Sentence with word dissatisfied

1. Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune. 

2. She was dissatisfied with the job.

3. I’m dissatisfied with his answer.

4. I’m thoroughly dissatisfied with your work.

5. The decision left us feeling deeply dissatisfied.

6. That new plan dissatisfied everyone.

7. What are you dissatisfied with?

7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

8. If you’re dissatisfied with the service, why don’t you complain to the hotel manager?

9. Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.

10. Did he mean he was dissatisfied with our service?

11. What are you dissatisfied about?

12. I overheard them say they were dissatisfied.

13. She was feeling very dissatisfied with her lot.

14. There was a dissatisfied look in the magager’s eyes.

15. She’s very dissatisfied at not getting a bonus.

16. He seemed dissatisfied with my explanation.

17. He was dissatisfied with the status quo.

18. His poor grade in English dissatisfied his teacher.

19. She’s very dissatisfied with her current job.

20. They were dissatisfied at not getting a better salary.

21. I hinted to him that I was dissatisfied with the results of their experiment.

22. He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his old age.

23. 82% of voters are dissatisfied with the way their country is being governed.

24. If you are dissatisfied with our service, please write to the manager.

25. The director, Ron Howard, was dissatisfied with Nicole’s response even after several retakes.

26. If you are dissatisfied with this product, please return it.

27. I have tried to write this story five times but I am still dissatisfied with me.

28. There are three reasons for my resignation. First, I am dissatisfied with my wages; secondly, the hours are too long; and thirdly, there is little chance of promotion.

29. He was suspended for one year because he head-butted the referee after the match for being dissatisfied with his judgment.

30. The manufacturers are reported to have received a litany of complaints from dissatisfied customers.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Some customers may be dissatisfied when they receive items that don’t meet their expectations.

Некоторые клиенты могут быть недовольны, когда получают товары, которые не соответствуют их ожиданиям, и оформляют возвраты.

If they’re not customers may be dissatisfied and business lost.

Если они не являются клиентами, они могут быть недовольны и потерять бизнес.

A dissatisfied Johan Oscar Smith could not agree.

Неудовлетворённый таким советом Йохан Оскар Смит не согласился с этим.

But what we have now makes everybody dissatisfied.

Only 6 percent said they were dissatisfied.

Only 6% reported that they were dissatisfied.

The result: lost sales and dissatisfied customers.

Следствием этого являются: несостоявшиеся сделки, упущенные и недовольные клиенты.

Thus those who remain dissatisfied will always have the potential to restart history.

Таким образом, те, кто остался неудовлетворенным, всегда будут иметь потенциал запустить историю заново»1.

Because the person who pays the salary should not remain dissatisfied.

Из-за того, что человек, который платит зарплату, не должен остаться неудовлетворенным.

No wonder the people are dissatisfied.

Да и не удивительно, что люди недовольны.

One party is usually left dissatisfied.

Как правило, одна из сторон всегда недовольна.

All businesses must occasionally deal with dissatisfied customers.

Каждый предприниматель в своей деятельности периодически сталкивается с недовольными клиентами.

Anyway, no one likes eternally dissatisfied people.

Кажется, никто из нас не доволен вечно недовольными людьми.

Identify exactly how you are dissatisfied.

Определите, чем именно в себе вы недовольны.

Find out from dissatisfied customers everywhere.

Стоит понимать, что недовольные клиенты будут везде.

Many individuals seeking therapy feel isolated and dissatisfied in their particular life situation.

Многие люди, обращающиеся за помощью к терапии, чувствует себя изолированными и неудовлетворёнными сложившейся жизненной ситуацией.

They also have some dissatisfied customers.

So people who were dissatisfied left.

Однако нашлись и те, кто остался недовольным.

You will not go away hungry or dissatisfied.

Мы уверены, вы не уйдете ни голодными ни недовольными

Those who were dissatisfied had plenty of reasons.

Те, кто был недоволен, имели массу причин для этого.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат dissatisfied

Результатов: 2192. Точных совпадений: 2192. Затраченное время: 95 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

недовольный, неудовлетворенный, раздосадованный


- неудовлетворённый, недовольный; выражающий недовольство

dissatisfied with /at/ smth. /at doing smth./ — недовольный чем-л.

Мои примеры


dissatisfied customer — недовольный покупатель, клиент  
dissatisfied party — потерпевшая сторона  
dissatisfied with — недовольный  

Примеры с переводом

She was dissatisfied by the poor service.

Она была недовольна плохим обслуживанием

He was dissatisfied with his neutral life.

Он был недоволен своей тусклой жизнью.

I had no reason to be dissatisfied with my success.

У меня не было причин быть недовольным моим успехом.

Many people are dissatisfied at / with not finding suitable jobs.

Многие люди не удовлетворены тем, что не могут найти подходящую работу.

Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.

Исследования показывают, что более 81% преподавателей недовольны своей заработной платой.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the store prides itself on never allowing a customer to walk away dissatisfied…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

However, as we stacked on the series, «not getting lost» would produce feelings of blockages like «can not do anything but that» or «can not run away», so more and more people felt dissatisfied with that.


In contrast, the dissatisfied minority is more vocal, with comments such as «trainees are not valued at all», «we need less spin, more honesty» and «I want to be treated more like a valued member of staff rather than a small cog in a law machine».


When he became dissatisfied with the video games available, he learned to write software and began creating games for the Nintendo Entertainment System.


Plus, watch a video essay breaking down how director Denis Villeneuve uses color on film, and see how the opening crawl for Star Wars: Episode 9 can fix the supposed missteps of Star Wars: The Last Jedi for dissatisfied fans.


On the one hand, we feel dissatisfied with doing nothing.


If law schools in the past had paid more attention to the importance of these experiences, there might not have been as many lawyers who were so dissatisfied with their professional choices.


Some credit unions also offer second chance checking accounts, in part in a bid to attract dissatisfied bank customers.


«Customers are always dissatisfied and they always want more.


Since the mid-90’s, dissatisfied litigants of Ontario’s human rights regime have bemoaned its apparent shortcomings.


Weight monitoring and appearance-altering behaviors, such as cosmetic surgery, did not differ between satisfied and dissatisfied groups.


They were dissatisfied, they confessed, with their «haphazard» approach to saving and investing, as well as with their inability to find high-quality investment advice.


A raging hunger for meaning or community might keep you dissatisfied and on edge even when your body is fully nourished.


Although a combination of limited choice and artificial restraints such as frequent-flier programs often cause even completely dissatisfied airline customers to remain fairly loyal, the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty does resemble a competitive market on routes where several carriers offer flights at around the same time.


Participants were asked questions about how dissatisfied to satisfied they were with aspects of their body, whether they engage in attempts to modify their appearance, and whether they felt social pressures related to their appearance.


Now, it would be nice if there were a database of dissatisfied investment management clients, but that doesn’t exist.


Individual and couple counselling to assist people who are feeling betrayed, confused, lonely, bored, sexually dissatisfied, trapped, unhappy, abused or abusive in their current relationship.


A recent PayScale salary survey found that when dissatisfied employees asked for a raise, less than 20 percent got it.


Indeed, both of the collaborative lawyers pledge to withdraw should one party become dissatisfied, threaten to go to court, or if settlement can not be achieved.


Satisfaction Guarantee provides a refund of up to $ 250 if you become dissatisfied with your purchase.


The autobiographical narrative fondly captures what it’s like to be a dissatisfied, uncertain Sacramento high school senior («Brooklyn’s» Saoirse Ronan) eager to fly away from a «boring» hometown and a critical, martyr-prone momma (an exceptional Laurie Metcalf).


As the child of a divorced theater actor and a dissatisfied housewife, Lawless spent her formative years in a whirlwind of both opulent privilege and horrific neglect.


Fritz Perls was deeply dissatisfied with the theory and practice of psychoanalysis as it then existed, and conceptualized a therapy approach that was much more experiential, less «theory laden», and integrated the radical ideas of Gestalt psychology (Clarkson & Mackewn, 1993).


«Are you feeling sad, anxious, dissatisfied or angry?


«The survey indicates that only about 2 per cent of marriages end each year and it is likely that many are happy for years before one or both parties becomes dissatisfied and initiates separation,» the report said.


For those in this category of people, they do often find themselves unhappy and dissatisfied with the practice.


At 18 mm thick it classifies as an ultrabook, but HP is courting dissatisfied MacBook Pro users who want the power of a full Intel Core i7 or Xeon processor.


You believe that your spouse is dissatisfied and you do not know what to do or who to turn to.


However, learning technology users are often dissatisfied with the learning software they use.


Like many of his younger contemporaries, by the 1950s Bush had become dissatisfied with Canada’s detachment from international contemporary art.


They should stay as MP unless the general population are so dissatisfied they can’t hang on.


Authors are fairly dissatisfied because the publisher may put the book everywhere on the distribution chain but it can appear to authors that the only way to make it sell is to buy your own copies and get out there.


Kids still leave the lunchroom in both countries hungry and dissatisfied.


Ed Miliband’s ratings are also unchanged this month, with just over a third (36 %) satisfied with the way he is doing his job as leader of the Labour party and two in five (43 %) dissatisfied, his net score of minus 7 being better than Cameron’s or Clegg’s.


Meanwhile, equating the teaching of basics with job training of «compliant workers,» he glosses over the fact that «many employers in the business community feel dissatisfied because,» in the words of the Committee for Economic Development’s 1994 report, Putting Learning First, «a large majority of their new hires lack adequate writing and problem-solving skills.»


Women have also proved dissatisfied with the amount of control they had over their work and personal life integration, the amount of work assigned, and the work environment.


The rest — who did not find a lawyer who would offer a LSR — were despondent, baffled and dissatisfied.


Studies of party leader effects on voting often report the satisfaction index (that is, % satisfied minus % dissatisfied) or changes in satisfaction (or the index) over time.


You do have the option of working with your spouse to make your own decisions instead of letting lawyers and judges make them for you, leaving you dissatisfied with the outcome and dismayed at the financial and emotional expense.


I wonder if our adult kids» pervasive fear of failure hasn’t returned them to their childhood bedrooms, dissatisfied and unemployed.


I have grown increasingly dissatisfied with the gulf separating pacifists from defenders of just war.


For the better part of this year, I’ve spoken to numerous dissatisfied and downright infuriated clients of this business.


In the 2008 Audit of Political Engagement, most of those questioned were satisfied or were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with how votes cast in a general election were translated into seats in the House of Commons.


He side-stepped Maddow’s question on whether he sympathizes with the Occupy Wall Streeters protesting right across the street from his Lower Manhattan office in Zuccotti Park, although he did say that he thought these demonstrations are merely «the tip of a much bigger iceberg» and proof that Americans are generally angry and dissatisfied with the government.


Where Mercedes» turbo four is peaky and seems dissatisfied coupled to the seven-speed dual-clutch automatic, Audi’s turbo four and six-speed dual-clutch combo is exquisite.


On Monday, they finally approved wording, but Supervisor Erik Underberg said he was extremely dissatisfied with the ordinance.


As an Executive Career Coach, I see clients every day who haven’t put much thought into who is managing their careers, becoming dissatisfied and frustrated, waiting for their careers to grow on their own.


Finally, adolescents not having contact but dissatisfied with the lack of contact (21.1 %) sometimes desired contact but were unable to bring it about.


They can be thrown out of office in the next election by dissatisfied parents if they hand out charters to subpar operators.


Or have you become dissatisfied with the way you make a living and want to look at new career options?


We take that ratio and formulate a percentage of satisfied to dissatisfied clients.


About 1683 results found using ‘DISSATISFIED’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • He slumps from 14th to 24th spot, with 61 per cent of Tory members dissatisfied.  (open, save, copy)

  • Complaining is about being dissatisfied with what is and that is not acceptance.  (open, save, copy)

  • Every attempt at completing the work has invariably left all sides dissatisfied.  (open, save, copy)

  • The German-speaking majority of South Tyrol was dissatisfied with the agreement.  (open, save, copy)

  • When government leaves many people dissatisfied, incumbents will lose elections.  (open, save, copy)

  • That’s a good gauge of whether other policyholders are dissatisfied with a plan.  (open, save, copy)

  • This is not for want of dissatisfied voters or impressive opposition candidates.  (open, save, copy)

  • Dissatisfied fans have clamored for radical change, which Phillips acknowledged.  (open, save, copy)

  • One reason would be to pull dissatisfied parents away from north Denver schools.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘dissatisfied’:

  1. Fail to satisfy [source]

Synonyms for ‘dissatisfied’:

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Images for ‘dissatisfied’:

Native speakers pronounce  ‘dissatisfied’:

Definition of Dissatisfied

not happy or content

Examples of Dissatisfied in a sentence

Dissatisfied with the restaurant service, the man asked the terrible waitress if he could speak to her manager.


The dissatisfied customer was unhappy with her new haircut.


Dissatisfied with the paint job, the car owner took his peeling vehicle back to the shop.


The building contractor was fired after his boss became dissatisfied with his work.


Because it was so tight, the upset bride was completely dissatisfied with her wedding gown.


Other words in the Negative Connotation category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

How to use dissatisfied in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «dissatisfied» and check conjugation/comparative form for «dissatisfied«. Mastering all the usages of «dissatisfied» from sentence examples published by news publications.

