Sentence with word discipline

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This actually boils down to one word — DISCIPLINE.

Эта мысль реализована одним словом — дисциплина.

If there is a magic word that stands out above the rest, this is the one: DISCIPLINE.

Если существует одно волшебное слово, которое выделяется среди остальных, то это слово дисциплина.

One thing I lack is DISCIPLINE.

Единственное, чего нам не хватало — это дисциплины.

DISCIPLINE as readiness to follow definite restrictions for common good.

ДИСЦИПЛИНА, как готовность подчинить себя определенным ограничениям ради общего дела.

DISCIPLINE — We protect the Foundations resources by always thinking and acting like owners.

Дисциплина — мы оберегаем ресурсы нашей компании, думая и действуя как рачительный хозяин.

In general, it is noted that the growth of the general material well-being in the society, the increase of the general cultural level of the population contribute to the growth of the tax DISCIPLINE.

В целом отмечается, что рост общего материального благосостояния в обществе, повышение общего культурного уровня населения способствуют росту налоговой ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ.

To release the tension I went to the chalk board and wrote in big letters «STRENGTH THROUGH DISCIPLINE

Чтобы разрядить напряжение, я подошел к доске и написал крупными буквами «СИЛА В ДИСЦИПЛИНЕ«.


Некоторые из нас приехали сюда за дисциплиной, некоторые — чтобы сбежать от обыденности.

Probe Noscitis Venerabiles: ENCYCLICAL ON THE DISCIPLINE FOR CLERGY May 17, 1852.

РгоЬё Noscitis Venerabiles О дисциплине клириков 17 мая 1852 года

But the most important word here is DISCIPLINE.

Ключевое слово здесь является дисциплина.

He then came up with DISCIPLINE.


Discipline means remembering what you want.

Дисциплина заключается в том, чтобы всегда помнить, чего ты хочешь.

There is only one sort of discipline — PERFECT DISCIPLINE.

Discipline, discipline and more discipline.

They are based on two types of discipline — authoritative discipline and discipline of indirect regulation.

Discipline does not come out of nowhere, and ironically it takes discipline to build discipline.

Дисциплина не возникает «из ниоткуда», и по иронии судьбы её развитие тоже требует дисциплины.

On the contrary, iron discipline does not preclude but presupposes conscious and voluntary submission, for only conscious discipline can be truly iron discipline.

Железная дисциплина не исключает, а предполагает сознательность и добровольность подчинения, ибо только сознательная дисциплина может быть действительно железной дисциплиной.

She is the discipline leader of development of the provincial key discipline and of provincial excellent courses.

Она является лидером дисциплина развития провинциальной ключевой дисциплины и провинциальных превосходных полей для гольфа.

For example, it is not just discipline, though discipline is important.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат DISCIPLINE

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Discipline is action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance (or to achieve accord) with a system of governance. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

That refusal, along with the discipline of celibacy and poverty, is institutionalized in monasticism.


A concentration represents a focus on material within the business discipline which allows you to specialize in an area of your choice.


If the Obama Administration’s 2014 «Dear Colleague» letter on school discipline had been just another one of the zillion «guidance» documents sent by federal agencies to school systems every year, it would not deserve much concern.


A lack of responsive education, harsh discipline policies, discriminatory special education placements, criminalization of students inside and outside of school through policing in schools, racial profiling, and «Stop and Frisk,» that lead to school push-out and eventual incarceration (the «School-to-Prison Pipeline»).


By bringing together experts in many different disciplines, he said the International Conference on Rebooting Computing aims to nurture new ideas and spur this revolution.


I also agree that Ashtanga has to do a lot with discipline.


A pathway that brings greater focus and discipline to all levels of the firm and greater resolve to see that key business goals are attained with minimal need for management intervention.


Once again his discipline let him down, and with his latest biting scandal; it is very difficult for the Premier League club to defend their man over his latest actions.


She was of the opinion that spanking is the appropriate way to discipline young children.


Across all the science and engineering disciplines, the majority of those with jobs lined up were staying in R&D.


Guest post by Rory Flinn, PhD There are many career paths for PhDs that don’t require a postdoc, including some faculty positions in certain disciplines.


We seek opportunities where our core competences: organizational transformation, operating discipline, and management of government, labor, or other complex constituencies make us a natural partner for a strong management team in a business with a defensible niche.


Voters may still expect fiscal discipline, even with gimmicks that Bloomberg and Giuliani used.


