Sentence with word development

Antonym: decay, decline. Similar words: developmental, develop, developer, developing, developing countries, envelope, equipment, commencement. Meaning: [-mənt]  n. 1. act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining 2. a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage) 3. a recent event that has some relevance for the present situation 4. the act of making some area of land or water more profitable or productive or useful 5. a district that has been developed to serve some purpose 6. a state in which things are improving; the result of developing (as in the early part of a game of chess) 7. (biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level 8. processing a photosensitive material in order to make an image visible 9. (music) the section of a composition or movement (especially in sonata form) where the major musical themes are developed and elaborated. 

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1. The town has been designated a development area.

2. Development has affected vast swathes of our countryside.

3. A vast tract of land is ready for development.

4. the development of written language.

5. That sale precludes further development on this site.

6. We welcome this development very much.

7. The development of this industry will take several years.

8. All our profits are re-invested in research and development.

9. They bought a 40-acre tract of land for development.

10. Shortage of labour power retarded our economic development.

11. The doctor observes the development of the child.

12. The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.

13. Education is central to a country’s economic development.

14. The children are at different stages of development.

15. This is a worrying development for small businesses.

16. She sits on/is on the school’s development committee.

17. They announced the initiation of a rural development programme.

18. Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam.

19. Later centuries saw the development of a complex transport system.

20. I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.

21. He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.

22. Road development in the area has been severely affected by the conservation programmes of the council.

23. The tribe’s development was more primitive than that of their neighbours.

24. The spokeswoman said that Nimby attitudes were delaying development of the site.

25. The two universities are to cooperate in the development of a new industrial process.

26. Between the eighth week of development and birth a human embryo is called a foetus.

27. It’s a logical site for a new supermarket,[] with the housing development nearby.

28. Let black and white as brothers, South Africa to the prosperity and development.

29. This would seem to be an opportune moment for reviving our development plan.

30. Jaron Lanier coined the term «virtual reality» and pioneered its early development.

More similar words: developmental, develop, developer, developing, developing countries, envelope, equipment, commencement, amendment, level, entertainment, sentiment, all levels, revelation, event, seventh, eventually, in any event, comment, moment, mentor, even though, prevention, element, mentally, ailment, mention, segment, payment, in the event of. 

The Development is a book of interrelated short stories by American writer John Barth, published in 2008. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The world of Smartphones also witnessed some unprecedented developments that have changed the way we use our phones.


Ms. Taylor is currently a Director of two separate real estate companies in Papua New Guinea and previously served as the General Manager of Nokondi Investments, the property development business arm of the Eastern Highlands Provincial Government.


It seems that recently an old farm that abutted the river was privately sold to a developer who plans to turn it into a housing development for Boston commuters.


Part of the ICO is also aimed to open new avenues for the firm, financing development of a network for low-cost real-time payments and, later, a platform for decentralized identity, storage and moreIt’s so far unclear if the $ 850 million represents the token pre-sale, but that would appear likely.


The City of Seattle has been averaging fewer than 750 new townhome units per year sold across dozens of neighborhoods, scores of developments and throughout the entire city.


it his «most difficult, bruising development project.»


Rebecca Teasdale, leadership development expert and cofounder of the coaching firm Trispective Group and co-author of The Loyalist Team: How Trust, Candor, and Authenticity Create Great Organizations, shares a similar cautionary tale.


While user personas can be a tedious task, it’s critical to the future of your sales and marketing, as well as your product development.


With the development of the platform more options for ABYSS tokens users will be added.


Save Your Spin for Someone Who Cares — How should you best use your PR with VCs or business development partners?


Sometimes Forrec draws inspiration from the client’s brand, or the history or culture of where the development is situated.


Xperi Corporation (NASDAQ-NMS: XPER)(«Xperi» or «the Company»), is pleased to announce the commercial availability of the DTS Connected Radio API by its wholly owned subsidiary, DTS, a global leader in high-definition audio solutions, in its development of DTS ® Connected Radio ™ technology.


The desire to go downstream was behind the company’s move in the development phase at Mt Marion to secure an option to take at least 12.37 % of spodumene concentrates or about 50,000 tonnes per annum from 2020.


The University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School and Fortune are partnering to offer new executive development certificates and courses for leaders to develop their business expertise using the flexibility of virtual interactive learning.


*** Talga Resources (ASX: TLG) has a strong position in the development of graphene/graphite projects in northern Sweden.


It is disappointing that the platform is silent on other important areas that should be ripe for digital innovation — health, education, social safety net, skills development — all areas that should have been considered by a provincial party, especially a provincial New Democratic Party.