«I wasn’t dissatisfied with the field, I was dissatisfied with the conversation,» Steyer said.
Sixty-eight percent say they are very dissatisfied and another 24 percent say they are somewhat dissatisfied.
Last fall, a survey of Kansans found 70 percent of people dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with Mr. Brownback’s performance.
As recently as 2016, 39 percent of physicians said they were either dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with national health insurance.
According to one Gallup Poll, about 60% of American are either «very dissatisfied» or «somewhat dissatisfied» with our guns laws and want change.
» Thirty-four percent of respondents said they are «mostly dissatisfied,» according to the poll, and 39 percent are «very dissatisfied with Macron’s performance.
The massive street protests are not only a youth movement dissatisfied with economic circumstances but also the act of a connected, aware and dissatisfied population.
Nearly one-quarter of Republicans say they are somewhat dissatisfied with the direction of the country and 15 percent say they are very dissatisfied, however.
Of the remaining Civil Rights Division respondents, 29.1% had a neutral response and 39% had a negative response, either that they were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied.
«[Researchers] find that women are more dissatisfied than men, and I think people [interpret] that as ‘women are dissatisfied and men are satisfied,'» says Dr. Frederick.
That said the phrase was also uttered by 49 percent of dissatisfied men and 44 percent of dissatisfied women, so maybe love truly is a lie.
Nearly three-fourths of the public is angry or dissatisfied with the political system in Washington, compared with 313 percent who are angry or dissatisfied about the economy.
Nearly three-fourths of the public is angry or dissatisfied with the political system in Washington, compared with 56 percent who are angry or dissatisfied about the economy.
While 27% of likely Democratic voters would be unsatisfied with a Biden nomination, 21% would be dissatisfied with a Sanders win, and 15% would be dissatisfied with Warren.
Conversely, just 15.6% of her supporters said they would be dissatisfied if Sanders were the nominee, while nearly twice that numbers, 27.4%, would be dissatisfied if it were Biden.
On the other hand, respondents who were «very dissatisfied» with Macron increased from 12% to 15%, and those who were «rather dissatisfied» with him went up from 23% to 28%.
But in 28503, that number among dissatisfied Democrats was nearly 22019 percent, and just two years ago, in 2016, half of Democrats dissatisfied with immigration levels wanted fewer, not more.
A recent survey of 196 business leaders by McKinsey, a management consultancy, revealed that 66% were dissatisfied with the quantity of sleep they got and 55% were dissatisfied with the quality.
By the numbers: 24% of Generation Z patients said they were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the convenience of using the traditional health care system, compared with just 4% of Baby Boomers.
Even keeping the status quo would still leave everyone dissatisfied.
But we can become discouraged, dissatisfied and skeptical about life.
However, among the dissatisfied users were some glimmers of hope.
Many workers seem dissatisfied (See Bartleby: «Hot desk, cold comfort»).
The man crosses his arms, dissatisfied but willing to listen.
Both groups were overwhelmingly dissatisfied with the country’s economic situation.
» 7% of Independents are «very satisfied» while 38% «very dissatisfied.
Got yourself a dissatisfied wannabe scientist or hairstylist at home?
Unions could ignore dissatisfied members and still collect their money.
Nearly half, 47%, say they’re dissatisfied but will vote anyway.
Some Texas Republicans, dissatisfied with both Mr. Trump and Mrs.
«We are grossly dissatisfied with the government’s response,» Inslee said.
She is daring to be dissatisfied with the status quo.
It has dissatisfied people on both sides of the issue.
Recently, though, some researchers have grown dissatisfied with this scenario.
In this, there’s a portrait of Klobuchar: smart, formidable, dissatisfied.
The Sterling family had been dissatisfied with the fed’s decision.
Speak using «I» statements — «I’m feeling dissatisfied» — and provide details.
Defense hawks are deeply dissatisfied with the Trump administration proposal.
They’re dissatisfied with the economic status quo and want change.
Worse for Merkel, the poll of 22021,067 people carried out in late September and published September 29, found that 21 percent are «rather dissatisfied» and 33 percent are «very dissatisfied» with Merkel’s current performance.
That dissatisfaction is higher among Republican voters than Democrats, 59% say they are dissatisfied with their choices compared with 8943% of Democrats, but independents are least happy with their choices, 67% say they’re dissatisfied.
Of the group, 18.5% reported that they were satisfied with the result of the election, 25% said they were somewhat satisfied, 19.2% said they were somewhat dissatisfied, and 37.2% said they were completely dissatisfied.
Of course, Desnard isn’t the only employee dissatisfied with his occupation.
By 2014, only 54 percent were satisfied and 45 percent dissatisfied.
And then there is Ilona (Mairin Lee), Cabot’s dissatisfied young wife.
He focused on galvanizing Democrats, dissatisfied Republicans, and historical non voters.
I wasn’t dissatisfied with that, or with working at the studio.
But it’s attractive enough to nudge dissatisfied employees out the door.
But they are more dissatisfied and pessimistic than their parents were.
They are dissatisfied with their lot and have little to lose.
And the artists, inevitably dissatisfied, had to be barred or beheaded.
In Florida, the number of dissatisfied to angry was 47%-39%.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. appeared dissatisfied with that answer.
Michael knew that I was very dissatisfied with a few things.
No wonder Trump is so openly dissatisfied with the deal’s terms.
But proponents of a special counsel still left Tuesday’s hearing dissatisfied.
Some Republicans were dissatisfied with the responses, according to the sources.
But I was dissatisfied with the avenues for expressing that sexuality.
I hadn’t designed a properly structured curriculum, and students were dissatisfied.
Klymkowsky said they were back because they’re dissatisfied with the President.
Many restaurants are similarly dissatisfied with how often diners are visiting.
In recent decades, some philosophers have grown dissatisfied with decision theory.
Millions of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country.
And yet, as I suggested earlier, I don’t feel dissatisfied either.
Both Eastern and Southern African governments are dissatisfied with that result.
They were a dissatisfied group of Americans, determined to break away.
There’s a tense confrontation with some truculent, dissatisfied fans in Berlin.
«I’m often dissatisfied with my own performance,» he said without elaborating.
He understood how dissatisfied the country was with the status quo.
As usual, some players, dissatisfied with their contracts, are not reporting.
We encourage the lying because we are dissatisfied with the mundane.
You dwell on the album of your past, and are dissatisfied.
Many specialist workers have emigrated and many lower-skilled workers are dissatisfied.
» A full 263% said they were «angry»; 49% said they were «dissatisfied.
» March 15 in Florida: 40% of Republicans said «angry»; 46% said «dissatisfied.
But others — especially those allied with the labor movement — have grown dissatisfied.
Once there, she was dissatisfied with how the officers handled the situation.
We regret that any individuals were dissatisfied with their experience this year.
So we are about to start a political party called Dissatisfied Pussies.
They are dissatisfied with the divide between the communities and the police.
If the president is dissatisfied with his subordinates, he can fire them.
Some Californians are dissatisfied enough with Trump’s presidency to do just that.
The fragmentation has kept many dissatisfied with the ruling bloc from voting.
A population dissatisfied with the political status quo elected President López Obrador.
Following the election, those dissatisfied with the outcome took to the streets.
As the voice of the dissatisfied grows louder change will come about.
They had a message for fellow Republicans dissatisfied with Mr. Trump: Mrs.
Some athletes are simply dissatisfied with the gear made by their sponsor.
Actively managed funds can sell a company’s stock anytime they become dissatisfied.
Or because the letter-writer is dissatisfied, but not sure exactly why.
But she became dissatisfied with traditional photojournalism and moved into artistic projects.
If the employee was still dissatisfied, the case was sent to arbitration.
They’re almost primed to feel dissatisfied and angry, like they’re getting shorted.
Conflict means the authorities cannot stifle the voices of the dissatisfied public.
Less than 248% would be dissatisfied if any of them got it.
The White House disputed the report that Trump is dissatisfied with Ross.
The number of dissatisfied respondents rose from eight percent to 12 percent.
The White House disputed the notion that Trump is dissatisfied with Ross.
You can also dispute a low home appraisal if you are dissatisfied.
The compromise, not yet implemented in law, left everyone a little dissatisfied.
But Mr. Spicer denied that the president was dissatisfied with his staff.
Most Hispanic voters, unsurprisingly, remain deeply dissatisfied with the president as well.
«We realize there will be some people who are dissatisfied,» Republican Rep.
About 61 percent of people dissatisfied with gun laws said they want the laws to be stricter, while 24 percent of those dissatisfied with gun laws said they want the laws to be less strict, according to the survey.
«Whenever you look at polls showing 40 percent are supportive of the law; 40 percent or so are dissatisfied — in the dissatisfied column are a whole bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters who want a single-payer plan,» he said.
Aspiration is specifically marketing itself as an alternative to dissatisfied Wells Fargo customers.
Is he still dissatisfied— VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE: Look— JOE KERNEN: —with Powell?
But disappointing growth, widespread corruption and gang violence have left many Mexicans dissatisfied.
Esurance is selling «election insurance» for dissatisfied voters who want to move away
In contrast, this year’s rushed effort seems likely to leave important constituencies dissatisfied.
I am so sorry to see some of you dissatisfied with my product.
Any millennial dissatisfied with $40,000 a year must learn the art of sales.
Some members of Mueller’s team were reportedly dissatisfied with Barr’s summary letter, however.
Barreda agrees, and says disabled performers often feel dissatisfied with the work available.
Trohman and Wentz formed Fall Out Boy because they were dissatisfied with hardcore.
Women who drank while their husbands didn’t were often dissatisfied with their marriages.
Of course many Catholics on both sides have been dissatisfied with this arrangement.
Meanwhile, the public is increasingly dissatisfied with large private companies running essential services.
The State is now dissatisfied with the consequences of one of those promises.
In 2018, 79% of Americans were dissatisfied with the total cost of healthcare.
«China is extremely dissatisfied with this» and had lodged solemn representations, Hua said.
She started out painting portraits and landscapes, but was dissatisfied with the results.
The public has also grown more dissatisfied with how he’s handled his transition.
The couple continued for a few years, each growing dissatisfied with their lives.
«Without question, there are more women who are dissatisfied than men,» he says.
Still, Nitschke was dissatisfied with the way the computer mediated the euthanasia process.
«So you’re going to feel very dissatisfied with that meal,» says Susan Roberts.
But some people are dissatisfied with the skills they’re gaining in their roles.
Many voters are dissatisfied with an economy still sputtering after a 2016 recession.
She was always dissatisfied with her performances, even when she set personal records.
A side effect is that choice can actually make you feel more dissatisfied.
At 37, he was an editor at a medical journal and desperately dissatisfied.
And this is what many of those dissatisfied with his rule are doing.
Meanwhile, health and environmental advocates are dissatisfied with the pace of government action.
But the new format did little to shield the company from dissatisfied investors.
As the editorial predicted, there will be «those dissatisfied» with The Times’s decision.
Forty-percent are dissatisfied with their premium, up from 27 percent in 85033.
Even so, there was always something about the finished print that dissatisfied him.
The stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary.
Lawyers are notoriously dissatisfied and depressed, but I had an unusually positive experience.
They certainly are going to see the movie, but some are leaving dissatisfied
But that means something, then you’re dissatisfied for a long period then, right?
Or at least it feels justifiably restless, dissatisfied, and maybe most importantly, urgent.
«Many American voters, especially Republicans, are dissatisfied with their own status and the status of the country, but by far the most dissatisfied are Donald Trump’s supporters, who strongly feel that they themselves and the country are under attack,» Schwartz said.
A recent report from EKOS, done on behalf of the CRTC, indicated that rural Canadians were twice as likely to be dissatisfied with their internet service—and those living in the Northern territories were three times as likely to be dissatisfied.
And I became dissatisfied with classic American fiction that ends on a defeatist note.
Ford was dissatisfied with the poll results and ended up going its own way.
However, Dayib argues that many are dissatisfied with the clans’ stranglehold on power system.
But Morris listed many clients who were dissatisfied with the behavioral approach as well.
But the Republican voters have become more and more dissatisfied with that status quo.
Flake has also expressed that he’s dissatisfied with the direction of the Republican party.
After first declaring success in the negotiations, Mr Trump later said he was dissatisfied.
Trump has threatened to resume the shutdown if he is dissatisfied with the negotiations.
If the President was dissatisfied, a lot of that is on him, not Reince.
But unrest, disorganization and corruption has left many in poverty, dissatisfied with Kabila’s rule.
That’s still too many, and we won’t be satisfied until no veteran is dissatisfied.
In addition, some remain dissatisfied that the American effort is not reciprocated by Cuba.
Community colleges offer an environment that is particularly supportive for displaced and dissatisfied workers.
Entrance polls showed voters were overwhelmingly angry, dissatisfied and partial to a political outsider.
Clinton has since courted dissatisfied Republicans who dislike the billionaire’s actions, rhetoric and policies.
Eventually Gauguin became dissatisfied with what he had from Morice and severed their collaboration.
What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the outcome of my surgery?
The Journal reports Trump is dissatisfied with the limited options his advisers have presented.
China was strongly dissatisfied with Trudeau’s remarks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua said Tuesday.
That resulted in smaller carrots, which led to dissatisfied customers and loss of business.
Sixty-two percent indicated they are dissatisfied and 220006 percent said they are angry.
Americans were dissatisfied with the economy, which made Reagan’s slogan all the more powerful.
A security flaw found earlier this month also left real review-leaving users dissatisfied.
Meanwhile, only 3% of US respondents say they are very dissatisfied with their jobs.
Progressives, too, became dissatisfied, voicing concerns over the senator’s commitment to passing the legislation.
What democracies offer dissatisfied citizens is the right to do something about their dissatisfaction.
Far-right Euroskeptics are trying to appeal to those dissatisfied with the status quo.
Perhaps dissatisfied with the local fare, or uncomfortable with my presence, he flew off.
Last week, Mr. Alicea said, a dissatisfied Seamless reviewer left a review on Yelp.
Four in five said they’d be dissatisfied with Biden as the Democratic standard-bearer.
These are people who are deeply dissatisfied with policies that they deem too liberal.
Its main protagonist, Kuno, is living underground, dissatisfied with humanity’s mechanized and sanitized world.
» Johnson adds that the actor did so because he was «dissatisfied with his salary.
They were left so dissatisfied, they said, that they now are backing Mr. Buttigieg.
Yet Simon grew dissatisfied with television writing and the network restrictions that accompanied it.
But I am dissatisfied with its approach to funding, and I am still undecided.
The prospect had triggered weeks of demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of dissatisfied Algerians.
You can try to craft a political message that keeps voters dissatisfied with Trump.
Ultimately, only four reels of footage were shot before Radziwill, dissatisfied, shut down the project.
«The stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary,» Johnson continued.
As a result, frustrating interactions at these service centers make Apple’s Indian customers particularly dissatisfied.
Voters who said they were «dissatisfied» (rather than «angry») with Washington overwhelmingly voted for Kasich.
Out of all the countries surveyed, British women were the most dissatisfied with their breasts.
It is not that I was dissatisfied more than usual with what I had written.
In recent years, dissatisfied relatives even shot two prominent surgeons in Baltimore and near Boston.
But the fact that financial markets have outperformed the economy has left many voters dissatisfied.
I spent the entire time hoping that a bored, dissatisfied housewife would invite me in.
Unfortunately for the dissatisfied fan, CCP’s home country of Iceland has certain rules on imports.
» Subsequently, said Johnson, Smollett allegedly choreographed the attack «because he was dissatisfied with his salary.
Then there’s Megan, the dissatisfied housewife who, in Rachel’s mind, doesn’t appreciate what she has.
Despite media attention to the contrary, most independent workers aren’t dissatisfied Uber drivers or TaskRabbits.
Pollsters also found voters are deeply dissatisfied with the climate surrounding the 2628 presidential election.
«This is a restless company, dissatisfied with the status quo in health care,» he said.
But unrest, disorganization and corruption have left many in poverty and dissatisfied with Kabila’s rule.
If we grow dissatisfied with a conscious A.G.I. and unplug it, would that be murder?
Journalists are in this situation where a lot of people are dissatisfied with the firm.
And those arguments may resonate with men who feel dissatisfied or angry in their relationships.
Check out her full post below, as well as a posting from a dissatisfied attendee.
He looks aloof, vaguely dissatisfied, like a fussy man out alone at an inferior restaurant.
In 2016, some voters were dissatisfied with Hillary Clinton and wished Warren would run instead.
These citizens are increasingly dissatisfied with how democracy works — or doesn’t work — in their countries.
Democrats’ left flank left dissatisfied Still, the shutdown revealed some schisms within the Democratic Party.
Last week, Bolsonaro and PSL lawmakers dissatisfied with Bivar requested information on the party’s finances.
And the study found statistically no 1 percenters say they are dissatisfied with their lives.
His abstract work, he later said, dissatisfied him because of its remoteness from human beings.
Dissatisfied centrists are well represented in the American elite, but not across the American electorate.
Justin Timberlake plays both a pretentious narrator and lover of a dissatisfied waitress (Kate Winslet).