I have a lot of academic freedom and few discipline problems, and my husband and I are saving for our retirement.


Charisma and charm are no substitute for discipline and restraint when you’re running a business.


Alongside that, what schools can do is provide experiences across a range of disciplines, promoting understanding and acceptance of the capabilities of others.


Rankings such as novice, apprentice, and journeyman are used, as well as indicators of level of student achievement that start with universal level and work up to discipline level.


A great leader thinks about the company’s overall culture and — while understanding that people are flawed and mistakes will be made — responds to bad behaviour with the appropriate level of discipline.


All the disciplines are tied together in complementary ways.


To be sure, accomplishing yoga poses such as these — along with many, many more extreme ones — can show determination and discipline.


6 Rules to Live By When You Discipline Your Child Anyone can tell you that discipline is a messy business.


«We are thrilled to have such an array of industry thought-leaders representing such a diverse range of disciplines and expertise as the inaugural members of the Glass Lewis Research Advisory Council,» said Katherine Rabin, Chief Executive Officer of Glass Lewis.


Most investment research publishers focus on arriving at a target price or fair value estimate, but fall short of providing a technical or momentum assessment to bolster buy and sell disciplines.


If the legislature does not agree to this, their proposal is to keep more of the sales tax for the county to try and pay for the jail and other areas where they have shown 0 fiscal discipline.


The most impressive part, though, has been his discipline.


Take any major science discipline, and they all contradict any of the major religions (and minor ones too).


Emily received her M.A. in Food Studies where she spent time studying food through various disciplines, including business, culture, history, sustainable agriculture, and the journey food takes from production to consumption.


For content, there are five types of motorsport disciplines to the 29 series available such as the Renault UK Clio Cup, RX Lites Regional, Lambo Super Trofeo and Formula A with a total of over 180 cars at your disposal which is insane.


High quality writing requires daily discipline.


The Adrian Peterson story has ignited a debate about corporal punishment in our country — particularly around whether it’s ok to use the same methods of physical discipline some of our parents used on us.


A town receptionist who was suspended for 30 days in February for violating the town ethics policy avoided additional discipline recently when Town Supervisor Kevin Tollisen, whose wife is a close friend of the employee’s, intervened after she was cited for insubordination, according to two people familiar with the matter.


«The CIOB is a community of professionals working across the built environment not bound by geography or discipline, and that gives us a uniqueness that I am proud of and truly reflects the diversity this industry supports.


«The refusal to regard the dispersion of the Jews as a divinely decreed expiation or a form of divine discipline»; and 3.


Unfortunately, this theory wouldn’t work with discipline or education, and it doesn’t work well with nutrition either.


And while the players have faltered on the pitch, the club’s hierarchy also became concerned about a lack of discipline in the camp.


The problem is that many of these actions are also big attention grabbers, so be careful as you discipline.


The Groningen Biomolecular Science and Biotechnology Institute originates from intensive collaboration between research groups with roots in the disciplines Biology and Chemistry.


Edwards feels that mental discipline is far more important than wearing down the body or «training like a robot.»


The spiritual disciplines are about tuning in to God’s heart and refining our focus so that our hearts match His already established will and nature.


This system also provides a set of competencies for professional development in the infant, early childhood and family field across disciplines.


Basque Culinary World Prize, will join the abovementioned group, in addition to leading experts from other disciplines, such as Ruth Reichl, culinary editor and former restaurant critic for the The New York Times.


NSF is uniquely positioned to foster BRAIN Initiative research by bringing together a wide range of scientific and engineering disciplines from national and international communities.


It makes it very hard to deal with discipline issues at playtime as you have no idea who the children are or even which class they are in.


For me, Nelson looks like he could and should be a top-top player as Wenger would say but he needs a manager who knows how to develop young talent and instill some discipline.


«There’s got to be some discipline within the convention.


Erie County Comptroller Stefan I. Mychajliw said: «I am proud to have worked with the administration to turn Erie County into a model of fiscal discipline.


He follows different methods, so we won’t always agree, but he is very strict about his discipline, as we are.


Singapore About Blog Singapore MMA is here to highlight the benefits of training MMA and giving you the lowdown on gyms and disciplines, so you can find the best fit for you!


For example, there may be an assistant principal who oversees all student discipline either for the entire school or for a particular grade depending on the size of the school.


Which of the scholarly disciplines «owns» leadership?


