
Yet the extraordinarily intricate web of clans can lethally «divide and destroy».
So the great weight divide is hardly a hard and fast truth.
Other polling questions also show an increase in the perceived partisan divide.
There’s no way to divide it up without causing massive problems, right?
Mr Maduro’s aim may be to use them to divide the opposition.
Divide the batter among the 2 pans and bake approximately 17 minutes.
They saw the wall as an attempt to divide the school permanently.
To serve, divide the granita between plates and top with the berries.
Divide that between four players, and you’re looking at a $12,500 cut.
Divide the creme fraiche between plates and spread into an even layer.
There’s a kind of sinister genius to this divide-and-conquer strategy.
To serve, divide the potato purée among plates and top with meatballs.
A Burger King splits the divide between these two branches as well.
Politically, this has been an unbridgeable divide for going on 40 years.
Another divide concerns climate change and responses like the Green New Deal.
But there are no current Fox News employees in Divide and Conquer.
Mr. Trump, I did ask about bridging the divide though as president.
The divide between creators’ lives and their work is a fine line.
Another riddle for theorists is that attacks straddle the civilian-military divide.
Go deeper: Dueling summits underline divide between U.S. and allies on Iran
The HDP, which backs Imamoglu, accused Erdogan of trying to divide Kurds.
I really don’t believe in the divide between traditional and digital talent.
We’ll divide our players into a few groups to keep everything straight.
He’s hoping his third album, ÷ (pronounced «Divide«), will help him break records.
There may be a pre- and post-Columbine divide within that group.
There are worrying signs of the increasing civilian-military divide in America.
There’s a big — and often costly — divide between paper and realized gains.
Their answers revealed a divide among the parties on how to act.
Two large erected walls divide the hangar-like space into three sections.
Then there’s the Thai submarine debacle, which neatly illustrated the narrative divide.
AMONG the many things that divide Democrats from Republicans is climate change.
The report underlines the sharp divide between the wealthy and the rest.
A recent pledge by dozens of prominent economists spanned the partisan divide.
That’s why I am calling to you from across this ridiculous divide.
This causes the cell to divide itself and turn into a tumor.
A trans military ban is yet another attempt to divide and distract.
As a result, the divide within the black community has widened sharply.
«His racist, isolationist policies would divide our country,» he wrote on Monday.
We divide the bill evenly, and I pay $17.68 for my share.
The divide, long present in Europe, is playing out with new intensity.
The violence is not new, and the racial divide is not new.
The reasons for this renewed north-south divide are many and various.
Divide the mixture among the empty shells, really packing it in there.
Mr Mounk points to several other developments that help explain the divide.
That prompted talk of China trying to divide and rule in Europe.
Sam sees this divide clearly and isn’t afraid to talk about it.
To make the khachapuri: Divide the dough into 2 equal balls. 4.
But in Episode 9, the divide between those lives comes crashing down.
But if it is viewed as partisan, it will divide the country.
The Helper then chooses how to divide the proceeds of the investment.
WALLACE: We&aposll ask our Sunday panel about the Trump family divide.
The digital divide the FCC should focus on is the affordability crisis.
Every hurricane season, news reports divide the country’s coast into two camps.
As Haberman explained, this happened on both sides of the political divide.
To serve, divide the sungold tomatoes, gherkins, and turnip slices between plates.
Kenyatta in turn has said Odinga is attempting to divide the country.
At the center of the divide are two sets of divergent trends.
It’s a disgraceful propaganda machine that is trying to divide the party.
Better figure out how to divide that 20 percent tip by four.
Fold in the cooled marshmallow mixture and divide between ice cube trays.
Spencer said the story’s timing is significant given the country’s political divide.
The partisan divide was even sharper when it came to the media.
The so-called digital divide and the smart grid also garner mentions.
They are dissatisfied with the divide between the communities and the police.
It’s so simple to get caught up in lines that divide us.
This racial divide in savings contributes to worsening inequality in overall wealth.
The result of the Brexit referendum showed a similar rural-urban divide.
In the 1990s, we feared a «digital divide» between rich and poor.
This week’s divide between Republicans over health care has highlighted that concern.
This divide must be confronted relentlessly and closed once and for all.
The biggest political divide in Britain today is age, The Economist reports.
Ask yourself if this argument is worth a divide in your relationship.
And, it was really weird, because you do see the gender divide.
Owens joins the podcast to discuss growing political divide across the country.
That phrase is used to divide and it is used to distract.
Warren isn’t the first politician to promise to close the digital divide.
He wants community leaders to divide the load to tackle more problems.
The FBI’s fight with Apple has thrust that divide into the spotlight.
Hillary has a long history of using race to divide the country.
» A senior GOP official involved in the conversations: «It’s a generational divide.
The divide over the Kurds has put the NATO allies at odds.