The results tend to be smaller than with phalloplasty, which leaves some patients feeling dissatisfied.
«This stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary,» Johnson said.
And the third thing is that the polls — whenever you look at polls showing 220 percent are supportive of the law, 215 percent or so are dissatisfied, in the dissatisfied column are a whole bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters who want a single-payer plan.
According to the survey, the majority of Canadians overall were satisfied with the speed and reliability of their internet, but people in rural areas were twice as likely to be dissatisfied, and people in the territories were three times as likely to be dissatisfied.
I’ve been trying a whole bunch of them and I’m very dissatisfied with them in general.
Even though 22008 in 22012 Americans are «dissatisfied» with Congress, we mostly love our own representatives.
» The superintendent said Smollett created the ruse because «he was dissatisfied with his salary» on «Empire.
If you are dissatisfied with your financial progress, there is still time to step it up.
The majority of those surveyed by public broadcaster ARD earlier in February were dissatisfied with her.
According to industry sources, drivers are dissatisfied and feel the company is profiting by exploiting them.
Sinan is, in many ways, typical of the country’s youth: over-educated, under-employed and dissatisfied.
I then chose to tweet to the honest company publicly about how dissatisfied the service was.
And two-thirds say they are dissatisfied with the influence people like them have on politics.
And on Monday, Spotify debuted a similar ad about dissatisfied voters heading across the northern border.
As time goes on, Amy grows dissatisfied with Lenny and the weird, small things he does.
Yet a growing number of young people, like Najla, are growing dissatisfied with the entropic stalemate.
Ferrera leads the cast as Amy, one of Cloud 9’s more efficient — and dissatisfied — managers.
The gist: Amy Adams plays a dissatisfied artist whose husband (Armie Hammer) is cheating on her.
Polls make clear that most Americans are dissatisfied with the two major party candidates for president.
So everyone is dissatisfied and frustrated, hence we are hearing a lot of bluster and rhetoric.
This is likely why some pro users are dissatisfied with the new MacBook Pro’s battery life.
Some dissatisfied customer even made an app to keep track of which machines were actually working.
Furthermore, those who struggle to experience the feelings mindfulness influencers preach can be left feeling dissatisfied.
There also isn’t much evidence that Americans are particularly dissatisfied with the state of the economy.
Here, he plays Calvin, a dissatisfied accountant and husband still mourning his high school athletic triumphs.
Will it be enough in an anxious era, when Americans are deeply dissatisfied with their politicians?
The missing unaffiliated white voters are particularly dissatisfied: Mr. Trump leads by just 35 to 1.53.
Just about the only thing with which they weren’t dissatisfied was their focus on the Web.
There’s a financial benefit to re-engaging dissatisfied employees rather than having to hire someone new.
These dissatisfied centrist voters fit the profile of affluent, socially moderate and fiscally conservative suburban voters.
About 60 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in this country.
Ano means «yes» in Czech, but it is also an acronym for Action of Dissatisfied Citizens.
Sixty percent said they voted for the AfD because they were dissatisfied with the established parties.
Both Obama/Trump and Romney/Clinton voters are dissatisfied with President Trump’s handling of Social Security.
Years ago, when they were still dissatisfied, they made the deliberate choice not to rush it.
An extended presentation of authoritative voices offering conflicting viewpoints left some viewers dissatisfied, if not confused.
Dissatisfied with the response by the university, a group of students filed a petition on change.
Dissatisfied by the responses, he wrote to the Boeing board of directors on February 19, 218.
It’s no wonder, then, that people outside boom areas are dissatisfied with the economic status quo.
But I think the more profound reality is that many Americans were dissatisfied with our choices.
After falling in love and taking a bunch of selfies with her husband, she was dissatisfied.
Respond directly to dissatisfied customers As already mentioned, this is something you should do with extreme caution.
All those dissatisfied customers are sure to be looking for alternatives…and why shouldn’t it be you?
But it can help you assess your career goals if you’re dissatisfied with your current professional situation.
Sanders tried to quell some of his dissatisfied supporters at a rally before his expected speech Monday.
Instead, I nod, wowed that Home can answer my question with ease, but also a little dissatisfied.
Celebrate choice on Election Day, and you won’t walk out of the ballot box feeling profoundly dissatisfied.
The website promises to refund customers who are dissatisfied with the training regiment that Composite Fitness creates.
His sister and co-conspirator Darlene (Carly Chaikin) is out partying, but is clearly somehow dissatisfied herself.
Still, his performance dissatisfied him in some way, strange as he realizes that can sound to others.
I talk to a lot of policemen, and they are dissatisfied with the way things are now.
Uber could no longer simply replace with new ones the sometimes dissatisfied drivers who left the platform.
A Gallup poll found 72 percent of adults to be dissatisfied with the direction of the nation.
Voters are already dissatisfied with their lot after years of sluggish gains (or declines) in living standards.
«We are dissatisfied with the judgment,» their lawyer, Lempaa Suyianka, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation by phone.
Sanders’ marketing appeal has leveraged an American public growing more and more dissatisfied with campaign finance loopholes.
If you are dissatisfied with the status quo, maybe it is due to years of congressional obstructionism.
In the early thirties, the Nazi Party was financially distressed, losing voters, and dissatisfied with Hitler’s leadership.
But the poll showed that voters in general, including evangelicals, were dissatisfied with their options this year.
Just over half — 262% — were satisfied with how the meeting went, with 240% saying they were dissatisfied.
Owens, painting abstractly, organized a club with other dissatisfied students to pursue a curriculum of their own.
By contrast, for women only, being dissatisfied with their financial situation was linked to no sexual activity.
The PUK was founded in 1975 by a group of leftists in Sulaimaniya dissatisfied with the KDP.
Those options left many lawmakers dissatisfied, including some of those most closely involved in writing the legislation.
NM: In the book, Zeke observes that young women are more independent and more dissatisfied than ever.
Sixty-four percent of respondents in the Fox News poll said they were dissatisfied with America’s trajectory.
Voters dislike the parties and are dissatisfied with their candidates, even as they cast straight-ticket ballots.
In economically troubled Greece, the official line, «All Time Classic,» clearly left at least one person dissatisfied.
«This little girl with her pigtail braids is still dissatisfied with the level of danger,» he said.
That’s not a reference to actors dissatisfied with their dressing rooms or patrons griping about their seats.
This will only leave you feeling dissatisfied, frustrated and powerless because you can’t do anything about it.
But millions of people who already have coverage are deeply dissatisfied with the current system as well.
But millions of people who already have coverage are deeply dissatisfied with the current system as well.
The revolt in Tunisia gave Egyptians the motivation to protest using social media to gather the dissatisfied.
Many were surprised to learn they could change providers if they were dissatisfied with their present one.
And yet Gibson seemed, at the turn of the century, to be growing dissatisfied with being detached.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School parent Meredith Barry said she was dissatisfied with the «grandstanding» from lawmakers.
CBS executives have been dissatisfied with the show’s ratings performance, and they are now plotting further changes.
The group has been dissatisfied with some Trump administration initiatives, particularly its aggressive trade policy and tariffs.
He also chose firebrand outsider Stephen Bannon as senior counselor, which could leave some traditional Republican dissatisfied.
When you’re dissatisfied with day-to-day life, you can develop what’s almost like a survival instinct.
More than half of Canadians overall were dissatisfied with the price they pay for an internet connection.
In 1835, a painter dissatisfied with Jackson’s government policies tried to shoot Jackson inside the Capitol but misfired.
Due to early stumbles by both, though, the dissatisfied president has increasingly turned to Kushner in recent weeks.
There are plenty of reasons to be dissatisfied with Obama’s tenure, as the rise of Bernie Sanders shows.
Hill, who did not think Biden’s words amounted to an apology, said she was dissatisfied by his efforts.
Such a hurried lifestyle can leave one dissatisfied, and it can result in stress, inflammation, and cardiovascular disease.
Venezuela is also dissatisfied with secondary-source estimations, the country’s oil minister Eulogio Del Pino said this month.
Fossil fuel-free bank accounts Aspiration is not just trying to make inroads with dissatisfied Wells Fargo customers.
But even after she gave a Democratic-sounding speech at the Republican National Convention, delegates didn’t seem dissatisfied.
«‘Girl you should see this bullshit, they got JLo doing a damn Motown tribute,'» another dissatisfied viewer joked.
I am dissatisfied with the type of work I do and/or don’t know what to do next.
However, it is likely to leave most of the electorate dissatisfied if no choice claims an absolute majority.
I really hope [Rowlands] takes this challenge as a message that people are dissatisfied with what she’s doing.
She repeated what she’d told me earlier about feeling dissatisfied with so many of hers: Christian, Democrat, gay.
The kids are very dissatisfied with this and don’t want that to be the case for their parents.
Despite her new apocalypse outfit, made complete by a stomach-organ purse, we find Summer once again dissatisfied.
Trump supporters were largely dissatisfied with Holt’s performance, accusing him of unfairly attacking Trump more often than Clinton.
«Bosniaks are dissatisfied because they have not succeeded in establishing control over the whole of Bosnia,» he says.
Infineon investors were dissatisfied with the acquisition, sending shares in the Munich-based firm tumbling more than 9%.
» He goes on to detail the ways he is dissatisfied with the customer service, which he says «stinks.
Instead, they spend their time trying to focus on one or the other, leaving them feeling dissatisfied overall.
A CNN/ORC poll last month found 75% of Americans are dissatisfied with government, with 69% being angry.
Young Americans on the left and right have found reasons to be dissatisfied with their choices this year.
For dissatisfied guys, though, the less sex they had, the more likely they were to spank the monkey.
Chicago PD’s superintendent said they believe Jussie orchestrated the staged attack because he was dissatisfied with his salary.
Some analysts have expressed worries that the FDA could ban imports from the plants if it remains dissatisfied.
Hopefully, [this lawsuit] is resolved happily and if not, that both sides are equally dissatisfied with the outcome.
The officials describe Trump as dissatisfied over Nielsen’s handling of his key issues of immigration and border security.
Approximately 6900 percent are «dissatisfied» with the idea of a Trump nomination, contrasted with 2628 percent for Clinton.
Newspaper opinion surveys suggest that about half of voters are dissatisfied with his economic program, known as Abenomics.
But some lawmakers, particularly Democrats, are dissatisfied with the House measure and are pushing to amend it. Sen.
China’s Commerce Ministry said it was very dissatisfied with the imposition of duties and that they were inflated.
An FCC commissioner said media licenses won’t be revoked just because President Trump is dissatisfied with the coverage.
Voters are angry, frustrated and dissatisfied with politicians, the «establishment» and with anything connected to the federal government.
» As Pelosi told Rolling Stone, «I understand that to be an advocate you are persistent, dissatisfied and relentless.
They’re just dissatisfied: They don’t like their candidate, and they don’t like the other party’s candidate much either.
Dissatisfied with the wardrobe options presented, he put on a green Supreme T-shirt he’d brought with him.
But just because Americans are dissatisfied with the current two-party system doesn’t mean it’s about to change.
Such omissions left Leon Schwarzbaum, who survived Auschwitz but lost his family at the death camp, feeling dissatisfied.
Political polls suggest that millennials are dissatisfied with what they see as politics as usual from both parties.
What would you say to someone who is so dissatisfied with Hillary that they’re considering voting for Trump?
«To say they’re dissatisfied is to say it very lightly,» said Gary W. Black, Georgia’s commissioner of agriculture.
Sure, two-thirds say they are dissatisfied with the way income and wealth are distributed, according to Gallup.
Executives from Fidelity Investments were reportedly dissatisfied with the level of financial disclosure offered up by Aramco executives.
Members of the BRCA group replied to Facebook that they were dissatisfied with the response on June 26.
It promises to refund dissatisfied customers but asks some to sign confidentiality statements and delete negative online reviews.
Voters are deeply dissatisfied with their choices, creating the potential for a third-party candidate to play spoiler.
A 2017 CNN poll found 84 percent of Americans were dissatisfied with the total cost of health care.
» A professor who provided the email to BuzzFeed News said faculty members were «extremely dissatisfied with this response.
In the interview, Trump lamented Sessions’ recusal from the Russia investigation and said he was dissatisfied on immigration.
Clinton has since courted Republicans who are dissatisfied with Trump’s lack of political experience, blunt rhetoric and temperament.
Among all Americans, 29 percent are satisfied with the direction of the country and 69 percent are dissatisfied.
Other Republican sources disputed the notion members are dissatisfied with McMorris Rodger’s ability to effectively deliver party messaging.
Popular interest in a convention grows when people are dissatisfied with the federal government — as they are now.
It often intervenes in international conflicts at a high cost, thus keeping dissatisfied nations from overturning the system.
In reality, Smollett orchestrated the attack for a cool $217,22017 because he was «dissatisfied with his salary,» police said.
In reality, Smollett orchestrated the attack for a cool $203,22016 because he was «dissatisfied with his salary,» police said.
The proportion of people who are dissatisfied with how democracy works has jumped from 51% in 2009 to 71%.
In both states, more than 90% of Republican voters said they were «angry» or «dissatisfied» with the federal government.
The person responded with, «…hello?» followed by a dissatisfied emoji, and Miller ended up explaining what the GIF meant.
Ceiling fans stirred the air, and tower fans were scattered about, available for anyone dissatisfied with the office climate.
But Trump beat Cruz among voters who said they were not just dissatisfied, but «angry» at the federal government.
If he did so because he was dissatisfied with the FBI director’s performance, Mr Trump acted within his power.
In 2013, a report from Deloitte Center for Health Solutions suggested that doctors are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs.
In Georgia, just over a quarter of the electorate was angry with the federal government, and 41% were dissatisfied.
Too big for Germany, dissatisfied with Europe alone, but trailing behind the American giants: you wouldn’t start from here.
Why it matters: Deductibles keep going up — suggesting more employees are probably growing dissatisfied with their employer health coverage.
«People who are dissatisfied with their situation are likely to vote for change,» Jones from Johns Hopkins told CNBC.
Overall, 29% of Americans are satisfied, including 9% «very satisfied» and almost 7 in 10 Americans (or 69%) dissatisfied.
That’s not to say that most people are dissatisfied with their own penis or the penis of their partner.
On the other hand, 46 percent of Clinton voters said they’d be dissatisfied if the senator from Vermont wins.
That is unfortunate: even by Latin American standards, Peruvians are contemptuous of their politicians and dissatisfied with their democracy.
She’s particularly dissatisfied with all of the glass and the staff, whom she feels play too big a role.
Female students appear particularly dissatisfied with the Trump presidency and more committed to making the 23 election a priority.
Only with the benefit of hindsight do I see how dissatisfied I was with both of my previous careers.
Or worse, devote 15 hours of your life to a book that left thousands dissatisfied with a nonsensical cliffhanger?
When dissatisfied with himself, he beats his legs with a wooden stick and practices other forms of self-torture.
Nearly half of voters were dissatisfied with the way the federal government is working and another quarter were angry.
And an overwhelming 85% of Mexicans said they were dissatisfied with the way things are in their own country.
And when we’re not satisfied (or are actively dissatisfied), the results ripple through other major parts of our lives.
Meanwhile, many people, especially young people, were dissatisfied with their lives and had lost faith in the socialist state.
An example of a good response:A good response to a dissatisfied customer is this reply from a business owner.
The story follows Virgínia, a deeply dissatisfied young woman who struggles to articulate herself in a male-dominated culture.
For the first time since 9/11, a majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the country’s security from terrorism.
But he always has to contend with the possibility that the regime’s supporters will be dissatisfied with his actions.
Dissatisfied with point fighting, a group of American karatekas created full contact karate and started competing with each other.
Mr. Biden called Ms. Hill recently to address some of her concerns, a conversation she said left her dissatisfied.
A white author named Charles Silberman expressed frustration that the African-Americans were dissatisfied by the meager progress made.
«Most people we know were dissatisfied with their setup, and this was causing pain and will later cause injury.» 
Employees often cite a bad boss, unfriendly colleagues, or unrealistic expectations as reasons why they’re dissatisfied with their job.
Dissatisfied with nearly everything, the foursome decides to lean into their passion for horror and make it a business.
Ultimately, the realization that his ideas had generated enormous revenue for companies that used his research left him dissatisfied.
The number of students who said they are dissatisfied with their offers doubled, to 14 percent, from last year.
But like many in her cohort, she was deeply dissatisfied with the pace of change in her family’s circumstances.
During these years, while bringing up two daughters, she took photographs of her own, but felt dissatisfied and blocked.
Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, has said he is dissatisfied with that state of affairs.
That means that no matter how dissatisfied shareholders become, they have no direct say in corporate strategy or management.
In the interview, she said she was «not dissatisfied with the outcome» and that Mr. Nadler had her support.
So I want to be as optimistic as I can, even though we’re dissatisfied with China on this point.