Positive developments can include a consolidating industry, a new product to be launched, a major cost reduction program, the end to a major capital expenditure program, reversal of a bad inventory decision, positive management changes, a technological change which will drive sales, or corporate activity.


As a leading manufacturer of solar photovoltaic modules and a provider of solar energy solutions, Canadian Solar has a geographically diversified pipeline of utility-scale power projects in various stages of development.


Thabex enters into a Joint Venture Agreement with Diamex JV (Pty) Ltd to provide consulting, exploration and mine development services in the Sub-Sahara region.


I always advise clients to involve the local (ie non-Canadian) economic development orgs if they are establishing any presence abroad.


The agency singled out the fact that U.S. oil production actually declined in June from a month earlier, an unexpected development.


After five years of development, both hearts had issues: While the AEC heart remained clunky and inefficient, the NHI heart was riddled with technological bugs from overheating to letting blood clot up the pump.


Professional relationship building and account development experience is required.


Micro Focus has provided extensive functionality to provide a Visual Studio development environment for COBOL applications.


Clearly lays out the protocols of who (marketing, sales development, sales) does what (connect, email, call, voice mail) when and how often.


With her guidance, we are holding ourselves accountable to ensure we remain passionate about our purpose to grow CMIT Solutions through new franchise development nationally, as well as new client acquisition and customer retention locally.


We guide you in organisational development and complex «soft» change, for example when you want to enhance your:


In 2001, Tony established the first buyer insight and buyer persona development methodology designed specifically for B2B Marketing and Sales.


With the XRP market cap hovering around $ 34 billion (not counting the 55 billion XRP reserve maintained by Ripple Labs), the security scrutiny is understandable, especially given the centralization of its issuance and development.


Analysis of project governance methods and legal developments of public decentralized software as a financial infrastructure


These may be separate developments but they are part of the same ominous story.


I joined Franklin Templeton because the company had just started its operation in Poland and I would be a part of it from the beginning, participating in its development and growth.


Ms. Preston, director of supplier diversity development for the automaker, was recognized — in part — for achieving a record-breaking spend of $ 6.5 billion with certified minority business enterprises (MBEs) in 2013 — a 13.8 % year-over-year improvement.


The future of trade in the Maritimes and Canada is going to change — NAFTA re-negotiation, new opportunities with CETA/TPP and recent developments pointing to a trade war between the US and China will all have an economic impact on Canadian export and import markets.


«They are trying to deal with that, and both these developments speak to that.»


Chris currently serves as a member of the Executive Committee and is the Finance Subcommittee Chair of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (the state’s economic development organization), and chairs the Executive Committee of the high tech accelerator TechTown and the Investment Committee of the innovative First Step Fund.


Later, when interviewed in a 2006 article in the New York Times Sunday magazine about current religious thinking on artificial contraception, Mohler elaborated: «I can not imagine any development in human history, after the Fall, that has had a greater impact on human beings than the Pill….


In a similar vein, 65 percent of millennials in emerging markets believe their development needs aren’t being met by employers.


Consequently, all the forward-looking statements made in this prospectus are qualified by these cautionary statements, and there can be no assurance that the actual results or developments the Sponsor anticipates will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will result in the expected consequences to, or have the expected effects on, the Trust’s operations or the value of the Shares.


• This was a 2 year contract assignment with a mid sized bank, with the specific task of setting up a Marketing and Business development structure for the bank.


• KKR and FS Investments agreed to form a business development company platform.


Our company combines technological know-how, passion and commercial vision of the development of the industry.


The 2010 Energy Security Conference focused on the theme «Pipeline Politics in Asia: The Intersection of Demand, Energy Markets, and Supply Routes» and explored the implications of pipeline developments in Northeast Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.


North Korea launched a ferry service to the Russian city of Vladivostok on Wednesday to develop links and boost economic cooperation, the North’s state media said, as it faces increasing isolation over its weapons development.


In an opinion article, published by Chinese business news site Yicai on Friday, Yao summarized the current state of development of bitcoin and blockchain technology and offered his view on how the future of the tech should play out.


The most notable new development is Mohammed bin Rashid City, a mega-project near the heart of the city.


Ironpaper is a COS design and web development agency and Inbound Marketing partner.


Our women’s training, career development and mentoring programs are designed to create a sense of community.


And if He’s called you to all of it, then put in the necessary development time to learn all three languages, and be glad it’s only that, and not chasing sheep through the deserts of Midian until you’re 80, like Moses did for his preparation.


They said «Recent development suggest that…


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Sustainable development needs huge amounts of investment in scientific research, technological development, education and training, infrastructure development and the transfer of technology.

