Sentence with word devastated

опустошенный, разоренный


- опустошенный, разоренный

Мои примеры


a country devastated by civil war and grinding poverty — страна, опустошённая гражданской войной и ужасающей нищетой  
an entire town devastated by an earthquake — целый город, разрушенный землетрясением  
devastated by fire — разрушенный огнем  
devastated areas — пострадавшие от бедствия районы; пострадавшие районы; разорённые районы  
devastated by earthquake — разрушенный землетрясением  
he was devastated by grief — он был раздавлен горем  

Примеры с переводом

She was left feeling totally devastated.

Она осталась чувствуя себя абсолютно опустошенной.

The flood devastated the town.

Наводнение разрушило город.

A mighty famine devastated the land.

Великий голод опустошил земли.

He was devastated by his grief when his son died.

Когда умер его сын, он был убит горем.

The city centre was devastated by the bomb.

Центр города был разрушен бомбой.

Rob was devastated by the news of her death.

Роб был подавлен известием о ее смерти.

The hurricane left the island completely devastated.

После урагана остров был полностью опустошён.

The disease has devastated the area’s oak tree population.

Это заболевание практически уничтожило местную популяцию дуба.

Возможные однокоренные слова

devastating  — разрушительный, опустошительный, огромный
devastation  — опустошение, разруха, разорение, растрата имущества

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Whatever happened that day, the emperor was devastated.

Что бы ни случилось в тот день, император был опустошен.

Manny was devastated but said he understood.

Мэнни был опустошен, но сказал, что понял.

We are completely devastated and ask for privacy at this extremely difficult time.

Мы полностью расстроены и просим об уважении нашей частной жизни в это чрезвычайно трудное время».

You must be feeling devastated after what you have been through.

Должно быть, вы расстроены после всего, через что вам пришлось пройти.

Understandably, most parents who are told their child has cancer feel completely devastated.

Понятно, что большинство родителей, которым сообщили, что у их ребенка рак, чувствуют себя полностью опустошенными.

I saw him yesterday and he was devastated.

«Я видел его в то время, он был опустошен.

In 2016 villages are scorched and farmland devastated after another eruption kills seven.

В 2016 году деревни были выжжены дотла, а сельскохозяйственные угодья опустошены после очередного извержения, убившего семь человек.

I felt devastated after this battle.

Я ощутил, что опустошен после этого сражения.

My father, my sister and I were devastated.

Мой отец, мои два брата, моя сестра и я были опустошены.

My 2 sisters, brother and I were devastated.

Мой отец, мои два брата, моя сестра и я были опустошены.

2 days ago he left and I’m absolutely devastated.

Через два месяца он меня бросил, и я осталась одна, совершенно опустошённая.

Those affected are devastated as they lost their homes.

Те люди, которые пострадали, чувствуют себя опустошенными, так как они потеряли свои дома.

We are all completely devastated with this news .

Все мы полностью опустошены в связи с этой новостью».

His fiancee and former bandmates were devastated.

Его невеста и бывшие коллеги по группе были опустошены.

I lay motionless in bed, both happy and devastated.

Я лежал неподвижно в постели, я был одновременно счастлив и опустошен.

I once saw a girl on TV who was devastated.

Я помню, как увидела одну из матерей по телевидению, просто опустошенную.

Koscielny is of course devastated because he had surgery.

«Косельни естественно опустошен, так как ему предстоит пройти операцию.

Between 1618 and 1648, much of Germany was devastated and depopulated.

При этом в период между 1618 и 1648 годами обширные части Германии были опустошены и обезлюдели.

These include the economically devastated Haiti.

Это включает в себя и экономически опустошенную Гаити.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 7314. Точных совпадений: 7314. Затраченное время: 103 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

About 5803 results found using ‘DEVASTATED’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • So I resolved to use the little I had to buy food for another devastated family.  (open, save, copy)

  • He said the damage has devastated the country and probably set it back a decade.  (open, save, copy)

  • The closure devastated the economy and drove thousands more deeper into poverty.  (open, save, copy)

  • The 2004 tsunami that devastated Indonesia also hit the eastern shores of Kenya.  (open, save, copy)

  • He was thinking of this year’s earthquakes which have devastated both countries.  (open, save, copy)

  • This week’s tornadoes devastated the infrastructure of emergency safety workers.  (open, save, copy)