In her late 20s, when they were engaged, Obama was feeling dissatisfied with her career as a corporate lawyer.
While it’s true that AT&T will process your cancellation, it seems you can’t get your money back, if dissatisfied.
On Election Day, two-thirds of voters told exit pollsters they feel either dissatisfied or angry at the federal government.
I hadn’t compared myself to anyone else that day through social media, so I didn’t feel vaguely jealous or dissatisfied.
Dissatisfied, she combed through the references and found more studies about YXQ-EQ’s effects on other types of cancer cells.
Cass Sunstein, a law professor at Harvard University and Barack Obama’s former regulation tsar, is one of Facebook’s dissatisfied customers.
In recent months, discontent has swelled up among the ranks of fans who are dissatisfied with the event-based approach.
Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa has denied the «coup d’etat» theory but Nissan has clearly been dissatisfied with the unequal alliance.
Donald Trump initially hailed the outcome, only to declare himself dissatisfied after political allies accused him of capitulating to China.
Writers of keen sensibility may once again be dissatisfied with the status quo and again be ready to speak out.
This growing partisan rancour may be one reason people seem to be increasingly dissatisfied with the state of the country.
Dissatisfied with the acoustics, he added a microphone and mounted delay and reverb effect pedals he punched on the dashboard.
«They are patients who are dissatisfied with their current healthcare options and they’re willing to try something new,» he says.
«If any insurer raises rates to the point where a consumer is dissatisfied, the consumer can go elsewhere,» he added.
The top three reasons were seeking new roles, looking for better benefits and feeling dissatisfied with their current career path.
During the course of this failure she ends up as dissatisfied by the art world as she was the cult.
RBR and Cologny are also dissatisfied with Gategroup’s strategy that preceded the company’s 63.4 million Swiss franc loss last year.
Many of them complain, though, that they are dissatisfied with their options and that their needs are not being met.
Both sides have a long way to go before either feels satisfied, and there will always be some left dissatisfied.
When you know you’re dissatisfied, even if you don’t know why, buying something can help, at least for the moment.
Lorie Chaiten, the Reproductive Rights Project Director for the ACLU of Illinois, said the organization was dissatisfied with Rauner’s decision.
Dissatisfied with masks available on the market, she began wrapping scarves around her nose and mouth during rides to work.
With these 9 tips, however, you can head off client discontent and more effectively communicate when a customer becomes dissatisfied.
The populist party does better in areas with higher unemployment and lower education, and where people are dissatisfied with government.
«We believe that listeners will grow increasingly dissatisfied with the solutions they’ve cobbled together for listening at home,» says MacFarlane.
John Kasich won the broad support of Ohioans who were dissatisfied, but not quite angry, winning 53% of that group.
Trump later said he was dissatisfied with the «speed with which our veterans were taken care of» under Shulkin’s leadership.
Conte, who’s a musician by trade, was himself one of those dissatisfied web artists when he founded Patreon in 2013.
Fifty-eight percent of dissatisfied Republicans — compared to just 36 percent of angry ones — have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.
Tesla’s new return policy will prevent exchanges and make returns more difficult, even if customers are dissatisfied with their vehicles.
His responses have left many Democrats dissatisfied, sparking fresh questions about his judgment — and about the durability of his support.
While Trump had locked up the delegates necessary in the primaries, an insurrection brewed among Republicans dissatisfied with his selection.
And at the same time, more than half of the respondents surveyed are dissatisfied with the quality of their democracy.
His responses have left many Democrats dissatisfied, sparking fresh questions about his judgment — and about the durability of his support.
That number is at an even 50 percent among Trump voters, while 44 percent would be somewhat or very dissatisfied.
For all the ladies out there dissatisfied with the quality of their porn, Susan Sarandon is coming to the rescue.
Cisco had the highest percentage of dissatisfied employees, with 80 percent telling Blind that they did not feel adequately compensated.
Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with the way the political system is working, and they are increasingly open to bigger changes.
Surveys find that Obamacare enrollees are increasingly dissatisfied with their monthly premiums, which rose sharply in the marketplaces last year.
Many conservatives remain dissatisfied, a new survey shows, and feel that social media in general «censors» their point of view.
However, Fertik is increasingly dissatisfied with his current life — to the point where he wants to blow it all up.
And Mr. Marek finds in the beleaguered, married Burgess hints of the more fully drawn, dissatisfied Gurney protagonists to come.
Shelly (Kerry Bishé) finds herself vacationing alone when her mopey, dissatisfied husband, Michael (Corey Stoll), contrives an excuse to cancel.
Your December will be a lot like that, Libra; everything will seem fine, but you’ll feel restless and, ultimately, dissatisfied.
Satisfied patients typically don’t bother to post feedback about their doctors online; dissatisfied ones are more motivated to post complaints.
Apparently dissatisfied with his spot, he snapped his bill at two mallards sleeping with their heads nestled in their feathers.
Most studies report high satisfaction from specialists, but one found that a large minority (26 percent) of them were dissatisfied.
He explained to me where that music came from and why they were so angry and dissatisfied and felt misunderstood.
As the day went on, doctors’ fears of disappointed, dissatisfied, angry or confrontational patients may have loomed larger and larger.
«It’s not even like baseball where three strikes and you’re out,» said Mr. Guynes, the somewhat dissatisfied Chili’s app user.
This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dissatisfied with Sanders or Biden, just that their awareness has not yet risen to satisfaction.
Story at a glance Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with U.S. abortion laws, according to new data from a Gallup poll.
Those remarks did not sit well with state television network CCTV which said it was «strongly dissatisfied» with Silver’s comments.
However, Omar and others on the committee were dissatisfied with the special envoy’s actions and testimony, demanding more serious action.
Capitalism wants us to buy stuff this month, so we are being doubled down upon to feel dissatisfied with ourselves.
Later, he couldn’t explain why he had created a new narrative, other than the fact that the interrogators seemed dissatisfied.
Ms. Collins, who is already dissatisfied with the Senate bill, warned about the potential negative consequences of the Cruz amendment.
Waters later seemed dissatisfied with the lack of commitment from David Marcus, Facebook’s crypto chief, to postponing the company’s plans.
Authorities said Smollett was dissatisfied with his salary on the show and wanted publicity when he filed the police report.
Mr. Bossie frequently clashed with Mr. Priebus, and Mr. Trump was dissatisfied with him by the end of the campaign.
I don’t think that any of the polling or the numbers show that people are dissatisfied with all their candidates.
Taking stock of the results, Republicans broadly agreed that voters are dissatisfied with what they’ve accomplished in Congress this year.
If Sullivan is dissatisfied, he can cover what he has done with a layer of color and see what happens.
«Ironically, nail biters may be more perfectionist and more prone to be dissatisfied with themselves and their performance,» O’Connor said.
More say they would be dissatisfied or upset with Cruz (45%) or Kasich (39%) than say the same about Trump (33%).
On Wednesday, though, the lawmakers said they are dissatisfied with the tech giants’ replies — and demanded that they look more closely.
Scott said he remained dissatisfied with the guardian provisions but signed the bill nonetheless, saying it would enhance school safety overall.
Perhaps this is how the American people register their disapproval — not with pitchforks or guns, but by telling pollsters they’re dissatisfied.
This stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary, so he concocted a story about being attacked.
Donnelly was hoping to stave off defeat by peeling off Republican suburban women dissatisfied with Trump’s divisive politics, according to reports.
«The more we spoke to the drivers, the more we realized they were dissatisfied with the radio frequency system,» said Lam.
According to a Gallup tracking poll, 73 percent of Americans were dissatisfied with the cost of health care as of November.
The company is putting up billboards and posting videos online showcasing tweets from dissatisfied customers of third-party food delivery companies.
In the wake of the incident, Martin said she was dissatisfied with the way both Safeway and police handled the situation.
Even after the company decided to strip Yiannopoulos of his verification, Dorsey appeared dissatisfied with Twitter’s interpretation of its own policies.
This is not the first time Microsoft targeted Evernote’s dissatisfied customers by making it easier to switch to Microsoft’s own software.
Yet Clinton leads Trump 200 percent to 27 percent among those who are dissatisfied with their own financial situation in life.
Yet Clinton leads Trump 44 percent to 513 percent among those who are dissatisfied with their own financial situation in life.
I felt dissatisfied as an artist, and knew there was more to art than what was available to me in Hawaii.
Now, with a summit between the EU and the partners coming up in November, they are growing dissatisfied with the arrangement.
This approach circumvents the reluctance of U.S. executives, however dissatisfied with Chinese behaviour, to complain in public for fear of retaliation.
Forty-five percent of marketplace enrollees say they’re dissatisfied with the size of their deductible, and 40 percent with their premiums.
It seems fair to say that a number of high-ranking officials are dissatisfied with the government’s official stance on UFOs?
But this imperfect system leaves many patients dissatisfied with their pain regimen, as a new national survey from Health Union reveals.
But so do their opponents, the disenfranchised nationalists who are similarly dissatisfied with the corruption and cynicism of Mr Putin’s rule.
Do vacation right, and you’ll feel less stressed, tired, and dissatisfied, and more happy and energized when you return, research shows.
Voters are unusually dissatisfied by their options this year, and the large number of undecided voters has made the race volatile.
At a time when people are increasingly dissatisfied with a certain famous person holding office, why do you think you’re qualified?
Of those dissatisfied or angry with the economic system, Trump leads on the economy 255 percent to 19 percent for Clinton.
The things men were most likely to be dissatisfied with were their weight as well as their muscle size and tone.
It wasn’t much of a step forward stylistically and thus, we were both a little dissatisfied with how it turned out.
Outbreaks of violent protests have raked into an ugly spotlight the views of those people who are dissatisfied with affirmative action.
«China is extremely dissatisfied and resolutely opposed to this and has already lodged stern representations with the U.S. side,» he added.
Of those dissatisfied or angry with the economic system, Trump leads on the economy 255 percent to 2371 percent for Clinton.
These younger and often more moderate members of the caucus have long been dissatisfied with the entrenched leadership at the top.
Props to my colleague Dan Seifert for calling this one out as a very attractive escape route for dissatisfied MacBook users.
Aston Martin’s plan was conveyed on Tuesday to Chinese regulatory agencies that had taken up the issue after dissatisfied customers complained.
If they don’t, it’s not just the planet that will suffer, but dissatisfied investors may decide our energy future lies elsewhere.
Fans are dissatisfied with the product on the field, but concerns about quality have existed for at least a quarter-century.
Forty-two percent are dissatisfied but not angry, while 18 percent are satisfied but not enthusiastic and 7 percent are enthusiastic.
The Kaiser Family Foundation has found that 47 percent of marketplace participants are at least somewhat dissatisfied with their deductible level.
Polls show the public is deeply dissatisfied with the two presumptive major party nominees, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.
He, too, seemed eager for that conflict to be finished, even if it meant the Palestinians were dissatisfied with the terms.
The most dissatisfied individuals tend to be the ones who don’t think they have matched or exceeded their parents’ economic standing.
TV’s «What America’s Thinking» on Wednesday that the majority of the U.S. public are dissatisfied with the state of the nation.
«The way I would say the public is describing the state of the union right now is dissatisfied,» Younis told Hill.
His campaign won support from Fidelity Investments, which had recommended Davis to the dissidents, as well as from other dissatisfied shareholders.
The whole reason I do the job I do is because I am dissatisfied with that view of the United States.
But like most teenagers, as she entered high school, Vang became even more dissatisfied with her facial features, specifically her monolids.
But the failure of both proposals seemed to ensure that the commissioners had not heard the last from the dissatisfied workers.
Virginia’s likely voters are broadly dissatisfied with both Clinton and Trump, however, with 60 percent having unfavorable views of both candidates.
Ms. Dubauskas said her company, the IHC Group, terminated two agents last week because it was dissatisfied with their marketing practices.
The Fed has long asserted that it is just as dissatisfied when inflation comes in below the number as above it.
That he has become dissatisfied with the state of affairs on Capitol Hill and within the Republican Party is no secret.
In early interviews, Mr. Schultz has positioned himself as a centrist who could win voters who are dissatisfied with both parties.
We see dissatisfied people as curmudgeons who halt progress, or, worse yet, Dementors who suck the joy out of the room.
But there’s a third reaction to frustration that we’ve overlooked: When we’re dissatisfied, instead of fight or flight, sometimes we invent.
Dissatisfied customers can email Jeff Bezos directly and he’ll forward the message along to the right person, with one dreaded addition: «?»
The speed and accessibility of communicating online can lead people to be impatient and dissatisfied with a slower, more deliberate life.
Talks at one point appeared to have broken down with several tribal members dissatisfied by the terms of a proposed deal.
China also said it was strongly dissatisfied with Australia’s statement regarding the writer, Yang Hengjun, and called on it not interfere.
But their way of life offers much for those dissatisfied with the realities of a hyper-connected urban existence to ponder.
Otherwise it hosts lectures and educational programs, and the Frick has long been dissatisfied with the room’s suitability for these events.
The AgroScout platform needed more capabilities in terms of uploading images and processing data, and his team grew dissatisfied with Amazon.
Americans are dissatisfied, and have been for years, largely because the economy as most people experience it has not been booming.
And the latest Monmouth University 2020 poll, released Tuesday, revealed Democratic voters are highly dissatisfied with how the system currently works.
There will be those dissatisfied that this page is not throwing its weight behind a single candidate, favoring centrists or progressives.
«In general, I think the election results do reflect that the public is very dissatisfied with the government,» she told reporters.
The speed and accessibility of communicating online can lead people to be impatient and dissatisfied with a slower, more deliberate life.
More than half of Americans are dissatisfied or embarrassed when they look at the 220006 presidential candidates, a new poll shows.
But they were surprised to hear that he had been dissatisfied with his life there: he always seemed happy, they said.
«We’re strongly dissatisfied and oppose Adam Silver’s claim to support Morey’s right to freedom of expression,» CCTV said in a statement.
Even though many of you who don’t smile often at work aren’t necessarily grumpy and dissatisfied, that’s what your face conveys.
Of those women, 60 percent then said they were «dissatisfied» with the course of action the company took, following their report.
Only 11 percent of 1,200 Filipinos surveyed by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) agency said they were dissatisfied with his performance.
I love how Sofia Coppola keeps turning to period pieces to explore the lost, dissatisfied women her films are almost exclusively about.
But the move to Barclays Center in Brooklyn dissatisfied players and fans alike and generated interest in a return to Long Island.
Sixty-nine percent of Republicans said they are satisfied with the country’s gun laws, while 79% of Democrats said they are dissatisfied.
According to a Gallup poll from May 2019, 19803% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in our country.
The opposition is dissatisfied with the implementation of the deal and has yet to say whether it will attend the new talks.
Most workers, Peakon learned, begin showing signs they’re dissatisfied and itching to move on nine months before they hand in their notice.
Still dissatisfied, students circulated a petition, asking, among other things, that the school’s board postpone the scheduled March 12 budget finalization vote.
Annihilation is a movie so prepared to alienate audiences that it comes with its own built-in version of a dissatisfied viewer.
We’re seeing that materialize in different ways now since a lot of people are dissatisfied with the way the world is going.
China was «strongly dissatisfied with the overreaction and restrictions», especially as it was trying to bring stranded citizens there home, it said.
What they found was that while women were consistently more dissatisfied with their bodies than men, the dissatisfaction gradually declined over time.
Apple then happily took its customers’ money when the customers, dissatisfied with their now-slower devices, purchased new and more expensive iPhones.
A majority of women report being dissatisfied with what their employers have to offer in those areas, especially health insurance and salary.
Democrats have been dissatisfied with Trump’s new deal, arguing it does not go far enough to enforce new labor and environmental protections.
It’s always more beneficial to accept your partner, for flaws and all, and to not feel so dissatisfied in who they are.
«At a time when consumers are highly dissatisfied with their communications companies, this abrupt change in policy troubles us,» the congressmen wrote.
The compromise struck by the BNetzA has left market players dissatisfied, raising the risk that they could take their grievances to court.
With the NGOs Facebook relies on in the Southeast Asian country deeply dissatisfied, it’s clear that words alone will no longer suffice.
Canadians are famously dissatisfied with internet access in this country, and Mark Iantorno and Benedict Lau, two Toronto developers, are no exception.
People are dissatisfied with a game where they feel that there’s not a level playing field, and they don’t have a chance.
It’s not because they were dissatisfied with the surrogate who carried Chicago … she just happened to be otherwise engaged this time around.