Устойчивое развитие нуждается в огромных инвестициях в научные исследования, развитие технологии, образование и обучение, развитие инфраструктуры и передачу технологии.

Cultural industries development (recording, book publishing and crafts development).

Развитие отраслей культурной индустрии (звуко- и видеозапись, книгопечатание и развитие художественного промысла).

Efforts towards improved coherence and coordination between infrastructure development and capacity development are required and strongly supported.

Необходимо предпринять шаги с целью улучшения согласованности и координации усилий по созданию инфраструктуры и развитию потенциала и оказать существенную поддержку в этом деле.

Broad participation has been essential for achieving progress in policy development and implementation of sustainable development.

Широкое участие всех партнеров имеет весьма важное значение для достижения прогресса в разработке политики в области устойчивого развития и ее осуществления.

Research interests include development finance, agricultural development and input-output analysis.

Научные интересы: финансирование развития, сельскохозяйственное развитие и анализ по схеме межотраслевого баланса.

Hand-over to local authorities and/or international development agencies of initiatives and activities related to long-term development.

Передача местным властям и/или учреждениям, занимающимися вопросами международного развития, функций по реализации инициатив и мероприятий, связанных с долгосрочным развитием.

The development of a comprehensive career development system emphasizing training and mobility was particularly important.

Особенно важное значение имеет создание всеобъемлющей системы развития карьеры, ставящей во главу угла повышение квалификации и мобильности персонала.

The financing needed for development are many times greater than current official development assistance.

Объем средств, необходимый для развития, во много раз превышает выделяемую в настоящее время официальную помощь развитию.

The development partners should play an important role in supporting transit transport development programmes.

Партнеры по развитию должны играть важную роль в оказании им поддержки в реализации программ развития транзитных перевозок.

However, population growth, poverty, inadequate infrastructure development and primitive industrial development posed daunting challenges.

Вместе с тем огромные проблемы возникают в связи с ростом населения, нищетой, недостаточным развитием инфраструктуры и низким уровнем промышленного развития.

Support technical cooperation for comprehensive community development along with infrastructure development.

Поддержка технического сотрудничества в целях обеспечения общинного развития на комплексной основе наряду с развитием инфраструктуры.

Belize recognizes that youth development is critical to overall national development.

Белиз признает, что развитие молодежи имеет критически разное значение для общего развития.

It aims to promote human development in harmony with socio-economic development.

Деятельность организации направлена на создание благоприятных условий для развития человека в сочетании с социально-экономическим развитием.

Innovative development so that development potential can be fully released.

Мы должны способствовать инновационному развитию, чтобы в полной мере раскрыть потенциал развития.

Sustainable development is also increasingly incorporated in public budgets and development cooperation.

Кроме того, цели устойчивого развития всё чаще учитываются в государственных бюджетах и в программах сотрудничества в сфере развития.

Many hold the opinion that front-end development is not development at all.

А многие придерживаются мнения о том, что разработка на фронте не является разработкой вообще.

Keywords: development, management development, construction companies, conceptual approach, indicators of development.

Ключевые слова: развитие, управление развитием, строительные организации, концептуальный подход, показатели развития.

The development of the non-oil sector will enable us to achieve a diversified development of the economy and ensure its sustainable development.

Развитие ненефтяного сектора позволяет нам добиться диверсифицированного развития экономики страны и обеспечить ее устойчивое развитие.

People-centred development requires both local control over development priorities and a globally enabling environment for development.

Ориентированное на человека развитие требует как местного контроля над первоочередными задачами развития, так и глобальных благоприятных для развития условий.

UNDP supports strategic capacity development initiatives to promote inclusive growth and sustainable human development.

ПРООН поддерживает стратегические инициативы, направленные на развитие потенциала, чтобы способствовать всестороннему росту и устойчивому человеческому развитию.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат development

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Development?