  • While logging devastated the landscape, it had the opposite effect on the coast.  (open, save, copy)

  • The cyclone devastated it and it will be closed for at least a year for repairs.  (open, save, copy)

  • I’ve always been friends with him and was devastated when I heard what happened.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘devastated’:

  1. Lay waste to: cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly; «The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion» [source]
  2. Overwhelm or overpower; «He was devastated by his grief when his son died» [source]
  3. To ruin many or all things over a large area, such as most or all buildings of a city, or cities of a region, or trees of a forest; To destroy a whole collection of related ideas, beliefs, and strongly held opinions; To break beyond recovery or repair so that the only options are abandonment or … [source]
  4. To cause a lot of destruction or pain; to destroy [source]

Synonyms for ‘devastated’:

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Native speakers pronounce  ‘devastated’:

Definition of Devastated

destroyed or completely ruined

Examples of Devastated in a sentence

A bomb devastated the city and killed hundreds of people working in the area.


Devastated by the plague, the village lost most of its people to the illness.


A hurricane devastated the state, flooding many coastal towns and leaving tragedy behind.


The cake and all of the food on trays was devastated when the table toppled over.


A tornado devastated all of the town, slinging houses and cars from one place to another.


Other words in the Negative Connotation category:

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word devastated, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use devastated in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «devastated».

Devastated in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word devastated in a sentence.

  1. Todd and Blair are devastated.

  2. Clare is devastated by Henry’s death.

  3. The Kentuckian was visibly devastated.

  4. Many palm tree plantations were devastated.

  5. Elgar was devastated by the loss of his wife.

  6. Earthquakes devastated Palmyra in 1068 and 1089.

  7. Communities in the Humber floodplain were devastated.

  8. The region’s timber was devastated for lumber supplies.

  9. Both she and the King were devastated by the separation.

  10. It was devastated by the UK storms of January–February 2014.

  11. They devastated the countryside but Edward ignored this too.

  12. Pintor was devastated by the death of Owen and contemplated retiring from boxing.

  13. In the summer of the same year an epidemic broke out and devastated the Athenians.

  14. On the way to the auction, Rachel is killed in a car crash, leaving Adam devastated.

  15. He devastated agricultural areas and burnt down the suburbs of several Gascon towns.

  16. She is also devastated by her father’s wrongdoings, whom she had always looked up to.

  17. Between 1559 and 1721 they were devastated by a combination of disease, war and enforced relocations.

  18. Enid was devastated when he left the family shortly after her 13th birthday to live with another woman.

  19. Galveston Island was devastated, with nearly every building washed away and most vessels driven ashore.

  20. Over 80% of trees in the Atchafalaya River basin were downed, and the agriculture there was devastated.

  21. Kiedis and Flea, similarly devastated, were determined to persevere despite the loss of two key members.

  22. An outbreak of the non-native gypsy moth in the mid-1980s nearly devastated the woods in a small valley.

  23. Le Prêcheur was particularly devastated by an extensive debris flow, which dragged away entire structures.

  24. The Yankees failed to improve, and Munson’s death in a private plane crash on August 2 devastated the team.

  25. A fire on board the Mont-Blanc led to a massive explosion that devastated the Richmond district of Halifax.

  26. Although social order was maintained throughout the plague years, the economy of the region was devastated.

  27. The construction of the dam devastated the populations of native fish in the river downstream from the dam.

  28. Jamaica’s infrastructure was devastated in the deluge, accounting for most of Nicole’s damage to the island.

  29. The lumbering phalanx was devastated by Austrian artillery but managed to break through the Austrian forces.

  30. The dependence of the old financial system on import duties was devastated when the blockade cut off imports.

  31. Despite his public nonchalance, Seward was devastated by his convention loss, as were many of his supporters.

  32. The player assumes the role of a soldier trying to stem the outbreak of a genetic infection that has devastated the ship.

  33. Satin was devastated by the decline of the Alliance, and engaged in unhappy bouts of public criticism and self-criticism.

  34. Pedro Afonso’s death from fever at the age of one devastated the Emperor, and the imperial couple had no further children.

  35. Of all her siblings, she was closest to Prince Leopold, later Duke of Albany, and she was devastated by his death in 1884.

  36. Tropical Storm Allison was a tropical storm that devastated southeast Texas in June of the 2001 Atlantic hurricane season.