Among Republicans, very few voters were satisfied with the state of the nation, but more said they were dissatisfied than outright angry.
A «dissatisfied» SBB last week apologized to customers for repeated cancellations and delays affecting the new trains and demanded improvements from Bombardier.
But opposition candidate Odinga, dissatisfied with the election commission’s implementation of reforms, withdrew from the re-run and called for a boycott.
The helmet has a sinister, torturous medieval yet industrial look that Mr. Burton came up with after earlier designs left him dissatisfied.
Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said Smollett paid two brothers $3,500 to fabricate the attack because the actor was dissatisfied with his salary.
In the current presidential campaign, trade has become a point of contention among dissatisfied voters in both the Democratic and Republican camps.
Regardless of the merits of some of these criticisms, many voters are dissatisfied with business as usual and want to see change.
But on Capitol Hill, the agency’s acting director denied that rank-and-file agents at the bureau were dissatisfied with their leadership.
Within months of the 2008 election, people dissatisfied with Republican politics as usual began to organize, and the Tea Party took hold.
Robert Lindsted was an engineering professor at Wichita State in the early 1980s when he grew dissatisfied with his children’s educational options.
It seems that during the Trump presidency, Democrats are not just dissatisfied with Trump, but with the entire direction of American democracy.
How quickly after All Ears did you start to feel dissatisfied with it and start thinking about getting back to something simpler?
In actuality, it’s not that your friends are having more fun than you, it’s that you are dissatisfied with your own life.
His victory shows that residents are still deeply dissatisfied with the way prosecutors handled Brown’s case, and they’re eager to see change.
Many of these dissatisfied voters are extremely likely to vote for one candidate or another, but they are not happy about it.
Around 3 in 73 Democratic voters are dissatisfied in Alabama, a quarter in North Carolina, and around 1 in 7 in Maine.
At their mildest, fans who were dissatisfied with that outcome have held up signs demanding that Sky or Froome quit the race.
It offers a reason for some dissatisfied Trump voters from 2016 to forget about their dissatisfaction and vote Republican again this year.
It was 19613, and baseball was in crisis, with a number of owners dissatisfied with the leadership of Commissioner A.B. «Happy» Chandler.
He’s still part of the national curriculum for French eighth-graders, and the râleur — the dissatisfied, grumpy whiner — remains a national archetype.
«The stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary,» Mr. Johnson, the police superintendent, told reporters in February.
The slow pace of accountability has infuriated Mr. Mattis, who officials say is dissatisfied with the punishments given largely to junior officers.
Nearly three years later, on the eve of Officer Van Dyke’s trial, many Chicagoans said they were dissatisfied with the mayor’s progress.
He estimated that 80 percent of the senators who attended Wednesday’s briefing left dissatisfied with the administration’s explanation about Mr. Khashoggi’s death.
Only watch her in «The Sheltering Sky,» playing a dissatisfied wife who finds her true self in the middle of the desert.
Prime Minister Antti Rinne said he was dissatisfied with local government minister Paatero’s handling and she had decided by herself to resign.
Years worth of scientific research suggests an open floor plan leaves workers stressed, burned out, dissatisfied, and overall worse at their jobs.
Polls of democracies around the world have suggested that most people are dissatisfied with the way democracy is functioning in their countries.
It’s not just the wealthy who fall into the trap of earning more only to spend more and feel just as dissatisfied.
Some statistics feel cherry-picked or just hard to prove — are Gen X women really more dissatisfied with their marriages than boomers?
In response to Tom’s heads-up that Logan just opened another bag of M&Ms, Cahn makes Shiv’s signature dissatisfied squint-pout.
They’re just aging and dissatisfied with what life has given them (which, for most of them, has been plenty, materially at least).
«We’re strongly dissatisfied and oppose Adam Silver’s claim to support Morey’s right to freedom of expression,» the network said in a statement.
Several justices — liberals and conservatives — appeared dissatisfied with the U.S. Justice Department’s arguments in favor of the prosecutions of Kelly and Baroni.
More voters than ever say they are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump’s performance in office, according to new poll by Quinnipiac University.
And I think the President is so dissatisfied with China on these so-called talks, that he is keeping the pressure on.
Nearly nine in 230 of his voters in Florida said they were dissatisfied or angry with the state of the federal government.
As the Democratic primaries unfold, many African Americans are dissatisfied with the undue influence of white, liberal forces on their political leaders.
But when she then took a staff position at a relatively smaller hospital, she became dissatisfied with her new health insurance plan.
Like Grumpy cat before her, Koyuki looks upset, angry, maybe hungry, or absolutely dissatisfied with you, and that’s all part of her charm.
«I played MMORPG [Massively multiplayer online role-playing games] 15 hours per day,» he told me, and was dissatisfied with TeamSpeak and Mumble.
The agency handed the results of the investigation to Buttigieg, but they were not made public, which left many in South Bend dissatisfied.
That survey found that 45 percent of victims who reported their cases to a senior officer or commander were dissatisfied with the response.
» But, he told Cramer, «we’re dissatisfied because not every brand is purely great at RED, and I think we can make some improvements.
Rick Scott visited California in May, hoping to lure away dissatisfied business owners from high-tax California to the low-tax Sunshine State.
Even after the Obama administration announced it would send 3,000 troops to help fight the virus, most Americans were dissatisfied with the response.
In 2001 a Gallup poll found 77 percent of Americans satisfied with opportunities to get ahead by working hard and 22 percent dissatisfied.
Many of us may assume that because Americans are dissatisfied with their current working conditions means they don’t value the jobs they have.
Mary wants to transform herself, wants to change herself from the girl who lacks confidence and is dissatisfied with herself, into something stronger.
The president reportedly grew dissatisfied with McGahn as he became embroiled in the White House drama around Mueller’s investigation into Trump-Russia ties.
Morris has been dissatisfied most of the season after the Suns traded his twin brother Marcus Morris to the Detroit Pistons last summer.
We wanted to hear from these young voters who are dissatisfied with both Trump and Clinton and have decided to vote third party.
Dissatisfied with the new ownership, Grant Brittain, Dave Swift, Atiba Jefferson, and other TWS employees left to start The Skateboard Mag in 2019.
Arduous commutes, on top of long hours at work, are part of why many Americans are dissatisfied with their employment situations, studies show.
These unfortunate souls can’t help it if they look angry, dissatisfied, or just blank when they’re really feeling quite happy or even enthusiastic.
More broadly, 363 percent of voters say they are satisfied with the state of the economy, compared to 37 percent who are dissatisfied.
Those who had described their sex life as «extremely pleasurable» or «extremely satisfying» were at an even greater risk than their dissatisfied peers.
Republicans voting in Mississippi and Michigan said they were broadly angry or dissatisfied with the federal government, according to early exit poll results.
Almost 6 in 10 caucusgoers said they are angry about the way the federal government is working, and another 36% say they’re dissatisfied.
A government tribunal to which candidates can turn if they are dissatisfied with party decisions said they had received 47 complaints by Tuesday.
Only 85033 percent said they were very or somewhat satisfied with the Legislature’s performance; 60 percent said they were somewhat or very dissatisfied.
GREG MOORESydney Abenomics is an apt analogy for much of today’s politics and why voters worldwide are so dissatisfied («Overhyped, underappreciated», July 30th).
During that same time period, the number of dissatisfied Democrats who think immigration levels should be increased has jumped from 10% to 39%.
There remains no shortage of poor, rural youth who have historically built guerrilla ranks – not to mention plenty of dissatisfied former FARC fighters.
Some in the White House were dissatisfied with Kavanaugh’s performance during a Fox News interview on Monday in which he asserted his innocence.
If they’re dissatisfied, maybe you have to suck it up and do it even if you know it’s not going to help you.
The notice arises from complaints from some wealthy, multi-billion dollar corporations dissatisfied with the prices that they are paying to ship products.
Disillusionment is rife, defectors allege, with many of the rank and file deeply dissatisfied with the harsh reality and associated traumas of combat.
«This stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary,» Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said at a press conference.
He advises anyone who is dissatisfied with their professional life to take matters into their own hands and create the change they need.
Its creators were two British brothers, Paul and Oliver Collyer, who, in the late eighties, were dissatisfied with the simulation games that existed.
In time he became dissatisfied with the heaviness of traditional canvas supports, which seemed at cross purposes with the lightness of his color.
But some analysts have expressed worries that the FDA could ban imports from the plants if it remains dissatisfied with the company’s response.
Tesla’s new return policy and order fee will prevent exchanges and make returns more difficult, even if customers are dissatisfied with their vehicles.
Our latest data tells us that just ten percent of respondents are dissatisfied with their ability to obtain necessary medications in normal times.
BLUE JAY They were sweethearts in high school; now they’re dissatisfied adults who run into each other again in their small California hometown.
«This stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary,» Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said at a news conference.
Meanwhile, Iran has still not seen the level of investment it was hoping for post-JCPOA, leaving many Iranians dissatisfied with their government.
«At a time when consumers are highly dissatisfied with their communications companies, this abrupt change in policy troubles us,» Pallone and Doyle wrote.
Beijing responded swiftly and strongly, saying it was «strongly dissatisfied» with a U.S. decision that was based on a «serious distortion» of facts.
Beijing responded swiftly and strongly, saying it was «strongly dissatisfied» with a U.S. decision that was based on a «serious distortion» of facts.
By doing so, you become more aware of what you’re dissatisfied with in your life and how you truly want to change it.
«In the ‘dissatisfied‘ column are a whole bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters who wanted a single-payer plan,» Obama said in the interview.
Just nine percent of Sanders supports would be dissatisfied with Warren and just over 9% dislike Mayor Pete Buttigieg, while 18% dislike Sen.
» White House press secretary Sean Spicer said later that day dissatisfied State officials «should either get with the program or they can go.
An Associated Press–GfK poll from 2016 found that almost 80 percent of Americans are dissatisfied or angry with how government works today.
That could be a lesson for Juicy’s peers who are dissatisfied with how this current crop of rappers show respect to their forefathers.
«I played MMORPG [Massively multiplayer online role-playing games] 15 hours per day,» he told TechCrunch, and was dissatisfied with TeamSpeak and Mumble.
Some experts note that Trump’s outsider image helped him during the primary, when a restive, dissatisfied Republican base was looking for a maverick.
If you are dissatisfied with your work, hit the Cancel or Reset button while still in the Edit mode to undo an adjustment.
But in another controversy, grooms said they were dissatisfied with their accommodations, primarily tents, especially when faced by the fury of the hurricane.
And, he said, a local farmer he thought had come from a rich tradition was in fact a dissatisfied nuclear scientist from Frankfurt.
«We’re seeing more and more people that are very dissatisfied, especially when we’re sitting here like we are, seeing nothing happening,» she said.
«I would ask them to give us another chance,» Resta said of service members who feel dissatisfied with their treatment by the Army.
At the same time, years of sluggish wage growth and fewer opportunities for advancement have made some workers dissatisfied with their current employers.
That prompted a Twitter burst from Trump, who in 2016 demonstrated strong appeal to union workers dissatisfied with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
Sometimes I find I am dissatisfied with looking at art where I feel like there’s only another small percent added to that scenario.
Savings were a real concern: 33 percent said that they did not have any savings and 40 percent were dissatisfied with their savings.
But at home, Irish voters are increasingly dissatisfied with the government’s handling of major domestic issues, housing and health care top among them.
Since 2016, the majority of dissatisfied respondents wanted stricter laws, averaging 16.4 percentage points higher than their counterparts who called for lenient laws.
When survey respondents were asked whether they’re satisfied with current economic conditions, 21625 percent said they’re dissatisfied, up from 2900 percent in May.
The survey also found a generally grim mood among Mexicans, with 85 percent dissatisfied with the way things are going in their country.
It gained another boost in 2013 when toxic PCBs were discovered in several Malibu schools and parents were dissatisfied with the district’s response.
Investigators believe Smollett orchestrated the attack, in part, «because he was dissatisfied with his salary,» Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie T. Johnson said Thursday.
Investigators believe Smollett staged the attack «because he was dissatisfied with his salary,» Johnson said, citing information that the brothers gave to police.
Three-quarters of respondents are managing to save each month but more than half (52%) are dissatisfied with the amount they’re putting aside.
Should one side remain dissatisfied by a ruling, it could unilaterally adopt countervailing measures that would again be subject to an arbitration ruling.
That compared to 12% dissatisfied, because they believed the drug trade was still flourishing and there were too many killings and police abuses.
The anti-corruption drive has been the main factor fuelling the popularity of Babis’s ANO party, whose name means «Action of Dissatisfied Citizens».
Although the movement is clearly slowing down, the people taking to the streets remain mostly dissatisfied, despite Mr. Macron’s attempts to placate them.
Since conservative politicians and policies have stopped delivering peace and prosperity, I think it’s more or less inevitable that voters have become dissatisfied.
In fact, dissatisfied workers are more likely to say they lack opportunities to advance than they are to say they are not well paid.
His parents were dissatisfied with Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in Tampa, Florida, and are looking to move to another oncology program, Minardi said.
For at least a decade, a majority of Americans have been dissatisfied with the country’s largely for-profit health-care system, according to Gallup.
Khalid al-Falih, Saudi Oil Minister, seems dissatisfied with the scale of the Russian cuts, complaining that Russia’s cuts are lower than his expectation.
After my father’s death, I found myself increasingly dissatisfied with a boring newspaper job I was never that committed to in the first place.
A poll released in late January showed that 79% of those surveyed were satisfied with Duterte’s performance, compared to just 9% who were dissatisfied.
Drug manufacturers lay it on thick when it comes to possible side effects so that they can’t be taken to court by dissatisfied customers.
In the spiral of distrust and recrimination, countries that are dissatisfied with the world will be tempted to change it—if necessary by force.
If you’re unhappy in your relationship, you might not appreciate that until you’re about to turn 40 — but turning 40 isn’t why you’re dissatisfied.
The decision comes after many Republicans, including Reince Priebus, the committee chairman, were dissatisfied with CNBC’s handling of the third Republican debate in October.
China added it was «strongly dissatisfied with the overreaction and restrictions», especially as it was trying to bring stranded citizens there home, it said.
The lack of information has left some members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the most active congressional body exploring Russian election influence tactics, dissatisfied.
Yet the two men won significant support from voters who felt betrayed by their parties and were dissatisfied or angry with the federal government.
«Many respondents say that it is the Estonian money laundering case that they are dissatisfied with,» chief executive of Voxmeter Christian Stjer told Reuters.
Much of Deutsche Bank’s fate depends on how it fares in the United States, where regulators have long been dissatisfied with the bank’s operations.
Alsup taught himself piano, but, dissatisfied with the sound, modified the instrument by pressing thumb tacks into the hammers that strike the piano wire.
Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said Beijing is «strongly dissatisfied» with and «resolutely opposed» to any official meetings between the U.S. and Taiwan.
Struggles to unify Inside the convention halls, both candidates had a loud and aggressive minority within their convention who were dissatisfied with the nominee.
An earlier study indicated that parents who talk about controlling weight are more likely to raise high schoolers who are dissatisfied with their bodies.
Changing careers may sound like a dream if you feel bored or dissatisfied with your job, but it’s not something you should take lightly.
For likely Republican primary voters, 88% said they would be satisfied is President Donald Trump were their nominee and 11% reported they’d be dissatisfied.
That’s 166 million Americans who were discouraged from participating, dissatisfied with their choices or simply not interested and not engaged in the electoral process.
It could be that people who are unhappy about their lives are more likely to be dissatisfied with the political system and opt out.
For example, 59% of the respondents in the CBS survey were very dissatisfied with the cost of insurance for the country as a whole.
In other words, gay men are four times as likely to avoid having sex with a partner because they are dissatisfied with their looks.
Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson has mounted a strong third-party bid, appealing to Republican voters dissatisfied with Trump and looking for a protest candidate.
Commenters thanked Majors for shedding light on the retailer’s misleading imagery, calling the choice of models «deceiving» and sharing their equally dissatisfied, «confused» reactions.
If they didn’t, and were successful, it would encourage every dissatisfied state to try the same, and war would increase as American influence plummeted.
The former New York City mayor is seriously considering a White House bid because he is dissatisfied with the current field of presidential candidates.