  • «each of them had their own anticipations»; «an indicator of expectancy in development«
  • «their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development«
  • «avionics has become even more important with the development of the space program»
  • «the carefully balanced seesaw»; «a properly balanced symphony orchestra»; «a balanced assessment of intellectual and cultural history»; «a balanced blend of whiskeys»; «the educated man shows a balanced development of all his powers»
  • «remorse was cancerous within him»; «pornography is cancerous to the moral development of our children»
  • «The brain damage will retard the child’s language development«
  • «a climactic development«
  • «my father considered the commercialization of Christmas to be a sacrilege»; «the government tried to accelerate the commercialization of this development«; «both companies will retain control over the commercialization of their own products»
  • «There was a new development that complicated the matter»
  • «two streams of development run through American history»; «stream of consciousness»; «the flow of thought»; «the current of history»
  • «This new development finally decided me!»
  • «would do something as despicable as murder»; «ugly crimes»; «the vile development of slavery appalled them»; «a slimy little liar»
  • «the development and printing of his pictures took only two hours»
  • «he congratulated them on their development of a plan to meet the emergency»; «they funded research and development«
  • «recent developments in Iraq»; «what a revolting development
  • «after he saw the latest development he changed his mind and became a supporter»; «in chess your should take care of your development before moving your queen»
  • «the development of his ideas took many years»; «the evolution of Greek civilization»; «the slow development of her skill as a writer»
  • «the development of Alaskan resources»; «the exploitation of copper deposits»
  • «he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children»
  • «The parents documented every step of their child’s development«
  • «The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town»
  • «in the embryonic stage»; «embryologic development«
  • «fetal development«
  • «She took the job as director of development«; «he occupies the position of manager»; «the young prince will soon occupy the throne»
  • «We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba»; «trace the student’s progress»; «trace one’s ancestry»
  • «This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries»
  • «the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development«; «he took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia»
  • «the key to development is economic integration»
  • «a late development«; «their late quarrel»; «his recent trip to Africa»; «in recent months»; «a recent issue of the journal»
  • «We studied the development of the children longitudinally»
  • «the zoning board adopted a master plan for the new development«
  • «mental powers»; «mental development«; «mental hygiene»
  • «a very natural development«; «our natural environment»; «natural science»; «natural resources»; «natural cliffs»; «natural phenomena»
  • «ontogenetic development«
  • «unanticipated and disconcerting lines of development«- H.W.Glidden; «unforeseen circumstances»; «a virtue unlooked-for in people so full of energy»; «like a bolt out of the blue»; «unseen problems»
  • «phylogenetic development«
  • «This factor played only a minor part in his decision»; «This development played into her hands»; «I played no role in your dismissal»
  • «postnatal development«
  • «the prudent use and development of resources»; «wild squirrels are provident»
  • «a sterile ideology lacking in originality»; «unimaginative development of a musical theme»; «uninspired writing»
  • «technical college»; «technological development«
  • «animal cells lose their totipotency at an early stage in embryonic development«
  • «urban sociology»; «urban development«

развитие, разработка, создание, строительство, рост, совершенствование, событие


- развитие, рост; совершенствование

stage of development — стадия /ступень/ развития
development of civilization [of one’s powers] — развитие цивилизации [способностей]
development of a plant — развитие растения
development from boyhood to manhood — возмужание
extraordinary development of literature — необычайный расцвет литературы

- биол. эволюция
- изложение; раскрытие

development of’ a plan — изложение плана
development of an argument [of an idea] — развитие аргумента [идеи]

- муз. разработка (в сонатной форме)
- результат (развития)

a new development in the situation — а) новое в ситуации; б) новое осложнение положения
a new development in literature — новое течение /направление/ в литературе

ещё 15 вариантов

Мои примеры


children at the same stage of development — дети на одной и той же стадии развития  
the thematic development in the story — тематическое развитие данного сюжета  
a period of sustained economic development — период устойчивого экономического развития  
demo homes on the new development — образцы домов на новом участке застройки  
arrested development — замедленное развитие  
historical development — историческое развитие  
intellectual development — интеллектуальное, умственное развитие  
development theory — эволюционная теория  
the highest development of his genius — полное раскрытие его гения.  
development of a vaccine — разработка вакцины  
development type — опытный образец  
to be under development — находиться в стадии разработки  

Примеры с переводом

What are the latest developments?

Каковы последние разработки? / Что новенького?

We will keep you informed of developments.

Мы будем держать вас в курсе событий.

We were waiting for the next development.

Мы ждали нового поворота событий.

This development played into her hands

Это событие сыграло ей на руку.

European Development Fund

Европейский фонд развития

Development Fund for Africa

Фонд развития Африки

Play is very important to a child’s development.

Игра очень важна для развития ребёнка.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…a positively planetary new shopping development…

California has lost 90% of its wetlands to development.

The landscape has been despoiled by industrial development.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

developmental  — эволюционный, связанный с развитием
underdevelopment  — недоразвитость, недоразвитие
redevelopment  — изменение, перестройка, преобразование, реконструкция, перепланировка старых…
overdevelopment  — чрезмерное хозяйственное освоение, избыточное развитие, чрезмерная развитость

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): development
мн. ч.(plural): developments

Use Development in a sentence. How to use the word Development in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Development.