  37. The Black Prince’s chevauchée of 1355 devastated a wide swathe of French territory and sacked many French towns on the way.

  38. The Panic of 1819 had devastated the fortunes of many, and banks and politicians seen as supportive of banks were unpopular.

  39. The Roman fleet, in turn, was devastated by a storm while returning to Italy, losing most of its ships and over 100,000 men.

  40. In January 2010, a magnitude 7.0 M earthquake devastated Haiti, leading another all-star cast of singers to remake the song.

  41. Although devastated by his loss, he campaigned for Lincoln, who appointed him Secretary of State after winning the election.

  42. The hurricane devastated the Apalachicola Bay shellfish industry, killing large quantities of oysters, destroying their reefs, and leaving thousands of workers unemployed.

  43. In 1319 Edward III’s father, Edward II, had broken off a siege of Berwick after a Scottish army had advanced on York, where his queen was staying, and devastated Yorkshire.

  44. Etty was devastated by the loss, and was one of those considered to replace Lawrence as President of the Royal Academy, although in the event he did not stand for election.

  45. In mid-July, somewhere between the friendly city of Kamarina and Cape Passaro, the south-east corner of Sicily, a sudden summer storm blew up and devastated the Roman fleet.

  46. The Plinian column from the eruption devastated the area hundreds of miles north and northeast of Mazama, but to the southwest and west, little pumice or ash were deposited.

General information about «devastated» example sentences

The example sentences for the word devastated that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «devastated» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «devastated».

The entire forest belt is thus swept and devastated from one extremity of the range to the other, and, with the exception of the resinous Pinus contorta, Sequoia suffers most of all.

Especially in coal and in material for repairing the devastated territories of France.

To those noble stoics of Belgium, of France, of Serbia, of Roumania, of Poland and all other peoples who have felt the mailed fist of the ruthless oppressor; who have looked upon their devastated fields, their dismantled cathedrals, their violated hearthstones and the desecrated graves of their kindred, and that peace, tranquillity, contentment and prosperity may again be restored to them in bounteous meed.

«The unscrupulous invader has been driven from the devastated scenes of his unholy conquest.

In building new roads as the exigencies of battle operations required, in keeping French roads repaired under the ceaseless tide of war transport and in constructing bridges in devastated battle regions, American engineers worked day and night.

The other three northern counties were probably so devastated that they were purposely omitted.

«Only he who has seen for himself the burnt villages, devastated towns and desolate land of France can comprehend the full meaning of the awful word Krieg (war).

And waiting thus impatient to be gone, Looking out seaward from the dripping wharf, Strange rumours fill’d his ears, from inland come, How all the land around his native place Was devastated by a mighty Beast, Most terrible to see, and passing strong.

Demagogues no longer disturbed the public peace, nor were the provinces ransacked and devastated to provide for the means of carrying on war.

But this was not the structure which survived, for towards the end of Stephen‘s reign, or during that of Henry II., the unfortunate convent was devastated by the King of Norway, who entered the harbour, and, in the words of the chronicle, laid waste everything, both within doors and without.

Hugging the wall of the cliff, we ran back on our tracks till we had passed the area devastated by the landslide; then we sprang into the bushes and peered up at the cliff.

In fine, the Quercy was continually devastated, and the inhabitants only tilled the earth to satisfy the avidity of the English companies.

Provinces were devastated, great cities plundered, nations made captive, and all the masterpieces of Art borne off to adorn Rome.

His umu was in the devastated area of Chinatown, a district of Honolulu destroyed by a conflagration purposely begun to erase two blocks of houses in which bubonic plague recurred, and which, unchecked, caused a loss of millions of dollars.

There were his photographs of the wreckage; there, in a «box« was his interview with the superintendent of the Rutland Company; there was a map of the devastated area.

« «I know it, Mr. Willet, and yet my heart is heavy to see the land I love devastated by fire and sword.

It was from the remotest regions of Northern Europe that those barbarian hordes «came down like the wolf on the fold,« and devastated the fair plains of the south, bringing with them a dark curtain of ignorance, beneath whose heavy folds the nations of the world lay for centuries overwhelmed.

After these dreadful butcheries the devastated fields are deserted, the burnt villages are without inhabitants, the rivers carry down dead bodies, deer occupy the country.