NBC News reported exit polls showing that 51 percent of Sanders voters in Tuesday’s contests would be dissatisfied if Clinton became the Democrats’ nominee.
The details: Only 25% of those dissatisfied Dems want to decrease current immigration levels — a huge plunge from 50% from just two years ago.
Surveys show that high deductibles are the top complaint; 22017 percent of enrollees told the Kaiser Family Foundation they were dissatisfied with their deductible.
Vendors may fake sales (though probably not often, since cryptomarkets take a cut) or reviews (though dissatisfied real customers would soon catch outright fraudsters).
Forty percent of American workers are dissatisfied with the opportunities for advancement in their company, according to the latest CNBC/SurveyMonkey Workplace Happiness Survey.
Synopsis: Dissatisfied with his adult life, Mike O’Donnell (Matthew Perry) wishes he could get a second chance at being a better husband and father.
«This stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his salary,» Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said at a news conference Thursday.
Reuters reports Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang told a daily news briefing that Beijing is «extremely dissatisfied and resolutely opposed» to the meeting.
And a 653 Vanguard report found just 16 percent of retirees were dissatisfied with their financial situation, compared with 21 percent of pre-retirees.
On Sunday, Beijing said it was «strongly dissatisfied» with the U.S. decision made on Friday to slap hefty penalties on Chinese aluminum foil imports.
Andrea Nahles, head of the Social Democrats (SPD) who also share power with Merkel’s conservative bloc, said she was dissatisfied with the ongoing deadlock.
«We have said before, China is strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed, and has already lodged stern representations with the U.S. side,» he told reporters.
At that point, Edie was dissatisfied with what Andy was doing with her in his films and didn’t like [Factory collaborator] Ron Tavel’s scripts.
A huge and sprawling corruption scandal engulfed Brazilian politics, and that sense of dysfunction has made the population dissatisfied and disillusioned with its leaders.
For those stakeholders and players dissatisfied with the new guidelines, the NHTSA and DOT plan to update the policies annually based on public comments.
If you build your life around it, your ambitions will always race out in front of what you’ve achieved, leaving you anxious and dissatisfied.
He was dissatisfied with his care at home and decided to come to my hospital in Manhattan for treatment, accompanied by his youngest son.
He was known for being perennially dissatisfied with his multimillion-dollar salary, pointing out that it was not in line with Western auto leaders.
But lawmakers from her Conservative Party who favor a cleaner break from the E.U. remain dissatisfied, and they may yet move to oust her.
Instagram offers us images of people with nicer vacations and trendier clothes and more photogenic food, which can make us dissatisfied with our own.
Still, he was dissatisfied, and after saving up a few thousand dollars, he left college after earning an associate’s degree and started nothing,nowhere.
They believed Smollett made a false report and paid the brothers to stage an attack because, they said, he was dissatisfied with his salary.
«There will be those dissatisfied that this page is not throwing its weight behind a single candidate, favoring centrists or progressives,» the board writes.
Still, studies show many people aren’t happy with the outcome of their knee replacement; a 2010 study found almost 20% said they were dissatisfied.
More than half, 22019 percent, of those polled ares dissatisfied with the way Trump is doing his job, compared with 44 percent who approve.
Others voted blue in the previous four elections but are so dissatisfied with the current 2020 Democratic field they could see themselves supporting Trump.
The workers said hypodermic needles have been found in the cars, and they were dissatisfied with how the potentially hazardous material had been handled.
A Pew Research Center poll last month found that 71 percent of adults are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the nation.
But the survey showed that while 57 percent of Russians are satisfied with the direction the country is taking, around 40 percent are dissatisfied.
Majorities of Americans in the new poll said they were either angry or dissatisfied with the way Trump and Congress have handled gun control.
In 2009, when Trump was dissatisfied with Cohen’s performance, he cut his salary from four hundred thousand dollars per year to two hundred thousand.
It likely would receive the approval of overseas populations who are dissatisfied with corruption in their governments and, ultimately, make the U.S. many friends.
May’s critics want Parliament to have the right to send her back to the negotiating table if it is dissatisfied with the agreement. Mrs.
A record number of Americans said they are dissatisfied with the position of women in the workplace, according to a new poll from Gallup.
«I’m dissatisfied at how the Republicans and Democrats are using family, an institution God created, as pawns for their benefit,» Mr. De Jesús said.
In the case of the cheerleader awards, the parent of a cheerleader went to the A.C.L.U. after feeling dissatisfied with the response from administrators.
Several Democrats made clear they were dissatisfied with the current state of the country’s credit reporting, arguing consumers lack control over their own data.
Any cursory look at today’s new will turn up any number of stories about dissatisfied customers or some facet of the industry under threat.
Sculpture, conceptual art, performance — these all demand different things from audiences, while the practitioners who populate the cast find themselves dissatisfied with their craft.
Here in the US, around two-thirds of us are dissatisfied with our workplace and would probably quit if we really had the option.
Away from the cameras, American officials say, Mr. Tillerson remains dissatisfied with Egypt on several areas that cooled the relationship in the past year.
He was an early backer of Trump during the presidential campaign, noting that the Republican billionaire had tapped into a populist sentiment dissatisfied with Washington.
After being dissatisfied with his body most of his life, he was now ready to sculpt himself toward his idea of the perfect male physique.
In 2016, exam questions were reportedly leaked online and authorities were dissatisfied with a less stringent attempt to limit social media during the 2017 exams.
Still, Ocasio-Cortez believes that she is a small part of a growing movement on the left full of people dissatisfied with the Democratic leadership.
He left the staff of The Killing early in the production of season 2, dissatisfied that he had to modulate his voice to fit Sud’s.
Foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said Beijing was «strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed» to the G7 «making thoughtless remarks and gesticulating» about Hong Kong matters.
Dissatisfied with her dead-end-at-18 life, Star (Sasha Lane) seeks an escape route into a new future — or really any future at all.
While millennials, even the dissatisfied ones, still do have a level of trust in the government, they don’t put the future solely in government’s hands.
Majorities of voters across partisan, education, and racial lines say they are dissatisfied with the influence that people like them have on the political process.
Young voters are famously unreliable and even less so in this election year where they seem more dissatisfied with their choices than in prior elections.
«I will never vote for Turnbull,» said Rodgers, an indigenous Australian dissatisfied with the ruling party’s efforts to tackle the social ills afflicting her community.
Dissatisfied users have little legal recourse against payment platforms, says Aaron Wright, a professor at Yeshiva University who specializes in blockchain technology and corporate law.
Sprave started the YouTubers Union Facebook group in March 2018 as a place for dissatisfied creators to gather and organize against YouTube’s new advertising rules.
Routinely eating too few calories and skimping on protein or fiber can leave you feeling hungry and dissatisfied and more likely to reach for treats.
Twitter is working to address its ongoing issues with hate speech, but if you’re dissatisfied with the response thus far, there’s something you can do.
While exit polls didn’t ask about the issue specifically, Trump won definitively among voters who said they were angry or dissatisfied with the federal government.
The issue of universal health care has become an important litmus test for potential candidates seeking to win support from constituents dissatisfied with rising costs.
«Another dissatisfied customer wrote, «I bought this bike because I like to ride to good music and now I’m forced to ride to terrible tunes.
China firmly opposes and is strongly dissatisfied with Japan’s actions, which had hyped up China’s actions and «mixed up right and wrong», the statement said.
If she was dissatisfied, which would be most likely, she would urge voters to support France’s exit, following Britain’s example after its referendum last summer.
Kaine predicted that Clinton will attract many GOP voters who are dissatisfied with their nominee, which will prove to be a solid foundation for bipartisanship.
It would offer a recourse for small businesses which currently have few options if they are dissatisfied with remedies or compensation offered by the banks.
After the November ruling, Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party said it was strongly dissatisfied and called for Beijing to allow Li to return to Taiwan.
I was really dissatisfied with the prosecution focus when, for a lot of the survivors I was working with, that usually wasn’t their first interest.
«When the weather is good, it’s very hard to find a reason to be depressed or melancholic or dissatisfied with the city,» Ms. Tulic said.
But poor governance, endemic corruption and violent factional anarchy, especially in the east, have left many in poverty and dissatisfied with Kabila’s 18-year rule.
A former pollster to President Jimmy Carter who helped the 39th president win over voters dissatisfied with government died Saturday at the age of 68.
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina called Sadler’s remarks a «disgusting thing to say» and said he was dissatisfied with the administration’s response to the controversy.
Indeed, while the Kennedy Institute poll reflects Americans’ dissatisfaction with Congress, it also shows that we have reason to be dissatisfied with the American electorate.
Both Mattis and the White House had recently been dissatisfied with Pentagon briefings and wanted a much higher military profile in the on-camera briefings.
Dissatisfied Trump voters may not immediately turn Democrat; they just may be more likely to stay home, and candidates like Gillespie can’t afford enthusiasm gaps.
Dissatisfied with the establishment The traditional political class, activists argue, has sunk the country into deeper debt, failing infrastructure and a rapidly swelling unemployment rate.
Afrobarometer scores Nigeria in the upper half of those countries with respondents who support democracy, reject authoritarian alternatives, and are dissatisfied with their country’s performance.
Almost eight in 22019 Americans say they’re dissatisfied or angry with the way the federal government is working, according to a new poll released Saturday.
McGurk, however, had long been dissatisfied with the Trump administration’s policy in Syria and what he felt was a lack of strategy, the source said.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer reiterated Pelosi’s invitation and said Trump «shouldn’t tweet» but rather should testify under oath if he’s dissatisfied with the proceedings.
Dissatisfied with the world around them and seeking hope for humanity in that which remains unknown, the sci-fi genre makes us question ourselves most.
With police being dissatisfied and private security teams trying to maintain order, it’s not surprising to see conflicts between them and the public escalate quickly.
«Her testimony focused on a series of personnel and workplace complaints that suggest she is unhappy and dissatisfied in her office,» the Republican memo said.
In 2017, he and a handful of other residents and family members became so dissatisfied that they formed a council to scrutinize the home’s operation.
About one in five were somewhat or very dissatisfied with their income and 25 percent reported a drop in their income in the previous year.
Her first baby had been born in a hospital, and while it was a relatively uncomplicated birth, she felt dissatisfied with the care she received.
No one wants to put in all the effort to move to a different suburb, only to land on the same dissatisfied loop as before.
To decompress he plays badminton with Ed, a «researcher» and loner who is as dissatisfied with his job as he is disillusioned with his country.
The company has asked some customers dissatisfied with the product to sign nondisclosure agreements that prohibit them from publicly saying anything negative about the company.
But sadly, even if the food and the service are great, too often the experience leaves us dissatisfied with the underlying truths of the industry.
What’s more, they lack the unfavorable sentiment seen by Bloomberg and Sanders, with whom about 30% of Klobuchar’s supporters specifically indicated they would be dissatisfied.
Dissatisfied with the unsuccessful premiere in 1805, which coincided with Napoleon’s occupation of Vienna, Beethoven revised «Fidelio» the following year, condensing three acts to two.
She said she had found herself «confused» and «dissatisfied» by what she saw as the department’s failure to help homeowners while shoring up big banks.
The bank’s 2015 merger with CIT Group faced delays because some community groups were dissatisfied with the lender’s CRA performance — a criticism Otting disagreed with.
Lee and Paul eventually backed the resolution, after a briefing from top administration officials about the killing of General Qassem Soleimani left them deeply dissatisfied.
In 2019, 6-year-old Vivian Lord wrote to Jeff Imel, the president of BMC Toys, after being dissatisfied with his Green Army Men figurines.
At the same time, it raises the question that if Obama was so successful, why do so many Americans feel so dissatisfied and left behind?
So, as the U.S. elections play out in 2018, keep in mind that many Americans are dissatisfied with the state of democracy in their country.
Pressure on recruiters is also growing due to the need to replace dissatisfied troops, who are less likely to re-enlist than in the past.
«Despite our seemingly tranquil life, away from Soviet realities, we became more and more despondent and dissatisfied with our senseless existence,» he wrote on WorldTribune.
That state of not knowing exactly what you want but feeling dissatisfied with where you are right now is just a waste of your time.
A country which tried to de-marketise on the scale envisaged by the millennial socialists would, he says, be unstable and dissatisfied in other ways.
Ms. Pelosi on Friday called impeachment «divisive» and suggested that dissatisfied voters should look to remove Mr. Trump in an election, rather than by impeachment.
«The Chinese side is utterly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes the issuance of (the) authority to proceed,» the embassy in Ottawa said in a statement.
A CBS News poll over the summer showed that 70 percent of women aged 18 to 35 were dissatisfied or angry about the Trump presidency.
For clients dissatisfied with the work on their properties, Mr. Morris said Oceanpointe had agreed to indemnify Morris Invest against all lawsuits and investor claims.
This is where he will need to pick a vice presidential candidate like Ohio Governor John Kasich, who can draw political support from dissatisfied Democratic voters.
In a parliamentary multi-party system, Republican voters dissatisfied with Trump as their leader could have formed a new conservative party without guaranteeing a Democratic victory.
A center-left Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, formed from the liberal wing of the failed Democratic Party, is wooing voters dissatisfied with both conservative options.
«So, there really is no research ongoing; we’re kind of flying blind here so far as health and safety are concerned,» Blumenthal concluded, looking rather dissatisfied.
However, when it came to voters who were dissatisfied or angry with the economic system, 27 percent favored Trump’s views, versus 19 percent who favored Clinton.
» The answer clearly dissatisfied her and she continued to press, «If you’ve been in this country for some time, then surely your parents are here legally.
Foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang did not mince words on this point on Wednesday, saying China was «strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed» to the ruling.
Mr. Rice, dissatisfied with visits to the first fortuneteller, who has not been identified or charged, visited Ms. Delmaro’s psychic shop in Times Square in 2013.
But he became increasingly dissatisfied both with Mobutu’s inability to provide basic infrastructure for the growing population and with the aesthetic of the capital city itself.
China on Wednesday said it was «very dissatisfied» with South Korea after the latter’s coast guard fired warning shots at Chinese fishermen in South Korean waters.
In the Washington Post/ABC poll referenced above, 57 percent of respondents declared themselves «dissatisfied» with the choice of Clinton or Trump as their next president.
Behind the scenes: The king seemed dissatisfied with the level of consultation and was pessimistic about the plan’s prospects, two sources in the room told Axios.
The bank had an «independent Customer advocate» to help customers who felt dissatisfied with their treatment or disagreed with the outcome of a complaint, he added.
There’s certainly historical precedent for a nontrivial shift away from the major parties when the public is fed up with politics and dissatisfied with their choices.
He kind of rewarded him with the A.G. job because he was the first senator to endorsed him, now he&aposs very dissatisfied with his performance.
He had declined induction several times, dissatisfied with what he called lurid story lines, over-the-top theatrics and drug and steroid abuse by professional wrestlers.
About 9-in-10 said they were dissatisfied with the federal government, including about 4-in-10 who were angry about the way it was working.
Comey told lawmakers during his testimony that Trump wasn’t telling the truth when he characterized the FBI workforce as deeply dissatisfied with the former director’s leadership.
For instance, research suggests that women whose partners lie about viewing porn are more dissatisfied with their relationships than those whose partners are honest about it.
Using 3D body scans in a retail context could impact sales, as consumers in a dissatisfied state-of-mind may be less inclined to purchase clothing.
Hannity brought up the murder while speculating about leaks of damaging DNC emails that he believes may have come from «dissatisfied, disgruntled» staffers within the group.
But big numbers said they were either angry or dissatisfied with the government, with almost 9 in 63 saying they felt that way in both states.
Laxatives produce only temporary relief and nearly half of patients are dissatisfied with their traditional therapies, Liu and colleagues note in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
With only a few weeks to go until the first round of the presidential election, it seems clear that the French are dissatisfied with European politics.
First of all, the fans will need to be sufficiently dissatisfied, and not content for us to be a bottom-third-of-the-Championship type team.
Nearly three in four Muslims say Trump is «unfriendly» toward members of their faith, and nearly two-thirds are dissatisfied with the direction of the country.
The percentage of Americans dissatisfied with current immigration levels has jumped to 50% after a record low of 34% last year, per a new Gallup poll.