Use Development in a Sentence - How to use "Development" in a sentence

Definition of Development

Development refers to the process of improving or creating something, such as a product, system, or society. It can also refer to the gradual growth or progress of something over time, such as a person or organization. In the context of economics and social sciences, development refers to the process of economic and social progress, usually measured by indicators such as GDP, life expectancy, and literacy rate. Development often implies a focus on improving living standards, reducing poverty, increasing economic growth and opportunities, and promoting social inclusion and equality.

Examples of Development in a sentence

  1. The company is focusing on the development of new technologies to improve efficiency.
  2. The development of the city’s infrastructure has led to an increase in tourism.
  3. The development team is working on a new project to launch next year.
  4. The government is investing in the development of renewable energy sources.
  5. The development of the new software has been delayed due to technical issues.
  6. The development of the website took longer than expected due to the complexity of the design.
  7. The development of the vaccine has been a major achievement in the fight against the pandemic.
  8. The development of the neighborhood has been a slow process due to zoning regulations.
  9. The development of the new product line has been a top priority for the company.
  10. The development of the project has been successful so far, and we are on track to meet our deadline.
  11. The development of the new feature required significant research and testing.
  12. The development of the game has been a collaborative effort between designers and programmers.
  13. The development of the new app has been a learning experience for the team.
  14. The development of the technology has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information.
  15. The development of the new shopping center has brought much-needed jobs to the area.
  16. The development of the software has been a challenging but rewarding process.
  17. The development of the new policy has taken several months of consultation and debate.
  18. The development of the new system has been a priority for the company in recent years.
  19. The development of the new housing development has faced opposition from local residents.
  20. The development of the new train line will improve transportation for commuters.
  21. The development of the new device has been a major focus for the company.
  22. The development of the project has been on hold due to funding issues.
  23. The development of the new program has been a top priority for the organization.
  24. The development of the new product required extensive research and testing.
  25. The development of the new website has been a team effort, with designers, developers, and content creators all working together.
  26. The development of the new app has been a long process, but we are excited to finally launch it.
  27. The development of the new software has been a priority for the company in order to stay competitive in the market.
  28. The development of the new system has been a complex process, but we are confident it will be a success.
  29. The development of the new policy has been a controversial issue, with many different opinions on how to proceed.
  30. The development of the new feature has been a collaborative effort between different departments within the company.

Post Views: 1,062

Definition of Development

the process of growing and becoming larger or more advanced

Examples of Development in a sentence

The plant’s development moved from a small seed to a blooming flower.


Concerned about her baby’s development, the mother took him to a doctor to ask about his growth.


Development of the grocery chain has grown from two to ten stores in six months.


The cancer patient’s disease continued to spread, with development of harmful cells advancing quickly.


The news reporter worked for an hour on the development of the breaking story.


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Used with adjectives:

«We are hoping for the full development of her lungs.«
(full, healthy, normal)

«They expect a gradual development.«
(gradual, continued, ongoing)

«The building has undergone rapid development.«
(rapid, accelerated)

«The city is going through commercial development.«
(commercial, economic, industrial, historical, community, rural, suburban, urban)

«We have been observing his artistic development.«
(artistic, educational, emotional, intellectual, language, moral, personal, physical, professional, sexual, social, spiritual)

«He oversees product development.«
(product, software, website, business, property, real estate)

«She has a degree in adolescent development.«
(adolescent, child)

«This is an exciting development for the company.«
(exciting, important, major, significant)

«We’re excited about the latest developments in technology.«
(latest, new, recent)

«We just moved near the housing development.«
(housing, residential, business, commercial)

Used with verbs:

«The city will aid the development of new housing.«
(aid, allow, assist, encourage, enhance, facilitate, foster, promote, stimulate, support)

«Is it possible for us to accelerate development?«
(accelerate, speed up)

«Teachers influence the academic development of their students.«
(influence, guide, shape, initiate)

«Medication can delay development of certain diseases.«
(delay, halt, hinder, inhibit, prevent, slow, restrict)

«Our state will undergo massive developments.«

«Who will finance the development?«

«He will lead the development of software technology.«
(lead, oversee, track)

Used with nouns:

«Our company is working on a development plan.«
(plan, project)

«Take a look at the development budget.«
(budget, funds, costs)

«We need development assistance.«
(assistance, aid)

«We are in the development phase.«

«He works for a development company.«
(company, firm, agency, organization)

«The project is being reviewed by the development committee.«
(committee, department, office)

Used with prepositions:

«Good nutrition during child development is very important.«

«A new version of this software is in development.«
(in, under)

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