After having visited all the provinces devastated by war and depopulated by the slave trade, Kilemmba, Ouroua, the sources of the Lomane, Oulouda, Lovale, and having crossed the Coanza and the immense forests in which Harris has just entrapped Dick Sand and his companions, the energetic Cameron finally perceived the Atlantic Ocean and arrived at Saint Philip of Benguela.

After a wretched march through the devastated city, in the course of which the Squire‘s helmet fell off several times without his missing it and had to be replaced on his head by the knight who was behind him, they reached the prison at last, where he disappeared into a tower under the protection of a strong guard.

In 861, Wailand, a famous Norman pirate, returning from England, took up his winter quarters on the banks of the Loire, devastated the country as high as Tourraine, shared the women and girls among his crews, and even carried off the male children, to be brought up in his own profession.

We marched toward camp like two Indians, silent and alert, looking out for dead bodies and live Indians, for really we more expected to find the camp devastated by those rascals than to find that it still contained our friends.

But if you are engaged in battle, and the wires which link up the driving force in front with the directing force behind are devastated by a storm of shrapnel, the matter assumes a morenay, a mostserious aspect.

ANDRONI`CUS, the name of four Byzantine emperors: A. I., COMNENUS, killed his ward, Alexis II., usurped the throne, and was put to death, 1183; A. II., lived to see the empire devastated by the Turks (12821328); A. III., grandson of the preceding, dethroned him, fought stoutly against the Turks without staying their advances (13281341); A. IV.

The Lombard hordes often ravaged and devastated the Campagna up to the very gates of the city, and descended into the underground passages of the cemeteries in search of treasure, of relics, and of shelter.

Learn how to use devastated in a sentence and make better sentences with `devastated` by reading devastated sentence examples.