Islamic fundamentalists don’t want to ‘divide‘ us, they want to kill us.
Until now, the divide between lists and boards has essentially been religious.
«Now is not the time to divide Brazilians,» he told party colleagues.
There are storms that bring us together and storms that divide us.
Divide dough into 8 even portions, and form each into a ball.
For Americans troubled by this scientific divide, the study offered some hope.
That this divide has vanished can partly be attributed to Ms Hadid.
«You never want to divide economic consequences from decision-making,» he says.
GOP leaders insist the divide between moderate Republicans and conservatives is surmountable.
I became a comedy writer to entertain people, not to divide them.
Together, we can bridge the civil-military divide and inspire community resurgence.
Pa Kettle, a bloodhound, was elected mayor of Divide, Colorado, in 2014.
Events in Europe suggest IS is failing in its mission to divide.
Divide among 4 bowls and drizzle with more ranch and barbecue sauce.
To serve: Divide bagels between plates and top with curried egg mixture.
It accused Israel of trying to divide the region and weaken Iraq.
These companies divide, rename, and merge entities often to evade legal action.
Trying to divide voters by race is so predictable for Trump’s team.
Now, that divide has creeped into the therapy sessions of American couples.
Today, that divide is less over race than economics, city officials say.
The digital divide is stark, persists, and disproportionately impacts people of color.
With Gary, the formula is to divide by seven and add literature.
Her rhetoric only serves to further divide an already painfully divided nation.
Sanders won the support of the first, ascendant side of that divide.
There was a similar divide over Obama’s optimistic final speech to the
A more interesting picture of our cultural divide emerges when taken together.
While many issues divide us, the integrity of the vote should not.
«Wexton wants to divide and conquer» conservative voters, the GOP official said.
The insistence on a generational divide makes that existential condition more painful.
On the other side of the divide, the view is very different.
Both Democrats argued that the impeachment inquiry will further divide the country.
Working parents who do well often adopt a «divide and conquer» strategy.
This competition within the competition has established a divide within the sport.
For her, the gender divide has long been knitted into the culture.
Scaremongering without numbers will not reduce the divide between Democrats and Republicans.
Republicans tailored their convention to Mr. Trump’s side of the educational divide.
Tech watchers say the tech-Trump divide is partly a culture clash.
The poll mirrored a partisan divide when it comes to racial attitudes.
Clinton is also seeking to bridge a divide in her own party.
The quartet was instrumental in bridging the divide between Islamists and secularists.
For China’s web companies, the divide may have even more significant implications.
There was a partisan divide, however, when it came to assigning responsibility.
The first argument against impeachment is that it will divide the nation.
For many Democrats, the living symbol of this divide are the superdelegates.
Divide those earnings by the number of working hours in a year.
Viral math equations have been known to divide people on the internet.
The partisan divide isn’t surprising given the original intent of the series.
WHITE RAGE: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide, by Carol Anderson.
Judicial activism has infuriated those on each side of the political divide.
But here, the left-right ideological divide is tearing the country apart.
Are the Olympics bringing Brazilians together or reminding them of that divide?
But Perez allies see him as a potential bridge over that divide.
Among those who voted to wait, moreover, there remains a further divide.
But for Cramer, the generational divide was only part of the problem.
That divide has been growing since the late 1990s, especially since 2008.
She was right, in an abstract, divide-by-zero kind of way.
We need to stop the false divide between physical and mental health.
Almost a half-century later, this black and white health divide persists.
The parties now evenly divide those states’ Senate seats, holding six each.
«We need to remember the issues of the digital divide,» she said.
There’s also a partisan divide over views of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
It was the first time he had realized the area’s digital divide.
So we divide up the segments and give you some of them.
Divide the congee among bowls and top with whatever toppings you desire!
The wider the class divide between us, the crueler men often became.
But there is no reason to divide the burden up this way.
It’s a stark illustration of the impeachment divide within the Democratic caucus.
Divide the potato mixture in two, and place in the waffle maker.
Similarly to Gallup’s question, there was a racial divide in PRRI’s findings.
Divide among prepared ramekins and place the ramekins on a baking sheet.
Divide mixture into 23-ounce patties and transfer to a baking sheet.
Gay activism’s most vaunted prize—marriage—is indirect proof of that divide.
Well, it just seems like the divide has started with on demand.
And so there may be more reason to divide the property equally.
As the nature of manufacturing jobs shift, so too will the divide.
They want to project a huge divide between people and the government.
How did you and your partner divide the duties in this way?
And yet, the digital divide persists, simply because closing it isn’t profitable.
To serve, divide the pasta among plates and top with tomato sauce.
Divide between 4 plates and top each plate with a poached egg.