However, the move fulfilled a campaign pledge of Trump to expand private care for veterans who are dissatisfied with the healthcare they receive in VA’s system.
Young contractors spend all day assembling the headlines and summaries that go with the topics, according to the story, and many are dissatisfied with the job.
Some research has shown that in adolescence, girls tend to become more dissatisfied with their bodies, whereas boys tend to become more satisfied with their bodies.
Gary Johnson, the former governor of New Mexico and a Libertarian presidential candidate, is trying to make inroads among Republican voters dissatisfied with their own candidates.
One Psychology Today study from 1997 found a whopping 88 percent of the women and 79 percent of the men polled were dissatisfied with their bodies.
Dissatisfied voters who plan to spurn the two major parties often come around and cast a lesser-of-two-evils vote for one or the other.
SurveyMonkey chief research officer Jon Cohen noted that of all the factors studied in the survey, this was the factor with which workers were most dissatisfied.
Another angle: Immigration has been a delicate issue for the French president, a centrist whose shape-shifting has often dissatisfied French voters across the political spectrum.
In interviews, he said he was tired of boring rehearsals, the punishing discipline and the physical stress of ballet, and dissatisfied with its meager financial rewards.
But people who voted against the junta’s proposals said they were dissatisfied with its management of the economy and were tired of the military taking power.
Six in 10 Republican and GOP-leaning women, 60 percent, say they’d be dissatisfied with Trump as the Republican nominee, compared to 35 percent of men.
Larry Maloney, a founding member of Hacker Dojo, said people were dissatisfied with the quality of the work done by the cleaners before Mr. Brooks volunteered.
The report also suggests that students are becoming dissatisfied with the two-party political system, with 217 in 236 students not identifying with either major party.
The country continues to be plagued by corruption and poverty, and poll after poll shows the vast majority of Ukrainians dissatisfied with life in their country.
In our polling, we ask respondents who they would be satisfied with in the event the candidate became nominee, and who they would be dissatisfied with.
It’s people, I think it’s the people who are dissatisfied with the status quo and are always looking around and trying to figure out what’s new.
Bob Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys), includes all services that have paying customers in the state, it will also benefit dissatisfied customers in many places outside California.
It is crucially important that you and I redo our trilogy fight for the sake of our legacies and the many fans who are left dissatisfied.
Mr. Trump has also grown dissatisfied with the results of another of Mr. Bolton’s top priorities: the campaign to push out President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela.
«Even when the entire society is dissatisfied with the government, the police has no choice» but to maintain order, said Mr. Lam, the police union chairman.
Tellingly, counties where respondents were most dissatisfied with the place where they lived were the counties that swung the most from Mr. Obama to Mr. Trump.
The ensemble includes Keegan-Michael Key as a comrade in arms, Sterling K. Brown as a government agent, and Olivia Munn as a dissatisfied science teacher.
Dissatisfied with the education system at home, huge numbers of parents continue to send their children to study in countries like England and the United States.
This «put out the fire» response results in poor quality, dissatisfied customers/clients, lost customers/clients, and potential litigation, costing the business valuable time and money.
Ms. Lenier, a conservation and resource studies major, said she’d been inspired to create the course after becoming dissatisfied with how environmental issues are typically taught.
While admitting some senators are dissatisfied over «pending issues» and the federative pact, he said the second round vote is still on track for Oct. 10.
In the mid-1980s, I was a bored and dissatisfied British Pakistani teenager living in the gritty, unloved town of Luton, 30 miles north of London.
Dissatisfied with his scoop, he arranged to have the sheet covering her corpse removed so that he could photograph it, so he could see for himself.
But the fact that most Americans remain dissatisfied with Mr. Trump’s conduct abroad still leaves room for an opponent to confront him on trade, experts say.
While it’s easy to return a pair of shoes you bought online, houses are harder to trade in when you realize you’re dissatisfied with the size.
Linton said the team at Canopy Growth, Canada’s largest medical marijuana producer, is «very dissatisfied» but added the company is working hard each day to improve.
The company had just performed the first act of Jimmy López’s «Bel Canto,» in its world première, and the dissatisfied customer was headed for the exit.
«Amazon can analyze those reviews and figure out why customers were dissatisfied with a certain product,» said Cooper Smith, an analyst at research firm Gartner L240.
No matter which garners the most votes, there are fears that significant numbers of people will be dissatisfied with the outcome and many will ultimately leave.
«China is strongly dissatisfied with this and resolutely opposes it, and has already lodged stern representations with the U.S. side,» she told a daily news briefing.
Roughly 67 percent of the American public says it is dissatisfied with the direction the country is going in, according to recent data from Pew Research.
Source: Money Under 30 Dayan calls it an interesting contrast that, while millennials are more dissatisfied with their finances than other generations, they’re also much more optimistic.
All told, 225% say they are satisfied with the massive field of candidates who are in the running for the Democratic nomination, 228% say they are dissatisfied.
If you’re dissatisfied with the upcoming presidential election’s major party candidates, let Jimmy Fallon and The Tonight Show introduce you to one of the write-in options.
Dissatisfied by this state of affairs, he sought answers by probing the non-rivalrous nature of knowledge: the fact that ideas, once created, can be endlessly exploited.
Families of those on board, who were briefed on the report’s findings ahead of its publication on Monday, appeared dissatisfied and said the investigation brought no closure.
When asked your feelings about the federal government this week, 61 percent of New Hampshire Democrats told exit pollsters that they are angry or at least dissatisfied.
She was dissatisfied with the personality and cash in politics, and with the way elected officials were only inclined to engage their constituents ahead of a vote.
Dissatisfied with European and the U.S. responses, Iran breaches more sensitive parts of the deal, such as enriching to 20% or limiting access by international nuclear inspectors.
Roppolo was trying to make a movie out of this footage, but was dissatisfied with the cut that had been given to him by his previous editor.
Seventy-nine percent of adult Filipinos said they were satisfied against 9 percent dissatisfied, resulting in a net satisfaction rating of +70, SWS said in a statement.
Unlike the women, men’s perception of their bodies has stayed stagnant, and they’re still more likely than women to feel dissatisfied with their muscles, or lack thereof.
Someone who knows Dowd very well said that he «won’t take Trump’s s—t» — and would have no hesitation about quitting the team if he was dissatisfied.
Many employees fear that their boss or co-worker will stumble upon their profile and assume they are job hunting because they are dissatisfied with their job.
But for now, it’s hard to say whether 3D body scanning will boost forward-thinking retailers, or if it will create a new group of dissatisfied consumers.
Hill carries Jazz past Nets SALT LAKE CITY — Measuring his most recent game by his own personal standards, George Hill came away feeling dissatisfied with his performance.
The Post reports that Trump is dissatisfied with the chaos in the White House and wants someone with more governing experience to take over the top job.
As a young man, he grew dissatisfied with his military wages and sought to boost his income by writing about his travels as a budding war correspondent.
But a survey in February by Fort Hays State University found that 69 percent of Kansans were dissatisfied with his job performance and 21 percent were satisfied.
But Nicole is dissatisfied: She misses Los Angeles, where she grew up, and she resents having subsumed her own creative life to parenthood and Charlie’s artistic ego.
People such as Kauffman portray direct democracy as a scrappy, passionate enterprise: the underrepresented, the oppressed, and the dissatisfied get together and, strengthened by numbers, force change.
Only 22019 percent of those surveyed said they were «dissatisfied» with having more female members of Congress, while 30 percent said that the number of women vs.
Kaiser Family Foundation polling conducted for this story found that out of 142 people with hospice experience, 9 percent were «dissatisfied» and 89 percent «satisfied» with hospice.
Consider the implications of this: A third of drivers are dissatisfied, yet most continue to renew their policies without taking the time to shop for alternative options.
«This stunt was orchestrated by Smollett because he was dissatisfied with his [‘Empire’] salary,» Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said in February during a blistering news conference.
Dissatisfied with Mr. Zuma’s scandal-ridden presidency and endemic corruption inside the A.N.C., many of the party’s traditional supporters voted for opposition parties, or simply stayed home.
A poll of nearly 700,3.93 workers at its plants earlier this year found that many shift workers in particular were dissatisfied with their influence over working patterns.
A public opinion survey released in May by local non-profit think tank Our Hong Kong Foundation showed 77.7 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with crowded conditions.
That year, many voters dissatisfied with President George Bush flocked to the independent Ross Perot, and neither Mr. Bush nor Bill Clinton came close to a majority.
«Not only do we oppose the decision of the Supreme Court, but the entire nation is dissatisfied,» said Farkhunda’s brother, Mujibullah Malikzada, reached by telephone in Dushanbe.
They sound like a band who hit reality hard when they come off the road, a band who felt dissatisfied when life didn’t look any more improved.
And those who reported feeling more dissatisfied with their bodies were likely to have higher levels of neuroticism in their personalities and more anxious relationship attachment styles.
Image via YouTube Social media can be a vapid, self-serving circle of bullshit that makes us feel continuously dissatisfied with our own seemingly sub-par existence.
Its conference call was no better, as management fielded analyst questions about competition from Wal-Mart, Amazon and others, leaving most of the inquirers dissatisfied, Cramer said.
Often dissatisfied with the tools of his trade, he has developed numerous pieces of his own, like the customized dental drills that help him do precision work.
Duque’s administration has been meeting with representatives of the protesters since, but dissatisfied major unions and students groups will hold a new national strike on March 25.
Yet Mr. Kim seemed dissatisfied with the pace of development, and in his New Year’s speech this year called for «a breakthrough» in «re-energizing» the economy.
For years, I’ve listened to doctors tell me stories of physicians who leave Canada — because they were dissatisfied about working in a single-payer health care system.
It will be easier than ever for voters dissatisfied with the status quo to find each other, organize, and back political outsiders willing to champion their concerns.
The business community, which long defended trade with China despite accusations of theft of intellectual property, has grown more dissatisfied with adverse treatment in the Chinese economy.
» Dissatisfied with the way his film screenplays were produced by others, he vowed: «The next person who ruins one of my scripts is going to be me.
The big picture: 40% of Americans surveyed by Gallup this year said that they were «very dissatisfied» with the nation’s gun laws — up from 21% in 2008.
Public health advocates, however, have been dissatisfied with the administration’s action plan — saying they had expected the administration to unveil actual actions rather than promises on paper.
Authors noted that over the last 25 years, the number of individuals dissatisfied with democratic politics around the world rose from a third to more than half.
If voters are dissatisfied with the status quo, getting them to reelect a party that’s been in power for nearly a decade is not an easy task.
Getting stronger while maintaining may be technically possible, but if you’re already feeling dissatisfied, bulking and cutting has the non-negligible psychological benefit of simplifying your goals.
If UK incumbent banks’ digital offerings falter, there are several prominent, digitally native neobanks that are eager to draw in dissatisfied customers with cutting-edge digital propositions.
North Korea was dissatisfied with Washington’s efforts to negotiate a nuclear deal Saturday in Stockholm, saying officials brought no plans after negotiations have been stalled for months.
However, it also found that the proportion of customers who are dissatisfied (57 percent) remains higher than those satisfied with how their complaint had been dealt with.
The trajectory of the U.S. economy will be a big question in 2016, as presidential candidates jockey for position among voters still dissatisfied with the economic recovery.
And while most respondents identified as Democrats, many were dissatisfied with the party: One in five people in the survey expressed an unfavorable view of the party.
But she also got a taste of the game’s lowest instincts: remarks about her gender, shouts from the stands, and pushback from players dissatisfied with her changes.
As more mid-level engineers find themselves dissatisfied with their work and more tech leaders decide they want to right their wrongs, this movement will only gain momentum.
Now, as then, there is a growing faction within the Republican Party that is dissatisfied with the incumbent president, who they feel took their party away from them.
If those trends continue, a greater share of Americans may find themselves dissatisfied with the system and fearful about how it will treat them if they need it.
PFL shifted focus to the urban middle-classes dissatisfied with Lula’s leftist policies and renamed itself the Democrats in 2007, the same year Maia was elected party president.
Clashes broke out Saturday as demonstrators returned to the streets, dissatisfied with economic concessions announced by the government in a bid to curb a week of deadly violence.
The term ‘paradox of choice’ refers to the notion that having excessive choice — something generally considered to be a good thing — can actually make us unhappy and dissatisfied.
Uber was dissatisfied with its internal self-driving efforts, sources said, and that’s one of the reasons why the company turned to after-market autonomous tech startup Cruise.
It describes a system in which Facebook determines that you are dissatisfied with what it is showing you, and quickly reshuffles the content to tempt you to stay.
Since citizens of many democratic countries have grown particularly dissatisfied with the performance of their governments over the past decades, this tendency is especially pronounced at the moment.
Ted Cruz beat Donald Trump with three key groups Tuesday, according to the exit polls: Republicans, voters dissatisfied with the government and voters looking for someone with experience.
This would feel cliche, were it not for Mulligan’s delicate (and slightly manic) portrayal of a woman on the brink, dissatisfied with herself, her son, and her life.
But the two Catalan blocs ultimately refused to back his budget, because they were dissatisfied with the framework he suggested for talks between separatists and pro-unity politicians.
Eva’s next 22015 episodes then lean into its percolating nihilism; they culminate in a two-part conclusion that left Japanese viewers dissatisfied upon its initial premiere in 22003.
Fifty-five percent of people who earn $100,000 or more are dissatisfied or angry with the economic system, the same percentage as those who earn $30,000 or less.
Trump and Sanders were both successful in captivating people who never before engaged in politics or voted, but many regular voters on both sides were discouraged and dissatisfied.
Careers in the medical field are glamorized as respectable, helpful, and with high income earning potential, yet physicians are some of the most dissatisfied workers in the country.
«I’m extremely dissatisfied with the election result,» she said, noting refugees had overwhelmed local issues in the rural northeastern state that has been her home district since 1990.
Facebook’s CEO also lent support to employees trying to fight fake news today, though reports indicated some employees were dissatisfied by his initially tepid response to the issue.
Fifty-five percent of people who earn $2400,215 or more are dissatisfied or angry with the economic system, the same percentage as those who earn $003,200 or less.
As for the name change, those who had tried to block it said they were resigned on Tuesday, if dissatisfied with the state’s inability to regulate such changes.
More than 417,000 people have asked that Google «forget» them, but the company, working behind closed doors, has approved fewer than half of those requests, leaving critics dissatisfied.
One of the most persistent fantasies in American politics is that there is a plurality of dissatisfied voters just waiting for a centrist, post-partisan, «common sense» savior.
Gen Z patients were also more dissatisfied than boomers about the ability to ask follow-up questions after an appointment and transparency about which tests would be done.
Clinton gets a big bounce in the polls and ultimately wins — might just turn on whether the country is as angry and dissatisfied as the conventional wisdom implies.
«Everyone I know is dissatisfied with the current field of choices,» says an old friend, retired from the State Department and a personal consultant these past 85033 years.
In addition to longer wait times for everyone, «spillover effects» include dissatisfied mental health patients and an assumption of potential violence in the ER, according to these doctors.
Long commutes to and from work, on top of long hours at work, are part of why many Americans are dissatisfied with their employment situations, studies have shown.
But the reformist critique of antitrust policy as currently structured is a lot like that old joke about dissatisfied diners complaining about terrible food coming in tiny portions.
A recent study showed that 60 percent of women in the tech industry report unwanted sexual advances, 60 percent of whom were dissatisfied with the course of action.
And given the hype around Neo and his quest to become «The One,» most were dissatisfied by how the eventual trilogy («Reloaded» and «Revolutions» were shot together) continued.
Public anger over rampant graft in the country is a major reason many Afghans are dissatisfied with the Western-supported government and have turned toward the Taliban insurgents.
McGarry said another option for shareholders if they were still dissatisfied with Akzo management after the April 19 strategy announcement would be to summon an extraordinary general meeting.
About two weeks ago, talks between the U.S.G.A. and the Shinnecock appeared to have broken down with several tribal members dissatisfied by the terms of a potential deal.
If leaning independents are former partisans who have become dissatisfied with politics, then winning their votes means appealing to partisan interests without engaging in an endless partisan war.