дисциплина, дисциплинированность, дисциплинировать, наказывать


- дисциплина, порядок

school [military] discipline — школьная [воинская] дисциплина
iron discipline — железная дисциплина
to keep children under discipline — держать детей в руках
to enforce discipline — вводить жёсткую дисциплину
to keep /to maintain/ discipline — поддерживать дисциплину
to destroy /to undermine/ the discipline of the troops — подрывать дисциплину в войсках; деморализовать войска
discipline in space should be steel hard — дисциплина в космосе должна быть железной

- дисциплинированность, дисциплина

noted for his discipline — известный своим послушанием
to have a reputation for discipline — иметь репутацию дисциплинированного человека

- обучение, тренировка

intellectual discipline — тренировка ума

- воен. редк. муштровка, муштра
- отрасль знаний, дисциплина; дело
- наказание

discipline with the rod — наказание розгами

- церк. епитимья; умерщвление плоти
- бич, кнут
- церк. благочиние


- обучать, тренировать

to be disciplined by suffering /by adversity/ — пройти суровую школу жизни

- воен. муштровать
- дисциплинировать; устанавливать строгую дисциплину
- наказывать; пороть, сечь
- воен. подвергать дисциплинарному взысканию
- церк. бичевать; умерщвлять плоть; налагать епитимью

Мои примеры


firm / harsh / iron / severe / stern / strict discipline — строгая дисциплина  
lax / loose / slack discipline — слабая дисциплина  
violation of discipline — нарушение порядка  
military discipline — военная дисциплина  
cast-iron discipline — железная дисциплина  
to establish discipline — установить порядок  
to maintain / keep discipline — поддерживать порядок  
to undermine / violate discipline — нарушать порядок  
hard discipline — суровая дисциплина  
enforce discipline — обеспечивать соблюдение дисциплины; вводить жёсткую дисциплину  

Примеры с переводом

I’m trying to discipline myself to eat less.

Я пытаюсь приучить себя меньше есть.

She disciplined herself to exercise every day.

Она приучила себя каждый день делать зарядку.

Parents must discipline their children.

Родители должны заниматься воспитанием своих детей.

He can’t accustom himself to strict discipline.

Он не может приучить себя к строгой дисциплине.

She was disciplined for misbehaving in class.

Она была наказана за плохое поведение на уроке / занятии.

No part of early education is more important than the discipline of the imagination.

Нет ничего более важного в раннем образовании, чем тренировка воображения.

They were forced to submit to military discipline.

Они были вынуждены покориться военной дисциплине.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They were skilled, but wanting in discipline.

He seems unwilling or unable to discipline his children.

The troops were praised for their dedication and discipline.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): discipline
мн. ч.(plural): disciplines

Soldiers must obey their officers because an army is of no use without discipline.

We should discipline ourselves and discharge our duties.

There is no life without discipline.

We need discipline in many ways at many stages of our life.

Why is discipline necessary?

Discipline is the most important thing in everyone’s life.

Discipline enables a nation to march on the road of progress and prosperity.

Life without discipline is no life.

Lack of consistency is poor discipline.

Everyone has to remain in discipline on the road.

Discipline is the be-all and end of life.

It is good to practice discipline from the childhood.

Nature follows strict discipline.

No office can run without discipline.

Discipline plays an important role in every sphere of our life.

I like discipline and perfection.

Discipline is a very important part of life.

There can be no national unity without discipline.

No department or factory can run without discipline.

Discipline is very important in our daily life.

He loves discipline.

The teacher urged the students to maintain discipline.

Discipline seems to be at a low ebb these days.

Discipline is too important to be ignored.

We must maintain discipline.

Discipline is the essence of a successful personality.

There is no discipline in this class.

We should abide by the discipline of our school.

Discipline is necessary in our homes.

A child needs discipline.

The word discipline comes from the word ‘disciple’.

You are liable to punishment for not keeping discipline.

Our teacher brought home to us the importance of discipline.

He is not amenable to any kind of discipline.

Life without discipline is no life.

The most desirable quality in armed forces is that of discipline.

We need discipline in the playground.

We should discipline ourselves and discharge our duties.

As a player, we need discipline in the playground.

Self-imposed discipline is better than forced one.

Many people have the wrong idea of discipline.

He keeps strict discipline in the class.

Our institutions should produce men of character and discipline.

He keeps the class in perfect discipline.

He keeps discipline in the school.