But baseball’s class divide extended beyond the people who attended the games.
Soon Detective Caruso was forced to divide his attention with other cases.
Sessions’ candidacy could further divide the vote of Republicans who oppose Moore.
Iran is talking as much to divide its enemies as to conquer.
Divide and conquer: Select the best deals and stick to those items.
Arthur: There is an interesting divide within the evangelical movement this election.
A better idea is to reach out across a yawning class divide.
This week, a divide on how to handle that became more apparent.
Do your own political beliefs reflect the partisan divide on this issue?
How does one bridge «the divide between the Danube and the ghetto»?
Images showing suffragist support for World War I signal a significant divide.
This divide would also likely be reflected among state and local officials.
He and his partners are now in negotiations to divide their holdings.
He sees the bill as a way to bridge the partisan divide.
«The main worry was China’s divide-and-rule policy,» Ms. Stanzel said.
It helps to mentally divide dictatorships into two categories: institutional and personalist.
To serve, divide among bowls and top with the cashews and cilantro.
Still, the new polls uncovered a deep partisan divide on ACA sentiments.
It is that the racial divide doesn’t feel like the other divides.
This stark split along educational lines became known as the Diploma Divide.
It encourages children to divide their income equally among the three jars.
Divide and Preserve: Reclassifying Tigers to Help Save Them From Extinction 153.
And Mr. Murdoch, 21791, must now divide up a lifetime of spoils.
I think it’ll be a case of the divide and conquer approach.
Dr. Dhers’s haughty rant tapped into tensions around Argentina’s deep economic divide.
The interesting thing is this wealth divide is not city-suburb anymore.
The implications of a digital gender divide multiply on the global scale.
PERCENTILE Percentiles are numbers that divide ordered, quantitative datasets into one-hundredths.
A double-face chimney and a slatted partition visually divide the space.
So it was really figuring how best to divide up that time.
For Mr. Cave, movement is a way to bridge our cultural divide.
Divide the four First Encounters With Racism stories equally among the students.
Previous research has found that the same divide happens with children’s chores.
«You have to count the legs and divide by six,» he joked.
The curtains that divide the court from the public gallery were drawn.
This gender divide, as unstudied as it may be, is still obvious.
So they asked a federal judge to divide the money into settlements.
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide, by Carol Anderson.
Advocates for intersex athletes like to say that sex doesn’t divide neatly.
Same-sex couples, research has consistently found, divide up chores more equally.
Shake vigorously for 30 seconds, then divide evenly between two cocktail coupes.
Shake again for 30 seconds, then divide evenly between two cocktail coupes.
But that question underscored America’s deep partisan divide on taxes as well.
You mustn’t normalize a process that will only result in further divide.
Others in the party divide blame between Mr. Trump and Mr. McConnell.
Cryptocurrencies are the new red state/blue state divide in America. StockTwits
And we have to figure out how do we bridge that divide.
He castigated Republicans for using religion as a wedge to divide Americans.
The Washington Post: Sanders-Warren rift highlights liberal divide: purity versus pragmatism.
That’s something either side of the impeachment divide can use right now.
  • Dictionary
  • D
  • Divide
  • Sentences
  • To divide 50 by 10
  • The roads divide
  • 12 Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great.
  • Mediation is the process in which parties attempt to settle and resolve disputes, divide property.
  • The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors. [be VERB-ed + into]
  • Paul divides most of his spare time between the study and his bedroom. [V n between/among pl-n]
  • Cancer is the term used to define the diseases with which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably.
  • Now I divide these manufacturers in two major categories and these two categories divide their usage.
  • Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six. [V n + by/into]
  • …remote border areas dividing Tamil and Muslim settlements. [VERB noun]
  • In BRIT, usually use watershed
  • She has done more to divide the Conservatives than anyone else. [VERB noun]
  • …a deliberate attempt to create a Hindu-Muslim divide in India.
  • The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth.
  • The issue divided the management
  • The Rio Grande divides Mexico from the United States
  • The issue divided the senators.
  • Eight divided by four is two.
  • The road divides six miles from here.
  • He could add and subtract but hadn’t learned to divide.
  • A divide in the road.
  • Stay on your side of the divide, please.
  • The divide left most of the good land on my share of the property.
  • There is a great divide between us.
  • If you’re heading to the coast, you’ll have to cross the divide first.
  • A wall divides two houses; a stream divides the towns
  • How shall we divide this pie?
  • If you divide 6 by 3, you get 2.
  • 3 divides 6.
  • [The researchers] noticed many of their pieces of [plastic marine] debris sported surface pits around two microns across. Such pits are about the size of a bacterial cell. Closer examination showed that some of these pits did, indeed, contain bacteria, and that in several cases these bacteria were dividing and thus, by the perverse arithmetic of biological terminology, multiplying.
  • To divide a sextant