  • My thoughts also go out to all the Monegasques who were devastated by this tragedy .».
  • She is devastated but still believes Judd is the one.
  • Dream is devastated when her best friend commits suicide.
  • In Syria, sectarian violence has repeatedly devastated ancient Christian villages.
  • I am sooooo devastated with the way this section ends.
  • When he passed away at the beginning of the story I was devastated for her.
  • A Stanford professor visiting the area in 1979 reported the city ‘still totally devastated.
  • He excused himself and came back a hot minute later devastated.
  • The times they are a changin, the little beach hamlet in NJ that we frequent was devastated by Sandy.
  • My family and I were, of course, devastated.
  • More often than not you end up devastated but I am happy to say this is not one of those instances.
  • I was devastated when I finally had the chance to go to Escondite, it was nothing to rave about.
  • When Keri’s brother commits suicide, her whole family is devastated.
  • Heartbroken and devastated, Lucy finds herself desperate to get him back.
  • It starts in the North African battlefields and races across a devastated WWII Europe.
  • She and Rei are then captured and taken to a devastated Paradiso.
  • I felt devastated, until Dan Lidington in the service department eased my worries.
  • By the end of the roller coaster ride I was left emotionally drained and devastated.
  • I feel devastated that Sean was shot and hope he is ok but I love that Avery is liking Trystan.
  • I was devastated when a basketball hoop crushed the door of my car during a storm.
  • Although devastated by the ending, I’m happy that it’s not a standalone.
  • My daughter would be devastated to hear about Connie’s loss.
  • She is so devastated that she wishes she had died instead of surviving the attack.
  • Impact-induced tsunamis would have devastated coastal Sumerian cities.
  • In the meantime, however, Pomerania had been devastated by the Thirty Years’ War and occupied by the Swedes, who had taken possession of its towns and fortresses.
  • He’s a clever kid although lonely and also devastated by his deformed appearance.
  • Alone and devastated, Mattie tries to piece her life of the past 19 years together.
  • He is devastated by the realization that he had mistaken his nationality all along.
  • We left absolutely devastated.
  • I even further asked why would you want me to walk away feeling so devastated.
  • Sarah was devastated and sunk into a bout of depression.
  • She is devastated that he left her to raise two kids on her own.
  • He was devastated when he realized she was gone.
  • I would be devastated if I lost my son, not only as a very young man, but in the way he died.
  • The small town is devastated by the constant bombing by the Germans on their way to and from London.
  • Devastated, Laura decides to visit her friends for a therapeutical trip in Italy.
  • Tavin leaves town, equally devastated.
  • Alice is devastated, she loved her Aunt Polly.
  • I would’ve been devastated to leave my items behind.
  • I am devastated by these losses, but I am also in love for the very first time.
  • Nobby, on the other hand, is devastated to learn he is Earl of Ankh.
  • You guys aren’t on GrubHub anymore and IM devastated.
  • I will be devastated if Keatyn doesn’t end up with Aiden in the end of Get Me, D.
  • Sophia is devastated by the arrangement.
  • Barbara is devastated and holds herself together for her children.
  • He only knew she left him devastated.
  • My name is Rob and I know that when your girlfriend dumps you, you are devastated.
  • Though she survives, her life and her team are devastated.
  • When young Jack is kidnapped, George makes a promise to the devastated Isabelle,to find her son.
  • And I was devastated when things started to go wrong.
  • I knew what was going to happen, yet I’m still devastated by it.
  • A devastated doctor finds love again.
  • I’m going to be devastated if she leaves the person she ended up with.
  • Thought even though I read hopeless that I wouldn’t be as devastated but I was wrong.
  • He was devastated when Adl died of consumption at the age of 23.
  • When he lost the New Hampshire primary, he was devastated.
  • Tomorrow Land submerges us into a devastated world infected with a plague.
  • There is a crime and Melanie is devastated.
  • It transports the reader to the heart of a city devastated by war.
  • This discovery is quite a shock, as there was no notification to the change and she is devastated.
  • Was devastated when I got to the end because there was no more to read.
  • They had a close relationship as children and when Bela immigrated to Israel, Nora was devastated.
  • Her mother, Pearl, is devastated and follows her daughter to China.
  • The village of Ban Naan Khem was devastated when the Boxing Day tsunami of 2004 struck.
  • She was devastated because she was a model and now She’s not.
  • It already devastated stretches of the Louisiana coast, threatening wildlife and livelihoods.
  • Rosa is devastated and the father won’t stop searching the bayous for their daughter.
  • Chase thinks Trace is his true love and he is devastated by her choice.
  • He shared a close friendship with Dutch and he is devastated by his unexpected death.
  • Losing 10 men for every American killed, the rag tag band of Japanese survivors are devastated by the order to retreat.
  • Dylan is devastated to learn that her mother has been murdered.
  • The war has devastated much of the Kingdom of Balaia.
  • Devastated, angry and hurting, Darcy leaves Rosings to nurse his wounds.
  • Roman Matthews is understandably devastated by the loss.
  • Those two bolt, leaving Judy hurt, although not as devastated or angered as one might expect.
  • During the war with Spain the town was devastated in 1595.
  • I feel like one of my favorite TV series just had their series finale and I’m a little devastated.
  • 17 families nonetheless are devastated permanently.
  • I purchased them all, read them in succession and was devastated when it finished.
  • Confused and devastated, she decided to take the case to court.
  • The horrific war in Black City left the humans and the Darklings devastated.
  • I’m 73 years old like many Americans I was devastated when JFK was shot.
  • When Lucas finds out the secret she’s trying to keep he’s devastated.
  • Evie is devastated, but realizes she wants to get to know Jake.
  • Atia is devastated, and an offended Octavia tosses her wedding ring into the sea.
  • And when she found out what really happened, she was devastated.
  • The earthquake in Haiti devastated that country, which was extremely poor even before it happened.
  • Alex is devastated that his dream of finding his mate has finally come true but he is being shunned.
  • She is devastated, but eventually all ends well.
  • Although they’ve been estranged for years, Stephen is devastated.
  • Jennet was broken hearted, but devastated when later she learned she was pregnant.
  • She is immediately taken to the nearest hospital, and Mae is devastated.
  • A devastated Hart vows to find Kelly’s murderer.
  • The coastal towns of Dornumersiel, Accumersiel, and Altensiel were devastated by the storm tide.
  • I wanted to believe Karyn who was incredibly vulnerable and devastated.
  • Widowed, devastated, and lonely, Eliseo marries Victoria ( Jacqueline Andere ).
  • I cried devastated tears, tears from laughter, and tears of joy.
  • When still active Lou died, the retired Bud Abbott was devastated, calling Lou his best friend.
  • Ginny found love with her husband and was devastated when he died.
  • She is devastated by a betrayal and feels she must leave home.

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