He is a man of discipline.

We should learn the value of hard work and discipline.

I know the value of discipline.

Lack of discipline is the root cause of the rising crime graph in the country.

The discipline in this school is very lax.

Life imposes a discipline on all things.

He looks after the discipline of the school.

People can progress only through discipline and hard work.

If you want to succeed you should know the value of discipline.

There should be discipline in the college.

Why the army insists so much on discipline ?

You must discipline yourself and value punctuality in your work.

If there is no discipline in life, there is anarchy.

People should believe in discipline and devotion to duty.

Self-discipline strengthens the will.

He can maintain proper discipline in the college.

You must discipline yourself to exercise every day.

The word discipline comes from the word ‘disciple’.

You need to carefully plan your life with a bit of discipline and awareness.

The best discipline is self-discipline.

We should discipline ourselves, and discharge our duties.

There is no discipline in this class.

We should so discipline ourselves as to be able to discharge our new responsibilities satisfactorily.

Freedom without discipline leads to chaos.

Why the army insists so much on discipline ?

Games teach us a sense of discipline and duty.

Life imposes a drastic discipline on all things.

The headmaster looks after the discipline of the school.

He advised us to lead a life of discipline and hard work.

People should believe in discipline and devotion to duty.

If there is no discipline in life, there is anarchy.

You should discipline yourself.

Lack of discipline is the root cause of the rising crime graph in the country.

The fall in discipline results in the fall of academic standards.

There is discipline even in nature.

He keeps strict discipline in the class.

Parents should infuse discipline in the life of their children.

The value of discipline in the daily life of an individual is obvious.

One should observe discipline even in small things of life.

The habit of discipline always makes us happy.

We have been observing discipline since birth.

You must impose discipline on yourself first.

Military discipline is literally rigid.

All great men became popular due to discipline in their life.

Discipline is very necessary to all to live a successful and happy life.

Discipline in life is very important for each one of us.

Discipline is a value to be inculcated in childhood.

Self-discipline is an important aspect of everyone’s life.

Discipline is one of the most important qualities in a person.

Discipline keeps a great importance in the life of a human being.

Self Discipline is helpful in leading a healthy and wealthy life.

Self-discipline helps in inculcating healthy eating habits.

Discipline is highly valuable in our every walk of life.

Discipline Discipline is one of the most attractive qualities in a person.

Discipline is the most important thing in everyone’s life.

Discipline is the right way of doing things in well behaved manner.

Discipline is something which keeps everyone under good control.

Discipline helps to achieve success in life .

Without discipline life becomes inactive and useless as nothing goes according to the plan.

He always professed the importance of self discipline in life.

He loves discipline and wants to be followed by everyone.

If you do not discipline yourself in your studies and distract yourself, then you’re not likely to fare well in your exams.

Discipline is very much important in life of a human being.

Discipline plays a vital role in the life of every human being.

In all aspects of life self- discipline is required.

It is easy to develop discipline if we draw up a time-table for ourselves and work accordingly.

Life without discipline is incomplete and unsuccessful.

Discipline is an important part and parcel of our life since it is required at any age of life.

Our class teacher teaches us to maintain discipline of the school and keeps the school compound clean and tidy.

Our daily lives would become unorganized and mismanaged if we do not follow and practice discipline in life.

Discipline is a value that we must develop in childhood.

Discipline is an important value we must develop in ourselves.

Discipline is required in every walk of life.

Sports loving people do regular practice of the sports with proper discipline on daily basis.

The discipline is maintained at every level.

These days, discipline among students is decreasing and it is a very problematic situation which needs to be solved.

We all follow various types of discipline in our daily lives.

We all should have to inculcate discipline in our life.

We need to maintain a discipline in our daily routine .

We should value the importance of discipline in our daily lives.

Why is Discipline Important!

Working with discipline makes you do the activity most suited to the hour.

Synonyms Of Discipline – Another Words

Control, Development, Education, Method, Practice, Preparation, Regulation, Restraint, Self-Control, Self-Restraint, Will, Conduct, Cultivation, Curb, Domestication, Drill, Drilling, Exercise, Inculcation, Indoctrination, Limitation, Orderliness, Self-Command, Self-Government, Strictness, Subordination, Willpower

Antonyms Of Discipline – Opposite Words

Agitation, Ignorance, Award, Chaos, Confusion, Disorder, Disorganization, Neglect, Negligence

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