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

You can then divide the world into redheads and non-redheads and compare their accident records.

He showed that an imaginary spheroidal shell, concentric with the earth and cutting the slope between the elevated and depressed areas at the contour-line of 1700 fathoms, would not only leave above it a volume of the crust equal to the volume of the hollow left below it, but would also divide the surface of the earth so that the area of the elevated region was equal to that of the depressed region.6 A similar observation was made almost simultaneously by Romieux, 7 who further speculated on the equilibrium between the weight of the elevated land mass and that of the total Areas of waters of the ocean, and deduced some interesting relathe cru st tions between them.

If the number is incommensurable or consists of more than seven figures, we can take the first seven figures of it (or multiply and divide the result by any factor, and take the first seven figures of the result) and proceed as before.

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Geographically the Safed Koh is not an isolated range, for there is no break in the continuity of water divide which connects it with the great Shandur offshoot of the Hindu Kush except the narrow trough of the Kabul river, which cuts a deep waterway across where it makes its way from Dakka into the Peshawar plains.

On the French side of the divide is the village of Bourg Mont Genevre, and on the Italian side that of Clavieres, both inhabited all the year round, as the pass runs east and west, and is thus sheltered from the north wind.

Division by a Mixed Number.-To divide by a mixed number, when the quotient is seen to be large, it usually saves time to express the divisor as either a simple fraction or a decimal of a unit of one of the denominations.

In the Habsburg hereditary dominions the traditional policy and Catholic fervour of the ruling house resulted, after a long struggle, in the restoration of the supremacy of Rome; while in Hungary the national spirit of independence kept Calvinism alive to divide the religious allegiance of the people.

The investigations will then naturally divide themselves into three parts, the first of which deals with those to our mind inevitable forms in which we are obliged to think about things, if we think at all (metaphysics), the second being devoted to the great region of facts, trying to apply the results of metaphysics to these, specially the two great regions of external and mental phenomena (cosmology and psychology), the third dealing with those standards of value from which we pronounce our aesthetical or ethical approval or disapproval.

At celtain points the cambium does not give rise to xylem and phloem elements, but cuts off cells on both sides which elongate radially and divide by horizontal walls.

A considerable part of the republic is covered by the equatorial belt of calms, whose oscillations divide the year into a wet and dry season.

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