How many dissatisfied nobles, hungry for power, do you think will step into the vacuum?

context icon

Как много недовольных дворян, жаждущих власти, Вы думаете, шагнет в пустоту?

The Italians comprise the largest percentage of dissatisfied customers and travelers.


context icon

Самый большой процент недовольных покупателей и путешественников- у итальянцев.


Dissatisfied litigants can appeal against the High Court’s

decision to the Court of Appeal.


context icon

решение Высокого суда в Апелляционном суде.


Dissatisfied with this answer, the two decide to hold a hunger strike.

Patients dissatisfied with the quality of the restorations of front teeth.

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But still there are programmers dissatisfied with that thinking.


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You talked to me so many times about feeling dissatisfied in your work.

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O dissatisfied beings, I have given you life and the right to choose for yourselves.


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О недовольные создания, я подарила вам жизнь и право решать за себя.


Some of the workers were dissatisfied, they shouted and argued.


context icon

Некоторые рабочие были недовольны, спорили и кричали.


Dissatisfied secretly gathered to discuss how to discourage collectivization.

context icon

Недовольные тайно собирались, чтобы обсудить, как препятствовать коллективизации.

No one seemed dissatisfied in the office, but the things they were saying about me.

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Никто не выглядел недовольным в офисе, но то, что они обо мне говорили.

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С какой стати мне быть недовольным? Франк, я никогда не был недоволен?

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Недовольные комментарии же были оставлены борцами с шершнями.


These dissatisfied people all feel they deserved something better.

Meanwhile, landowners, as

well as other Bougainvilleans, were extremely dissatisfied with the prevailing situation.


context icon

Между тем землевладельцы,

а также другие жители Бугенвиля были чрезвычайно недовольны сложившейся ситуацией.


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Dissatisfied Crimean residents also faced government pressure.

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Давлению властей подверглись также недовольные среди крымчан.

The Greek Cypriot side was dissatisfied with my bridging proposals and made this clear publicly.


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Кипрско- греческая сторона была не удовлетворена моими компромиссными предложениями.


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context icon

Ты когда-нибудь был недоволен моей работой? Недоволен?

Of course these intruders, had been his dissatisfied clients and the night was still young.

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Естественно, эти головорезы были его недовольными клиентами. И вся ночь еще была впереди.

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This impressive soft bear

can be presented even to the most dissatisfied critic.


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Этого импозантного мягкого медведя можно подарить даже самому недовольному критику.


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Drooping mouth corners tend to give your face a sad and dissatisfied expression.


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Повисшие углы рта придают лицу печальное и недовольное выражение.


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Time: 0.041





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